Anxiety Relief Digital Workbook

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Dr. Mary Ayers

All materials provided for The Tapping Solution For Anxiety Relief Program are provided for informational
or educational purposes only and are not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional
medical/psychological advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your
physician or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a psychological or
medical condition. Never disregard professional advice or medical advice or delay in seeking it because of
information you accessed on or through any portion of The Tapping Solution For Anxiety Relief Program.
Table of Content

Welcome and suggestions for using the workbook …………………………………………… Page 3

Basics of tapping and tapping points ……………………………………………………..…… Page 5

Tapping FAQ ……………………………………………………..…………………… Page 7

Setting Yourself Up For Success ……………………………………………………..……….. Page 9

Define progress ……………………………………………………..……………….… Page 9
Pick a target ……………………………………………………..………………Page 9
Paint a picture ……………………………………………………..…………… Page 10
Create a plan ……………………………………………………..……………....Page 12
Deepen the process – Customizing the program for the uniqueness of you ….………………..Page 14
Explore and Discover Your Patterns ….………………………………………. Page 14
What is this resistance?……………………………………………………..…. Page 16
Prepare for setbacks – staying on track ……………………………………..…...…………….Page 18

Quality Question Cards ……………………………………………………..…………...……. Page 24

Remember Cards………………………………………………………………………………. Page 25

Links to Audios and Transcripts..…………………………..…………………………………. Page 26

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Welcome and congratulations for taking the actions
that will lead you to live a fuller, and freer life!

Even though I don't know you personally, I feel we share the same desire to live a life with more
freedom to do and be the most you can be, to feel calm, peaceful, and safe. You deserve it and it is

Whether you're new to tapping or have been tapping for some time, if you're willing to follow along
with this program, be persistent, and even participate in the exercises in this workbook, you will find
some relief!

This workbook is here to support you and to deepen your practice. Here are some ideas as to how you
can best use it:

• Get the big picture first.

Just by taking the time to read through the workbook and reading the questions you will plant a
seed into your subconscious mind. Put some sticky notes on pages you want to come back to
and read again when you're ready.

• Have fun with the Question and Remember Cards

Print them on different color paper or paper with designs. When you add a “fun” component to
it you're teaching yourself that this process is something to look forward to. We are more likely
to do things that feel good and we increase the odds that we'll stick with the practice. Post
them where you can read them frequently, or you can pick one a day to focus on. You can even
get a few laminated and put them in the shower and that way you're getting cleaned and
refreshed from the inside and the outside!

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• Print the tapping scripts
Some of us learn best through visual means, others rely on auditory information and still others
respond to kinesthetic learning – when we use all three modalities we take learning and
retention to a whole new level. By having the tapping scripts printed up you will have them in
your hands as you read along while listening, and tapping, to the tapping audios. Plus you'll
have a handy resource to grab when you need it!

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The Basics of Tapping and The Tapping Points

Here is a modified version of the basic EFT “recipe” or format for the tapping. As you become familiar
with the process of identifying a “target,” locating it in the body, giving it a number, then tapping
through the points on the body, you'll soon be branching out and trying it on your own.

1. You start with THE SETUP STATEMENT: This is where we name the “problem” or
issue we're going to be putting our attention on, and then combine it with a general affirmation

2. Next we move through the points on the body while focusing on the problem or the
feelings we don't want to have, while repeating the “reminder phrase” out loud. The reminder
phrase is a word or statement that will keep us focused on the “problem.”

3. Take a deep breath. Check back in – think about the issue you were focused on. How does
it feel now when you think about it? Give that feeling a number. Notice what changed. Repeat
the process if necessary.


THE SETUP Statement sounds like this:

“Even though I feel/have…(problem or thought), I deeply and completely accept myself


The SETUP STATEMENT is repeated out loud while you tap with two fingers on the
karate chop point (KC) of the opposite hand.


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“This…(thought or feeling)”

You repeat the REMINDER PHRASE as you tap on the 8 body points.
You want to stay focused on the issues or problem as you move through the body points.

The 8 Body Points:

• Eyebrow – on the bone where the hair from the eyebrow begins

• Side of eye - on the bone at the orbit on the outside of the eye

• Under eye – below the pupil of the eye, on the high cheek bone

• Under nose – right below the nose and above the top lip

• Chin – it’s above the chin, in the crease below the bottom lip

• Collarbone – 1 inch from the notch in the throat and 1 inch on

either side. You can also make a fist or use an open hand and tap
where a man’s necktie would be.

