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TERM 2 2023

DUE DATE: 19 MAY 2023
Learners must seek for the definitions. They should not present it as sought from
any source. They must paraphrase the definition using their understanding of what it
means. Furthermore, all sources must be acknowledged with the aid of the correct
referencing technique (s).

On each definition, the learner must make a statement and qualify it. Put a tick at the
statement and qualifier as indicated in the below answers:
1.1 Define the term Bill of Rights and state TWO reasons why discriminatory
behaviour in South Africa continues despite the fact that there is a Bill of Rights.
(1+2) (3)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE (✓) mark for the correct definition.

The South African Bill of Rights…

• is the constitutional document that guarantees and protects the basic rights and
freedoms of all individuals. (✓)
• outlines the fundamental rights of all citizens/ residents in South Africa so that
everyone can enjoy equality and human dignity. (✓)
• serves as a framework for the protection of human rights, ensuring that they are
respected and upheld by the government and all citizens. (✓)
• is an important document that played a crucial role in transforming South Africa into a
democratic society where every individual is entitled to equal rights and
opportunities. (✓)

Any ONE of the above for ONE mark (1 x 1) (1)

Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE (✓) mark for a well explained response

Possible answers could include:

• The history of the Apartheid System of institutionalized discrimination based on race,
has left a lasting legacy that many could find difficult to look past. (✓)
• The unequal distribution of resources/ land/ education/ job opportunities (✓)
• The Bill of Rights is not always effectively enforced/ there is not enough support for
law enforcement/ discrimination sometimes goes unpunished. (✓)
• There are still deeply ingrained wrongful prejudices/ stereotypes about certain groups
of people. (✓)
• Some areas of South Africa remain largely segregated, with little interaction between
different groups. (✓)
• Unequal socio-economic factors/ poverty/ high levels of unemployment could
disproportionately affect certain groups, leading to further marginalization and
discrimination. (✓)
• Lack of education about human rights/ diversity perpetuates discriminatory attitudes
and behaviours. (✓)
• Some ill-informed traditional practices may promote discrimination of certain groups
of people, particularly women and LGBTQ+ individuals. (✓)

Any TWO of the above for ONE mark EACH. (2 x 1) (2)

1.2 What is meant by the term “right to freedom of expression” and indicate why it
is important for the youth to consider the “limitations” to the right to “freedom
of expression” when they exercise this right within their school premises.
(1+2) (3)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE (✓) mark for the correct definition.

The right to freedom of expression is…

• the fundamental human right that allows individuals to express their opinions,
beliefs, and ideas without fear of censorship or retribution. (✓)
• a constitutional guarantee that protects individuals from being punished for
expressing their views, opinions, and beliefs. (✓)
• the right of individuals to communicate their ideas, opinions, and beliefs through
various forms of media and communication. (✓)
• a cornerstone of democratic societies, enabling individuals to participate in public
debate/ hold those in power accountable/ shape the future of their communities. (✓)

Any ONE of the above for ONE mark (1 x 1) (1)

Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE (✓) mark for a well explained response
Limitations on the freedom of expression could …
• encourage students to not infringe on others’ right to privacy/ human dignity/ non-
discrimination. (✓)
• help ensure that students' rights to a safe and respectful learning environment are
protected. (✓)
• prevent the harmful environment of fear and intolerance caused by hate
speech. (✓)
• help promote tolerance/ respect for diversity amongst learners and their
teachers. (✓)
• help learners understand their responsibilities when using social media,
prevent bullying/ harassment (✓)
• promote compliance with the school policies/ regulations related to proper conduct
and behaviour. (✓)
• prepare learners for the future realities of the workforce/ society, where there are
extreme consequences for their words. (✓)
• foster critical thinking skills/ awareness about the impact of their words/ actions on
others. (✓)
• promote responsible citizenship (✓)

Any TWO of the above for ONE mark EACH. (2 x 1) (2)

1.3 Give TWO examples of services provided by municipalities that are meant to
ensure “safe and healthy living environments” to communities. (2x2) (4)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO(✓✓) marks for TWO well explained response

Municipalities could provide…

• waste management services/ trash and recycling disposal (✓)
• building code enforcement/ buildings and structures are verified as safe for
occupants (✓)
• emergency services/ police/ fire/ ambulance services (✓)
• disease prevention and control services (✓)
• food safety inspections (✓)
• water quality monitoring (✓)
• zoning/ land use regulation (✓)
• parks/ recreation services/ community centres/ playgrounds/ sports fields are
kept clean to encourage physical activity/ social engagement (✓)
• animal control services (✓)
• environmental protection services/ air and water quality monitoring/ pollution
control measures. (✓)
Any TWO of the above for ONE mark EACH. (2 x 1) (2)
QUESTION 2: Human rights violation in schools
2.1 Mention FOUR negative social effects of human rights violation for
communities. (4x1) (4)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE (✓) mark for a well explained response

