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Bluecord Announcement Document

This is a document that attempts to explain why I’ve made the announcement in the first place,
what exactly has stirred up in the server to warrant such an event, as well as things anyone can
do to hopefully convince the mods to change how it’s moderated.

There needs to be disclaimers put in place before everything can be laid out:

● Personal harassment against anyone mentioned, implied, or connected in any way to this
document is UNACCEPTABLE! All it will do is make you look like an asshole and
will change nothing.
● The mods will attempt to delete basically any word of this document, the announcement,
etc, from the server. If that is the case, then convince someone over DMs to look over it,
but don’t do it to random strangers. Do it to people you know personally.
● Because of the attempt to delete many of the things said, I will also be having an archive
of the announcement at the end of the document.
● I am the only person who organized the whole scheme. I am the person who came up
with any of the “destructive” ideas of the server, and should be the only one who gets
punished for the actions of others connected to it. No other mods were with me in this
scheme. No one that is not directly named as part of this scheme is in this scheme.
Inactivity of Admins

Compare these results to a semi-active mod:
Then active mods:

(is typically busy with personal stuff)

(was busy with personal stuff more often this month

I understand that a lot of mods are like this because they’re from the subreddit, but having 3 fairly inactive
mods (that are admins as well) is not a good look for the management of the server. It’s also understandable to
not be the most active person, but if the people who are admins of the server are not the ones interacting with
the members, this creates a disconnect and, ultimately, creates discontent.
Lack of Consistency in Modding
A member was warned and muted for a week for posting this image:

While other regulars were not warned verbally or formally for posting stuff like this:
A member was warned for a 9/11 joke:

While a similar 9/11 joke was ignored, and even dismissed by another mod:

This isn’t an attempt to prove any mod bias or to throw specific users under the bus, moreso it
proves that not everyone on the mod is on the same directive when it comes to how to enforce
the rules. Mistakes can happen, yes, but this is not something that should happen much, let alone
as often as it does on this server.
The @everyone of Idiocy
Due to a fairly minor issue with increasing edginess in the active members, the mods decided to
announce that they’ll be cracking down on people saying “kys.” You could argue that it was an
issue, you could argue that it was fine, but the mods decided that it should be something to crack
down on. They decided to do this by pinging everyone in the server for an issue that applies to
less than 0.1% of the server.

This had the exact ramifications you’d expect. Instant slowmode, problematic, even transphobic
users coming out of the woodworks to basically turn the general chat into a damn minefield. All
the while the mod response was absurdly slow, alienating other members and specifically making
trans members (some who were even new) ready to leave the server then and there.

If the whole point of cracking down on the toxicity was to not alienate new members, it failed
because it brought out a bunch of toxic members out of nowhere on top of painting the active
members as awful people.

The mod who pinged everyone’s response:

Simply put, this is the perspective of someone who’s barely active in the server, not someone
who engages with the community. It’s horribly out of touch with what the old members are
doing to each other, but also to new members, because nobody would even care about it unless
they found it a legit issue by, you know, interacting with the server.
Further “Attempts” to Crack Down
So the initial attempt to crack down on the toxicity was executed pretty poorly, even if it did
have good intentions. What’s possibly even more aggravating is to realize that the mods don’t
even attempt to crack down on anything adjacent to it.
Note: The people who were flamed here did dumb things to warrant it. However, what is the
difference between personally insulting someone and calling them a cunt and telling them kys,
which is a fairly desensitized insult. If they were truly attempting to crack down on toxicity, this
should have never happened, especially after the announcement.
Akada and His Ban
Akada was a member who joined in this “abandon server” operation, mainly due to being
somewhat tired of the server and seeing the decline in trust with the mods. He had no prior
warns, mutes, or bans. Before he left, he ended up posting a final message that criticized one of
the mods.

The message overall was him voicing concerns and grievances with the direction of the server,
the possible biases in moderating it, and eventually him using a specific example involving one
of the head admins. Because of the last sentence, it could constitute rule 4 be broken due to
targeting specific users. However, instead of warning him for it, said mod banned him, despite
him not having a single strike that could warrant such a harsh punishment.
Mods’ Response
The response to the message was less than ideal for the mods, as their first thoughts were “more
people are going to be joining this tirade” as well as theorizing other members were going to join
in posting essays as well as not understanding what’s happening and even mocking the users.
What Can You Do?
● Demand that the mod team either be reset or completely overhauled.
○ The reset means everyone on the mod team is swapped out for newer mods, while
an overhaul will include removing old, legacy mods that don’t interact with the
server, reducing modding inconsistencies, etc.
● Spread this PDF around in the server, on the subreddit, etc, so word gets around. If it
gets deleted on the subreddit, take it to places where it’s impossible for it to be deleted.
● If they ignore the pleas, then leave the server and find a new place to talk about DMC.
It could be another discord server, the subreddit, a friend group, anywhere, just not here.
Announcement Archive
Alright, I’m gonna cut straight to the point.