• Under arm – in line with the nipple or where a bra strap would
be below the arm pit

• Top of head – drum the fingers around the top of the head

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Does it matter what side of the body I tap on?

A: You can tap on either side of the body, or you can even use two hands and tap on both sides
of the body.

Q: How fast or hard do I tap?

A: You don't want to tap so hard that you create bruising, yet not so light that it is barely felt.
The pace set as if you were drumming your fingers on a table will be just fine. Sometimes I
find that when a person is feeling really anxious the tapping starts to speed up, so you'll notice
that during some of the tapping audios I'll be giving you a little reminder to slow the tapping

Q: Sometimes I find that I can't keep myself from yawning – is that normal?
A: Yawning can be a sign of releasing, and is a natural response to feeling relief. There may be
times that you notice that you feel like crying (or you may actually start crying); this often
happens when energy is being released. Don't worry that the tapping isn't making an impact if
you don't have either of those experiences! It's the shift in how you feel that is the real indicator
of change.

Q: I seem to have trouble putting a number on how I feel. Do I have to do this?

A: Putting a number on the “charge” you're feeling before and after you tap helps you know
that you've found the right target, and that you're making progress. There is no “right” number,
it's just a guess, so feel free to go with whatever number pops into your mind. What matters is
that if you rate something as an “8” and it goes down to a “6” you know that you're on the right
track and that the body is responding to the tapping.

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Q: What does it mean if the number goes up? What do I do if that happens?
A: Sometimes that can happen, and if it does, it's typically an indicator that you really found
the sweet spot of the problem or issue. Keep tapping! The mistake people can make when this
happens is to worry that they are making something worse, and they stop tapping. Keep
tapping! The energy is moving and you want to help it along by keeping the tapping going.
You will find that the surge crests and then comes the relief.

Tapping is surprisingly powerful so if you know there are significant traumas in your past give yourself
the gift of working with someone to help you through the rough spots. One of the most compassionate
and healing things you can do for yourself is to reach out to work with someone who can hold a safe
space for you while you do this work. See Disclaimer.

Q: I can't reach the “under arm” spot – will the tapping still work if I leave it out?
A: That's OK; tapping on the other points is still effective. Remember, you'll know that you're
making progress when you feel the relief in the body.

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Setting yourself up for success

You'll probably recall from listening to the audio portion of this program that I talked about “Setting
yourself up for success,” and you would be right if you are thinking right now, “Not only was it
mentioned but she was quite insistent on it!” And I wouldn't blame you if the thoughts you had were
even a tad stronger than that! If so, then I'm glad you can feel my conviction to this process and here's
why: One of the greatest obstacles to feeling successful is setting unrealistic expectations for yourself
and for what you think will happen.

Here's an example: Perhaps something like this has happened to you. You decide you want to get in
shape and lose a few pounds and you think that in a couple of weeks of eating healthy and going to the
gym seven days a week you'll lose ten pounds. So you begin with good intentions by going to the gym
on Monday and Tuesday, you turn down the birthday cake that was offered at the office party, and
you're feeling pretty good about yourself. By Wednesday a late meeting means you skip the gym and
on Friday you go out for Happy Hour with friends. When you step on the scale on Saturday you have
lost one pound and that's when the discouragement and doubt set in. It's not a mystery to me why this
“plan” leads to discouragement and doubt, and I'll help you see what went wrong as well so you can
avoid those mistakes in this program.

Let's set up a plan that will allow your “small successes” to build confidence in yourself and in your
plan, and that will become a way of life.

Define What Progress Looks Like

1. Start by picking a target – what would be one area of your life in which you would like to see
a change that would show you that what you're doing, tapping, is making a difference?

You probably noticed the word progress is emphasized in the title; it’s because we're looking

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for what will start to be different. You set yourself up for success by taking notice of the
small changes you're experiencing – it's a feedback system that is your indicator that what you
are doing is moving you towards your goal. In the example above the 10 lb. weight loss was an
end goal, it's either done or it isn't. When you create “progress goals” you get to experience
being on the road to success sooner, which has the effect of creating efficacy.

