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Transform Your Life in 10 Days: 5

The Tapping World Summit Experience

Tapping into Self Love 28

How to Quiet Your Inner Critic with the Power of Tapping

Burnout 101 53
Your Guide to Understanding, Preventing, and Overcoming Burnout with Tapping

Say Goodnight to Insomnia 79

Tapping Tips and Tricks to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life

Overcoming Fear and Cultivating Courage 105

A Journey to Building Inner Strength

You’re Stronger Than You Know

How to use Tapping to keep you moving forward during tough times.

Tapping for Anxiety Relief

A Mind Body Approach to Finding Peace in Your Daily Life

Breaking the Cycle of Bad Days

How Tapping Can Help You Find Relief from Sadness and Depression

Healing Difficult Family Dynamics

How to Use Tapping to Bring Peace and Harmony to Your Relationships

(c) 2022 The Tapping Solution, LLC
Tapping for Toxic and Troubling Relationships 222

Stress, Emotions, and Chronic Pain 245

The Hidden Links and How to Address Them with Tapping

Unlocking the Healing Power of Your Body with Tapping 272


Expanding Your Energy Medicine Toolbox 295

How to Integrate Advanced Techniques into Your Practice

Think Clearly, Remember More
Tapping and Techniques for Optimizing Brain Performance

Tapping Into a Worry Free Mindset 332

A Guide to Calming Worry Spirals and Finding Peace

How to Manage Your Mind in an Uncertain World 349

Control Anxiety, Worry, and Overthinking with Tapping

Forgiving the Seemingly Unforgivable 358

A Personal Journey of Healing and Transformation

Dismantling Self Doubt 382

How to Break out of Self Doubt Spirals, Feel Inspired and Take Action Like a Pro

(c) 2022 The Tapping Solution, LLC
What Am I Doing with My Life? 411
Using Tapping to Find New Meaning and Passion

Manifesting Mastery
Using Tapping to Transform Your Life and Realize Your Wildest Dreams 441

Magnetizing Abundance 465

Tapping into the Power of Emotions, Beliefs, and Vibration to Transform Your Relationship with

Integration Process 493


Personal Peace Procedure 500


(c) 2022 The Tapping Solution, LLC
15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Your Life in
10 Days
The Tapping World Summit

6 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Transform Your Life in 10 Days

The History of The Tapping Solution

We’re going to begin with a deep dive into the details of how The Tapping Solution started,
what we’ve learned about Tapping, and the last 17 years of The Tapping Solution’s evolution,
but our main intention here is to help you get the best results from the Tapping World
Summit and beyond that, once this event is over, how you can continue to get great results
with Tapping!

Nick is Introduced to Tapping
Nick attended a Tony Robbins leadership event
and Tony came out on stage with a sheet of
paper that he handed out to everyone with the
Tapping points on them. He said, “There is a
technique that I use in my practice and my daily
life and working with people. It's called

They did a Tapping demonstration and after

Tapping, Nick, as is often the case for people
when they first try it, was surprised by how
effective it was. It was very evident to him that
there was something special about Tapping and
he became personally passionate about it.

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7 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Tapping Solution is Born
While working with his brother, Alex, and
their dad in real estate buying and flipping
houses, Nick was studying Tapping from the
stars of EFT Tapping at the time.

After the movie The Secret was released, he

had an idea to create a documentary film on
Tapping, too. He convinced his sister, Jessica,
and his high school friend, Nick Polizzi, to
set off on a journey over the next year to
document the benefits of Tapping.

The documentary follows 10 people and

their stories of transformation and with this
film, The Tapping Solution was born.

The Tapping World Summit
Nick had this crazy idea to put on an
online event called the Tapping
World Summit and asked his sister,
Jessica, to host.

It reached over 50,000 people that

first year and it has been produced
every year since - now reaching over
two million people globally.

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8 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping Solution Programs Launch
With the interest in Tapping rapidly
increasing, more specialized programs
were created, such as the Tapping Insiders
Club, as well as programs for anxiety,
autoimmune diseases, weight loss and
body confidence, pain relief, and much 2012

The Tapping Solution Foundation

The Tapping Solution Foundation was
formed to provide relief to families and
residents after the tragic school shooting in
Newtown, CT (home base for The Tapping
Solution company).

The Foundation continues its work by

providing assistance all over the world,
including aiding refugees in Rwanda and
schools in Guatemala, crisis support in
local communities, and sharing free
resources for teachers and schools

2012 nationwide.

