Harbinger Top Elearning Trends To Watch Out For in 2023

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Top eLearning Trends to

Watch Out for in 2023

The eLearning Growth Book
Table of
of Contents
Introduction 01

Chapter 1: The Need to Keep an Eye on eLearning Trends 02

Chapter 2: Will LXP Replace LMS in 2023? What about LCMS? 04

Chapter 3: What is the Role of Bite-Sized Learning in the New Year? 08

Chapter 4: Which eLearning Technologies will Boom in 2023? 10

Chapter 5: What is the Role of Hybrid Learning in 2023? 14

Chapter 6: Should L&D Consider Accessibility as an Important

Component of their Planning for 2023?

Chapter 7: What Type of eLearning will Steal the Show in 2023? 21

Chapter 8: What are the Top eLearning Trends Expected to Dominate 2023? 25

Chapter 9: How Important is Content Modernization and How Can

Businesses Go About It?

Chapter 10: What Should Businesses do to Transform L&D from a Cost

Center to a Value Creator?

Chapter 11: A Sneak Peek into the Future of Learning: What to Expect? 33

Chapter 12: Conclusion 35

About Harbinger Group 36

Customer Testimonials 37
The eLearning space since the outbreak of the pandemic and even post-pandemic is
evolving at an accelerated pace, and so are the eLearning trends for 2023. Rapid
advancements and implementation of newer and advanced technologies are pushing
learning and learning technologies to the cutting edge. Interestingly, eLearning is
growing tremendously without showing any signs of relapse.

Not just schools or colleges but the corporate world is also witnessing significant
changes in the way people are learning. Gone are the days when training was done in a
room full of people making notes on their scribble pads. With the rise of vibrant and
various generations of learners and newer ways of working such as work from home and
hybrid work, the faith in innovative learning modalities has rapidly increased.

It is that era where learning is molded based on learner personalities. With newer
technologies and forms of learning, creative concepts such as augmented reality (AR)
and virtual reality (VR), gamification, micro-learning, nudge-learning, and others are
leading the race.

Technology has indeed revolutionized how information or knowledge is imparted.

Instruction or learning are no longer confined to classrooms.

Here are some astonishing statistics that prove this right.

According to Allied Market Research, the global eLearning market is expected to reach
a valuation of $840.11 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 17.5% from 2021 to

According to The Research Institute of America, eLearning increases retention rates by

25% to 60%.

According to the Brandon Hall Group, eLearning typically requires 40% to 60% less
employee time than learning the same material in a traditional classroom setting.

According to Global Market Insights, the mobile learning market is expected to surpass
$55 billion by 2026, registering a CAGR of 13% during the forecast period

Chapter 1
The Need to Keep an Eye on
eLearning Trends

eLearning, a term coined by EdTech

expert Elliott Mas ie back in 1999, has
revolutioniz ed the way the world learns .
eLearning s ince then has not jus t grown
but evolved over the years . Today, it is a
technology- bas ed, innovative way of
learning that allows both ins tructors and
learners to ins truct and learn from
anywhere and at any time.
Picture Credit: LinkedIn Profile

As digitization is taking over, the need for learning on the job and developing newer job
skills has become more important than ever. With jobs skills increasing and evolving
continuously, it has become essential for employees to cross-train or refresh their skills to
stay in sync with the developments in their industry.

By investing in eLearning, companies save at least 50% of what they would spend on
traditional instructor-based training, reveals a survey by the Brandon Hall Group.
According to a joint survey by TalentLMS, Workable, and Training Journal, 6 in 10
employees prefer to complete their training through online upskilling courses,
webinars, virtual sessions, and other online training means.

Not just this but the current pace of digitalization and the rapid move of EdTech trends
toward more advanced technologies such as AR, VR, gamification, LCMS, and others
makes it inevitable for businesses to stay up to date about what’s happening in the
eLearning space.

Keeping up with the lates t eLearning
trends can be challenging. H owever,
to unlock the true potential of your
people, it is vital to adopt more
modern, inclus ive, and collaborative
learning options .

The ris ing internet penetration and the

proliferation of s mart devices acros s
the globe are anticipated to drive the
growth of the eLearning indus try. They
are als o the primary reas on why we
expect an explos ive growth of interes t
in online training.

But do we know what to expect in 2023 or what eLearning technologies to bet on in

the new year?

Let’s dive deep and find out!

This exhaustive eBook answers some of the top questions to help businesses pick the right
eLearning trend to focus on or eLearning technology invest in come 2023.

Chapter 2
Will LXP Replace LMS in 2023?
What about LCMS?
No, LXP will not replace LMS. Let’s find out why.

