379-3559066-OCT21 - Job Description and Person Specification

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Job Title: Resuscitation Practitioner

Band: 6

Hours: 37.5 hours per week

Department/Ward: Resuscitation Services Department

Division: Chief Medical Officer


Lead Resuscitation Practitioner (LRP) (Managerial)

Accountable to: Head of Resuscitation & Simulation Services
Nurse Director for Workforce and Education

Staff responsible for: Assistant Resuscitation Practitioners


The Resuscitation Practitioner (RP) is responsible for the provision (delivery and monitoring of standards)
of mandatory resuscitation training for all medical, nursing and ancillary staff employed by University
Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust. The post holder will also deliver training to external
organisations to generate income for the Trust.

To implement, maintain & grow education packages using Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning
(TEL) service within UHSussex.

The RP will have a clinical role, attending medical emergencies and cardiac arrest calls, providing expert
advice and clinical support to ensure safe, high quality patient care.

The RP will attend Resuscitation Operational Management Group (ROMG) meetings, providing
professional advice and feedback on issues such as audit, equipment and training.

The RP will identify areas of the service for improvement and contribute to the resuscitation services
strategy for service development.


The post holder’s key relationships will be with:

Clinical staff working within UHSussex, Clinical Site Managers, Matrons, Ward Managers, ROMG
members, the Department of Medical Education & Simulation Network
Lead Resuscitation Practitioner (8a)
Head of Resuscitation & Simulation Services

The Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS), The Institute of Nursing and Midwifery, other local
acute and community trusts, local GP and Dental practices, local schools, Sussex & Haywards Heath
Nuffield Hospitals, and other external partners as necessary.

Resuscitation Practitioner B6
Sep 21


1. Work closely with the Resuscitation Services team in the creation and review of Trust policies and
procedures relating to Resuscitation, ensuring that such policies and procedures accurately reflect best
practice as agreed nationally.

2. Plan, manage and implement relevant audits related to Resuscitation and implement action plans
based on audit findings.

3. Manage allocated training by preparing appropriate handouts, equipment and training venue.
Feedback any issues of concern, raised during training, to the LRP.


4. Hold an emergency bleep and respond to adult and paediatric clinical emergencies acting as
member within the multi-disciplinary team as necessary.

5. Perform clinical interventions at speed and with a high degree of precision (e.g. defibrillation,
cardioversion, transcutaneous pacing, cannulation, intra-osseous needle insertion, laryngeal mask
insertion, intubation,) as required during resuscitation within sphere of competence and policy compliance,
and with due regard to safety and expertise of other team members.

6. Ensure adherence, wherever possible during resuscitation, to safe handling techniques, control of
infection etc and when this cannot be achieved ensure appropriate referral and follow-up is instigated (e.g.
Critical Incident Reporting, Risk Assessment, Occupational Health Referral etc).


7. Responsible for the safe use of equipment by others, for example defibrillators and bone injector
gun, during simulated training practice and in the clinical environment when attending clinical incidents.

8. Adapt clinical training equipment to meet the needs of the staff using the equipment during training.

9. Provide a role model to medical, nursing and ancillary staff to ensure awareness of and adherence
to local and national policies and procedures.

10. To provide leadership and management of any junior banded staff and apprentices that may work
with the team.

11. Professionally accountable for own autonomous practice and responsible for maintaining and
improving personal knowledge and professional competence.

12. To act as a role model & provide credible advice on Resuscitation education delivery, this may be
through developing or advising, and/or commissioning new programmes/equipment as required.

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13. Regularly adapts/modifies communication techniques within teaching and clinical emergencies.
Therefore meeting the different learning needs and levels of understanding from qualified health care
providers to parents and relatives.

14. Possess and utilise good communication skills for formal presentations to relevant groups and
committees, teaching, facilitation and role play during planned teaching in the classroom and simulations
in a clinical environment.

15. Analyse and disseminate information from all sources, both external and internal, to the
Resuscitation group and to additional departments as required.

16. Assume an advisory role during cardiac arrest calls, acting as a role model, offering advice, thereby
ensuring best practice, as required to the multidisciplinary team.

17. Ensure good communication and develop effective working relationships with staff at all levels
across the Trust to ensure service delivery is maintained to the highest standard.

18. Ensure all wards and departments are in possession of and understand current procedures for
cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in-line with Resuscitation Council (UK) recommendations and Trust policy.

19. Present cardiac arrest, DNACPR and equipment audit findings to relevant groups and committees,
eg, Patient safety Groups, Governance Groups and the UHSussex Management Board

Policy and Service Development

20. Work with the resuscitation services team to develop protocols and guidelines to support clinical
practice and ensure these are updates as required.

21. Responsible for the development, planning and co-ordination of a specialist service. To assist in
the management, development and research of service, including service reviews.

22. Familiar with resuscitation service improvement processes and techniques.

23. Able to implement changes in service delivery autonomously.

24. Able to work in accordance with service delivery strategies and demonstrate improvement.

Training and Education

25. Assist in the implementation, administration and provision of a comprehensive in-house training
programme in basic, intermediate and advanced life support and related subjects for all health care
workers within the Trust in accordance with Trust policy.