The First Tapping Solution Book

The first Tapping Solution book was
published, titled The Tapping Solution: A
Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living.
It quickly became a NY Times Best Seller
and is still a top choice for learning about

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9 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Another Book is Launched!
The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and
Body Confidence was released and also
ranked on the New York Times Best Seller
The Books Keep Coming...
Over the next 4 years, The Tapping Solution
continued to release books on the most
pressing and sought-after topics, including
books for parents and kids, pain relief,
manifesting your greatest self, and creating
lasting change

The App Made its Debut
The Tapping Solution App finally made its
long-awaited premiere, allowing Tapping
to become even more accessible at your
fingertips, in the comfort of your home, on
the go, or whenever it's needed most.
The App Reaches New Heights
Exactly one year after its release, the app
hit 1 million completed Tapping sessions!
And just 6 months later, that number
reached 2 million. Today, the app is being
used in over 130 countries with more than
6 million meditations played and counting.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

I hope it inspires that feeling of,
“What if I listen to these ten
days of the Summit, if I try to
tune in as often as possible,
what might change in my life?”


11 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Beauty of Tapping

Tapping can be applied to anything. Sometimes you’ll use it with big things like back pain.
Sometimes it'll be used for small things like knowing, “You know what, I have a tool that
when I wake up in the morning a little more anxious than I want to be, I can just take that
edge off.” You have a spectrum of possibilities.

It's so important to have that vision for yourself. You can release any huge issues that you’ve
been wanting to get rid of. And it's also important to use it daily to help each day be a little
bit better than the day before and empower you to take ownership of your life.

That’s the other component of Tapping that is so different from so many other modalities
out there. They're all wonderful, but it's that self-empowering thing that is key. It's why
therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists recommend it to their patients all the time. After
a session, Tapping is something that you can do on your own to support yourself. Something
where you can maintain the feelings, where you can feel like you can cope with the world,
and that you can transform how you feel when you're not in the counseling environment.

Turning Off Fight or Flight

What we now know is that when we Tap on these end points of meridians of our body while
feeling that stress, that anxiety, and that overwhelm, we send a calming signal to the
amygdala in the brain. We turn off that fight or flight response. When we are stressed, the
blood flows away from our brain, into our arms and legs. It’s like we're being chased by a
tiger. We are feeling this fear in our body and when the blood flows away from our brain into
our arms and legs, we don't think clearly.

Most of society thinks that the best way to get through stressful situations is to push. There is
this idea of powering through and to work harder and harder, but when do you have the
most creative ideas? When do you solve your problems in your life? Most people say their
best ideas come to them when they’re relaxed. Like when they’re in the shower or on a walk.
That's when the blood is back to your brain because you feel safe in your body and you say,
”Huh, you know what? What if I did this? What if I did that?”

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC
12 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping Brings Out Our Best

We see it time and again with Tapping. No matter what challenge we're facing, if we just
take a few moments to reduce the stress, we think clearly. And then people say things like,
“You know, I was facing that financial challenge and I was really worried about money. I did
this Tapping and clearly my money situation hasn't changed in the 5 minutes or the 20
minutes that I did Tapping, but I just remembered that I could do this…” or “I had this idea
that I could do that.” Those capabilities just weren't available to us when we were stressed.

So underneath it all, what Tapping is doing for us is bringing the best out of us. The best
resources, the best performance, the best results are coming to the surface because of

Now, it’s Time for Tapping!

With all that in mind, let’s do two quick Tapping rounds so you can experience the change in
just a couple of rounds of Tapping.

And you can compare these Tapping rounds to some of the deeper work that we do in the
Summit in order to walk away from this Summit knowing there is a different cadence to
what you can do at any time.

Instead of getting really stuck on the logistics of a certain process or doing it the “right” way,
you can use Tapping like this to get the results by meeting yourself where you are. Because
sometimes you're not in the mood to go deep into an emotional experience. Sometimes
you're just feeling a little overwhelmed, a little unsettled, and you need something to just
settle yourself down.

So let's do that right now. Normally, we love to rate, but guess what? We're not going to rate
anything right now! It's okay if you don't rate. The rating is great so you realize the change,
but sometimes you don’t have to rate it, you can just begin.

With that, let’s start Tapping with the script on the next page!

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC
13 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand In this moment I choose to feel grounded

Eyebrow To release any stress from my body

Side of Eye To feel strong, grounded and safe
Under Eye Strong, grounded and safe
Under Nose Excited for what's possible
Under Mouth What if my life could change?
Collarbone What if I could feel good in my body?
Under arm What if I could feel good in my life?
Top of Head What's possible for me now?