Learning in the Flow of Work

Engaged Workforce LMS Personalized Content
Educational Learning Approach Learning Experience Platform
Built-In Features Blended Learning Knowledge Sharing
Highly Structured Training

Learning Management Sys tem (LMS) vs Learning Experience Platform (LXP) is a

comparis on worth making. Both thes e s ys tems are extremely efficient and come
with a s trong potential.

But the million-dollar question is: Will LXP replace LMS?

Let us begin by taking note of the difference between the two.

LMS is software that offers a platform to
manage and distribute learning content. It
primarily focuses on the administration aspect
of learning as compared to the learning

On the other hand, LXP is a technology that

focuses on delivering a more learner-centric LMS vs LXP
approach allowing learners to take higher
responsibility of their learning process.

The key difference between the two is like the

push and pull strategy. While LMS is designed
to push the learning content to the learner, LXP
is more dedicated to designing and delivering
more personalized content to pull or engage
the learner.

However, if businesses want to strengthen their

training process to improve skills, engage, and
upgrade their workforce, it is essential to blend
the goodness of both these approaches,
allowing the two to coexist.

What about LCMS?
Learning Content Management System (LCMS), as the name suggests, is a platform that
manages eLearning content including online courses, digital material, and assessments.
Technically, it is a single-source centralized repository that reduces content silos and
maintenance hassles. Unlike other tools, LCMS gives authors the potential to create, store,
search, and re-use libraries of content all in one location.

Therefore, an LCMS should not be confused with an LMS, as LCMS refers to a

cloud-based app or a software that allows subject matter experts, authors, and
instructional designers to collaborate and develop eLearning content.

The Expert Point of View

Let’s see what David Wentworth has to say.

The LMS w ill not be replaced. Ins tead,

there w ill be a continued blurring of the
line betw een w hat makes one s olution an
LMS and w hat makes another an LXP.
LXPs w ill continue to add more
managment/ admin capabilities , and
LMSs w ill continue to prvide a w ider array
of learning ex periences . But, ultimately,
the LMS w ill remain the foundation of the
learning technology ecos ys tem for the
majority of organiz ations .
David Wentworth
Principal Analyst
Brandon Hall Group

The Expert Point of View

Let’s see what Paul Schneider has to say.

I believe LXP and LMS will continue to become

each other. LXP continues to add LMS features
and LMS continues to add in LXP. The beauty
of it for the people purchasing these products
is that they’re finding the best things about one
in the other and vice versa.

We’re also starting to see companies purchase

and merge LXP with an LMS and vice versa. I
really see the LXP market as a name going
away. But LXP and LMS continue to morph and
turn into one, and there will be a specialized
Paul Schneider, Ph. D. tool where you’d use both of them together.

SVP - Business Development Learning content management system (LCMS)

dominKnow is a different market. It’s targeting people who
are developing that content. Over the last two
years, a large number of organizations are
realizing that a lot of desktop applications, when people work independently, are
the antithesis of efficiency and quality.

So, businesses are starting to see what the next generation of LCMS is and what
it enables them to do. They’re really starting to seek those out and morph
completely away from the way they were developing content before. This not only
means centralizing the organization in terms of developing content (if they
haven’t), but also purchasing a system such as an LCMS to support anywhere
from 20 to 200 authors, depending on the size of the organization.

And the next benefit of LCMS is especially for smaller teams. Sometimes, you
might not be able to buy a full-blown LCMS because of the way these products
are designed. However, even if you are a smaller team, you can get in and start
taking advantage of some of the LCMS capabilities.

The Expert Point of View

We asked Terence Ng to share the benefits of

LMS and how Canvas revolutionizes the way
of learning. Here’s what he has to say.

One of the benefits C anvas offers is

acces s ibility. H ere, w e are not only
talking about making learning acces s ible
and inclus ive for people w ith phys ical
dis abilities (w e abs olutely cover and
addres s acces s ibility is s ues in terms of
color contras t and s o on). W hat w e mean
by acces s ibility is to als o enable mobility
and acces s to education for different
s takeholders .
Terence Ng
W hen w e cons ider natural calamities
Head of Channels - APAC s uch as pandemics , typhoons , or
Instructure hurricanes , how do w e ens ure s tudents
don’t s top learning? Through C anvas , w e
are cons tantly
providing options and empowering stakeholders to not say no to education, even
when something adverse happens. We are always providing options to enable
students and learners to say yes to education, and ensure they have a choice to
continue studying or learning something new.

Most importantly, Canvas, which is hosted on the cloud, provides huge security
and reliability, and ensures that the platform and the content are available for you
to learn.

Even though there is a plethora of benefits that eLearning offers, face-to-face or

classroom learning will be a part of the ecosystem for at least the next 500 years.
The reason being – we are humans, and face-to-face interaction is a must, as we
need that emotional, physical, and visual connect. Having said that, LMS enables
many things in learning that are not done due to certain excuses and says yes to
learning options even during challenging situations.