Human rights violations could lead to…

• less social time within the community because community members:
o avoid leaving their houses/ socializing outdoors in order to avoid slurs/
negative talk about them. (✓)
o fear that they will be attacked/ targeted if they exit their house to
socialize. (✓)
o make friends in other communities where they are accepted. (✓)
o face stigmatisation/ being ostracised by other community members if
they don’t fit in/ are part of a group experiencing human rights violations.
(✓ )

• further discrimination against certain groups of people within the

community. (✓)
• high levels of frustration and anger towards each other at the injustice they
experience. (✓)
• individuals and communities leaving their homes, causing the breakdown of
social structures. (✓)
• an erosion of trust in institutions / authorities and fellow community
members. (✓)
• social division within communities where people become divided along lines of
race/ religion/ other characteristics. (✓)
• difficulties for communities to come together to solve problems. (✓)
• stigmatization challenging individuals/ groups within communities, making it
difficult for them to fully participate in social life. (✓)
• social unrest/ protests from those who are frustrated and angry at the injustice
they experience. (✓)
• a breakdown of social norms and values within communities. (✓)
• limited social mobility/ difficulties for individuals to improve their social
status. (✓)

Any FOUR of the above for ONE mark EACH. (4 x 1) (4)

2.2 Explain how human rights violation amongst learners may negatively impact
their sense of humanity. (1x2) (2)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO (✓✓) marks for a well explained response.

Learners could …

• become desensitized to the suffering of others (✓) and lose their ability to empathize
with those who are different from them. (✓)
• make violence/ abuse/ intolerance seem normal (✓), leading them to believe that it is
acceptable to treat others with disrespect and cruelty. (✓)
• begin to see others as less than human (✓), leading to a lack of compassion and
understanding. (✓)
• focus on their own needs and desires at the expense of others (✓) because they
have to prioritise their own survival/ have no emotional resources left to see the
suffering of others. (✓)
• begin to view life as meaningless (✓) and so they start to see other people as
expendable. (✓)
• develop a sense of intolerance towards those who are different, (✓) leading to
discrimination and prejudice. (✓)
• lose their sense of respect for others (✓) and start to see them as objects/ tools to be
used rather than individuals. (✓)

Any ONE of the above for TWO marks (1 x 2) (2)

(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for qualifier / explanation)

2.3 Suggest ways in which learners could effectively promote the Bill of Rights in
order to eliminate discrimination in their schools. (2x2) (4)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO (✓✓) marks for a well explained response.

Learners could …
• form a committee dedicated to promoting human rights/ eliminating discrimination
within their school community (✓) which would be able to spread awareness about
the damage caused by discrimination. (✓)
• organize events/ guest speakers/ panel discussions/ workshops at school (✓) in
order to educate peers about the importance of human rights and the Bill of
Rights. (✓)
• design posters/ flyers/ social media campaigns that promote the values of the Bill of
Rights (✓) so that the importance of respecting human rights can be spread
further. (✓)
• work with school administrators to develop a human rights policy (✓) which would
outline the school's commitment to promoting equality/ eliminating
discrimination. (✓)
• engage with local human rights organizations/ advocacy groups (✓) in order to
collaborate on events/ campaigns that promote human rights/ eliminate
discrimination in the broader community. (✓)
• encourage open/ respectful dialogue between themselves/ their friend groups/ their
peers and learners from different backgrounds/ beliefs/ cultures (✓) as a means to
foster a sense of community/ promote greater understanding. (✓)
• conduct surveys and research to better understand the prevalence of discrimination
within the school community (✓) so that they can identify areas that require
improvement. (✓)
• set an example by modelling behaviour that promotes human rights/ respectful
treatment of others (✓) so that those around them might learn from/ copy their non-
discriminatory actions. (✓)
• advocate that learners speak up against discrimination (✓) as a way of driving
positive change within the school/ wider community. (✓)

Any TWO of the above for TWO marks each (2 x 2) (4)

(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for qualifier / explanation)

