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Derivation of a Precise and Consistent Timeline for
Antibiotic Development
Henry L. Stennett 1,2 , Catherine R. Back 1 and Paul R. Race 1,2, *

1 School of Biochemistry, University of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TD, UK

2 BrisSynBio Synthetic Biology Research Centre, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TQ, UK
* Correspondence:

Abstract: Antibiotic resistance is a global health crisis. New classes of antibiotics that can treat
drug-resistant infections are urgently needed. To communicate this message, researchers have used
antibiotic development timelines, but these are often contradictory or imprecise. We conducted a
systematic literature review to produce an antibiotic timeline that incorporates the dates of discovery,
first use, and initial reports of the emergence of resistance for the 38 classes of clinically used
antibiotics. From our timeline, we derive lessons for identifying new antibiotics that are less prone
to resistance. These include a required focus on molecules that exhibit multiple modes of action,
possess unusually long ‘resistance windows’, or those that engage cellular targets whose molecular
architectures are at least in part decoupled from evolutionary pressures. Our analysis also further
highlights the importance of safeguarding antibiotics as a mechanism for mitigating the development
of resistance. We have made our data and sources freely available so that the research community
can adapt them to their own needs.

Keywords: antibiotic; timeline; discovery; clinical; resistance; development

Citation: Stennett, H.L.; Back, C.R.;

Race, P.R. Derivation of a Precise and
Consistent Timeline for Antibiotic
1. Introduction
Development. Antibiotics 2022, 11, Antibiotic resistance—bacterial infections that no longer respond to the drugs used
1237. to treat them—is a global health crisis of growing concern [1,2]. The demand for existing
antibiotics11091237 antibiotics is too high, which drives the evolution of resistance in pathogens [2–4]. The
supply of new classes of antibiotics that can treat drug-resistant infections is too low, which
Academic Editor: Eleftherios
E. Mylonakis
leaves us with few treatment options for the most serious infections [5–7]. To communicate
the scale of the problem, researchers have used graphical timelines that show how the rate
Received: 26 August 2022 of antibiotic discovery has slowed in recent times. These timelines are valuable tools for
Accepted: 8 September 2022 science communication, but often disagree with one another and lack clarity.
Published: 12 September 2022 In previous reviews, the definitions used for the date of the discovery of an antibiotic,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral its first clinical use, and the emergence of resistance to it, either are not disclosed or lack
with regard to jurisdictional claims in internal consistency. Examples include the non-disclosure of methods used to generate a
published maps and institutional affil- timeline for antibiotic discovery [5]; inconsistency in the definition of when an antibiotic was
iations. introduced into the clinic [8]; not defining the “year of discovery” or “year of introduction”
categories and employing a scale with a resolution of decades [9]; and the CDC’s 2013
Antibiotic Threats Report, which includes an antibiotic resistance timeline “based on early
reports in the literature”, but with a lack of clarity as to whether this refers to in vitro,
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. in vivo, or clinical data [10].
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
We conducted a systematic literature review to produce a more precise timeline for
This article is an open access article
antibiotic discovery, introduction, and resistance. Antibiotics can be classified by their
distributed under the terms and
origins, structures, and mechanisms of action. We took the 38 classes of antibiotics in
conditions of the Creative Commons
clinical use (Figure 1), as defined by Hutchings et al. [8], and consistently applied the
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
following definitions to them:

Antibiotics 2022, 11, 1237.

Antibiotics 2022, 11, 1237 2 of 12
Antibiotics 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 12

