Real Time Operations

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Higher Ground?

The Election Industri l Complex


Let’s consider what’s needed to obtain “higher ground”

Messaging & Media Movement-
Creative Asset Development Message Development

Paid Media Owned Media/Digital Content

Content Testing & Optimization Integrity
TV Targeting
Email & Direct
Digital Ad Targeting Social Media Website & Blog
TV Buying

Data Modeling Voter Volunteer & Fundraising

& Analytics Engagement Activist Mobilization
Electoral Admin
& Voter Resources
Voter & Volunteer CRM Process
Data Sources

Data Aggregation & Mapping

Voter Modeling & Targeting Volunteer Analytics Fundraising Analytics

Donation Internal Comms

Portal & Productivity
Research Voter Contact Volunteer Deployment
Activism Volunteer
Polling Voter Education
Navigators Management

Social Listening & Sentiment Organizing Tools Donor Experience

Research IT Infrastructure
& Security
Mobile Dialer Peer-Peer
Grassroots Action
Canvassing Tools Texting
Opposition Research Payment Processing
& Media Monitoring

Mapping/ Broadcast Relational Campaign

Turf Cutting Messaging Organizing Strategy &
Policy Research
& Legislative Tracking Regulatory Compliance & Reporting Management

When you rst see this map it may appear confusing.

What does it mean?
You’re looking at 5th generation warfare.
It communicates real-time election operations.
It’s a psychological war that uses activists & volunteers as troops.
The multiple organizations with their unique logos and specialties work like military units.
We start out with a single focused coordinated message
This establishes what is known as “commander’s intent”.
This is converted into a messaging plan.
The idea is to recruit activists, train and equip them to meet the objectives of the commander.
Money is not the primary objective
Power to control money and nation states is the primary objective with elections.
A singular focus on what messages work to recruit your troops is critical.
Once the message is re ned, you can accurately determine costs.
Leverage as much free-will donations as possible.
Note “in uencers” are highly valued
They are like special forces operatives.
Roll out messaging to both recruiting and fundraising operations.
This puts all your forces into one “common operating picture”
How do you know what’s happening operationally though?
You monitor real-time operations through a feedback “fusion center”
Information is fed back into expert analysts to determine whether the targeting was e ective.
This is known as “intel” via surveillance and reconnaissance. - “ISR”

In psywar - it’s not just your own troops you worry about.
The “enemy” always gets a vote - hence opposition research ( - this is known as “G2” for generals or S2 for eld commanders )

All that ISR analysis goes back up into messaging - This is Planning (known as G3 or S3)
Now that we’ve looped though, we can tightly re ne and get people to “buy-in”
Smurf money stimulates more donations - setting perceptions and in uence.
This is not for expenditures, but to lock-in activists-troops and backing.
It’s not money, but people you’re running this for… committed hearts and minds.
Rewards are campaign successes, promotions, more recognition and cultural in uence.
Low-cost, high return investments.
Once more, you nd out through the same ISR processes if your operation is working.
Corporations and marketing fully understand this cycle, and may even use military terms.
But what Higher Ground has laid out is a full weaponization of this process.
This is not a map, but commanders intent by design of a highly capable, high functioning psychological warfare weapon system.

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