EB I'm open to these possibilities

SE Strong, grounded and safe

UE And just take a moment to just tune in into how your body feels. Taking a
couple gentle breaths in and out, feeling gratitude for being here, for
doing this work.

UN You've shown up. This is the hardest part to creating change in your life, to
creating the life that you want, showing up. You're here. The hard part is
over. And now open up to the possibilities.

UM Feeling strong, grounded and safe. Excited about what's next. Excited
about what's possible. Excited about what you might discover about
yourself in the next ten days of this Summit.

CB Feeling that energy swell inside your body, feeling so good

UA Strong, grounded and safe
TH Strong, grounded and safe

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14 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

And you can gently stop Tapping. Take a breath in. You'll see throughout the Summit that
sometimes we do really deep Tapping, especially in the Tapping meditations that we play
every day for you. Those are usually experiences where you go deeper and they can be so
healing and they can be so powerful.

And then there's also moments where you're in need of quicker relief. Just two simple rounds
like you just did can make that switch between letting go of the stress, releasing the
negative things in your body, and then building up the positive emotions.

After that Tapping, what are you hoping to change in your life during the
next 10 days of the Summit?

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

We're having that progression
into the person that we want to
be, the experiences we want to
have, and the forgiveness we
want to have in our hearts.


16 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Most Common Questions, Answered!

Now that we’ve Tapped and felt some relief with Tapping, we’re going to answer some
questions. We’ll be answering the pressing things that people get stuck on with Tapping.

1. What side of the face should you Tap on?

Some people Tap on one side. Some people Tap on both sides. The answer is, you can
Tap on whatever side feels comfortable for you. The meridians run down both sides
of the body. Nick personally feels like he’s getting a little more juice when he does
both sides. But if you want to just do one side, that's fine. There's no perfect process.
In theory, you could also go backwards or you could skip points.

There are over 300 research studies now showing the dramatic effects of Tapping.
How Tapping is lowering cortisol, lowering anxiety, and all these markers in double
blind studies. While we may not quite know yet what happens if you do different
variations of Tapping, like seeing if skipping a point reduces the results by 7%, the
studies are clear: Tapping works!

So, do what feels good, do what you have time to do. Do what you feel comfortable
doing in that moment. If you're suddenly having a hard time and you don't remember
all the points, tap on the points you remember.

2. What do you do if you’ve had a great result with Tapping and then
some time passes and the issue that you were struggling with
comes back?

Tapping is like going to the gym. If you're exercising or going to the gym, you
wouldn’t expect one session, no matter how transformative, to be it for the rest of
your life. Tapping is the exact same way.

1. You can get results really quickly, like if you haven't been working out for a while and
then go to the gym four days in a row, you just feel that, “Oh my gosh, I feel stronger
in those four days.” You feel strong and confident and you physically see the results.

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17 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

1. The same is the case for Tapping. You do it for four days in a row or you do it ten days
in the Summit and you’re like, “Great! That is a great practice.” You feel amazing. But
then if you stop and you don't do it again for a month or a year, what's going to
happen? Well, the muscles are going to atrophy. These are emotional muscles. There
is a cumulative effect.

For example, if you meet someone who’s been lifting weights for 20 years and is in
great shape and they stopped lifting weights for a year, they will keep a lot of those
gains. And when they get back in the gym, they'll put it back on. Their body knows
how to do these things and the same thing happens with Tapping.

You do enough work and it's not like, “Oh my gosh, am I going to have to slog
through this at all times? Is it always going to be this difficult?”

The hardest day at the gym is always the first day back or the first day ever, in those
first five minutes. How many times have you gone for a run or tried to do something
and the first five minutes is just miserable. That can be the case with Tapping or any
emotional work.

The hardest part about Tapping is actually starting. The moment before you start, or
the five minutes before, is the hardest time. Once you get going, things start opening
up. You start letting go and releasing things.

So if you find that you’ve taken a couple of steps back or that you’re not reacting the
way you wanted to, get back in the Tapping gym. Do a couple of minutes, listen to a
Summit interview or listen to a Summit Tapping meditation and just keep building
those muscles. And know that this work is cumulative. So you are 100% in a different
place than you were when you started, even if the next week something triggers you

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18 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK


3. Will Tapping always be full of hard work?

As you continue on your Tapping journey, you’ll have all these things come up, but a
huge thing you can do to shift your perception is to start to get excited about it.
When you have an understanding of how the mind works and about how Tapping
works, instead of looking at something to work on and going, “Oh man. Great.
Another thing to work on…,” the next step is getting excited about it.