26. Assist in the development of Resuscitation programmes, providing administrative support, advice
and research, encouraging inter-professional learning.

27. Assist colleagues or lead in the organisation of Resuscitation Council [UK] and Advanced Life
Support Group accredited courses or other courses for external organisations such as BSMS.

28. Teach/facilitate to all grades of staff, both medical, nursing and/or professions allied to medicine, on
any of the courses run by the RSD including Immediate Life Support (ILS) courses at short notice, ad-hoc
or unplanned sessions.

29. Identify own education and training requirements, maintaining Resuscitation Council (UK)
instructor/provider status on ILS, PILS or ALS/EAPLS/APLS/NLS/ARNI courses. As a Resuscitation
Practitioner you will be expected to develop as an instructor in multiple disciplines in line with service/Trust

30. Implement planned cardiac arrest simulations within the clinical area, providing feedback to senior
staff and highlighting the need for further training if and when required.

Resuscitation Practitioner B6
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31. Assist in the delivery of faculty training to ensure a sustainable amount of staff are trained to deliver
effective simulation based training, focusing on human factors and/or clinical skills.

32. Collate and analyse evaluation and outcomes of resuscitation based training.

33. Be prepared to assist or directly deliver technical faculty training or functional tasks in support of
simulation training.

Audit and Research

34. Actively participate with the ongoing audit of resuscitation policy and procedure through
maintenance of the departmental resuscitation audit database.

35. Assist with the collection, of data pertaining to clinical audit, providing feedback to groups and
individuals as instructed by the departmental audit lead.

36. Periodically assess/test resuscitation equipment function in all areas, reporting when necessary to
Department Heads.

37. Assist in the provision of information pertaining to Clinical Governance and maintenance of
standards within the Trust.

Personal and Professional Development

38. Attend mandatory and statutory training as required.

39. Attend relevant education, training and study days as required.

40. Devise and implement a personal development plan and participate in relevant study days.

41. Maintain a reflective portfolio.

42. Accountable for own practice and take every opportunity to sustain and improve professional
knowledge and competence.

43. Ensure that practice is in accordance with the NMC/HPC Code of Professional Conduct and other
appropriate NMC/HPC and statutory guidelines.

44. Ensure professional development plan is developed and worked towards, including awareness of
new developments within the profession.

45. Attending relevant post-graduate training and incorporating this knowledge into practice using the
Knowledge and Skills Framework, CPD and PDP, as directed.

Other Role-Specific Duties

46. Carry out any other reasonable duties commensurate with the role and delegated or requested by
the manager or supervisor, as the needs of the service require.

47. The job description and person specification may be reviewed on an ongoing basis in accordance
with the changing needs of the Department and the Organisation.


This job description is not inflexible but is an outline and account of the main duties. Any changes will be
discussed fully with the post holder in advance. This job description will be reviewed periodically to take
into account changes and developments in service requirements.

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Sep 21

The post holder is required to participate in the Trust appraisal process and work towards meeting
identified development needs.
The post holder is required to demonstrate on-going continuous professional development.
At no time should clinical staff work outside their defined level of competence. If the post holder has
concerns regarding this they should immediately discuss this with their Manager, Supervisor or
Consultant. The post holder has the responsibility to inform those supervising their duties if they are not
competent to perform a duty.


All staff who are members of a professional body have a responsibility to ensure they are both familiar
with and adhere to standards of professional practice and conduct. Members of Staff are responsible for
ensuring the continuity of their professional registration and providing renewal details promptly to their line


All staff members have a responsibility to treat all colleagues, patients and clients with respect, and to
ensure that the work environment is secure, mutually supportive and free from harassment and
discrimination on any grounds, notably around: age, disability, gender, gender identity, marriage and civil
partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief and sexual orientation. All staff members
have a duty to report any incident which contravenes this to their line manager.


All post holders have a personal obligation to act to reduce Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAIs) and
must attend mandatory training in infection prevention and control. Post holders must comply with the
Trust’s Infection Control Policies as they apply to their duties, including the Hand Decontamination Policy,
Dress Code and Personal Protective Equipment Policy.


Post holders have both a general responsibility for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults in the
course of their daily duties and for ensuring that they are aware of the specific duties relating to their role.


It is the Trust’s policy to promote health. Smoking is therefore prohibited within the Trust’s grounds,
buildings and vehicles.


The post holder has a responsibility to themselves and others in relation to managing risk, health and
safety and will be required to work within the policies and procedures laid down by the Trust. All staff
have a responsibility to access occupational health or other staff support services in times of need and ad

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Employees must adhere to the Trust’s Policy and Procedure for Raising Issues of Concern regarding patient
matters, health and safety, corruption and negligence.


