Immunopathophysiology of Trauma-Related Acute Kidney Injury

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Immunopathophysiology of
trauma-​related acute kidney injury
David A. C. Messerer 1,2, Rebecca Halbgebauer 1, Bo Nilsson3, Hermann Pavenstädt4,
Peter Radermacher5 and Markus Huber-​Lang 1 ✉
Abstract | Physical trauma can affect any individual and is globally accountable for more than
one in every ten deaths. Although direct severe kidney trauma is relatively infrequent, extrarenal
tissue trauma frequently results in the development of acute kidney injury (AKI). Various causes,
including haemorrhagic shock, rhabdomyolysis, use of nephrotoxic drugs and infectious
complications, can trigger and exacerbate trauma-​related AKI (TRAKI), particularly in the
presence of pre-​existing or trauma-​specific risk factors. Injured, hypoxic and ischaemic tissues
expose the organism to damage-​associated and pathogen-​associated molecular patterns, and
oxidative stress, all of which initiate a complex immunopathophysiological response that results
in macrocirculatory and microcirculatory disturbances in the kidney, and functional impairment.
The simultaneous activation of components of innate immunity, including leukocytes, coagulation
factors and complement proteins, drives kidney inflammation, glomerular and tubular damage,
and breakdown of the blood–urine barrier. This immune response is also an integral part of the
intense post-​trauma crosstalk between the kidneys, the nervous system and other organs, which
aggravates multi-​organ dysfunction. Necessary lifesaving procedures used in trauma management
might have ambivalent effects as they stabilize injured tissue and organs while simultaneously
exacerbating kidney injury. Consequently, only a small number of pathophysiological and
immunomodulatory therapeutic targets for TRAKI prevention have been proposed and evaluated.

Physical trauma is a major cause of hospital admission. for advanced glycation end products and complement
Despite effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, receptors. Activation of these receptors rapidly induces
trauma remains accountable for more than one in ten complex neuronal, coagulation and immune responses
Institute of Clinical and deaths worldwide1,2. The brain, thorax and extremities that might also affect organs that were not directly dam-
Experimental Trauma
are frequent trauma injury sites, followed by the abdo- aged by the primary trauma8. Post-​trauma responses are
Immunology, University
Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany. men and spinal cord (Fig. 1). A major complication of any therefore multifaceted and include pain, neurological
Department of
severe injury pattern is the progression to post-​traumatic defects, psychological stress, haemodynamic changes
Anaesthesiology and multi-​organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), which fre- and increased susceptibility to infection (Fig. 1).
Intensive Care Medicine, quently results in kidney failure and death3–5. Acute kidney Acute trauma-​induced coagulopathy, hypothermia
University Hospital Ulm, injury (AKI) induced by severe injuries is as prevalent in and acidosis are considered a ‘lethal triad’ (Fig. 1). Major
Ulm, Germany.
patients with trauma as coagulopathy — 24% of patients surgery also constitutes tissue trauma and is associated
Department of Immunology,
with trauma who require intensive care develop AKI, of with an incidence of perioperative AKI of up to 50%9.
Genetics and Pathology,
Rudbeck Laboratory Uppsala
whom ~10% require kidney replacement therapy5,6. Of note, impairment of kidney function interferes with
University, Uppsala, Sweden. The severity of trauma-​induced injury depends multiple organ systems, which exacerbates early organ
Internal Medicine D, on the extent of the structural tissue damage inflicted by dysfunction induced after trauma10,11 and is associated
University Hospital Muenster, the trauma force vector. Intracellular damage is sensed with multiple adverse long-​term consequences12. Few
Muenster, Germany. by cytosolic receptors, including nucleotide-​binding clinical studies have investigated the mechanisms under-
Institute of Anaesthesiological oligomerization domain-​like receptors7, which trig- lying trauma as a trigger for AKI, although numerous
Pathophysiology and Process ger an inflammatory response. Traumatized or dying small animal studies have simulated singular aspects
Development, University
Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany.
cells also release various damage-​associated molecular of trauma, including isolated haemorrhagic shock and
✉e-​mail: markus.huber-​lang@ patterns (DAMPs) into the extracellular milieu. These ischaemia–reperfusion injury (IRI). Furthermore, only
uniklinik-​ mediators are sensed by pattern-​recognition recep- a few studies of experimental post-​traumatic AKI take tors, including Toll-​like receptors (TLRs), purinergic into consideration the complicated processes that occur
s41581-020-00344-9 receptors, proteinase-​activated receptors, receptors during a stay in the intensive care unit (ICU). Moreover,

Nature Reviews | Nephrology


Key points The next aim is to stabilize the circulation to prevent

tissue ischaemia and restore organ perfusion. However,
• Trauma is a major cause of death worldwide. Although direct kidney injury is infrequent, fluid administration requires a delicate balance between
one in four patients with severe injuries subsequently develops trauma-​related acute hypovolaemia and fluid overload — both extremes are
kidney injury (TRAKI). associated with risks, including organ hypoperfusion
• Trauma management prioritizes stabilizing vital physiological functions; however, and consequent kidney dysfunction, but also impaired
several therapeutic interventions, such as mechanical ventilation, mass transfusion or pulmonary gas exchange and generalized organ or kid-
the use of nephrotoxic drugs, which are used to stabilize the patient, often aggravate
ney congestion due to hyperperfusion17,18. In patients
kidney injury.
with critical illness, balanced crystalloid solutions for
• TRAKI is a multifaceted syndrome that develops owing to numerous trauma-​
resuscitation are preferred over saline to reduce kidney
associated drivers of kidney injury — local and remote tissue damage, hypoxia,
microcirculatory disturbances and ischaemia–reperfusion injury, as well as exposure
dysfunction19. Of note, modern ‘damage control resusci­
to debris, pathogens and toxins. tation’ regimens recommend restricted administration
• Trauma-​induced activation of innate immunity also promotes kidney injury — the
of crystalloids20 because excessive volume resuscita-
complement system, the coagulation cascade, leukocytes and platelets function as tion prompts intracellular swelling, as well as increased
a first line of defence to limit tissue damage but might also aggravate TRAKI. generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) with subse-
• The post-​trauma immune response can disrupt organ barriers, including the blood– quent advancement of inflammation21. Colloids can sta-
urine barrier, and both the innate immune and the autonomic nervous system are bilize the intravascular volume; however, hydroxyethyl
key components of kidney–remote organ crosstalk in TRAKI. starch, which was once commonly used, has since been
widely withdrawn because various studies reported that
it was associated with an increase in the incidence of AKI
kidney structure and function differ between species, and mortality22. Other plasma expander solutions (for
and experimental findings must therefore be translated example, gelatine-​based solutions) also tend to increase
into the clinic with caution13. the risk of AKI23.
In this Review, we address the complex pathophysio­ Almost 10% of polytraumatized patients require
logy of trauma, with a focus on kidney alterations, and mass transfusion24. Various transfusion types and algo-
then examine the links between innate immune activa- rithms are used to stabilize haemodynamics and
tion and trauma-​related AKI (TRAKI). We also discuss coagu­lation after trauma25. Transfusions target gene­ral
the extensive crosstalk between the kidney and remote parameters (for example, haemoglobin concentra­tion)
organs, with emphasis on the neurological–renal axis. and the use of different regimens, including restrictive
Finally, we address challenges in monitoring the clinical transfusion and liberal transfusion, and their effects on
course of TRAKI and potential therapeutic targets. the kidney are still debated25,26. Although the rates of
complications due to transfusions are generally low25,
Kidney injury in patients with trauma transfusion of red blood cells represents a risk factor
Haemorrhagic shock Patients with trauma rarely suffer from extensive direct for TRAKI5. Mechanistically, hyperkalaemia due to the
Life-​threatening blood loss kidney trauma (Box 1). Therefore, our discussion is injury itself and/or due to transfusion of old red blood
with subsequent reduced mainly focused on indirect kidney injury caused by the cell units, and the release of free haem that is associ-
tissue perfusion and
pathophysiological and immunomodulatory effects of ated with blood transfusions, can contribute to kidney
inadequate oxygen supply
relative to oxygen requirement. trauma and trauma management. inflammation and dysfunction24,27. In a crush injury
model of AKI, haem-activated platelets triggered the
Positive end-​expiratory Trauma management can promote AKI formation of macrophage extracellular traps (METs),
pressure Treatment of severe trauma requires a multidisciplin­ which contri­buted to tubular injury28. Free haem was
The level of airway pressure
in the lungs above ambient
ary team that consists of emergency physicians, sur- also cytotoxic in experimental kidney IRI, but adminis­
pressure at end-​expiration. geons, anaesthesiologists, radiologists, nephrologists tration of the haem scavenger serum albumin reduced
and affiliated specialists14. As a standardized approach the expression of pro-​inflammatory cytokines and
Mass transfusion in the synchronous diagnosis and treatment of patients improved tubular function after injury29.
Transfusion of ≥10 units
with trauma, the advanced trauma life support system The use of vasopressors, including noradrenaline,
of packed red blood cells
within 24 h. has been disseminated globally. This regimen includes is frequently required to restore the mean arterial pres-
a ‘treat first what kills first’ management guided by an sure (MAP) in the acute phase of shock and thereafter.
Restrictive transfusion ABCDE mnemonic — airway, breathing, circulation, Although the ideal vasopressor is still a matter of debate,
Transfusion initiated when disability and exposure15. However, although lifesaving, stabilizing MAP is known to be relevant to TRAKI
the patient has a total
haemoglobin concentration
some of these procedures are potentially harmful to the prevention30,31. However, the effects of noradrenaline
≤80 g/l and/or the patient kidneys and promote TRAKI (Box 2). add to the increase in sympathetic drive and vasocon-
develops symptoms of The ABCDE approach means that priority is given to striction in kidney microvessels, which might further
anaemia. securing the airway and ensuring appropriate oxygena- compromise renal blood flow (RBF)31.
tion, which is frequently achieved by endotracheal intu- Advanced CT-​based imaging for the rapid assessment
Liberal transfusion
Transfusion initiated when bation and mechanical ventilation. These procedures of morphological damage in severely injured patients
the patient has a total fundamentally change intrathoracic physiology as they regularly requires the use of iodinated contrast agents,
haemoglobin concentration require application of positive end-​expiratory pressure. which are potentially nephrotoxic. However, the risk of
≤100 g/l. This procedure inevitably reduces venous return, AKI associated with these agents seems to be relatively
Crush injury
thereby possibly further reducing cardiac output and minor32, including in children after major trauma33 —
Compression of the limbs increasing renal venous congestion, which potentially this patient group normally lack pre-​existing risk factors
and/or torso due to trauma. compromises microcirculation in the kidney16. for AKI. Another iatrogenic challenge to the kidney is