And after Tapping for awhile, you get to the point where you just don’t have to do so
much Tapping. You realize that you’ve turned a corner where you don't have to Tap
on the same thing again because you've done all this work. It may take years, but you
don’t have to suffer through it because it becomes exciting.

Again, just like going to the gym, if you’re working out consistently, you begin looking
forward to that next workout, right? Because some sort of muscle builds that knows
the workout is going to feel good.

4. Aren’t we anchoring these feelings in by talking about the


For those of you who believe in the Law of Attraction or just the power of thought,
there might be some hesitation when you start Tapping. It can seem tricky at first,
but it’s the most beautiful part of this process to love and accept how we feel.

When people recognize what it's doing, it's actually a welcome relief because we
spend so much of our time in our lives trying to be positive or trying to bury emotion.

What we're really doing is acknowledging the truth of how we feel. I'm angry about
this. I'm anxious about this. I am overwhelmed about this. This is what's going on in
my life right now. We’re giving voice to it, but we don’t stay in that place forever. It's
often not long in order to release it.

If we think about swallowing down an emotion, then it's in your stomach and it just
lives there. It doesn't go anywhere. But with Tapping, you create a safe space where
you can express what you’re feeling and release it. It's easy to do because you are
processing and giving voice to your feelings. You’re speaking the truth of how you

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19 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

You give yourself a moment where you can say, in a safe space, all the feelings
you've been stuffing down. For example, you can express the anger that you would
never say to someone. You can do Tapping and say, “I'm so angry at you and I can't
believe you could do that.” You could swear at them and imagine them in front of

So much healing can happen when you can give your true feelings a voice. The
stored emotions release from your body. You let go and healing happens. And then
there is room for the love and forgiveness we crave to come in. We let go of these
negative emotions in order to feel positive ones. In order to move forward in our

That transformation from a negative emotion to a positive emotion is one of the

most beautiful things about Tapping - that you can see this evolution of your
psychology; this evolution of this relationship. We're not burying it. We're not
forgetting it. We're not moving on to something else. We're giving voice to it and
we're letting it go. And we're having that progression into the person that we want to
be, the experiences we want to have, the forgiveness that we want to have in our
hearts, the love we want to have, the hope we want to have, and the courage we
want to have.

We get to all of those places when we start by acknowledging the negative, what
we're feeling, what's going on in the moment and validating how we feel.

5. When it comes to traditional EFT Tapping, one of the most

common phrases is “Even though (and you state how you feel), I
love and accept myself.” Why is the “Even though…” phrase so

When we say “Even though…”, it's like we're giving ourselves a bit of a break on
things. “Even though I'm angry…” just means you're not judging yourself for your
anger. You're just saying, “You know what, even though I'm angry…” and then if you
can say it, “I love and accept myself.”

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC
20 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

We are really just saying we're okay as we are. And if you struggle with a phrase, it's also
okay to say, “Even though I'm angry, I choose to relax now.” or “Even though I'm angry, it's
safe to let it go.”

But, saying the “love and accept myself” part can be so healing when you connect with that
feeling because most of us weren’t validated in our childhood and in our life experiences for
feeling the way we feel. It's a moment where you give yourself the gift of being a little kinder
to yourself and cut yourself some slack.

We all need that. There's not a person on the planet that doesn't beat themselves up at some
point or has beat themselves up for saying something or doing something or looking a
certain way or being a certain way. That “Even though…” phrase is just saying, “All right, you
know what? Here I am. Even though these things have happened…I've done these things, I've
said these things, I'm feeling this way…even though all these times I've judged myself, I'm
okay. Here I am, I'm sharing how I feel and then I'm moving through it.” And that often
unlocks so much.

But other times, you don’t even need to start with an “Even though” phrase. Sometimes if
you're having a rough day, just Tapping on the points will also be effective. If it feels so
uncomfortable to say, “Even though I love and accept myself” or even if you're confused
about it, start with what feels good to you. Wherever you are and whatever feels good to you
is your base and then you build from there. The point is to not get caught up in the process
or in the language. There are different things that resonate with different people, so go with
what works for you.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC
21 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

6. Can you Tap when you’re feeling good?

There are times when you’ll do deeper work and there are other times when
you’ll just want some stress relief. Or better yet, there are times when you’ll want
to anchor in positive emotions.

