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Al Moroccan Sovereign National Republic Government !

~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 

Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem /
Adjoining Atlantis and Americana Islands! ~
Temple of the Moon and Sun! ~!
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land 
I.S.L.A.M ~

Affidavit of fact
for the record and let the record show
notice to agent is notice to principle notice to principal is notice to agent

International Document
7021 2720 0000 7790 1869

all rize ande stande ande remain standing nunq pro tunq. this is a sovereign living annciente
artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al Moroccan kourte acctione. I am sovereign justise Jabari
jahina fareed bey ex rel JABARI JAHINA FAREED, and all moors in capitis diminitio
nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in propio solo, and in proprio heredes. my free
chozen national appellation is jabari jahina fareed bey in capitis diminitio nolo, in red ink,
in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes. we are the origeneall
inndigeneous sovereigne white annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the
greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe
ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for
we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire
state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente. we
herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nunq pro tunq.

Quo Warranto Mandamus and Affidavit of Allodial Conveyance Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central Amexem/
Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ / ‘Turtle
Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.


185 Central Avenue, South West
Atlanta, Georgia 30303


c/o [Office holder, Darin Schierbaum, dba Atlanta Chief of Police ]
226 Peachtree Street South West
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

From: Al Moroccan Sovereign National Republic Government

Jabari-Jahina:Fareed Bey
Care of 3315 Renoir Court
Near. [Decatur, Georgia Republic]
Postal or Zip Code Exempt
Non Residential Non Commercial Non Domestic Non Subject

Stare Decisis Law

“A court cannot confer jurisdiction where none existed and cannot make a void proceeding void.
It is clear and well-established law that a void order can be challenged in any court. “See Old Wayne
met. L Assoc. V. McDonough, 204 U.S 8, 27 S. Ct. 236 (1907)

For the record, I am jabari jahina fareed bey, a natural living man, in full life, in propria persona,
sui juris. my nationality is moorish American, being an aboriginal and indigenous sovereign
national and heir of the Moroccan Empire at North-West Amexem/ North Gate / North America
and a foreign nation inhabitant near DECATUR, GEORGIA commonwealth republic. I come
now making special appearance under duress as authorized representative, ex rel JABARI

Quo Warranto Mandamus and Affidavit of Allodial Conveyance Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central Amexem/
Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ / ‘Turtle
Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
JAHINA FAREED, and I hereby challenge your jurisdiction on the grounds of lack of
jurisdiction and fraud.

Jurisdiction and Venue

I hereby invoke my secured treaty rights to consular jurisdiction in this dispute under
Article 20 of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836 between the United States of
North America and the Moroccan Empire, whichever the following.

“A state cannot refuse to give foreign nationals their treaty rights because of fear that valid
international agreement may possibly not work completely to the satisfaction of the state
authorities.” Under the supremacy clause of the United States Constitution Article VI,
Clause 2, state policies must give way to overriding federal treaties and conflicting

Article 20. If a citizen of the United States, or any persons under their
protection, shall have any disputes with each other, the Consul shall decide between the
parties, and whenever the consul shall require any aid or assistance from our Government,
to enforce his decisions, it shall be immediately granted to him.

Article 21. If a citizen of the United States should kill or wound a moor, or, on the
contrary, if a moor shall kill or wound a citizen of the United States, the law of the country
shall take place, and equal justice shall be rendered, the consul assisting at the trial, and if
any delinquent shall make his escape, the consul shall not be answerable for him in any
manner whatever.

In Support, see Kilonvrat v. Oregon, 366 US 187 S.Ct 922 (1961) (“A State cannot refuse
to give foreign nationals their treaty rights because of the fear valid International
agreements may possibly not work completely to the satisfaction of state authorities.
Under the supremacy clause of the United States constitution article 6 clause 2, state
policies… Must give way to overriding federal treaties and conflicting arrangements.”)

I further invoke my rights under the declaration on rights of indigenous people of

September 13th 2007 which specifically states that:

Indigenous individuals have the right to life, physical and mental integrity,
liberty and security of person-Article 7 (1)

Indigenous people have the collective rights to live in freedom, peace and
security as distinct people and shall not be subjected to any act of genocide or any other

Quo Warranto Mandamus and Affidavit of Allodial Conveyance Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central Amexem/
Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ / ‘Turtle
Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
act of violence including forcibly removing their children of the group to another group-
article 7 (1)

Indigenous people and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced
assimilation or destruction of their culture- Article 8 (1)

State shall provide effective mechanisms for the prevention of, and redress for:

Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as
a distinct people or their cultural values or ethnic identities- Article 8(2)

Any action which has the aim of dispossessing them of their lands, territories,
or resources- Article 8 (2)b

Any form of force population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating
or undermining any of their rights- Article 8 (2)c

