Mari Designeri Contemporani

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Curs Master 2012 1
Walt Disney
Concert Hall-
Los Angeles

• Nascut in 1929 in Toronto, a studiat arhitectura la University

of Southern California, apoi a studiat urbanismul la Harvard
University's Graduate School of Design.
• In 1962 a fondat firma de arhitectura Frank Gehry &
Associates in Los Angeles. Este cunoscut prin seria sa de
mobilier din carton “Easy Edges” creata in perioada 1969-
• A predat la Harvard, iar in prezent este profesor de
arhitectura la Yale
• A fost distins cu numeroase doctorate onorifice la
universitatile: University of Toronto, the University of
Southern California, Yale University, Harvard University si
the University of Edinburgh.
• A proiectat cladiri, mobilier, bijuterii, obiecte de uz casnic,
ceasuri, o palarie pentru “Lady Gaga”
Inhabitable Fish- Kobe, Alessi
Frank Gehry
• a creat pentru firma Knoll colectia celebra de mobilier
curbat (1989), masa si scaunul Fog (2000)
• Cladirile care l-au facut celebru ca arhitect si care au
devenit atractii turistice includ: the California Aerospace
Museum and Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, the
Fish Dance Restaurant in Kobe, Japan, the Vitra Design
Museum in Weil am Rhine, Germany, and the Experience
Music Project in Seattle.
• Unul din fetisurile sale este pestele. Il vedem materializat,
interpretat, deconstruit sau esentializat la o serie de obiecte
si proiecte.
• Majoritatea lucrarilor sale apartin stilului numit
deconstructivism (DeCon Architecture)-In architecture, its
application tends to depart from modernism in its inherent
criticism of culturally inherited givens such as societal goals
and functional necessity. 3
Premii si distinctii- Frank Gehry
• 2006, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger inducted Frank Gehry into the
California Hall of Fame located at The California Museum for History, Women, and
the Arts.
• 2004, Gehry was awarded the prestigious Woodrow Wilson Award for public
service by the Woodrow Wilson Center of the Smithsonian Institution in New York
• Gehry is a Senior Fellow of the Design Futures Council
• In 1989, Gehry was the recipient of the Pritzker Prize for architecture –este
echivalentului premiului Nobel pentru arhitecti.
• In 1994, Gehry was the recipient of The Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize.
• In 1998, he was awarded the National Medal of Arts
• In 2000, Gehry was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Cooper-
Hewitt National Design Museum

Hotel Marque de Riscal

Dancing House or the Fred and Museum,
Ginger Building-Praga Bilbao, Spain
Fog table and chair, 1999, Frank Gehry-
in colectia Knoll

• Masa avand placa fie din sticla, fie din aluminiu

• Scaun cu suport din otel inoxidabil si carcasa din aluminiu invelita in5
Cross Check Armchair-Frank Gehry,
1992- in colectia Knoll

• Inspirat de cosul cu fructe din copilarie, Gehry a creat un

scaun in care elementele din furnir mulat se impletesc ca
niste panglici. Este usor si flexibil 6
Colectia este realizata din furnire mulate de paltin, cu fibra
longitudinala, in 8 straturi incleiate cu adeziv ureic cu
rezistenta ridicata
Partea centrala a mesei este din lemn masiv de paltin. Placa
mesei este din sticla.

•Table is 36" or
40" W x 28 3/4" H

High Sticking Chair, 1992-
Frank Gehry- in colectia Knoll

• Dimensions High Sticking Chair is

20 ⅛�W x 23 7/8�D x 43 ⅜ with a
seat height of 17 7/8
• Awards ASID Award, 1992 ROSCO
Award, 1992 ID Magazine Gold
Award, 1992 ICFE Award for
Excellence, 1992 IBD Award
(Silver), 1992 Premium Imperiale
Award (Prince Takamatsu World
Culture Award), 1992 Time
Magazine, Best Design of 1992

Power Play Chair, 1992-
Frank Gehry- in colectia Knoll
• Dimensions Power Play Chair is
31 3/8"W x 30 1/8"D x 32 7/8"H
with a seat height of 16" and arm
height of 23 1/2" Off Side Ottoman
is 23 3/8"W x 23 3/8"D
• Awards ASID Award, 1992
ROSCO Award, 1992 ID Magazine
Gold Award, 1992 ICFE Award for
Excellence, 1992 IBD Award
(Silver), 1992 Premium Imperiale
Award (Prince Takamatsu World
Culture Award), 1992 Time
Magazine, Best Design of 1992

Furnir mulat de
Icing Coffee Tables-
Frank Gehry- in colectia Knoll

• Furnire mulate de
40" W x 40" D x 14 7/8" H paltin, 8 straturi 10
Sala de asteptare clienti de
la firma de moda World din
Tokyo, cea mai mare casa Frank Gehry 11
de moda din Japonia.
Low table set-Frank Gehry, 1972 –
in colectia Vitra
• Material:
contour of
layers of
edges made
of natural or
Seria “Easy Edges”, 1972-
Frank Gehry- in colectia Vitra

Side Chair

Contour chair,

• App. 60 straturi de carton sunt consolidate cu

ajutorul unor suruburi. Canturile sunt din placaj.
Seria “Easy Edges”, 1972-
Frank Gehry- in colectia Vitra

• Wiggle Side Chair

• Din carton, canturi din placaj
Red Beaver Armchair (seria “Experimental
Edges”), 1983-
Frank Gehry- in colectia Vitra
Bubble Chaise

• Carton ondulat si colorat

Seria de mobilier din polimer,
Frank Gehry- in colectia Heller


Right Twist Cube

• Material: polimer mulat prin tehnologie

rotationala 17
Tuyomyo Bench, Frank Gehry

• Mobilier din aluminiu


Proiect pentru o cladire

destinata tratamentului
bolilor mintale!- Lou Ruvo
Center for Brain Health in
Las Vegas

. Design Prize Best System Award, 2003

. Elle Decor International Design Awards, Designer of the
Year, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008
. Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Award, Lighting, 2004
. Red dot Award, Best product, 2005
. Designer of the Year, Wallpaper, 2006
. Designer of the Year, AD Spain, 2008
• Nacuta in Spania in 1961, lucreaza acum in Italia la
• A terminat Facultatea de Arhitectura la Madrid
• A lucrat pentru mari companii de design: Knoll, Alessi,
Cappellini, Kartell, B&B Italia, Moroso, Antares-Flos,
Artelano, Boffi, Bosa, De Vecchi, Fasem, Liv’it, MDF
Italia, Molteni & C. si Tronconi.
• In prezent are propriul sau studio de creatie la Milano
• ELLE Deco International Design Award 2002. 19
• Lucrari renumite:

Flower Chair with Vico Magistretti, for De

Padova, 1996
Digitable, for B&B Italia, 2005
Antibodi, for Moroso, 2006
Tropicalia, for Moroso, 2006
Canasta Collection, for B&B Italia, 2007
Touti, for Moroso, 2009
Flower Chair in colectia De Padova, 1996-
Paula Urquiola si Vico Magistretti

• Picioare din metal cromat, tapiterie din

Antibodi Chaise Longue-Patricia Urquiola – in
colectia MOROSO, 2006
• Crearea unui model gen petale de
floare prin coaserea unor forme
triunghiulare: fie cu petalele in sus,
fie cu petalele in jos.
• Pasla si lana sau lana si piele fixate
pe o rama din otel inoxidabil. Lipirea
cu spuma poliuretanica rezistenta la

Tropicalia, in colectia Moroso, 2006
-Patricia Urquiola

a b

• Cadru din otel inoxidabil (tubular), impletitura din

fir polimer (a) sau fasii de piele (b)
Digitable, in colectia B&B Italia,
2005- Patricia Urquiola

43 x 38.5 x H 42 cm

• Foaie de aluminiu- prelucrare perforatii cu

jet de apa
Canasta Collection, in colectia B&B
Italia, 2007- Patricia Urquiola

• Mobilier pentru gradina sau piscine- pleaca de la

ideea de cos impletit- realizat prin impletirea
fibrelor de polietilena cu latime de 30 mm. 25
M’Afrique Collection- in colectia
Moroso- Paula Urquiola

• Bancuta foloseste impletitura din fire de

Smock- in colectia Moroso-
Patricia Urquiola

• Tapiterie din piele, design original, cu brate 27

Frilly Chair -in colectia Kartell
-Patricia Urquiola

• Din policarbonat transparent

• S-a nascut din ideea unei sculpturi industriale
transformata intr-o forma ergonomica
Rift Sofa and Chair- in colectia Moroso-
Patricia Urquiola

• Model fluid sugerand miscarea placilor tectonice

(alunecare, suprapunere)
T-table in colectia Kartell, 2006
Patricia Urquiola

Placa mesei dezvaluie o alternanta

de plinuri si goluri- confera eleganta
si rafinament
Colectia “Flo”- in colectia Driade, 2004-
Patricia Urquiola

• Structura de otel pictat, tapiterie din

impletitura de rachita 31
Patricia Urquiola Damasco
Coffee and Dining Table

• Stejar colorat tip “wenge” cu insertii de lac

Fjord chair, in colectia Moroso
Patricia Urquiola

In colectia permanenta a
Muzeului de arta
moderna din New York

• Structura din otel imbracata in spuma injectata la rece
Patricia Urquiola and Eliana Gerotto
Crochet Carpet

Flower Carpet

• Carpete crosetate si cusute (asamblate)

manual 34
“Sometimes I start with the material, sometimes with the idea”.

• Nascut in Australia in 1963
• A absolvit Sydney College of the Arts in 1984 specializari: bijuterii si
• a lucrat in intreaga lume: intai in Tokio, apoi in Italia si la Paris, iar in final la
Londra, unde si-a constituit propria firma Marc Newson Ltd. in 1997.
• A proiectat mobilier, obiecte de iluminat, interioare, obiecte de uz casnic
(inclusiv hota, aragaz, etc), bijuterii, o bicicleta, un concept de masina si
interiorul unui avion
• Un numar mare de lucrari ale sale au devenit simboluri culturale si sunt
expuse in cele mai prestigioase muzee ale lumii, de ex.:Museum of Modern
Art in New York, London’s Design Museum, Musée National d'Art Moderne -
Centre Georges Pompidou si the Vitra Design Museum.
• Apare in mod constant in revistele de specialitate
• A pus bazele altei firme numita Ikepod Watch, pentru a fabrica ceasurile pe
care le-a proiectat, si unde a realizat si cateva serii de piese de mobilier din
aluminiu, precum Event Horizon Table si Orgone Chair, expuse acum la
galeria Kreo din Paris.
• La sfarsitul anilor 1990 Mark Newson a proiectat o serie de restaurante,
Coast la Londra, Mash & Air la Manchester, Osman la Koln si Canteen in
Manhattan, precum si un mare studio de inregistrari numit Syn, la Tokyo.

Premii si distinctii-selectie
Doctor of Visual Arts (honoris causa),
University of Sydney, Australia
The Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Award, USA,
Qantas A380 First Suite

Man of the Year Award,
for Design,
GQ Germany

The LEAF International Interior Design Award,
Qantas First Class Lounge, Sydney
Australian Travel Innovator Award,
Travel+Leisure Australia magazine

• 2006
Royal Designer for Industry,
Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, UK
Designer of the Year Award,
Design Miami/ Basel

• 2005
World’s 100 most influential people,
Time Magazine
Good Design Award (G Mark),
JIDPO, Japan
Talby mobile phone

2003 36
Australian Design Award,
Qantas Skybed
Julia Necklace, Mark Newson-2009, in
colectia de bijuterii Boucheron
• Marc Newson a creat acest
colier pentru firma de lux
Boucheron, utilizand 2000
de diamante si safire.
Bijutierii au lucrat 1500 de
ore pentru a-l realiza.
• Este bazat pe principiile
matematice ale fractalilor a
caror formula a fost creata
de catre matematicianul
francez Gaston Julia
• (1893-1978).

•A absolvit Sydney College of the Arts in 1984 specializari:
bijuterii si sculptura
Lockheed Lounge-Mark Newson,
• Este piesa de mobilier care l-a
facut celebru
• Inspirata de departe de
chaiselongue-urile din picturile
frantuzesti de sec.XVIII
• Menit sa sugereze “o forma
metalica fluida”, este realizat din
aluminiu- a lucrat la el 2 luni-
mulaj din fibra de sticla
• A fost expus prima data la
Sydney- a aparut in reviste din
intreaga lume
• A fost vandut la licitatie cu suma
de 1,5 milioane de dolari- suma
record pentru un designer in viata! “heed”- atentie,
Embyo chair, 1988- colectia Capellini
• Fotoliu cu 3 picioare din otel cromat, tapitat cu spuma
poliuretanica si acoperit cu un material supraelastic.

Stilul sau de design poarta

denumirea de biomorfism. Acest
stil se caracterizeaza prin linii
fluide, suprafete si volume
translucide sau transparente, fiind
in cea mai mare masura lipsite de
muchii. Scaunul sau numit Embryo
este cel care, la inceputul carierei
sale, l-a determinat sa recunoasca
faptul ca avea intr-adevar un 39 stil
propriu, bine definit.
'Orgone‘-Marc Newson, 1989(in colectia
Capellinni din 2001)
• Termenul “orgone” a fost adoptat de la energia “orgone”
descoperita de catre Wilhelm Reich in anii 1940, similara cu
energia “chi”. El a creat un acumulator “orgone” capabil de a
distribui energia “chi” prin corpul pacientului asezat in
interiorul acumulatorului- efecte pozitive asupra sangelui si
tesutului uman eliminand blocajele energetice
• Chaiselongue-ul conceput de Newson a fost inspirat si din
forma placilor de surfing
• Realizat din fibra de sticla, lacuit in rosu, oranj, galben, verde,
albastru, alb sau negru.