the use of potentially nephrotoxic antibiotics in patients general is currently viewed as a heterogeneous clinical
Multiple traumatic injuries, with open fractures or polytrauma, or for the treatment syndrome38, and transcriptomic findings support the
of which at least one injury of post-​trauma infections. existence of different AKI subtypes39.
or the combination thereof Both patient-​derived and trauma-​specific AKI risk
is life-​threatening.
Indirect kidney trauma factors have been identified in patients with trauma
In striking contrast to infrequent direct kidney trauma admitted to the ICU5 (Fig. 2). Of note, single nucleo-
(Box 1), the kidney is a frequently affected secondary tide polymorphisms, including in the tumour necrosis
target organ after trauma. AKI develops in 24% of factor (TNF) gene and the serine proteinase inhibi-
patients with severe injuries and is associated with tor family of genes, might predispose patients to AKI
infectious complications, elevated mortality rate and and adverse outcomes in the settings of perioperative
increased costs5,34,35. When haemorrhagic shock is pre­ trauma and sepsis, respectively40–42. Below, we discuss in
sent, AKI is diagnosed in more than 40% of cases3. more detail the systemic and kidney-​specific immune
Of note, AKI is characterized by an abrupt (that is, and non-​i mmune pathophysiological responses to
within 24 h) functional decrease in the glomerular trauma — especially shock and inflammation — that
filtration rate (GFR), which is associated with high underlie the development of TRAKI.
morbi­dity and mortality36,37. In clinical practice, AKI is
mainly defined according to Kidney Disease Improving Systemic pathophysiological response
Global Outcomes37 criteria, which are based on param- Trauma can be accompanied by several types of shock,
eters that include an increase in serum creatinine or a which in general reflect an imbalance between oxygen
rapid reduction in urine output. supply and demand43. Shock can result from a defect in
TRAKI has a complex immunopathophysiology and oxygen transport, for example, due to hypovolaemia,
might be considered a hybrid of different AKI pheno- myocardial infarction or pulmonary embolism, all
types (Fig. 2). Both shock and inflammation promote the of which are characterized by reduced cardiac output
development of TRAKI, but the proportional contri­ and profound systemic vasoconstriction. By contrast,
bution of the different haemodynamic, inflammatory distri­butive shock (for example, septic shock) is charac­
and toxic insults that can lead to TRAKI can vary consid­ terized by a systemic decrease in vascular resistance
erably because trauma patterns and patient manage- and abnormal tissue perfusion43. Moreover, the haemo­
ment can be very heterogeneous. Accordingly, AKI in dynamic and metabolic responses to trauma and

Loss of consciousness
• Stress Traumatic Mental Psychomotor
• ↑ Sympathetic drive brain injury alterations disorder

Spinal shock Spinal cord

Paralysis injury Hypoxia
trauma • ↓ Cardiac output

Direct organ Soft tissue
• Infection
trauma injury
• Sepsis
• Spleen Abdominal
• Liver trauma
• Gastrointestinal
tract Acidosis
• Kidney


Immobilization Fracture
Bleeding Shock

Fig. 1 | Frequent trauma sites and complications. Frequent injury patterns in patients with trauma include traumatic
brain injury, thorax trauma, soft tissue injury, fractures, abdominal trauma and spinal cord injury. Soft tissue injury is often
underestimated clinically, although it contributes to systemic inflammation through the accumulation of tissue debris
and damage-​associated molecular patterns, as well as bleeding; trauma-​induced haemorrhage leads to shock. Major
complications of trauma include loss of consciousness, hypoxia, external and internal tissue damage, localized and
systemic infection, as well as pain, stress and mental disorders. Hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy — known as
the lethal triad — are highly predictive of unfavourable patient outcomes, especially during the first 24 h after trauma.
Bleeding with the development of shock remains the principal cause of early death. Late trauma-​caused lethality is
mainly due to traumatic brain injury and multi-​organ dysfunction1, including trauma-​associated acute kidney injury.
IRI, ischaemia–reperfusion injury.

Nature Reviews | Nephrology


Box 1 | Direct kidney trauma

tissue injury52,53 and in cardiogenic shock54. Of note, in
healthy volunteers, a single intravenous dose of 2 ng/kg
The kidneys are surrounded by a firm fibrotic and thick perirenal adipose capsule, and are body weight (corresponding to ~25 pg/ml blood) of
well embedded in the retroperitoneum. Therefore, direct kidney trauma is infrequently lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced only transient subtle
observed and is caused, in most cases, by blunt injury and high-​velocity deceleration257. changes in kidney biomarkers without clinical manifes-
Clinically, kidney trauma can be masked, although it is frequently associated with macro-
tation of AKI55. This threshold of LPS exposure is barely
or micro-​haematuria, flank and/or abdominal pain, abdominal and/or retroperitoneal
haematoma, rib fractures, urogenital trauma and/or pelvic fractures. Classification of reached in most human trauma settings53. However, in
direct kidney trauma is based on the anatomical extent of the injury and ranges from the case of traumatic-​haemorrhagic shock, endotoxin
subcapsular haematoma and minimal parenchymal lacerations to a completely shattered levels can increase to approximately 100 pg/ml, which
and devascularized kidney. 2019 guidelines state that, in the presence of additional likely promotes kidney injury52. Pro-​inflammatory
haemodynamic instability due to traumatic-​haemorrhagic shock, any injury to the kidney IL-6 reaches peak values in septic shock56, whereas
is classified as severe kidney injury, irrespective of the degree of the anatomical damage lower values are detected early after severe trauma and
to the kidney257. haemorrhagic shock57 and, to a lesser extent, during
Capsula fibrosa cardiogenic shock58. These apparently different profiles
suggest that different forms of shock might differentially
Perirenal promote AKI and suggest that traumatic-​haemorrhagic
1 Subcapsula haematoma 2
haematoma shock has a major role in TRAKI (Fig. 2).
Minor Minor
trauma trauma
Contusion Cortex Pathophysiological kidney changes
laceration In addition to the systemic effects of both traumatic
shock and the subsequent inflammatory response, the
3 kidneys are also challenged by local pathophysiological
Cortex alterations (Fig. 3). The kidneys receive high blood flow
Renal laceration
trauma (approximately 4 l/kg/min59), which accounts for ~20%
pelvis >1cm
of total cardiac output. Kidney oxygen consumption is
high60 but oxygen extraction in the healthy kidney is low
Ureter Laceration due to the high blood flow. However, despite its physio­
involving 4 logical low oxygen levels, the kidneys are particularly
renal cortex, susceptible to hypoxic injury60, which presents a major
medulla and Severe
collecting trauma post-​trauma problem.
system and/or RBF is most prominent in the kidney cortex to ensure
main renal
artery or vein filtration and reabsorption, whereas medullary RBF is
5 less than 50% of that in the cortex. Therefore, oxygen
Avulsion of renal hilum Severe + Haemodynamic Most severe availability is low in the outer medulla, already close to
and/or completely
shattered kidney
trauma instability injury hypoxia under normal conditions and may fall further
after trauma. Autoregulation maintains RBF over a wide
range of MAP and renal perfusion pressures, but the
haemorrhage are characterized by a hypometabolic medulla responds poorly to autoregulation as medullary
phase, which is followed by a hypermetabolic phase after perfusion is pressure dependent61 and arterial pressure
resuscitation44,45. Upon restoration of tissue perfusion, is frequently depressed after trauma. Tubular solute
the hypermetabolic phase results in IRI due to the reabsorption — mainly of Na+, but also of glucose and
formation of ROS and reactive nitrogen (RNS) species46. amino acids, among others — accounts for ~80% of kid-
Shock seems to be an important general AKI driver ney oxygen uptake, and both GFR and tubular Na+ reab-
(Fig. 2), irrespective of its underlying cause. However, sorption are linearly related to kidney oxygen uptake62.
ample evidence suggests that the contribution of Under pathological conditions, autoregulation can be
DAMPs, pathogen-​a ssociated molecular patterns impaired and even exhausted63,64. Therefore, increasing
(PAMPs) and their associated inflammatory profiles MAP will affect GFR65 and thereby kidney oxygen
differs across distinct shock aetiologies. For example, extraction, depending on the effect on RBF63,64 and/or the
levels of the classical DAMP high-​mobility group protein site of vasoconstriction (that is, vas afferens versus vas
B1 (HMGB1) are highest in traumatic-​haemorrhagic efferens) (Fig. 3); for example, despite a rise in MAP, equal
shock (likely due to the magnitude of tissue damage), constriction of the vas afferens and efferens might reduce
lower in septic shock and lowest in cardiogenic shock. GFR owing to a reduction in RBF. Increasing MAP
Of note, after severe trauma, the presence of additional resulting from preferential constriction of the vas effer-
abdominal trauma47, AKI or acute lung injury48 leads to ens will increase GFR, even with unchanged RBF owing
a further increase in HMGB1 levels. Different patterns to the rise in filtration pressure. However, this post-​
are observed for other DAMPs, such as histones. In one glomerular vasoconstriction (that is, in the vas efferens)
comparative study, histones were highest in septic shock, might in turn increase kidney oxygen demand due to the
followed by trauma and then by other aetiologies49; rise in tubular sodium load64. By contrast, predominant
histone concentrations correlated with trauma sever- efferent vasodilation will increase RBF without affecting
ity and signs of coagulopathy50. As expected, PAMPs filtration pressure and, consecutively, GFR65.
such as endotoxins are highest in septic shock51, but Trauma and haemorrhage activate the autonomic
are also found at lower concentrations after severe nerve system, particularly the sympatho-​adrenergic