Pick an area of your life where you would like to see change first – it could be work-related or
in your personal life. Example: My first area of progress will be: Feeling more comfortable in
social situations.

My first area of progress will be: ________________________________________________________

2. Make a picture with your words. What will a small change look like in that part of your life
that you picked as a target? What will you notice that will be different that will tell you that
something has changed a little bit? How would you describe the changes you would see – so
instead of saying, “I would be calmer,” what would you see that would tell you that you're
“feeling calmer”. What would other people see that would tell them that you're “feeling
calmer?” If you find yourself saying, “I wouldn't be worried,” ask yourself, “Then what would
I be doing instead?” We want to define what would be happening; you have to identify it to be
able to see it. Don't worry if it takes some time to find a new way of describing how you'll be
when you're not feeling as anxious; after all, you're teaching yourself a new way of noticing,
and in time and with a little practice you'll be doing it automatically.

Here are some examples to give you an idea of what it sounds like when you're painting a
picture with your words:

• Work Target: I'll notice feeling more comfortable talking with people at the office, my hands
will be relaxed on the desk or in my lap, I'll be smiling and feel myself relaxed and comfortable

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in my body. I'll notice that I'm much more present and engaged in the conversation.

• Personal Life Target: I'll notice that at times I find myself smiling for no specific reason, that
when I wake up in the morning there is a feeling of excitement about life. I would notice
feeling calm in the car as I sing to the radio and tap my fingers on the steering wheel.

How will you know that is happening? What will you notice that will tell you that you're seeing some
change in that area?

When I leave home to go out I will be looking forward to the evening. At the

event I will be smiling and talking to a few people, laughing and even sharing a

little story about my life.

Take 5 minutes to write down what progress will look like.

How will you know that is happening? What will you notice that will tell you that you're seeing some
change in that area?

Take a snapshot of where you currently are.

We want to take a snapshot of where you currently are with that goal.

On a scale of “0-10” with 10 being “I am doing that!” - where are you now?

Example: Starting Point: I am at a 2

My Starting Point: _________ Date: ___________________

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Here's the FUN part! You will take a look at what progress will look like as you moving towards that
goal. While you want to be at a “10” - feeling relaxed at social events for this example, you want to
notice the small signs that will tell you that you're moving that direction.

What would a “4” look like? (Insert the number you will be moving towards. Make sure it is no more
than two levels above your current level. So if you're starting at a “2” then two levels above would be
a “4”. If you're starting at a “6” then two levels would be an “8”).

What are the signs that will tell you that you are making progress?

3. Remind Yourself Daily

Now write it on a Post-It note or 3x5 card and keep it where you can see it often. If you don't
want others to see it then you can always use a code word like “smile” or “cheese” – remember,
progress is about seeing yourself move closer to where you want to be, and so we want to find a
way to keep that in front of us like a North Star. Do your best not to skip this step! It's so easy
to think that because it's such a small thing it can't really matter, but this small thing will make a
big difference.
What will you write on your card?

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Decide how much time you'll give it:

In the example I gave earlier with the weight loss, the expectation was to go to the gym seven days a
week. Now I'm all about encouraging someone when they are ready to make a change, and sometimes
you can feel so ready for a change that you honestly believe that this time you will follow through with
your commitment. The problem with “seven day a week” commitments is that if you miss one day,
you do it six instead of seven, instead of celebrating that you did six days, you beat yourself up for
missing the goal of seven. Now let's say you set the intention to go to the gym (or tap in this case) a
minimum of three times a week, and not only do you go three times but you end up going two more
times making it five; you get to feel like you really kicked butt! That's the kind of goal that not only
lets you feel good that you hit the target (three times) but you surpassed it and you find yourself saying,
“Woohoo, check me out, I'm really doing this!”

How often will you do the tapping? Once a day? Three times a week? Are you willing to tap during
the day when you notice anxious thoughts or feelings, even if you're not 100% confident yet that you're
doing it right? Come on – we both know that one of the things that can get in the way is feeling that
you're not doing it right, so are you willing to tap no matter what? You will be surprised that once you
make the small decision that you're willing to tap no matter you'll see progress!

