EAD 533 - T2 - Ethics Quiz

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Shayla Williams

Grand Canyon University

EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

EAD-533 Ethics Quiz

Multiple Choice

1. Who is required to follow the mandatory reporting rules related to unprofessional

a. Teachers
b. Administrators
c. Parents
d. All certificated school employees
e. All school employees

2. What is a possible consequence for failing to investigate a report of unprofessional

conduct by a school employee?
a. Warning by the human resources department
b. No consequences
c. Loss of administrative credential
d. An angry parent

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a violation of professional ethics?

a. Sharing student grade information with another student
b. Coming to a school activity after participating in happy hour with colleagues
c. Breaking a contract and leaving your job before the end of the year without
board approval
d. Working at the same school as your spouse
e. Sharing your password to your school computer with someone else

4. If an administrator receives a report of suspected child abuse from a student, who must
they notify?
a. The district human resources administrator
b. The local police department
c. The student’s parents
d. The State Board of Education
e. All of the above
f. a, b, c
g. a, b, d

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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

5. An administrator is required to report unprofessional conduct to the State Board of

Education within _____ days.
a. 3
b. 5
c. 7
d. 10

Short Answer
In 50 – 100 words, respond to the following statements. Be sure to use appropriate sentence

1. How would you define the term “professional ethics”?

Professional ethics are the expected behavioral standards for individuals, organizations,
and corporations. These standards aim to ensure that employees represent themselves
and their workplaces appropriately. Educational institutions enforce formal codes of
conduct to reflect the expected behavior of their staff. To clarify these expectations,
various district policies are in place.

These principles serve as a framework for the conduct of professionals in their

interactions with others. For a school principal, these ethics are essential in shaping their
interactions with all members of the school community, fostering a safe and supportive
educational environment for everyone involved.

2. Provide an example of how a professional educator would promote the profession

within the school community.

Professional educators play a vital role in promoting the teaching profession by

showcasing student success, engaging in mentorship and professional development
programs, and leveraging social media to inspire others to consider a career in
education. Through these efforts, educators highlight the impact of teaching and
encourage new talent to join the profession.

Educators can advocate for their profession by securing resources, promoting equal
opportunities, collaborating with local businesses for funding, engaging in community
initiatives, supporting school policies, and creating educational opportunities for

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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

students and families. Strengthening community ties through positive representation is


3. Why would it be important for a building principal to report unprofessional conduct

by a staff member to the central office/district leadership?

This action is important for several reasons, each contributing to the overall integrity
and function of the educational environment. Reporting unprofessional behavior
protects students and staff welfare, ensuring a conducive learning atmosphere.

The act of reporting unprofessional conduct by a staff member to the higher authorities
within the education system is not just an administrative task; it is a fundamental
component of maintaining the educational institution's integrity, safety, and
commitment to excellence. Involving central office or district leadership promotes
fairness, transparency, and accountability in addressing such issues, reinforcing trust
within the school community.

4. School administrators must pay attention to their own professional ethics and the
ethics of the employees they supervise. Describe how an administrator can best
model the highest level of ethics for their staff?

Principals must follow ethical guidelines outlined in the Model Code of Ethics for
Educators, demonstrating integrity in professional and personal activities. Leading by
example and promoting ethical standards among staff is crucial. Making the ethical
framework accessible to all staff members through training sessions or visible displays is

School administrators play a crucial role in promoting professional ethics by being role
models, fostering open communication, and implementing a clear code of ethics. They
should demonstrate integrity, fairness, and honesty to establish a culture of trust.
Encouraging staff to voice concerns, providing ethics training, and creating accessible
reporting channels reinforce ethical values. Developing a comprehensive code of
conduct, involving staff in its creation, and regularly reviewing it ensures adherence to
ethical standards in the school community. Administering ethics through actions,
communication, and policies creates a culture of integrity within the school.

5. What steps should be completed, regarding a background check for a potential

employee, prior to hiring that person? As it relates to background checks, is there a
difference between hiring a certified versus a non-certified employee?

