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Gagre International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 112, boulevard Haussmann ~ 75008 Faris 1976 Session — August 25 - Soptombor 2 12-02 ° THE TRANSFER OF FAULT GASES IN TRANSFORMERS AND ITS EFFECT UPON THE INTERPRETATION OF GAS ANALYSIS DATA vv R. ANDERSSON, U-R. RODERICK —-V. JAAKKOLA, N. OSTMAN Imotran Veime Osokeyhtis oy Strémberg Ab (inland SUMMARY Fault gas analysis has proved to be one of the most important methods of monitoring the operating state of transformers, The interpretation of gas analysis data should be based on gas generation rates instead of gas contents, When calculating generation rates of breathing transformers the loss of gas due to diffusion and convection must be considered. This report presents gas loss data measured on power transformers and simulated tests and a theoretical method of calculating loss rates The report also deals with the on-load tap-changer and its effect on the interpretation of gas analysis. The diverter switch of the on-load tap-changer can generate considerable gas amounts, part of whieh may transfer to the transformer tank. Fault gas analysis can, however, be employed also for transformers equip- ped with an orload tap-changer. If high acetylene contents are detected, the origin of the gas should be confirmed by tap-changer chamber or expansion vessel gas content measirements. Breathit |, Gas analysis, Gas loss rate, Tap-changer, Transformer. REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION The gas analysis of transformer oil plays an important role in the monitoring of transformers in service. The electrical and thermic faults of transformers lead to the decomposition of insulating materials, and the gases so formed dissolve, at least in part, into the transformer oil. Many methods have been developed with a view to interpreting the results obtained on gas analysis, and elucidating the type of fault. All of these methods are based upon gts content, or gas ratios. In general, the rate of change of the gas content has been considered as an indication of the seriousness of the fault, gas sources not related to any faults, and the escape of gas from the transformer, are ignored. During operation, the diverter switch of the onload tap-changer decomposes transformer oil, with the formation of considerable amounts of gases, and especially acetylene. Convection and diffusion lead to a spread of the gases everywhere in the transformer, irrespective of the formation site. The possible adsorption of gases on the solid insulation ‘material diminishes the gas content of the oil. The transformer breathing effect, induced by loading changes, leads to the escape of substantial amounts of gas from the transformer. This Paper deals with the transfer of gases in the power transformer under the influence of diffusion, convection, and breathing, with a view to evaluation of their significance in the interpretation of gas analysis data ; use is made of a theoretical method and experimental measurements. Furthermore an exa- mination has been made of the effect of the onload tap-changer upon the gas content of the transformer tank, 12-02 2. FORMATION OF GASES IN THE TRANSFORMER ‘The normal ageing of transformer oil, along with transformer faults, causes the decomposition of insulation materials ; these phenomena lead to the formation of new compounds [1, 2, 3, 4] The normal ageing of the oil results in the formation of small amounts of lnydrogen, methane, ethane, and ethylene. The faults that arise are divisible into two groups, electrical and thermic. Electrical faults include arcing, sparking, and partial discharges ; and the thermic faults the overheating of loose contacts and of windings as a consequence of excessive electrical current. In correspondence with the type of fault, different amounts of the decomposition products of transformer oil, hydrogen, methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene, propane, and propylene are formed. The formation of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide is characteristic of the decomposition of solid insulation material (5]- Normal operation of the diverter switch results mainly in the formation of acetylene, ethylene, and hydrogen, The diverter switch is located in the separate oilspace ; from here the oil and gases, depending on the structure of the transformer, can move to the common oil tank, and by this means increase the gas content of the oil Frequently, the diverter switch and the transformer have a common expansion vessel through which the transfer of gas can occur. The other way of transference is the sealing between the onload tap-changer and the transformer tank, This sealing, which often does no more than prevent the transference of mecha nical impurities, does not hinder the transfer of the oil and gases dissolved in the oll ‘The corrosion of iron parts in a transformer which is inadequately protected against such an occur rence may result from the action of water upon iron parts, leading to the formation of hydrogen in accordance with the following equation 3H,0 + 2Fe —> 3H, + Fe,0, ‘This equation indicates that in theory 1 g of iron produces 0,6 dm® of hydrogen during the course of corrosion ; it follows that corrosion is apt to increase the gas content of the oil to a significant extent, 3, TRANSFER OF GASES IN THE TRANSFORMER 3.1, Diffusion — As a result of diffusion, the gas molecules tend to distribute uniformly in the oil. The amount of substance diffusing per time and surface unit is directly proportional to the concentration gradient. The proportionality factor, ie, the diffusion coefficient D, is a function of temperature and pressure, This factor D increases with temperature, partly on account of the diminution in viscosity. The literature does not contain any values for the diffusion coefficients of gases in the transformer oil. The diffusion coefficient of hydrogen, which diffuses most easily, is 3.6 x 10-* cm? sec, in water (6). Since the diffusion coefficient is inversely proportional to the viscosity, it is approximately 2 x 10® cm? sec. at 25°C in the oil, For a hydrogen content of 100 cm?