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● Participate actively.
● Be silent.
● Keep a complete pencil box: 2 blue or black pens, a black pencil 2B, an eraser, a liquid
correction pen, colored pencils, or pens, or highlighters, a pencil sharpener and a ruler.
● Use a number 3 folder with striped and some graph sheets of paper.
● Write in blue or black only.
● Write the date in the folder every single class.
● Underline the date, the titles and instructions with a RULER!!!!!
● Pay attention to your teacher and your classmates.
● Do your homework (Read, or do the exercises)
● Study for every lesson. Open your folder and Science-Bits at home every day.
● Speak and write English accurately. You need very good grammar to express your ideas
● Respect everybody: your teacher, your classmates and yourself.
● Be organised.
● Don’t cheat.
● Take down notes.
● Write on the lines only.
● Respect the margins of the sheet of paper.
● Come back from the break on time.
● Raise your hand to speak.
● Hand in your assignments on time. Do the best possible job.
● Check your Google Classroom very often. Set the notifications in your cell phone or
email account to receive the messages.
● If you are to be absent, ask a minimum of 3 (three) friends what we did and about the
homework for the following class. Being absent will NOT be an excuse for not having
the folder complete, for not handing in homework or sitting for a quiz, test, exam, or
giving an oral presentation.

● When you hand in an assignment on Google Classroom:

Hand in your assignments on time.

Use Font: Times New Roman
Size: 14
Line spacing: 2
Separate the text into paragraphs. Justify the text.
Use the same rules as for working in the folder.

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