3 - Early 20th Century-1-Notes

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Arch 212, Spring 2021

Early and Mid 20th-Century Modern Architecture in Europe and America

Instructor: Belgin Turan Özkaya

Modern Architecture

Die Neue Wohnung (The New Dwelling)

By Hans Richter 1930
Swiss Werkbund for WOBA (First Swiss housing exhibition in Basel)

The context for the emergence of modern architecture in Europe

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele ll Giuseppe Mengoni (1863 -1867) Milan
Central Train Station Ulisse Stacchini (1912 -1931) Milan

Antonio Sant’Elia
La Cittá Nuova (The New City) New Trends Exhibition 1914 Milan
1914 "Manifesto of Futurist Architecture"
Monza Cemetery 1912
Filippo Tomasso Marinetti (poet)
1909 First Futurist Manifesto

Turn of the century Vienna Austria

Otto Wagner
Planning of Vienna
Karlsplatz subway station 1894-1897
Postal Savings Bank 1904
Academy of Fine arts 1898

Art Nouveau (Arte Nuova, Stile Liberty, Stile Florale, Stile Moderno,
Jugendstil) Wagnerschule
Raimondo D’Aronco
1902 First International Exposition of Decorative Arts Turin
Main Rotunda
Furniture Pavilion
Botter House 1895-1905 Istanbul

Adolf Loos
“Ornament and Crime” 1908
Steiner House 1910 Vienna
Moller House 1928 Vienna
Chicago Tribune Tower 1922

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