Wooden chair, 1992-
colectia Capellini
• Fotoliu realizat din
elemente curbate din fag

The Museum of
Modern Art- New York 41
Felt chair, 1993
• Fotoliu din fibra de sticla
ranforsata, picior spate din
aluminiu finisat. Culori: galben,
oranj, rosu, verde, albastru, alb
sau negru

Black Hole Table, Mark Newson,
• Realizata din
fibra de carbon
• Estimata la

Extruded Table 3, 2008- Mark Newson

• Realizata dintr-un bloc de

marmura, pentru a crea
impresia de forma sinuoasa
fara inceput si fara sfarsit
• 80 x 180 x 90 cm
• Gagosian Gallery 45
Riga, 1995- in colectia Capellini
• Birou din lemn lacuit. Talpi si butoni
tragatori din aluminiu.

Sine Table, 1992-
in colectia Capellini
• Masute cu structura de baza
din metal cromat, placa
superioara din lemn de
wenge sau stejar- rotunda
sau ovala

Gluon Chair and Easy Chair-Mark
Newson-in colectia Moroso
• Sezutul si spatarul sunt
realizate din otel acoperit
cu spuma poliuretanica
ignifuga injectata.
Suportul este din otel

TV chair- Mark Newson-
in colectia Moroso
• Scaunul TV este suprapozabil
pana la 4 bucati. Structura din otel
acoperita cu spuma poliuretanica
ignifuga injectata.

Voronoi Shelf, Mark Newson
• Etajera realizata
din marmura de

“Sometimes I start with the material, sometimes with the idea. In

this case the materials were the inspiration. I began by identifying
materials that I had always been interested in but had never
Random Pak Twin Sofa, 2006-
Mark Newson

"This process is obscenely labor-intensive," says

Newson. "It takes months and months and months to
build each piece, because they are so hard to make
and there are so many failures”.
• Gagosian Gallery New York
• Canapea din impletitura de sarma de nichel
• h: 87.9 x w: 140 x d: 62.5 cm 51

• Nascut in Tel Aviv in 1951, a studiat la Bezalel Academy of Art and Design
in Jerusalem si la the Architectural Association in London.
• In 1981 a deschis in Londra propriul studio de design One Off Ltd. realizand
un mobilier neconventional avand forme sculpturale, confectionat in
principal din otel sudat.
• In 1989 a fondat impreuna cu arhitectul canadian Alison Brooks asociatia
Ron Arad Associates Ltd.
• Din anii 1980, a proiectat si mobilier pentru productia de serie
• In 1994 stabileste studioul de design “Ron Arad studio" in Como, Italia
• A predat pana in 1997 designul de produs ca profesor invitat la Vienna
University of Technology
• Din 1997 detine postul de profesor de design de mobilier si design industrial
la Royal College of Art in London.
• Lucrarile sale apar in expozitii permanente in muzee din intreaga lume: The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris;
The Victoria & Albert Museum, London; Vitra Design Museum, Weil am
Rhein, etc.
• A lucrat si lucreaza pentru firme celebre precum: Alessi, Vitra, Capellini,
Artemide, Moroso, Cassina, Fiam, Kartell, Serralunga si altele 52
• 2006
Premii si distinctii- Ron Arad
The Jerusalem Prize for Arts and Letters. Awarded by Bezalel Academy of Arts
and Design, Israel
Designer of the Year Award. FX magazine
Designer of the Year Award. Architektur & Wohnen
Finalist for the 2002 World Technology Award for Design
Royal Designer for Industry (RDI) in recognition of his 'sustained excellence in
aesthetic and efficient design for industry'
Fellow of the World Technology Network
Oribe Art & Design Award. Japan
Gio Ponti International Design Award. Denver, CO
Barcelona Primavera International Award for Design. Barcelona, Spain
Perrier Jouët Selfridges Design Prize, Co-winner. London, England
Design Plus Award. Frankfurt, Germany
Internationaler Designpreis. Baden-Württemberg Design Center, Stuttgart,
1994 53
Designer of the Year. Salon du Meuble, Paris, France
In 2005, Ron Arad a proiectat Crystal chandelier with computer controlled LEDs.
corpuri de iluminat pentru
Swarovski- afisau nesajele SMS
care le erau trimise (avand un
numar al lor)-prevazute cu diode
emitatoare de lumina (LEDuri)
A mai proiectat mese care par ca se
catara pe pereti, ca niste organisme
Pentru firma de parfumuri KENZO a
realizat un design aparte de sticla,
care a cunoscut o mare

UFO - Unidentified Fragrance Object, Ron 54

Arad for Kenzo
Loop Loom,1992- Ron Arad
• 250000 $
• Realizat din foi
metalice debitate
prin tehnologia

Ron Arad, "Bodyguard" (2008)

• Ernest Mourmans, and Timothy Taylor Gallery

Voido Chair, 2002- Ron Arad

• Plastic turnat sau


The Thumbprint chair- Ron Arad

• Timothy Taylor Galley

• Realizat din sarma de bronz
Clove Chair, Ron Arad-
in colectia DRIADE

• Realizat din polietilena alba,

pentru spatii interioare si
3D Studio, Ron Arad

• Scaune care se
sub forma unui
• Material utilizat:
• Mai jos este
modelul 3D
realizat pe

MT1 - MT3
- Ron Arad – in colectia Bonluxat
• Fotoliu executat din
polietilena prin
mulare rotationala
• W. 80 D. 104 H. 78;
seat H. 50

Temperatura de
topire a polietilenei
260 °C - 370 °C
Se topeste intr-un
mulaj din Al, intr-un
cuptor, in timp ce
compozitia este
supusa rotatiei 61pt.
Ron Arad Misfits Seating, 2008
- in colectia Moroso
• Rama din otel acoperita cu spuma
poliuretanica ignifuga realizata prin
• Picioarele sunt din polipropilena si se
insurubeaza in rama sezutului
• Creaza senzatia de miscare, “scaune rele”
generand ocupantului dorinta de a
aluneca sau cufunda intr-un mobilier
al carui concept este provocator.
“I probably was a bit ahead of my time”- Ron Arad

