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Profesora: Miss Vanessa Rosales C

English Summative Test 1 : What make us succeed?

Nombre y apellidos: Nota:

Curso: 3°B Fecha

Exigencia: 60% Puntaje Ideal: pts Puntaje Obtenido: ____

OA 01 : Comprender información central de textos orales y escritos en contextos relacionados con sus intereses e inquietudes, con el fin de
conocer las maneras en que otras culturas abordan dichos contextos.

Contenidos : Unidad 1 “What make us succed?”

Lea de forma cuidadosa cada oración y escriba con letra clara.
Tiene 45 minutos para poder responder la evaluación de forma individual.
Una vez terminada su prueba, quédese en su puesto en silencio respetando a sus compañeros.

The Power of Kindness: Pros and Cons

Kindness is a simple yet powerful act that can make a big difference in our world. Let's explore the benefits and
potential disadvantages of practicing kindness.

Benefits of Acts of Kindness:

Spread Happiness: When you show kindness to others, it can create a ripple effect of positivity. A simple smile or a kind
word can brighten someone's day.

Builds Empathy: Acts of kindness help us understand and connect with others on a deeper level. It allows us to see
things from someone else's perspective.

Boosts Self-Esteem: Being kind to others can make you feel good about yourself. It can boost your self-confidence and
sense of worth.

Strengthens Relationships: Kindness fosters strong, healthy relationships with friends, family, and even strangers. It
creates a sense of trust and mutual respect.

Disadvantages of Acts of Kindness:

Misinterpretation: Sometimes, acts of kindness can be misunderstood or misinterpreted by others. What you intend as
a kind gesture may not always be received that way.

Expectations: There can be pressure to always be kind, which may lead to feelings of inadequacy or guilt when you're
not able to meet those expectations.

Boundaries: Being overly kind can sometimes lead to people taking advantage of your generosity. It's important to set
boundaries and prioritize self-care.

In conclusion, the benefits of practicing kindness far outweigh the potential disadvantages. While it's important to be
mindful of boundaries and self-care, the power of kindness to spread happiness, build empathy, boost self-esteem, and
strengthen relationships makes it a valuable practice for a better world. Let's remember that even small acts of kindness
can have a big impact!

ITEM 1- Multiple Choice Questions ( 8 points)

 What is one benefit of acts of kindness mentioned in the text?

A) Spreading sadness
B) Creating a ripple effect of positivity
C) Building walls between people
D) Generating feelings of guilt
Profesora: Miss Vanessa Rosales C

 How does kindness help strengthen relationships according to the text?

A) By creating a sense of mistrust
B) By fostering strong, healthy relationships
C) By promoting selfish behavior
D) By increasing misunderstandings

 Which statement accurately reflects a drawback of acts of kindness?

A) Acts of kindness are always well received by others
B) Misinterpretation of kindness is impossible
C) There is no pressure associated with being kind
D) Kind gestures may be misunderstood or misinterpreted

 What negative consequence may arise from setting overly generous boundaries, as mentioned in the text?
A) An increase in trust
B) A decrease in self-esteem
C) People taking advantage of your generosity
D) Strengthening relationships with strangers

 According to the text, what may happen if there is pressure to always be kind?
A) Feelings of happiness
B) A boost in self-confidence
C) Feelings of inadequacy or guilt
D) Improved understanding of others

 Which of the following is NOT a benefit of practicing kindness, as mentioned in the text?
A) Spreading happiness
B) Boosting self-esteem
C) Fostering mistrust
D) Building empathy

 Why is it important to set boundaries when practicing kindness?

A) To prevent making friends
B) To prioritize self-care
C) To encourage taking advantage of generosity
D) To boost self-esteem

 Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the text?
A) Kindness has no impact on relationships
B) Small acts of kindness do not matter
C) Acts of kindness have more benefits than disadvantages
D) Kindness always leads to misunderstandings
Profesora: Miss Vanessa Rosales C

ITEM 2- True and false statements (12 points)

1. Kindness has the power to create a ripple effect of positivity.


2. Practicing kindness can boost one's self-esteem and confidence.


3. Kindness only strengthens relationships with close friends, not strangers.


4. Misinterpretation of acts of kindness is mentioned as a potential drawback.


5. Feeling pressured to always be kind can lead to feelings of guilt.


6. Setting boundaries in acts of kindness is seen as unnecessary and unhelpful.


ITEM 3- Answer the Open questions (9 points)

1. How does practicing acts of kindness contribute to spreading happiness, according to the text?




2. In what ways can acts of kindness help individuals build empathy and connect with others on a deeper level?




3. Discuss the importance of setting boundaries when engaging in acts of kindness, as highlighted in the text.



Profesora: Miss Vanessa Rosales C

Translation Chart

1. Kindness 1. Amabilidad
2. Powerful act 2. Acto poderoso
3. Big difference 3. Gran diferencia
4. Benefits 4. Beneficios
5. Potential disadvantages 5. Desventajas potenciales
6. Acts 6. Actos
7. Spread Happiness 7. Propagar la felicidad
8. Ripple effect 8. Efecto dominó
9. Positivity 9. Positividad
10. Simple smile 10. Simple sonrisa
11. Kind word 11. Palabra amable
12. Empathy 12. Empatía
13. Deeper level 13. Nivel más profundo
14. Sense of worth 14. Sentido de valía
15. Self-esteem 15. Autoestima
16. Strong relationships 16. Relaciones sólidas
17. Mutual respect 17. Respeto mutuo
18. Disadvantages 18. Desventajas
19. Misinterpretation 19. Interpretación errónea
20. Kind gesture 20. Gestos amables
21. Expectations 21. Expectativas
22. Feelings of inadequacy 22. Sentimientos de insuficiencia
23. Guilt 23. Culpa
24. Overly kind 24. Excesivamente amable
25. Self-care 25. Autocuidado


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