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In this picture I see a place with some people in front of a big building. It is sunny

Day, and it's very bright. Maybe that photo was taken in the summer.

In the background in the middle I see a large building with many windows. Maybe that's it

the municipality of the city of Luxembourg, or of another city in Luxembourg. In any case

I think that this is an administrative building. I will describe the building. The building has

two floors. It is beige and brown, with a gray roof. The windows have rhombuses with white

Frames. There are three chimneys on the roof.

What else can I describe?

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In front of the entrance to the building is a wide staircase. On both sides of this staircase I see two

metal statue of lions. Above the entrance hang two flags. The flag of Luxembourg, and e

Flag of the European Union.

What else is there to describe?

In front of the building, on the square, there are two street lights. There are two pots with three each

Lights, I think.

On the right side of the photo, in the background, there are two other buildings with three-by-fours

Floor. Possibly these are shops, or perhaps restaurants with a terrace. I can do it

can't say for sure because I don't recognize it exactly. It is a bit too small in the photo.

What else could I say about that photo?

In the foreground I see several people walking across the square. For example, I can see very far ahead

in the photo four people. Two children and two adults. Maybe this is a family. It looks

not their faces, because the photo was taken from behind.

I can describe the people in the foreground. On the left is a man with a pink or mofen

Him in a jeans box. The man no longer has hair: he is bald. He holds a white one

Tut in the hand, in the right hand. Next to the man is a girl with a long T-shirt

in a black three-quarter box. Next to it is a woman with short black hair. The woman has

a yellow shirt or sweater, and a big black bag around the shoulders. Next to her is another one

another child, a boy or maybe a girl. I don't exactly recognize that. That child has a white one

Box on, and a black t-shirt with long sleeves or a sweater.

Mm. Otherwise I can't describe anything. I think I have described everything.

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Building: building

sunny: sunny

light: bright

in the background: in the background

in the middle: in the middle

the municipality: local district, local commune; here: town hall

administrative: administrative

Stack, Stäck: stories, levels

Rhombus, rhombus: windowpane, panel

Chimney, chimneys: chimney

frame, frames: frame

What else can I describe?: What else can I describe?

Entrance: entrance

wide : wide

Stairs: stairs

Statue of lions: statue of lions

Flag, flags: flag, flags

Street lights: street lights

Poto: pole

possibly: possibly

I ca n't recognize/ make it out exactly

It is a little too small on the photo: it is a little too small on the picture

What else could I say about that picture ?

Adults: adults

The photo is taken from behind: the picture is taken from the background

mof, mofen: purple

Three-quarter box: Capri pants, pants extending to the middle of the shins

next to that

a large black purse/ back around her shoulders

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a T-shirt with long sleeves: a T-shirt with long sleeves

Otherwise I can't describe anything. I think I have described everything: I can't describe
anything else. I think I have described everything.
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Photo credit: Wikipedia

In this picture I see many people in one place. In the middle are people dancing. They have white shirts and

black boxes on. On the sides and in the foreground there are people around who are watching them.

Some people hold a piece of white cloth while they dance.

What else can I say?

In the background on the left I see a number of buildings with facades of different colors: brown,

orange, and beige. The buildings have three or four floors. They have gray roofs, and on the roofs I see

Skylights and chimneys. On the first floor of those buildings I see shops
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Notes on the entry. I can't decipher the name of those shops . It is too

written small.

What else could I say here?

In the background in the middle is a building that looks a bit like a castle, with animals

on the roof. Next to it, a little further to the right, is a large tower with a sloping roof. Maybe it is

that a church. Under the tower I see a pink house. On the first floor of that house are bows

over the doors. On the right is a building with "Pharmacie" written on it. Probably is

that a pharmacy.

What else do I see?

At the very left is a green tree, and at the very back I see a small mountain or a hill with many

green trees. The sky is blue, with just a few clouds. It looks hot in the sun

seems. People are also lightly dressed. So it's probably summer.

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danzen: to dance

ronderem: around

Wutz: end, corner

Duch: towel, piece of cloth

What else can I say ?

A row of buildings: a row of buildings

Facades: facade, frontures

Roofs: roofs

Roof lights: dormer, skylight

Chimney: chimney

decipher: decipher

written too small

What else could I say here?

Looks like a castle: looks like a castle

Tiermercher: diminutive of tower

tower: tower

sparrow: pointy

Arches above the doors

Pharmacy: pharmacy

a small mountain or a hill

Clouds: clouds

the sun is shining: the sun is shingin

lightly dressed: dressed lightly

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Photo credit: Wikipedia

In the photo I see an apartment. The walls are beige, the ceiling is white, and the

Soil is orange or brown with a pattern. The room is very bright.

In the lower left I see a couch with two brown pillows on it. Those pillows look smooth .

Maybe they are made of leather. On the left side I also see a shelf with books and

boxes. On the top shelf is a red box.

What else is there to describe?

A little further to the right, in the background, I see entering another room . There is still a

Canapes. On the back wall hangs a screen, and two pictures with white

Frames on the wall. The room also has a large window with blinds. On one

small table in the corner are two plants.

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What else can be said about this picture?

In the middle hangs a large mirror with a black or dark brown frame. Am

Mirror I see another part of the apartment. Under the mirror is a shelf, open

there are some vases and a clock. Under the shelf is a fireplace. Next to the fireplace

is a counter. There are three high chairs at the counter. Two hang over the counter

What else?

In the background on the right side I can see the kitchen of the apartment. They are at the wall

Slope. In the cupboards I see plates and containers with different colors. In the middle

from the kitchen, on the back wall, I see a microwave. Under the microwave

is a cooker. On the right side, under the window, are a sink and a

Faucet. There is also a glass door on the far right of the picture. The soil consists of a

Material on which light is reflected from the outside.

I think that's all I can describe here.

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Housing: apartment

Moors: walls

Muster: pattern

light: bright

Canapee: Sofa

Pillow: pillow

drop: on (that) [refers to what we were talking about, in this case the sofa]

smooth: smooth

Lieder: leather

Regal: shelf

box: box

What else is there to describe here ?

A little more to the right: a little more to the right

another room: another room

on the back wall: on the back wall

Screen : screen

Blinds: blinds

am Eck: in the corner

Frame: frame

Vases: vases

Chimney: chimney

Kitchen: kitchen

Cabinets: cupboards

Plates and containers: plates and containers

Microwave: microwave oven

Cooking machine: stove

Sink: sink
Faucet: faucet

a glass door : a glass door

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The floor is made of a material, which reflects the light from outside: the floor is made of a
material, which reflects the light from outside
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In this photo I see a man in a village. The man stands on the sidewalk by a river and looks at the water. Next to him,

on the left, is a road. The road is wet. Maybe it rained recently.

What else can I say about this man?

The man has a dark gray coat, a beige box and light gray sneakers. He has black, curly hair. He has his hands in his


There are houses on the left side of the road. On the far left I see rocks. The first house on the left is a restaurant. The

restaurant says "Petit Restaurant" in French. The houses have facades with different colors: beige, yellow, white.

The doors of most houses are gray. There are also

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two houses with an orange roof in the middle. At the very back I see smoke from a chimney

What else can I say about this picture here?

On the right side, along the river, are trees. I think that photo was taken in winter because most of
the trees have no leaves and because the man is wearing a coat. Probably it is quite
cold outside. In the middle of the photo I also see a photo with a Christmas decoration. There is
a green star hanging on the post. Maybe the photo was taken at Christmas time .

In the background I see a mountain with trees. At the top left is a castle with towers. The roof is
thin and gray. This is probably the Veianer Castle. The sky is gray and overcast. In the
upper right I see a small mountain with mist around it. There is also another building, almost a
house, on the mountain, but I can't recognize it clearly. It's too small.

I think. I have now described everything I can.

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Duerf: village

sidewalk: sidewalk

Floss: river

wet: wet

Maybe it rained recently: Maybe it rained recently

dark gray: dark gray

light gray sneakers: light gray sneakers

krauseleg Hoer: curly hair

He has his hands in his pockets

Rocks: rock formations, cliffs

Damp: smoke

along the river: along the river

Leaves: leaves

Poto: (lamp)post

Christmas decoration: christmas decoration

Christmas time: Christmas time

Castle: castle

Veianer Castle: Vianden castle

The sky is gray and overcast: the sky is gray and overcast

Mist: fog
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In the photo I see a family sitting at the table for dinner. I see two children, a boy and a girl. I also see three adults: a

man and two women. They all look pretty

happy and smile.

