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Dream is not something that we

get when we’re asleep,it is
something that we achieve when
we’re awake.Lets learn the real
meaning of “DREAM”.

D Dedication
Dedication to what we do,what we gonna do reflects
the result we expect to have.

R Readiness
There’s none who comes forward to push you
personally into your ambitions You have to come
yourself forward to grab the opportunities that comes
to you.

Eagerness and encouragement

E Everyday is a very new beginning of our life.We have
to be in a position to learn something new from what
that happened in the past and encourage yourself to
make use of the present.
A Aspiration
Everyone has their own desire ,likes and dislikes and
goes in a path to achieve the target.We have to face
many challenges that comes with time in our success
journey,yet we’ve to be strong and fight with hurdles
to achieve the goal.Never forget that “Your today’s
aspiration is someone’s inspiration in the future “.

M Motivation
This is what that lacks in every person.Many people
says that there’s none to motivate them in their life
journey,but the bitter truth is that there will be none
to motivate you.You have to acquire self motivation
to push yourself forward at every moment of life.

This gives the real and outstanding

meaning of the word DREAM which is
permanent rather than that is pretty


4th year.

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