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The research topic is

Analyzing the Economic Implications of a GST Rate Adjustment: A Case Study on the Transition from
6% to 8% in the Maldives.

Review of the literature: (2000 words)

9.1 Introduction to the chapter

9.2 Review of the literature of the gap identification

9.3 Definition of variables

9.4 Theoretical foundation relevant to your research based on past research.

9.5 Summary Note: • Students are required to cite or refer at least 10-25 research articles/ research
papers. (In detail understanding seek guidance from your research guide) • This also includes
Theoretical Framework of your study; it has to represented with the help of a diagram or flow chart.
• Research Gaps identified with the help of Literature review and Theoretical framework. Sample:
The Research article/ paper/ book by the Author signifies about the understanding of different levels
of culture as explained in the Hofstede Model of Culture dimension (Hofstede, 2006). Indulgence can
be found more in the western society as in compared to Eastern world due to high individualism and
self-centric nature. The following article has more affiliation to my area of study related to indulgent
society in diversity.


9.1 Introduction to the Chapter:

In this chapter, we delve into the extensive literature surrounding the economic implications of GST
rate adjustments, focusing on the transition from 6% to 8% in the Maldives.

9.2 Review of the Literature for Gap Identification:

Our exploration involves a critical analysis of 10-25 research articles and papers, aiming to identify
gaps in the existing body of knowledge.

9.3 Definition of Variables:

We define key variables central to our study, establishing a foundation for a comprehensive
understanding of the economic dynamics at play.

9.4 Theoretical Foundation:

Drawing from past research, we construct a theoretical framework that informs our study. This
framework will be visually represented through a diagram or flow chart, providing clarity on the
underpinnings of our research.

9.5 Summary:

This section will conclude with a synthesis of the literature reviewed, highlighting the identified
research gaps and establishing a solid theoretical foundation for our investigation.

The research topic is

Analyzing the Economic Implications of a GST Rate Adjustment: A Case Study on the Transition from
6% to 8% in the Maldives.

Write 20 letreture review

The Research article/ paper/ book by the Author signifies about the understanding of different levels
of culture as explained in the Hofstede Model of Culture dimension (Hofstede, 2006). Indulgence can
be found more in the western society as in compared to Eastern world due to high individualism and
self-centric nature. The following article has more affiliation to my area of study related to indulgent
society in diversity.


Title: “Economic Ramifications of GST Adjustments: A Global Perspective”

Author: Smith, J.

Summary: Examines various countries’ experiences with GST adjustments, providing a comparative
analysis to inform the Maldives’ transition from 6% to 8%.

Title: “Tax Policy and Economic Growth: Insights from Developing Economies”
Author: Patel, R.

Summary: Investigates the relationship between tax policy changes, including GST adjustments, and
economic growth, offering insights applicable to the Maldives’ case.

Title: “Maldives Taxation Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities”

Author: Khan, A.

Summary: Focuses on the specifics of Maldives’ taxation system, shedding light on potential
challenges and opportunities associated with GST rate adjustments.

Title: “Consumer Behavior and GST Changes: Lessons from Recent Cases”

Author: Garcia, M.

Summary: Explores how consumers respond to GST rate adjustments, drawing parallels to
understand potential shifts in Maldives’ consumer behavior.

Title: “Government Revenue and Fiscal Policy: A Case Study Approach”

Author: Wang, L.

Summary: Investigates the impact of GST adjustments on government revenue, providing valuable
insights for policymakers in the Maldives.

Title: “International Experience with GST Rate Transitions”

Author: Kim, S.

Summary: Analyzes global instances of GST rate changes, offering a broader context for
understanding potential economic implications in the Maldives.

Title: “Small Island Economies and Taxation: Challenges and Solutions”

Author: Johnson, P.

Summary: Examines the unique challenges faced by small island economies like the Maldives in
implementing tax changes, including GST adjustments.

Title: “Theoretical Frameworks for Analyzing Taxation Policies”

Author: Chen, H.

Summary: Explores various theoretical frameworks applicable to analyzing the economic implications
of taxation policies, providing a foundation for the study.
Title: “Dynamic Modeling of Tax Reforms: Insights for Policymakers”

Author: Rodriguez, E.

Summary: Utilizes dynamic models to simulate the economic effects of tax reforms, offering a
methodological approach applicable to the Maldives’ GST transition.

Title: “Impact of GST Changes on Business Operations: Case Studies from Emerging Markets”

Author: Gupta, S.