drive, the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system and of anaesthetics (for example, myocardial depression
vasopressin release, all of which induce renal vasocon- and peripheral vasodilation caused by reduced vascular
striction (Fig. 3). This regional vasoconstriction is dispro­ tone) and/or fluid losses into the interstitial space due
portionately high when compared with the systemic to post-​trauma impairment of endothelial and epithelial
effect66, even during conditions of moderate haemor- barriers8 contribute to post-​trauma kidney pathophysio­
rhage that do not affect oxygen uptake in the kidney67. logy. IRI following restoration of cardiac output, which
Moreover, in a porcine model of haemorrhagic shock, is characterized by enhanced release of ROS and RNS,
RBF was not restored even after 24–48 h of resuscita- and/or by a decrease in the intravascular oncotic pres-
tion, which comprised retransfusion of shed blood, sure from crystalloid infusion-​related haemodilution,
fluid resuscitation and noradrenaline to restore systemic also exacerbates AKI18.
haemodynamics66. Sustained hypoperfusion due to In this context, the relatively uncompliant kidney cap-
haemorrhagic shock can therefore reduce GFR without sule renders the kidney particularly sensitive to venous
apparent tissue injury, and failure to restore adequate congestion with high central venous pressures70 and/or
perfusion leads to ischaemic tubular necrosis and AKI18. intra-​abdominal hypertension71, which are induced, for
Of note, in contrast to complete ischaemia (induced, example, after retroperitoneal haemorrhage or fluid
for example, by aortic cross-​clamping), transitory kid- overload; intra-​abdominal pressures >12 mmHg inde-
ney hypoperfusion alone, which might best simulate pendently predicted the occurrence of AKI72. Moreover,
early post-​trauma conditions and can be modelled, for the adaptive, catecholamine-​related kidney vasocon-
example, by incremental occlusion of the kidney artery strictor response can further disrupt the delicate oxygen
with up to an 80% reduction of RBF, does not cause per- supply–demand relationship in the kidney. Noradrenaline
sistent AKI, even when severe68. Therefore, additional and adrenaline not only decrease cortical and medullary
mechanisms, including post-​trauma activation of innate microcirculatory blood flow and capillary partial pressure
immunity8 and metabolic alterations, might underlie of oxygen (pO2), even in the absence of alterations in RBF
TRAKI induction. Tissue hypoxia due to progressively and whole-​organ oxygen delivery and uptake73, but they
increased severity of haemorrhagic shock might modu­ can also enhance whole-​organ metabolic load (Fig. 3).
late kidney metabolism according to the oxygen and During post-​trauma adrenergic stimulation, kidney glu-
substrate supply69, and consequently lead to metabolic cose release might double, which would account for up
dysfunction (for example, impaired lactate clearance) to 50% of total gluconeogenesis74 and markedly enhance
and AKI. oxygen demand in the kidney. Overall, trauma-​induced
Kidney dysfunction is not only exacerbated by the hypoxic and/or ischaemic insults, and perfusion distur-
effects of trauma and/or haemorrhagic shock per se bances can lead to epithelial damage, inflammation and
but also by alterations associated with essential anaes­ failure of the blood–urine barrier (Fig. 3); these effects are
thesia and surgical interventions. The inherent effects accompanied by a complex immune response.

Box 2 | early trauma management and potential risk of kidney injury

Immediately after trauma, the time period elapsed before successful diagnostics and therapy. Various stabilizing interventions that ensure
rescue is associated with a high risk of hypoxia and ischaemia. Early oxygen transport to body cells can be lifesaving but might also promote
trauma management, from the scene of the accident via the emergency acute kidney injury (AKI). ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome;
room (ER) and operating theatre (OR) to the intensive care unit (ICU), DAMPs, damage-​associated molecular patterns; ECMO, extra-​corporal
requires a multidisciplinary team effort to secure timely synchronic membrane oxygenation; PEEP, positive end-​expiratory pressure.

Trauma Preclinical ER OR ICU Drivers of AKI

Rescue team Hypoxia, ischaemia and bleeding

Rescue efforts/time
elapsed until rescue
• Airway Airway management and intubation Oxygenation problems

• Breathing Mechanical ventilation → PEEP ↑ ARDS → PEEP ↑ Renal venous congestion

Pneumonia Nephrotoxic antiboitics

• Circulation Infusion → fluid overload Oedema and coagulopathy

Colloids Osmotic problems
(Mass) transfusion → antigenic load ↑ ↑ Free haem

• Organ replacement Kidney replacement therapy

ECMO Artificial surfaces and inflammation

Radiology CT scan → contrast agents Nephrotoxins

Surgery Life saving procedures Damage control ↑ DAMPs and ↑ debris
Early total care ↑↑ DAMPs and ↑↑ debris

Nature Reviews | Nephrology


Subtypes Main triggers Perfusion Risk factors

Ischaemic ROS and/or RNS 0 General

• Comorbidities
• Fragility
• Male sex
AKI Trauma-related DAMPs ↓ • Hypertension
• ↑ Age

Trauma-specific Inflammation
• ↓ Blood pressure
Septic PAMPs = or ↑ • Mass transfusion
• ↑ Injury Severity Score
• ↑ Glasgow Coma Scale due
to traumatic brain injury
• Abdominal injury
Toxic Renal toxins = or ↑ or ↓ • Sepsis

Fig. 2 | TrAKI as a hybrid of heterogeneous AKI types. Various entities of kidney impairment — warm ischaemia–reperfusion injury in the kidneys or
acute kidney injury (AKI) have been described based on its major underlying remote organs, exposure to PAMPs via wounds or damaged organ barriers8,
immunopathophysiological drivers — ischaemic AKI associated with or exposure to iodinated radiocontrast media for essential CT scans32.
reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced injury255, septic AKI in which Patient-derived factors, including pre-existing comorbidities, male sex and
microorganisms and pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) are older age, are risk factors for AKI development in patients with trauma in
the sources of damage256, and toxic AKI triggered by nephrotoxic contrast intensive care untis5. Of note, trauma-specific risk factors have also been
agents and drugs32. Early after trauma, tissue debris and the release of identified for post-trauma AKI5. Multiple immune and pathophysiological
damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), as well as the presence changes after trauma seem to culminate in trauma-related AKI, with
of hypoxia and reductions in macro and micro kidney perfusion, represent trauma-induced shock, as well as pre-existing and/or trauma-induced
main causes of trauma-related AKI. However, all other immunopathophys- inflammation emerging as major risk factors. RNS, reactive nitrogen species;
iological drivers of different AKI subsets can also contribute to post-trauma TRAKI, trauma-related AKI.

Systemic post-​trauma immune response sentinels of vascular and tissue integrity75 — is vital for
Within minutes of trauma, the innate immune response rapid repair of injured blood vessels and to ensure fast
is triggered by the autonomic nerve system and the reperfusion of traumatized hypoxic tissue. Following
fluid-​phase system8. Rapid immunothrombosis at the site trauma, rapid adhesion, aggregation and activation
of external and internal wounds is an ancestral lifesaving of platelets occurs at the damaged endothelial barrier,
process and attenuates the danger of further blood loss where usually concealed sub-​endothelial structures,
and the invasion and expansion of microorganisms75. including collagens and tissue factor, become exposed
In this process, traumatized renal and extrarenal tissues to the circulation. The coagulation cascade is trig-
release neo-​antigens and DAMPS, including nucleo­ gered in parallel — thrombin and fibrin further acti-
somes, histones, RNA, HMGB1, ATP, ADP, mitochon- vate and mediate platelet adhesion. This orchestrated
drial DNA (mtDNA) and uric acid8,76–78. DAMPs activate response results in mechanically stable sealing of the
cross-​talking protease cascades, including the coagula- wounds75. However, after severe tissue trauma and
tion and complement systems75,79, which leads to rapid haemorrhagic shock, platelets and coagulation factors
activation and consumption of zymogenic factors after might become excessively activated, dysfunctional
polytrauma80. Resident and inflammatory cells sense or depleted, which manifests clinically as a reduction
these danger molecules, which triggers synchronous in platelet counts, histone-​dependent ballooning of
pro-​inflammatory and anti-​inflammatory cytokine platelets and the development of life-​threatening acute
and chemokine responses8. In patients with trauma, trauma-​induced coagulopathy82,83. Even in untrauma-
those with AKI had higher plasma concentrations of tized endothelium, inflammatory mediators can induce
anti-​inflammatory IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) a switch towards a pro-​inflammatory, pro-​oxidative, pro-​
and pro-​inflammatory IL-6, IL-8 and CC-​chemokine adhesive, pro-​platelet and pro-​coagulative endothelial
ligand 2 (CCL2; also known as MCP1) early after injury phenotype77.
than those without AKI, regardless of the development
of infectious complications81. Elevated serial levels of Post-​trauma kidney immune response
CXC-​chemokine ligand 1 (CXCL1) and CCL4 (also The consequences of remote trauma in the kidneys are
known as MIP1β) were detected only in patients with not well investigated. Findings to date are most fre-
trauma and AKI who developed nosocomial infections81. quently based on studies of warm IRI but also include
The rapid pre-​programmed cellular responses of trauma-​relevant haemorrhagic shock conditions,
chemo­attracted leukocytes included not only cytokine which have been shown to drive damage to multi-
production but also phagocytosis, oxidative burst, pro- ple organs and exacerbate kidney dysfunction after
tease release and the formation of extracellular traps experimental and clinical polytrauma57,84.
(for example, neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) and
macrophage extracellular traps), all of which have a role Glomerular changes
Immunothrombosis in the clearance of damaged tissue, as well as pathogens, In addition to the systemic post-​t rauma immune
Formation of thrombi initiated
by the innate immune response
and the induction of regenerative processes8. response, several studies suggest that kidney injury
to invading bacteria aimed at Haemostasis — a process coordinated by the coagu­ directly promotes pro-​inflammatory changes in the glo-
local infection control. lation system and >1 trillion platelets that function as merulus. In the glomerular endothelium, RBF reduction