Any form of forced assimilation or integration- Article 8 (2)d

ANY FORM OF PROPAGANDA designed to promote or incite racial or

ethnic discrimination directed against them- Article 8 (2)e

INSTRUMENT Quo Warranto Document Tracking number 7021 2720 0000 7790 1869
sent via United States Post Office Certified/Return Receipt 9590 9402 7640 2122 3195 02

Quo Warranto

YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to produce the following for the record as
conclusive proof and evidence of your lawful jurisdiction and judicial authorization:

1. Produce the certified copy of an alleged written accusation signed under penalty of perjury
by an identifiable natural person claiming to be the CITY OF ATLANTA Police Officer/
accuser in Arrest Citation Number 2616153, 2616154, and 2616155, incident/CICA
Number 211000933, to satisfy the requirement of “standing” pursuant to stare decisis law
in Allen v. Wright, 468 U.S. 737, 751, (1984) (“The requirements of standing, however, has
a core component derived directly from the Constitution. A plaintiff must allege personal

Quo Warranto Mandamus and Affidavit of Allodial Conveyance Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central Amexem/
Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ / ‘Turtle
Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
injury fairly traceable to the defendant’s allegedly unlawful conduct and likely to be
redressed by the requested relief”)

2. Produced the name, and telephone number of the public hazard and malpractice bonding
company and the policy number of the bond, and if required, a copy of the policy describing
the bonding coverage of the specific job performance of you (plural) and all other natural
persons acting as employees / contractors /agents / representatives of the foreign corporate
INC. being associated with the collusive action in the misrepresented instrument – bill of
attainder / foreign bill of exchange / Claim Numbers # 2616153, 2616154, 2616155; and
any attachments associated thereto.

3. Produce the certified copy of the Delegation of Authority order from Congress per Article
III section 1 and 2 of the Constitution for the United States of America as evidence of the
private foreign entity advertised to the public as “THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
FULTON COUNTY” and the representatives thereof having been lawfully conferred
judicial authorization and jurisdiction to hear and decide cases affecting the property /
estates of moorish american nationals in disputes with citizens of the United States.

4. Produce proof of ‘Allodial Title’ or ‘Aboriginal Title’ to my ancestral estate in reversion

known as “Atlanta”, coordinates 33.7488°N, 84.3877°W or so called “CITY OF
ATLANTA” and ‘Allodial Title’ or ‘Aborignal Title’ of Red Dodge Dakota
(vin#1B7HL48N32S561768) that was unlawfully taken into possession and is still in the
possession of the Foreign agents doing business as ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT

6. Produce proof that lawful services of process was made upon me in accordance with the
prerequisites of my due process rights and treaty rights under consular jurisdiction.

Notice to agent is notice to principal, and notice to principle is notice to agent, all
successors and assigns are without excuse, Nunc Pro Tunc, in Toto and in perpetuity
not to embarrass, dishonor, or to create controversy.

Quo Warranto Mandamus and Affidavit of Allodial Conveyance Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central Amexem/
Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ / ‘Turtle
Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
Dismissal Statement

Citation # 2616153, 2616154, 2616155 [04/24/2024]

Case # 241000933

I, Fareed, Jabari Jahina, an indigenous American Ab Origine, am a man “in full life,”
but was erroneously misconstrued to be, and labeled as a Black/ U.S. Citizen by agents
wearing badges and brandishing firearms, on Tuesday, 4 April 2024- despite the fact
that I immediately provided my Government issued Al Moroccan National Identification
Card (see Al Morrocan Moorish American Identifaction Card copy Sheet attached to
this Writ Separately).

In accordance with United Nations International Declaration on the Rights of

Indigenous Peoples and American Intra Nation Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples, our bloodline has the right to begin the processes of Self
Determination, self identification, and to erect our system to become self sufficient.

Agent Alain Augustine #7872 (Unit 5576), Maurice Chandler #7810 (Unit 5570),
Glass Hess and his K9 dog Ringo (Unit 1887) and Sperl K9 Sita (Unit 1886) utilized
their undue influence, power, and authority over me, along with lights, as well as sirens,
to put me into a heightened state of fear, stress, plus duress, to compel me to comply
with, speak to, and autograph instrument for, them against my Will, by threatening to
steal my private conveyance (which I live in, because I am transient). Because I AM
THE LAW, these Subjects doing business as Atlanta Police Officers unlawfully first
claimed they stopped me for Jaywalking, which is not a lawful crime. Then unlawfully
searched and sieged property from my private conveyance including $1,728.21in fiat
Federal Reserve Notes. There was no injured party or violation of damaged property on
my part and therefore should not have been tipped off by anyone, anybody, or anything
to harass, aggravate, or detain me in this incident unless by another natural person/moor.
I AM also commanding your persons in position of authority in your U.S. and State
Government officials to return the Red Dodge Dakota (vin#1B7HL48N32S561768) and
all possession that were reported in Incident Report Case #241000933 in the location
that it was unlawfully taken from at 348 14th Street North West near Atlanta Georgia
Republic [30318].