Canapea modulara Do Lo Res,
Ron Arad- in colectia Moroso

• Suporti din otel, la baza fiind prevazute cu o spuma

poliuretanica mai densa, iar la partea superioara, cu 63
spume mai moi pentru realizarea confortului sederii
Victoria and Albert Collection, 2000-
Ron Arad- in colectia Moroso
• Numele ales pentru colectie omagiaza
celebrul muzeu londonez
• Realizat din spuma poliuretanica mulata
prin tehnologie rotationala
• Pentru interior si exterior, materialul este
ignifug si rezista radiatiei UV
• Este reciclabil

Fantastic Plastic Elastic- Ron Arad
–in colectia Kartell
-Numele scaunului sugereaza efectul
creat de forma sa sinuoasa, colorata,
-“fantasticul” rezulta si din tehnologia
de varf utilizata, care permite
utilizarea unei structuri robuste, dar
elastice prin fixarea unui panou curb
de plastic intre doua tuburi de
-Scaunul este rezistent, flexibil si
Three Skin Chair- Ron Arad –
in colectia Moroso
• Scaunul este produs din furnire
mulate in 3 componente
• Extrem de sculptural si sinuos
• Lacuit in diferite variante

Tom Vac chair-Ron Arad-
in colectia Vitra
-Este un scaun confortabil si
elegant realizat din plastic
-Pentru interioare si
-Aditivii speciali combinati cu
plasticul il fac rezistent la
degradare sub radiatia UV
-Finisarea este cu pulberi
sintetice- confera rezistenta
pentru mediul exterior
-Scaunele sunt suprapozabile

Ron Arad Ripple Chair-
in colectia Moroso
• Este realizat din material termoplast
(polipropilena)modelat prin injectie si finisat alb
sau negru. Baza din otel inoxidabil
• Designul doreste sa creeze aluzia nisipului
modelat de valurile marii
• Este usor, suprapozabil (max.4 bucati) si rezistent
• Utilizat in spatii domestice sau publice

Book Worm-Ron Arad- in colectia Kartell

- Cea mai celebra etajera din lume

- Are o forma total revolutionara.
- Realizata prin extrudare a unui aliaj,
creand o etajera care poata pastra orice
forma se doreste, fara a-si compromite
rezistenta si functionalitatea.
- Permite asezarea unor greutati de peste
10 kg.
Ron Arad The Big Easy Armchair-
in colectia MOROSO

• Materialul este polietilena

reciclabila si modelata prin
tehnologie rotationala
• Rezistent la umezeala si
radiatie UV
• Ocupa spatii publice,
domestice, dar si de
exterior (outdoor)
• Alb, negru, rosu si albastru 70
Soft Heart Chair-Ron Arad-
in colectia Moroso

schelet metalic
umplut cu spuma
ignifugata aplicata
prin injectie

Nina Rota-Ron Arad, 2002-
in colectia Capellini
• Pat rotund avand in structura: metal, lemn si
poliuretan de diferite densitati. Materialul de
acoperire este stofa sau piele. Capatul patului este
tapitat si contine o polita. O etajera curba poate fi
atasata patului

Puerta de America Hotel -

Ron Arad - Madrid 2005

• este o arhitecta irakiana deconstructivista, nascuta in 1950 la Bagdad, a absolvit

matematica la Beirut si arhitectura la Londra.
• In prezent este profesor la Universitatea de Arte Aplicate din Viena, dar preda si
la . Harvard, Chicago, New York, Yale.
• Are propria firma de design Zaha Hadid Architects cu sediul in Londra
• In 2004 a primit Premiul Pritzker, premiu acordat atunci pentru prima oara unei
femei arhitect.
• In 2008 a fost listata de Revista de business “Forbes” printre cele mai puternice
personalitati din lume, iar in 2010 a fost inclusa de revista “TIME” ca fiind unul
dintre cei mai formidabili ganditori ai contemporaneitatii.
• Se distinge nu numai ca arhitect, ci si ca designer de interior (Millenium Dome-
Londra), designer de mobilier (B&B Italia) si chiar de moda (a lucrat pentru
• Este castigatoare a numeroase competitii de arhitectura
• A proiectat Dongdaemun Design Plaza & Park in Seoul, Coreea de sud, care va
reprezenta sediul festivitatilor ce ii vor decerna titlul de Capitala Mondiala a
Designului in 2010 73
Lucrari de arhitectura- Zaha Hadid
• 2007 Majan Tower, Dubai
• 2007 The Opus Tower, Dubai
• 2007 Moscow Expo, Moscow
• 2007 Abu Dhabi Performing Arts Centre
• 2007 Szervita Square Tower, Budapest
• 2006 Art Museum, Cagliari
• 2006 Maggie’s Centre, Fife
• 2006 Lopez de Heredia Winery, Haro
• 2006 Business Bay Towers, Dubai
• 2006 American University Beirut
• 2006 Library of the University of Seville, Seville
• 2005 Phaeno Science Center, Wolfsburg
• 2005 Extension to Ordrupgaard Museum, Copenhagen
• 2005 Hotel Puerta America (interior), Madrid
• 2005 BMW HQ, Leipzig
• 2003 Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art, Cincinnati
• 2002 Bergisel Ski Jump, Innsbruck
• 2001 Hoenheim-Nord Terminus, Strasbourg
• 2000 Villa Medici Installation, Rome
• 1999 The Mind Zone, Millennium Dome, London
• 1998 State Horticultural Show, Weil am Rhein
• 1997 MAXXI National Centre for Contemporary Arts, 1st prize, Rome
• 1993 Thames Water Habitable Bridge Competition, 1st prize, London
• 1993 Cardiff Bay Opera House, 1st prize, Cardiff
Premii si distinctii, Zaha Hadid
• 2001 Equerre d'argent Prize, special mention
• 2003 European Union Prize for Contemporary
• 2004 Pritzker Prize
• 2005 RIBA European Award for BMW Central Building
• 2006 RIBA European Award for Phaeno Science Center
• 2007 Thomas Jefferson Medal in Architecture
• 2008 RIBA European Award for Nordpark Cable Railway
• 2009 Praemium Imperiale
• 2010 RIBA European Award for MAXXI

“My ideal house”- Zaha Hadid-2007 Cologne Furniture

It is a re-
invention of

the functional sense,

but also the more
intangible benefits of
being grounded in a
space that is
pleasing. 76
Moon system, 2007-Zaha Hadid- in
colectia B&B Italia

• Foarte dinamica, “Moon system” este alcatuita dintr-o singura forma care
cuprinde unitar spatarul, sezutul si bratele ca intr-o sculptura realizata
dintr-un singur bloc. Cu aspect metalizat, pare ca ar fi aparut direct din
spatiul cosmic
• Se aseaza in centrul incaperii 77
• Realizata din poliuretan
Masa “Mesa”, Zaha Hadid, 2007- in
colectia Vitra