So, these indeed are a huge set of benefits of using an LMS, specific to not only
complement face-to-face or traditional ways of teaching/learning, but also digital
learning. For example, we can also enable AI in learning through LMS.

Chapter 3
What is the Role of Bite-Sized
Learning in the New Year?
Bite-sized learning will be recognized as not
a solution unto itself, but rather as part of a larger,
continuous learning approach.

Bite-Sized Learning Fluff-Free and Lean

Learning On the Go Quick and Low-Cost Digestible Chunks of Learning
Moving Focus to Hyper Attention Self-Contained Information Nuggets
Enhanced Learner Retention Learner-Centric Quick and Low-Cost
Cost-Effective Small, Short, Focused
Knowledge Retention

Employee training means investing a good amount

of time and cost. But when most companies are
trapped between time and cost constraints topped
with the threat of overload, it can be extremely
challenging to squeeze out time for an effective
training session from your employees’ busy rosters.

This is where developing and implementing bite-sized

training can be a perfect trick to training and
providing information to employees in less time.

Bite-sized learning strategies have become more

popular over the years, given the potential to take
information and add value to it from the knowledge
retention, engagement, and time management points
of view.

The only difficult part of transforming your training into bite-sized learning is
identifying which information is the pulse of your business and what can be
left out.

As the education and corporate learning ecosystems are evolving at a rapid

pace, bite-sized learning is becoming an emerging practice.

Here are a few benefits that make bite-sized
learning a lucrative option for L&D:

Boosts employee Improves

engagement learner retention

Focuses on Is in sync
must-learn content with training needs

The Expert Point of View

Here’s David Wentworth’s take on bite-sized


Bite- s iz ed learning w ill be recogniz ed as

not a s olution unto its elf, but rather as part
of a larger, continuous learning approach.
W hile it makes s ens e to give learners
brief, targeted interactions that fit w ell into
the w orkflow , they cannot s tand on their
ow n. Bite- s iz ed interactions w ill be
created in the s ervice of practice,
reinforcement, s upport, and engagement
of larger concepts .
David Wentworth
Principal Analyst
Brandon Hall Group

Chapter 4
Which eLearning Technologies
will Boom in 2023?
AR and VR will continue to expand as more practical
applications emerge. Read on to learn which other
technologies are likely to gain traction in the new year.

Augmented Reality
Artificial Intelligence IoT Machine Learning Algorithms
Virtual Reality Robotics for Data-Centric Learning
Interactive Learning
Social Learning Video Learning

Technology and innovation go hand in hand when it comes to progressively expanding the
potential of eLearning. Modern and innovative technologies are changing the business
landscape at an aggressive pace. However, to thrive in the current business scenario, it is
necessary for businesses to modify current associations and change the way they build,
deliver, and assess learning.

Let’s take a sneak-peek into the list of emerging technologies in 2023.

AR and VR

Often used in tandem, these terms are

not interchangeable. But AR and VR
have the potential to infuse the learning
process with interesting elements like
gamification while making it safe and
easy to monitor learning and learner


Artificial intelligence (AI) has the power

to reinforce education/training more
than any other modern or progressive

As the name suggests, microlearning is a
short and effective way to skill, upskill, or
cross-skill a workforce. In fact, it is a
concept that delivers results that macro
learning cannot. Therefore, this trend is in
itself a viable option worth exploring.

The Expert Point of View

This is what David Wentworth has to say.

AR and VR w ill continue to ex pand as

more practical applications emerge.
Tools pow ered by s ophis ticated
machine learning algorithms w ill be
highly attractive as companies rely on
technology to help them do more w ith
few er res ources .

David Wentworth
Principal Analyst
Brandon Hall Group

The Expert Point of View

Here are some insights from

Poonam Jaypuriya, our internal eLearning
expert, who is extremely passionate about
delivering excellence in eLearning.
With things getting back to normal and the
Great Resignation Wave behind us, L&D will
be one of the key functions looked upon as a
retention center than a cost center. Upskilling
people for skills and competencies to deliver
new business demands would be the key.
From that pers pective, delivering
pers onaliz ed learning ex periences ,
microlearning, and ens uring learning
Poonam Jaypuriya retention us ing nudge- learning w ould be
Vice President – eLearning s ome of the trends to look for in 2023.
Harbinger Group

The Expert Point of View

Know ing w hich particular technology y ou

should adopt or upgrade to is really based
on y our business needs. But one of the
things that is getting attention and v ery
encouraging is the idea of mov ing past the
traditional instructor-led ty pe of information
and approach.

By this I mean, for many y ears, people

hav e dev eloped instructor guides, Word
documents, PDFs, and Pow erPoint
presentations. But w e hav e started to shift
tow ards the model of single sourcing w hich
Paul Schneider, Ph. D.
often requires the use of a tool lik e an
SVP - Business Development LCMS helping to adapt.
We’re not mov ing tow ards the old
traditional approach w here the LCMS w ill
publish the content as those ty pes of documents – w e all k now Word documents
are not highly engaging and interactiv e; they are flat.