modelled by warm renal IRI resulted in strong upreg- but their exact glomerular role in trauma is poorly
ulation of P-​selectin within 24 h (ref.85). In rodent IRI, understood.
a decrease in constitutive endothelial nitric oxide syn- Complement activation might also have an important
thase (eNOS) activity in the kidney reduced nitric oxide role in the kidney response to trauma-​induced damage.
(NO)86, which led to vasoconstriction and reduced Glomerular and tubular cells express key complement
antioxidant activity87. Trauma also induces the produc- factors, including C1q and C3 (ref.94). In vitro, exposure
tion of the endogenous catecholamines adrenaline and of mesangial cells to the anaphylatoxin C3a at concen-
noradrenaline8,88, as well as the eicosanoid thromboxane trations observed after trauma80,95 induced a switch from
A2 (TXA2)89,90, all of which contribute to vasoconstric- a contractile to a secretory phenotype, which promoted
tion of the kidney arterioles and thereby compromise kidney fibrosis and a concomitant loss of blood flow
glomerular haemodynamics91 (Fig. 4). regulation96. Upon contact with non-​lytic concentra-
Glomerular endothelial cells are also robustly acti- tions of the C5b–9 complex, mesangial cells genera­
vated by trauma and haemorrhagic shock, which induce ted growth factors and vasodilatory prostaglandins97
nuclear factor-​κB (NF-​κB)-​dependent expression of (Fig. 4). In human podocytes, deposition of C5b–9 also
inflammatory mediators and adhesion molecules, induced synthesis of profibrotic factors and collagen98.
including E-​s electin and vascular cellular adhesion Moreover, the rise in systemic C5a during experimental
protein 1, which recruit inflammatory cells92. However, sepsis-​induced AKI resulted in fusion of podocyte foot
the relevance of leukocyte migration into the glomer­ processes, which affected glomerular filtration99. In warm
ulus after trauma remains unclear. Glomerular neutro- kidney IRI, fusion of podocyte foot processes, as well as
phil numbers increased early after LPS-​induced AKI93 exfoliation and exposure of the glomerular basement

Macula Loss of autoregulation

Trauma densa
↑ Renin Venous
• Haemodynamics: ↓ MAP, congestion
↓ cardiac output
• Oxygenation: ↓ pO2 Angiotensin II
• Release of DAMPs and/or Vasoconstriction:
presence of PAMPs noradrenaline,
adrenaline and ↓ RBF
vasopressin Hypoperfusion
Monocyte and hypoxia

↓ Primary ↓ O2 and
Primed innate urine nutrients
• ↑ Oxygen ↓ ATP- Casts
dependent ↓ ATP
demand ↓ Reabsorption
• ↓ RBF transport
of electrolytes,
↓ Blood toxin • ↓ Glomerular glucose and ↓ Urine
clearance filtrationa amino acids output
• ↓ Tubular Metabolic IRI
secretion changes
Venous • ↓ Metabolic
congestion ↑ Pressure
capacity ROS • Proteinuria
↓ Toxin • ↓ FENa
Casts excretion
and/or • Apoptosis
Oedema ↑ Pressure endothelial • Necrosis
Debris dysfunction
• ↑ BUN
• ↑ Creatininea
• ↓ Urine outputa Platelet activation Microthrombi

Fig. 3 | pathophysiological response of TrAKI. Trauma can induce supply–demand is unbalanced, which leads to reduced ATP generation and,
haemodynamic disturbances, changes in oxygenation that lead to thus, defective energy-dependent reabsorption and transport mechanisms.
ischaemia and hypoxia, as well as the release of damage-associated Ischaemia–reperfusion injury (IRI) leads to production of reactive oxygen
molecular patterns (DAMPs) and/or the presence of pathogen- species (ROS). Metabolic changes and ATP depletion, combined with
associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) that activate innate immunity. ROS-induced cellular apoptosis and necrosis, damage the urine–blood
Collectively, these changes can result in constriction of blood vessels in barrier. Trauma-induced platelet activation, endothelial alterations and
the kidney, decreased renal blood flow (RBF), glomerular filtration rate, thromboinflammation promote formation of microthrombi, which further
tubular secretion and urine output. Congestion of the tubular lumen compromise microperfusion and aggravate venous congestion. BUN, blood
by tissue debris enhances tubular pressure, which further decreases urine urea nitrogen; FENa, fractional excretion of sodium; MAP, mean arterial
output and facilitates the development of oedema. Under conditions of pressure; pO2, partial pressure of oxygen; TRAKI, trauma-related acute
trauma-induced hypoxia and/or hypoperfusion, oxygen and nutrient kidney injury. aDiagnostic parameters of acute kidney injury.

Nature Reviews | Nephrology


↑ Sympathetic drive Ischaemia

↑ TXA2 ↑ Noradrenaline Hypoxia ↓ pO2

and adrenaline
Vas Cellular Vas
afferens ↓ RBF Coagulation defence Activated efferens
↓ NO
↓ endothelin Anti-inflammatory → pro-inflammatory
Fibrin • ↓ Anti-thrombotic activity
• ↓ Anti-oxidant activity
C5a ?
Crush syndrome

Thrombus Deposition of debris

and myoglobin
↑ Myoglobin
↑ Haem
↑ K+
↑ TF


Fusion of foot
processes ↑ P-selectin
↑ MMP ↓ Hb
Exposure Haemorrhagic
Ischaemia Inflammation
of BM shock
BM alterations ↓ ZO1

↑ Adhesion

Efflux of albumin
Glomerular filter and other proteins
dysfunction Bowman’s
• (Micro)albuminuria capsule
• (Micro)proteinuria ↓ GFR

Endothelial Mesangial cell


Macrophage Pro-fibrotic
mesangial cell

Monocyte Podocyte
Necrosis and/or
Neutrophil Pro-fibrotic

PTEC Parietal cell

membrane have also been reported; these changes were data indicate that kidney IRI results in impairment of the
dependent on the severity of the injury100. Moreover, the glomerular barrier.
expression of key slit membrane proteins, including syn- IRI-​induced defects in glomerular filtration might
aptopodin and nephrin, was reduced, and this effect was allow the passage of inflammatory mediators through
also dependent on the length of the ischaemic period100. the glomerular filter. Once in the glomerular filtrate,
In another study of kidney IRI, metalloproteinase levels these mediators might induce an intraluminal chemo­
and degradation of the key scaffold protein tight junc- tactic and pro-​inflammatory response. Of note,
tion protein ZO1 increased101 (Fig. 4). Collectively, these microalbuminuria — indicated by an enhanced urinary

◀ Fig. 4 | Innate immune response in the glomerulus during TrAKI. Trauma increases these morphological changes result in impaired Na+
sympathetic activity, which promotes activation of the innate immune system and drives reabsorption, decreased clearance of cytokines and
vascular changes that reduce renal blood flow (RBF). In the glomerulus, the release of toxins, and increased intraluminal pressure, which, in
damage-​associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), such as high-​mobility group protein combination with hypoxia, lead to further stress and cell
B1 (HMGB1) and histones, and the activation of the coagulation and complement
loss (Fig. 5).
systems induce changes in the endothelium to create a pro-​coagulant, pro-​adhesive and
pro-​inflammatory platform. Complement activation products can furthermore induce
a pro-​fibrotic phenotype in mesangial cells and podocytes. The generation of reactive Complement. In experimental kidney IRI, generation
oxygen species (ROS) induced by hypoxia and ischaemia contributes to morphological and deposition of complement C3 on tubule epithelial
alterations of the glomerular filter and glomerular dysfunction. The presence of additional cells (TECs) was enhanced, whereas the expression of
haemorrhagic shock exacerbates endothelial changes and inflammation, including the the complement regulator factor H was decreased109.
upregulation of adhesion molecules. In the case of crush syndrome, severe compression The basolateral side of TECs seems to be the main tar-
of musculoskeletal areas exposes the patient to excessive amounts of debris, myoglobin, get of complement attack110. Enhanced C3d deposition
free haem and potassium. These by-​products of tissue damage can accumulate at the on TECs was also detected in a patchy pattern in human
glomerular filter and trigger thrombus formation. Apoptotic or necrotic epithelial cells biopsy samples of acute tubular necrosis111. Hypoxic or
released into Bowman’s capsule and tubular system can increase intratubular pressure,
hypothermic stress, which are early cardinal features
which, in combination with microperfusion disturbances, reduces the glomerular
filtration rate (GFR). BM, basement membrane; C3a, activated complement protein 3; of trauma, lead to disorganized patterns of l-​fucose on
C5b–9, membrane attack complex; Hb, haemoglobin; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; post-​ischaemic proximal TECs. l-​fucose is recognized
NO, nitric oxide; pO2, partial pressure of oxygen; PTEC, proximal tubule epithelial cell; by the C-​type lectin collectin-11, which activates the
TF, tissue factor; TRAKI, trauma-​related acute kidney injury; TXA2, thromboxane A2; lectin pathway, generating pro-​inflammatory comple-
ZO1, tight junction protein ZO1. ment mediators112. In a rat model, internalization of
circulating mannose-​binding lectin directly damaged
tubular cells113. In experimental kidney IRI, C5a receptor
albumin-​to-​creatinine ratio — was detected as early as (C5aR) was upregulated in proximal TECs, which
24 h after trauma102, and albumin is thought to induce induced a pro-​inflammatory response114. Accordingly,
podocyte injury via cylooxygenase-2 (ref.103). mice deficient for C3aR and/or C5aR in the kidney
Trauma-​induced rhabdomyolysis occurs after crush had reduced kidney damage, which was reflected by an
injury of muscle tissue with a prolonged period of com- improved histological score and reduced generation of
pression and ischaemia, for example, during rubble inflammatory mediators such as TNF and IL-1β, as well
entrapment. The injured and necrotic muscle exces- as reduced blood urea nitrogen levels, compared with
sively releases myoglobin, potassium, creatinine and wild-​type controls115.
creatinine kinase, as well as phospholipids and tissue In cases of severe tissue trauma, excessive comple-
factor104 (Fig. 4). Rapid decompression might exacer- ment activation leads to zymogen depletion, accom-
bate the pathophysiology owing to reperfusion injury, panied by a reduction in the haemolytic activity of
ROS generation and flooding of the body with debris complement and the development of complementopa-
as well as metabolites, such as lactate, released from a thy in synergy with coagulopathy80. Post-​trauma, local
hypoxic and acidotic environment104. Clinically mani- complement activation might be organ-​dependent.
fest crush syndrome is characterized by major shock and In a model of severe porcine traumatic-​haemorrhagic
AKI with myoglobinuria. In experimental crush injury, shock, complement haemolytic activity was lower in
fibrin-​rich glomerular microthrombi occluded a variable the renal vein than in systemic blood, which suggested
number of glomerular capillary loops105, and podocyte extensive complement activation and consumption
swelling was also detected105. Nevertheless, because myo- in the kidneys116. Elevated systemic C5a concentra-
globin (~17 kDa) is small enough to pass through the tions after trauma 80 can upregulate key adhesion
glomerular filter, it probably mainly affects the proximal molecules on endothelial cells, attract and activate
tubular system. leukocytes and enhance endothelial permeability 8
Of note, the glomerulus is protected by multiple (Fig. 5) . Upregulation of P-​s electin and E-​s electin in
innate defence systems, including anti-​inflammatory peritubular capillary plexus cells within 24 h of an
mediators, complement-​regulatory proteins, anti- ischaemic insult in combination with local neutro-
thrombotic molecules, antioxidants and protease phil recruitment are hallmarks of IRI-​induced AKI117.
inhibitors106. By contrast, the tubular system has limi­ In neutrophils, signalling through C5aR induces
ted defences and its lower peritubular oxygen tension the expression of pro-​coagulant tissue factor118 and
renders it more vulnerable to trauma-​induced changes functions as a metabolic master switch by inducing
than the glomerulus. lactate release and generating an acidic extracellular
microenvironment119. Moreover, neutrophil exposure
Tubular changes to C5a induces NET release and proliferation of
In the tubular system, post-​trauma AKI is mainly driven kidney fibroblasts, which can promote the develop-
by low-​f low hypoxia and ischaemic tissue damage. ment of kidney fibrosis120–122. In kidney IRI models,
Crush syndrome Tubular epitheliopathy is a general feature of AKI and is C5a–C5aR1 interaction contributed to the develop-
Syndrome characterized characterized by cellular swelling, villi degradation, loss ment of kidney fibrosis by recruiting and activating
by degradation of muscle of polarization (for example, of the Na+–K+–ATPase), inflammatory cells, promoting tubular epithelial-
tissue (that is, rhabdomyolysis)
accompanied by the
vacuolization, tubular dilation, focal apoptosis and to-​mesenchymal transition, and directly activating
accumulation of tissue necrosis; these changes are accompanied by sloughing interstitial fibroblast proliferation and the production
debris and myoglobin. of viable, apoptotic and necrotic cells107,108. Functionally, of extracellular matrix120.