This server’s mod team is out of touch, mostly inactive, and fundamentally broken.

Out of the 9 mods that are currently in the server, only around half of them have done
much of anything in the server. And the ones that are active are antagonistic against server
members that go against what they think is right.

The mods also think it’s just a case of people just not liking them being the cause of people
flaring up. Well let me say this: I am the person who facilitated people leaving the server. I felt
that this is the only way to have this server improve, which leads me to my next point. The only
way for this server to improve is if the mod team is fundamentally changed.

Now I wanna make it clear, I do not harbor any ill will towards any of the mods personally, I do
not wish for any of them to be harassed, in fact I believe all of them are good people at the end of
the day. However, with how the server has been on a decline when it comes to moderation, I
truly do believe that they are either too inactive to help with the server, too emotionally unstable
to properly lead it, or are straight up incompetent at modding.

Below I will be linking a document that goes over everything I believe supports my claims, as it
would be impossible for me to link it in the message.

My final message is this. This message will likely be deleted very soon, as the mods will delete
and ban me after I leave. So I request everyone reading this to save the files I sent, as it will
include this message for you all to read, as well as everything that I send in the document. It’s
been a good one, see you all.

Oh yeah, if the mods mention that they added server suggestions, this only came to be after the
shitstorm of members leaving.
Final Messages
This’ll be a roundup of people who are a part of this scheme who wanted to leave final, direct
messages to the mod team. Some wish to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.

If this doesn't convince any of you, just note that criticisms like this were being voiced as far
back as 2020 with a smaller mod team, the server changed a lot and somehow all of the things
said in this document remain true. For the mods: if anything said here is dismissed entirely and
Kukri gets outed as being a big bad villain who wants the server to die and just hates you
personally, then all my hopes for this server are genuinely lost and this would not be the first
time (and probably not the last) that one of my friends would be dismissed or treated unfairly by
one of you for completely valid criticisms. Please take this document to heart, I'm probably not
coming back but I don't want to burn any bridges.

- fuckingbobert

I hope you can take Kukri's message to heart, I really like this server, and I don't want it to burn
in flames. The distrust and discontent between members and mods just does not create a nice
atmosphere, and again, I hope you see that Kukri is not trying to paint you in a bad way.

- Anonymous

The place most commonly referred to as Bluecord. Yes, there is a very important distinction
between "Bluecord" & "R/DevilMayCry". The former suggests a sense of belonging and a home.
Bluecord has been a home for me the moment I verified my role. I've met so many interesting
people and it was an interesting and friendly circle to hang out, especially when we all needed
some comfort when we were all locked up. It's such a damn shame to see this place crumble to a
shadow of its former self, given that everyone - be it member and moderator were able to form a
connection with each other almost so effortlessly. Nowadays, the state of Bluecord has been
either uninteresting or just a cesspool for unneeded drama. Bluecord used to be a happy place. I
was happy, until recently. I'm just sick of this nonsense and I can't put up with it any longer. They
say that the safest place in the world is home. I used to love this home, but that home for me
doesn't feel like one to me anymore. I do wish the best for whoever who's reading this regardless
if you're new, a regular or a moderator that you'll make a rational decision after reading this and
that things might take a turn for the better although I'm pretty skeptical that it won't.
- Anonymous

I've already went into very brief detail on my issues with the server so I'd just be repeating myself
if I said the same thing over and over rather I wanna give a message out to the moderation team
more than anything.

I don't think you're an asshole soli and I still viewed myself as friends with you up until now at
least, if I was simply not allowed to address any sort of issues I have with your way of
moderating then what good is that friendship? You want me to just bottle it up all the time so you
feel good about yourself? Open your fucking eyes jesus christ you took this way too personally
my issues were with your moderation not with you, and I get banned for it? You addressed me as
childish instead of reaching out to me, banned me on the spot and called me a backstabber
because apparently this came out of the blue to you and this is just me speaking for someone else
instead of myself and I assure you, while other regulars did impact my complaints they are still
my complaints I left for my own reasons and I was so close to leaving so many times before this
is just the final nail in the coffin.