But we’re looking at a true HTML approach, tied with responsive design and single
sourcing which enable the development of materials that can meet instructor-led
situations, student situations, eLearning situations, and on-demand situations.
You can also develop materials that can be reused and made adaptive by just
tagging different items in the content to ensure they show up or not show up in
certain situations.

A true HTML approach should also not only lend itself to different modes or
centrally managing and creating efficiencies for all types of training, but also
enable you to look at adaptive learning more easily. While AI adaptive learning is
great, it’s still in its infancy.

These are some of the areas I think where there is room for more collaboration
and efficiencies that can really transform a learning organization.

Chapter 5
What is the Role of Hybrid Learning
in 2023?
Synchronous hybrid learning with a classroom of people
joined by several remote learners will be extremely rare.
Check out what hybrid learning has in store for 2023.

Hybrid Learning
Modern Tech Promotes Active Participation
Blended Learning
Better Interaction
Fit for Different Learning Styles Flexible Teaching and Learning
Synchronous Flexibility

Is hybrid learning going to be the future?

And the answer is a resounding yes.
Hybrid learning isn’t new. Also known as blended learning, it is a powerful combination of
eLearning and traditional learning. L&D teams in the past two years have had a fair share of
experience with remote and hybrid workforces. Now that the world is slowly returning to
normalcy, it is equally important to train the employees who work on the premises.

According to a study carried out by Accenture, 83% of workers prefer a hybrid work model.
The study also finds that 63% of high-growth organizations have already enabled
‘productivity anywhere’ workforce models.

Given these compelling statistics, a decent number of businesses are expected to adopt a
hybrid work model. And while a lot of companies are contemplating the blended way of
learning, here is what they should consider.

Moving beyond video conferencing to virtual classrooms

Data analytics is a key to designing effective employee training programs
Building strategies that provide room for continuous learning
Understanding and integrating learner needs

The Expert Point of View

Here are David Wentworth’s views on hybrid learning in 2023.

I believe we have leveled off. The dynamic
won’t change much from where it is now,
but we will always have a larger remote
workforce than prior to the pandemic. That
s aid, the only real impact was on
in- pers on clas s room training, which was
how mos t of the training was occurring
prior to 2020.

I think s ynchronous hybrid learning with a

clas s room of people joined by s everal
remote learners will be extremely rare.
C ompanies have s truggled with that model
and are happier with alternatives .

The reality for many companies is that

even people in the s ame building typically
interact with each other virtually, even prior
to the pandemic. People will come back to
David Wentworth the clas s room, but thes e events will be far
les s frequent and (hopefully) much more
Principal Analyst
Brandon Hall Group

The Expert Point of View

H ybrid workforce is the trend to s tay. And

that means des igning learning
interventions for hybrid learning would als o
s tay. A pos itive employee experience (EX)
is increas ingly recogniz ed as a major
contributor to cus tomer experience and
bus ines s s ucces s . And des igning effective
and engaging learning interventions in a
hybrid environment will be a key part of
this employee experience in an
organiz ation.
Poonam Jaypuriya And what is interes ting is there is no one
s iz e fits all s olution. Bas ed on the
Vice President – eLearning technology eco- s ys tem and work culture
Harbinger Group of an organiz ation the hybrid learning
des ign would change. For example,
if I have the majority of my employees spending time on Slack or Teams, then how
do I bring the learning content where my employees are is critical, rather than
customizing the best LXP system.

Chapter 6
Should L&D Consider Accessibility
as an Important Component of their
Planning for 2023?
Is accessible content a good idea for everyone? Why should
it be a part of the L&D strategy and more than just an add on
to your content? Let’s find out what the experts have to say.

Accessibility Perceivable
Captions Inclusivity Assistive Technology
Robust Positive Impact Financial Benefits
Reduction in Learning Time Benefits All Learners

According to the CDC, 61 million people in the United States live with a disability. The
same report reinforces that 26% or 1 in 4 people in the country have special needs due
to challenges ranging from mobility, cognition, hearing, vision, or learning impairment.
Thus, it is possible there are far more people among your employees, customers, and the
extended enterprise with special abilities.

As per the American Optometric Association, beginning in the early to mid-40s, many
adults may start to have problems seeing clearly at close distances, especially when
reading and working on the computer. There is also the issue of color blindness, with 1 in
12 men having color vision deficiency, according to the National Health Service (NHS).

One billion people, or nearly 15% of the world’s population, have some form of disability,
as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Additionally, as demand changes and digital audience make up most of the workforce, it
is inevitable for L&D to consider accessibility even in 2023.