QUESTION 3: Services to provide safe and healthy living environments
3.1 State THREE ways in which an unhealthy living environment could
negatively affect the quality of life of people living in that
environment. (3x1) (3)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE (✓) mark for a well-explained response
Community members could …
• have increased expenses due to physical health problems such as respiratory
issues/ allergies/ asthma. (✓)
• find it difficult to cope with daily life because of mental health problems such as
depression/ anxiety/ stress resulting from living in unkempt high levels of exposure
to violence/ crime/ drug use could make the youth believe these behaviours are
normal (✓) and so they do not realise that these actions need to change/ there is a
healthier way of living. (✓)
• lack trust in government/ law enforcement institutions (✓) meaning that they do noy
believe that their seemingly small actions would be supported by a larger push from
those in authority. (✓)
• have limited access to quality education surrounding awareness and understanding
of community issues (✓) and so they don’t have the proper tools/ know how to
make positive environmental change. (✓)
• experience peer pressure to engage in risky or criminal behaviours that create an
unsafe environment (✓) and so they continue with unhealthy practices in a bid to fit
in with their peers. (✓)
• be continuously exposed to negative media/ entertainment / messages that
reinforce negative behaviours towards the environment (✓) meaning they are
subconsciously conditioned to believe unhealthy environmental practices are the
norm/ acceptable. (✓)
• suffer from digestive issues/ skin problems/ infections caused by unsanitary drinking
water. (✓)
• face sleep disturbances from noise pollution. (✓)
• become more violent/ be exposed to violence within the community as frustrations
increase. (✓)
• struggle to socialize because of high levels of ill-health. (✓)

Any THREE of the above for ONE mark each (3 x 1) (3)

3.2 Explain why the youth may not value a safe and healthy living environment
within their communities. (2x2) (4)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO (✓✓) marks for TWO well-explained response

The youth could …

• lack understanding about the importance of a safe and healthy community
environment (✓) and so they do not prioritise actions that promote environmental
safety. (✓)
• be disconnected from their community and its issues (✓) and so they do not see the
value of investing in the well-being of their community. (✓)
• feel powerless to create change/ believe their actions towards creating a healthy
environment won't make a difference (✓) meaning that they lack the motivation to
even attempt actions that could help the environment. (✓)
• high levels of exposure to violence/ crime/ drug use could make the youth believee
their actions towards creating a healthy environment won't make a difference (✓)
meaning that they lack the motivation to even attempt actions that could help the
environment. (✓)
• No good role models or good leadership (✓)to show the youth to learn to
appreciate a clean and healthy environment, don’t clean after themselves.
• Communities don’t offer activities, (✓) to show interests or have the necessary
resources like e.g. dustbins in their environment. (✓)

3.3 Discuss how societal attitudes could make cases of crime more likely to occur
within a community. (1x2) (2)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO (✓✓) marks for a well explained response
The community could …
• have culture of violence that glorifies aggression and conflict (✓) which makes it
seem more socially acceptable for community members to engage in criminal
behaviour. (✓)
• lack trust in the law enforcement officers/ justice system/ legal systems, (✓) leading
individuals to take matters into their own hands/ resort to vigilante justice. (✓)
• believe that criminal activity is the only way to achieve their socioeconomic goals (✓)
and so individuals start engage in illegal activities for financial progression. (✓)
• experience high levels of discrimination/ prejudice/ bias against certain groups, (✓)
meaning that criminal activity against individuals within these groups is considered
more acceptable/ justifiable. (✓)
• believe that their fellow community members deserve no loyalty/ have wronged them
in some way, (✓) which could make it easier to steal/ harm the people around
them. (✓)
• feel that criminal activity is necessary to protect their own interests (✓), meaning that
they feel justified when committing criminal activity. (✓)
• high levels of exposure to violence/ crime/ drug use could make the youth believe
these behaviours are normal (✓) and so they do not realise that these actions need
to change/ there is a healthier way of living. (✓)
• Lack trust in government/ law enforcement institutions (✓) meaning that they do not
believe that their seemingly small actions would be supported by a larger push from
those in authority. (✓)
• have limited access to quality education surrounding awareness and understanding
of community issues (✓) and so they don’t have the proper tools/ know how to
make positive environmental change. (✓)
• experience peer pressure to engage in risky or criminal behaviours that create an
unsafe environment (✓) and so they continue with unhealthy practices in a bid to fit
in with their peers. (✓)
• be continuously exposed to negative media/ entertainment / messages that
reinforce negative behaviours towards the environment (✓) meaning they are
subconsciously conditioned to believe unhealthy environmental practices are the
norm/ acceptable. (✓)