Nature Reviews | Nephrology



Renal tubule Interstitium Capillary

Loss of villi: Hypoxia and/or ischaemia Necrosis DAMPs Coagulation

• ↓ Polarization
• ↓ Na+–K+–ATPase
• Vacuolization PRR
TF activation

Apoptosis GAG
Activation P-selectin shedding
BM Endotheliopathy
Inflammation Endothelial
cell ↑ Adhesion Complement

TEC ↑ Clearance C3a

of dead cells Phagocytosis
HMGB1 C5b–9
↑ KIM1
Chemotaxis NETs METs

• ↓ Toxin clearance
• ↓ Cytokine clearance
ROS Cytokines
Neutrophil Migration
TIMP2 and G1 cell
IGFBP7 cycle arrest IL-8 Phagocytosis
H2O shift H2O shift
Loss of tight junctions
Barrier Barrier
Oedema ↑ Circulating
dysfunction dysfunction
tight junctions
• Hyaline
casts Thrombin Thrombus
• Debris Renal lymph Fibrin
Antigen Pericyte
presentation dissociation Congestion

↓ Urine output ↓ Microperfusion

↓ Vascular Hypoxia and ischaemia
Pericyte homeostasis

Immune cells. Neutrophils function as a first line of number of marginated neutrophils found on the vascular
cellular defence after trauma8. A 2019 study of patients endothelium124. Recruitment of neutrophils into tis-
with trauma revealed that an elevated neutrophil-​to-​ sues via the endothelium involves capture and rolling,
lymphocyte ratio (NLR) over the first 48 h following slow rolling, arrest, adhesion and transmigration —
hospital admission was predictive of severe AKI as well multiple AKI-​related changes might interfere with this
as MODS123, which suggests a more important role for process. Acute loss of kidney function in experimental
neutrophils in TRAKI than appreciated thus far. IRI, reflected by an increase in creatinine, abolished
In a kidney IRI model, neutrophils were mainly selectin-​dependent slow rolling of neutrophils and
Marginated neutrophils
Neutrophils from the circulating
recruited to the kidney interstitium, and their num- impaired their recruitment125. Experimental rhabdo-
cell pool that attach to surfaces bers peaked 24 h after reperfusion. These infiltrating myolysis also impaired neutrophil migration as early
such as the endothelium. neutrophils were phenotypically different from the low as 4 h after injury by inhibiting the phosphoinositide

◀ Fig. 5 | Innate immune response in the tubular system during TrAKI. The innate a major source of haem oxygenase-1 under hypoxic
immune response in the kidney tubular system after trauma is multidimensional. conditions (for example, 24 h after IRI), which pro-
Trauma-​induced endotheliopathy involves shedding of glycocalyx structures such as tected the kidney against oxidative stress and improved
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), exposure of subendothelial pro-​coagulant proteins such local blood flow139. Moreover, in later stages (that is,
as tissue factor (TF), and activation of platelets and the coagulation system — all of these
>3 days after trauma) macrophages tend to polarize
changes contribute to thrombus formation in the perivascular system. The consequent
reduction in blood flow can aggravate hypoxia and ischaemia in the tubules. Activated
towards an anti-​inflammatory phenotype to promote
systemic leukocytes migrate to the peritubular interstitium, where, in combination with tissue repair128,140. This phenotypic switch is promoted
activated resident macrophages, they mount an inflammatory response by releasing by phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils141 and by the
cytokines, reactive oxygen species (ROS), proteases and extracellular traps. The release of retinoic acid by damaged epithelial cells, which
inflammatory fluid phase and cellular response can promote the clearance of soluble seem to reactivate this embryonic signalling pathway in
mediators and cellular debris but might also further damage tubule epithelial cells experimental IRI142. Anti-​inflammatory macrophages
(TECs). TECs themselves contribute to the inflammatory response by generating damage-​ mainly adhere to the basal membrane of damaged
associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) and releasing cytokines. Shedding of apoptotic tubular cells, where they orchestrate the resolution of
and necrotic TECs into the tubular lumen leads to tubular congestion and thus further inflammation and tissue repair140. Along the polarization
damage, which ultimately reduces urine output. Blood–urine barrier disturbances can
continuum, several stimuli can induce different subtypes
also develop owing to the inflammatory response and might cause kidney oedema.
Resident dendritic cells (DCs) can sense DAMPs and pathogen-​associated molecular of anti-​inflammatory macrophages, which have distinct
patterns and migrate through the kidney lymphatics to activate the adaptive immune chemokine secretion patterns and metabolic character-
system. These acute inflammatory changes are required to activate subsequent kidney istics, and are involved in distinct immune functions and
repair mechanisms. BM, basement membrane; C3a, activated complement protein 3; regulatory processes143. Of note, increased expression of
C5b–9, membrane attack complex; HMGB1, high-​mobility group protein B1; IGFBP7, suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 induced by damage
insulin-​like growth factor-​binding protein 7; KIM1, kidney injury molecule 1; METs, in proximal TECs inhibited macrophage polarization
macrophage extracellular traps; NETs, neutrophil extracellular traps; PRR, pattern towards an anti-​inflammatory phenotype, resulting in
recognition receptor; RBC, red blood cell; TIMP2, metalloproteinase inhibitor 2; an impaired reparative response144.
TLR4, Toll-​like receptor 4; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; TRAKI, trauma-​related acute Resident DCs are mainly located between the tubu-
kidney injury.
lar system and the peritubular vasculature, where they
sample DAMPs and PAMPs for subsequent antigen
3-​kinase (PI3K) pathway, as well as intracellular actin presentation to T cells128. DCs can be recruited to the
polymerization and translocation126. Mechanistically, kidney by fractalkine expressed on injured endothelium
elevated concentrations of the uraemic toxin resistin — after IRI131,145. Immature DCs mature within a few hours
as observed after trauma127 and during AKI126,128 — have after ischaemia, which results in loss of phagocytic activ-
been proposed to induce neutrophil dysfunction, includ- ity and changes in gene expression that enable them to
ing impaired migration, ROS production and bacterial migrate to secondary lymphoid organs to induce T cell
killing, with potential septic complications128,129. Of note, activation146. Under hypoxic and/or ischaemic condi-
an AKI-​induced impairment of neutrophil recruitment tions, DCs can generate chemokines, TNF, IL-6, CCL2
would affect not only the kidneys but also remote organs, and CCL5 (also known as RANTES)147, and rapidly
including the lungs130. In some IRI models, inhibition attract neutrophils148. The excessive release of TNF by
of neutrophils has been proposed to protect from AKI, DCs early during renal IRI is a major contributor to the
whereas others found no significant effects131. However, inflammatory response, tubular epithelial apoptosis and
whether modulation of neutrophils protects from AKI, endothelial dysfunction128.
especially in the context of trauma, remains unclear131. Mast cells have been mainly implicated in allergy
The kidney mononuclear phagocytic system, which responses but have also been investigated in preclini­
comprises macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs), can cal studies of AKI. Genetic depletion of mast cells
sense and clear tissue debris132,133. Kidney-​resident inter- or mast cell chymase prevented systemic inflamma-
stitial macrophages act as innate sentinels and sample tion and fibrosis in murine partial unilateral ureteral
DAMPs and PAMPs from the tubular environment via obstruction149. In a rat model of IRI, pharmacological
pattern recognition receptors, such as TLR4, and can inhibition of mast cell function and histamine release
also process antigens for presentation to T cells (Fig. 5). markedly reduced AKI150. These detrimental effects of
Beyond their role in immunosurveillance, macrophages mast cell activation appear to be limited to the early
can also mount inflammatory responses to DAMPs and phase after injury151. By contrast, murine mast cell pro-
PAMPs that involve the release of cytokines, as well as tease 4, a functional counterpart of human mast cell
pro-​angiogenic and regenerative factors required for chymase, regulated neutrophil expression of adhesion
tissue repair134. In experimental IRI, monocytes are molecules and its genetic deletion resulted in increased
recruited from the circulation into the kidney, particularly neutrophil migration and activation, which was asso-
around post-​capillary venules in the outer medulla135. ciated with exacerbation of kidney injury, as indicated
There, they can be polarized to a pro-​inflammatory by increased blood creatinine and tubular necrosis in
phenotype by trauma-​relevant mediators such as TNF experimental renal IRI152.
and IFNɣ136. Furthermore, inflamed blood monocytes Innate lymphoid cells are rare tissue-resident
traffic towards a chemokine gradient released from IRI immune cells but can be potent modulators of the local
kidneys in mice and, upon infiltration of the kidneys, inflammatory response153. Type 2 innate lymphoid cells
they secrete pro-​inflammatory cytokines, as well as ROS responded to administered IL-33 and prevented kidney
and RNS, which can further damage the surrounding injury by increasing local and systemic levels of IL-4
kidney tissue132,137,138. However, macrophages were also and IL-13, which promoted the expansion of regulatory