Let alone the statutory requirements and mandatory guidelines, focusing on accessibility
while designing and curating learning programs not only benefits the workforce but
makes a significant difference to overall business performance.

Putting in place accessible eLearning programs is no longer an option, but the need of
the hour.

Pro tip: eLearning is accessible when it is

Understandable, and
Robust…for all learners

The Expert Point of View

Here are David Wentworth’s views

on accessibility.

Without a doubt, L&D should consider

accessibility as an important component of
their planning for 2023. There is an
incredible focus on diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DE&I). Building accessibility into
the learning experience is a strong
demonstration of a company’s commitment
to inclusion. It is becoming commonplace
in many other areas; it would be foolish to
David Wentworth
exclude learning content.
Principal Analyst
Brandon Hall Group

The Expert Point of View

Let’s see what David Berman has to

say about accessibility.
Accessibility, when considered at the 11th
hour, or as a final step or extra work, can be
more expensive, painful, compromise the
product, and distract us from better things.

If we get into the habit of being inclusive by

default, if we change our culture, and if we
go deep enough, so that in every step in the
process we are building in accessibility, we
are building inclusivity into the products,
then there are no tradeoffs, and we can
David Berman
manage to net out to lower the cost of
Accessibility Expert accessibility.
David Berman Communications

The Expert Point of View

Here’s Paul Schneider’s take on


We’re all fortunate that we don’t necessarily

need the capabilities of something that is
accessible yet. But there is a chance that in our
lifetime we or somebody close to us will need
those capabilities. It’s really good to know that
accessibility has gone beyond a government,
educational, or institutional requirement.
We’re seeing more and more organizations
Paul Schneider, Ph. D. adopt accessibility as part of their overall HR
goals. We’ve also seen training lead that
SVP - Business Development market.
Well, the adoption of accessibility will be slow
but steady. I think it will continue to steadily
increase over time. If you’re not already looking at accessibility and inclusivity, you
should be now. Look for tools that will really help you do that in the marketplace. It’s
time to go ahead and look at technologies that help you create accessible learning.

But the key here is to make accessibility a part of your process. Once you make it part
of your process, it’s a little bit of extra steps but they are relatively small, and it’s much
easier to do it that way than to retrofit later when you learn it needs to be that way.

Just like developing great content, implementing accessibility is a journey. So, I

recommend when you look at accessibility, it’s not expected to look perfect on day one.
A pro-tip here is to go ahead and make improvements with iterations and keep getting
better at it.

Chapter 7
What Type of eLearning will Steal
the Show in 2023?
Microlearning, Gamification, AR/VR, Nudge-Learning,
Mobile Learning, or Any Other?
Microlearning, gamification, AR/VR, nudge-learning, mobile learning has all been
around long enough to preclude any show-stealing in 2023. However, it is time to find
out which technology will be the showstopper from an expert perspective.

eLearning is a vast phenomenon. Its adoption is expected to increase significantly with

rapidly evolving technologies, advanced developments, and changing needs of the
learners. The rising popularity of gamified learning and microlearning is a great example
of the growth of eLearning.

Well, this is just a glimpse. The eLearning genre has several other approaches to
learning, such as AR, VR, nudge-learning, and so on.

According to SkyQuest, the global learning management systems market was valued at
$15.42 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $38.35 billion by 2028, growing at a
CAGR of 13.90% over the forecast period 2022-2028.

Now let’s find out

what the experts
have to say

The Expert Point of View

These [microlearning, gamification, AR/VR,

nudge-learning, mobile learning] have all
been around long enough to preclude any
show-stealing in 2023. However, with the
amount of pressure and resources that Meta
is putting into the Metaverse, and the fact
that there is clearly a focus on its use for
business, it could steal the show.

I’m not sure we will all be sitting around with

headsets on during the workday by the end
of 2023, but 80% of companies in Brandon
David Wentworth Hall Group’s research say the Metaverse will
have at least some impact on L&D.
Principal Analyst
Brandon Hall Group

The Expert Point of View

If we look back at all the things, there are

flashes in the pan and there are new and
innovative technologies like AR/VR which
seemed to steal the show in the past. AR/VR is
a great technology and certainly useful in
some situations, but it is not the be-all and
end-all for everything.

I think businesses need to pay attention to the

core of what they’re trying to accomplish,
versus running to every shiny object that we
Paul Schneider, Ph. D. tend to do each year.

SVP - Business Development


The Expert Point of View

I believe it is the LMS, as it is more of an

ecosystem, that pulls together different kinds
of learning solutions, be it bite-sized learning,
AI learning, or gamification. It all runs through
an ecosystem that manages when, where, and
how you assess engagement, how you assess
formative grades, and so on.