Even if you wake up feeling great, you’ll feel even better when you anchor that
feeling in. Let's Tap together on this now. Imagine you wake up feeling great and
start Tapping directly on the points:

Eyebrow I feel amazing

Side of Eye And I anchor this feeling in
Under Eye I choose to carry it
Under Nose In my body
Under Mouth All day long
Collarbone No matter what happens
Under arm I'm going to hold on to this feeling
Top of Head In every cell of my body

You can gently stop Tapping. In just 30 to 40 seconds you can set an intention so
that good feeling you wake up with stays with you throughout your day, no
matter what happens.

Amplifying and practicing positive emotions can feel foreign to many of us. If
you haven't experienced a lot of happiness in your life or if you haven't
experienced a lot of love and felt that in your body, it can be a strange sensation.
So it literally takes practice.

Sometimes it's as simple as just imagining. If you haven't felt courageous your
whole life, it can be hard to feel courage.

Let’s Tap together on courage starting on the next page.

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22 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Side of Hand Even though I haven't always felt courageous

I create courage in my body now

Eyebrow I create courage

Side of Eye What would courage feel like?
Under Eye I imagine that feeling now
Under Nose I imagine the strength in my body
Under Mouth When I feel courage
Collarbone And just what would you feel like? Just imagine right now, pretend, this is
like you're acting. You're pretending you're in a movie scene and you had
to be courageous in the movie scene, how would you breathe? How would
your shoulders change their location? How would you stand or sit? Create
that courage in your body now. Imagine that. Play the part, play the role.

Under Arm Amplify that courage in your body. Feel how good it feels. Imagine what's
possible in your life with just a little bit of courage. What could you get
done? Feel that in your body now.

Top of Head Anchor it in. Feeling that courage. Strong, grounded and safe.

You can gently stop Tapping. That little moment can help you whenever you need an instant
boost. Whether you have a presentation to give and you're feeling okay, but want to bring a
little more energy to what you’re doing. Go to the bathroom at the office, go find some
space. You can alter your body's chemistry and calm the amygdala. You have so much
control over how you feel, the things you can let go of, and the things that you can create.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC 22

You’re not going to feel angry
for the rest of your life. If you
can process this in a safe
way, you can let it go and
move on from there.


24 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

7. What do you do if your intensity rises and the emotion becomes

stronger while Tapping? What does that mean?

It means you're Tapping into something, pun intended, that might be worth looking
at. That being said, you always should be safe in your body. Meaning, if something
feels really overwhelming, too big or too scary, reach out to a Tapping practitioner.
Reach out to a psychologist or psychiatrist who uses Tapping.

“Don't go where you don't belong.” It can be hard to tackle some of the biggest
challenges alone. That's where a practitioner can be so helpful, someone to help you
feel safe and stay safe. So being aware of that and using our intuition to know when
you need that extra support.

If it's not too big for you, any rising intensity usually means you're Tapping into
something and it's okay to cry a little or feel a lot of emotions. If it gets
overwhelming, you can add in lines like, “I choose to feel grounded and safe…strong,
grounded and safe.”

Sometimes if you unlock something, you don't always have to just keep diving into
the deep end. You can just say, “Strong, grounded and safe,” and just calm things
down until you can approach it from a different angle at a different time with
support or someone else.

Again, so many of us have been swallowing things for so long. So sometimes

something has to come up. If you’ve been denying how angry you feel at somebody
and suddenl you start Tapping, you might realize how deep the anger is. And that is
such a great indication that you're releasing and that you're actually where you need
to be and not swallowing it anymore.

More often than not, these emotions are transitory. So if you keep doing the Tapping
and you release the anger, it can move on. It’s nice to know there is light at the end
of the tunnel. You’re not going to feel angry for the rest of your life. If you can
process this in a safe way via Tapping, you can let it go and move on from there.

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25 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

8. What are some other physical indications that Tapping is working?

The easiest way to see if Tapping is working is actually…yawning! Yawning is one of

the things that happens to people when energy is shifting. A lot of people might also
burp, for example. As the energy is moving and releasing, people can have a lot of
different physical sensations. It may feel like something is moving, something is
letting go, or something is relaxing. Most things that come up are normal and
natural. Experience them and know that they happen to everyone.

If you're Tapping on pain, oftentimes you'll find the pain moves, which is a crazy
thing! There's a process called “Chasing the Pain” when it starts on the shoulder and
then it goes here and then it goes there and the body sort of unlocks these things.