4050 x 1650 x 700 mm

• Masa “Mesa” reflecta ideile spatiale prezente in arhitectura artistei. Nu este doar
functionala, ci emite senzatia de fluiditate si plasticitate a spatiului (efectul gumei de
mestecat) 78
• Baza din poliuretan, placa din fibra de sticla, finisaj metalizat
Etajere Serif

• Material: rasina poliesterica lacuita

Sezlong Gyre, Zaha Hadid, 2006-
in colectia Established & Sons

Estimat la 40000-50000 $

• Rasina
Taburete Nekton, 2007-Zaha Hadid- in
colectia Established & Sons

• Material: rasina poliesterica lacuita

• Taburetele pot fi combinate in variate moduri, au forme
curbilinii generand diferite senzatii tactile si “lichiditate” 81
Z Kitchen Design, Zaha Hadid
Hadid herself has expressed that her ideal home would have ‘moving walls’, so
the kitchen could actually move and the bathroom would not need to be fixed in
one place.
• Made in Glacier white
the kitchen features 2
– Fire (for cooking)
and Water (for
• The futuristic design
comes equipped with
numerous features
such as embedded
heating membranes,
touch control panels,
sound activators and
scent dispensers, LED
lighting and a
Material: Corian multimedia 82
entertainment system.
Zaha Hadid | Most Creative People
• Manchester Art
Gallery- sala
temporara de
concerte- muzica
de Bach-
cunostinte acustice

Aqua Table, Zaha Hadid- in
colectia Established & Sons

• Aqua Table –sursa de inspiratie- Tostitos Scoops

• Impresia de “like flying over water” – asa cum precizeaza chiar Zaha
• Gel siliconic translucid- genereaza o culoare “lichida” care atrage
atentia celui care priveste
• S-a vandut la o suma fabuloasa in cadrul unei licitatii din New York 84
VorteXX Chandelier, Zaha Hadid si Patrik
Schumacher- in colectia Zumtobel Lighteriors

• VorteXX Chandelier sursa de

inspiratie-Funyuns 85
Zaha Hadid's Award-Winning Snack-itecture
Inspired by Doodles, Chips, Funyuns

• The London Olympic Aquatic Center, being

constructed for 2012, looks just like a Pringle! 86
• Zaha Hadid depaseste prin lucrarile sale dimensiunea unui arhitect modern,
fiind considerata un adevarat artist al al secolului nostru. O minte creativa in
spirit renascentist , Zaha nu se poate limita la un singur domeniu, interesul
sau creator purtand-o in cele mai diverse zone. Astfel, artista contruieste
fabrici, amenajeaza cluburi si realizeaza secenografii, proiecteaza cladiri
expozitionale si muzee, creeaza genti nonconformiste si lampi sculpturale,
piese de mobilier si bucatarii futuriste alaturi de amenajari interioare
complete pentru hoteluri si resedinte particulare. Proiectele si
personalitatea sa, conturate de patosul ei creativ sunt extreme.
• Pionier in domeniul sau si mereu gata de a pune in practica noi
experimente, Zaha nu iroseste nici o ocazie pentru a prezenta proiecte si
instalatii in cadrul expozitiilor periodice de arta, pentru a testa caracterul
practic al noilor tehnologii si materiale. Arhitecta se foloseste de cele mai
recente tehnici de proiectare asistate pe calculator pe care le transpune
ulterior in realitate prin intermediul constructiilor din beton si otel sub forma
de porturi sau gari,zgarie nori sau OZN-uri plate in centrele urbane din
Londra, Basel, Barcelona, Marsilia sau Cincinnati.

The Phæno Science Center din Wolfsburg, Germania
The Contemporary Art Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio

Statie hibrida de funicular

la Innsbruck, Austria

• Designed by ‘the you know
who’, the new civil courts
building in Madrid will be the
new landmark in the city.
Coming with what called
intelligent facade, the
building utilizing double
ventilation and photovoltaic
cells on the roof.

Cairo Expo City by Zaha Hadid

Proiect castigat in 2009

• Abu Dhabi Performing Arts Centre
• The Dorobanti Tower was designed
to establish an iconic presence in the
heart of Bucharest- hotel 5 stele si

Burnham Pavilion was designed by

Zaha Hadid Architects and is
located in Chicago.The chalet is
constructed of a frame of
aluminum frame with a material
stretched to form a cocoon.
Le Musée d'art Contemporain de Cagliari 90
Proiect castigat in 2009

• Nascut in 1960 in Cairo este un designer industrial american.

• A absolvit Designul la Ottawa si si-a facut masterul in Italia.
• A creat peste 3000 proiecte de design: interioare, moda, mobilier, corpuri de iluminat,
sculptura, altele.
• Lucrarile sale se afla in 20 de muzee si galerii: Museum of Modern Art din New York,San
Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Centrul Pompidou din Paris.
• unul dintre cei mai prolifici si mai importanti designeri din generatia sa.
• A primit peste 300 de premii si a lucrat in 35 de tari, devenind un personaj aproape
• Stilul in care se exprima poate fi numit post-pop. 91

Awards-Karim Rashid-extras…

• Year Title
• 2011 iF product design award: Artemide Doride
• 2011 iF product design award: Asus EeePC 1008P Karim Collection
• 2010 Interior Design Best of Year Awards: Oaza Zdravlja Pharmacy
• 2010 Interior Design Best of Year Awards: Vondom Surf Chaise
• 2010 Interior Design Best of Year Awards: Alloy tiles
• 2010 Karim inducted into the Interior Design Hall of Fame
• 2010 MDIMP Annual Restaurant & Bar Space Award: Switch Restaurant
• 2010 Spark Awards - Gold: Bobble
• 2010 Kitchen Innovation of the Year at the Design Awards: Karim Rashid for Gorenje
• 2010 Pentaward Gold - Other Markets: Bobble
• 2010 Golden Pin Design Mark: Asus EeePC 1008P Karim Collection
• 2010 IDSA Industrial Design Excellence Award Finalist: Asus EeePC 1008P Karim Collection
• 2010 GOOD DESIGN Award: Asus EeePC 1008P Karim Collection
• 2009 ADI Design Index 2009: Artemide Azio lamp
• 2009 GOOD DESIGN Award: iiamo Go Baby Bottle
• 2009 GOOD DESIGN Award: Slide Koncord Stool
• 2009 GOOD DESIGN Award: Artemide Doride Lamp
• 2009 Interior Design Best of Year Product Design Honoree: iiamo Go Bottle
• 2009 Special Pentaward for creativity in packaging design
• 2009 IDSA Industrial Design Excellence Award Finalist: Feek Snap Chair
• 2009 Best of Canada for Product Design: Nienkamper Isola 8 Couch
• 2009 Popai Gold Medal for Technics and Innovation: Veuve Clicquot Globalight
• 2009 Actualidad Economica award for Best Ideas of the Year: Veuve Clicquot Globalight
• 2009 Red Dot distinction for high design quality: Saturn Bath
• 2009 Red Dot distinction for high design quality: Feek Snap Chair
• 2009 Red Dot distinction for high design quality: Meritalia Blobina

Karim Rashid Bokka Pendant and
Table Lamp- in colectia Kundalini

• Sticla triplex, debitata cu jet de apa.

