FREEDailyReadingComprehensionReviewWarmUpforSTAAR20 2

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Question Answer Key & Breakdown

Daily Reading Comprehension


Week 1
Day Genre Topic TEKS / CCSS Answer

Informational Drawing Conclusions 6.5(F), 7.5(F), 8.5(F) / RI.6.1, RI.7.1, RI.8.1 1. C

1 Text
Author’s Purpose
Text Evidence
6.9(A), 7.9(A), 8.9(A) / RI.6.6, RI.7.6, RI.8.6
6.5(F), 7.5(F), 8.5(F) / RI.6.1, RI.7.1, RI.8.1
2. A
3. C & D
6.8(D), 7.8(D), 8.8(D)

Poetry Figurative Language 6.9(D), 7.9(D), 8.9(D) / RL.6.5, RL.7.5, RL.8.5 4. B

2 6.8(B), 7.8(B), 8.8(B) Mood
6.9(F), 7.9(F), 8.9(F) / RL.6.6, RL.7.6, RL.8.6
6.10(D)(ix), 7.10(D)(ix), 8.10(D)(ix) / L.6.2b, L.7.2b, L.8.2b
5. A
6. C

Argumentative Claim 6.8(E)(i), 7.8(E)(i), 8.8(E)(i) / RI.6.8 RI.7.8, RI.8.8 7. A&D

3 By Students
6.8(E), 7.8(E), 8.8(E)
Word Meaning 6.2(A), 7.2(A), 8.2(A) / RI.6.4, RI.7.4, RI.8.4 8. D

Informational Details 6.6(D), 7.6(D), 8.6(D) / RI.6.3, RI.7.3, RI.8.3 9. B

4 Cross-Curricular Summarizing 6.6(D), 7.6(D), 8.6(D) / RI.6.2, RI.7.2, RI.8.2 10. Answers
will vary.
Science– Organisms

Fiction Character 6.7(B), 7.7(B), 8.7(B) / RL.6.3, RL.7.3, RL.8.3 11. A

5 6.8(A), 7.8(A), 8.8(A) Character
6.7(B), 7.7(B), 8.7(B) / RL.6.3, RL.7.3, RL.8.3
6.7(B), 7.7(B), 8.7(B) / RL.6.3, RL.7.3, RL.8.3
12. E
13. G,H,I
Prediction 6.5(C), 7.5(C), 8.5(C) / RL.6.1, RL.7.1, RL.8.1 14. C
Plot – Conflict 6.7(C), 7.7(C), 8.7(C) / RL.6.3, RL.7.3, RL.8.3 15. Answers
will vary.

Created by Custom Classroom by Angela Copyright © 2021

Day 1: Review Name: Date:
Family Meals 1. The reader can conclude from the
In the past, families routinely sat down information in the article that families -
together to eat dinner. But in recent
decades, that comfortable tradition has A need to find new recipes
fallen by the wayside. In 1900, 2 percent of B will end up never eating together
meals were eaten outside of the home. By
C need more mealtimes together
2010, that figure had risen to 50
percent. A Today, family members often D will always find time for each other
go their own way at mealtimes and when
This question has two parts. First, answer Part A.
they do sit down together, about three times
Then answer Part B.
a week, the meal often lasts less than twenty
minutes and is spent eating a microwaved 2. Part A: What is the author’s main
meal in front of a television. B However, purpose for writing the passage?
recent studies have shown that home- A to argue family meals are important
cooked, family meals really matter. C Family
B to explain how to eat healthy
meals usually lead to the consumption of
healthy food packed with nutrition, rather C to describe the benefits of family time
than an intake of empty calories. D Other D to share how meals are changing
benefits include strengthening familial bonds
and improving family communication. 3. Part B: Select two details from the text
Article By: Lumen Learning (CC BY 4.0) – Some changes were made.
that best support your answer in Part A.
Created by Custom Classroom by Angela Copyright © 2021

Day 2: Review Name: Date:

Theme in Yellow by Carl Sandburg 4. The descriptive language in the first four
lines -
I spot the hills
A gives a more dramatic effect
With yellow balls in autumn.
I light the prairie cornfields B helps the reader visualize the fields
Orange and tawny gold clusters C mimics the sounds of fall
And I am called pumpkins. D emphasizes the hills
On the last of October
When dusk is fallen 5. What mood best fits the poem?
Children join hands
A cheerful
And circle round me
Singing ghost songs B fearful
And love to the harvest moon; C hopeful
I am a jack-o'-lanturn D peaceful
With terrible teeth
And the children know 6. What change should be made to line 12?
I am fooling.
A Change am to an
B Delete the apostrophe
C Change lanturn to lantern
D No change is needed.
Some changes were made. Image from Canva

