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Sample MIS Multiple Choice Questions

1. ____________ is a collection of procedures for converting data into

knowledge and facts.
A. Storage system C. Data system
B. Information system D. None of these
2. Which one of the following is not included in a Transaction Processing
A. Input C. Output
B. Process D. Feedback
3. Data differ from information in which way?
A. Data are meaningful bits of information.
B. Data are output, and information is input.
C. Information is output, and data are input.
D. Both are the same
4. __________ technology includes computers hardware, software, database
management systems, and data communication system.
A. Computer C. Marketing
B. Information D. All of the above
5. Which one of the following is not considered as information system
A. Business Applications C. Development processes
B. Foundation Concepts D. Management challenges
E. Management perspective
6. _______ expressly designed for the support of individual and collective

7. A key role of Management Information Systems is
A. To materialize the business transaction data and produce insightful
information which assists managers in decision making
B. To develop and share documents that support day-today organizational
C. To process business information
D. None of the above.
8. Lemma woke up and went to the ATM to take money. He then went grocery
store to buy some products and paid with his debit card. He finished off his
day by going to school and registered online for his computer class. Lemma
has had multiple contacts with what kind of information systems throughout
his day?
A. Transaction Processing System C. MIS (Management
(TPS) Information System)
B. EIS (Executive Information D. None of the above.
9. The most important reason for failure of MIS is,
A. Users involvement form C. Documentation of
initial phase of development specification
B. Noninvolvement of end-user D. All of the foregoing
10. Information performance characteristics associated with ----------------------
-------------include projections and responses to queries.
A. Management Information C. Transaction Processing
System System
B. Executive Support System D. Decision Support System

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