Suport din metal cromat
Koncord Barstool -Karim Rashid in
colectia Slide

• polietilena 94
Karim Rashid Kite Chair

• Polimer mulat prin tehnologie rotationala

Chakra chair-Karim Rashid

Karim Rashid

Karim Rashid


Kloud chair
Isola 8- Karim Rashid-2009

Koochy Sofa- Karim Rashid- in
colectia Zanotta

Sofa One- Karim Rashid

• O combinatie perfecta intre forma si functie 101

Contemporary cupboard- Karim

Kink table- Karim Rashid- colectia

Canapea Pierce- pt. Soft Line

Sticla curbata

Interior baie-Karim Rashid

Morimoto Restaurant, Philadelphia, USA

Alt bar din New York


• designer danez de mobilier si corpuri de iluminat.

• a absolvit Colegiul de Mobila din Londra si Designul
Industrial la Copenhaga.
• are propriul studio de design din 1996. Uneori realizeaza
proiecte si pentru marile firme de design.

Veryround Armchair-
Louise Campbell
The design is based on the
pleasure that can be found in
repetition. A single circle is not
particularly interesting, but 240
circles, meticulously organised
until they form an entire chair,
are interesting. Although the
chair as a whole appears to be
incredibly complex, it is not. It
consists simply of two layers,
that are identical but for the
varying scale. The outer layer -
including its pattern - is 20%
larger than the inner layer.
'Veryround' is pleased to announce that it doesn't care much about what other chairs look
like." (Louise Campbell)
• Doua foi de otel de 2 mm taiate cu laser
Prince Chair, 2002- Louise

• a chair for His Royal

Highness Crown Prince
Frederik of Denmark. The
perforated design looks like a
cut-out paper snowflake, but
the materials used give it a
high-tech, modern twist. The
Materiale: cauciuc neopren taiat cu frame is black powder-coated
laser, lana, tub de otel finisat cu pulberi steel and the seat is neoprene
rubber and black wool. 111
Louise Campbell

• Retrait Chair Bille goes Zen

Felt/less You chair, 1999- Louise

• 10mm technical felt

and 750 sheets of
gelatin_Erik Brahl

Artista experimenteaza cu forme, materiale, obiecte si tehnologii. Combina

rationalismul scandinav cu feminismul 113
Louise Campbell

Seesaw Sofa

• Spider woman chair

• French designer Patrick Norguet, close to fashion world through his
collaboration with Louis Vuitton, Lanvin, Guerlain and Christian Dior,
completes his personal formation at the EDSI where he built up a unique
approach based on eclecticism and a thorough knowledge of materials and
manufacturing processes.
• In 2000 he opened his personal design office; nowadays, he is involved in
industrial and interior design, dedicating himself to create also exhibitions
for Van Cleef and Renault.
• Awarded as “Designer of the Year” in 2005, Norguet belongs to that
generation which is making known the “french touch” on the international
stage; with his designs he perfectly interprets Cappellini’s theory of the
union between fashion and design, projecting items of great presence for
both sectors, working for innovation but keeping the greatest semplicity.
• For brands such as Lancel, Cappellini, Poltrona Frau, Flaminia, Frighetto,
Molteni&C, Gebruder Thonet Vienna, Maxdesign, Modus, Artifort and
Bernhardt he loves to work on emotions and intuition, finding alternative
slants on everyday objects and their specific settings.
Some of his works are part of the permanent collections of prestigious
museums, such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
• Norguet (1969) made his breakthrough as a
designer at the end of the nineteen-nineties. In
2002, he designed the successful Apollo for
• Norguet is also celebrated for designing the
interior of the Renault showroom and the Lancel
shop on the Champs-Elysées in Paris. Various
museums around the world have included
products designed by him in their collections.
• In 2009, the international design
magazine Wallpaper voted him "Furniture
designer of the year".
Rainbow chair-Patrick Norguet, 2000
colectia Capellini

• Chair entirely
manufactured in acrylic
resin, made of plates of
different colour and
thickness joined by

Rive Droit, 2001/2010- colectia
Swivel armchair with metal and poplar plywood frame,
padding in moulded polyurethane foam. Base in
satined stainless steel. Fixed cover in a selection of
fabrics designed by Emilio Pucci.

2001 118
Patrick Norguet- colectia ARTIFORT

Little Apollo-Patrick
Norguet, 2004
Norguet, 2002
Norguet, 2005

Lilla-Patrick Norguet,
Looks-Patrick 2005 119
Norguet, 2005
Apollo-Patrick Norguet, 2002
• Almost a calligraphic symbol. Balanced. Little Apollo-Patrick
Open. Ergonomics at its best that is Norguet, 2004
destined to become a classic. In short,
worthy of the gods. The Apollo reflects
balance and harmony. The frame of the
Apollo is based on a foam-covered
wooden shell. The swivelling trumpet-
shaped base is made of cast
aluminium.The fauteuil is available with a
flat disk base and in various fabrics. Apollo
also has a little brother - Little Apollo.

Norguet, 2002 Little Apollo B-Patrick
Norguet, 2004
Patrick Norguet in colectia ARTIFORT
• What defines mass? When you sit in
the Boson, you get a lesson in
physics. Because the Boson is named
after the Higgs Boson – an
elementary particle that imparts mass
to other particles. Bosons were
discovered in the nineteen-sixties but Boson-Patrick
have never been observed. And this 2005
inspired Patrick Norguet to design the
Boson fauteuil.

The plastic layer has been reduced in

thickness as much as possible so as
to achieve a functional balance. And
where the visual mass stops, the
lightness of Boson begins.
Patrick Norguet in colectia ARTIFORT
• The multifunctional Looks
seems to be Patrick Norguet’s
tribute to the furniture of the
Danish designer Hans Wegner
and to the first plastic chairs Looks-Patrick
Norguet, 2005
produced in the nineteen-fifties.
This new Artifort chair features
a plastic shell supported by four
chromed legs. The armrests
flow gracefully out of the back
into the underside of the seat.
Its organic shape and
ergonomic structure make
Looks an archetypical Artifort
chair. The openings on the
sides provide the chair with its
slender, elegant appearance.

• He graduated in Decorative Arts in Nice in 1985 then

cooperated with Philippe Starck to become, in 1993, an
independent designer whose main interests are projects
concerned with interior design and interior architecture.
• he was nominated for “Designer of the Year” in 1994.