As an employee of this Trust you may gain privileged knowledge of a confidential nature relating to diagnosis
and treatment of patients, personal matters concerning staff or patients, commercial confidences of third
parties, and the Trust’s business affairs. Such information should not be divulged or passed to any
unauthorised persons. All staff must abide by the requirements of the Trust’s Code of Conduct for Employees
in Respect of Confidentiality. Failure to comply with this requirement may constitute gross misconduct under
the Trust’s Disciplinary Policy which may lead to summary dismissal.

Resuscitation Practitioner B6
Sep 21
Person Specification
Job Details
JOB TITLE: Resuscitation Practitioner

DEPARTMENT: Resuscitation Services

Qualifications, experience and personal attributes required to perform the role:-

E = Essential Attribute / D = Desirable Attribute
Qualifications Registered Health Care Professional (Registered Nurse, Paramedic, ODP), E
Relevant Post Registration Qualification in acute or critical care or relevant qualification or experience E
Mentorship/coaching qualification or recognised teaching qualification E
At least one of the Resuscitation Council (UK) ILS, PILS, ALS, EPALS or NLS and/or the ALSG APLS provider course E
Willingness to study towards PGCE or equivalent E
Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or similar D
Resuscitation Council (UK) ILS, PILS, ALS, EPALS, NLS and or ALSG APLS instructor or instructor candidate status D
Professional Registration Ongoing Professional Registration E

Knowledge and Experience

Non-Clinical Experience in resuscitation training and practice
Evidence of theoretical and practical application of adult learning theories;
Ability to apply and expertly teach evidence based clinical procedures/practice to a range of students in under/postgraduate
medical and nurse training
Knowledge of audit and policy review
Knowledge of clinical governance and related activities;
Experience of income generation;
Experience of audit and policy review
Resuscitation Practitioner B6
Sep 21
Clinical (where appropriate): Experience of working at Band 6 or equivalent in relevant clinical field (e.g. A&E, ITU, CCU, front-line paramedic, theatre
Sound practical and theoretical knowledge of basic and intermediate life support;
Demonstrate high standard of clinical practice;
Record of continuing professional development.

Skills and Abilities:

Communication & Interpersonal: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills;
Demonstrate the ability to relate to a range of people and work across clinical boundaries;
Able to adapt training approach to different levels of participants e.g. maintenance and portering staff up to medical consultants;
Able to motivate, engage and inspire others;
Able to act as a role model for other staff
Proven ability to work across professional boundaries/within multi-professional teams;
Counselling skills.
Able to deliver appropriate feedback to staff as and when required.
Analytical & Judgemental: Able to teach, supervise and assess learners of differing levels of training and determine acceptable standards for each level;
Able to provide expert advice to multi-professional groups, and to patients and their families with due regard to cultural and
religious beliefs;
Able to influence and develop policy in relation to resuscitation;
Evidence of reflective practice;
Planning and Organisational: Good organisational skills to implement programs of training
Ability to organise information, plan and provide teaching and training resources in order to meet known and anticipated needs;
Able to organise own workload with due regard to priorities;
Able to develop training programmes to meet the needs of multi-professional groups for both internal and external customers.
Good time management skills;
Willingness to work flexi-time in order to commit to training outside office hours.

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Financial: Explore opportunities to generate additional external income without compromising Trust needs and departmental performance.
Demonstrate awareness of budget limitations and operate and perform within them
Work closely with the resuscitation team to achieve the appropriate efficiency savings for the RSD
Information & Communication Basic computer skills,
Able to communicate effectively across the organisation using appropriate information technology;
Working knowledge of audio-visual equipment and resuscitation manikins/equipment used in training simulations.
Supervisory and HR Management Experience of direct line management, or supervision and mentorship/preceptor ship
Freedom to Act Work within codes of practice and according to professional standards and guidelines.
Physical Highly developed physical accuracy and dexterity for performing complex clinical tasks at speed in potentially difficult
Physically able to perform all the task of the role to include all aspects of resuscitation;
Able to respond quickly to cardiac arrest/emergency calls;
Able to safely perform the manual handling tasks required by this role, e.g. moving training equipment between hospital sites and
external venues, moving patients during a clinical emergency;
Able to use/manipulate extensive range of clinical and teaching equipment
Mental Able to concentrate despite frequent interruptions, for example: cardiac arrest bleep requiring attendance at a clinical emergency
when inputting data etc;
Able to deal professionally with distressing and/or emotive situations with due regard to the emotional welfare of self and others;
Able to be assertive and remain clam under pressure;
Emotional Able to manage the challenging and often unpredictable emotional demands of this role whilst also supporting others;
Able to use tact and diplomacy when dealing with a failing student;
Working Conditions Able to safely handle human/animal tissue/products (including porcine material);
Able to use VDU for up to an hour

Resuscitation Practitioner B6
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Personal Attributes Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
Articulate and flexible to meet changing demands of the role

Job Description and Person Specification Acceptance Agreement

Date Prepared:

Agreed by:
Signed by Job Holder: Date:

Signed by Line Manager: Date:

Resuscitation Practitioner B6
Sep 21

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