The Blue Diamond-Draft

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The Blue Diamond – Draft

Part 1
My name is Maria, I am 18 years old high school student. It is
my last year learning at this school, finally, I will start learning
at my dream university. As long as I dreamed to become a
pharmacist. Actually, I have a very high marks that will get me
accepted into any university, but, I do not know if I will really
join that university, it requires very high fees that I can not
provide. However, I still have a chance. My school provides a
comprehensive scholarship as a prize that is given to the
student with the highest mark in an exam administered by the
school itself. I am taking this seriously that it is a matter of life
.or death for me


.Mom, I am home" Maria yelled"

"?Mom: "Oh Maria, your back, how was your test

Me: "It was not bad, but I hate physics. Anyway mom, I am
"?starving, is the dinner ready

Mom: Yes honey, just wait a little bit more until your dad come
."back so we eat together

."Me: "Okey
I took a shower and lay down on the bed and once I opened my
phone, I was surprised by the number of the messages on my
.class group chat, I just arrived home

Students, we have a new classmate in our class, tomorrow "

will be her first day in our class so I want you to make sure you
.treat her well". Mrs. Hannah texted

I did not even read the rest of the messages since I heard my
.father's voice, which means the dinner is ready

.I had my dinner and had my homework done then went to bed

.Next day

."Me: "Mom, I am leaving

."Mom: "okey honey, do not miss out your lunch

I usually skip my lunch and take advantage of that time going

."to the library so I can study for the examination

The school bell echoed through the hallways as the first class

Mrs. Hannah: "Good morning students, please welcome your

."new classmate. Please represent yourself to the class

"Sarah: "Good morning, my name is Sarah, nice to meet you

Mrs. Hannah: "Welcome to our class, take a seat next to that

She said that while pointing at me. Oh my god I hate this, why
.did she come, I want to sit alone

Sarah walked closer to the seat while all eyes were on her, she
is absolutely stunning. She sat next to me without saying a

.What is your name?" Sarah asked"

Without even thinking I immediately answered, "Maria, my

."name is Maria

."Sarah: "Beautiful name, Maria

.Thank you", I answered"

Lunch time approached so I went to the library as always and
.Sarah stayed in the classroom

While I was sitting there, I was thinking that I really have to

get the highest mark and win that prize, this is my last chance.
.Oh my god that plays with my nerves

"?Are you for real"

This voice is not strange to me. I raised my head and yes, she is

Sarah: "Do you always skip your lunch to read these silly
Silly? Are you calling this silly? You absolutely have no idea "
what is going on so you better shut up this mouth and pick
."your words

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