I will describe the people first .

The man is about forty years old. He is probably the father of the children. He has black or dark brown hair and a

mustache. He smiles and looks at his girl. He is wearing a colorful, checkered shirt. He has a glass of water in

his right hand and holds a crow with it

left hand

The woman on the right is probably between thirty-five and forty years old. She is certainly the mother of the
Children. She has medium length, brown hair. She is wearing a blue sweater. She also wears earrings and wears

lipstick . She also looks at the girl.

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The woman sitting on the left looks older. Maybe she is around sixty years old. She has black and gray hair. She is probably
the children's grandmother . She is wearing a light blue flowered rack. She smiles and holds a bowl of salad in her hand.

The little girl on the left has long, brown, wavy hair. She also wears earrings, just like his mother. She is wearing a black,
white and red checkered shirt . The boy is sitting on the right. He also has brown hair. He wears a red and moft shirt with
a more complicated pattern.

I will now describe what they eat.

On the table I see four or five pots and bowls with food. In front of the table is a brown pot with boiled brown beans.
Next to it, a little further to the right, is a blue and white pot with vegetables
in it, among other things, carrots and potatoes. I think so. I can't say for sure.

In the middle of the table is a large bowl of salad with tomatoes. The mother also has a bowl
with rice in hand. Everyone in the family has a plate and a glass in front of them.

In the background, behind the father, I see a beige wallpaper with a pattern on it.

That's all I can describe here.

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Table: table

Adults: adults

quite happy: pretty happy

for the first time = first

about: around, about

Mustache: moustache

checkered: checkered

Crow: jug, pitcher

between thirty-five and forty years: between 35 and 40 years

mid-length: mid-length

Earrings: earrings

Lipstick: lipstick

Grandmother: grandmother

bloomed: with a flowery pattern

wavy: wavy

Checkered: checkered pattern

mof: purple

complicated pattern: complicated pattern

pot: pot

In addition: next to that

According to: vegetable

Muerte met Gromperen: carrots with potatoes

Bowl: bowl

Rice: rice

Everyone: everyone

Wallpaper: wallpaper
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In this photo I see a village or a city. It looks like a city in Europe. Maybe it is
in Luxembourg or in Germany. In the foreground in the middle is a place. On the square I see some people
walking. For example, I see a couple and a person with a baby carriage.

In the middle, a little further to the left in the foreground, I see a Christmas tree standing. The tree is
dotted with silvery stars.

Far to the left in the foreground I see a bus. The bus is white, red and blue. On the bus there is text written
in German. That's why I think that the picture was probably taken in Germany.

To the left and right in the foreground I see a building with three or four floors. Those buildings have yellow, white,
and pink facades and also gray roofs with storage lights.
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In the background in the middle I see a pedestrian zone. I see a lot of people walking there.
Maybe they go shopping. To the left and right in the background I see slightly higher buildings. Maybe with
five-six floors. I also see a lot of roofers. These could be booths where food is sold.

In the very background I see a tower with a thin roof. Maybe this is a church, or the municipality of the
city. In any case, it looks like an important building.

In the background on the left I see a mof strip on a white building. Maybe this is one

In the middle I also see yellow wagons or maybe stalls. I don't know exactly. I can't precisely
recognize it.

What else do I see in this picture?

The sky is overcast. It looks like it's late afternoon , or winter. In any case, it is not very bright.

Ok, I think I have described everything I can in this picture.

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Place: town square

Couple: couple
Kannerkutsch: (baby) stroller
Christmas tree: Christmas tree

decorated, decorated
silver-colored stars

There is text written in German on the bus

Roofs: roofs
Storage lights: skylights
Pedestrian zone: pedestrian zone
walk: go for a walk, walk around
akafen: to shop, to go shopping
Canopies, shelters
They could be booths where they sell food.
tower: tower

a pointy roof: a pointy roof

In any case it looks like an important building: in any case it looks like an important building mof
Streif: a purple stripe
wagon, wagons: wagon
I can't say it precisely: I can't tell for sure.
Covered: overcast

in late afternoon: in late afternoon

light: bright
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In this picture I see a tree in the foreground . The colors of the picture are very bright. The sun
seems, and I don't see any clouds in the sky. The sky is beautiful blue and the grass is green.

The tree in the foreground has green leaves, but also some brown leaves. Around the trunk of the
tree I see some brown soil, but it is mostly grass. The tree does not look very tall, but the
branches and leaves spread far .

To the right I see part of a stone building. On top of the building something is carved or engraved
in the stone. I see two letters, J and O. The next letter is cut off, but I think it is an H. Maybe that
is the beginning of the name "John".

In the background I see people walking along a path . I can't see the people clearly because
they are too small in the photo. But most of them look quite young. For example, I can see to the far left
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a young woman with white or beige shorts, and a blue T-shirt or blouse. She has red or blonde hair. She
carries a bag, and also has a mask on her chin.

A little further to the right of the woman on the far left are two other young women. One is wearing blue
jeans and a dark blue sleeveless blouse . The other is wearing a mofe rack and a white jacket.

Behind those people I see another stone building. The entrance to the building is under an arch.
Further to the right in the background I see further stone buildings. I also see bicycles, including a green

I think that's all I can recognize in this photo.

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Growth: grass
light: bright
Clouds: clouds
Stem: trunk
Soil: soil

Aascht: branch, branches

to spread , to extend
Steen, Steng: stone, stones
above: on top, at the top
written or engraved in stone
Buchstaf, Buchstawen: letter, letters
cut off: cut off
Beginning: beginning

go along: walk along, walk past

most look pretty young: most look pretty long
Blouse blouse, shirt
Bag : handbag
Can: chin

a jeans: denim, jeans

Blouse without arms: a sleeveless shirt

under an arch: under an arch

further buildings: further buildings
Velo: bicycle
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In the photo there is a place or a pedestrian zone where I see many young people. Most
carry a backpack. That's why I think they are students.

Maybe this is the campus of a university. The floor is made of gray stones or concrete. In
the background on the left I see vegetation, and hedges or trees with white flowers. On the
right in the background are larger trees.

In the middle I see a big building. The building is dark red or brown. Maybe it's a red brick
building. It has a gray roof, and part of the roof is round. The building also has a tower with a
pitched roof. The tower looks a bit like the bell tower of a church. I also see street lights in the
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On the far right of the picture I see a portable toilet, as you sometimes see on construction sites or festivals .

The toilet is gray with a white roof.

What else can I say about this picture?

The weather is very good. The sky is a beautiful blue, and there are no clouds. It looks like it's very hot. People wear light

clothes and the skirts are short.

I describe some people in the foreground. On the far left is a man in a blue sweater who is looking at his cell phone. He is

wearing a blue mask. A little further to the right is another man with a red T-shirt, a white*,... a black or dark blue

briefcase, and a rucksack.

I think he has a hot air balloon.

A little further to the right is a young woman. She is wearing a black rack, and has a beige jacket in it
hand. She also wears glasses.

Voilà, these are some things I see in this picture. There's still a lot going on in the background, but I'll stop here.
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Pedestrian zone: pedestrian zone

Growth: grass

To carry a backpack

aus groe Steng: made of gray stones

Betong: concrete, cement

Heck, Hecken: hedge, bush

Beemchen, Beemercher: small tree

bell: bell

Bell tower: bellfry, belltower

Church: church

portable toilet: portable toilet

Baustell, Baustellen: construction site

festival: festival

beautiful: absolutely beautiful (lit.: wonder beautiful)

Schieter, Schieter: shadows

Short box: shorts (short pants)

Air balloon: balloon

There is a lot else going on in the background : I will stop here (for now)
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In this picture I see a sidewalk, along a road. The sidewalk itself is made of concrete or concrete
Cement. To the left and right of the sidewalk I see partly grass and partly asphalt.

On the right, along the road, I see a number of cars parked. For example, I see a gray car on the
far right in the foreground. I see rest on that car . Below and around
the wheels. Behind the gray car, a little more in the middle, I see a red car. And behind that car, is
another car.

On the left in the foreground I see another red car. The car is cut off, but there is a box on the roof
of the car . A plastic box to transport extra things when you run out of space in the mall .