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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

Every individual seeking employment within a school district is required to complete a

background check. Those who will interact with children unsupervised by a certified
employee need to secure a fingerprint clearance card. The purpose of these background
checks is to verify the accuracy of the information provided to the district by the
prospective employee and to scrutinize their criminal history for any issues that could
raise concerns. These measures are implemented to safeguard the well-being of
everyone involved.

It is mandatory to carry out a comprehensive background check before starting

employment. Consent must be obtained, identification, employment history, and
qualifications must be verified, and references, credit, and criminal records must be
checked. Certified employees may require additional steps to verify certification. Non-
certified employees focus on practical experience and skills. A comprehensive
background check ensures informed hiring decisions, workplace safety, and quality

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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

Respond to each of the following scenarios in a well-crafted paragraph of 150-200 words using
appropriate sentence mechanics.

1. A principal is planning a professional learning session on data privacy for the faculty.
What components must be included? Why? How is this issue connected to
professional ethics?

Educators have an ethical duty to manage information ethically across technological

platforms. Training programs should cover ethical social media use, data privacy,
cyberbullying prevention, FERPA compliance, and positive tech use in education. Regular
training on confidentiality guidelines is important to protect staff and students' privacy.
Professional development should include district policies, guidance on common
scenarios, and hypothetical examples to highlight confidentiality importance.
Maintaining student privacy ties into professional ethics, emphasizing the need to
protect student information.

When planning a professional learning session on data privacy for faculty, key
components include:

 Introduction to data privacy laws like FERPA

 Practical tips on handling sensitive information
 Connecting data privacy to professional ethics to emphasize moral
responsibilities of educators.

2. A parent approaches the school principal and reveals that a teacher at the school and
another parent are having an affair. What should the principal do next?

Principle IV, section E, stresses the importance of professional boundaries between

teachers and parents. If concerns arise, an investigation must be conducted to maintain
integrity and protect against legal issues. The principal should meet with the teacher,
with a union representative present, to ensure fairness. Disciplinary actions, including
termination, may be taken if allegations are confirmed. Communication with district
leadership and internal reviews are crucial. Adherence to the code of ethics is essential
to preserve the educational environment's integrity.

Maintaining professional boundaries between teachers and parents is crucial in

education. Handling boundary violations carefully is outlined in Principle IV, section E, to
maintain integrity and prevent legal issues. If needed, the principal should meet with the
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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

teacher, involving a union representative for fairness. Disciplinary actions, including

termination, may be considered based on investigation outcomes. Open communication
with district leadership and internal reviews can offer support. Adherence to ethics and
policies ensures a safe educational environment.

3. Educators have a responsibility to maintain sound mental, physical, and emotional

health and to take appropriate measures when personal or health-related issues may
interfere with work-related duties. Describe three examples of what those measures
might include.

Educators have numerous responsibilities. To maintain well-being, establish boundaries

and a structured schedule. Strive to separate work from personal life to reduce stress
and spend quality time with loved ones. To maintain resilience in teaching, educators
should prioritize self-care by engaging in regular physical activity, eating healthily,
staying hydrated, and getting enough rest.

It's also crucial to nurture emotional well-being by pursuing activities outside of work
that bring joy and rejuvenation, such as hobbies, book clubs, or volunteer work. These
practices support overall well-being and help educators manage the demands of their
roles effectively. School administrators should evenly distribute leadership duties to
prevent chaos in the principal's absence. Appoint a capable individual to temporarily
take over and communicate with the district office for support during the principal's

Educators must prioritize their well-being by setting boundaries, maintaining a

structured schedule, and practicing self-care. Nurturing physical and emotional health
through activities outside work is crucial for resilience. School administrators should
delegate leadership responsibilities and appoint capable individuals to ensure school
continuity in the principal's absence, communicating with the district office for
additional support.

4. An assistant principal has persistent concerns about the relationship among a new
teacher and a small group of students who spend a lot of time with the teacher
outside of class. The assistant principal is preparing for a conversation with the
principal about this issue. What questions should the assistant principal anticipate
from the principal? What guidance would you offer the assistant principal in getting
ready for the conversation? How is this conversation related to professional ethics?

