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Legal Opinion Detailed Marking Guideline

Performance 1. 2. 3. 4. Mark/100
Presentation: No attempts Poor overall Produced an Excellent
made to presentation. average overall
Legal opinion use presentation
is well correct
organised. of the legal
grammar, opinion
Used correct spelling,
grammar, Mark _/10
punctuation, (8-10)
numbering (5-7)
headings and (1-4)
system. (0)

Referencing: The legal The legal The legal The legal

opinion opinion opinion opinion
Appropriate does not follows a referencing style follows a
referencing of include any referencing only referencing
sources using referencing. style that complies style that
the Obiter Mark _/20
does not partially with complies with
Stylistic comply with Obiter. At least Obiter. Variety
Guidelines. Obiter or 3 sources are of sources
minimal use used including were used,
of sources/ case law and including case
referencing. legislation. law, statutes
(0) and at least
(1-5) (6-14) other


Language: No attempts Poor Some Excellent

made to sentence sentences are sentence
Sentences are structure construction. structured construction.
structured sentences correctly and Argument is
Argument is
correctly. appropriatel have proper conveyed
Excellent poor and
y, nor any unrelated to word order. well to the
presentation of attempt to Emerging reader. Mark _/15
argument and the topic.
form argument but
contained a Poor flow in
argument not complete.
flow in related to paragraphs. Occasionally
paragraphs. the topic. lacked clarity.
(0) (1-5) (6-10) (11-15)
Legal Opinion Detailed Marking Guideline

Legal issues Failed to Use of Average Excellent

and identify and references demonstration demonstration
authorities: address the and authority of the use of of the
legal is poor. references, knowledge
Substantial issues. Did Argument knowledge of of the legal
knowledge of not was not the legal issues issues and
the legal understand presented and authorities. authorities.
issues and the material clearly. Did not Student
use of and could Failed to adequately understands
references not sustain display a exhibit an the material
including an detailed understanding and can Mark _/55
authority. argument. analysis of of the material. sustain an
case argument.
law/legislatio (25-40) Able to form a
n relating to conclusion
(0-9) the topic. and apply
his/her opinion
(10-24) to the topic.


Name, surname, student number:

Name, surname, student number:

Name, surname, student number:

Name, surname, student number:

Date marked:

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