Miniature HGR CVG With Beyond Navigation Grade Performance and Real Time Self-Calibration

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mHRG: Miniature CVG with Beyond Navigation

Grade Performance and Real Time Self-Calibration

A. A. Trusov, M. R. Phillips, A. Bettadapura, G. Atikyan, G. H. McCammon,

J. M. Pavell, Y. A. Choi, D. K. Sakaida, D. M. Rozelle, A. D. Meyer
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, Woodland Hills, CA, USA

Abstract—This paper reports two new milestones in the

development of miniaturized Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes
(CVG) with beyond navigation grade performance. Firstly, a
small size and low parts count milli-Hemispherical Resonator
Gyroscope (mHRG) based on a drastically simplified production
unit is demonstrated with measured 0.00025 deg/rt-hr ARW and
0.005 deg/hr bias. Secondly, real time self-calibration is validated
using a dual mHRG system achieving strategic grade stability of
0.001 deg/hr over days of time and over temperature. We believe
results of this work provide a valuable state of the art reference
to both the inertial and MEMS communities pursuing next
generation CVG architectures, designs, and self-calibration.

Keywords— Gyroscope, navigation grade, strategic grade, self-

calibration, HRG, mHRG, Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscope, CVG

1.2 inch
Electrostatically transduced CVGs are uniquely suited for
high reliability, low cost manufacturing and provide several Fig. 1. Photograph of the main mHRG parts showing a 30 mm diameter
inherent advantages over other available technologies. resonator and inner electrode assembly. Four pairs of opposing electrodes are
Compared to legacy optical (RLG, FOG) and spinning mass designated as: anti-node forcer and pickoff, node forcer and pickoff. The
(DTG, ESG) instruments, the CVG physics package has a resonator, shown prior to metallization, is DC bias for forcing and pickoff.
uniquely simple construction with single digit number of parts
and no self-limiting wear out mechanisms (no plasma, dither
motor, light sources, high voltage, bearings, etc.). While the This decade has seen an aggressive pursuit of miniaturized
Angle Random Walk (ARW) of optical gyros is fundamentally mode symmetric CVGs capable of whole angle and self-
limited by quantum effects, ARW of CVGs is limited by calibration, championed by the DARPA MRIG and PASCAL
Brownian motion which allows orders of magnitude better programs with participation from leading academic,
performance in the same Size Weight and Power (SWaP) using government, and industry entities. The macro-scale
low dissipation resonators. The reliability and low noise are Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscope (HRG) is generally
exemplified by Northrop Grumman’s Hemispherical Resonator recognized as the role model for these developments and is
Gyroscope (HRG) with demonstrated 100 percent mission often relied upon as a reference guide for CVG technology.
success in more than 30 million on-orbit hours and 147 billion However, considerable confusion exists in the community’s
miles traveled (MESSENGER aircraft alone). With a physics understanding of the current HRG technology. This paper
package not larger than a couple of inches on the side, addresses the gap by reporting the latest status of the internal
production quoted specification is ARW <0.00015 deg/rt-hr research and development funded 3 cubic inches mHRG with
and bias <0.0015 deg/hr [1] with typical measured beyond navigation grade performance and real time self-
performance of 20 µdeg/rt-hr and 0.0001 deg/hr [2]. calibration, Fig. 1.
The favorable ARW scaling of CVGs enables in principle II. MHRG INSTRUMENT
centimeter scale instruments with beyond navigation grade
The mHRG instrument design was created by drastically
noise performance. However, all CVGs are essentially analog
simplifying the current production 130P HRG used in space
Amplitude Modulated (AM) systems with inherently limited
systems. To minimize the development risk, the mHRG uses
dynamic range, bias stability, and scale factor stability.
the same ultra-low dissipation and noise quartz resonator with
Unleashing the full low noise and low SWaP and cost potential
30 mm diameter and 4 kHz nominal resonance frequency. The
of CVGs for true free inertial applications is highly attractive
significant size reduction and design simplifications were
and requires revolutionary solutions.

978-1-4673-6939-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE





Fig. 2. Photograph of all mHRG physics package parts, comprising vacuum 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
package with getters, resonator, electrode assembly, and analog buffer card Fig. 4. Time constant in seconds versus pattern angle in degrees measured on
with cover. a typical mHRG using developmental CVG electronics. Average time
constant on the order of 1,200 s corresponds to the quality factor of 15 M.

Fig. 5. Resonant frequency in Hz versus pattern angle in degrees measured

on a typical mHRG using developmental CVG electronics. Observable
frequency split is on the order of 1 mHz.