1. Discovery: when a compound or extract—not merely an organism—was first reported Discovery: when
have antibiotic a compound
activity. In some orcases,
this wasmerely
the compound firstwas
ported to have antibiotic
first discovered or synthesized. activity. In some cases, this was decades after the com-
2. pound
First wasuse:
clinical firstthe
first use oforthe
antibiotic to treat a bacterial infection: in modern
Firsta clinical use: the first use
phase II trial. Clinical studies of the antibioticand
of tolerance to treat a bacterial
toxicity infection:The
are not included. in
modern terms, a phase II trial. Clinical studies of tolerance and
approval of an antibiotic for human use is not used because several of these drugstoxicity are not
predate The approval
regulatory bodies. of an antibiotic for human use is not used because several
3. Resistance: the first reportregulatory
of these drugs predate bodies.
of clinically isolated bacteria resistant to the antibiotic.
3. Resistance: the first report of clinically isolated bacteria resistant to the antibiotic.
We hope that our timeline will be a useful resource to the antibiotic research and public
We hope that our timeline will be a useful resource to the antibiotic research and
health communities. We have included our data and sources so that the timeline can be
public health communities. We have included our data and sources so that the timeline
verified, updated, and modified.
can be verified, updated, and modified.

Figure 1. Cont.
Antibiotics 2021,
Antibiotics 11, x1237
2022, 10, FOR PEER REVIEW 3 3ofof12

structuresof of
38 classes of antibiotics.
38 classes (1) Arsphenamine
of antibiotics. (1) Arsphenamine in itsin
(1a) triva-
and (1b) pentavalent forms. General chemical structures of (2) a penicillin, (3) a sulfonamide,
lent and (1b) pentavalent forms. General chemical structures of (2) a penicillin, (3) a sulfonamide, (4) a
sulphone, (5) a polypeptide, (6) a salicylate, (7) an aminoglycoside, (8) a phenazine,
(4) a sulphone, (5) a polypeptide, (6) a salicylate, (7) an aminoglycoside, (8) a phenazine, (9) a ni-(9) a nitrofu-
ran, (10) a(10)
trofuran, cyclic peptide,
a cyclic (11) a cephalosporin,
peptide, (12) an(12)
(11) a cephalosporin, amphenicol, (13) a polymyxin,
an amphenicol, (14) an (14)
(13) a polymyxin, enni-an
atin, (15) a tetracycline, (16) a diaminopyrimidine, (17) a tuberactinomycin, (18) a pleuromutilin,
enniatin, (15) a tetracycline, (16) a diaminopyrimidine, (17) a tuberactinomycin, (18) a pleuromutilin,
(19) a macrolide, (20) a nicotinamide, (21) a streptogramin, (22) a thioisonicotinamide, (23) a glyco-
(19) a macrolide, (20) a nicotinamide, (21) a streptogramin, (22) a thioisonicotinamide, (23) a gly-
peptide, (24) a lincosamide, (25) a cycloserine, (26) an ansamycin, (27) a fusidane, (28) a nitroimid-
azole, (24) a lincosamide,
(29) ethambutol, (25) a cycloserine,
(30) a quinolone, (26) an ansamycin,
(31) a phosphonate, (27) a fusidane,
(32) a mupirocin, (28) a nitroim-
(33) a lipiarmycin,
(34) (29) ethambutol,
a carbapenem, (30) a quinolone,
(35) a monobactam, (36)(31) a phosphonate,(37)
an oxazolidinone, (32)a alipopeptide,
mupirocin, and(33) (38)
a lipiarmycin,
a dia-
(34) a carbapenem, (35) a monobactam, (36) an oxazolidinone, (37) a lipopeptide, and (38) a diarylquinoline.

2. Results
Figure 22 emphasizes
emphasizes the the stark
stark reduction
reduction in in the
the antibiotic
antibiotic discovery
discovery rate
rate after
after the
“Golden Age”,
Age”, the
the most
most prolific
prolific period
period of
of antibiotic
antibiotic research
research [11,12]. InIn fact,
fact, the
the rate
rate of
sincethe first
the antibiotic,
first arsphenamine,
antibiotic, arsphenamine, waswasdiscovered
discovered in
1909. TheThe
in 1909. Golden AgeAge
Golden is usually roughly
is usually defined
roughly as 1940–1960,
defined beginning
as 1940–1960, with with
beginning the dis-
covery of streptomycin
of streptomycin [8]. [8]. Extending
Extending the the linear
linear partpart of the
of the sigmoidal
sigmoidal discovery
discovery curve
curve in
in Figure
Figure 1 allows
1 allows usbetter
us to to better define
define the Golden
the Golden Age Age as 1943–1962,
as 1943–1962, whenwhen streptomycin
streptomycin and
the quinolones were discovered, respectively. A 2011 review in Clinical Microbiology
Antibiotics 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 12
Antibiotics 2022, 11, 1237 4 of 12

