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LIST OF E-learning

school while being useful doesnt
meaning it is efficient due to it not
evolving in the past decades, so we
present to you new ways of learning
in terms of communication school is useful in some ways,
due to it forcing contact between students in group
Which is not is not enough because the majority of
teacher skip this to directly go to the exams and also
the fact that students won’t stop talking about
nonsense and skip the important work
e-books are a revolutinizing
device capable of doing the
same things as a book and more
compact and more useful with
features unseen in a book .
during Covid 19, a undiscovered
method of learning gained popularity
in these past years.
Beause of the rare epidemic people
couldn't come to school because of
it’s dangerosity, so millions and
millions of people started using this
”new” way of learning and acquiring
new skills
there is different ways of learning,
each one with their own benefits, at the
end we should introduce them at school
( university , elementary school , high
school ...) so that the people use it more
Made by : Akram Haddade
and Amrati Yahya

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