Microteaching Lesson Plan

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The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

By Kate DiCamillo

Author: Tara Kupsky

Lesson Title: Characters, setting, important events, and important themes in ​The
Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Unit Topic: English Language Arts: Literary Elements throughout ​The Miraculous
Journey of Edward Tulane

Standards (can be Standard - CC.1.2.3.A

applied depending Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain
on the grade that is how they support the main idea.
taught. Picked are
third grade
standards) Standard - CC.1.2.3.B
Ask and answer questions about the text and make inferences from
text; refer to text to support responses.

Standard - CC.1.2.3.C
Explain how a series of events, concepts, or steps in a procedure is
connected within a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence,
and cause/effect.

Standard - CC.1.2.3.G
Use information gained from text features to demonstrate
understanding of a text.

Standard - CC.1.3.3.A
Determine the central message, lesson, or moral in literary text; explain
how it is conveyed in text.

Standard - CC.1.3.3.B

Ask and answer questions about the text and make inferences from
text; refer to text to support responses.

Standard - CC.1.3.3.C
Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute
to the sequence of events.

Grade Level: 2-5 Grade

EATS lesson plan (used and applied loosely over the days it takes to complete reading the book.
Model should be reapplied throughout everyday as the book progresses.)

Essential Questions: How can you tell the key components of a book? Analyze some texts
you've read and explain how you know the components:
-important events

How does an author use events in a story to build the story?

-Authors build stories through events in their stories

**Refer to story building graphic organizer, define the components

of it

-Ask students to think of a past story they have read and identify the
elements of how the story was built. Point to the graphic organizer
and define the elements of that story being built.

Activating Strategy: Has anyone ever had a favorite toy? Why was it your favorite?
If you had to write a book about your favorite toy, what would you
write about?

What if that toy went on an adventure? Do you think you guys could
learn an important lesson from just a toy?

Do you guys want to find out by reading this story?

Teaching Strategies: As we read through the chapters, stop after each to discuss and

Refer back to the story building graphic organizer and identify how
the story is being built.
--Characters and setting
--events/rising action
--falling action
**point out elements we do not know yet. Why do we not know
them yet?

--Make predictions with neighbors in the class. Based on what we’ve

read, what do you think will happen next?

--the main character of this story goes through many identity

changes. Each new place he goes and each identity Edward is given,
we will add to a growing list of identities and places he has been in
the front of the classroom. (Edwards journey chart)

--Discussion will address how Edward has changed, what he has

learned, and how the story is being built.
Some questions to stir discuss (will be assessed on these):

--Does Edwards identity change with the new names he is given? Or

is he still Edward?
--What does he learn from each new character he meets?
--How has Edward changed from the start of the book to the end?
--What has he lost? What has he gained?
--Do you like him more now? Why or why not?
--Was Edwards' journey a positive one? Negative? Both? Why and

**Prompt them to find evidence in book as much as possible to back

up claims

*Identity, love, compassion and kindness, and self discovery all

important themes that should be addressed

Summary and -Students will summarize what they consider the most important
Assessment events/elements of each chapter as class works their way through the

-Students will complete the “Edwards Journey” Chart and answer

the questions
-Students will be given a blank sheet of paper and must complete
their own story building chart pertaining to ​The Miraculous Journey
of Edward Tulane​, correctly labeling the
--Characters and setting
--events/rising action
--falling action

Each student will be given a list of short answer questions that they
will choose to answer to the teacher in a one on one discussion.

Students will be assessed on all of these assessments to see how well

they have mastered the literary elements and how they are found
within this text.

Story Building Graphic Organizer:

Edwards Journey Chart:

Who is Edward with? What do they call What does Edward What did he learn?
him? call himself?

Example: Abilene Edward Edward Has not learned

anything yet. He is
selfish, vain, and self

Short Answer Questions:

--What are two of the central themes in ​The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane?

--Does Edwards identity change with the new names he is given? Or is he still Edward? Why?

--Pick 2 to 3 characters and explain how Edward has changed after meeting them.

--How has Edward changed from the start of the book to the end? Provide 2 examples from the

--What has he lost? What has he gained? Provide examples.

--Was Edwards' journey a positive one? Negative? Explain why you think that and provide
examples from the book.

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