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TV Show Pitch:

In Pursuit
Ella Andrade
The apocalyptic tone from the movie
White Noise, and the atmospheric
feeling of the game Firewatch.
Two good friends set off on the road
trip of their dreams, only for a
supernatural event to disrupt
everything they know.
Show Type:

Genre: SEtting:
Adventure. Suburbs, Interstate
roads, Mountainous
length Format:
1 hour long. Serialized.

Starting in Georgia
and ending up
somewhere in the Blue
ridge MountAINS,
presumably northern
north carolina.
character bios
● A quiet intimidating exterior with a soft and calm
● Always prepared and keeps checklists.
● Keeps up with and watches over Alice as if she
were his younger sister.
● A big science fiction nerd.
● Goes on bi-yearly camping trips with his dad,
● Jude is very close with his mom, Mary, he has
learned how to cook well from lessons with her.
● In Jude’s freetime he listens to music and goes
on walks. He loves the feeling of fresh air going
through his nose..
● Wild but knows when to be serious
● Knows a little bit of everything.
● See’s Jude as the older brother she never had.
● Loves to learn about geographical history.
● Confides with her mother, Tiffany, about
everything and has an extremely close
relationship with her.
● Alice loves to try new things and learn new
cooking recipes no matter how it turns out.
● Exploration and travel are some of Alice’s
biggest goals. As well as photography.
● Married to Joe and has two children, Alice and
● Has a very close relationship with her daughter,
● Interior Design is her career, and Tiffany doesn’t
prefer the outdoors,
● She comes from a very tight-knit family and
hopes she continuous that with her own kids.
● Isn’t a fan of animals or bugs.
● Even though Tiffany doesn’t like the outdoors, she
could name almost every country and adores
● Mary is married to Brian and has one child,
● Mary enjoys baking/cooking and pottery.
● She thrives in a small town environment and is
quietly very protective of her family.
● Mary is a big conversationalist and you can
depend on her to know all of what is going on
within the small town.
● Mary also knows multiple languages but doesn’t
usually bring it up.
● Joe is married to Tiffany and has two
● Joe is somewhat of a perfectionists and
relates to Jude with his organization skills.
● All around Joe is a loving family man, who will
go to any length to protect those he cares
● Although Joe is a caring man he is also stern
and disciplinary.
● Joe see’s things very logically and is great at
● Brian is married to Mary and has one boy,
● Brian is all for the outdoors and loves
connecting with his son via camping trips.
● Brian fears his kid is growing up, he doesn’t
want to be annoying about it but will truly
miss every moment he isn’t with Jude.
● Brian is secretly a conspiracy theorists, he
prepares for the end of the world and loves
to practice his survival skills.
Season 1 Episode 1

PIlot Episode
Cold Open
We are introduced to this quaint looking suburban neighborhood
where two young people, Jude and Alice, are packing a car. Both
sets of parents emerge from within the house and begin to say their
goodbyes and good lucks for the two teens road trip. After some
light chatter, final words are said while a few tears are shed and
Alice starts to drive off. Now in the car Jude and Alice make
conversation until the radio buzzes and beeps playing a nationwide
broadcast. As the broadcast continuous describing a supernatural
occurrence, Jude points out dark clouds and lightning as it all
comes into view.
Echo by:Incubus

Intro song
and title
Act 1
The two continue to drive as the storm picks up. Suddenly the sky goes even darker
and the only light that can be seen is purple flashes of lightning erupting through the
midnight clouds. Other cars driving on the foresty interstate begin to slow to stops and
pull over. Alice and Jude converse on what to do next. Neither of their phones had any
service and the storm was only getting harsher as time went on. A massive crack is
heard and light flashes, Alice screams as the car is struck and sent rolling down the
side of the hill from the road into the dense trees. We see Jude reach over to protect
Alice from any damage and proceeds to go unconscious from metal hitting his head.
Alice also passes out from the brute force of the fall and all fades to black.
Act 2
Alice’s eyes flutter open and she wipes her face of dirt and soot. Her immediate
reaction is to find and make sure Jude is okay. Cut to Jude yelling Alice’s name as he
runs in the direction of the car shrapnel. Alice is trembling looking nervously around her
till Jude comes into sight and the two embrace. Alice speaking through tears expresses
her worries, to which Jude works to ease. Once they both collect themselves and
realize what happened and what is still going on they sit in silence. Even Jude begins to
worry as what to do next. With any left over adrenaline running through Alice, she
quickly goes to tend to both of their wounds, not making a sound.
Act 3
Jude searches the remains of the car they drove and is able to recover some
sentimental items from the rubble. In an attempt to lighten the mood Jude refers to
old happy memories of the two. To which Alice responds well and is filled with slight
encouragement towards their current situation. With some hope now instilled into
both Alice and Jude they decide to explore and look for help.
Act 4
After a lot of walking Jude spots a cabin atop a hill. Alice is hopeful for their
situation, that they will rejoin society, and get help. Once at the cabin, Jude is
careful to examine it for any signs of danger. When all seems to be safe they
enter and begin rummaging for anything of use. A radio located on a table
stutters and static rolls out from it. Jude immediately runs over and tunes the
old piece of machinery. The same broadcast from the car can be heard faintly.
Act 5
As Jude and Alice continue to listen to the broadcast they become educated on
what is truly happening. When Jude switches the radio to another channel, pleading
voices can be heard. Switching the channel again a confident sounding man seems
to be reassuring everyone that no danger is near. Confused from all of these mixed
signals, Jude tries one more station with confidence. The radio buzzes until a faint
voice can be heard. Jude yells “dad!?” into the radio and receives a staticy reply
from Brian that can hardly be heard. A wave of relief washes over Jude and Alice,
knowing that their family is alive and they can all be reunited.
Where will the story go?
The duo will continue to explore the Blue Ridge Mountains that they have ended
up in. With their skills and knowledge of survival, Jude and Alice, will face many
obstacles in order to live and learn more about the tragedy that occured. Making
very little communication with civilization, more specifically their parents, the two
loose hope. But as thy head further north, reception to the radio is sparked. No
longer in doubt they set off to find help. Making friends and foes, taking risks,
conquering challenges both Alice and Jude tread the road in pursuit of survival
Inspiration Page
Thank you!!

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