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<Chapter>THE ART OF FENCING Although the history of fencing is fiercely debated between Estalia and Tilea, from a range

of issues covering who created the first fencing school to which favoured style was developed in which country, there can be no doubt that Master Figueroa of Estalia was the first to apply the latest scientific theories to his swordplay. These new techniques revolutionised the art of swordplay, creating a system that is known today as fencing. Master Figueroas pupils in the art of fencing spread these new techniques across the southern lands of Estalia and Tilea, and over time made subtle changes to the original system to better favour their own particular style. In all the major settlements of the southern lands a school can be found that teaches a particular style of the art of fencing, the largest are said to have several schools that compete between each other for the honour of being labelled the best style. In order to achieve this without to much bloodletting a system of rules was set in place, so that pupils could hone their skills in friendly competitions. However, a large number of duels are still fought to the death over matters of honour between feuding schools and even in-fighting amongst students of a school. The Estalians are also the most famous fencers in the Old World, since most young males are taught the very basic of techniques. As such, all Estalians may use the following new Basic Actions, although they can only be used with a Foil, Rapier or Sword (excluding two-handed swords) or sword like object, such as a chair leg!. Those from outside Estalia may only use these new actions if they have purchased the Talent Specialist Weapon Group (Fencing). <sidebar> <h1>ACTIONS Lunge (Half Action) The character may choose to lunge instead of making a normal standard attack, this partially exposes you to danger in order for you to land a decisive blow. The Critical Value of any Critical Hits is increased by 1, but the character may not attempt to parry and can only dodge at half their Agility. Counter-Attack (Half Action) The character readies to parry an incoming blow and respond with a quick counterattack. Any time before his next turn, the character can try to parry one successful melee attack against him as long as he is aware of the attack at the start of his next turn, regardless of whether he parried a blow. This parry is made with a -10 penalty to WS, but can be followed up with a quick counter-attack, which suffers a -1 to damage.

Entrap (Half Action) On a successful hit, the targets weapon is trapped by your own, unless the target can make a successful WS Test. An entrapped target can either drop or attempt to free their weapon, with an opposed Strength Test (which is a Half Action). <sidebar/> <h1>THE SCHOOLS OF FENCING A number of different schools of fencing have come and gone over the years, though the teachings of Master Figueroa have remained a firm favourite. The various different styles of fencing are typically known by the surnames of the fencing scholar that created it, other than Master Figueroas teachings which are known as the classical style and is represented by the Estalian Diestro career (see WRFP page 38 and TCC page 69). The other styles use the classical form as a template, but distinguish themselves by focusing on an alternative form not found within the classical, as such a Talent within the Estalian Diestro career is substituted by the Talent that defines the particular style. <sidebar> <h1>THE RULES OF THE BLADE In tournaments all fencers wear protective clothes and the blade must only touch your opponent, any blood that is spilt by an individual will see either themselves or their team knocked out of the competition. A match generally last for 3 minutes (18 Rounds) and the fencer with the highest number of touches against their opponent wins the match. The areas of the body that are counted as being scored against depend upon the blade being used in the event. pe: Head, Arms, Torso, and Legs Foil: Torso Rapier: Head, Arms, Torso <h2>PE The pe was developed for use in tournaments as primarily a thrusting weapon that would inflict as little damage as possible, due to its highly flexible blade and blunted end. It is therefore rarely seen outside of fencing school as it as little to no practicable usage outside of competitions, for the lightest of armour is capable of stopping its point from penetrating an opponent.

pe: Cost 10 gc, Enc 25, Group Fencing, Dmg SB -4, Qualities Fast, Avail Rare <sidebar/> <h2>FENCING STYLES Barcel It is said that of all of Master Figueroas original pupils, Master Alejandro Barcel was the most courages of all. Legends say that he was an exceptional fighter that showed no fear in the face of extreme adversity. You may substitute the Talent Strike Mighty Blow for Stout-Hearted. Casanova Master Manuel Casanova excelled in tournament fighting, by developing methods to win quickly with minimal injury. A favoured tactic was to disarm an opponent and force a concession. You may substitute the Talent Strike Mighty Blow for Disarm. De La Vega Amongst all fencers Master Diego de la Vega believed in protocol and for diligently following the rules of fencing, he was thus known to be a perfectionist in both the use of his sword and his social graces. You may substitute the Talent Strike Mighty Blow for Etiquette. De Macedu This style was developed from the teachings of Master Fabio de Macedu, whom is said to have once been a drinker and brawler before learning the art of fencing. Although the art of fencing helped to curb his wayward behaviour, he took what he learnt from the streets and applied them to his style of fencing. You may substitute the Talent Strike Mighty Blow for Street Fighter. Estevan Rather than use the off-hand for balance, as Master Figueroa advocated, Master Claudius Estevan proposed it should be used for defence and as such always used a weapon in his secondary hand. You may substitute the Talent Strike Mighty Blow for Specialist Weapon Group (Parrying). Garcia Master Armando Garcia believed that an opponent should be overwhelmed with superior swordplay, but that a fencer should be prepared to fend off a lucky strike that might get past his defences at any