Created by Custom Classroom by Angela Copyright © 2021

Day 3: Review Name: Date:
Image from Canva
Finding a Job by TikTok

I recently learned that people 7. Which two claims does the author
use the platform TikTok as a make in her essay?
way to find jobs. For example,
Makena Yee turned to TikTok A TikTok is used by companies.
and made a 60-second video with nearly B TikTok is best for videos.
200,000 views and received more than 15 C TikTok is for everyone.
job leads. She’s not the only one to try this.
College students and recent graduates D TikTok can help you find a job.
are turning to TikTok to network and find E TikTok is about getting views.
jobs. And dozens of companies, including F TikTok is a great place to work.
Chipotle, Target, and Shopify, have
started hiring through the app. Would you
make a TikTok resume? I think what is 8. As used in the essay, the word viral
happening is that since this app has a lot means (A popular to some, B well
done, C communicated to all,
of recognition and is viral, it has the
D viewed by many).
attention of everyone, including business
owners. It’s not a bad idea if you are
getting something out of it, especially a
job! Article By: Jannette (CC BY 4.0) – Some changes were made.
Created by Custom Classroom by Angela Copyright © 2021

Day 4: Review Name: Date:

Earth is home to an impressive array of life 9. What makes eukaryotic cells
forms. From single-celled organisms to different?
creatures made of many trillions of cells, life has
taken on many wonderful shapes and evolved A They are multicellular.
countless strategies for survival. Recall that cell B They have organelles.
theory says that all living things are made of
C They are single-celled.
one or more cells. Some organisms are made
of just a single cell and are referred to D They have a cell membrane.
as unicellular. Organisms containing more than
one cell are said to be multicellular. Despite the 10. Summarize the article’s
wide range of organisms, there exists only two information about biodiversity.
basic cell plans: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. ___________________________________
The main difference is that eukaryotic cells ___________________________________
have internal, ___________________________________
membrane-bound ___________________________________
structures called ___________________________________
organelles ___________________________________
(little organs). ___________________________________
Image from Canva
Article By: Lumen Learning (CC BY 4.0) – Some changes were made. ___________________________________
Created by Custom Classroom by Angela Copyright © 2021
Day 5: Review Name: Date:
A Stormy Day - story told by Black Beauty (a horse)
One day late in the autumn my master had a long journey to go on business. I was
hooked to the dog-cart, and John went with his master. I always liked to pull the dog-
cart, it was so light and the high wheels ran along so pleasantly. There had been a great
deal of rain, and now the wind was very high and blew the dry leaves across the road in
a shower. We went along merrily till we came to the toll-bar and the low wooden bridge.
The river banks were rather high, and the bridge, instead of rising, went across just level,
so that in the middle, if the river was full, the water would be nearly up to the woodwork
and planks; but as there were good substantial rails on each side, people did not mind it.
The man at the gate said the river was rising fast, and he feared it would be a bad night.
Many of the meadows were under water, and in one low part of the road the water was
halfway up to my knees; the bottom was good, and master drove gently, so it was no
matter. When we got to the town of course I had a good meal, but as the master's
business engaged him a long time we did not start for home till rather late in the
afternoon. The wind was then much higher, and I heard my master say to John that he
had never been out in such a storm; and so I thought, as we went along the skirts of a
wood, where the great branches were swaying about like twigs,
and the rushing sound was terrible.
“I wish we were well out of this wood,” said my master.
“Yes, sir,” said John, “it would be rather awkward if one
of these branches came down upon us.”
The words were scarcely out of his mouth when…
Excerpt from Black Beauty by: Anna Sewell

Fill in the bubbles to show how different characters advance the plot of the story.
More than one bubble may be filled in for each character.

Black Beauty Master John

11. seems happy with all that happens A B C

12. decides to stay too long in town D E F
13. is scared of the storm G H I

14. What prediction can be made about what will happen next?
A Someone will be hurt.
B The storm will end.
C A branch will fall.
D The horse will run away.

15. What is the main problem in the story? Use text evidence to support your answer.
Created by Custom Classroom by Angela Copyright © 2021
Using Google Forms as Quizzes

See below for instructions for using Google Forms as Quizzes. I highly recommend
watching this video tutorial to get more familiar with the process if you are new to
Google Forms.
1. Once you click on the link you will be prompted to make a copy. Select make a copy.

2. A copy of the Google Form will open and be added to your Drive.

3. The resource is now yours to edit and use as you wish. You can rename, change color,
manipulate questions, change point values, etc.

4. Hit send in the upper right corner to distribute to your students through email.

5. Students will receive an email and all they need to do is hit Fill out Form.

6. Students won’t get their scores until you release them.

7. To see the finished quizzes go back into the form in Google Drive.

8. Click Responses near the top to see the scores by individuals or as a group (multiple choice
questions are auto-graded). *Short Answers – require teacher feedback - see next page*

10. Release scores to students.

11. Students will get an email with their score and be able to see which ones they missed along
with the correct answers.

12. Export scores if you would like.

Created by Custom Classroom by Angela Copyright © 2021

How to grade short answer questions?

1. Click on Responses near the top.

2. Then click on Individual.

3. The multiple-choice questions will already be graded. All the short answer
questions will be in red with a red X until you read over them and assign a
point value. (You will see the point value blank.)

4. Read the student’s response. If they are completely correct assign the
maximum point value for that question. If they are incorrect assign 0 points.

5. Save the changes you made. If you assigned the maximum point value the
questions will come up green. Any amount lower will appear red.

Created by Custom Classroom by Angela Copyright © 2021

Click the links below for the Google Forms version.

Review Week 1: Warm Ups for Google Forms:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

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