/m?, accordingly, the diffusion rate of hydrogen is approximately 10? em? /em?/sec., corresponding to an oil flow of 10~* em/sec. 3.2. Convection — Differences in the oil temperature induce continuing oil circulation in the transformer. This oil circulation occurs with relative rapidity and stability. Under the influence of the circulation, the gas dissolved in the oil moves to different parts of the transformer. Consequently, high gas concentrations ean be expected around the fault points only momentarily. This implies that no significant differences in the gas content are to be found in samples taken from either the upper or lower parts of the transformer. 4, ESCAPE OF GASES FROM THE TRANSFORMER OIL 4.1. Adsorption — Atoms and molecules located at the surface of solid material can adsorb foreign mole- cules. The adsorption capacity is dependent on the chemical composition of both the substances concerned 12-02 and the structure of the surface, and can vary widely in different cases. As some of the fault gases, parti- ularly carbon oxides, have a structure that resembles that of cellulose, these gases can be expected to be significantly adsorbed by the paper insulation, For this reason, 2 study has been made on whether the wooden and paper structures of transformers can adsorb gas dissolved in the transformer oil, and if they exert an effect upon the gas content of this oil, Preliminary experimental results have indicated that the adsorption induces the gas content to dim nish, particularly when the gas formation starts, and concentrations are still minor in nature. 4.2. Breathing — During the loading of the transformer, its windings are warmed up ; moreover, the win: ings heat the transformer oil, which expands by approximately 0,08 per cent/°C. As a general rule, the load- ing of the transformer alternates quite regularly during a period of 24h. The expanding and contracting amounts of oil are equally regular, Thus the amount of expanded oil, corresponding to the temperature change, flows backward and forward between the transformer tank and the expansion vessel. When the transformer warms up, oil with a gas content flows from the transformer tank (0 the expansion vessel, where it comes into contact with air. The gas evaporates from the boundary surface into the air ; as a resull, the content of gas in the oil, and the airspace, attempt to reach equilibrium. The equilibrium is dependent on the gas solubility in the transformer oil ; different gases have varying solubilities at different temperatures, The solubilities of gases present in the transformer oil are listed in Table | as volume percen- tages at 0°, 20°, 40°, and 60°C, with the pressure of the surrounding gas-space being 100 kPa of the gas concerned, Table 1 Solubilities («) of different gases in transformer oil, expressed as percentages by volume (2). oc 20°C orc 60re Hydrogen 66 69 75 Methane 32.6 30.5 26.3 Ethane 319.5 287.9 224.7 Ethylene 309.8 286.0 238.4 Acetylene 4253 405.1 363.2 Propane 21318 1946.3 1376.0 Propylene 1450.0 1250.0 850.0 Carbon monoxide 94 9.0 89 With the decreasing temperature of the transformer, the oil flows back from the expansion vessel to the transformer tank, The gas content of this oil is lower than that of the tank oil, The corresponding amount of fresh air from the ambient atmosphere flows simultaneously to the expansion tank. This decreases the gas content of the airspace of the expansion vessel, and accelerates the transfer of the gas from the oilspace of the expansion vessel to the airspace, since the loss rate is directly proportional to the difference between the existing gas content, and the equilibrium gas content. When the transformer rewarms, oil with @ gas content lower than that on the previous occasion flows into the expansion vessel, and an equivalent amount of air, containing gas, evaporates from the expansion vessel into the outside air. ‘The gas content of the oil and airspace in the expansion vessel again has the tendency to reach equilibrium, Consequently the breathing of the transformer functions in a way resembling a pump-system, which moves the gas from the transformer tank, through the expansion vessel, out into the 4.3, Convection — The temperature of the expansion vessel oil is normally lower than that of the transfor- mer tank, This temperature difference generates a continuous oil circulation between the expansion vessel and the tank. The rate of this convection depends on the tank and the ambient temperatures, and the dimensions of the connecting pipe. The oil rising from the tank is mixed with the expansion vessel oi part of its gas content escapes to the airspace, and oil gas content of which is lower than that of the transformer tank, flows back, Accordingly, there is a continuous transfer of gas from the transformer tank to the expansion vessel and the airspace, Measurements have indicated that the difference between the gas contents of the tank and expansion vessel oi normally is rather small and, accordingly, Ue gas loss rate of a transformer is determined mainly by the evaporation and equilibrium phenomena in the expansion vessel and less by the convection, 12-02 4 5, DETERMINATION OF GAS LOSS RATES. 