The assistant principal should prepare important questions in advance of a meeting with
the principal to discuss concerns about a new teacher's interaction with a small group of
kids. These questions might include:
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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

1. What specific behaviors or incidents have raised concerns? The principal will likely seek
concrete examples that illustrate why the assistant principal feels uneasy about the
teacher-student interactions.
2. How do these behaviors compare with the school's policies on teacher-student
interactions? Understanding whether any school policies have been violated is crucial
for assessing the situation accurately.
3. Have there been any complaints from students, parents, or other staff members? The
principal will want to know if others have noticed and are concerned about these
4. What is the nature of the time spent outside of class? Details about the context and
activities could provide important insights into the appropriateness of the interactions.
5. Has the teacher been previously advised or cautioned about boundaries with
students? This question aims to uncover whether this issue has been addressed before
and if there has been any change in behavior following such discussions.

In terms of guidance for the assistant principal, the following tips might be helpful:

 Gather Evidence: Before the meeting, compile any specific incidents, reports, or
observations that have led to concern. This might include dates, times, and descriptions
of the interactions in question.
 Review Policies: Refresh knowledge on the school's policies regarding teacher-student
relationships and professional conduct. This will help in discussing whether and how
these policies might have been breached.
 Consider the Implications: Be ready to discuss the potential impact of these interactions
on the students' academic and personal well-being, as well as on the school
 Propose Next Steps: Think about what actions could be taken to address the concerns.
This might include meeting with the teacher, providing guidance or professional
development on maintaining professional boundaries, or more formal measures if

This conversation is deeply related to professional ethics in education, which emphasizes

the importance of maintaining appropriate boundaries between teachers and students.
Teachers hold positions of trust and power, and it's crucial that this power is not misused
in a way that could harm students or undermine the integrity of the educational
environment. Professional ethics also guide educators in fostering safe and supportive
learning environments where all students can thrive. Addressing concerns about
boundaries is not just about enforcing rules but ensuring that the educational setting
remains respectful, safe, and conducive to learning for everyone involved.

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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

5. You are addressing the group of first-year teachers at your school on their first day of
employment. Some of these teachers graduated from a traditional teacher
preparation program, while others did not. What would you tell them about ethics, as
it applies to their job as a teacher, so that all levels of experience and professional
backgrounds are considered?

It's essential to ground our practice in a fundamental component that transcends all
levels of experience and backgrounds: ethics in teaching. Regardless of the path you
took to get here, ethics will be the compass that guides your actions and decisions in the
classroom. Ethics in teaching encompasses a wide range of principles, but at its core, it's
about fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all students. It means
recognizing the immense responsibility we have in shaping young minds and being
mindful of the power dynamics that exist in educational settings. Every decision,
interaction, and teaching strategy should be reflective of our commitment to doing
what's best for our students' growth, learning, and well-being.

Ethical teaching involves continuous self-reflection and professional development. It's

about being open to learning from colleagues, students, and the community, and
adapting our methods to meet the diverse needs of our learners. It requires honesty,
integrity, and the courage to stand up for what is right, even when it's challenging. As
educators, you have the unique opportunity to make a lasting impact on your students'
lives. Let's ensure that impact is grounded in respect, kindness, and a steadfast
commitment to ethical practice. Welcome to the team, and here's to a rewarding
journey ahead.

The meeting will cover district policies and ethical standards for all employees,
emphasizing the importance of upholding ethical behavior. New teachers must
understand and adhere to these standards to support the school's vision and
improvement goals. The introduction will also focus on the school's unique culture and
traditions, emphasizing ethical conduct towards students, colleagues, and the
community. Integrity and leading by example are key principles for educators joining the
school community.

6. A governing board member is related to a student in your school. The board member
asks you, as the principal of the school, to change that student’s grade since the
student was only 5 points from an “A”. Why would this be an ethical, as well as legal,

There are serious ethical and legal issues raised when a member of the governing board
asks for a student who is connected to them to have their grade changed. Ethically, such
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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

an action undermines the principles of fairness and integrity that are foundational to the
educational system. Education aims to prepare students for the broader world by
instilling values like hard work, responsibility, and honesty. Altering a grade upon
request compromises these values, setting a precedent that connections, rather than
merit, are what lead to success. This not only devalues the efforts of students who
achieve their grades through hard work but also sends a message to the student in
question that effort is secondary to influence.