Quo Warranto Mandamus and Affidavit of Allodial Conveyance Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central Amexem/
Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ / ‘Turtle
Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
These types of coercive tactics caused me to fear for my life and diminished my mental
capacity to point where I couldn’t even think clearly, because I thought was going to
be slaughtered on the corner of State Street and Fourteenth Avenue (14th Ave) at
AUTO SPA BISTRO in Midtown Atlanta, in another DELIBERATE ACT OF
GENOCIDE to intentionally drive Aboriginal Americans of America to extinction.

As such, this entire incident is voidable and not valid; therefore, I request this
instant matter be dismissed by any means necessary, as soon as possible, and made

Allodial Compensation Invoice

The following damages are being claimed against you (plural) and all other additional
person(s) involved in and attached to the collusive action under colour of law in Claim
Number(s): 2616153, 2616154, and 2616155.

Damage Cost
Fraud in the inducement________________________________ £ 500,000.00
Consular assistance____________________________________ £ 50,000.00
Deprivation of rights und colour of law (18 USC section 242)___ £ 250,000.00
Conspiracy against rights (18 USC 241) ____________________ £ 150,000.00
Unlawful conveyance seizure______________________________ £ 250,000.00
£ 1,200,000.00

Total £1,200,000.00 payable in lawful money of .9999 fine silver or gold bullion coins
and / or bars forewith.

Days of Grace to Answer

You have three (10) days from your receipt of this affidavit of Fact: Writ of Quo
Warranto to answer and produce the above evidence for the record. Your failure to
answer and produce the above evidence for the record constitutes DEFAULT and
serves as your admission by silence to lack of jurisdiction and fraud, and the collusive
action via Claim Number(s) 2616153, 2616154, and 2616155, shall be forthwith
dismissed with prejudice for lack of jurisdiction and fraud, see Louisville v. Motley,
211 U.S 148, 29 S.Ct. 42 (“If any tribunal finds absence of jurisdiction over a person

Quo Warranto Mandamus and Affidavit of Allodial Conveyance Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central Amexem/
Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ / ‘Turtle
Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
and subject-matter, the case must be dismissed. The accuser bears the burden of proof
beyond a reasonable doubt.”).

(“Courts are constituted by authority, and they cannot act beyond the power delegated to
them, if a court acts without authority, its judgements and orders are regarded as
nullities. They are not voidable, but simply void, and form no bar to a remedy sought in
opposition to them, even prior to a reversal. They constitute no justification; and all
persons concerned in executing such judgements, or sentences, are considered, in law, as


is proved to exist! Otherwise, the misrepresented instrument - bill of attainder / foreign
bill of exchange / Claim Number(s) 2616153, 2616154, 2616155, and any attachments
associated thereto are null and voic ab initio and are unenforceable for lack of
jurisdiction and fraud. See Elliot v. Perisol, 26 U.S. 328, 340 (1828)

I affirm, under penalty of Perjury, that the above is true, correct and complete, to
the best of my knowledge

Appellation of Al Moroccan Sovereign National Republic Government Official

Jabari-jahina: fareed bey ,consul, postmaster generall ,justice

I Am:
Jabari-Jahina: Fareed Bey,
Moorish American National, Sui Juris
Omnia Iura Reservantis

Quo Warranto Mandamus and Affidavit of Allodial Conveyance Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central Amexem/
Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ / ‘Turtle
Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
Phone: (678) 724-3723
Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America – The North Gate
Central Amexem – South Amexem – Adjoining and Americana Islands


I Am:
Akil Asim Fareed Bey
Consul Commissioned of the Moorish American Consulate
Moorish American National, Sui Juris
Omnia Iura Reservantis
Phone: (404) 399-5373
Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America – The North Gate
Central Amexem – South Amexem – Adjoining and Americana Islands

I Am:
Thabit Isaam Fareed El Bey
Consul Commissioned of the Moorish American Consulate
Moorish American National, Sui Juris
Omnia Iura Reservantis
Phone: (870) 818-4482
Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America – The North Gate
Central Amexem – South Amexem – Adjoining and Americana Islands

Courtesy Copies To:

Andre Dickens, doing business as ATLANTA MAYOR

55 Trinity Avenue, South West Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Quo Warranto Mandamus and Affidavit of Allodial Conveyance Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central Amexem/
Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ / ‘Turtle
Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
Che´ Alexander, doing business as FULTON COUNTY CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR
COURT/RECORDER 185 Central Avenue, South West 30303

Brian Kemp, doing business as GEORGIA GOVERNOR STATE OF GEORGIA

206 Washington Street, Suite 203, State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Brad Raffensperger doing business as SECRETARY OF STATE OF GEORGIA

214 State Capitol, Atlanta Georgia, 30334

Merrick Garland, doing business as UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL United

States Department of Justice Officeholder
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Chris Carr, doing business as GEORGIA STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL

47 Trinity Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Quo Warranto Mandamus and Affidavit of Allodial Conveyance Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central Amexem/
Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ / ‘Turtle
Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.

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