If you’re Tapping and you suddenly get sleepy, that’s another sign. And that’s usually
because of two things. One, you could actually be really tired and you aren't sleeping
as much as you need to and the Tapping is letting you relax and let go. And two,
while you did a lot of work, you're processing emotions and you're just tired from that

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26 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

What We Hope You Take Away from This Year’s Summit

From the first Tapping World Summit, there were so many people that wrote in that said, “My
life transformed because I did this process.” And the people that really got the most
transformations are the ones that listen to everything. Now, that’s not always easy. There are
a lot of interviews, so don't beat yourself up if you can't listen to everything.

But even if there are presentations that you don't think apply, listen to it. It might just be the
one you need. We structure this Summit and spend months working on the topics and the
line up and things that we're going to cover. So there's a method to the madness. There's a
reason we cover the things that we cover in the order we cover them and how we approach

We get thousands of emails from people that didn't even Tap on the things that were
bothering them. They’ve Tapped on other things and realized that those things were
impacting all the other things. They freed their energy and got their emotions in the right
place. They’re making better decisions. All from doing Tapping that they didn’t expect to do!

The more that you can listen, either during the Summit or if you decide to sit and listen
afterwards, the better your results are going to be. So just dive in and put it on even if you're
in the car, doing the Tapping helps - obviously pull over! But even if you're like, “You know
what, I'll listen to the 20 minute intro in the car and then I'll Tap on it later,” just fit it into
your life however you can. It's going to make a big difference if you dive right in.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC
27 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

NICK ORTNER is CEO of The Tapping Solution, LLC, a company with a

mission to bring into the mainstream a simple, effective, natural healing
method known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or “Tapping.”

Tapping is a healing modality that combines ancient Chinese acupressure

and modern psychology. Nick’s goal is to empower people to create
healthy, abundant and stress- free lives through his books, films, CDs,
online events and speaking engagements attended by participants from all
over the world.

He is the New York Times bestselling author of The Tapping Solution: A

Nick Ortner Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living, and The Tapping Solution for
www.theTappingsolution.com Pain Relief: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing and Eliminating Chronic
Pain. Prior to that, Nick created and produced the breakthrough
documentary film The Tapping Solution, which follows ten people who
/nortner used Tapping to overcome significant challenges, including chronic back
pain, fibromyalgia, insomnia, devastating grief and more. Nick’s books and
film document real and extraordinary results that have inspired tens of
@nickortner thousands to follow suit by successfully applying tapping to their lives.

Nick has also produced first-of-their-kind online programs that teach easy,
effective ways to apply Tapping to anything limiting a person’s life or
health. Some noteworthy examples are: The “Tapping World Summit,” a
free, annual worldwide online event that has been attended by over
1,000,000 people (www.tappingworldsummit.com) and Nick’s popular
seven-week EFT coaching programs, which cover common issues such as
financial abundance, weight loss and more.

Nick is an active board member of The National Institute of Integrative

Healthcare and Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation. Nick and the
Tapping Solution team are committed to spreading Tapping throughout
the world, and particularly to supporting its revolutionary and
life-changing usage. They’ve raised over $1,000,000 for tapping-related
charities such as Project Light, which aids genocide orphans in Rwanda,
Africa (www.projectlightrwanda. com), The Veterans Stress Project,
supporting veterans with PTSD (www.stressproject.org), and You Can
Thrive! a New York organization providing services for women with cancer
(www.youcanthrive.org), and The Tapping Solution Foundation, that Nick
started in 2013 to support the community of Newtown, CT, after the tragic
shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Tapping into
Self Love
How to Quiet Your Inner Critic with the
Power of Tapping

29 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping into Self Love

Defining What the Critical Voice Is

Most of us are familiar with our critical voice. It's that voice that stops us in our tracks and
tells us that we are not good enough or that it's not worth trying because we'll be
disappointed that we're not smart enough, pretty enough, or whatever enough.

We have many people in our lives that we converse with, but we're constantly talking to
ourselves. And so much of what we say to ourselves is not kind, it's just very critical. And not
usually constructive criticism, it’s more judgmental criticism. And those voices telling us
what we're doing wrong or how we're not measuring up can often stop us from following our
dreams and even just feeling good in the moment.

Nothing Sabotages Us More than Our Own Critical Voice

Even when your inner voice is as critical, judgmental, and harsh as it can be, this
self-sabotage is simply misguided self-love. There is a part of us saying, “If I don't say this to
myself I will somehow get off track. I will somehow make a mistake. I will somehow get in
trouble. I will somehow be hurt.”

So really, it's a safety issue. We might not see how it can be logically. We might question it.
How could telling yourself that you’re an idiot be an act of self-love? But if you look
underneath, you might find a reason like if you start to get overconfident about your
intelligence, you might make a choice that you have somehow learned in the past would be
harmful to you.