Reviews defined the “discovery void”, during which no new antibiotic classes have been
and the quinolones were discovered, respectively. A 2011 review in Clinical Microbiology
discovered, as starting from 1987, and several sources have repeated this claim [5,13–15].
Reviews defined the “discovery void”, during which no new antibiotic classes have been
However, the diarylquinolines
discovered, as starting from 1987, were FDA-approved
and several therepeated
sources have year after
this this
claimreview, and thus
this definition
However, requires revision
the diarylquinolines were[16].
FDA-approved the year after this review, and thus this
definition requires revision [16].

Figure 2. The cumulative discovery of the 38 classes of clinically used antibiotics. The Golden Age of
Figure 2. The cumulative discovery of the 38 classes of clinically used antibiotics. The Golden Age
discovery is highlighted in yellow.
of discovery is highlighted in yellow.
Figure 3 shows the discovery, first clinical use, and resistance dates for the 38 antibiotic
classes. From3 these
shows the discovery,
dates, first
we can define clinical
two periods use, and resistance dates for the 38 antibi-
of time:
1. classes. From thesewindow:
The development dates, wehowcan define
long after two periods the
its discovery of time:
antibiotic was first used the
development window: how long after its discovery the antibiotic was first
2. Theused in the window:
resistance clinic. how long after its first use clinical resistance was reported.
some obvious window:
outliers inhow long after
this analysis. Theits first usewith
antibiotics clinical resistance was re-
long development
were either technically challenging to optimize or shelved because they were not
There are
considered to besome obvious
promising outliers
drugs in this
until the analysis.
antibiotic The antibiotics
resistance with long
crisis worsened develop-
Five new
ment antibiotic
windows classes
were have
either been approved
technically for human
challenging touse by the FDA
optimize in this century:
or shelved because they
were (2000), to
not considered lipopeptides
be promising(2003), pleuromutilins
drugs (2007), diarylquinolones
until the antibiotic resistance crisis(2007),
and lipiarmycins (2011). Three of these were abandoned early in their development because
[17–20]. Five new antibiotic classes have been approved for human use by the FDA in this
of adverse side effects [16,17,21]. The diarylquinolones carry a black box warning—the
century: oxazolidinones (2000), lipopeptides (2003), pleuromutilins (2007), diarylquin-
strongest warning that the FDA requires—because of their significant life-threatening side
olones (2007),
effects [16]. Theand lipiarmycins
lipiarmycins (2011). Three were
and pleuromutilins of these
first were abandoned
approved for human early in their de-
use long
velopment because of
after their discovery: 36 adverse siderespectively
and 56 years, effects [16,17,21].
[17,22]. The diarylquinolones carry a black
box warning—the strongest warning that the FDA
More promisingly, there are a few examples of antibiotics requires—because
with unusuallyof their
sistance windows, side effects
from which[16].
can lipiarmycins and pleuromutilins
derive some lessons for designing or were first approved
for human use long antibiotics [23,24].
after their discovery: 36 and 56 years, respectively [17,22].
More promisingly, there are a few examples of antibiotics with unusually long re-
sistance windows, from which we can derive some lessons for designing or identifying
“resistance-proof” antibiotics [23,24].
Antibiotics 2021,11,
Antibiotics2022, 10,1237

