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Table of Contents


I. Environmental Sector
Planning Standards for Environment 2
Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluent Standards 2
National Ambient Air Quality Guideline 10
Types of ECP and ECA Categories 11
Noise Quality Guidelines 16
Coastal Planning 17
Biodiversity 19
Solid Waste Management 19
Ecosystem Analysis 24
Rationale 24
Resource Mapping 25
Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction 26
Basic Principles and Concepts 27
General Objectives and Outputs 33
Data Collection and Analysis 34
Defining Policy Options for CCA and DRR in the 42
CLUP/Zoning Ordinance
Summary of Relevant Tables and Annexes 43
Forest Ecosystem 44
Basic Principles and Concepts 44
General Objectives and Outputs 45
Thematic Area Assessment Guide 46
Sector Analysis Matrix 47
Data Requirements for Forest Ecosystem Assessment 48
Summary of Relevant Tables and Annexes 52
Coastal Planning 57
Basic Principles and Concepts 57
General Objectives and Outputs 60
Thematic Area Assessment Guide 61
Summary of Relevant Tables and Annexes 81
Biodiversity 81
Basic Principles and Concepts 81
General Objectives and Outputs 84
Summary of Relevant Tables and Annexes 93

II. Social Sector

Housing/Shelter 98
Computation of Housing Needs 101
Housing Standards 102
Housing and Saleable Lots 106

Planning Standards 111
Enrollment Participation Ratio 116
Drop Out Ratio 116
Classroom and Teacher Needs 116

Health and Sanitation 117

Planning Standards 118

Protective Services
Planning Standards 122

Waste Disposal Facilities 124

Sanitary Landfills 125
Requirements for Controlled Dumpsites 125
Site Selection for Sewerage Disposal 125

Cemetery and Burial Grounds 126

Computation of Projections 127
Computation of Participation Rate 127

Sports and Recreation

Planning Standards 129

Social Welfare
Planning Standards 134
Sectoral Development Planning Process 134

III. Economic Sector

Agricultural Production 136
Support System 137
Conversion/Reclassification Areas 138
Criteria for Suitability of Agricultural Land Uses 138
Fishing Area and Fishing Facilities 139
Grazing Lands 140

Commerce and Trade

Site Selection Criteria for Commercial Areas 141
Site Selection Criteria for Market/Trading Sites or Trading Centers 141
Parking and Loading Space Requirements 141
Recommended Distances Expressed in Travel Time on 142
Foot or Kilometers
Testing, Inspection and Certification 142

Industrial Land Intensity Standards and Requirements 143
Location Criteria and Considerations 143
Industry Classification 144
Types of Industry 146

Philippine Tourism Statistical Classification System 161
Tourism Guidelines, Criteria, and Standards 162

IV. Infrastructure Sector

Road Hierarchy 169
Road Design Parameters 173
Road Requirements in Terms of Road-Right-Of-Way 176
DPWH Design Standards for Roads 176

Bridges 177
Traffic Planning for Different Land Uses 177

Power Demand/ Supply Standards 179
Percentage of Household with Electricity Connection 179
Percentage of Household without Electricity Connection 179
Energy Consumption per Capita 180
Future Power Requirement 180
Water Supply
Water Supply System Coverage 180
DPWH Design Standards: Water Supply 180
Water Consumption Standards by Type of Consumer 181

Information and Communication Technology

Manpower and Physical Facilities to Population Ratio 181
Post Offices/ Stations to Population Ratio 181
Telephone Density 181

Waste Management
Sewerage and System Design 182
Treatment Technology Selection 185

Area Regulations 186

V. Institutional Sector
Organization and Management
Local Government Structure and its Role 189
Requisites for Creation of LGU 190
LGU Officials and Offices 191

Mandated and Prescribed Sectoral and Thematic Plans 193

Local Fiscal Management (Local Taxation and Fiscal Matters)

Local Government Taxation 196
Real Property Taxation 204
Shares of Local Government Units 209

LGU - Civil Society Organizations (CSO) - Private Sector Linkages 210

VI. Special Area Sector

Green Growth
Basic Principles and Concepts 212
Key Technical Person/ Responsible Group 213
Thematic Area Assessment Guide 214

Urban Design and Development

Basic Principles and Concepts 214
Thematic Area Assessment Guide 216

Green Building
Energy Efficiency
Building Envelope 217
Natural Ventilation 219
Building Envelope Color 219
Roof Insulation 221