Because of fears like this, you’re going to constantly try to keep yourself on the straight and
narrow. And it may just be that these are the voices that you've heard in the past. Maybe
parents or teachers or other people have said to you that you’re stupid or whatever else it
might be. And therefore you have this belief that it’s necessary to have this dialogue.

So even when no one else is around to do it, you pick up the slack to be that critical voice for
yourself in order to maintain the status quo and keep yourself in your comfort zone.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

Self-sabotage is simply
misguided self-love.


31 15h Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Compassion as Your Solution

It's so important to look at our critical voice as misguided self-love to have some
self-compassion for ourselves. Instead of thinking there's something wrong with us or we’re
broken because we're having these thoughts, remember that everybody has these thoughts.

And the solution is not to increase the volume of those critical thoughts. As tempting as it is
to think we just need to try harder to get our act together - that won’t get us very far for very
long. Instead, when we lower that critical voice and connect to the truer part of who we are,
we’re able to feel safe enough to do what we need to do.

How Tapping Can Help Us Feel Safe

Generally, we notice when we get into a negative self-talk loop and the unfortunate thing is
sometimes it will double up then. We’re critical of ourselves for being so critical. And this is
something that by doing the Tapping we are going to become more aware of.

When the amygdala, our fight or flight center in the brain, is reacting to something, it starts
the critical voice. It will tell us how stupid we are, or how bad we are, or how lazy we are, or
whatever it might be. When you feel threatened by something, even if it doesn’t work to get
to safety quickly you will go with what you’ve always done in the past. And if that’s being
critical of yourself in order to be prepared for any future threat, you’ll revert back to it. It's
just a gut reaction. And because it's been the norm for most of us, we may not even notice it
until sometime later.

But when you do become aware of it, whether it is at a later time or in the moment, you
could just start Tapping. Without worrying about finding the perfect words, just Tap on the
collarbone and say, “Okay, I'm obviously experiencing some anxiety right here. There's some
stress happening at the moment such that I'm having to respond with a critical voice.” And
just allow yourself to start calming down in that moment. Take a pause, take some deep
breaths and just recognize that you’ve been triggered.

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Only Using Positive Affirmations Won’t Work

Trying to stop yourself from saying that negative comment by replacing it with a positive
statement is like reaching out and trying to stop a moving train running by just because it's
all good. Positive thoughts just won’t land because that critical voice can be so strong.

They are so strong, it’s almost physical. So saying anything positive feels like a lie because
you’re not paying attention to the mind-body response that is happening.

That’s where Tapping is a great tool to use. It deals with the threat that we're feeling in the
body and lowers the intensity of the physical sensation of that critical voice. Eventually with
Tapping, you get to the point that you can think something positive and it has a place to
land. This is why Tapping for this topic in particular is so powerful.

Prep for Tapping on Feeling Triggered

Take a deep breath, hold it and let it go. And just allow yourself to feel yourself physically
connected to your feet on the floor or your body in the chair, wherever you are. Allowing
yourself to be present, centered and grounded. Allowing yourself to be right here, right now,
as present as possible so as to receive maximum benefit from this process.

Following your breath through your body, allow yourself to become aware of some of the
critical thoughts that you tend to experience. For some people they might be, “You're not
good enough”, “You're stupid”, or “You're lazy”.

What comes up when you get triggered by whatever might be going on? We all tend to have
a particular phrase that comes up for us when we’re triggered - one that’s our go-to stress

Allow yourself to become aware now of any thoughts, beliefs or memories about why that
phrase comes up and notice what you feel in your body as you think about that. Notice on a
scale of 0 to 10, how uncomfortable that phrase might be for you. 0 being it’s very
comfortable in your body and 10 being it’s unbearable in your body.

Take a deep breath, let it go. Open your eyes and let’s see what we can do about that.

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33 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Start tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though that critical voice gets triggered

I choose to love and accept myself anyway

Even though that critical voice gets triggered

I choose to love and honor myself anyway

Even though that critical voice gets triggered

Something happens
Part of my mind perceives a threat
And because of old programming and habits
I respond by being critical to myself

And even though that critical voice gets triggered

I choose to deeply and completely
Love, honor and accept myself
And maybe anyone else who has contributed to that voice
Because I choose to feel that free

Eyebrow A critical voice gets triggered

Side of Eye Something happens
Under Eye And I have a fear response
Under Nose I may not be consciously aware of the fear
Under Mouth But something feels threatening
Collarbone And because of old programming
Under arm My response is a critical statement to myself
Top of Head Because if I wasn't feeling stress

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EB Why else would I be mean to myself?