To the left, or on the left side, I see a number of houses along the troittoir. The first house is beige
and brown. The house is probably made of wood. The roof looks like it is made of brick.
Behind the first house, I see another house. This house is grey, or blue. Seen in front of the house
I a staircase. A wooden staircase with a white railing.
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On the other side of the road, I see another house, on the right in the background. This house is blue or
gray, with white frames, around the window star. The roof of that house is gray.

In front of that house in the background on the road, I see a truck. A fire truck. A red fire truck with a ladder on it. A white
fireman's ladder. On the right side, next to the
House in the background, I see growth, green grass.

What else can I say about this picture?

Left, right, and in the middle I see three trees. Those trees are pretty green, so I think that's it
Picture was taken in spring or summer. I also see, right in the foreground and in the middle, heavy pots carrying power
lines. That is why I think that this picture was not taken in Luxembourg. In fact, there are not many such pots, such electric
pots in Luxembourg.

What else can I say about this picture?

The weather is very beautiful, the sky is blue, and it is very bright and there are no clouds,

Ok, I think I have described everything I see here.

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sidewalk: sidewalk

Betong: concrete

Cement: cement

a row: a row

Rust: rust

below: along the bottom

around the wheels: around the wheels

cut off ( not entirely in the picture)

a box: a box

extra things: special things

Mall: trunk (of a car)

aus Holz: made of wood

a wooden staircase: wooden stairs

Railing: railing

a frame, frames: frame, frames

a truck: a truck

Pomjeescamion: firefighters' truck

a ladder: a ladder

Spring: spring

Poto: pole

To carry power lines

very bright: very bright

Wollék, Wolléken: cloud, clouds

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©SIP/ Emmanuel Claude |


In this picture I see three people. Among them I recognize in the middle

Prime Minister Xavier Bëttel. Next to him on the right is a man and on the far right is a woman.

All three of them are dressed in black or dark: Xavier Bettel is wearing a black one

Tie, a black jacket over a white shirt, and a dark box with stripes

and also wearing black shoes.

The man next to him is wearing a slightly lighter suit. Not as dark as the beggar's

his. He also has a black tie and black shoes. He has a white coat

in the pocket on his chest.

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The woman on the right has a black hat, a black rack, a black bag and black court shoes. The three have a

serious or even sad minn. Maybe this is a funeral.

Behind them are other people who are also dressed in black. For example, a tall man with white hair and a white beard

walks to the left behind Mr. Bëttel .

On the right in the background, behind a cloture are people watching. They are not dressed in black.

For example, there is a woman wearing a light blue jacket. On the left of the picture I see three rows

soldiers. The soldiers wore green or brown uniforms, with a black beret and a
white belt. They also have white gloves and guns in hand.

What else can I say about this picture?

To the left and right are beige buildings made of stone, and in the background I see another building like this, and
two trees. The picture is quite bright, but the ground is wet. It probably has ahead

Rained recently .

That's it. I have described what I can here.

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vir: in the front

among them I recognize: among them I recognize

Tie : tie

Stripe, stripes: stripes

bright: light (color)

Mr. Beggar: Mr. Begging

Bag, bags: pocket

Breast: breast, chest

hat: hat

High heels: heels (shoes)

serious : serious

Traureg Minn: sad facial expression

big man: a tall man

white beard: a white beard

Zaldot, Zaldoten: soldier, soldiers

Belt: belt

Gloves: gloves

Rifle: rifle, rifles

wet : wet

viru Kuerzem: recently, a short time ago

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In this photo I see many people standing in front of a spaceship, the Space Shuttle Enterprise

In the foreground are 8 people, 7 men and one woman. They stand in a row. I will describe a few

People in the foreground.

For example, there is a tall man in the middle with a brown suit and a brown overcoat

a matching brown box . The paltong is cut wide, like in the 60s and 70s

Fashion was, with a wide lapel. Under his paletong the man has a dark pink or

put on a red shirt. He is not wearing a tie . His coat is buttoned. The man's box is

so stretched that you can clearly see a fold . That was also in fashion at the time. On his

A small sign hangs on his chest , maybe his name is on it. The man has dark blond or light

brown hair combed to the side .

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To the right, next to the man with the brown coat, I see another man. The second one from the right in the

foreground. This man is wearing a gray checkered suit with a black tie and a

wearing a white shirt. The tie has a pattern, white with brown. Maybe those are flowers. He did

also wearing black shoes and he has a small sign hanging on his chest.

The second man from the left is wearing a beige suit. Under his jacket, which is not buttoned

is, he is wearing a black sweater. Over the sweater he wore a gold chain . U

I also see a golden ring and a watch on his hand. This man is wearing narrow shoes, and

a slightly darker color than his suit.

I will describe how the woman is dressed. She wears a dark blue or black suit. Here

Jacket stands up. She is wearing an orange fishnet . The woman has dark hair and she is smiling. She has one

large, rectangular yellow bag.

Voilà, so much for this picture!

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Spaceship: space ship

Coat: jacket, blazer

in a row: in a row

Costume: suit

bi gesetz pasden: to match something; that matches

wide cut: with a wide cut, tailored wide

Mode = fashion

Tie : tie

buttoned (up)

stretch, stretched: ironed

Fal: crease, fold

Breast: chest

Sign: sign (here: name tag)

combed to the side

checkered (pattern)

Muster: pattern

Chains: chain, necklace

Rank: ring

Clock: wristwatch

sparrow: pointy

Color: color

Fischi: scarf, shawl

square : square

Bag: handbag
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In this picture I see people sitting in a restaurant. Seen in the foreground in the middle

i a large group of people sitting at a long wooden table. There are at least seven people,

maybe even eight. But I can't say for sure. On the right are four women. The woman who

sitting at the very front of the photo is wearing a white rack with gray stripes . She has long brown hair. Besides

a blonde woman with a yellow top is sitting next to her.

On the left, opposite the woman with the white rack sits a man. The man is wearing a white shirt

short sleeves. The shirt has a gray pattern. Perhaps this is a pattern of animals. I can't do it

recognize correctly. The man has short brown hair. He has a wound on his lap . Besides

another man is sitting next to him, who is also wearing a shirt with short sleeves. The shirt is blue, with

red rose petals. The man rests his elbow on the table.
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On the table I see bottles of water, glasses and cutlery. There are also plates,

Dishes and straws on the table.

People talk to each other. They don't eat yet or not anymore. Maybe they have already eaten.

To the left, next to the long table, is another table. Several older people are sitting at that table.

Two men and two women, I think, although I can hardly see one of the women. The two

Men sitting there have gray hair. They are both wearing beige boxers, and have their towels on

lap. The woman on the far left has long, blonde hair. These people do not seem to have food on the table

to have

On the left and right, above the tables, two lamps hang down from the ceiling .

What else can I describe here?

In the background of the picture I see a wall. A large, colorful picture hangs on the wall . On the

The picture shows the southeast of the United States and Mexico. There are still posters hanging on the picture, and

two t-shirts, one pink and one blue.

The wall itself looks quite old. In several places you can see the bricks, because the stucco

or *the cleaning is broken . In other places, there is no more food in between

Bricks. There is even a hole in the wall at the top right.

Ok, that's all I can describe.

In the recording I hear d'Botz. It should be the cleaning
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sit, set: to sit

in the foreground: foreground, front (of the picture)

wooden: wooden

at least: at least

Stripes: stripes

Top: top (clothing)

opposite: across

Served: hand towel, napkin

lap: lap (legs)

Pinktercher < Points: small dots

Elbow: elbow

Bottle: bottle

Cutlery: cutlery, utensils

Plate: plate

Ströihallem, Ströihällem: straw (to drink)

with each other: together, with each other

although: although

Towel: hand towel

appear, seemed: seem

Lucht: light, light fixture

Ceiling: ceiling

colorful: colorful

Zillen: bricks

stucco: stucco, render(ing) (construction)

Cleaning: plaster (construction)

broken off: crack, come off (about some finish or render)

Food: mortar (construction)

Fou, Fouen: joints (construction)

Hole: hole
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Machine Translated by Google

Source: File:Luxembourg, vide-grenier Avenue de la Gare (4).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

In the photo I see a flea market. There are used goods being sold on a street, and people come by to
see what there is to buy. For example, I see a red table and a bench on the left. On the table there are all
kinds of things displayed for sale. I see clothes. Left
on the table are t-shirts or sweaters.

There are white t-shirts, red t-shirts and a gray t-shirt with letters on it. I see the letters C and B.
To the right of the table are boxes of jeans stacked on top of each other. I see too
Children's clothes.