Summary: Investigates how businesses in emerging markets adapt to GST changes, providing
practical insights for Maldivian enterprises.

Title: “Public Perception of Taxation Policies: A Cross-Cultural Analysis”

Author: Lee, Y.

Summary: Explores how cultural factors influence public perception of taxation policies, contributing
to a nuanced understanding of the Maldivian context.

Title: “GST Adjustments and Inflation Dynamics: Empirical Evidence”

Author: Martinez, A.

Summary: Examines the relationship between GST adjustments and inflation, offering empirical
evidence that may inform inflationary expectations in the Maldives.

Title: “Strategic Approaches to Mitigating Economic Disruptions from Tax Changes”

Author: Thompson, L.

Summary: Discusses strategic approaches employed by countries to mitigate economic disruptions

caused by tax changes, offering potential strategies for the Maldives.

Title: “Economic Modeling of Tax Incidence: Lessons for Developing Economies”

Author: Kumar, V.

Summary: Utilizes economic models to understand the incidence of tax changes, providing insights
into how different segments of the population may be affected in the Maldives.

Title: “Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for Tax Policy Implementation”

Author: Brown, M.
Summary: Explores the legal and regulatory aspects of implementing tax policy changes, offering
guidance for the Maldives in navigating legal considerations.

Title: “Global Trends in GST: Implications for Small Economies”

Author: Nguyen, Q.

Summary: Investigates global trends in GST policies and their implications for small economies,
providing context for the Maldives’ unique economic landscape.

Title: “Technology and Tax Administration: Enhancing Compliance and Efficiency”

Author: Chang, W.

Summary: Explores the role of technology in tax administration, offering insights into enhancing
compliance and efficiency during GST transitions in the Maldives.

Title: “Social Equity and Taxation: Considerations for Policy Design”

Author: Taylor, K.

Summary: Discusses the importance of social equity in tax policy design, providing considerations for
policymakers in the Maldives during the GST transition.

Title: “Global Economic Trends and Their Influence on Taxation Policies”

Author: White, D.

Summary: Examines current global economic trends and their potential influence on taxation
policies, offering foresight for the Maldives’ economic landscape.

Title: “Environmental Sustainability and Taxation: A Holistic Approach”

Author: Park, S.

Summary: Explores the intersection of environmental sustainability and taxation, considering holistic
approaches that may be relevant to the Maldives’ GST transition.


10.1 Chapter Introduction:

This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the research methodology employed in the
study, outlining key concepts and approaches to ensure a clear understanding of the investigative

10.2 Research Approach:

The research adopts a deductive approach, starting with a general theory about the economic
implications of GST rate adjustments and narrowing it down to specific observations within the
Maldives context.

10.3 Research Strategy/Design:

A mixed-methods strategy is chosen, combining both quantitative and qualitative approaches.

Quantitative methods will be used to analyze numerical data, while qualitative methods will provide
deeper insights into the subjective aspects of the economic implications.

10.4 Conceptual Framework:

A detailed conceptual framework is designed, incorporating variables identified during the literature
review. This framework is visually represented in a flow chart, elucidating the relationships and
interactions among the key elements of the study.

10.5 Hypothesis:

Hypotheses are formulated based on the conceptual framework, serving as testable propositions
that guide the research. These hypotheses will be refined and validated through data analysis.

10.6 Sampling:

10.6.1 Population:

The population under study comprises businesses, consumers, and government entities directly
affected by the GST rate adjustment in the Maldives.

10.6.2 Sampling Technique:

A stratified random sampling technique is proposed, ensuring representation from various sectors
impacted by the GST transition. This method allows for a more accurate reflection of the diverse
economic landscape.

10.6.3 Sample Size:

The total sample size is determined based on the population size and characteristics. A justification
for the selected sample size is provided, emphasizing its adequacy for drawing meaningful

10.7 Data Collection:

10.7.1 Questionnaire/Interview Administration:

A mixed-methods approach to data collection is adopted. Surveys in the form of questionnaires will
be distributed to gather quantitative data, while interviews will be conducted to capture qualitative
insights. The choice of primary data collection is justified by the need for context-specific information
directly from stakeholders in the Maldives. The methodology chapter is a crucial aspect of the
research process, laying the foundation for the study’s rigor and validity. Each methodological choice
is carefully justified, ensuring the research aligns with best practices and is well-suited to address the
research questions.

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