5.1. Experimental methods — The loss rate of gases is determinable with the greatest exactitude by the collection of expelled gas, and measurement of its gas content AV 6 H 100.8 a Vz oer In practice, AV can be estimated with sufficient exactitude by means of the temperature cycle AV = Vp7T e As measurements indicate that the change in eg during the warm-up phase is normally insignificant, the momentary gas content can be measured, instead of the gas content of the total sample. ‘The easiest way of taking the sample of expelled ait is by means of the exhaust (ube of the airdryer.To prevent the possible solution of gases in oil, the oil of the oiklock needs to be removed during the time When the sample is being taken, If the temperature of the transformer varies irregularly, the method presented above is inapplicable, if an exact picture of the evaporation during a lengthy period is required. In this case gas can be added to the transformer under examination, and the change in its gas content can be followed in the oil-space. This procedure enables the solution of complex diffusion and convection phenomena of frequent occurrence in the breathing transformer, The gas to be added must be dissolved in a small amount of oil which is mixed with the transformer oil. The concentration of the gas added must be well below the solubility value, but of such a degree that the generation rate does not have any significance as compared with the loss rate. In this case the loss rate can be calculated by means of the equation 100. Acy 1 a) 5.2, Theoretical calculation of loss rates ~ Consider the transformer modelled in Figure 1; it is assumed that in this transformer the temperature change follows the curve expressed in Figure 2. For the theoreti cal treatment, the following assumptions are made z T tH t Figure 1 ~ Conservator transformer. Figure 2 — Temperature variation of 2 breathing transformer, = the air-dryer of the transformer has an oilock so that gas moves out from the airspace during the breathing-out period only — the slowest phase, determining the loss rate, is the transfer of gases from the oilspace to the ait space in the expansion vessel fst 12-02 = the loss of gas from the oispace to the airspace occurs during the breathingin phase only. This assumption is valid with sufficient exactitude, if the breathing-in phase is long in comparison with the breathing-out phase = the changes in gas content during one cycle are so slight that the gas content of the transformer tank during one cycle can be regarded as constant — the fault gas concentration in the expansion vessel is uniform During the time-interval dt, the amount of gas which evaporates from the oilspace of the expansion vessel is directly proportional to the area of oilsurface A, and to the difference between the equilibrium- state concentration and the existing concentration, co —acg, vdt = NA (6 — eg) at, @ On the other hand, the increase in the amount of gas in the airspace of the expansion vessel during the cooling-down period is equal to cody eat 6 Equations (4) and (5) give iA ty °o “Naat OV © The amount of gas that escapes during one cycle is NAt wv NAG AV Sanat av i and the relative loss rate H= NA& So @) Whqa + BV oy According to equation (8), to be able to calculate the loss rate, one should know the gas content of the expansion vessel oil surface layer, which cannot normally be measured. ¢y depends, among other factors, on the gas content of the tank, the gas loss rate, the temperature cycle, and the convection between the tank and the expansion vessel. By putting simply cg =, and determining the factor k so that the calculated loss rates corres- pond to the simulated tests at 10°C temperature cycles, one gets the following k-values 4, 04 CH, 06 GH, GH, GH, 10 The loss rate can accordingly be calculated by means of the equation (8). The gas content change of the transformer tank can be calculated by using the difference equation ” which in the case $ = O, can be solved as H = BU ~i55 coy where n is the number of breathing cycles and B a constant whose value is determined by the original as content. Consequently, cy, expressed as a function of n, is presented by a straight line on semiloga- rithmic paper. The mathematical treatment above is greatly simplified because of the complex geometry and hydro- dynamics of a breathing transformer. The model used, however, indicates the parameters affecting the gas loss rate and can be used to estimate roughly this loss rate 12-02 a: RRO 6.1, Simulated experiments — Simulated experiments were made with a view to studying the effect of the breathing upon the gas content of transformer oil Distribution transformer tanks of 0.2 m? capacity were emptied of their original inner construction, and the contents were displaced by 3 ke each of wood paper, and prespane. They were saturated with oil in vacuum. The tanks were then filled with oil-containing gas, 6, EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENTS AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS and were periodically bottom-heated in such a way that the length of the temperature cycles was 12h. The rise in temperature during the cycles was 10°C, 30°C, and 38°C respectively, and oil samples were taken regularly for determination of the gas content. ‘The results obtained are presented in The coefficient of mass transfer was derived by examination of the diminution in the gas content of the oi-gas solution in an open breaker. The solution was stirred continuously. The value of the coefficient was calculated by means of the equation and the values obtained are listed in Table 2. The gas equilibrium state in the expansion vessel was studied by means of a transformer operated at 30°C cycles. Samples were taken simultaneously from the oil and the airspace just before the beginning v= NAc Table 2 Mass transfer coefficients of fault gases 4 cH, CH CoH 36.107? m?