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Jaqueline Orozco

[1315 Hermosa dr] [Merced], [California] [95348]

T: [(818)791-7710]
E: []
Aug 25,2023

Merced Unified Highschool Dist

El Capitan High School
4321 First Street
Anytown, State ZIP

To Whom It May Concern:

[Introduction - I am soon to graduate from El Capitan High school. I want to work as a criminal
investigator/detective,I want to graduate from The Merced University majoring in Criminology and police

I am a very determined person and I pay really close attention to things and people.I think that skill will help
with finding facts and evidence. Another skill that would help me with this job is my communication skills,I am
very good with talking to people and getting them to open up,and for the job i want making people open up
and tell you things that maybe they are hiding is a really good skill to have.I speak 2 languages(Spanish and
English) I also understand Italian and speak it a little.This skill will be helpful with communicating with a verity
a people.[Some resumes provide a brief, bulleted-list of relevant accomplishments or skills in the body]

● Thank you for considering me in the FBI.I would love to answer any furthe Queistions you might have
regarding me and or this resume,My phone number is (818)791-7710 and my email is


< Jaqueline Orozco >

Jaqueline Orozco


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