Here's my willingness plan:

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Customizing The Program
For The Uniqueness of You

Make it yours!
There is a way to customize this program to fit the uniqueness of you. While we all share some
similarities in how we feel and think and act when we're stressed and anxious, your experiences are
unique to you in the way you experience them and the meaning you attached to them. The tapping
protocols included in this program are global – meaning that they can't speak to your specific situation
and don't get into your specific event – but even if you only tapped with the audios in the program, and
did it persistently and were willing to give it time – you will notice a difference.

The power of tapping becomes even more evident when you tap specifically on what you heard or saw
or experienced. When you tap on the significant events that still linger in your mind, and your body,
you'll notice that there are shifts in the way you see them. Those changes become evident to you when
you're able to replay the memory in our mind and notice that you're now able to observe it from a
neutral perspective.

CAUTION: It can be very difficult to find and resolve your deeper core issues by yourself. Be
your own advocate – if there is a history of trauma or abuse, it would be in your best interest to
work with a professional practitioner. This program is not intended to be a substitute for
professional, medical, or psychological diagnosis and/or treatment, and should not replace,
supersede, or conflict with advice of a health professional.

Explore and Discover Your Patterned Ways of Thinking!

One of the things you can do to deepen your practice is to become aware of the patterns in your
thoughts and speech that contribute to your anxious feelings. The questions you ask yourself about the
world, about yourself, about other people, will influence what you put your attention on and that will
influence the way you feel. As you change your questions, you change what you notice, and you

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change the way you feel.

One of the questions that we've talked about so far is “What if…?” questions and the reason I've started
there is because it's a pattern of thought, and these are questions that can keep you in a anxious state
and you don't even know it's happening. The logic here is that if you predict all of the possible
outcomes in a situation then you can keep yourself safe.

Here are some examples:

• What if I feel embarrassed/humiliated/look silly?
• What if I can't get out or get stuck?
• What if I freeze and don't know what to do or say?
• What if it never changes?

What are your more common “What if” statements?

What if _______________________________________________________________

What if _______________________________________________________________

What if _______________________________________________________________

How have those questions limited you? What do you no longer do, or go out of your way to avoid,
because of the possibility of feeling something you don't want to feel?

Example: What if I freeze or don't know what to say?

Current outcome: I limit my social activities because I don't want to feel stupid and embarrassed when
talking to other people. I turned down that promotion because I would have to travel and present to the

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What have you altered in your life because of the “What if” possibility?

What happened – when?

Chances are you experienced a time when that “What if?” scenario happened – You did freeze; you did
get embarrassed; you did feel stuck. Tapping around that memory will release the feelings associated
with it and will change the way the memory is recorded in your mind.

You can tap while thinking about that event – taking it slowly, and stop along the way at peak moments
in the event where certain words were said or while recalling the look on someone's face. Go back and
watch the event again in your mind while tapping, stopping any time you notice a surge of emotions.
Don't worry about how long it takes to go through this process. You've most likely been carrying this
memory around for years, and the associated charge with it; just imagine the relief you'll be feeling
when you release it.

**Beware, this process can be very powerful and bring up a lot of emotion. If you find that the
experience of tapping on this old event becomes intense, just keep tapping and you'll find that the
feelings start to dissipate. Take care of yourself. You know what old events from your life are still
painful and would be overwhelming, so don't go there on your own. Reach out to a trained practitioner
to work with.

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What is that Resistance?
You've defined what progress looks like and you have set your commitment level, and you can at any
time choose to customize the program as much or as little as you want, but even with the best of
intentions there may be times when you stall out or lose momentum – the risk is that you could easily
put this on the shelf thinking that it's one more thing you've tried that didn't work or it's one more thing
you didn't stick with. Before you just accept those words as the way it is, when you hear yourself
saying them or thinking them I want you to go, “Wait a minute here, this is what Mary was talking
about, perhaps I'm just bumping up against a comfort zone; she said that happens when we're making
changes and that there was something I could do when that happened!” When you find yourself
saying that, then congratulate yourself, because chances are you are there because you set an intention,
because you made a decision to change and now your actions have brought you up against a comfort
zone and you're feeling a bit of “push back”. What this calls for are some new questions that are
designed to help you uncover the possible “drawbacks” to making these changes. At first it may sound
crazy to think there are drawbacks to being different, to feeling great, to having a life with more
freedom, and yet when you allow yourself the time to think about it, you can often come up with
something that could potentially be a downside to making these changes.