I also see toys, or playthings, for example dolls of various animals and
Figures. I recognize Bart Simpson's doll. There are also shoes, books and CDs on the bench,
i think

On the floor in front of the bench are plastic boxes in which I see more books. The covers of
those books are colorful. They are probably children's books. Women sit behind the table.
They are probably the ones selling these things.
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In the middle of the picture I see a woman looking at the goods that are being sold. One can see

the woman only from behind, so I don't know exactly what she is about to look at. The woman is
wearing a pink rack, and a small gray bag around her shoulder. The rack goes to her knees. The
woman has black hair. She is wearing sandals. Next to the woman I see a little girl wearing a pink T-
shirt and an orange short boxer. I think the girl is watching something with the woman.
Probably the woman is his mother.

Behind the girl and the woman is a gray baby carriage. In the carriage is a small child. I
see the child's arm. Under the carriage is a basket. In the basket I see something orange,
probably a garment, and also a doll.

Next to it I see a man with brown hair and sunglasses. The man has a black backpack in his
hand. He is wearing a red, black and white checkered shirt. Under the shirt he has
wearing a white t-shirt. He is also wearing a black boxer shorts, and black flip- flops
white soles.

In the background I see a white roof with an orange symbol, the symbol of a brand, STIHL. Under the
roof there are still other things that are for sale.

In the background I also see buildings. Those are probably businesses. The shops are
closed, because the shutters are down.

Okay. I think I have described enough!

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Fleumaart: flea market

Merchandise: merchandise, goods

Bench: bench

to show , to put on display

Buchstaf, Buchstawen: letter, character

openeen tässelen: to staple on top of each other

Plaything: toy

Doll : cute

Figure: character

Plastic box: plastic box

Deckel: cover, lid

from behind: from the back

Knee, knees: knee, knees

Carriage: stroller, pram (for toddlers)

Basket: basket

Clothing: piece of clothing

to be holding, clutching something

Sneakers: sneakers, sports shoes

Sole: sole

Roof: awning, canopy

Brand: brand [of a company]

Roller shutters: roller shutter; in this case roll-up storefront

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Source: File:Mariam Galstyan's exhibition at AUoA (1).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

In the picture I see a young woman at an exhibition.

The woman has long black hair that reaches almost to the middle of her body . She agrees with both

Hold a bouquet in front of you. The bouquet consists of red and pink roses. The woman is wearing a long,
flowery red sleeveless dress . The pattern on the rack is pink and white flowers, with green
Leaves. The woman has a ring on her left hand . She smiles a little.

The woman is standing in front of two colorful paintings, tableaus hanging on a wall . The wind makes a corner
with the wall on the right. On the wall to the right hang two pictures or drawings.
These pictures are black and white. Perhaps the woman painted these pictures and they are exhibited there.

I will now describe the picture that hangs on the wall, in front of which the woman is standing. It is a woman with
long red hair. You can see the woman's face from the side. She looks down and looks thoughtful
out of. She also has a white earring. Behind the woman are large yellow flowers and plants with green
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leaves painted. In the very background are stylized blue waves and clouds. To the right of the tablo are two sailing ships

with white sails.

What else could I say here?

A second picture with five women hangs on the wall. They have red, black and blonde hair. It

looks like they are taking care of an animal. The one woman on the table has a head

of the animal in one hand and pick up an ear with the other hand .

What else?

The room is very brightly lit. I see lights on the ceiling, and the woman's shadow is very

clearly visible. That's why I think this is a photo in an art gallery

was done. On the left in the background you can see four more drawings, but in one

painted in a different style.

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Exhibition: exhibition

Body: body

Rose, roses: rose

flowered: flowered, with a flower pattern

Rack: dress

Muster: pattern

Table: painting

Wall: partition wall

Eck: corner

Drawing: drawing
black and white: black and white

thoughtful: pensive

earring: earring

paint, painted: to paint

stylized: stylized
Waves: waves

Sailboats: sailboats

sail: sailboat

It looks as if they are taking care of an animal: It looks as if they are taking care of an

upaken: to touch
illuminated: illuminated

Schiet: shadow

Art gallery: art gallery

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Source: File:Grand Place, Brussels (21489136943).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

In the photo I see a very beautiful place with beautiful, tall buildings. In the middle of the photo

I see a lot of people, tourists, who pass by the place. The floor is made of paving stones. People become a

different directions. I don't see anyone wearing just a t-shirt. They all have a light

Jacket on. That's why I think it's not very hot. Maybe that's in the fall or early


For example, I see in the middle a man with a muffed T-shirt over another,

black t-shirt or sweater with long sleeves. He is wearing a green boxer and sneakers.

In one hand he has a book. In the other hand he has an iPod, or a mobile phone. He is looking

above. Maybe he's looking at the buildings. He has a bag around his shoulder. Besides the man,

on the left, I see a woman with a green box, a red scarf and a red jacket.
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She has a brown bag in her hand and she has a brown fish on her head. And, what else do I see?

To the right I see stacks of flowers and heavy boxes. Maybe there is a terrace. See far right

i e poto, a street lamp with a stack that hangs from it. They are small mof, white and pink

Flowers with small green leaves.

Next to Poto I see a man with white hair and a mustache. He wears glasses, he has

wearing glasses. He is wearing a black jacket, a blue jeans box, and a red and beige backpack. It

looks like he's waiting for someone.

In the background and all around you can see tall buildings. These buildings have a complex

decorated facades. The facade is decorated with gold. Those buildings have high windows

small diamonds. The frames of the windows are brown, probably made of wood, and there are a lot of them

divided into small rhombuses. On the facade on the third floor are stone sculptures of various kinds

Figures. There are also ornaments that look like columns on the facade. The one

lower and upper part of those columns is gilded, that means it is golden, metallic

Color it. Between the high windows on the third floor are golden wreaths, and these wreaths are different

Coat of arms or symbols that I can't exactly recognize though.

Up on the roof we have decorations. For example, just under the roof is such an arch, below

which a scene is set in stone. Various elements are also gilded, among others

the wheels of a carriage on which a figure sits. On the roof of the building I also see round

Roof lights, under small gables. On the first floor of the building I see no windows

Diamonds. In front of the entrance there is a small stone staircase, a small staircase made of stone. There are two

Main doors under stone arches. One of the doors is made of thick wood. You can see that.

On the left is another building that looks similar. The facade is also made of light gray stone, with

Gold decorated. On the top floor is a triangular gable. There is something with gold in that gable

wrote. I can't read it properly. I suppose there is a motto or a language aa,

perhaps in Latin. Above the roof is a statue of a figure with an arm raised

and points to something, maybe the horizon or something like that.

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On the left, at the bottom of the first floor I see sun umbrellas, red and green sun umbrellas. I

also see an awning with the same colors. With stripes, red and green stripes. That

It also looks like a terrace.

It looks like a European city. I'm not sure where that is. Maybe Brussels.

The sky is very beautiful, but the sun is a little low in the sky. That's why I assume that

that is in the fall. I only see a few thin clouds, otherwise the sky is clear.

So the weather is very nice.


Place: square

Building: building

Paweesteng: cobblestones

Direction: direction

because: at least

Autumn: fall, autumn

Spring: Spring

arms: arms

Sneakers: sneakers

Cell phone: cell phone

Shoulder: shoulder

Scarf: scarf

Fish: scarf

Blummestack, Blummestäck: pot plants

box: box
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mustache: moustache

Rucksack: backpack

Façade: facade, front of a building

Red: windowpane

to subdivide, to subdivide

lower: bottom, lower

upper: top, upper

gild, gild: to gild, gold-plate

golden: golden

wreath, wreath: wreath

Faarw: color, paint

Coat of arms: coat of arms

Bow, bow: arch

Scene: scene

Kutsch: carriage

Skylight: skylight, attic window

versieren, versiert: decorated, ornamented

triangular: triangular

Gable: gable, gable wall

Sonneprabbeli: umbrella (for the sun)

Stripe, stripes: stripes

Awning: awning

Brussels: Brussels

to lift: to lift

Wolek, Wolken: clouds

low: low
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Machine Translated by Google

Source: File:Baker Beach with Golden Gate Bridge in background, San Francisco, California.jpg - Wikimedia

In this photo I see a beach. Many people lie or sit by the water and sunbathe.

The people on the beach are only lightly dressed, so I think it's quite warm.