Figure 3. A timeline for the discovery, first clinical use of, and first report of clinical resistance to
Figure 3. A timeline for the discovery, first clinical use of, and first report of clinical resistance to the
the 38 classes of antibiotics. For each antibiotic class, the orange bars are the “development win-
38 classes
dows” of the
and antibiotics.
blue barsFor
areeach antibiotic class,
the “resistance the orange bars are the “development windows”
and the blue bars are the “resistance windows”.
2.1. Multiple Targets
2.1. Multiple Targets
The polypeptide antibiotic tyrothricin has only been used topically, which is likely
partThe polypeptide
of the reason for itsantibiotic tyrothricin
long resistance has only
window [25].been used topically,
However, even afterwhich
decadesis likely
of use,
part of the reason for its long resistance window [25]. However, even after
no clinical resistance to the antibiotic has been seen and significant resistance cannot decades of use,
no clinical resistance to the antibiotic has been seen and significant resistance
induced in vitro [25,26]. Wenzel et al. interrogated the antibiotic mechanism of tyrothricin cannot be
and found in vitro
that [25,26]. Wenzel
even though itsetcomponent
al. interrogated the are
peptides antibiotic
highlymechanism of tyrothricin
similar in sequence, they
and found that even though its component peptides are highly similar
have different mechanisms of action [27]. Their combined effects are to damage DNA, in sequence, they
have different
increase mechanisms
membrane of action
permeability, [27]. Their
decrease combined
membrane effects
fluidity, andare to damage
delocalize DNA,
proteinsmembrane permeability,
[27]. This attack on multipledecrease membrane
fronts is difficultfluidity, and delocalize
for bacteria to defend membrane
against and
proteins [27]. This attack on multiple fronts is difficult
makes tyrothricin a natural combination therapy [28]. Clinical phenazine for bacteria to resistance
defend against
is also
and makes rare,
extremely tyrothricin
although a natural combination
it has been induced in therapy [28]. Clinical
vitro [29,30]. phenazinethese
Like tyrothricin, resistance
is also extremely rare, although it has been induced in vitro [29,30]. Like tyrothricin,
otics likely have multiple mechanisms of action, which makes resistance more difficult to
these antibiotics likely have multiple mechanisms of action, which makes resistance more
evolve [31,32]. Identifying new antibiotics with multiple mechanisms of action, or using
difficult to evolve [31,32]. Identifying new antibiotics with multiple mechanisms of action,
Antibiotics 2022, 11, 1237 6 of 12

or using multiple antibiotics as combination therapies, is likely to slow the development of

resistance [28].

2.2. “Resistance-Proof” Targets

Glycopeptides such as vancomycin bind D-Ala-D-Ala residues at the ends of glycan
chains, preventing the binding of peptidoglycan biosynthetic enzymes [33]. This mode of
action targets a structural component of the cell that is not directly genetically encoded, so
it is difficult to evolve resistance by mutating the target [34]. Furthermore, glycopeptides
do not have to enter the cell to act, which means that resistance cannot evolve by reduced
permeability to or modification of the antibiotics [34]. Resistance to glycopeptides did not
arise in pathogens directly: the self-resistance genes were transferred from the producing
microorganisms to pathogens [34]. New antibiotics with similar targets are likely to be
“resistance-proof” [23].

2.3. Low Use

The long resistance window for sulfones is probably due to their main indication
as drugs for leprosy [35]. Leprosy is a neglected tropical disease and there are many
gaps in our understanding of it [36]. Furthermore, sulfones are only weakly antibacterial
against Mycobacterium leprae, which made resistance to these antibiotics more difficult to
definitively prove [37]. Enniatins are thought to act as ionophores, collapsing ion gradients
across membranes in general [38]. In vivo resistance to ionophores has been recorded
and can occur by enzymatic degradation or exclusion of the compounds from the cell [39].
Presumably, such mechanisms are also possible for the enniatins, and their limited use
due to their cytotoxicity has delayed the onset of resistance [40,41]. The most important
lesson for safeguarding antibiotics is that reducing their use will slow the development of
resistance [4].

3. Discussion
This work represents the first comprehensive and consistent timeline for antibiotic
discovery, development, and resistance. It should prove useful for communicating the
alarmingly low number of new antibiotic classes that are reaching the clinic, and we have
also shown how the data can be used to identify antibiotic classes for which resistance is
more difficult to evolve. Our findings reveal a correlation between pharmacophore novelty
and a reduced ‘development window’, and also serve to highlight the importance of priori-
tizing molecules with expanded ‘resistance windows’ to ensure the long-term safeguarding
of antibiotics. By making our data fully available, and our methods transparent, we hope
that future researchers can use and adapt our timeline for their own science communication.

