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A network operating system (NOS) is an operating system that manages network resources: essentially,
an operating system that includes special functions for connecting computers and devices into a local
area network (LAN).
Provides more functions to stand-alone system.
Standalone - capable of functioning
-passing usernames and passwords to a server for checking when a user logs in
on its own without being part of the
-not letting users see watch others files without access
-access to network storage and shared resources.


-IP ADDRESS (internet protocol)

unique address that networked devices to send data to each other.
Each data has IP so it reaches the destination it needs to.
IPV4- 4 groups up to 3 numbers eg-(192.1681.1)
IPV6- 8 groups of 4 hexadecimal numbers separated by

-MAC ADDRESS (media access control)

there is only one of a kind in the world. All are different.
Given to network interface card.
used in devices connected to LANS using Ethernet, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi
used for restriction or allowing access to a network
used for identifying a devise on a network e.g.-(if u use the Wi-Fi more than the allotted time they will
know as u are having the same mac address in the phone)
used for tracking a devise
used for assigning fixed IP address.
Assigned by NIC manufacturer fixed addresses.
descriptive name that helps users to identify computers on a network.
not all unique so can cause conflict and file sent to the wrong person.


used to connect devices through a wired connection.
Cat5e cables are used for Ethernet connections. These cables are able to transfer data of 10Mbits/s,
100Mbitss or 1 Gibes/s.
connect devices through their NIC’s (allows to exchange data)
Cat6 cables- 10Gbites/s. more expensive used in business.

-fiber optic cable

contains a glass thread that bounces light signals between two devices faster and further than with
wires cables. Can carry 40Gbites/s over many kilometers.
used by telecommunication companies and organizations that need faster speed transfer.


allows devices with Wi-Fi connectivity to connect to a wired network.

has ports which can be connected to a device using cable.
makes sure data sent from any devise is sent to proper device on the network.
eg-printer, the laptop will send data that includes IP address to the switch and then to printer.
connects 2 different types of network.
ep-LAN connected to WAN

stores address of all devices that are connected to it so that it can forward network traffic to its
destination using the quickest route.
include switch, wireless access point.
act as gateway , connecting LAN to the internet.

used to amplify the signal in a network so that its range can be extended.
can be used for wired and wireless connection.
wireless access point can be set as repeater mood to act as booster.

computer that shares its resources with connected devices.
computer connected to a server re called clients.
shared by one or more server-printers ,storage, application


-check username and -manages multiple -allows users to -provides clients with -process requests
password. printers at a time. access shared and access to applications for data made via
when user logs in the giving different private storage that can run directly hypertext
client receives and printing documents from the server transfer
electronic certificate to different printers protocol(HTTP)
that it can access so one not
various resources overloaded
HTTP-a set of standards that controls how WORLD WIDE WEB-all the
computer documents that are written in HTML content stored on all web
connect to each other servers.


Internet service provider
to connect to the internet users need to subscribe to an ISP ISP provide connections to the
telecommunication infrastructure that forms the framework of the internet the provide access via
mobile telephone networks and landline telephone network. commercial ISP subscription fees for
access to the internet while ISP is free for community schemes which aim to provide internet access to
groups of residents who do not have a do not want access to Commercial ISP

Web browser
is a type of software application used to request and display information stored on a web server
example Google
search engine

a search engine
provides users with a way to find information in web pages stored on web servers.
uses and the key words that describe the information they want to find the search engine then
compares the keywords with those in its database of web pages and returns the result that by the
closest match to the given keywords it can also be done by images

filter software
Students using from accessing inappropriate information when a user tries to access a webpage the
address URL of the page are compared against the two list of URL and keywords stored in the filters
software that are based

The two list are Blacklist and whitelist

if the results match anything in the blacklist the user will not be able to view the webpage
if the resolve matches anything in the whitelist then the user will be able to view the webpage
if it does not match both of it it won't be allowed to view any information
The Blacklist and whitelist can be updated during software updates which will help children from
accessing disturbing for each inappropriate content

peer to peer network

Share their resources with other computers in the network but they do not access servers
client server networks
network that uses client

Access to shared peripheral
Access to shared data and storage flexible
access media streaming
shared access to the internet


1-Control of users access rights
can be given access to some resources
2- centralized administration
resources and user accounts managed by an individual or group of service and administrators insuring
that support can be provided by people who have an overview of the network and avoid inexperienced
users created problems for themselves for others
3- centralized backup data is protected from the loss because backups can be automated automated for
all users
4-Shared software Shared storage and file access the amount of storage available to users can be
managed centrally making files that can be shared
5-Roaming profiles the ability to log into an computer in an office and see not ok setting and files Which
helps to work them from anywhere they want


1-login and password –keeping it long and hard bu using different lettrs symbols and numbers.
Passwords are used to authenticate a user to the network.
2-firewalls- used at gateway to a network. Controls the network traffic to a network.prevents
unauthorized users from accessing network devices.
Avialabe as hardwareand software.
3-encryption- Process of encoding scrambling a jumbling data so that an authorised user cannot be able
to understand it

1 method to encrypt text

Shift each letter to the left by set number of places.

Two types of inscription

symmetric key encryption uses the same key is used to in script and this decrypt the data

Public key encryption uses to mathematical related keys called ki paper 1 key is used to encrypt the data
and different key is used to decrypt it

Wireless encryption protocol WET

is used to secure the wireless transfer of data it is the least secure wireless data encryption method as
every device on the wireless network uses the same key for every transfer Which makes it easier for the
hackers to study the packet and and have access to the wireless network

Wi-Fi protected access wpa

security protocol design provide better institution done w e p generate a new key for each device on the
wireless network.

virtual private network VPN

provides access to private LAN from a remote location the connection to the LAN is created using the
infrastructure of a public network like the internet that are sent using a VPN is inscripted so that it is
secure VPN might be used to access Their employees network when working
from home access computers in a different geographical location make secure payments prevent
surveillance of an access to the web activity
file access right known as file permissions

transaction locks help to identify which computer and network devices has been accessed

backup a copy of one or more files stored on a different place from the original file

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