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Causes of Climate Change

1. What are the primary human activities responsible for driving climate change, and how
do they contribute to the greenhouse effect?

The main human activities that lead to climate change are the use of fossil fuels, logging and
livestock farming.

2. According to the text, why is it significant that the global average temperature reached
1.1°C above pre-industrial levels in 2019?

This is due to the activities of humans mentioned in the previous question.

3. Among the greenhouse gases mentioned, which one is identified as the largest
contributor to global warming, and how does it enter the atmosphere?

The main greenhouse gases responsible for this warming effect are carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and fluorinated gases. CO2, primarily from burning fossil

4. How do deforestation and livestock farming contribute to rising greenhouse gas

emissions, and which specific gases are associated with these activities?

Deforestation and livestock farming are activities that contribute significantly to greenhouse gas
emissions. Deforestation releases carbon stored in trees, while livestock farming emits gases
such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).

5. What are some key strategies mentioned in the text for counteracting climate change,
and why is achieving net-zero CO2 emissions considered essential in this effort?

Para contrarrestar el cambio climático debemos ser conscientes de ello ya que es algo que
pertenece a todos los pueblos del mundo. Si conseguimos emisiones netas de CO2, sería
ideal que nuestra atmósfera se recuperara y así reducir el calentamiento global que tanto nos
está afectando.

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