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Medical Services

Prepared by Approved by
Authorized by For use on Original File Last Revision Revision No Page
MSCCM Corporate VP MSCCM Medical
President Cruise Fleet Aug 13 2019 Oct 21 2020 2 1 of 4
Medical Department Department
Related PD on board Responsibility to maintain standard on board
51601 Chief Doctor


The pre-employment medical assessment is part of the hiring process and is used to assess new crew
member’s ability to perform in the position for which they are considered. This ensures crew members are
not at increased risk of injury to themselves or anyone on board.

Before any crew member joins the ship, he/she must undergo a comprehensive Pre-Employment Medical
Examination (P.E.M.E.) by an authorized medical practitioner in a preferred medical facility that meets the
requirements of MLC2006.

The medical practitioner performing the P.E.M.E. must comply with the requirements of the International
Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (amended in 1978).

All fields of the pre-employment medical examination forms must be filled out completely.

All information provided must be legible, and incomplete or illegible forms will not be accepted.

Pre-Employment Medical Examination must:

• when renewing the PEME all exams must be completed no longer 2 months from the date of issue

• state that the crewmember is fit to work on board, and

• be done every two years before embarking, and

• be in English

Due to new COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, M.S.C. has changed the policies to match the current outbreak
circumstances. Some of these changes include:
• New sign-on crew member shall do RT-PCR SARS-CoV2 Swab test 72 hours before they embark
and will be reported in the R.E.M.E. form

• In case that any crew member experienced any CoVID-19 symptom in 14 days prior to their
embarkation, it must be reported in R.E.M.E. form.

Additional medical requirements can be required by the country where they will embark


By signing the Pre-Employment Physical Examination Form A, a crew member affirms that all information
provided is accurate. It also grants M.S.C. access to all previous and future medical records.

Misrepresentation or failure to disclose any previous medical condition is grounds for rejection of

Pre-existing medical conditions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Crew members, with conditions
that present an increased risk to themselves or the safe operation of the ship, or with conditions that cannot

MSC Standard Procedures Manual ©


Medical Services
Prepared by Approved by Authorized by
For use on Original File Last Revision Revision No Page
MSCCM Corporate VP MSCCM Medical President & MD,
MSC Cruise Fleet Aug 13, 2019 Oct 29, 2020 2 2 of 4
Medical Department Department MSCCMUK
Related PD on board Responsibility to maintain standard on board
51601 Chief Doctor

be adequately treated onboard, especially if the condition were to deteriorate, cannot be permitted shipboard

In case of specific pre-existing medical conditions, additional tests might be required to obtain a medical
clearance, certificate required for embarkation.
All crew members that have been cleared to work onboard by the Fleet Medical Director with a PRE-
EXISTING Medical Condition that is treated with prescription or over-the-counter medication shall be
boarding with sufficient quantity of medication for at least three months. They also must bring the original
Doctor’s prescription notice so medicine can be obtained (at their cost) through local pharmacies.

If a crew member has the following condition/s… … following documents must be provided:
Epileptic seizures or sudden disturbances of the state of
consciousness, have had a stroke, or unexplained loss
• A medical report from a neurologist
of consciousness, or suffer from Parkinson’s disease or
Multiple Sclerosis, or have/have had any severe head
injury with the continuing loss of consciousness...
Heart attack (M.I.) or heart surgery, problems with heart
• Medical report from the cardiologist
rhythm, or have a disease of the heart or arteries, stroke,
• EKG, Echocardiogram, Stress Test
blood pressure that is not well controlled with
DIABETES: • Medical report from an endocrinologist
Insulin dependence or taking medications for diabetes… • HBA1C test

Mental or nervous/ anxiety/ depression problems, if you • Medical report from a psychiatrist
have had alcohol or drug addiction problems…

INFECTIOUS DISEASE: • Medical report from specialist

Hepatitis, H.I.V., malaria, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc. • Viral and bacterial testing


• Medical report from specialist Doctor
High Cholesterol, elevated B.M.I. (above 20 plus a
(haematologist, pulmonologist, etc.).
chronic illness or above 30), elevated or abnormal liver
enzymes, abnormal urinalysis or any other condition • Additional tests, abdominal ultrasound,
which would/could cause problems regarding your antibiotic treatment or repeat of
abnormal tests as needed
fitness, your ability to perform Your duties, and/or that
would pose a risk to self or others…