Any TWO of the above for TWO marks (2x 2) (4)

(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for qualifier / explanation)

3.4 Recommend TWO ways in which water services could sustainably be provided
to communities. (2x2) (4)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO (✓✓) marks for a well explained response

The municipal government could …

• collect rainwater in catchment areas, (✓) which could then be treated so that it is safe
for everyday use. (✓)
• encourage community members to use up-to-date water conservation methods (✓)
so that communities don’t waste the little water they have due to lack of
knowledge. (✓)
• create services to recycle grey water (✓) so that this water can be reused for
irrigation/ flushing of toilets/ etc. (✓)
• advocate for the installation of desalination plants in their areas ( ✓) which could then
be used to provide water to communities in coastal areas. (✓)
• Improved their water management procedures (✓) so that minimal wastage of water
occurs. (✓)
• collaborate with businesses/ the private sector (✓) who might be able to help provide
resources/ create infrastructure to improve water services in communities. (✓)
• encourage community participation by involving the community in the design/
implementation/ management of water services (✓) which can foster a sense of
ownership and responsibility for water resources. (✓)
• Any TWO of the above for TWO marks each (2 x 2) (4)
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for qualifier / explanation)



Note to the teacher:

Marks should be awarded as follows: ONE mark (1) for a well formulated definition:
4.1 Define the following terms.
4.1.1 Social media platform.

Technologies and standards using websites and applications to

communicate informally with others, find people and share similar interests (1x1)
and allow users to directly connect with one another through groups,
networks and location. (✓)

4.1.2 Cyber bulling.

Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place inline and take the form of
sending malicious text messages or text messages of sexual nature or
taking pictures and videos of someone with the intention of distributing the
content to others. (✓) (1x1)

4.1.3 Social media footprint.

The trail that you leave behind every time you upload a photo on social
media. (✓)
4.1.4 Cyber wellness
Cyber Wellness refers to the positive well-being of internet users. It
involves an understanding of the norms of appropriate, responsible
behaviour (✓)with regard to technology use as well as knowledge, skills, (1x1)
values and attitudes on how to protect oneself and other internet users in
the cyber world.

4.2 FIVE signs of cyber bullying.

Note to the teacher:

Marks should be awarded as follows: ONE mark (1) for each sign:
• Emotional withdrawal (✓)
• Being secretive/protective of a device (✓)
• Reluctant to go to school (✓)
• Lack of focus in school work (✓)
• Nervous behaviour when receiving text messages or email (✓)
• Feeling anxious when opening the device (✓) (5)

4.3 Discuss FIVE types of cyber bullying that can take place on social
Note to the teacher:
Marks should be awarded as follows: ONE mark for type and ONE
mark for a well detailed explanation:

• Impersonation/ Cat fishing: (✓)someone gaining unauthorized

access to the victim’s social media accounts and pretend to be the
someone they are not (✓)or sometimes assumes another person’s
identity online, including the identity of the victim and posting
inappropriate content as the victim.

• Cyber stalking/Harassment: (✓) involves constant sending of

abusive, malicious or threatening messages to an individual or to an
online group in private or public. (✓)

• Outing/ Doxing (Sharing private information): (✓)involves sharing

someone’s private information in order to publicly humiliate him or
her. It can include posting photos, emails, text messages or videos
on the internet or forwarding them to other people. (✓)

• Flaming: (✓)when people send angry, rude, vulgar messages

directed at a person or persons and this generally occurs during an
online fight, and the communication is usually filled with angry and
foul language. (✓)

• Trolling: (✓) deliberate act of provoking a response through the use

of some type of inflammatory statements- such as using insults and
bad language in an online forum. The goal is generally to incite
someone to anger, perhaps, so they post something inappropriate or
embarrassing (✓).

• Exclusion: (✓)creating groups or events and excluding someone

and this can also happen by not tagging someone in a photo or
inviting them to an event, as well as excluding someone from an
online conversation. (✓)

• Trickery: (✓)involves revealing private information about another

person and the person befriends someone and gains his or her trust
with the specific intention of sharing that person’s embarrassing
information online. (✓)

• Denigration: (✓) when someone posts rumors and gossip about

someone’s online in order to ruin the victim’s relationship and
reputation. (✓)

• Fraping/ masquerading- (✓)Use Facebook account without

permission and destroy comments, or create new and offensive
comments and pictures comments and pictures pretending to be (5x2) (10)
4.4 Evaluate the emotional effects of cyber bulling on a person’s well-

Note to the teacher:

Marks should be awarded as follows: ONE mark for fact and ONE for the
• Isolation(✓) – cyber bullying causes individuals to be excluded
and alone. (✓)
• Anger(✓) – victims may feel victimized and may plot revenge
against perpetrators. (✓)
• Humiliation(✓) – individuals may feel exposed and embarrassed
as the nasty posts have been shared with multitudes of
people. (✓)
• Powerless(✓) – victims of cyber bullying feel helpless and may
find it difficult to feel safe because of invasion of their privacy. (✓)
• Low self-esteem(✓) – victims may feel intense dissatisfaction and
may begin to doubt their worth and value. (✓)
• Suicidal thoughts(✓) – victims may respond to their intense
feelings by harming themselves or committing suicide. (✓)
• Depression(✓) and stress that lead to isolation, suicidal
(3x2) (6)

Marks should be awarded as follows: ONE mark for fact and ONE mark for
the qualifier:

4.5 Discuss FOUR strategies that can help you to stay safe on
social media to avoid cyber bullying.
Note to the teacher:
Marks should be awarded as follows: ONE mark for fact and ONE mark for
the qualifier:
• Protect your password (✓) in your gadgets by using
strong/different characters that will not be easy to be
detected. (✓)
• Set up security answers in your gadgets (✓) to restrict the
public to see your online profile. (✓)
• Be selective with your friend request by always blocking (✓)
unfamiliar messages sent to you. (✓)
• Never open messages from people you do not know (✓) by
always deleting those messages without reading. (✓)
• Do not post anything that can compromise (✓) your
reputation, always pause and check carefully before you
post. (✓)
• Educate ✓) yourself on cyberbullying were to seek help and
to report any bullying on social media. (✓)
• Don’t share your personal information to strangers. (✓)
don’t accept strangers friends requests. (✓)
Marks should be awarded as follows: ONE mark for fact and ONE mark for (4x2) (8)
the qualifier:

4.6 Assess how posting or forwarding humiliating and offensive material

to other people may affect the person who is posting.
Note to the teacher:
Marks should be awarded as follows: ONE mark for fact and ONE
mark for the qualifier:
• You may be reported (✓)on social media platforms as a
cyber-bully and be banned from registration on the different
types of social media platforms. (✓)
• If you post offensive messages to other people(✓), you may
be charged for public indecency. (✓)
• Posting or forwarding false/unconfirmed information about
someone(✓) could lead to you being charged for defamation
of character. (✓)
• People you are sending offensive messages or images to
may open a case/take legal action(✓) against you and you
could be charged. (✓)
• You may ruin your chances of finding work (✓) or being
promoted in your work as your offensive posts may go
against the ethos of your companies/organizations you are
attached to or you want to work with. (✓)
• Your relationships with your family and friends/peers may be
ruined (✓)as they may regard your actions as disgraceful and
thus not approving your actions. (✓)
• Your actions may attract enemies(✓) from the victim’s social
circle therefore putting your life in danger(✓)
• At a later stage you may want to use social media to promote
a business venture/social event and people may not
support(✓) you due to the bad reputation that you have (5x2) (10)
established with your offensive posts. (✓)

4.7 Recommend FOUR strategies that the school can implement to act
against cyber bulling.
(4x2) (8)
Note to the teacher:

Marks should be awarded as follows: ONE mark for fact and ONE mark for
the qualifier:

• Educating learners in the school about appropriate use of social

media platforms (✓) by inviting social media experts to the school
to impact knowledge about cyber bullying. (✓)

• Encourage tolerance and respect when using social media

platforms (✓) by conducting workshops on the appropriate use of
social media platforms inside and outside the school campus. (✓)

• Conducting programmers / policies (✓) in the school to give

learners code of conduct with special reference to cyber
bullying. (✓)

• Establish an effective system in the school in terms of using social

media platforms appropriately by using social networks (✓) and
other digital tools within the context of the curriculum. (✓)
• Assist the parents of the learners on how to monitor the social
media platforms (✓) of their children by hosting parents seminars
related to the appropriate use of social media platforms and cyber
bullying. (✓)

• Create the platform of reporting cyber bullying in the school (✓)

by establishing the policies and introducing the unit in the school
that deals with social media platforms in terms of monitoring social
media platforms and reporting cyber bullying. (✓)

• Educators needs to educate themselves on the newest technology

and programmes (✓) on how to deal with it when . How to deal
with the victims and protocols. (✓).

• Learners must only use computers for school related work at

school (✓) block any appropriate websites.

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