For example, when someone takes up AI

learning, how do you assess how much they
understand or how is the learning outcome
captured? This is where LMS comes in. It helps
you to aggregate, capture, consolidate, and
Terence Ng I only want to say that next year AI will be the
Head of Channels - APAC buzz. Honestly, AI is taking the eLearning
Instructure market by storm, and I believe that it will
definitely be one of the buzzes for the new

The other buzz could be from the educator’s point of view, where it is essential to
be able to measure different aspects of learning, including learning outcomes.
From every module in the LMS, it is important to measure what sort of outcomes
have been achieved, not only from specific points of view such as assessments,
quizzes, or video learning, but more.

So, technology that is able to go beyond and show different facets of learning
outcomes can be the next big thing. In my opinion, AI, AR, and machine learning
technologies that are closely tied back to learning outcomes will make their
presence known in eLearning.

The Expert Point of View

W hile there may be many buz z words

around, few key as pects every L&D
pers onnel would need to watch out for are
D EI s upport through acces s ibility, making
learning effective us ing s olutions like
gamification, handling the forgetting curve,
and making learning s tick with
nudge- learning, and have good data
analytics to s how res ults to the
management which is beyond number of
hours of learning done in an organiz ation.
Poonam Jaypuriya
Vice President – eLearning
Harbinger Group

Chapter 8
What are the Top eLearning Trends
Expected to Dominate 2023?
eLearning is an ocean of opportunities. To bet on the right ones,
it is essential to explore, analyze, and evaluate.

Machine Learning Social Learning
Next-Gen Technologies Artificial Intelligence
Micro-Credentials Micro-Badging eLearning Trends 2023
Reduction in Learning Time Scenario-Based Learning
Adaptive Learning Continuing
eLearning is an ocean of opportunities. It is the rapidly growing revolution in learning,
allowing learners the freedom to study at any time and from anywhere. Additionally,
eLearning or online training programs can be used by businesses to train their workforce
with a combination of text, video, audio, gamification, immersive experiences, and more.

Given the range of benefits eLearning has to offer, let’s find out what the experts say
about the trends that will dominate 2023.

The Expert Point of View

Organizations will continue to seek out

solutions that are effectively leveraging
machine learning and AI in practical yet
innovative ways. These kinds of
technologies and the data that power them
are the keys to scaling truly effective
learning moving forward.

David Wentworth
Principal Analyst
Brandon Hall Group

The Expert Point of View

eLearning trends in 2023 will be all about

continuing education or learning in the VUCA
landscape or VUCA world which can be
decoded to volatility, uncertainty, complexity,
and ambiguity. There is a lot of uncertainty
and ambiguity in the world today. When is the
next pandemic or natural disaster going to hit?
Nobody has the crystal ball to predict it.

Therefore, in terms of continuity associated

with teaching and learning, whether in hybrid
mode, high flex mode, or even face-to-face, it
must enable the most efficient teaching and
learning. This is one of the many things several
Terence Ng universities, schools, and educators are
looking at first and foremost.
Head of Channels - APAC
Instructure Number two, it is important to understand
how stakeholders like parents are involved in
their child’s progress, and how the outcomes

can be meas ured. Today, the new generation of parents is getting actively
involved in their child’s education. They focus on different facets of learning
outcomes from their kids , and it is not jus t academics but overall progres s of
the child. This is definitely another crucial trend in eLearning.

N ow , let’s talk about w orkforces , from training, ups killing, and lifelong
learning pers pectives . A key trend in this area is about unders tanding how
indus tries train people; not only that but how indus tries entertain people. It’s
all about employee retention, lifelong learning, and the urge and motivation to
continue ups killing and keeping learning relevant. Moreover, the phas e of
change is a cons tant factor. H ence, this trend is relevant now and in the

More importantly, it is es s ential to unders tand how organiz ations keep pace,
becaus e change is a cons tant factor. W e als o need to unders tand how
organiz ations keep employees happy and engaged and make productive
employees s tay in the company, w hile embracing change.

Another eLearning trend in the series is about micro-credentials
and micro-badging whereby companies can:

Recognize skills being learned

Recognize skills being taught
Tag an individual as they add new skills
Tag an individual as they move from one stage to another stage

It is important to recognize the type of skills a workforce has acquired specifically from a
job perspective and acknowledge the recognition they have received from the HR point
of view and from a performance review angle.

So, when we look at the entire eLearning trends scenario from the perspective of
different stakeholders, the overall idea of eLearning is to keep it relevant and help
organizations transform it.

The Expert Point of View

D es igning the future of learning s olutions

which are s calable and effective, rather
than thinking in piece meals by adding
s ome cours es would be the key trend for
2023. A report by the W orld Economic
Forum s ays 50% of all employees in the
U.S. will need to be res killed by 2025 and
that window of opportunity is clos ing fas t
for companies as jus t 24% of H R Leaders
s ay their L&D approach prepares them for
the future of work. So, ups killing, and
res killing employees rapidly and making
Poonam Jaypuriya them productive and ready for the future
would be the trend to watch out for.
Vice President – eLearning
Harbinger Group

Chapter 9
How Important is Content Modernization
and How Can Businesses Go About It?
Content modernization is a must-have transformation strategy.
Let’s find out why.