Fig. 3. Photograph of the experimental system showing two independent

mHRG gyro strings in a collinear sensor block. Not shown is a mission
software PC running the self-calibration sequencer, Kalman filter, and data

realized through the elimination of the outer 130P forcer

electrode array which is external to the resonator and by
sharing the inner electrodes between the pickoff and forcer
functions. The new design, Fig. 2, has reduced the number of Fig. 6. Baseline mHRG performance without self-calibration in constant
components by over a factor of 10, which translates into a uncontrolled temperature with measured 0.00025 deg/rt-hr ARW and
commensurate reduction of complexity and cost. 0.005 deg/hr bias (both limited by the proof of concept CVG electronics).
A family of mHRGs was successfully built and extensively
tested as resonators, individual gyroscopes, and continuously III. MHRG BASELINE PERFORMANCE
self-calibrating gyroscope systems. The sensors were Ringdown time constant magnitude and uniformity over
instrumented using developmental Coriolis Vibratory (CVG) pattern angle as well as resonant frequency uniformity over
digital electronics and classic Lynch controls [3, 4] with 4 non- pattern angle are well known CVG figures of merit [3, 4]. Fig.
differential AC signals at the flex frequency (anti-node forcing 4 illustrates a typical time constant measurement versus pattern
and pickoff, node forcing and pickoff) and a DC resonator bias angle using mHRG with the CVG electronics mechanization
voltage. Fig. 3 shows a typical test configuration comprising described above. The average value is on the order of 1,200
two separate gyro strings. The digital CVG cards run seconds or 20 minutes, which corresponds to the quality factor
individual gyro operation and control using a DSP program, of 15 million for the 4 kHz frequency. Raw variation of the
FPGA signal routing firmware, and CODEC based ADC and time constant on the order of 10 seconds translates into a very
DAC interfaces. The electronics are custom designs with all low Δ(1/tau) figure of merit on the order of 10 micro-Hz.
commercial off the shelf parts. The size of the boards is not Characterization of frequency over pattern angle is shown in
representative of the final configuration due to the multiple Fig. 5 with typical raw variation on the order of 1 mHz due to
redundant features included for research and development the very high degree of modal symmetry in the resonator.
Fig. 8. Block diagram of the two collinear gyro self-calibrating system.
Mission software comprises a mode-reversal sequencer and a Kalman filter
that outputs continuous stream of drift free rate measurements [5].

Fig. 7. Allan deviation of the raw and self-calibrated biases using different
self-calibration periods. Numerical simulation uses AWN of 0.1 arcsec/rt-Hz,
ARW of 0.00025 deg/rt-hr, bias of 0.005 deg/hr, RRW of 0.01 deg/hr/rt-hr,
and Ramp of 0.001 deg/hr/hr. Self-calibration based on 4 min period achieves
0.001 deg/hr at the time frame of hours.
Fig. 9. Illustration of the sequencer which enables full observability of
After the checkout, integration with electronics, and basic inertial rate and gyro biases [5].
testing, the family of fabricated mHRG units was extensively
characterized in a rate table lab. Typical Allan deviation output and operation over dynamic input. Such system can be
performance without active temperature stabilization is shown devised using an additional gyro (second gyro for a single axis
in Fig. 6. Utilizing the non-differential CVG mechanization system or fourth gyro for a three axes system). The single axis
with all control loops working at the gyro drive frequency, system in the scope of this work comprises two collinear gyros,
measured baseline performance is better than navigation grade a state machine sequencer, and a Kalman filter, Fig. 8. The
with 0.00025 deg/rt-hr ARW and 0.005 deg/hr bias. state machine illustrated in Fig. 9 enables uninterrupted
measurements of dynamic inertial rate and makes biases of
IV. SELF-CALIBRATION APPROACH both gyros along with the difference between the two gyros
scale factors observable by the self-calibration Kalman filter.
Mode symmetric or Class II CVGs have advantageous
properties that allow identification and removal of bias and V. SELF-CALIBRATION RESULTS
scale factor errors through mode reversal and pattern angle
slewing. Bias is a periodic function of the second harmonic of The principle of bias self-calibration using a single HRG
the electrical pattern angle, with coefficients governed by the has been previously demonstrated using post processing [6]
damping and stiffness asymmetry. Moving the pattern angle by and more recently with a real time dual HRG system [7]. In
90 electrical degrees, i.e. “mode reversing” the gyro, results in this work, real time self-calibration of bias and scale factor is
a bias with the same magnitude but opposite polarity. In demonstrated using the new simplified mHRG physics
principal, this idea can be used on a single gyro to separate a packages. The mission software including the mode reversal
constant bias from an unknown constant inertial rate, such as state machine sequencer, the Kalman filter, data collection, and
the Earth’s rate projection onto a gyro with unknown GUI was implemented and executed in real time on a standard
orientation. Similar to correlated double sampling, self- Windows PC. Each individual gyro string of the dual gyro
calibration estimates the bias over a self-calibration period T as system comprises a digital CVG control card, an analog buffer
a difference between average outputs of the two modes over card, and a mHRG physics package, Fig. 3.
the T/2 time span each. This estimate is then subtracted from The developed real time self-calibration system was
the gyro output until the next self-calibration update. Fig. 7 extensively tested on a rate table under several different
shows Allan deviation of the numerically simulated raw and thermal conditions, including uncontrolled temperature,
self-calibrated mHRG bias using 4 and 1 minute self- 30 deg C controlled temperature, and 40 deg C controlled
calibration periods. The simulated gyro has AWN of temperature. In all of the experiments, the complete gyro
0.1 arcsec/rt-Hz, ARW of 0.00025 deg/rt-hr, bias of system including all electronics, not just the physics packages,
0.005 deg/hr, RRW of 0.01 deg/hr/rt-hr, and Ramp of were expose to the temperature environment. No thermal
0.001 deg/hr/hr. Analysis demonstrates that self-calibration modeling was used, with the raw gyro output fed directly into
preserves the AWN and ARW and rejects lower frequency the self-calibration mission software. Allan deviation analysis
instability and drifts. For a practical period of 4 minutes, the of the self-calibrate output is shown in Fig. 10 and
simulation shows stability of 0.001 deg/hr for the time scale of demonstrates achievement of better than 0.001 deg/hr stability
hours, with further convergence down to 0.0001 deg/hr and at the time scale of hours. No instability floor or drift is
below at longer time scales. observable in any of the curves, including the concatenated
While the single gyro self-calibration model described 30 deg C and 40 deg C data.
above is useful for fundamental analysis and performance Self-calibration performance over temperature was further
projections, several gaps have to be overcome to realize a analyzed in time domain and compared to raw outputs of the
practical self-calibrated system with uninterrupted delta-theta two gyros during the same experiments, Fig. 11. As expected,
Fig. 11. Demonstration of dual mHRG self-calibration system showing Allan (a) First gyro individual raw output.
deviation convergence down to strategic grade stability of <0.001 deg/hr at the
time scale of hours (limited by the experiment duration).