Some people only wear a swimsuit or a swimming trunk. For example, I see

in the very foreground a man relaxing. He lies with his back on a couch, but

he raised his knees. He wears a light green or beige short boxer. His

Upper body is sticky. He also wears a cape with a red visor. A little more

in the middle I see a child with a mofen t-shirt with white sleeves. He is standing next to someone

white plastic bucket. Maybe he's looking for shells. A man is standing on the left by the water

a black overall and white gloves. Next to him I see an angel in the sand

sticks Maybe he stuck them in the sand there. The man is probably a fisherman.
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There are also people who walk along the water, who are not just lying there, but who

walk on the sand. For example, I see a man with a blue T-shirt, one

white shorts, in a gray cape to walk on the beach. Not far from him, a little more to the right

two people also across the sand. A woman is wearing a green rack.

The beach has dry, brown sand. Closer to the water, the sand is wet, and therefore it is

darker. In the water I see waves approaching the beach. I see too

white foam of the waves. The water is beautiful blue. Seen on the water in the middle of the picture

i a small sailing boat.

In the background on the left I see green mountains. On the mountains there is grass and also some trees.

Right in the middle of the picture I see a large, red suspension bridge, made of metal. That is

the Golden Gate Bridge at San Francisco. It is very well known. Under the bridge I see a

Boat, I think, and in the background I see a city on the hills. A little bit ahead

in the picture, in the water, is a rock.

Right behind the beach is also a mountain or a hill, which through an old fence of the

The beach is separate.

The sky is beautiful blue. I don't see a single cloud. So the weather is very nice.

Voilà, that's all I can describe in this photo.

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Plage: beach

to sunbathe: to sunbathe

lightly dressed: lightly dressed

Maillot: swimsuit (usually for women)

Swimming trunks: swimming trunks

Verdergrond: foreground, front of the picture

Upper body: torso, top (of body)

sticky: naked

Visière: here, the visor of a cap

Angel: fishing rod

stiechen, gestach: to stick, to be stuck in

Overalls: dungarees, overalls (with straps)

Bucket: bucket

Gloves: gloves

walk: to take a walk

träppelen: to step, to walk lowly

dry: dry

wet: wet

dark: dark

Foam: foam

Hängebrück: hanging bridge

Hill: hill

Zonk: fence, enclosure

separate, separated: separate

not a single cloud: not a single cloud

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Machine Translated by Google

Source: File:Rainy Night (15197506573).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

This picture was taken at night, in a city, I think. It's dark and it's raining. The

The ground is wet and lights are reflected in the water.

Some people have umbrellas. You can see sidewalks on both sides of a road, and

in the middle of the picture is a zebra stripe. There are four or five people crossing the street.

I can describe the people who cross the street. To the left I see a man from behind

with a short dark coat and a jeans box. He also wears a dark cap.

A little further to the right I see a woman with a red or pink umbrella. I see her back
and the side of her face. She looks to the left. She is wearing a short coat and tights. Right

I see two people, two women I think, who also cross the zebra crossing. Eng

Woman has a brown coat and a hat. Behind her is a second woman with a hood.
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I see other people on the sidewalk in the background. For example, one is walking on the far left

Woman talking on mobile phone.

Behind the sidewalk I see large windows and people sitting at tables inside.

Probably this is a restaurant. I can't see it exactly because it's a bit

is blurred. I can only see clearly that white lights hang from the ceiling.

In the foreground on the right I see other people walking on the sidewalk. For example, one man is with

a red or orange cap, a jacket with large letters on it, and a

Training box with red stripes. Behind him is another man with a beard, who

going in the other direction.

Ok, so much for this picture.

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dark: dark

spigelen, spigegelt: to reflect, to mirror

sidewalk: sidewalk

Zebra stripes: pedestrian crossing

Jeans box: jeans (pants)

Prabbeli: umbrella

Face: face

Pantyhose: tights

Kaputz: hood

Background: background

walk, step: walk (slowly), step

bann: inside

blurred: blurry, unclear

Ceiling: ceiling

Letters: letters

Training box: sports pants

Beard: beard

Direction: direction

Ok, so much for this picture: Ok, that's as much as I'll say about this.
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Source: File:Youth-soccer-indiana.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

In this photo I see a group of people playing football. There are two teams, two

Teams that play against each other on a field. The one team has yellow jerseys, or

in this case only t-shirts, and the other team wore green t-shirts. They play on the grass

a football field. The grass is beautiful green.

In the foreground I see six boys playing. At the very front of the picture is the ball. The little one

Boys all run towards the ball. The boys are all dressed the same. I will first describe the

Boy in front right, wearing a yellow T-shirt. He is the closest to football, I think.

The boy is wearing a blue short boxer, and he has tucked his T-shirt into the boxer. He has long

Socks on, and underneath he wore a protector to protect his shins. He has blue

football boots on. The boy has short, blond hair. He looks at the ball, and has his mouth

big on

On the left, next to him, is another boy with a green T-shirt. That boy looks a little older

out of. In any case is a little bigger. The boy is wearing black shorts and short brown hair.

He also looks at the ball.

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In the background I see other people. For example, I see a man in the middle

a yellow t-shirt that the boy is watching. On the left in the background I see people who open

Sitting in the stands, watching another match. I also see some people who are camping still

sitting, and people wearing colorful jerseys or sports clothes. Far left in the background

I see the roof of a building.

In the background I also recognize pottoes. Maybe those are lights, right?

Power lines, I also see objects that look like cages. Maybe those are goals

to play football, or maybe it's for baseball. I also see a lot in the background

green trees.

The sky is partly cloudy. I see a lot of clouds, but still it's quite bright,

and you can also see a little blue in the sky.

That's it. That's what I can say about this picture.

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Bouf, Bouwen: boy, boys

Ekipp, Ekippen: teams

Team = Team

against each other

Tricot: jersey (sports uniform)

Football field: football (soccer) field

nice and green: nice and green

boy, boy(s), son(s)

similar: similar(ly)

am nootsten: the closest

he tucked his T-shirt into the box: he tucked his T-shirt into his shorts

to watch: to watch

Schoner: protector, cover (This word is not in the LOD.)

shin: shin

to protect, to protect

Camping chairs: camping chairs

Tribune: bleachers, stand

Goal, goals: goal

Roof: roof

Potto, Pottoen: poles

Power line: power line

Gegestand, Gegestand: object

Cage: cage

bright: bright, clear

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Source: Passengers_at_Milan_Airport_Malpensa.jpg

In this picture I see people standing in a queue waiting for something. Various

People have wallets or luggage with them, so I assume that the picture is at an airport

or was picked up at a station. The ceiling is very high, and above the people hang two

large screens on which a Dolce & Gabana advertisement is shown. The skirmishers

hanging on the two sides of a rectangular part of the room that goes up to the ceiling.

Under the screens I still see green stripes, on which the direction of the

Toilets are indicated, and also a section where smoking is allowed.

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There are many people in the queue. I see at least fifteen. I only describe it

few. In the middle of the picture I see a woman with long, dark blonde hair. The woman

looks quite young. She is maybe 30 years old. She has a red rucksack, which she carries around her hand

hung In the same hand she also has her passport and a ticket. The other hand has them

on the handle of her Wallis. Her wallis has a colorful, geometric pattern, and small

Riedercher. The woman is wearing a white jacket, a black box, and red shoes.

Behind the woman I see a man wearing a white and blue shirt, a gray or blue jeans box,

and black shoes. The man has a black backpack on his back. I see a bottle

Water in a side pocket on his backpack. He has a bald head and black glasses. I

also see that he has his passport and probably his ticket in his pocket. The man looks up

his cell phone.

I will describe what I see on the screen. It is a very colorful,

stylized advertising. In the pictures there are several women with flowered dresses. They have too

Flower wreath on the head. One of the women is sitting on an elderly man's lap. I

also see some women sitting at a table with a red and white checkered tablecloth

to sit

What else can I say about this picture?

The floor is made of stone or ceramic, and is beautifully shiny. In the background on the right I see

large windows. On the ceiling I also see another window, a skylight. Outside

is it very bright.
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Queue: queue, file

Airport: airport

Station: train station

Bildschier, Bildschiermer: screens

Reklamm: advertisement

Ceiling: ceiling

Direction: direction

to indicate

fümmen, fümmt: to smoke

same: same

Passport: passport

Ticket: ticket

Handle: handle

Muster: pattern

Rierdercher: small wheels

Bottle: bottle

Glatz: bald head

Bag: pocket

blanten: colorful

Blummekranz: crown of flowers

elder: older, senior

lap: lap

table cloth: tablecloth

Floor: floor

shiny: shiny
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Roof light: skylight

outside: outside
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Source: File:Elizabeth II in Berlin 2015.JPG - Wikimedia Commons

In this picture I see the Queen, Elisabeth II of England, the Queen of Great Britain, who

was visiting Berlin at the time.