Revive Legacy Content

Need of the Hour Continued Futureproof
Unique Learning Experiences Learner Friendly Format
Smart Strategy Innovative Content Modernization
Engagement Keeping Content Relevant

Content modernization is indeed a must-have transformational strategy for any business.

It is a great way to extend the life of learning content that a company has already invested
in. Furthermore, it helps businesses deliver content with new and unique experiences
and at the same time, keep it fresh and relevant.

Let’s get to know the expert’s take.

The Expert Point of View

It is an interesting question to answer. dominKnow

and some of dominKnow partners have worked
with organizations to mass transfer content in an
automated format, and that’s about the only way
to be efficient when you have a large amount of

However, it’s not a smart choice. We often advise

businesses to look closely at their legacy content
and see how it is serving them and when is the
case for the next update.

Paul Schneider, Ph. D. While content can be transformed in automated

format, it doesn’t really change that much. For
SVP - Business Development example, if you have it in a traditional design and
dominKnow want to move to responsive design, it is necessary
to transform the approach.

So, this is not only about transforming legacy content to make sense, but it is wise to go
ahead and take up a more gradual approach where you just don’t transform the content
but also update the design, look, and feel.

When you do so, the chances are you might need new technology. So, this is an area
where you really need to hire an expert to help you design and develop the first set of
courses. This will provide you with templates which will give your business a much
better starting spot than you ever would on your own. Also, this will help you overcome
the challenge of time crunch because sometimes things might take longer than

The Expert Point of View

With changes in technology, workforce, and

regulations; digital assets are constantly
under the threat of obsolescence. Content
modernization would be an important lens
every content producer should keep a
watch on and strategize to keep the content
fresh and useful. Using the latest technology
solutions such as LCMS, content curation
techniques using AI, automation to
modernize content rapidly are some options
one should constantly evaluate as L&D
Poonam Jaypuriya strategies for 2023.

Vice President – eLearning

Harbinger Group

Chapter 10
What Should Businesses do to Transform
L&D from a Cost Center to a Value Creator?
Transforming the L&D function from a cost center to a value creator is not
a cakewalk. It needs to be managed strategically.

Under-Performing Programs
ROI Focused Learner Needs L&D
Re-evaluate Business Goals In Sync with End Goals
Underperforming Programs Global Workforce Ready
Smart Strategy Modern Learner
Transforming the L&D function from a cost center to a value creator is not a cakewalk. To
succeed, L&D needs to evaluate and reevaluate its under-performing programs and
troubleshoot the underlying problems. They can do this by implementing training that is
in sync with the company goals and matches the changing needs and demands of the
modern learner.

Know what the experts have to say.

The Expert Point of View

Focus on the “ Return on Expectations ”

rather than the “ Return on Inves tment.”
W hat are the challenges L&D can s olve for
the bus ines s ? Focus ing on the outcomes
being delivered rather than the s peed and
completenes s with which programs are
deployed. If it makes s ens e, look into
generating revenue by s elling training into
the extended enterpris e – cus tomers ,
David Wentworth
partners , etc.
Principal Analyst
Brandon Hall Group

The Expert Point of View

This is no different to what it has always been,

except there are new technologies to help out in
that area. However, the L&D department needs to
continue to run their department like a business.
And that means reporting out meaningful metrics.
They also need to closely look at all the goals of the
business itself and how training can positively
affect them. Furthermore, they need to begin to
collaborate and partner with other departments
and help them meet their goals.

Companies can have various goals like reaching a

Paul Schneider, Ph. D. certain level of customer satisfaction, having a
SVP - Business Development well-trained employee workforce, or winning X
dominKnow number of sales. Training has a role to play in
meeting those goals. It’s important to partner with
other departments, identify those goals, and
identify the right measurements to evaluate the impact training is making on the overall

In the past, we didn’t have much to work with in terms of data. But we can say that xAPI
has really stepped in and helped L&D measure almost anything, which they were not able
to do before. It enables L&D to work with other departments and find out things that
training is having a positive impact on in terms of reaching the set goals.

L&D can tie this data together with the data that sales, marketing, and customer service
are already measuring for their goals. That also means they don’t have to send their staff,
but they can partner and collaborate with data scientists to get used to this idea.

Chapter 11
A Sneak Peek into the Future of Learning:
What to Expect?
Technology has trans formed ins truction and learning. Training s es s ions are no longer
confined to the clas s room, as both s tudents and teachers now have the power of a
digital toolbox ranging from s mart phones to online cours es to virtual learning

What does the eLearning market look like?