It's honestly baffling that people like harold call the regulars of the server "trouble makers that
needed to be gone" when he isn't even fucking active enough to know who the bad members are,
there is no fucking room for disagreement in this server and the many times soli mentioned how
we should take our issues to harold I REPEAT WHAT I STATED HAROLD ISN'T ACTIVE
So that's about it.

- akadalix

A lot of members have stated what I have wanted to say, although I think this needs to be said.

It certainly does seem that the moderation team thinks it is only them that can build a community.

When akada voiced his concerns about the server, he was banned without a second thought and
had no prior warnings or bans, and the rest of us left shortly after this. The moderation team's
response to this seemed to be just "oh well i guess these are just troublemakers good riddance
lol". It's a gross misinterpretation of our intentions and it really does show their characters when
they take it this way. It takes both moderator and member to build and maintain a healthy
community. The moderation team thinking that we just hate them personally is baffling after we
have given constructive criticism. We didn't kick off or cause any drama. That was done
beforehand in several incidents. While the suggestions channel is a great addition, why did it
cost several members to leave and one to be banned? It's almost as if they're just checking boxes
so something like this doesn't happen again.

Even if you ban us, and permanently get rid of us, these things will keep happening. Until you all
get a fucking hold of yourselves and stop looking at this criticism like it's a personal attack,
nobody hates or dislikes you all personally, there's a difference between hating a person and
hating their actions.

- clappucino.dark

To be honest, I’m not surprised that Kukri and other regulars are becoming unhappy with the
current mods. The nonexistent communication is single handedly causing a divide within the
server, and it's quite sad to see, even as a relatively newer member.

- Anonymous

When I joined Bluecord, I did not expect things to turn out like they are now, but oh well, now I
am just significantly disheartened by everything. Before I continue, I will make a disclaimer that
I am a regular and that I choose to keep myself anonymous until further notice in fear that I will
be silenced like Akada was for voicing his own thoughts and genuine opinions about the current
situation going down in the server, as I wish to remain in and see where the server goes from
here on out, because at this rate all my hope in the server’s longevity, has long since been gone
and I have only now just acknowledged that fact, as well as it being a semi-decent place to hang
around in (when the situation isn’t thrown into the mix at least). Now I’m not good with
speeches, but there appears (is) to be a fair deal of mod bias, favouritism, lack of consistency
and inactivity going around in the mod team at the moment, I won’t throw harsh criticism
around, only my genuine thoughts and feelings on the matter since some of y’all (if you’re even
reading this) are nice to hang around with, what with Akada, who had no warns, strikes or bans
prior to attempting to voice his opinions about the state of mod bias in Blue and then getting
ABSOLUTELY 1984’d for it, and the fact it was brushed off as nonsense is concerning for any
who in the future attempt to even lightly disagree with mod decisions publicly in the server,
creating an unsafe and disengaging environment for any newcomers and current regulars, along
with the fact that any concerns be discussed with Harold who is out of touch with us and doesn’t
fully know what’s going on due to his inactivity in moderating the server whatever reason he may
have and I will not blame him for it in the slightest. It saddens me to know that there’s big, real
issues and discontent with the server and its direction.

I personally believe that everything stated in this announcement and document is constructive
criticism and not in any shape or form blatant “nonsense” or in any way harassment of the mod
team in any nature. At this rate I would not know what to suggest to the mod team other than
discuss it thoroughly and address all underlying issues and potentially resolve any form of mod
bias to avoid any Akada-like incidents happening in the future. I hope he can be forgiven
Lastly, I might reveal myself and express any further complaints to one admin when it has been
made apparent that I will not get 1984’d for whatever I genuinely think.

Been a bash.

- Anonymous

After akada's ban I am not willing to give up my name on this document, but I would still like to
say my piece on the whole situation.

You've had this coming for a while. Most problems listed have existed for years and now they
have grown enough for people to think this post is the only way for their voices to be heard. A lot
has been mentioned already so I want to focus on one specific issue.

The admin team is not trusted, and why would it be? It's filled 3/4ths with people who range from
never talking to talking so rarely most users don't know the slightest thing about them. The one
admin that does talk has been making mistakes left and right as of recent, only further cementing
how useless the team is. If you still think you have no problem, that all this is petty revenge for
god knows what, then there is no helping you and I'm glad I joined in on this just so I could

- Anonymous

sex penis

- aquathedestroyer

It's berserkin time

- jibraan

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