/m?h 12.1073 * 10.10-7* 2.107% of the breathing-out phase. igure 3. CH, « 0,3 co om /m? | 34 ect 40 & ” " 2» | io GH, 27 190 200 49 CoH, 40 920 350 130 Table 3 Gas content in a breathing transformer GH, | GH, | CH, Hy 29 | 128 1955 0,07 370 860 1.020 24 370 870 1040 49 86 63 n 58 130 Co) 52 | 340 70 130 €9/ is the equilibrium gas content of the airspace corresponding to the expansion vessel oil ¢y 6.2. Breathing experiments with power transformers — Five power transformers were employed for examination of the effect of breathing upon the gas content of the oil. The following measurements were made the gas content of the expelled air, the gas content of oil in the transformer tank, and the gas content of oil in the expansion vessel, All the transformers tested had been in use for several years and it was considered that their gas contents were stable. In one transformer (V) oil containing CH, and C,H, was added and the decrease in concentration was studied after the addition. The temperature change during one cycle was taken as a basis for estimation of the amount of expelled air. The results of measurement are indicated in Table 4 and Figure 5. 6,3, Discussion of breathing experiment results — The calculated loss rates of different gases according 10 the equation (8) are presented and compared with the simulated tests in Figure 4. The agreement is fairly good over the entire temperature cycle range. The loss rates measured for power transformers are, according 12-02 +00) ayy bn, chy xate10% SaT220% Sonia é eo me yates Figure 3 — Decrease in g2s contents in simulated tests 12-02 to Table 4, significantly lower. The temperature cycles are, however, except for transformer V very small, which makes the determination of the gas loss rate inaccurate. The loss rates of transformer V correspond rather well with the calculated values. cry | eae bees efeate zoo} ao sso 309 a veo0 | 200-9 | Tog so) 0 i — oii as or, ce Figure 4 ~ Coleusted ga om ftes compared with simulated Fignre 5 ~ Decne in gat contents in treating power ae transoomes According to the results the loss rate of all of the fault gases increases with increasing temperature cycles. The loss rate increase of methane, and especially hydrogen, is quite abrupt at small temperature cycles, but at large cycles this effect decreases. The loss rate of the other hydrocarbons is approximately irectly proportional to the magnitude of the temperature cycle. It thus follows that the equilibrium contents of the airspace are so small that equilibrium is established irrespective of the cycle magnitude, ‘The equilibrium values of hydrogen and methane are not reached in a breathing transformer, except at Very small temperature cycles, and the loss rate of these components is accordingly determined mainly by the equilibrium factor in the small cycles but by the mass transfer coefficients in the larger cycles. If the gas loss rate of a transformer is known, the gas generation rate can be evaluated according to the following equation H Bag oor Vr +. s a ap where EA. is the change in gas content of the oil during n breathing cycles The following example is considered as an indication of the significance of the escape rate. In a transformer, supposed to be faulty, it was found that during three months the methane content increased from 300 em?/m* to 400 em*/m?. The quantity of oil was SO m*, and the mean temperature cycle was approximately 5°C, According to the equation (11) and on the basis of Figure 5, the generation rate of tas is 130 em? CH,/cycle. If the temperature cycle had been 20°C instead of 5°C, the corresponding generation rate would have been 270 em? CH, /eyele 64, Effect of onload tap-changer — The effect upon the gas content of transformer oll exerted by the comload tap-changer was measured by simullancous determination of the gas content in the chamber of the diverter switch, and that in the transformer tank. The results are presented in Table 5S. The results obtained indicate that the gas content of the oil in the chamber of the diverter switch inoreases in accordance with the number of operations ; in particular, the hydrogen and acetylene contents can become rather high. However, the amount of gas generated by one operation time — approximately 10 cm? — indicates that the main portion of the generated gas escapes from the chamber. The amount of oikchange between the diverter switen chamber and the transformer tank was examined by the addition of oil with @ methane content to transformer 8. The methane content of the chamber was measured afterwards. oie 12-02 Table 4 Gas contents in oil and airspace of transformers Transformer cH, Temperature cycle AT @ Gas content of tank ey em? fa? Gas content of expansion vessel cg = Gas content of air space cg Equilibrium content of airspace

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