According to the eLearning Industry:

Every penny spent on online training leads to a $30 increase in output

41.7% of global Fortune 500 organizations utilize eLearning platforms to train their workers
42% of businesses claim online learning has improved revenue
Online learning reduces energy consumption by 90%
Online courses can be finished nearly 60% faster than in-person lessons

These are some promising statistics that reflect the growth

of the eLearning industry.
Organizations in the digital age are evaluating the primary goal for work-based learning.
They are working toward cultivating a continuous learning environment as they
understand the importance of training and educating the workforce.

The interest in eLearning is growing at a rapid pace as the industry is incessantly
developing new players entering the market. Companies are embracing eLearning and
implementing technologies like AR, VR, AI, gamification, and others to train the
workforce and witness improved productivity, better employee engagement, enhanced
employee retention, and more.

Companies that have invested in this modern learning format are seeing improvement
in performance and have more agile teams.

eLearning is here to stay as online education is the future of learning.

The future of learning in terms of growing and evolving technology has a lot to offer.
The list is exhaustive. Right from gamification and hybrid learning to video-based
sessions, bite-sized learning, and AI in learning, eLearning is redefining the way the
world learns.

But as it is rightly said one size doesn’t fit all, businesses should evaluate their learning
options and go for the best possible one. Remember, it is great to know what’s
trending, but it is wise not to go for every shiny object or everything that comes your
way, without understanding its role and contribution to your business.

eLearning is already a multi-billion-dollar industry and is all set to taste significant
growth and success in the future. This not only represents the potential of the
eLearning industry, but also showcases its ability to change the growth graph of

L&D in the recent past has taken an unexpected turn. Now, to maintain a competitive
edge and keep the workforce engaged and motivated, it is important for L&D teams to
be experimental and take calculated risks.

We hope this comprehensive guide was able to give you the right direction to enter
2023 with confidence and key insights on eLearning.

About Harbinger Group
Harbinger is a global technology company that builds products and solutions that
transform the way people work and learn. For 30 years, we have been innovating
alongside organizations that are in the people business – serving the Human
Resources, eLearning, Digital Publishing, Education, and High-Tech sectors.

At Harbinger we understand that building a great solution requires in-depth

knowledge of the user, the nuances of the business, and expertise in technology –
that is why we provide both end-to-end Product Development and Content services.
Our pedigree in eLearning and building next-generation products has fostered a
culture of continuous learning. We experiment with new technologies, easily embrace
new ideas, and creatively apply them to our customer’s products.

On the eLearning front, we are a global design and development company

specializing in eLearning transformation and custom eLearning solution development.
We have over 30 years of experience in delivering innovative learning solutions for
various verticals like publishing, life sciences, BFSI, retail, and high-tech.

Our design and development capabilities extend from a deep understanding of

learning, strong skills in instructional and visual design, and expertise in digital
learning technologies. Backed by a highly skilled team, extensive experience of
working across different domains, deep technology expertise, and a wide set of
application areas, we can provide highly impactful learning services.

As an end-to-end provider of eLearning design and development services, Harbinger

blends creativity and technology to drive learning effectiveness in an affordable
fashion. We offer a range of services, including eLearning modernization, eLearning
accessibility, virtual instructor-led training, AR/VR and AI in eLearning, learning
technology development, and learning experience design.

Harbinger also provides cutting-edge eLearning solutions, which include Flash to

HTML5 transformation, gamification framework, micro-learning, interactive video,
and competency-based learning. We work with our strategic partners worldwide to
develop innovative, high-performing learning solutions.

Customer Testimonials
Let’s find out what our customers say about us:
“We want to express our gratitude for team Harbinger’s efforts. The team deserves to
be commended and congratulated on a job well done. We would certainly work with
Harbinger again on future projects. We know that with the Harbinger team on board,
not only will the project be of the highest quality, but there will be no challenge we
cannot overcome to assure delivery on time.”

Program Manager at CPR & First Aid Emergency Cardiovascular

Care Provider

“The course looks terrific, and we can call this one complete! Thank you so much for
your hard work; the presentations look terrific!”

Senior Career Services Specialist at Private University

“You were instrumental in making the accreditation course development project a

success. Our business stakeholders are very pleased – as am I, with the outcome. I
want to say Kudos to this amazing group of colleagues.”

Largest Scientific and Professional Organization of Psychologists

in the U.S.

“We have worked with the team at Harbinger for several years on numerous content
development projects and have been more than pleased with all aspects of their
performance from pricing, quality of work and overall project management.”

Training Director at Largest Fraternal Benefit Societies in the U.S.

“You were instrumental in making the accreditation course development project a

success. Our business stakeholders are very pleased – as am I, with the outcome. I
want to say Kudos to this amazing group of colleagues.”

Largest Fraternal Benefit Societies in the U.S

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