Here are some examples:

• Possible downside to losing the weight: I'll have to buy new clothes and I hate shopping. I’ll
attract unwanted attention. I won't know how to connect with my family and friends.

• Possible downside to having more freedom: People will expect me to travel and do things with
them and I won't be able to say “no.” I’ll have to get a job or finally leave the job I do have
and I don't feel I am qualified to get better work.

• Possible downside to feeling more calm and peaceful: I won't be prepared if something bad
happens. Worry keeps me busy, if I'm calm then I won't get things done, I'll become lazy.

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Now your turn: What are the possible down sides to making this change?

Oftentimes this will be the first time you've taken a real look at a few of the hidden concerns and
blocks you have about getting over the problem. The upside is that you're being honest with yourself.
You probably found that some of your concerns are real and come from past events where that
happened. You now know what to do with those! (see above exercise). And it's highly likely that
you'll come up with new solutions to some of those concerns and you'll now have the freedom to move
forward with this change.

Prepare for setbacks

It would be grand if progress towards are goals looked
like this diagram! We would set an intention, take some
actions, and come out exactly where we wanted to be.

Now enter the real world! Not the straight shoot we

were hoping for. Now if we anticipate that progress is going to have some loops and setbacks, that
there will be times when you get emotionally hijacked, times when your schedule changes, holidays,
travel, you get filled with doubt, and you prepare for them, you'll know what to do when it happens, so
that you can get back on track.

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The following are a few ideas for setting up your own Relapse Recovery Plan

A letter from yourself when you're feeling good!

You're going to pick one of your optimistic, feel good days and write a letter to yourself. A nice way
to start it out is by letting yourself know that you're okay, that if you're reading this it’s because you've
fallen off track or experienced a setback and need the reminder that you've been here before and you've
gotten though it and gotten back on track to experience many more bright days. You'll include a list of
the different things that have been helpful.

Feel free to use this template to get you started:

Dear Me!
If you're reading this letter right now you're probably having a hard day and you may have forgotten all
the progress you've been making that's made a difference in your life.
I'm here to remind you that life is feeling so much better – we're happier – more peaceful – stronger –
more confident, than we've ever felt before! Life is so much easier than it used to be and we have hope
again. I know that you aren't feeling that at the moment, which is why you are here reading this, but
I'm here to remind you of some of the things we did to make these changes.

Here's the plan: Look through this list of things and pick something you are willing to try. Really
commit to doing it! You may need to pick a few items off the list because sometimes you'll need more
than one. Give it time. Sometimes, even if you do a few of the things on this list, you may not feel
much difference today, but I want to reassure you that tomorrow you'll really notice it so stay with it.

And P.S. - We deserve this really cool life where we smile so much more and have things to look
forward to. I look forward to seeing your smiling face again soon! XO Me :)

My List: (Here are a few things to get you started)

• Take a warm bath (include relaxing candles, scents, music if helpful). Remember you can tap

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during this time to deepen the relaxation.
• Get up and move. Take a walk – remember to listen to tapping audios and tap along until there
is relief.
• Call a friend and tap while talking to them.
• Take notice of any “What if?” statements that are coming up and tap through all the points on
the body while saying them out loud.
• Listen to the meditation.
• Put on some music and dance/move.
• Tap for… (It's helpful when you offer yourself some ideas of what to tap on. For example “Tap
on the feeling that nothing’s working.”)
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

Once you've got your letter written, print it out and hang it in the back of the closet behind all your
clothes and coats! I know that might sound weird, but hear me out. The back of the closet is a nice
private place for your eyes only. It is also a place that is easy and convenient to get to. Ease of access
will make a big difference because when you're in that “stressed out, hanging on the edge” place you
want to have quick access to your plan so you can put it into action as soon as possible. You'll also
want to add to it when you discover new resources, and new strategies that you found helpful.

Remember, the plan is to take action as soon as possible once you're aware that you're off track, so
having your Relapse Recovery Plan in an easy to access place is imperative!

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You Don't Have To Take This Journey Alone

Give yourself permission to reach out for help.

It may sound strange to think of “giving yourself permission” to ask for assistance, but here's why I'm
using those words. Here are some common beliefs that keep people from reaching out to ask for help.