4. Materials and Methods

We conducted a systematic literature review by searching the Web of Science Core
Collection and PubMed databases for the names of antibiotic classes or their first members,
and found the earliest dates of discovery, use, and resistance, defined in Section 1. Table 1
shows the data used to make these timelines, with sources for each data point.
Antibiotics 2022, 11, 1237 7 of 12

Table 1. The data used to generate Figures 1 and 2.

Antibiotic Class Discovery Date Clinical Use Date Resistance Date

Organoarsenics 1909 [42] 1910 [42] 1912 [43]
Penicillins 1928 [44] 1941 [45] 1945 [46]
Sulfonamides 1932 [42] 1935 [47] 1939 [48]
Sulfones 1937 [49] 1943 [50] 1963 [35]
Polypeptides 1939 [51] 1941 [52] N/A 1 [25]
Salicylates 1940 [53] 1944 [54] 1949 [55]
Aminoglycosides 1943 [56] 1946 [57] 1946 [58]
Phenazines 1943 [59] 1962 [60] 2014 [61]
Nitrofurans 1944 [62] 1946 [63] 1958 [64]
Bacitracin 1945 [65] 1948 [66] 1949 [67]
Cephalosporins 1945 [68] 1945 [68] 1967 [69]
Amphenicols 1947 [70] 1949 [71] 1950 [72]
Polymyxins 1947 [73] 1948 [74] 1960 [75]
Enniatins 1947 [76] 1968 [77] N/A 1 [78]
Tetracyclines 1948 [79] 1948 [80] 1953 [81]
Diaminopyrimidines 1948 [82] 1962 [83] 1968 [84]
Tuberactinomycins 1951 [85] 1953 [86] 1959 [87]
Pleuromutilins 1951 [88] 2006 [89] 2008 [90]
Macrolides 1952 [91] 1952 [92] 1952 [93]
Nicotinamides 1952 [94,95] 1952 [96] 1952 [97]
Streptogramins 1952 [98] 1962 [99] 1977 [100]
Thioisonicotinamides 1952 [101] 1955 [102] 1959 [101]
Glycopeptides 1955 [103] 1958 [104] 1987 [105]
Lincosamides 1955 [106] 1963 [107] 1967 [108]
Cycloserines 1955 [109] 1956 [110] 1957 [111]
Ansamycins 1957 [112] 1961 [113] 1969 [114]
Fusidanes 1958 [115–117] 1962 [118] 1966 [119]
Nitroimidazoles 1959 [120] 1962 [121] 1978 [122]
Ethambutol 1961 [123] 1962 [124] 1969 [125]
Quinolones 1962 [126] 1963 [127] 1966 [128]
Phosphonates 1969 [129] 1974 [130] 1977 [131]
Mupirocin 1971 [132] 1985 [133] 1987 [134]
Lipiarmycins 1975 [135] 2009 [136] 2019 [137]
Carbapenems 1976 [138] 1983 [139] 1986 [140]
Monobactams 1981 [141] 1984 [142] 1984 [143]
Oxazolidinones 1987 [144] 1999 [145] 2001 [146]
Lipopeptides 1987 [147] 1999 [148] 2005 [149]
Diarylquinolines 2005 [150] 2008 [151] 2014 [61]
1 Not applicable—clinical resistance is yet to be identified.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.L.S., C.R.B. and P.R.R.; investigation, H.L.S.; writing—
original draft preparation, H.L.S.; writing—review and editing, C.R.B. and P.R.R.; visualization,
H.L.S.; supervision, P.R.R.; funding acquisition, P.R.R. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was funded by BBSRC grants BB/T001968/1 and BB/L01386X/1, MRF grant
MRF-131-0005-RG-RACE-C0853, and through the award of a PhD studentship to H.L.S. from the
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthetic Biology (EP/L016494/1) and Dstl.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is
not applicable to this article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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