MSC Standard Procedures Manual ©

Rev 07/2020
Medical Services
Prepared by Approved by Authorized by
For use on Original File Last Revision Revision No Page
MSCCM Corporate VP MSCCM Medical President & MD,
MSC Cruise Fleet Aug 13, 2019 Oct 29, 2020 2 2 of 4
Medical Department Department MSCCMUK
Related PD on board Responsibility to maintain standard on board
51601 Chief Doctor


Besides fulfilling physical evaluation (conducted by a certified doctor) registering vital signs (temperature,
pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure), the assessment must include the following:

Urinalysis (dip) or microscopic

Metabolic Chemistry
• Electrolytes (Na, K, Ca, Cl) Not required for R.E.M.E. • Uric Acid
(see pag.4)
• BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) • Creatinine
• Total Bilirubin • Total Cholesterol
• Cholesterol HDL • Cholesterol LDL
• Glucose • Triglycerides

Hepatitis Panel
• Hepatitis A (Anti H.A.V. IgM)
• Hepatitis B (surface antigen- HBsAg, if positive Anti HBc IgM)
• Hepatitis C (Anti HCV)
Additional laboratory analysis
• C.B.C. (Complete Blood-Count)
• VDRL (Syphilis) - (RPR or TPHA) (choose one)
• Hemoglobin A1c (only if a crew member has diabetes or Blood Glucose was above normal)
• Stool for Ova and parasite (for All Food and Beverage Positions)
• Stool culture (for All Food and Beverage Positions)
• T.B. Screening:
1. Immunoassay interferon γ release assay Laboratory Test ((QuantiFERON®-TB
Gold Test (QFT-GIT) or T–SPOT® test for tuberculosis screening (T–Spot)) OR
2. Tuberculin test, OR
3. Serial SPUTUM BK Test.

If the crewmember consents to be tested for Infecto-Contagious disease, a consent form must be
signed. Not giving consent to testing should never be a hiring consideration and consent to be
tested is completely voluntary.

Immunizations record / Valid Vaccination Card

• M.M.R. (Measles – Mumps – Rubella)
• Hepatitis B
• Varicella (in case that crewmember had a history of chickenpox vaccination is not necessary, but
only blood test to determine VZV antibodies from past varicella disease)
• Yellow Fever

Additional tests

MSC Standard Procedures Manual ©

Rev 07/2020
Medical Services
Prepared by Approved by Authorized by
For use on Original File Last Revision Revision No Page
MSCCM Corporate VP MSCCM Medical President & MD,
MSC Cruise Fleet Aug 13, 2019 Oct 29, 2020 2 2 of 4
Medical Department Department MSCCMUK
Related PD on board Responsibility to maintain standard on board
51601 Chief Doctor

• Audiogram
• Field Vision Tests
• Electrocardiogram – (If abnormal, must perform Echocardiogram and Cardiological Clearance)

NOTE: Food Handlers are Bar, Restaurant, HSK and Galley departments personnel
A crewmember with a valid medical certificate (obtained while working for another cruise line) that complies
with M.S.C. requirements, it will be accepted.


Copy of Medical Examination certificate (and any other medical documents) will be held by the Ship’s
Doctor and treated in confidence. The original copy should be held by the crewmember.
Chief Doctor must ensure that all crewmembers have valid pre-employment medical certificate required for
the embarkation, including vaccination.
A crew member is subject to immediate dismissal if he/she fails to be truthful in filling out the medical
history part.

In SeaCare reports, there is an option to extract all expired and expiring S.M.F.C. and generate a report.
It can be chosen from the following options, S.M.F.C. expiring in:
 10 days
 15 days
 30 days
 60 days
 90 days
 120 days

It is always recommended to hold a valid medical examination valid for the entire period of next contract.
If P.E.M.E. expires while crewmember is onboard, Crew Department ashore shall evaluate its renewal in
one of vessel’s ports of call, or eventual disembarkation of crewmember in order to renew it once at home.

PEME has to be re-done in case of medical disembarkation for severe medical reasons even if it is
not expired.


For rehired crew members it would be requested to be issuing the R.E.M.E. when boarding. The R.E.M.E.
has the same purpose of P.E.M.E., but it will be issued in case of re-embarkation.

R.E.M.E. is the same for all nationality is necessary for every uembarkation

Crew members are highly advised to be using MSC PEME preferred clinic.

MSC Standard Procedures Manual ©

Rev 07/2020

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