I will first describe the Queen herself. She smiles and waves to the crowd with one hand. She did

wearing red lipstick. She is smartly dressed. She is wearing a bright yellow rack, with large

silver button on the chest and on the arms. She also has a brooch, a brooch,

to the right of her rack, and she wears a chain. Her hair is gray or white, but you can't see it

well, because she wears a yellow hat. The hat has a black brim, and I see it that way too

something like a feather on it.

She is wearing white gloves, and she is holding a bucki in her hand. Bucki consists of yellow roses,
which are slightly darker than the rack.
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I also see some small, light blue flowers in Bucki. She also has one on the same arm

black bag.

To the left of the Queen is an elderly man. That's her husband, Prince Philip. He is too

elegantly dressed, with a dark blue suit, a white shirt and a tie

stripes. He smiles too. You can easily recognize him by his mustache.

In the background of the picture is a crowd of people who are watching the Queen and taking pictures with her

Take cell phones and cameras. I also see some small British flags: they are red, white and


On the right of the picture we can see the rear part of a car, and just behind it is a

Man, probably a security guard looking after the Queen. this man wears it

dark suit with a light blue tie. He has a bald head. He also wears a collar

with a badge.

In the very background we see a building made of dark glass, inside which is another building

to reflect

That's it. That's all I can say about this picture.

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deemols : back then, at that time

Queen: queen

beckoned, beckoned : to wave

Lipstick: lipstick

chic: chic, elegant

Rack: dress

Button: buttons

Pin: brooch, pin

Brooch = Spangle

wear ÿ wear, worn: to wear

Chains: chain, necklace

hat: hat

Rand: rim, border

Fier: feather

Gloves: gloves

Bucki or Bucki: bouquet

Rose, roses: roses

Bag: handbag

elder: elderly

Costume: suit

Stripes: stripes

Aperhoer: eyebrows

erkennen: to recognize

Why: crowd

nokucken: to watch
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Flags: flags

rear: back, posterior

rear part: posterior part

Security employee: security employee

oppassen: to watch over

Glatz: bald head

Halsband: lanyard (This is a German word, not in the LOD.)

to be reflected
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Source: File:Café Luxembourg, Amsterdam (2022) 03.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

In the picture I see the terrace of a cafe. People sit at small, round tables in front of it

entrance I also see single free chairs. On the tables I see small, red candles

Glass. I see menus on the tables. Some people just sit there and look ahead, others

talk to each other or look at their cell phones.

I can describe some people I see sitting at the tables. For example, I see below

on the left, a man wearing a blue denim jacket over a blue T-shirt. He has a

wearing black glasses and reading something on his cell phone. The man has a plastic cap. Facing him

sits another man with a bald head, who is wearing a red sweater over a red and white one

wearing a checkered shirt.

Above the terrace is a roof made of beige fabric and glass. In front of it is "Taittinger".

That's probably the name of a beer. On the side of the roof I see the

Coat of arms of Luxembourg: a red lion over a white and blue shield, with a crown

about it. Above the entrance, on the top left, is a sign that probably says "Café Luxembourg"
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stands, but I can't read it completely because it is cut off in the photo. I see

only the letters BOURG.

Above the roof I see a wall of bricks, and windows with white frames, which a

Diamonds are divided. One of the windows is open. To the right of the restaurant I see a tree.

Besides Café Luxembourg, I see other cafés, but I don't get the signs

read correctly.

At the bottom right, in the foreground I see a man from behind. The man is wearing a white T-shirt

and a black or dark blue cap. I only see his neck. His face is not

visible in the photo. Even further to the right, in the lower corner, I see two other men, who

pass the cafe. One is wearing a brown jacket and the other is wearing a mofe sweater.

Ok, I think that's all I have to say about this picture.

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terrace: terrace

ronn: round

single: single, isolated, a few

Candles: candles

with each other: together, with each other

at the tables: at the tables

Plakkapp = Glatz: bald head

Fabric: fabric, textile

Checkered (pattern)

vis-à-vis: in front of, facing

Beer: beer

Verdach: awning, canopy

Coat of arms: coat of arms

Shield: shield

Crown: crown

cut off: cut off

Frames: frames

Rough, rough : windowpane

Neck: neck

Face: face

visible = visible = visible

lower: lower

Laan the Café goen: walk past the café

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Machine Translated by Google

Source: File:Children blowing bubbles - attributed to Clara Nargeot.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

This picture is a painting on which five children are painted. The children play with each other. She

wear old-fashioned clothes, such as petticoats. So this is probably a picture from the

past. Perhaps from the 19th century.

In the upper part of the picture I see two small children on a stone wall, who

Make soap bubbles. The children use straws to blow. One of the children
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just zap his straw into a brown bowl. There is probably soapy water in it
Bowl. The girl on the right is wearing a hat with flowers on it and a pink and white rack. The

Hat is yellow, so it might be a straw hat. The girl blows into his straw and it comes right away

a blush out of the other end.

In the lower part of the picture, two other children are standing at the bottom of the wall, trying

to catch the blows. The one child, with short hair, stretched out his arms. The other

Child, a girl with long, dark brown hair, holding the front part of his red

Skirt up.

On the upper right by the wall is another girl who looks a little older. The girl stops

with both hands a bird, a dove, I think, at his breast, and look at the little one

children after She wears a light blue rack, and blonde or red hair with a blue ribbon

to be stressed. On the ribbon is a blue flower.

To the right of the wall is a stack of pink-red roses. On the right side I also see 3

Step stools.

In the bottom left of the picture it is a little darker. That part of the picture is in shadow. I

recognize a wooden chair, with clothes and a hat on it. Around the hat is a blot

tape on. Behind the chair is a rose tray. At the bottom right I see a small one

Wooden wheelbarrow containing soil and herbs.

In the background I see trees and green plants. To the right I recognize a building. Perhaps
is this a part of the children's house.

It looks like it's late afternoon because of the warm colors and the
Shadow. The image radiates calmness and coziness.
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Painting: painting

molen, gemolt: to paint

old-fashioned: old-fashioned

Petticoat: petticoat

Past tense: past

upper part: top part

stone wall: stone wall

Straw: straw

Soapless: soap bubble

zappen, zapped: to dip (into a liquid)

Straw hat: straw hat

Bowl: bowl

Soap water: soap water

lower part: lower part

to catch

to extend your arms

the front part: the front (part)

dark: dark

Schiet: shadow

Wheelbarrow: wheelbarrow

Herbs: herbs, plants

ausstralen: to radiate

Rou: calm
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Comfort: warmth, conviviality

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In this photo we see a park. In the foreground is a black fence made of metal wire, and

on the right are two benches. The one bench that is further in the picture is in the shadow of

a tree.

In the park I see grass, i.e. grass, and two paths made of pebbles. The one path leads to e

Basketball court I mean. I see a basket in the background.

In the background I also see a number of trees, which are of many different colors: green

of course, but also red, orange, yellow and brown. This is probably in the fall, and

the leaves on the trees changed color.

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Behind the trees I also see individual houses, with white and beige facades.

You can see the sky in the background. It is a beautiful, bright blue sky. High at

Sky is also white clouds.

The weather seems to have been very nice that day. That's it. So much for this picture.
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Zonk: fence

Wire: wire

Change the color: to change colors

Autumn: autumn, falls

Schiet: shadow

Basketball court: Basketball court

Paths: paths ("ways")

to lead (to)

namely: indeed

Basket: basket

a whole row: several, many ("a whole row")

Silica stones: pebbles, gravel

Leaves: leaves

single: some, a few, isolated

Facades: front, façade

light blue: light blue

The weather seems to have been very nice that day

This much about subject X, that's it for X

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File:2018 BOSS Strong cooking competition (31883011568).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

In this photo I see two men who are about to cook. They look like

professional chefs.

The two men were wearing blue T-shirts. On the man's t-shirt it says on the front right

"BOSS". On the sleeve of the other man's T-shirt I see a small American

Flag. The two men also have white hats, as chefs sometimes do. They have

wearing transparent plastic gloves. They are preparing a meal. They look very focused.