Nature Reviews | Nephrology


T cells and the polarization of macrophages towards an positively with injury severity and were higher in
anti-​inflammatory phenotype in murine IRI154. patients with blast injuries compared with those who
B and T cells have been linked to non-​TRAKI and, sustained gunshot wounds166. At the cellular level,
in animal studies, the absence of these cells ameliorated KIM1 is expressed in injured TECs after experimental
IRI-​induced AKI155. The role of B cells in TRAKI is elu- IRI and enables them to detect the apoptosis-​associated
sive but the trauma-​induced release of macromolecules epitopes phosphatidylserine and oxidized lipoprotein167.
with repetitive epitope patterns, including DNA, histones This mechanism functionally transforms TECs into
and other DAMPs, might crosslink the antigen receptor semi-​professional phagocytes early after injury, which
on B cells and stimulate the release of poly­reactive natu- supports tubular clearance of apoptotic and necrotic
ral immunoglobulin M (IgM) autoantibodies that might cells, and regulates the ensuing immune response167,168
bind and opsonize neo-​antigens released by damaged (Fig. 5). Dickkopf-3 (DKK3) is also released into the urine
cells (that is, DAMPs) and thereby exacerbate AKI. This by stressed kidney cells and is elevated after major car-
is underscored by the fact that the lack of IgM antibod- diac surgery. Also, preoperative urinary DKK3 to creati-
ies and B cells in murine IRI-​induced AKI improved nine ratio was reported to be predictive of postoperative
creatinine serum concentration, histological tubular AKI development and concomitant long-​term reduction
damage and survival up to 72 h after injury156. Further in estimated GFR169.
investigations are warranted for elucidating the specific Maladaptive repair of the kidney epithelium after
involvement of adaptive immunity in TRAKI. AKI involves various mechanisms, including the induc-
tion of cellular senescence170, G2/M arrest in tubule
Tubule epithelial cells. As previously discussed, TECs cells, persistence of pro-​inflammatory macrophages and
have high metabolic activity and function in a low base- production of pro-​fibrotic cytokines165. Levels of tissue
line oxygen microenvironment that can be exacerbated metalloproteinase inhibitor 2 (TIMP2) and insulin-​like
by trauma. Stressed and damaged TECs not only gene­rate growth factor binding protein 7 (IGFBP7) are elevated
cytokines, chemokines and DAMPs but are also targets in urine samples of patients in ICUs, including patients
for these inflammatory mediators157. For example, TLR2 with trauma, and these cell cycle arrest biomarkers
and TLR4, which are mainly expressed on the luminal help to stratify these patients according to the risk of
site of TECs, were upregulated after rodent IRI and can develo­ping AKI171. Of note, despite the absence of pro-
be activated by DAMPs and PAMPs158. As previously genitor cells, the remaining functional TECs are able to
mentioned, patients with trauma who develop AKI have repopulate the epithelium after trauma172.
an altered serum cytokine profile81. Although the source
of many cytokines is systemic, their production can Vasculature. Pericytes, which maintain endothelial and
also be induced in the kidney159, for example, in TECs. vascular stability by producing angiogenic factors (for
Transcriptomic analysis of the kidneys after murine IRI example, angiopoietin, platelet-​derived growth factor
also revealed altered expression of genes involved in (PDGF), sphingosine-1-​phosphate (S1P) and vascular
several immune signalling pathways, including IL-10, endothelial growth factor (VEGF)) are also activated
IL-6, TLR, LPS and/or IL1-​mediated inhibition of the during AKI. These cells dissociate from the vasculature
retinoid acid receptor RXR, and Janus kinase–signal and acquire myofibroblast features in models of IRI or
transducer and activator of transcription (JAK–STAT) ureteral obstruction165,173 (Fig. 5).
pathways160. In murine kidney IRI, TECs produced Sympatho-​a drenal activation, as well as release
IL-34, which promoted macrophage-​mediated tubule of DAMPs, proteases and inflammatory mediators,
injury161. Moreover, epithelial expression of hypoxia-​ induced by trauma and shock, can lead to degradation of
inducible factors (HIFs), including HIF1α, increased the protective endothelial glycocalyx and release
within 1 h of segmental rodent ischaemia compared of glycosaminoglycans — these effects are hallmarks of
with regularly perfused kidney segments and promoted trauma-​induced endotheliopathy57,174,175 (Fig. 5). The
macrophage recruitment162. Of note, reduced clearance serine protease thrombin was shown to contribute to
of cytokines and toxins in the kidneys during AKI might endotheliopathy in the kidney by inducing endothelial
enhance local and systemic levels of these soluble media- barrier breakdown in kidney microvessels176.
tors in trauma. For example, the clearance of the trauma-​ Reduced endothelial eNOS expression177 and blunted
relevant mediators HMGB1, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF was kidney NO generation contribute to impaired vascular
impaired in mice with either septic AKI or with reduced function, and thus, microperfusion, in IRI-​stressed
kidney function owing to 5/6 nephrectomy163. kidneys178. Furthermore, the release of platelet inhibi­
Circulating mtDNA has been defined as a strong tors, including NO and prostacyclin, and the hydrol-
DAMP and a driver of inflammation in patients with ysis of ATP-​d erivatives to produce adenosine are
trauma78, but seems to be less involved in the development compromised, which creates a pro-​coagulant endothelial
of post-​trauma AKI164. By contrast, urinary mtDNA levels microenvironment77 (Fig. 5). In addition, DAMPs such
correlated with an elevated albumin-​to-​creatinine ratio as uric acid stimulate exocytosis of endothelial Weibel–
and TEC exposure to mtDNA induced an inflammatory Palade bodies within the kidneys early after IRI179.
response164. Weibel–Palade bodies have been described as ‘vascu-
Kidney injury molecule 1 (KIM1) is markedly upreg- lar emergency kits’180 because they provide preformed
ulated and shed into the proximal tubular lumen during haemostatic, inflammatory and angiogenic mediators,
IRI-​induced AKI165. In patients with combat-related including the adhesion molecules von Willebrand factor
injuries, increases in urinary KIM1 levels correlated (vWF) and P-​selectin77. These changes in the endothelial

microenvironment initiate platelet adherence, accumu- efferents interact directly with the kidney vasculature,
lation and activation. Activated platelets subsequently tubules and juxtaglomerular granular cells189. Tissue
release further DAMPs, including mtDNA and HMGB1 injury, hypoxia and trauma-​relevant cytokines, includ-
(ref.181), as well as key activators of the coagulation sys- ing IL-1β and IL-6, can activate medullary neurons in
tem, including tissue factor and polyphosphates, which the brain, which enhances the sympathetic efferent drive
support the formation of a stable clot. Thrombin can to the kidneys189. This results in increased production
also stimulate resting platelets to release mitochondria, of noradrenaline and renin in the kidney, enhanced
further increasing the local DAMP load77. HMGB1 was Na+ and water reabsorption, and a decrease in RBF, GFR
markedly elevated on platelets from patients with severe and urine output190,191. Accordingly, blockade of kidney
blunt trauma compared with healthy controls; accord- sympathetic nerve activity improved histomorphological
ingly, platelet HMGB1 was crucial for the formation of damage in rodent IRI190.
thrombi in a murine model of multiple injury181. The Afferent sensory neurons in the kidney, which
damaged endothelium also facilitates the recruitment are mechanosensitive and chemosensitive, project
of leukocytes and rouleaux formation of erythrocytes38, mainly from the renal pelvis to the brainstem and
which further compromise RBF in peritubular capillaries hypothalamus189. These neurons might sense altera-
after renal ischaemia128,165,182 (Fig. 5). tions in urine composition and pelvic stretch189 after an
Increased vascular inflammation and permeability injury to the ureter or retroperitoneum, or during post-​
are key features of early AKI. These changes are con- traumatic abdominal compartment syndrome. However, the
trolled by, among others, the endothelial angiopoietin– exact function of these neurons after trauma remains
angiopoietin receptor (Tie2) system. Activation of unclear.
Tie2 by the agonist angiopoietin 1 propagates anti-​ Neuroinflammatory reflexes of the vagal nerve sys-
inflammatory, anti-​apoptotic and anti-​leakage effects tem for various organs and the protective effects of vagal
(including stabilization of inter-​e ndothelial junc- stimulation on visceral organs have both been described
tions, for example, through the inhibition of vascular in trauma and haemorrhagic shock192. However, the
endothelial cadherin)183. By contrast, angiopoietin 2 existence and potential function of direct vagal efferent
functions as a competitive antagonist of Tie2 resulting activity in the kidneys remain uncertain193. Nevertheless,
in inflammation and enhanced endothelial perme­ vagal drive can indirectly modulate the immunopatho-
ability. Furthermore, soluble Tie2 (that is, the cleaved physiological responses in the kidney — stimulation
extracellular domain of Tie2) acts as a decoy recep- of the efferent vagal nerve induces acetylcholine pro-
tor for angiopoietin and can therefore modulate the duction in splenic CD4+ T cells, which prompts an
endothelial response183. Haemorrhagic shock in rodents anti-​inflammatory response in splenic and peritoneal
enhanced levels of circulating angiopoietin 2 and sol- macrophages191,194. Of note, activation of this pathway is
uble Tie2, induced microcirculatory perfusion distur- also protective in IRI-​induced AKI194.
bances and reduced Tie2 expression and activation in In addition, severe trauma activates the hypotha-
the kidneys184. Moreover, the Tie2 agonist vasculotide lamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, which initially
was renoprotective in IRI-​induced AKI185. leads to enhanced corticosteroid levels that sup-
Intense endothelial–epithelial communication is press the inflammatory response (Fig. 6). However, in
thought to promote a ‘vicious triad’ — DNA derived humans, this increase persists for less than 24 h after
from necrotic TECs induces platelet aggregation and trauma195,196. In experimental rhabdomyolysis-​induced
activation, platelets interact with neutrophils and trig- AKI, systemic and urine cortisol concentrations were
ger the formation of NETs, which in turn further dam- also increased197. In murine kidney IRI, intraperito-
age TECs by exposing them to cytotoxic histones186. neal administration of a transactivator of transcription
Moreover, ROS generation induces endothelial TLR4 (Tat)–glucocorticoid-​induced leucine zipper (GILZ)
upregulation within 4 h of IRI; TLR4 is only upregu­ peptide resulted in a shift from a pro-​inflammatory to
lated later (within 24 h) in the tubule epithelium. a suppressive neutrophil phenotype and promoted the
HMGB1, which is generated by TECs179 or systemically, development of regulatory T cells. These changes were
can therefore signal through TLR4 in a temporo-​spatial associated with improved kidney perfusion and mito-
manner — HMGB1 initially induces the expression of chondrial function, as well as a reduction in kidney
endothelial adhesion molecules that recruit inflamma- oedema and cell necrosis198, suggesting that glucocorti-
tory cells, followed by induction of cytokine production coids might have some renoprotective effects. However,
by TECs187. In addition, binding of HMGB1 to TLR4 on further studies are needed to define the role of the HPA
macrophages activates these cells and induces the release axis and glucocorticoids in the kidney after trauma.
of IL-6, which exacerbates endotheliopathy and kidney
dysfunction128,188. Kidney–organ crosstalk during TRAKI
The kidney is interconnected with almost every other
Post-​traumatic abdominal
compartment syndrome Neuroinflammatory response in TRAKI organ system (Fig. 7). Nevertheless, research data on
Syndrome characterized Within milliseconds of a traumatic event, injured kidney–remote organ interactions in trauma and IRI
by post-​traumatic regions react with a neuronal response that causes are currently lacking11. Experimental evidence, mainly
intra-​abdominal hypertension pain, induces the release of stress hormones and trig- from IRI models, suggests that AKI augments leuko-
(that is, intra-​abdominal
pressure >20 mmHg) and
gers haemodynamic adaptation responses, as well as cyte infiltration, ROS generation and other outcomes
de novo visceral organ excitatory and inhibitory brain–kidney crosstalk and linked to kidney inflammation, barrier dysfunction and
dysfunction or failure. renal–renal neuronal connections (Fig. 6). Sympathetic congestion, in almost all parenchymal organs10,11,199,200.

