Dynamics of Motion

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Name: Taniya Spencer

Date: 12/03/2024

Class: Grade 11B

Subject: Physics

Lab: #7

Title: Dynamics of Motion


To determine the speed of an object by analysing a tickertape.


 Ticker timer (50Hz)

 AC power supply
 Ticker tape
 Ruler (1m)
 Graph paper
 Calculator


1. Cut a ½ metre section of tape and thread the start of the tape through the slots in the
ticker timer.
2. Write "start" on the short end of the tape– the end that you will pull.
3. Turn on the power and pull the trolly through the machine at different speeds (slow,
medium and fast- in any order. Avoid stopping altogether).
4. Mark the first clear dot at the end of the tape marked “start” with a zero.
5. Count along five dots and draw a line through the middle of the fifth dot.
6. Repeat until the entire tape is divided into five-gap sections and then number the
sections in order from the start.
7. Measure how far each line is from the zero dot. Record the measurements in the table
8. Analyse the tape for distance, calculate speed and determine the velocity of the object.

Section Distance Travelled Time Taken (s) Average speed

(mm) (mm/s)
1 0.0 0.0 0.00
2 13.0 0.1 130.00
3 51.0 0.2 255.00
4 114.0 0.3 380.00
5 203.0 0.4 507.50
6 317 0.5 634.00
7 457 0.6 761.67

Data Analysis

1. Record the length of each distance from the zero (0) dot.
2. Determine the total time to complete each distance
3. Calculate the average speed
4. Plot a distance-time graph and
a) Describe the motion of the object.
The motion of the object, with reference to the distance-time graph, is one of
increasing speed. As we move along the graph, the trolly takes less time to cover
more distance.
b) Determine the velocity of the object’s motion from the graph.
Velocity= Displacement/time
1cm = 10mm
Total Displacement= ending point – starting point
= 45.7cm – 0.0cm
Total Displacement= 45.7cm
V = 45.7cm/ 0.6s
Velocity = 76.17cm/s

In order to cause the metal strip that passes through the apparatus to rapidly vibrate up and
down, alternating current is used to change the polarity of a magnet in a ticker timer. The
frequency of the ticker timer is determined by the frequency of the alternating current
utilised, as the polarity of the magnet is changed when the alternating current direction is
changed every half cycle. Consequently, if a ticker timer displays 50 dots every second, the
frequency is 1/50, which implies that the alternating current frequency is likewise 50 hertz.

Source of error

1. Inconsistency in ticker spacing could have been caused by friction.

2. Human inaccuracy in timekeeping


1.Ticker tape was attached securely to object


An object's speed was calculated to increase gradually. The object's speed was progressively
raised from its starting point of 0.00 cm/s to 13 cm/s, 25.5 cm/s, 38 cm/s, 50.7 cm/s, 63.4
cm/s, and ultimately 76.1 cm/s.

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