I think the man on the left has a small brush in his hand.

In front of them on the counter are various metal bowls, and pots, in which

Ingredients for the meal. For example, I see a bottle of oil on the table. It is either

Olive oil or any other vegetarian oil. Just in front of the man on the right is a tin, open

which I see asparagus in two aluminum bowls.

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Next to the oil bottle I see a small black pot with a still, and a white cloth.

I think I also see the stopper of the bottle. Another pot has potatoes in it. It

is also a pot with meat wrapped in cling film. Because of the color

I think the meat is chicken. In the background I see another bowl with it

Broccoli, and a tub of orange sauce.

Around me I see a restaurant kitchen. In the background I see a wall

Tiles and a red and black poster with "Station 7" written on it. In addition, there is one

Socket, I think. I can't see it clearly because that part of the picture is not sharp.

Okay. That's it for this picture.

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amangang sinn: to in the process of, to currently doing

Kach, Käch: cook

Flag: flag

Hat, Hitt: hat, hats

transparent: transparent

Plastic gloves: plastic gloves

Brush: (paint) brush

counter: counter (top)

Bowl: bowl

pot: pot

Still: handle

Ingredient: ingredient

Oil: oil

Either... or...: either... or...

Asparagus: asparagus

Blech: cooking sheet

Duch: towel

Because of

Stop: cap (of a bottle)

Potatoes: potatoes

Frischhaltefolie: plastic wrap

to wrap, to envelop

Pot: small pot

Sauce: sauce

Tiles: tiling
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Socket: electrical outlet

sharp: sharp, in focus

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File:The Meal Time Umberto Coromaldi.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

This picture is a painting. A woman is sitting at the table with her two children. The two children

eat soup, and the woman looks after them.

The woman is wearing a warm, blue blouse with a triangular neckline. She has short, brown hair

Hair, and red cheeks. She has one elbow on the table, and the other arm on someone's back

Chair where a small child sits.

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I think the child is a little boy. He has medium length, reddish or light brown hair.

The boy sits on two stools so that he is high enough to reach the table.

In one hand the little boy has a spoon with which he eats the soup. He holds the

Soup plate with the other hand.

On the left we see a little girl with darker hair, probably the little boy's

Sister. The girl looks after the little boy. It also has a plate of soup in front of it and a

Spoon in hand. The little girl has a pink bun in her hair. The two children

stuck their white clothes in their bag.

On the table is a white tablecloth. Next to the boy's plate I see a slice of bread,

and a thorn. I also see a tall glass jar with water in it on the table, a basket

with oranges, a vase with yellow flowers and a pot with blue flowers painted on it. Am

In the foreground is a wooden chair by the table.

In the background I see a wooden shelf with pots, bowls, cups and glasses.

To the right I see two paintings on the wall. I also recognize a plant with small

pink or white flowers.

The picture is painted with warm, orange and yellow tones.

Voilà, that's all.

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Painting: painting

Soup: soup

loose: loose (clothes)

triangular: triangular

Elbow: elbow

Cutout: neckline

Back: back

Bake, bake: cheeks

mid-length: mid-length

Reddish: reddish

Pill: pillow

Spoon: spoon

Putsch: bow, ribbon (in hair)

Served: napkin

package: collar

stiechen, gestach: to stick, to put in

table cloth: tablecloth

Broutscheif: slice of bread

Second hand: napkin ring

Soup plate: soup plate

wood: (made of) wood

gliese(n) : (made of) glass

Basket: basket

Chair: chair

pot: pot
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Bowls: dish, bowl

Toun, Téin: tone (sound or color)

paint, painted: to paint

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File:Christmas market in Stockholm Old Town (4206886224).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

In this photo I see a Christmas market. The photo was taken in the evening or during the night

and it's already dark. The sky is overcast. In the foreground are stands, small

wooden houses where food and drinks are probably sold. The booths are small

Front roof, and there are lights hanging on it. There are also wooden signs and garlands hanging above

the roofers. There is snow on the ground and on the roofs of the stalls and houses around.

There are many footprints in the snow on the ground. On the left in the photo, I see a big one

Christmas tree, which is also decorated with lights. There is also snow on the tree.

On the square, I see many people standing by the stands. There are also two in the middle of the photo

People at a table. Those people are dressed warmly: they wear winter coats and caps. individual

have bags in hand. Many of the people in the photo are blurred because it is dark and

that's why the photo was exposed for so long.

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In the background I see buildings with four or five floors. The buildings on the left

side have a yellow facade. In some windows the light is on. Other windows are

dark On the roof I see chimneys. On the right side I see buildings with gables

and decorations on the facades. For example, a building is green or gray, but the reputation of

the windows are brightly lit. On the roofs of the buildings on the right I see

also chimneys and antennas. In a window in the red building on the right in the middle I see a
red star.

Voilà, that's all.

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Christmas market: Christmas market

dark: dark

covered: overcast

Houses: small houses, cabin

stand, stands: stand, booth

Verdach, Verdiech: canopy

Sign (on a storefront)

Garland: garland

lien: to lie

there is snow on the ground

Snow: snow

Footprints: footprints

to decorate, to decorate

Place: town square

Winter coat: winter coat

Hat: hat

Tut: bag

blurred: blurred, blurry

for that reason

exposed: exposed [photography]

Stack, Stäck: floors, levels

the photo was exposed for a long time: the exposure (time) on this photograph was long

Chimney: chimney

Gables: gable wall

Ornament: decoration, ornament

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Façade: façade

Frame: frame (for example, of a window)

applied: painted

Antennas: antennas

star: star
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File:Hikers Snow Kandi IIT Mandi Himachal Jan20 D72 13625.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

In this picture I see a large group of young people. There are maybe forty-fifty people there

the photo. They stand in a row in the snow. It looks like they are on a mountain.

The people in the front of the photo look much taller than the people in the back. That's why I think that there is one

quite a long row. Many people have backpacks. That's why I think they are on one more

going on a long march. There is quite a lot of snow on the ground: I know that

Most people don't see their shoes or boots.

People are wearing warm coats. Some people wear a cap or a hood.

I also see two men with snow shovels in their hands.

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In front is a young woman, about twenty to twenty-five years old. I describe those


The woman is in profile in the photo. She has long. black hair. She laughs. She has dark blue

Clothes to wear: a short coat and a tight box. She is wearing a blue and red backpack. She has a cell phone

in the hand.

Behind the woman in front is a young man. The man is wearing a gray sweater and a blue one

Training box. He has black hair, a black beard and a mustache. He also has a

Glasses up. He also has a camera hanging around his neck.

What else can I describe here?

Because of the lot of white snow, the photo is very bright. On the right side I see green

needle tree. On the left side and in the middle see other, lower plants. Am

In the background I see the slope of a mountain. There is less snow there. I see some

dark green plants and brown soil.

Voilà, that's all I have to say about this photo.

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Group: group

eng X Leit: about X people

it looks as if...: it looks as if...

Rucksack: backpack

quite: quite

March: hike

enwewe: en route, in transit

Shoes: shoes

Boot: boot

Cap: hat (made of soft material)

Kaputz: hood

because: at least

Snowball: snowball

in profile: from the side (in a picture)

enk: close-fitting

Training box: track suit pants

Beard: beard

Mustache: moustache

Photo device: camera

Hang around the neck: to hang around the neck

Nolbam: conifer (this word does not appear in the LOD.)

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low: low (height)

slope: incline, slope

Ground: earth, ground

light: bright
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This image is a black and white photo. In the foreground in the middle I see a couple: e

Man and a woman. The couple can be seen from behind: their faces are not in the photo

visible. They walk on a path made of asphalt. There is grass on both sides of the pad. The

Asphalt is wet. It's probably raining, but I can't see the rain well because of it

Quality of the photo. The man has an umbrella in his hand.

I will now describe the two people in the foreground. The man is wearing a dark coat, and

a jeans box. He has short, dark hair. The woman has light hair, I think she is blonde. She

tied her hair behind her head with a ribbon.

She is wearing a jacket with a hood. She has a bag around her arm, and a pantyhose with it

Boots on. I think they are both quite young, maybe in their twenties.
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What else can I say about this picture?

In the background I see many trees. Maybe this is in a park. To the left I see a

Building, a house, and I mean also a pond. I also recognize a tent, and some people. On the

Grass in the background I see animals. They are probably birds.

That's all I can see in this picture.

