Lims Requirements

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(Please reIer word Iile
"ImprovementLIMS3" Ior more
explanation and screenshots)
Green Highlighter indicates
ModiIication. Yellow Highlighter
indicates new requirement.
Red Highlighter indicates Removal oI
requirement request
ISSUE Required Solution
"C -Complete Restructuring
ReIer word Iile ""C Module
ll "C Charts control Charts and Precision chart will be through NW or
appropriate third party soItware. ny queries passed to thirdparty soItwares
will be created and displayed in sapphire Ior more clarity and ease oI use
rather than relying on views and procedures and script. nd charts should be
readily available to person evaluating batch or auditing the system.
Control charts and precision charts will be oI
latest 50 to 00 points Ior routine use and
based on date range Ior auditing purpose.
Instrument connectivity to be reestablished Ior existing instruments. To
extend instrument connectivity concept to Ietch data Irom CSV Iile (either
Irom instrument or manual data entry).
s part oI "C module
Data Purging/ Data archiving is not working properly. We require this
Provide appropriate Iacility so that we can
access old data quickly and eIIortlessly
rovlslon Lo wrlLe and run query Lhrough LlMS and produce resulLs ln CSv flle
Please reIer word Iile "Provision to write and
run query through LIMS and produce
results in CSV Iile" Ior details
Provide Iacility to create/ edit - parameters, parameterlists, workitems, units
and speciIications through web application
s Requested
7 Importing Sample login details Irom Excel
Sometimes we receive 00 to 200 samples in
one batch where Iew Iields are diIIerent it will
be very convenient to import samples Irom
excel sheet this Iacility is particularly useIul
Ior project samples. Instead oI hard coding
the required Iields, is it possible to select
required Iields Irom sample table instead oI
hard coding particular Iields Irom the table.
During sample approval we have to select 'Yes' Ior the parameters to be
included in CO. It is very cumbersome and time consuming to select each
and every parameter. (please reIer screenshots)
we are looking Ior two types oI solutions - )
t the time oI approval we select parameters
by clicking checkbox and then pressing one
button should populate 'Yes to CO' Iield
and other button which when clicked should
populate 'No to CO'. 2 nd solution is LINK
parameter to print ( The way we do LINK to
average, Link to ConIirmatory Test, Link to
preparation step etc. with Ilexibility to modiIy
at approval screen.
ISSUE Required Solution

During CO Generation 'when we click 'Generate CO ' it perIorms its

action and then application goes away Irom that screen to 'CO' screen. We
want that it should return back to CO GenerationList page. (CO
Generate ction should occur only once even iI button is clicked two times).
(please reIer screenshots)
Required change as mentioned
We can not Iind samples (Recalled and approved second time) on CO
Generation List
. Similarly we can not approve 'Recalled Samples on Sample pproval page
). Presently I created separate pages Ior this purpose but that is not a very
good solution.
Solution what we are looking Ior is to have
additional samplestatus 'COGenerated' and
'COY/N' Iield Ior CO and CO Counter
in ssample. When we generate CO sample
status should change to 'COGenerated',
'COY/N' Field should get updated to 'Y'
and CO Counter should add to it. When
we recall sample status should change to
'Received' and 'COY/N' Iield should change
to 'N' PGE LOCKS Ior
COGenerationList and Samplepproval
page should be based on this logic

Facility to evaluate speciIications through sapphire iI speciIications are

attached to sample aIter analysis is over - post analysis Iacility. t present
this can be done through LVX.
s required
ll the BO reports should be able to display and print scientiIic Greek
characters (Symbols) and rabic support
s required
BO Report - We require two new reports Ior selected multiple samples
(See attached Iormat MultiSampleReport000 and
MultiSampleReport0002). Facility to generate these reports in Excel and
PDF Iormat. The reports can be generated through BO or through JV.
Based on these reports decision can be taken whether we should stick to BO
or some other way oI generating report. In report we will require enough
Ilexibility to modiIy content iI required. Purpose oI Multisample report is to
give customer project report explore possibility to generate report Ior all the
samples oI the project and or selection Irom CO list. It is to be mentioned
here that sometimes in a project we have more than one type oI samples so iI
we select project instead oI sample then it should ask Ior sampletype or
usubcategory. However we will prepare separate reports Ior each
sampletype but project will be same. Example in a project we analyse water,
soil, leaves and Iruits parameters are diIIerent Ior each type. So we will
preIer to produce individual report to each sampletype or usubcategory.
Formats Ior MultiSampleReport000 and
MultiSampleReport0002 are given in PDF
File "MultiSampleReport000" and excel Iile
:"Multisample report0002"
We require new CO where we can show Parameter, Display Value, Display
Units, Method, speciIication and Uncertainty Ior each parameter (see
attachment). Uncertainty Iield and pass/ Iail Iield as mentioned above should
be incorporated at parameter level. Uncertainty will always be Iixed once it is
determined Ior particular method but pass-Iail will vary Irom sample to
sample. Thus Uncertainty can be deIined while deIining paramlist but pass-
Iail will be as per sdidataitem.
Please reIer Excel Iile "CO with uncertainty
and pass-Iail and spec"
ISSUE Required Solution
For microbiology whenever we want to enter data Ior water analysis we have
to click load MPN the system open diIIerent page where we enter DT
BOUT WELLS and when system leaves data entry page the unsaved data
gets lost So we have to save it several time. Instead oI having required to
press that load MPN button ND PPERNCE OF NEW PGE. We
SHOULD CRETE PRMETER FOR one well/ small well and large well
so that we can enter data on data entry page only and load MPN button
should be converted to do MPN calculation and saving entire data this will
make data entry very easy.
reIer screenshots Ior ISSUE 5 in
COGenerationList/ Samplepproval (Maintenance List Pages)
Should be able to see attachment oI selected sample without requiring to go
to DataEntry (Maintenance page). This we require because Ior some sections
nalysis report will be attached as attachment
ReIer Screenshots oI the page in
Is it possible to see attachment oI sample iI we select the CO oI that sample
(http://oraapps0:880/Iemc/rc?commandpage&pageCOList)? II yes
then provide appropriate link to see attachment
ReIer Screenshots oI the page in
"ueries oI Summary report/ Revenue Report/ Summary Section Report are
not correct some data like revenue is not correct review queries and make
necessary changes
s required

During sample login one oI the Iields "PROJECT" and "LB PROJECT"
do not get updated in the database
To do the needIul and make it work. lso
give us generic solution to solve any such
problem on other screens. Please reIer
screenshots in ImprovementLIMS3
In the data entry pages presently we have Release data option. However we
have to save data then release data and again save data. We want that the
three steps should be combined together and only one click oI 'Release
button should perIorm save , release and save action.
en (LL Data Entry Pages)
ReIer screenshots in ImprovementLIMS3

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