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Unit 5 Vocabulary Short Test 1 Unit 5 Vocabulary Short Test 1

Group A Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____ Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź. 1 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.

1 We want to reach our destination before the night, so we should set off / ride 1 It’s a lovely experience to sail / ride between the Greek islands.
early in the morning. 2 What time does the train hire / depart from Liverpool station?
2 Can I fare / hire a rickshaw in Paris? 3 The best way to tour / get around in London is by the underground.
3 I’d love to take a trip / destination in a hot-air balloon! The views must be 4 Which do you prefer as a holiday trip / destination – Italy or Britain?
amazing. 5 It must be quite difficult to drive such a long vehicle / ferry. ___ / 5
4 Travelling / Riding a bike is very good exercise.
5 Mary says her tour / sail of Scotland was a wonderful experience.
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.
___ / 5
explore hire riding set single take trip
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.
0 If you set off early in the morning, you’ll have time to explore the Royal
explore fare get return ride sail single Gardens.
1 One day I will ________________ a tour of the Spanish coast.
0 If you set off early in the morning, you’ll have time to explore the Royal
2 ________________ a bike is very good exercise.
3 I don’t know when I’m coming back, so I’ll get a ________________ ticket.
1 It’s a lovely experience to ________________ between the Greek islands.
4 We want to reach our destination before night-time, so we should
2 Would you like to go on a ________________ with me on my motorbike?
________________ off early in the morning.
3 The best way to ________________ around in London is by the underground.
5 Lucas says his ________________ to London was a great experience.
4 If you want to come back today, get a ________________ ticket.
___ / 5
5 I don’t think I can afford a taxi. The ________________ is very high.
___ / 5
3 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach.
3 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach.
0 How would you like to hire (wynająć) a car and take a tour of the city?
0 How would you like to hire (wynająć) a car and take a tour of the city?
1 I don’t think I can afford a taxi. The ____________________________ (opłata
1 What’s your dream ____________________________ (cel podróży)?
za przejazd) is very high.
2 It must be quite difficult to drive such a long
2 Would you like to go on a ____________________________ (przejażdżka)
____________________________ (pojazd).
with me on my motorbike?
3 What time does the train ____________________________ (odjeżdża)
3 If you want to come back today, get a ____________________________ (bilet
from Liverpool station?
4 One day I will ____________________________ (objadę) the Spanish coast.
4 Can I ____________________________ (wynająć) a rickshaw in Paris?
5 I don’t know when I’m coming back, so I’ll get
5 I’d love to ____________________________ (wybrać się na
a ____________________________ (bilet w jedną stronę).
wycieczkę) in a hot-air balloon! The views must be amazing. ___ / 5
___ / 5

Impulse 2 A2+/B1 Tests ©Macmillan Polska 2021 Photocopiable Impulse 2 A2+/B1 Tests ©Macmillan Polska 2021 Photocopiable

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