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black and white: black and white

Face: face(s)

visible: visible

träppelen: to walk, to stroll

wet: wet

Wee: way, path

Path: path

Band: ribbon, band

Pantyhose: tights

ustrikken: to tie, to fasten

and de zwanzeg: around twenty (years old)

Weier: pond (water)

Tent: tent

Meadow: meadow, field

Bird: bird(s)
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In this picture I see a fair. I think it's the Schueberfouer. The sky is
blue. The weather is beautiful, and the photo is very bright.

In the middle I see men, probably farmers, dressed in blue. They have blue T-

Shirts or blue work shirts, and blue jeans. Those men still have a red fish

with white dots or stripes around the neck and straw hat on the head. They lead animals,

Lambs, sheep, with ropes through the fair. The sheep walk on the asphalt. I

see eight sheep, with different colors. Most are white sheep, with beige fur.

One sheep has a black cap and dark fur. Another has a brown head and a lighter one

Fur. The sheep have colored ribbons around their necks, with the colors of Luxembourg, red-white-blue. That

The sheep with the brown cap on the right goes right over a manhole cover.
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I still describe the man on the far right. The man has a gray white beard and looks

I mean the camera. He looks at the photographer. Far to the right I see someone's forearm.

That person is cut off in the picture. That means you can't see them completely.

To the left I see other people. Some look at the precession. I see a woman

with a white rack, with white shoes and with a leather bag on his arm. That woman did

dark brown hair and she is wearing sunglasses. She has a watch on her wrist, and I think

she has a mobile phone in her hand. To the left of the woman with the white rack is another woman. It has one

black double-breasted skirt with white polka dots on it. She has short brown hair. She has one

wearing a blue blouse, a beige bag around her shoulder, and she has glasses on.

In the background on the left I see a stand with a dolphin on top. Probably given

there are players. Next to the dolphin I see a street light. At the very back left is a house.

The house has a white facade and a gray roof.

In the background on the right I see a bud where food is probably sold. I

think they sell ice cream. I see a red sign with "Cornet" written on it. Those

Glacebud has a roof with many lights hanging on it.

In the middle behind the men with the sheep I see two more men with an instrument

play In the very background in the middle I see the back of a large panel.

This is the entrance to the fair. It probably says Schueberfouer or something like that

something. Even further in the background we see a building made of glass and steel. A little more to the right

I recognize a sign with a tiger. Next to it is a green sign with red writing where

"ICI" is written on it.

That's it. So much for this picture!

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Fair: fair

Schueberfouer: Luxembourg's fair

Fischi: light scarf

Hämmel: (castrated male) sheep

Schof: sheep

Rope: rope

Straw hat: straw hat

träppelen: to walk slowly

Pelz: fur, coat

Stripes: stripes

band, volumes: band

Channel cover: manhole

Forearm: forearm

Cut off: cut off

press session: procession

dotted: dotted (pattern)

Pinkercher: small dots

around the shoulder: around the shoulder

Façade: façade

Roof: canopy

Back side: back side

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Panno: panel
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Compare the photos with each other. What do you think of it? How is it in your country? Give it
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Puer 1

On the left I see a worker who is painting a wall. He irons one

light blue wall white u with a roller. He is wearing a white cap and a salopette. He did
little white color on the hand.

To the right I see a man sitting in front of a laptop. In front of him are also a cell phone and a blue one

Cup on the table. The man is wearing a plain shirt with small buttons. He closed his eyes and

has one hand on his nose. His glasses slid down his forehead. He looks tired and

stressed out.

The left image represents manual work, and the right image represents intellectual work.

When I was young I often did manual work. For example, I have in cafes

worked, but now I have an intellectual job. I take classes at the university. A lot

Western European countries such as Luxembourg have more people in intellectual work.

Intellectual work is also considered higher. In developing countries, like many countries and

Africa, it is the other way around: most people have a manual job.

I think that with artificial intelligence (AI) the situation could change: I have the

Impression that many intellectual jobs can be replaced more easily by computers, like

Occupations such as nurse or waiter in a restaurant. That's why there are jobs like this

in my opinion upgraded in the near future.

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Puer 2

To the left I see a picture of the country: a perch with tall grass and a fence around it. Am

Background is a red house or a barn, and some trees. All the way back I see

citizens. Maybe this is a farm. In any case, it looks like a remote place, far away

of the city.

To the right I see an apartment building. It is a white building with many balconies

Plants or small trees stand. On the roof I also see some colorful sun umbrellas. Am

In the background on the left I recognize several other similar buildings.

The left picture represents life in the country, and the other picture life in the city. Personal

I prefer to live in a city. It is easier to maintain contacts with other people,

and meeting new people. In a city, many services are also more accessible. One must

less planning, like if you live far from all shops.

In Luxembourg, the difference between country and city is not so great, because the distances are much greater

are small as in other countries. Even if you live in a small village, you can

quickly to a city if you have a car. In many countries this is quite different. A friend of mine

has family that lives in the country in Brazil, very far from any big cities. That's another one

Life. You have to learn to be more independent, and generally with less choice

to embrace For example, there is only one school in their village. The next village is

kilometers away. They therefore cannot choose their children's school. They have to agree

go with what they have.

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Puer 3

On the left I see a picture with two children feeding two giraffes. Be in the picture

a girl and a boy. The boy is wearing a colorful, checkered shirt. He kneels and stretches his

Hand out to feed a little giraffe. The girl is wearing a green checkered shirt

a blue jeans box. It stands behind the boy and seems to want something from the big giraffe


On the right is a picture of a museum or an art gallery. I see paintings in thick,

golden frames decorated with complex patterns. The walls are dark red or brown,

and the floor is made of lacquered wood.

The two pictures illustrate the choice between a zoo and a museum. Personally like

we museums in general better. I find that animals often look sad in the zoo,

because they do not have enough space, or because the climate does not suit them properly. Last summer

but I was in a zoo in Bangalore which I liked. A major disadvantage of

Art museums is that there are usually too many works of art to see them all properly

enjoy I always need at least ten minutes to a quarter of an hour for me to be beautiful

Tablo to look at, but most museums have hundreds of paintings!

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Puer 4

On the left side I think is an artificial image, a three-D image with a

computer was meant. It is a gray box with the flag of Luxembourg on the front: red,

white, blue. At the top of the box is a slot where a ballot can be inserted. At Ziedel

are two squares, one of which is checked. To the left of the chest is a castle.

In the picture on the right is a woman holding her hand in front of her as if to indicate "stop". You can see her

palm, and a red "X" is drawn on it. The woman herself does not look good, she is not

in the focus of the image. She is blurred.

The image on the left represents voting, participating in elections, while the image on the right represents "not voting".

Voting is mandatory in Luxembourg. In principle, everyone has to vote, otherwise they have to be fined

to pay I always vote, even when I'm abroad, although the elections rarely bother me

interest. In many countries, voting is not mandatory, and a large part of the population votes

don't People often say that they don't trust politicians. That's why they don't vote extra, out of protest, for

to show that none of the politicians who are running suit them. I think that many people

just use it as an excuse because they complain about wanting to go.

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to paint (wall)

Roll: roll (for painting)

Overalls: overalls, dungarees

Dots: polka dots

verruchtt: shifted

Stier: forehead

represent: to represent

more highly regarded: to be more highly regarded

Developing countries: developing countries

invert: turned around, opposite

artificial intelligence: artificial intelligence

Profession: profession

opwürden: increase in value, to value more

Pierch: fenced-in field, pasture

Zonk: a fence

Barn: barn

farm: farm

detached: isolated

to maintain: to maintain

accessible: accessible
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Greater city: metropolis, major city

independent: autonomous

omgoen: to deal with

to agree: to manage, to deal with

fidder: to feed

to extend your hand

The girl seems to want to give something to the giraffe: The girl seems to want to give

something to the giraffe.

Frame: frame (painting)

to decorate: to decorate

Muster: pattern

lacquered: varnished

Art work: work of art

to enjoy, to appreciate

to look at: to examine

Painting: painting

artificial: artificial

Schlitz: slot (in a box)

Ballot: ballot

Square: square

to tick: to tick, to check (a box)

Castle: lock
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palm: palm (of the hand)

blurred: blurry

Voting: mandatory voting

selen: rarely

Fine: fine (money)

aus protest: out of protest

extra: on purpose, expressly

untried: to run for an office, to present oneself for election

een passen: to be agreeable to someone, to be acceptable to someone

complain: to find it hard/unpleasant to do something

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