the self-calibration system output across both temperatures

shows no drift or temperature dependency and zero mean
(Earth’s rate subtracted for clarity). In contrast, individual gyro
outputs show levels of initial bias as well as bias sensitivity to
temperature and slow trends. While the measured raw
performance is largely limited by the developmental CVG
electronics and its sensitivities, the real time self-calibration
system completely eliminates all observable errors independent
of whether they are caused by the physics package or by the
electronics mechanization.
(b) Second gyro individual raw output.
This paper reports mHRG – a new miniature CVG with
demonstrated beyond navigation grade baseline and near
strategic grade self-calibration performance. The mHRG
architecture and mechanization are archetypical of all mode
symmetric CVGs, including microscale wineglasses, cylinders,
disks, and Quad Mass Gyro (QMG). The self-calibration
system is software defined in the sense that it is agnostic to the
physics package implementation and is applicable to any mode
symmetric CVG. Results of this work are therefore also
expected to highlight a path for next generation systems using
batch manufactured MEMS gyros.
The authors thank their colleagues who helped with the
work, especially R. C. Griffith and P. R. Clark for the
electronics design, M. D. Bulatowicz for mechanical design, (c) Real time self-calibraion output.
and M. C. Spencer and G. Levin for gyro tests.
Fig. 10. Time domain illustration of dual mHRG self-calibration over a
REFERENCES 30 deg C to 40 deg C temperature range, Earth’s rate subtracted for clarity.
Self-calibration shows 0.001 deg/hr level stability over temperature, a drastic
[1] improvement over nominal biases of both gyros and their temperature drift.
[2] A. Matthews, D. A. Bauer, “Hemispherical Resonator Gyro Noise [6] A. D. Meyer, D. M. Rozelle, “Milli-HRG Inertial Navigation System,”
Reduction for Precision Spacecraft Pointing,” 19th AAS Guidance and IEEE/ION PLANS 2012.
Control Conference, 1996.
[7] A. A. Trusov, M. R. Phillips, G. H. McCammon, D. M. Rozelle, A. D.
[3] D. D. Lynch, "Coriolis Vibratory Gyros," Symposium Gyro Meyer, “Continuously Self-Calibrating CVG System Using
Technology, 1998. (also in IEEE Std. 1431-2004). Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscopes,” IEEE ISISS 2015.
[4] D. D. Lynch, "Vibratory Gyro Analysis by the Method of Averaging,"
Proc. 2nd St. Petersburg Int. Conf. on Gyroscopic Technology and
Navigation, pp. 26–34. 1995.
[5] C. A. Lee, “Self-Calibration for an Inertial Instrument Based on Real
Time Bias Estimator,” US Patent 7103477.

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