Mechanical Systems
Air Conditioning System 222
Water Heating System 225
Variable Speed Drives and High Efficiency Motors 229
Enthalpy Recovery of Exhaust Air 232

Electrical Systems
Daylight Provision 232
Daylight Controlled Lighting System 232
Lighting Power Density 232
Occupancy Sensors for Lighting Control 233
Elevators and Escalators/ Moving Ramps/ Walkways 234
Transformer 235
Overhead or Elevated Water Storage 235

Water Efficiency 235

Material Sustainability 236
Solid Waste Management 240
Site Sustainability 241
Indoor Environment Quality 241

List of Tables

Environmental Sector
EN-1. Water Body Classification and Usage of Freshwater 2
EN-2. Water Body Classification and Usage of Marine Waters 3
EN-3. Water Quality Guidelines for Primary Parameters 4
EN-4. Water Quality Guidelines for Secondary Parameters - Inorganic 6
EN-5. Water Quality Guidelines for Secondary Parameters - Metals 7
EN-6. Water Quality Guidelines for Secondary Parameters - Organics 8
EN-7. National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values 10
EN-8. Summary List of Environmentally Critical Project (ECP) Types
And Environmentally Critical Area (ECA) Categories 11
EN-9. Summary List of Additional Non-Environmentally Critical Project (NECP)
Types in ECAs Classified under Group II 14
EN-10. Project Sub-Groups 16
EN-11. Maximum Allowable Noise Quality Guidelines 17
CL-18. Ecosystem and Inter-sectoral Analytical Matrix 41
FO-8. Sample Forest Sector Analysis Matrix 47
FO-9. Checklist of Existing Maps for Inventory and their Corresponding Sources 48
FO-10. Checklist of Thematic Maps Needed for Forest Ecosystem 49
CO-1. Coastal and Marine Analysis Matrix 76
BD-2. Biodiversity Analysis Matrix 91

Social Sector
Parks and Playgrounds Allocation, BP 220 102
Parks and Playgrounds Allocation, PD 957 102
Facilities According to the Number of Saleable Lots, BP 220 103
Community Facilities Allocation, BP 220 103
Hierarchy of Roads, BP 220 104
Hierarchy of Roads, PD 957 104
Right-of-Way, BP 220 105
Right-of-Way, PD 957 105
Housing and Saleable Lots, BP 220 106
Housing and Saleable Lots, PD 957 106
Revised Minimum Design Standard for PD 957 and BP 220 106

Standard Sizes for Elementary School Sites 112
Standard Sites for Elementary School Sites Rural Areas 112
Standard Sizes for Elementary School Sites Urban Areas 112
Standard Sizes for Secondary School Sites Urban Areas 113
Standard Sizes for Secondary School Sites Rural Areas 114
Minimum Standards for Instructional Spaces 114
Minimum Standards for Administrative Spaces/ Services 115
Minimum Standards for Instructional and Administrative Spaces 115

Health and Sanitation

Hospitals and Health Care - Hospital Area Requirement 118
Hospitals and Health Care - Rural Health Unit Personnel Standards 118
Hospitals and Health Care - Standard Area per Hospital/ Clinic 118

Protective Services
Classification of Police Stations by Population 122
Standard Lot Requirements 123

Sports and Recreation

Standards for Recreational Facilities 131

Economic Sector
EC 1.A.1. Per Capita Dietary/Food Requirement Agricultural Production 136
EC 3.A.1. Industrial Land Intensity Standards 143
EC 3.B.1. Maximum Physical Characteristics Criteria 143
EC 3.C.1. Industry Classification According to Capitalization 144
EC 3.C.2. Industry Classification According to Employment Size 145
EC 3.C.3. Industry Classification Based on Hazard and Pollution Potential 162
EC 3.D.1. Examples of Industrial – 1 146
EC 3.D.2. Examples of Industrial – 2 151
EC 3.D.3. Examples of Industrial – 3 158
EC 4.A.1. Tourism Specific Products and Industries 161

Infrastructure Sector
IF 4.1. Road Capacity 175
IF 4.2. Density and Distance to Roads 176
IF 4.3. Table of DPWH Standard for Roads (AADT, CW, SW, Pavement Type) 176
IF 4.4. Power Demand/Supply Standards 179
IF 4.5. Selection of Technology 182
IF 4.6. Sewerage Options 185