• Scrupulous designer in the rigorous choice of materials

and finishings, he searched from the beginning a sober
elegance in his collaboration with brands such as Edra,
Trussardi, Daum, Lancôme, Shiseido and Whirpool.

Sunset, 1997- in colectia Capellini
• Swivel armchair with satined stainless steel base, seat
and back in bent birch plywood, padding in
polyurethane foam. Fixed cover in fabrics, leathers and
white/black spotted leather of the collection.

Y’s De Luxe, 1997-
in colectia Capellini
• Swivel armchair with frame in integral polyurethane
foam. Fixed cover in fabrics and leathers of the
collection. Base in die-cast aluminium matt varnished
in white, anthracite or natural aluminium colours.


• Born in London in 1959, he graduated at the

Royal College of Art and established his first
design office in 1986.
• Immediately after this, he began his lasting and
useful cooperation with Cappellini;
• nowadays, he works in London and in Paris for
high level companies such as Alessi, Flos,
Rowenta, Sony and Samsung.
• Each Morrison’s project has a minimal elegance
which makes it strongly modern beeing a sort of
archetype linked to past, favouring function on
expression. 126
• Two early projects that gained attention were room
installations, "Reuters News Center" for Documenta 8 in
Kassel, and "Some New Items for the Home" at the DAAD
Gallery in Berlin. The stringent concepts of these projects,
which featured starkly reductive objects, represented a reaction
to the formal excesses of postmodernism.
• Jasper Morrison became a leading figure of "New Simplicity", a
movement that advocated a more modest and also more
serious approach to design. In addition to furniture, he has also
created lamps, home accessories, textiles, a tram system for
the city of Hanover, Germany, and a bus shelter for the Vitra
Campus in Weil am Rhein.
• His joint 2006 exhibition with the Japanese designer Naoto
Fukasawa, entitled "Super Normal", put forth provocative
theses that once again stimulated great discussion. Along with
Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec and Hella Jongerius, Jasper
Morrison has made essential contributions to the steadily
growing Vitra Home Collection.
• More recently, Morrison has turned his hand to designing
furniture, for the Tate Modern in London among others.
Bac, 2009, colectie Capellini
• Chair with massive ash structure, white-stained,
wengè-stained or cherry red colour aniline; seat in
ash or white, brown/bordeaux, grey/light blue, black
linoleum (back surface always in ash) or upholstered
in super leather. Feet in black polypropylene.

Day bed, 1989,colectia Capellini

• Upholstered sofa with wooden

frame and multi-density
polyurethane foam padding.
Fixed cover can be in fabrics
and leathers of the collection.
Two cushions complete the
sofa. Polish natural aluminium

Lotus Low Medium High, 2006/2007
colectia Capellini
• Lotus is a complete collection of seating units consisting of waiting armchair and
low, medium and high armchairs, with or without armrests, available with four-
spoke base in polished or chromed die-cast aluminium, with plastic tips, or with
five-spoke base with or without castors and variable-height tilting movement. The
armrests are also available in the base finishes. The beech multiply frame structure
is covered in polyurethane of differing densities and is distinguished by fixed
upholstery in a broad range of collection fabrics and leathers hot-pressed on
polyurethane foam cushions. Lotus high also features a magnetic removable
headrest made of the same fabric or leather as the structure. Lotus fits perfectly
into both the domestic environment and various work situations, offering
personalised solutions to cater for all requirements.

Morrison Stool, 2003-colectia Capellini

• Stool available in three different heights, with seat in

beech and birch plywood padded in multi-density
polyurethane foam. Fixed cover in fabrics and leathers
of the collection. Satined stainless steel base,
polypropylene feet. The seat has a flat padding.

Three Sofa De Luxe, 1992
colectia Capellini
• Series of sofas and chaise longue with frame in
plywood and multi-density polyurethane foam. Feet
in die-cast polished natural aluminium. Fixed cover
in fabrics and leather of the collection.

Vega-Jasper Morrison-1997-in
colectia ARTIFORT


• Born in New York in 1974, Todd Bracher, founder of “Todd

Bracher Studio”, is a designer and educator currently based
in New York City after ten years working in Copenhagen,
Milan, Paris and London.
• He works for some of the most prestigious brands around the
world, developing furniture and interior design architectures.
• His work has been included in some of the best exhibitions
around the world and makes him considered the “America’s
Next Great Designer” by the NY Daily News and obtains for
him several nominations such as Designer of the Year in
2008 and 2009.
• His experience ranges from working independently, heading
Tom Dixon’s design studio, acting as professor of design at
L’ESAD in Reims, France, co-founding the experimental
collaboration “to22”, being Creative Director of the luxury134
brand Georg Jensen.
Alodia, 2010- in colectia Capellini
• Stackable stool created in metal tube and steel
sheet, seat laser cut, feet in black plastic.
Available in two heights, it is offered in matt
paint in white, anthracite, mustard, blue and
green colours.

End Table-Todd Bracher

Sofa- Todd Bracher


• Born in Australia in 1972 and graduated in industrial

design, Adam Goodrum is today the raising star of
australian design;
• he is able to project both mass-production items and the
ones with the newest and best finishings and materials.
• In 2004 he won the Bombay Sapphire Design Discovery
Award and the following year introduced for the first time
his projects during Milan Furniture Fair:
• immediately he met a great success with worldwide main
Brands. 138
Stitch chair,2008-colectia Capellini
Folding chair completely manufactured with
aluminium plate, available polish
lacquered in white, blue, yellow, grey, red
and black colours or in a multi-coloured
version in a fixed combination of the same
colours. Feet in white polypropylene.
Stitch Chair is a new typology of product
for Cappellini and allows, thanks to its
hinges, to have a chair that can reduce to
minimum its dimensions when folded up. It
has also a personalized cardboard


• born in 1949 in Paris, studied at the private academy École

Nissim de Camondo in Paris.
• During the early 1970s he worked for a short time as art director
at Pierre Cardin, before establishing his own firm for interior
architecture and product design. This step marked the beginning
of a highly successful career in both fields: due at least in part to
his mastery of self-presentation, he becomes an internationally
renowned "star designer" with an overwhelming number of
projects and products.
• He is an instructor at the Domus Academy in Milan in 1986.
• Together with the property developer John Hitchcox, he co-
founded "Yoo" in 1999, a company that uses design, branding
and marketing to develop residential, hotel and leisure
properties worldwide. 140
Premii si distinctii
• 1980 - Oscar du luminaire
1985 - chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres
1986 - Delta de la Plata awards
1987 - Platium Circle
1988 - Grand Prix National de la création industrielle,
1990 - Interior Architecture Award
1991 - Twelfth Annual Interiors Award
1995 - Good design Award; Prix d'excellence Marie Claire
Maison; Trophées du Design Batimat; Design Preis
Schweiz; Auszeichnung für hüchste Designqualität
1998 - Auszeichnung für hohe Designqualität
2000 - iF Product Design Award; Distinction; Red Dot
for High Design Quality
2000 - Gold ADEX; German Ranking Design Award; Good
Design Award
Louis 20 (Loulou) Victoria Ghost Prattfall Chair
‘Masters’ chair-Philippe Starck-
colectia Kartell