Legally, it can constitute a violation of educational policies and standards that govern
academic institutions. Most schools and educational bodies have strict regulations in
place to ensure grading is conducted fairly and impartially. Tampering with grades
outside of these established protocols can lead to allegations of fraud and misconduct.
Furthermore, in public institutions, such actions can be seen as a misuse of public office,
where a board member uses their position for personal gain, which is often against the
law or educational codes of conduct.

7. How are school/district policies related to professional ethics? Provide at least two

School and district policies are intricately linked to professional ethics, especially within
the educational sector. These policies not only provide a framework for maintaining a
safe and conducive learning environment but also set a standard for ethical behavior
that educators and staff are expected to uphold. By aligning with broader ethical
principles, these policies ensure that the rights and dignity of students, staff, and the
community are respected and protected.

One clear example of this relationship is seen in policies regarding confidentiality.

Educators have access to sensitive information about students and their families.
Policies that enforce confidentiality standards are a direct reflection of the ethical
principle of respect for privacy. These policies dictate how information should be
handled, emphasizing the need for discretion, and ensuring that personal information is
not disclosed without proper authorization. This protects students and families, builds
trust within the community, and upholds educators' ethical duty to protect their
students' privacy.

Another example is seen in anti-discrimination policies. These policies prohibit

discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability, reflecting
the ethical principle of fairness and equality. By enforcing these policies, schools and
districts commit to providing an equitable educational environment where every student
can succeed, free from prejudice and bias. This not only fosters a culture of inclusivity

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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

and respect but also guides educators in upholding their ethical responsibility to treat all
students with fairness and dignity.

8. A teacher in your school is frequently absent from professional development

experiences offered at your school, without your approval. Why would this be a
violation of professional ethics? What would you do to address this issue?

A teacher who often misses professional development events without permission may be
seriously in breach of their professional ethics. Professional development is crucial in the
education sector for maintaining high educational standards and ensuring that teaching
methods are up to date with the latest pedagogical research and technological
advancements. When a teacher consistently misses these opportunities without a valid
reason or prior approval, it undermines the collective effort to improve teaching quality
and student outcomes across the school.

It reflects a lack of commitment to their own professional growth and, by extension, to

the success of their students. Professional development is not just an individual benefit
but a collective one. When teachers improve their skills, they contribute to an
environment of excellence, innovation, and continuous improvement within the school.
Consistent unapproved absences set a poor example for both colleagues and students,
potentially eroding the professional culture of the school. It suggests a disregard for the
norms and expectations that all staff members are supposed to uphold, potentially
leading to a breakdown in professional discipline and morale.

To address this issue, a constructive and supportive approach is often most effective.
Initially, a private conversation with the teacher in question would be essential to
understand the reasons behind their absences. There might be underlying personal or
professional challenges they are facing, and this discussion could uncover those. Offering
support, flexibility, or adjustments as necessary could resolve the issue without further
action. If the behavior persists without valid reasons, it may be necessary to implement
more formal measures according to the school's policies. This could include documented
warnings, setting specific attendance targets, or even enrollment in mandatory
professional development programs. Throughout this process, maintaining open
communication, support, and a focus on the ultimate goal of improving educational
outcomes for students is crucial.

9. As an administrator in a small, rural school located in a small town, you are

considering hiring your uncle’s roofing company to perform some repairs at your
school. What procedures would you follow to ensure that no ethical or procurement
violations occur?
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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

It's crucial to familiarize yourself with the school's procurement policies and any relevant
local, state, or federal regulations that govern public procurement and conflict of
interest. This will provide a clear framework within which you can work and help you
understand the limitations and requirements for such a hiring process.

