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How often You do?

My name is Joel and I am a psychology student. My day starts at 9:00 AM, the first thing I do
when I wake up is check my cell phone and stretch.; I take a bath and change to go downstairs
for breakfast, if the food isn't there yet, I help prepare it or tidy up the kitchen; I finish
breakfast, wash the dishes and brush my teeth; I put my school supplies and go to the base of
the truck. At school I eat and study. At 7:00 I leave and go to the bus to return home, I arrive at
8:30, have dinner and do homework. And I go to bed at the time I finish my homework.

Preguntas para el extranjero:

-1.How is your country? Pleasant, overwhelming, etc.

Raj-It's stressful because the streets are always clogged and there is always a strong smell of

Me-2.Do you like sports?

Raj-I don't like them that much but I don't hate them either.

Me-3.What do you normally do in your free time?

Raj-I play Halo with my friends or I cook because I'm really good at it

Me-4.Do you wash your dishes?

Raj-Yes, I am quite organized

Me-5.Do you take your clothes to the laundry?

Raj-Yes, since I don't have time to wash it myself

Me-6.What food do you prefer?

Raj-Despite being Indian, i love hamburgers.

Me-7.What do you like most about your country?

Raj-Its culture is quite rich in every way.

Me-8.Why did you move?

Raj-I was no longer able to pay the previous rent.

Me-9.How often do you shower?

Raj-It depends, I usually do it every 2 days


Raj-A little, although I can regulate it a little.

My name is Raj and I am from India. He studied astronomy and worked at a nearby university;
at 9:00 AM I get up to take a shower and have breakfast; I go to work, I arrive at the university
and I go to the area in which I work; at noon I have lunch with my friends and we chat, I return
to work and at 6:00 PM I leave work to go home because my dog is waiting for me.

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