Forgotten Realms Primer

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The setting for our campaign is the Forgotten Realms (also known as Faerun).

For any
background information regarding the world's history, cultures, etc., I recommend checking out
the "Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide" (which can be read for free on In the spirit of
immersing you guys in the setting, here are some key facts that you (and by extension your
characters) should understand intimately -- just some fundamental information.

1. The world's dangerous. Duh:

The wilderness outside of well-established cities and towns is FRAUGHT with danger.
Travel is perilous without proper preparation. When traversing the landscape,
expect to come across threats ranging from bandits, to wolves, to magical monsters. Whether
ya'll are delving into the depths of a goblin lair, or navigating the complexities
of noble courts, you WILL find danger and fortune in equal measure.

2. Magic is everywhere:
Magic, also known as the "Weave", is an essential element of the universe, running
through literally everything. Don't think about the Weave itself as magic, though; it's
more like the resource that is harnessed to produce magic. That said, magic is everywhere,
from seemingly trivial baubles and trinkets to deceivingly plain pieces of armor. It isn't
uncommon to see an animated broom sweeping the floors of a bustling tavern or a wizard flying
across the city atop a magic carpet.

3. Powerful Organizations:
There are a bunch of organizations, many of which you can have your character be a
part of, if you'd like. The Forgotten Realms wiki has a plethora of options to suit any sort of
background you might be going for. Whether you'd like your character to be a Harper agent, a
Zhentarim mercenary, or a knight of the Order of the Gauntlet, I encourage you to look into it!

4. Adventurers are few and far between, but direly needed:

Threats are ever-looming, and cities and towns constantly have their forces stretched
thin. Bounty posters, quest boards, and odd jobs are commonplace. Adventurers are always
needed to solve issues either too small to be bothered with or too big to be contained. You are
highly sought after! Of course, your job security comes at the expense of a high probability of
death, but when has that ever stopped you?

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