Institutional Sector
IS 1.1. Requisites for Creation of LGU by Population, 190
Average Annual Income, and Land Area
IS 1.2. LGU Officials and Offices per Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay 191
IS 2.1. NGA Mandated Plans and Other Sectoral / Thematic Plans 193
IS 2.2. Local Mandated Plans 196
IS 3.1. Tax on manufacturers, assemblers, repackers, processors, brewers, 196
distillers, rectifiers, and compounders of liquors, distilled spirits, and wines
or manufacturers of any article of commerce of whatever kind of nature
IS 3.2. Tax on wholesalers, distributors, or dealers in any article of 198
commerce of whatever kind or nature
IS 3.3. Tax on retailers 201
IS 3.4. Tax on contractors and other independent contractors 202
IS 3.5. Appraisal and Assessment on Land 204
IS 3.6. Appraisal and Assessment on Buildings and Other 205
Structures - Residential
IS 3.7. Appraisal and Assessment on Buildings and Other 206
Structures - Agricultural
IS 3.8. Appraisal and Assessment on Buildings and Other Structures 206
- Commercial / Industrial
IS 3.9. Appraisal and Assessment on Buildings and Other 207
Structures - Timberland
IS 3.10. Appraisal and Assessment on Machineries 208
IS 3.11. Appraisal and Assessment on Special Cases 208
IS 3.12. Shares of Local Government Units in the Proceeds of National Taxes 209

Special Area Sector

Green Building
GB-1. Minimum TGFA for Building Use/ Occupancy 217
GB-2. SHGC and VLT for Different WWR 218
GB-3. Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) Values of Basic Colored Coatings 219
GB-4. R-Value of Common Roof Insulation 221
GB-5. Electrically Operation Unitary Air conditioners and Condensing Units 222
GB-6. Minimum Performance Requirements for Water Heating Equipment 225
GB-7. Motor Efficiencies 229
GB-8. Maximum Allowed LPD 232
GB-9. Water Fixture Performance Requirements 235
GB-10. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Limits 237
GB-11. MRF Minimum Daily Storage Requirements 240
GB-12 Minimum Ventilation Rates in Breathing Zone 242

List of Figures

Environmental Sector
RM-1. Sample Map Showing Issues Affecting Coastal Resources 25
CL-1. Projected Average Mean Surface Air Temperature 29
Anomaly for 2040-2059
CL-2. Projected Precipitation Anomaly for 2040-2059 (Annual) 30
CL-3. Convergence of Climate Change Adaptation and 32
Disaster Risk Management
CL-4. Sample Simplified Impact Chain Analysis for Urban Areas 38
FO-1. Sample Thematic Maps Needed for Ecosystem Planning 54
FO-2. Proposed Allocation Map 56
FO-3. Proposed Allocation Map 57
CO-1. Illustration of the Extent of CLUP 58
CO-4. Impacts of Climate Change to the Coastal System 59
CO-5. Types of Climate Change Stressors Currently Experienced in 60
the Philippines Based on Remotely Sensed Data for the Last 30 Years
CO-6. Municipal Waters Delineation Flowchart 70
CO-9. Illustrative Definition of a Foreshore Area 71
CO-10. Existing Provision on Salvage and Easement Zone on Coastal Area
In the Water Code 72
BD-1. Summary of Biodiversity Conservation Priority Setting Process 88

Social Sector
Housing Shelter
Types of Housing 99
Sports and Recreation
Passive Recreation 129
Social Welfare
Sectoral Development Planning Process 134

Economic Sector
Agricultural Production
EC 1.A.1. Percentage of crop production and Area to 136
municipality/city land area
EC 1.A.2. Percentage of agriculture land and Area devoted to each crop 136 EC 1.A.3.
Volume of Production 136
EC 1.A.4. Actual Demand/Required Food Intake 136
Commerce and Trade
EC 2.1. Rate of Increase 140
EC 2.2. Area Requirement 140
EC 3.A.1. Industrial Area Requirement 143

Infrastructure Sector
IF 4.1 Schematic Hierarchy of Roads 169
IF 4.2 Road Layouts that Deters Through Traffic from Using Local Roads 172
IF 4.3 Risk of Pedestrian Fatality 174
Waste Management
IF 4.4 Example of Sanitary Sewers 183
IF 4.5 Example of Combined Sewer 183
IF 4.6 Example of Small Diameter Effluent Sewer 184
IF 4.7 Example of Condominial Sewers 184

Special Area Sector

GR-1. The Relationship between Economic Growth and 212
Environmental Degradation
GR-2. Overview of Green Growth Assessment Steps 214
UD-1. Overview of Urban Design Assessment Steps 216


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