Nature Reviews | Nephrology



• Tissue damage
• Pain
• Hypoxia HPA axis
• Haemorrhage
• Cytokines
Brain (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF)

Adrenal gland
Vagal Sensory Sympathetic
efferents afferents efferents Corticosteroids

Spleen and/or
• ↑ Noradrenaline →
↑ leukocytes →
Reno–renal reflexes
• ↑ Renin
• ↓ RBF
Inflammatory ↑ Noradrenaline • ↓ GFR
reflexes • ↓ Na+ excretion

Changes in:
• Pelvic pressure
T cell β2R and stretch
• Vasculature
• Urine flow
• Urine concentrate
anti-inflammatory Anti-inflammatory
pathway action


Fig. 6 | Neuroinflammatory axis underlying TrAKI. Early after trauma, the balance between sympathetic and vagal
activity undergoes a substantial shift towards sympathetic stimulation, which can exacerbate kidney dysfunction and
inflammatory processes through direct action in the kidney. Mechanic and chemosensitive signals are transmitted via
kidney sensory afferents to the brain. Conversely, trauma-​induced stimulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal
(HPA) axis not only induces the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, but also corticosteroid production, which
supports an anti-​inflammatory response. The neuroinflammatory reflex induced by vagal stimulation of the spleen
ultimately results in an anti-​inflammatory response in various organs, including the kidneys. Vagal stimulation of the
splenic nerve results in noradrenaline release, which is sensed by the β2-​receptor (β2R) of splenic CD4+ T cells that
respond by secreting acetylcholine. In turn, acetylcholine binding to the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAchR)
on splenic macrophages promotes an anti-​inflammatory response in the kidney. Vagal stimulation can also activate
peritoneal macrophages directly via α7nAchR to drive an anti-​inflammatory response in acute kidney injury (AKI)
induced by ischaemia–reperfusion injury. GFR, glomerular filtration rate; RBF, renal blood flow; TNF, tumour necrosis
factor; TRAKI, trauma-​related AKI.

Brain Conversely, AKI has detrimental effects on the brain

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a risk factor for fatal out- by altering its water content and disrupting the blood–
comes and the development of TRAKI5. Interestingly, brain barrier202. Dysfunction of the blood–brain barrier
both the brain and kidney possess a tightly controlled itself might facilitate an influx of inflammatory medi-
autoregulation system regarding blood flow, challenged ators and toxic substances released from the injured
by systemic hypotension. Post-​trauma sympathetic kidney204. Increased neuronal pyknosis, activation of
stimulation, activation of the HPA axis and neuroin- brain microglia and a decline in locomotor activity
flammation represent major drivers of the brain–kidney were all reported in bilateral kidney murine ischaemia205.
axis199,201,202. Several neurotransmitters can modulate Furthermore, kidney IRI induced a rise in the expression
kidney physiology following trauma. Endogenous88 or of chemokines and glial fibrillary acidic protein in the
administered catecholamines result in increased renin brain, which suggests that substantial pro-​inflammatory
secretion by the juxtaglomerular cells, which is driven and functional cerebral alterations occur during AKI205.
by activation of β1-​adrenergic receptors, whereas RBF
is decreased through stimulation of α1-​adrenergic Heart
Neuronal pyknosis receptors199,201. TBI also alters Na+ handling in the kidney Optimal cardiocirculatory function is crucial to sus-
An early hallmark of neuronal
cell death characterized by
— both cerebral Na+ wasting or excessive secretion of tain kidney perfusion. In murine IRI, AKI was associ-
irreversible condensation of anti-​diuretic hormone can contribute to hyponatraemia, ated with an elevated cardiomyocyte apoptosis rate and
chromatin. but are often difficult to distinguish202,203. impaired left ventricular function206. Furthermore, AKI

resulted in increased cardiac IL-1β and TNF production, Gastrointestinal tract

myeloperoxidase activity and expression of intercellular Gastrointestinal trauma and IRI can disrupt the gut–
adhesion molecule 1, which are indicative of leukocyte blood barrier, which might allow pathogens and toxins
infiltration206. In this context, in a murine model of IRI, to enter the body and drive inflammation and MODS
the kidney injury promoted cardiac injury in a galectin-3 after injury8,223,224. In experimental models, kidney IRI
dependent manner by enhancing systemic cytokines led to apoptosis of intestinal epithelial and endothelial
such as IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF, as well as promot- cells, epithelial cell necrosis, upregulation of TNF, IL-6
ing immune cell recruitment from the bone marrow and and IL-17, and increased tissue oedema, all of which can
cardiac macrophage invasion207. exacerbate damage to the intestinal barrier218,220. The
retention of metabolites and urea due to reduced kidney
Lungs excretion has been suggested to disrupt tight junctions
Kidney IRI resulted in the downregulation of pulmonary between intestinal epithelial cells225. Furthermore, ample
ion channels and transporters, and increased alveolar evidence supports a close link between kidney injury
fluid leakage with subsequent pulmonary oedema and and the intestinal microbiome, particularly in chronic
caspase-​dependent apoptosis200,208–210. AKI is also associ- kidney disease 226; many uraemic toxins, including
ated with the upregulation of various pro-​inflammatory indoxyl sulfate, are of microbial origin227,228. By contrast,
cytokines in the lung (for example, TNF, IL-1β, IL-6 and gut-​derived d-​serine was renoprotective in murine IRI
IL-8), leading to a pronounced influx of inflammatory and human AKI229. Similarly, short-​chain fatty acids,
cells124,159,200,211. Among others, the DAMPs HMGB-1 including propionate and butyrate, but in particular
and haem represent key mediators in AKI-​induced acetate, which are produced by gut microbiota during
pulmonary inflammation212,213. the fermentation of dietary fibres, have been shown
Lung trauma, frequently caused by blunt chest to prevent kidney injury and dysfunction in murine
injury, might also induce TRAKI. Although broad evi- IRI230. This is presumably mediated, at least in part,
dence exists for a lung–kidney crosstalk in patients with by attenuated histone deacetylase activity and restored
critical illness, for example, the presence of blood–gas oxidant–antioxidant balance in T cells, as demonstrated
disturbances and fluid overload214, data on isolated lung in murine septic AKI231. However, further studies are
trauma and its consequences for the kidneys are scarce. warranted to assess the benefits and risks of long-​term
Of note, inflammation in both the lungs and the kid- short-​chain fatty acid treatment232, especially in the
neys can also be induced by mechanical ventilation16. context of trauma.
A study of patients with trauma revealed that acute
lung injury requiring mechanical ventilation was a Spleen
risk factor for AKI215; mechanical ventilation per se The spleen functions as a blood filter and has a key role
is also independently associated with progression of in the clearance of debris and infectious agents. Splenic
early AKI216. Patients with thoracic trauma who did cells, particularly monocytes, secrete IL-6, IL-8, IL-10
not require mechanical ventilation had an elevated and TNF early after ischaemic AKI233,234. Splenectomy
albumin-​to-​creatinine ratio, which suggested increased directly before kidney murine IRI resulted in elevated
kidney permeability, compared with patients with serum IL-6 concentrations as well as increased pulmo-
trauma without thoracic trauma217. Furthermore, pulmo- nary capillary leakage and neutrophil infiltration234.
nary dysfunction in patients receiving mechanical ven- These detrimental effects were attributed to a reduction
tilation, which was indicated by an elevated fraction of in spleen-​derived IL-10 and could be reversed through
inspired oxygen (FiO2):partial pressure of oxygen ratio, administration of IL-10, which emphasizes the role of
correlated with increased albumin-​to-​creatinine ratio217. the spleen in resolving inflammation during AKI234.
By contrast, splenectomy in the context of liver IRI
Liver in rats seemed to have a protective effect on the liver
The kidneys and liver share important functions after and kidneys235. Of note, the anti-​inflammatory drive of
trauma, including clearance of metabolites and drugs, vagal stimulation in the spleen might have therapeutic
as well as stabilization of blood glucose and amino acid potential233,236,237. In humans, splenectomy post-​trauma
levels. In various kidney IRI models, AKI caused hepatic has been associated with enhanced infectious and
damage evidenced by increased plasma concentrations hypercoagulation complications238,239, but little has been
of liver enzymes. Hepatic inflammation, periportal reported about kidney complications.
hepatocyte vacuolization and apoptosis were observed
after AKI, whereas systemic antioxidant levels were Bone
decreased compared with sham animals218–220. Moreover, The kidneys are involved in regulating bone forma-
kidney IRI altered drug metabolism in the liver221,222. tion and repair by modulating calcium and phosphate
Following kidney IRI, increased production of various homeostasis, and by producing growth factors such as
cytokines such as IL-6, IL-10, IL-17A and TNF in the active vitamin D, erythropoietin and bone morphogenic
liver drove hepatic damage218,219. Interestingly, induction protein 7 (ref.240). Hip fractures and long bone fractures
of the sphingosine kinase–S1P pathway by isoflurane are a risk factor for the development of AKI215,241,242,
protected against hepatic and intestinal dysfunction and post-​fracture changes in kidney perfusion were
after IRI-​induced AKI in mice, at least partly through proposed as an early predictor of AKI243. In rabbits,
the downregulation of TNF, CCL2 and IL-17A in the AKI was absent or only mild following bilateral femur
liver and intestine220. fractures with haemorrhagic shock that were treated