Philippe Starck


• Sori Yanagi, born in 1915 in Tokyo, attended art school in

the city and worked from 1940 to 1942 in the office of the
designer Charlotte Perriand.
• In 1952, he founded the Yanagi Industrial Design Institute,
which created a prolific number of articles of daily use and
• Sori Yanagi’s organic forms combine western industrial
designs with Japan’s native artisanal traditions. This
successful synthesis made Sori Yanagi one of the most
significant Japanese designers of the post-war era. In
addition to furniture, he also designed lighting, glass objects,
cutlery, children’s toys, metro stations, cars and motorcycles.
• In 1977, Sori Yanagi was named director of the Japanese
Folk Art Museum in Tokyo. 146
Butterfly stool- Sori Yanagi-
colectia Bonluxat

• Furnire mulate
Spring chair- Sori Yanagi

Butterfly stool

• Maarten Van Severen, born 1956 in Antwerp, Belgium, studied architecture at the
Sint-Lucas Art Academy in Ghent, Belgium. He designed his first furniture pieces in
1986 and in the following year established an independent workshop, where he
pursued the limited, semi-industrial production of his own furniture designs.
• This unified process of design and production was a fundamental aspect of his work
over a long period of time, in which he devoted himself to the examination of basic
furniture types: chair, table, chaiselongue, shelving, cabinet. He developed primary
solutions for these categories based on a comprehensive exploration of the questions
of form, material and construction.
• Beginning in 1990, Maarten Van Severen began to collaborate closely with Rem
Koolhaas and also turned his attention to interior design tasks. During this period he
also assumed teaching positions at a variety of institutions, including University
College West Flanders in Kortrijk (1996), the Academy of Fine Arts in Maastricht
(1996-97), Delft University of Technology (1998) and universities in Helsinki and
• The beginning of his collaboration with Vitra in 1996 marked a new phase in his
career. It offered him the opportunity to work with new materials and also brought a
much wider degree of exposure and influence. Until his death in 2005 in Ghent,
Maarten Van Severen developed a range of new designs for Vitra, which have
progressively entered series production. 149
Maarten van Severen

Colectia Bonluxat LCP – “Low Chair Plastic”- colectia Kartell 150


• Erik Magnussen was educated at the Danish

School of Arts and Crafts. Working from his own
design studio, he has become one of Denmark's
most prominent and versatile designers.
• His works are ranging from tableware to
furniture, lamps and high-tech products
• are all characterized by simplicity and functional
• He has lectured at the Royal Danish Academy of
Fine Arts and been awarded several design
prizes. His products are exhibited in museums
worldwide. Knoll 151
injection moulded
glass intensified nylon,
a material which
preserves durability
and colour intensity
better than the
traditional plastic chair

Plasma chair- colectia Bonluxat

Yoga chair

Plateau loungechair- 152

colectia Engelbrechts

• In September of 1995, Bernett founded his New York-based multi-

disciplinary design consultancy.
At the May 1996 International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) in New
York City, Bernett presented his first collection, which was awarded the
1996 Editors Award for "Best of Show".
• Bernett continues to work in many areas - residential and office furniture,
household products, lighting, transportation design, graphic design,
packaging and bottle design, environment and interior architecture, and
strategic planning - winning numerous design awards along the way. In the
emerging global market for design,
• Bernett has often been the first American chosen to work with his European
clients. A partial list of clients includes B and B Italia, Bernhardt, Boffi,
Cappellini, DWR, Knoll, L'Oreal, Michael Kors, and Northwest Airlines.
Bernett is regularly featured in design publications from around the world,
and also is a frequent lecturer at design schools and events globally.

Moment chair-
colectia Knoll

Paulistano armchair- Tulip armchair- Bonluxat

B&B Italia

Taking its cue from the cantilevered form of

the classic Tubular Brno chair by Ludwig
Mies van der Rohe, Moment is a
Landscape 05 Chaise Lounge streamlined, elegant counterpoint to any
workspace. 154
Shiro Kuramata

•Shiro Kuramata, born 1934 in Tokyo died in 1991, studied architecture at the
Tokyo Institute of Technology before training as a cabinetmaker at the
Kuwasawa Institute of Design in Tokyo.
in 1965, he founded the Kuramata Design Office in Tokyo, to 1991, when he
Kuramata designed some of the most significant and lasting items ever
Besides his connection with the Japanese design world, Kuramata’s
significance in western design is shown first with Memphis, than in 1987 with
Cappellini which made him its best designer to introduce the brand on
international stage.
His work is represented in the permanent collections of Museum of
Decorative Arts in Paris, of New York Moma, of Metropolitan Museum and of
the Museum of Modern Art in Toyama. 155
Homage to Mondriaan,1975
colectia Capellini
Cabinets with doors and drawers
inspired by the most graphic
masterpieces of Piet Mondrian. Both
cabinets are matt lacquer in two stated
coupling of black, white, blue red and
yellow colours and comes on grey
rubber castors.

Ko-ko, 1986
colectia Capellini

Service table in black-stained ash and polish chromed metal.

Pyramid-Revolving Cabinet,
1968/1970-colectie Capellini
• Pyramid
Chest of drawers on castors. Pyramid-shaped structure
in transparent acrylic resin, 17 drawers in black acrylic
resin in different dimensions.
Revolving Cabinet
Chest of drawers with 20 drawers in red polish acrilyc
material, revolving round a vertical metal support.

Sofa with arms, 1982-
colectia Capellini
• Small armchair with structure in chromed
metal tube. Seat and back padded with
multi-density polyurethane foam. Fixed cover
in fabrics and leathers of the collection

Progetti Compiuti,1970/1977
colectia Capellini
Furniture collection composed of different kinds of chest of drawers.
SIDE 1 / SIDE 2 (1970) - Chests of drawers in two different shapes, case
in black-stained ash, drawers matt white lacquered. Both on castors,
they have brushed steel knobs.
SOLARIS (1977) - Chest of drawers in black-stained ash. Legs are in
metal, aluminium colour, knobs are in black varnished metal.
PC/12 - 49 drawers unit on castors. Case in black-stained ash, drawers
matt white lacquered. Brushed steel knobs. The all different drawers
characterize the front of this units being asymmetrical.


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