time. In order to prepare for such a strike his pupils are taught to hone the speed of their reflexes each day. You may substitute the Talent Strike Mighty Blow for Lightning Reflexes. Lpez Master Fidel Lpez was well known in the Court of Magritta as a man with the morals of a common dog and a philanderer. However, his charming and seductive techniques are known to have bedded many a courtier and if rumour is correct even Queen @@@@@. You may substitute the Talent Strike Mighty Blow for Suave. Mendoza Master Flavio Mendoza is said to have been Master Figueroas favoured pupil, and was known to have a natural flare with the sword. Coming from Bilbali, he approached the art of fencing with what is seen as typical northerners no nonsense attitude. You may substitute the Talent Strike Mighty Blow for Warrior Born. Montero Although it is common practise for the art of fencing to be taught in established schools, Master Rafael Montero believed that experience should be gained outside of the safety of a school. You may substitute the Talent Strike Mighty Blow for Seasoned Traveller. Valladares The art of fencing involves not just skilled swordplay, but boastful taunts designed to anger your opponent so that they make a mistake. Master Armando Valladares used breathing techniques to lessen the chance of losing control; as such you may substitute the Talent Strike Mighty Blow for Coolheaded. <h1>THE SECRETS OF FENCING Only those that continue to study the art of fencing are able to learn its more subtle moves, allowing an experienced fencer to wield their blade with dangerous precision. The following techniques are represented as Talents that may be purchased for 100 xp in the following careers, Maestro, Ejemplar, and Duellist. These careers may purchase only two techniques within a career, allowing the Estalian Ejemplar to master up to six distinctive and unique moves. Note: The following fencing techniques have been developed with the use of the Foil and Rapier in mind, as such GMs should use their discretion upon what other weapons these techniques can be used with or against.

THE BLADE OF VENGEANCE This well known technique, developed by Master Figueroa, gives the fencer the ability to turn a defence into a counterattack. When you successfully Parry an opponents attack, you roll your wrist and on a successful Weapon Skill Test, your blade strikes your opponent upon their sword arm as a free attack. Your opponent must roll for Damage, but uses your SB (Strength Bonus) and modifications for weapon used, but as this is an instant reaction on your part the Damage is reduced by 1. THE DESPARADO This underhand technique was developed by the Duellist Steffan von Lutzen, a man from the Empire that won a duel against an unknown Ejemplar by throwing the very coins from his pocket into his opponents face. If you use the Ready and Standard Attack Action together you are able to pull out a handful of coins or handkerchief from your pocket and, on a successful Ballistic Skill Test, throw your missile at your opponents face, distracting them momentarily. Your opponent suffers a -10% penalty to Dodge and Parry attempts to your follow up attack. Note: You must have an item at hand to throw at your opponent. THE FLAMENCO This technique is named after the popular Estalian dance, and is used to dazzle an opponent. When you use the Disengage Action, you step back with such flair and panache that your opponent must make a successful Will Power or only be able to Dodge and Parry during the next Round of combat. THE FLASHING BLADE Developed by the Duellist Antoine du Beck, a rich Merchants son from Bretonnia, this technique exemplifies the straight forward approach of a Knight from those distant lands. When using the Swift Attack Action you are capable of putting all your strength into the last strike, all previous attacks must hit (not be dodged or parried by your opponent) and cause 1 less Damage than rolled, however if your last strike hits it gains the Weapon Quality: Impact. THE MARK OF THE MASTER In the 19th century a cruel Don ruled over a region of Estalia with an irongrip, to such a degree that its people lived in fear of their lives. However, a peoples champions arose to combat the injustices of the time. Long suspected to be Master Diego de la Vega, a young noble man of a respectable family, the peoples champion would leave his mark upon those he defeated, creating the legend of Zorro. As such a true master of

the art of fencing is capable of leaving their signature mark upon their opponent, upon a successful Feint and Standard Attack you may choose not to inflict any Damage, but instead leave a basic signature mark upon your opponents clothes or flesh. THE SHIMMERING CLOAK This technique is favoured by Tileans, mainly because it was developed by Duellist Al Giordino, a fencing master originally from Remas. Unclasping your cloak and holding it in your free hand, using the Ready Action, your cloak counts as having the Weapon Quality: Snare and can be used to entangle your opponents blade. THE STRUTTING PEACOCK This technique was developed by Master Armando Garcia, a renowned fencer who believed that to defeat an opponent you should use a combination of superior swordplay and footwork. If you use the Manoeuvre and Standard Attack Action together, you are able to dance around your opponent searching for their weakest point, reduce their Armour Points for the location you strike by 1. THE THRUSTING BLADE The main technique developed by Master Figueroa incorporated the fencer shifting his weight onto his front foot as he lunges the point of his blade at his opponent. When using the Standard Attack Action, you may choose before rolling to hit to lunge at your opponent. Upon a successful hit your strike causes a number of extra Wounds, these are proportionate to your DoS (Degree of Success), and counts as having the Weapon Quality: Precise. However, you may not strike in the following Half Action and suffer a -10% penalty to Dodge and Parry attempts the next Round as you regain your posture. THE VIRTUE OF PATIENCE Another of Master Figueroas techniques is a test of patience on the part of the fencer, as they must study their opponent before moving in to strike. When you use the Delay and Standard Attack Actions together you are able, on a successful Perception Test, to spot an opening in your opponents defence. Your attack, if successful, cannot be Parried or Dodged by your opponent. THE WAR OF WORDS It is common practise amongst Estalian fencers to wage a war of words between each other during combat, on how they will beat each other with specific moves within the duel. Master Armando Valladares was a master at such techniques and taught his pupils how to read their opponents

face for which words hurt the most. When you use the Defensive Stance Action, you can on a successful Perception Test read which words are most effective and concentrate on those verbal taunts. Your opponent must make a successful Will Power Test or suffer a -10% penalty on all combat related tests for a number of Rounds equal to the DoF (Degree of Failure).

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