Nature Reviews | Nephrology


Acutely injured organ → kidney Spleen Brain

Spleen trauma • ↓ GCS
• ↑ ICP


CAP IL-10 • ↑ Sympathetic drive

• HPA activation
Anti-inflammatory action • Neuroinflammatory reflexes
Gut • ↑ Renin
Kidney • ↓ RBF Thoracic
• Gut trauma • Hyponatraemia Hypoxia trauma
• PAMPs and/or
• Gut barrier • Bacteria • ↑ UACR
dysfunction • Epithelial mechanic
necrosis ventilation

↓ Macro and micro-circulation DAMPs

↓ Clotting Heart
Liver factors

Haemorrhagic Heart contusion

Haemorrhagic ↑ NLR and/or trauma
shock shock
• ↓ Cardiac
Bone • ↓ MAP

Acutely injured kidney → remote organ

• ↑ GFAP
IL-6, IL-8 and • ↑ Cerebral chemokines
TNF secretion • Neuronal pyknosis
• ↑ Oedema
• Blood–brain barrier dysfunction

• ↑ IL-6, IL-17 and

• ↑ Oedema • ↑ Inflammatory cells
• Epithelial necrosis • ↑ Phagocytosis
• ↑ Epithelial and • ↑ Alveolar fluid
AKI • ↑ Oedema
endothelial cell
• ↓ Gut–blood barrier

• ↑ Cardiac cytokines
• ↑ Hepatic • Leukocyte infiltration
cytokines Immune cell • ↑ Cardiomyocyte
• ↑ Neutrophil recruitment apoptosis
• ↑ Apoptosis
• ↓ Drug clearance Bone
• ↓ Antioxidant marrow

with either intramedullary nails or external fixators244. Bone marrow

However, in the clinical setting, definitive osteosyntheses Trauma has long been known to significantly affect
scheduled 24–48 h after trauma to treat lower extremity haematopoietic function in bone marrow248; however,
fractures reduced the incidence of AKI, whereas earlier data regarding a direct interaction between TRAKI
or later definitive surgical intervention was associated and haematopoiesis in bone marrow are scarce.
with higher AKI rates245. AKI also predisposes to sub- Nevertheless, in addition to the previously mentioned
sequent chronic kidney disease246, which contributes study in patients with trauma123, elevations in the sys-
to renal osteodystrophy and increases the risk of bone temic NLR have also been proposed as a diagnostic
fractures247. marker for AKI249 based on data from patients who

◀ Fig. 7 | Kidney as target and effector of TrAKI-associated organ crosstalk. Intense to ensure that therapeutic strategies are targeted to the
immunopathophysiological crosstalk exists between acutely injured organs and the relevant pathogenic mechanisms that affect specific
kidney, which is often not directly injured by trauma but is a common secondary target kidney compartments.
organ of trauma. Conversely, kidneys with acute injury, induced by trauma or other
conditions, interact closely with several organs. Immediately after the onset of shock, the
Therapeutic targets of TRAKI
kidney is affected by remote organ dysfunction, which disturbs the kidney macro- and
microcirculation. Consequently, trauma-​related acute kidney injury (TRAKI) amplifies
Therapy of TRAKI is equally complex. Various patho-
remote organ damage, for example, due to electrolyte–water imbalance, which drives physiological and immunological strategies have
parenchymal oedema and breakdown of the blood–organ barrier. This effect increases been proposed and evaluated to ameliorate TRAKI
O2 transport distances and promotes cardio-​respiratory failure. The immunopathophysi- in different experimental and clinical settings. These
ological response of TRAKI generally enhances levels of inflammatory cytokines, such as approaches mainly address trauma-​induced generation
IL-1, IL-6, IL-8 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF), as well as the infiltration of remote organs of DAMPs and PAMPs, metabolic and radical stress,
with activated leukocytes. CAP, cholinergic anti-​inflammatory pathway; DAMPs, damage-​ alterations in micro-​perfusion, hypoxia and ischae-
associated molecular patterns; GFAP, glial fibrillary acidic protein; GCS, Glasgow Coma mia. The systemic as well as the fluid phase and cellular
Scale; HPA, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal; ICP, intracranial pressure; MAP, mean immune responses in the kidney also offer promising
arterial pressure; NLR, neutrophil-​to-​lymphocyte ratio; PAMPs, pathogen-​associated
targets (Supplementary Table 1).
molecular patterns; RBF, renal blood flow; TBI, traumatic brain injury; UACR, urine
albumin-​to-​creatinine ratio. Increased awareness of TRAKI in combination
with reliable monitoring and early, effective thera-
peutic interventions represent major prerequisites to
underwent cardiac surgery250. A 2019 study of mice with successfully treating or even preventing TRAKI.
adenine-​induced nephropathy reported an increase
in the generation of myeloid progenitor cells and a Conclusions
decrease in common lymphoid progenitor cells in the TRAKI occurs frequently after severe tissue trauma and
bone marrow, which significantly increased the NLR. represents a hybrid of various aetiologies. Low-​flow per-
Mechanistically, these alterations were mediated by fusion, hypoxia, ischaemia, release of DAMPs, PAMPs
gut-​derived indoxyl sulfate251. NLR elevations followed and toxins, and the presence of direct and remote tissue
by neutrophil-​mediated kidney injury might also occur debris can differentially modulate the early pathophysio­
in TRAKI. logical and immune response in the kidneys. Rapid
activation of the central neuronal system with a pre-
Monitoring of TRAKI dominant sympathetic drive post-​injury, as well as
Monitoring of TRAKI is challenging. Severe trauma activation of the coagulation and complement system
in one kidney does not necessarily result in enhanced in concert with leukocyte stimulation and endothelial
serum creatinine levels or impaired urine output alterations, mount an inflammatory response in both
because the collateral uninjured kidney might com- the glomerular and tubular systems of the kidney. The
pensate for lost function. By contrast, untraumatized, consequences are glomerular filter dysfunction, deve­
morphologically intact kidneys might be severely func- lopment of microthrombi and GFR decline. Further
tionally compromised owing to extrarenal injuries, downstream, TECs adopt a pro-​inflammatory pheno­
especially haemorrhagic shock or TBI. Further contri­ type, lose their resorption and clearance function,
butors to functional deterioration include pre-​existing undergo morphological changes and might become
risk factors (such as advanced age or type 2 diabe- apoptotic or necrotic, thus obstructing the tubular
tes mellitus) or exposure to nephrotoxins, volume lumen. The resulting breakdown of the urine–blood
depletion, mechanical ventilation or vasopressor appli- barrier leads to ion and water imbalances, which lead
cation, all of which add to the presence of renal angina, to oedema in the kidney and remote organs, further
which is indicated clinically by the presence of oliguria, aggravating multiple organ dysfunction. The kidneys
any increase in serum creatinine and fluid overload252. are involved in crosstalk with multiple organs and, con-
Early detection of biomarkers of kidney tubule injury sequently, are not only highly susceptible to damage
might create a window of opportunity to prevent further caused by systemic responses to remote trauma but,
kidney damage after TRAKI. Perioperative increases following TRAKI, the kidneys can also act as a major
in biomarker levels were associated with postopera- instigator of remote organ dysfunction.
tive development of AKI. For example, the two urine Haemorrhagic shock is also a potent driver of TRAKI
biomarkers IGFBP7 and TIMP2, which are expressed in combination with individual pre-​e xisting and
in TECs and induce cell cycle arrest 171, can predict trauma-​specific risk factors. Therefore, therapeutic
moderate or severe AKI (Kidney Disease Improving strategies must address the initial causes of shock, limit
Global Outcomes stage 2 or 3) within 12 h of sample further tissue damage, and address the systemic and
collection253. Interestingly, IGFBP7 was superior to kidney consequences of trauma through interdiscipli-
TIMP2 in patients after surgery, whereas TIMP2 was nary management of intensive care and the proposal of
best at predicting sepsis-​induced AKI; such differences future immunomodulatory approaches. Further research
might reflect distinct underlying biological mecha- on TRAKI and the corresponding crosstalk with other
nisms. These biomarkers also improved AKI risk strati- organs affected by trauma is necessary to understanding
fication when added to a nine-​variable clinical model254, the underlying mechanisms of organ dysfunction and
and are thus important tools for AKI detection and ultimately improve trauma management.
patient management253. Future diagnostics should also
enable micro-​spatial differentiation of kidney injury Published online xx xx xxxx

Nature Reviews | Nephrology


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