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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Minadanao State University

Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300


1. Accomplish this form in 2 copies.
2. Leave one copy at the Dean’s Office, get one copy, and present it to your adviser for reference and
proper guidance.
3. Submit this form together with the manuscript one week before the proposal defense.

TITLE OF PROPOSED The Role of PTA in the administration of a secondary school in Alegria
STUDY: Agusan Del Sur


Course: Area of Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Management
Specialization (MAED-EM)



(State the situation
that is problematic
situation and provide
legal basis)
(Discuss the
importance and
validity of your
research) What are the
research gaps in the
scientific literature on
your topic?

PURPOSE The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of parents’
(What are the teacher association in the administration of secondary schools in Alegria
objectives of your Agusan del Sur.
study?)  To know if the association influences the performance of the
teaching staff of the school.
 To ascertain if the association influences the performance of
their wards or children in school.
 To find out if the association influences policy development in
 To find out if there is a relationship between the activities of the
parents' teachers' association and the development of education
in Alegria National High School.
MANDATE (How will this
proposal contribute to
instruction?) (What new
knowledge will this

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Minadanao State University
Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
generate for the
academic community?)
(How will this
contribute to
extension?) (What can
communities learn from
this research/project?)
(What extension
activities can be
provided by this
MANDATE (How will this
contribute to
production?) (What
products/services can
communities produce
from this
(What production
activities can be
provided/assisted by
this research/project?)
BENEFICIARIES (Who For the Students:
can benefit from the PTAs can influence policies and initiatives that directly impact student
study?) (Include both welfare, extracurricular activities, and educational experiences.
direct & indirect
For the Parents:
They have a stake in understanding how PTAs contribute to their
children's education, safety, and overall school environment.

For the Teachers:

PTAs often collaborate with educators to support teaching methods,
classroom resources, and professional development opportunities.

School Administrators:
They benefit from PTA involvement in terms of additional support,
resources, and community engagement that can enhance the overall
functioning of the school.

APPROACH (How will Studying the role of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) in secondary
the study be school administration can involve various methodologies:
conducted?) (What is Surveys and Interviews: Gathering insights from PTA members, school
your work program for administrators, teachers, parents, and students through structured
your study?) (How long
surveys or in-depth interviews to understand their perceptions and
will your study take?
experiences. Data Analysis: Analyzing existing data on PTA activities,
meeting minutes, financial reports, and school performance metrics to
identify correlations and patterns. Observation: Observing PTA meetings,

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Minadanao State University
Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
school events, and interactions between PTA members, teachers, and
administrators to grasp the dynamics and decision-making processes.
Case Studies: Focusing on specific schools with successful PTA
involvement to understand best practices and factors contributing to
their effectiveness. Literature Review: Examining existing research,
publications, and case studies related to PTAs in school administration to
contextualize findings and identify gaps. The research was generally a
quantitative Analysis, employing quantitative methods to measure the
impact of PTA involvement on various school indicators, such as
academic performance, attendance rates, or disciplinary incidents.
RESULTS (What are the The study aims to achieve the following objectives:
expected outputs of the • To determine whether the Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) has an
study?) What
impact on the overall performance of the teaching staff in the school.
journals/publishers will
publish your results? • To investigate the influence of PTA on the academic performance of
Will the study provide students, and to what extent it has contributed to their success.
policy • To examine the relationship between the activities of PTA in schools
recommendations? Will and the general educational development at Alegria National High
results be presented in School.
research conferences?
• To determine whether the PTA has a role in policy development at
• To identify the inputs required from the PTA to improve the declining
education sector.
LEGACY (What will be This study can contribute to the existing body of knowledge specifically
the study’s value on Policy Enhancement, Insights gained from the study can inform
contribution?) Can a policymakers about the effectiveness of PTAs in school governance. This
MOA/MOU be crafted? can lead to policy improvements that support and empower PTAs to play
Who are the signatories
more impactful roles in the educational system. Community
in a MOA/MOU
Engagement, Understanding the influence of PTAs can encourage
stakeholders? Which greater community involvement in education. This involvement can
local radio stations you foster stronger partnerships between schools, parents, and local
will disseminate results? communities, creating a more holistic and supportive educational
What social media environment. Empowerment of Stakeholders: The study's findings can
platforms to utilize for empower parents, teachers, and students by highlighting the
advocacy? importance of their involvement in school administration. It can
encourage greater participation and collaboration among these
stakeholders, leading to improved decision-making and resource
allocation. Improved Educational Outcomes: Effective PTAs can positively
impact various aspects of education, such as student performance, well-
being, and overall school climate. The study's insights can help identify
best practices that contribute to enhanced educational outcomes.
Resource Allocation: Understanding the role of PTAs can aid in better
resource allocation within schools. It can shed light on where additional
support or resources are most needed, optimizing their use for the
benefit of students and educators. Ultimately, the study's value in its
potential to strengthen the educational landscape in the said area by
improving educational policies, enhancing the school experience for
students, teachers, and parents.
CAPACITY (What are the Conducting a study on the role of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
proofs that the study in the administration of a secondary school can be supported by several
can be conducted?) factors like existing Literature. There's likely existing research and

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Minadanao State University
Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Who are the expert literature on PTAs and school administration that can serve as a
consultants to help you? foundation for the study, providing a starting point and guiding
Any funder to cover methodology. Second, Access to Schools and Participants-Establishing
research cost? What connections with secondary schools and gaining access to willing
material and software
participants PTA members, school administrators, teachers, parents, and
technologies are
students can facilitate data collection and ensure diverse perspectives.
third, Data Availability-Schools often maintain records of PTA meetings,
financial reports, and school performance metrics, providing accessible
data for analysis. Lastly, Research Methodologies-Various research
methodologies like surveys, interviews, case studies, and data analysis
are well established and adaptable for studying PTAs in school
administration. These elements suggest that with proper planning,
collaboration, access to resources, and willingness from stakeholders,
conducting a study on the role of PTAs in secondary school
administration in the said area is feasible.
MPLEMENTATION (How The study's results will be shared with stakeholders by means of
will the output be presentations at research conferences held at the district, division,
disseminated to regional, and even international levels.
stakeholders? Describe
the activities and

Submitted by:

NAME OF PROPONENT Course/ Year Signature Date


Proposed Panelists Expertise Signature

Content Expert
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Method or Content
3 Expert/
Dean’s Representative
Outside Expert/Content
4 Expert
5. Content Expert
Recommended Adviser:

______ Approved
______ Disapproved
______ Others (Specify): Reviewed and Checked by:

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Minadanao State University
Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Remarks _________________________________
_________________________________________ EVELYN T. BAGOOD, EdD
Dean, Graduate School

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