Transparency is key. Disclose your relationship with your uncle's roofing company to the
relevant authorities within the school or school district, such as the school board or an
ethics committee, if available. This disclosure should be formal, in writing, and should
detail the nature of your relationship, the reason for considering this company, and any
potential conflicts of interest. This step is crucial for maintaining trust and integrity
within the community and among stakeholders.

Ensure the procurement process is competitive, fair, and open. This means putting the
project out to tender, allowing multiple companies to bid, including your uncle's
company. It's essential that the company is evaluated based on the same criteria as all
other bidders, such as price, quality of work, experience, and references. This might
involve forming a committee to review bids and make a recommendation, ideally
composed of individuals without any conflict of interest. You should recuse yourself from
the decision-making process to avoid any direct influence on the outcome.

Consider hiring an independent consultant or using a third-party evaluation process to

assess the bids. This can further ensure that the selection process is unbiased and based
on merit.

Document every step of the process meticulously, from the initial disclosure of your
relationship with your uncle's company, through the bidding process, to the final
selection and justification of the chosen bid. This documentation will be invaluable in
demonstrating adherence to procedures and in protecting against accusations of

10. What precautions should be taken to ensure that all of the employees at your school
follow policies governing the use of social media in communicating with students and
parents? How do these policies reflect professional ethics?

Comprehensive training and clear communication of the policies are paramount.

Employees should undergo regular training sessions that detail what is expected of them
when using social media in a professional context. This includes understanding the
boundaries of teacher-student and staff-parent relationships online, the types of content
that are appropriate to share, and the importance of maintaining confidentiality. Clear
guidelines should be provided on what constitutes professional behavior online,
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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

including examples of do's and don'ts. This training should also cover the potential
consequences of violating these policies, emphasizing the seriousness of adhering to

Monitoring and enforcement mechanisms should be established. While respecting

privacy, schools can implement periodic reviews or audits of public social media
interactions involving staff, students, and parents to ensure compliance with the policies.
A reporting system should also be in place for any stakeholders to raise concerns about
inappropriate social media use. This creates a culture of accountability and encourages
individuals to think twice before posting or interacting online in a manner that could be
considered unprofessional.

These policies and the precautions taken to enforce them reflect professional ethics by
prioritizing respect, integrity, and the welfare of students and parents. They serve to
protect the privacy and rights of individuals within the school community, prevent the
misuse of digital platforms, and foster a positive, respectful online environment.
Moreover, these policies underscore the responsibility of educators and staff to model
ethical behavior and digital citizenship, not just within the confines of the classroom but
in the broader digital world. By adhering to these guidelines, schools can ensure that
their employees navigate the complexities of social media in a manner that upholds the
values and ethical standards of the educational profession.

11. One of your assistant principals does not get along with one of your teachers. You did
not know this until after the teacher came to you, the principal, to complain about the
assistant principal after he conducted a classroom observation and wrote a report
critical of the teacher. How would you address the teacher’s concern?

When an assistant principal and a teacher clash, especially post a critical observation
report, handling the situation requires empathy and understanding. Providing a safe,
confidential space for the teacher to express concerns, actively listening without taking
sides, and acknowledging their feelings are key steps in resolving the conflict

The next step involves a careful review of the observation report in question, alongside
any previous reports, to identify any patterns or inconsistencies in feedback. It's also
beneficial to gather additional perspectives, if possible, without escalating the situation
or breaching confidentiality. This could involve speaking with other staff members who
have been observed by the same assistant principal or reviewing student feedback to get
a more holistic view of the teacher's performance and the assistant principal's
supervisory style.

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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024

Arrange a meeting with the assistant principal to discuss teacher's concerns and
observation report, aiming for constructive feedback aligned with educational goals. If
needed, mediate a meeting between teacher and assistant principal to clarify
misunderstandings and set professional expectations. Focus on professional
development, positive work environment, and avoiding personal conflicts to uphold
educational standards.

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Shayla Williams
Grand Canyon University
EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
April 2024


Hahn, A., PhD, & Popan, E. M. (2020). Professional Ethics. Salem Press Encyclopedia.

National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC).

(2015). Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE). https://www.nasdtec.net/page/


Reston, V.A. (2015). Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. National Policy Board for

Educational Administration.

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