See if which of these apply to you:

• I should be able to do it on my own.
• If I were strong enough I would be able to do it on my own.
• I'm supposed to do it on my own.
• I shouldn't need help.
• I'm not supposed to ask for help.
• If I ask for help people will know I'm weak (or that I have problems).
• I should be able to handle this on my own.

What's your reason?

How did you learn that belief?

**Tapping Tip**

Congratulate yourself because you just uncovered a few limiting beliefs! You can now
take one of the above statements and use it as a tapping target.

Now ask yourself, “What would I have to believe that would allow me to find the resources to live a
fuller life?” Let me give you an idea of my belief. I tell people that even if I were the world’s best
massage therapist, I can still not reach my own back. Even though I'm a trained and educated

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professional with years of experience, I know that I can't always see my own blocks and patterns, and
that's why I have worked with skilled practitioners over the years and will continue to do so as long as I
have a desire to grow.

What belief could you develop that would allow you to reach out for additional help?

Where to find more resources:

There is a listing of practitioners that can be found at I

recommend connecting with a couple of different practitioners to find out if they would be a good
match for you, and for the issue you'll be working together on. Here are a couple of questions you
might ask:

• Do they have experience with the issue you will be working on together?
• How do they work? (In person, by phone, Skype?)
• What would be the goal in your work together?

Preparation builds confidence, so take a few minutes to think about what questions you would like to
ask a potential helping partner when you make that call.

My questions:

Do you _____________________________________________________________?

How do you__________________________________________________________?

What is your experience with___________________________________________?

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While this brings us to the end of this program, it's really just the beginning for you!

You're doing it! Yes – now stick with it! Instead of looking at this program as something you do for a
few days or weeks and then make your evaluations about whether it's going to work for you – imagine
instead what it will look like a year from now when you've been doing your practice 5 days a week.
What changes have taken place? And while you may still have more to go – and nothing builds
confidence more than success - look at the confidence you've built up about how powerful this process
has been. Look at the new evidence you have about what you're now able to do, or where you're able
to go, or the situations where you have more comfort than you've had before. Let the proof of what's
different be the motivation that will keep you vested in staying on task. Make a list of those
differences and hang it in the back of the closet so you will be reminded when needed.

Remind yourself that you are doing it; that you're worth the time; that life can be easier and more
enjoyable and that you're making it happen.

That is my biggest wish for you! You deserve to have a life with joy and abundance.

This is your time!

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Quality Question Cards

What would I notice that is

What will tell me that
starting to change?
I'm feeling better?

What will I notice that What if I were

feels good? feeling joy?

What if it is happening What does gentle feel like

a little bit? in my body?

What does happy feel like? What does joy feel like?

What is What is one thing that is

starting to change? different today?

What if it has What if I did feel

started to happen? more peaceful?

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Remember Affirmation Cards

Remember Remember
to notice to feel
What's Different Peaceful Now

Remember Remember
what to take a
Happy feels like Deep Breath

Remember Remember
what to notice
Joy feels like How Easy It Is

Remember Remember
to how good it feels
Enjoy The Process To Smile

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Links to Audios and Transcripts

Module 1 - Introduction and Overview of Anxiety Relief Program

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Module 2 - Getting Ready To Change: The Three Keys to Set Yourself Up for Success

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Module 2 Tap Along Audios Include:

What if This Program Doesn't Work For Me

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

I'm Scared to Change

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Module 3 - Anxious Body: All These Feelings in Your Body

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Module 3 Tap Along Audios Include:

All This Anxiety in My Body

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

© The Tapping Solution, LLC

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Not Comfortable Feeling Calm

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Module 4 - Anxious Mind: How your Thoughts Influence your Feelings

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Module 4 Tap Along Audios Include:

All of These "What If" Thoughts

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Fear that Something Bad Will Happen and I Won't Be Able To Handle It

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Module 5 - Anxious Acts: Looking at your Behaviors

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Module 5 Tap Along Audios Include:

Fear I'll Make a Fool out of Myself

• Audio Link

© The Tapping Solution, LLC

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• Transcript Link

Scared I Can't Handle My Anxiety Without ________

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Module 6 - Moving Forward With New Awareness and Confidence

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

Module 6 Tap Along Audios Include:

What If I Don't Stick With The Program

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

It's Not Working Fast Enough

• Audio Link

• Transcript Link

© The Tapping Solution, LLC

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