SE When I'm feeling happy and healthy
UE I don't usually choose that moment to be mean to myself
UN Unless I'm afraid that things are too good
UM And that feels threatening
CB Whenever that critical voice shows up
UA It's because the fear response has been triggered
TH So I'm giving myself permission

EB To question that
SE What am I afraid of?
UE What am I perceiving as a threat?
UN And why does part of me say
UM That a judgmental statement to myself
CB Is just what the doctor ordered
UA This critical comment will save me
TH Some way or somehow

EB Maybe I'm just trying to stop myself

SE Maybe I was about to do something
UE And the critical voice stops me
UN Or maybe I've just heard that criticism so many times
UM That it somehow feels safer to hear it again
CB And if no one else is around to say it to me
UA It's up to me to say it to myself
TH So I'm giving myself permission

EB To be compassionate with myself

SE Even if what I'm saying to myself
UE Sounds really nasty
UN I choose to acknowledge that it's self-love
UM Some part of me thinks this will help
CB Even if it doesn't feel logical
UA This is just a learned response
TH To try to keep myself out of danger

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EB To try to keep myself out of trouble

SE And I'm allowing myself to be compassionate with myself
UE I'm allowing myself to calm down the stress response
UN I'm allowing myself to process the fear
UM And see if there's really anything to be afraid of
CB And whether or not this critical voice is the solution
UA I'm allowing myself to feel more peace
TH Because that will definitely be a better solution

EB Because the more peace I feel

SE The more clear headed I am
UE The better the choices I make
UN I choose to forgive myself for this critical voice
UM Acknowledge the good intentions
CB And I’m finding better solutions
UA And treating myself with much more love
TH In body, mind and spirit

Take a deep breath. Check in again with your number and see if there was any shift. What’s
your number on the 0-10 scale now?

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The Patterns You Run

The cycle of self-criticism is second-hand for most of us. You get scared, so you criticize
yourself, you get scared, and you criticize yourself again. But once you spend enough time
Tapping on a fear, it can often take the charge out of it so it is no longer so triggering. So a
thought can just be a thought. You can have a thought. You don't have to believe it. You don't
have to entertain it. We don't have to control every thought we have. And with more
self-compassion, you can respond instead with, “Oh, this is this fear and let me work on this,
because what I need is not more criticism. What I need is more comfort.”

Your thoughts could even be a red herring. They may just be a distraction from what feels
uncomfortable right here in the moment. So it’s just allowing ourselves to notice that some
kind of threat is coming up, that something inside of us is saying we’re not safe physically,
emotionally, existentially, or whatever it might be. This is the only reason why we would
come up with these kinds of critical responses.

When do you find yourself being critical of yourself the most?

Looking at your list above, do you notice a pattern of when it happens?

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

Rather than having to force
yourself with a harsh voice to
take action, what if you cleared
your resistance to taking action?
Cleared your fear of getting the

38 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

How You Motivate Yourself

A lot of us were taught that motivating ourselves with criticism was the only way to see
results. You can see this especially with weight issues. We learn that if you look in the mirror
and you say hurtful things to yourself, that will motivate you to go out and exercise.

But that’s simply being motivated by misery. It’s feeling like the only motivation you have is
to beat yourself up in order to make changes. It’s feeling like “I’ll do all those things if I
just…” But that doesn’t help us in the long-run.

We've learned to do this from our childhood programming. If your teacher told you to finish
an assignment and you didn’t do it, they might have been harsh with you and said something
critical. So then you learn that when you need to do something, you need a voice that gets
really critical and nasty. We believe that we have to be motivated by misery.

That's where some of those thoughts come in about not being good enough. Or being too
much of this or not enough of that. And the extra bit we punish ourselves with is doubling
down on misery. We think, “This self-criticism is not motivating me yet, so maybe if I really
pour it on and get really nasty with myself, then eventually I’ll take action.”

This is where it gets really tricky because it can work for a very short time. If you're mean to
yourself, sometimes you can motivate yourself to do something, but it's not sustainable.
Motivation from pain does not last and it’s not pleasant. We end up sabotaging ourselves.

We constantly run this loop around and around, so we have to be really honest with
ourselves and reflect that if being hard on ourselves worked, wouldn’t we be further along
by now? Have you ever heard of someone who's happy and successful who said they did it
by just whipping and beating themselves to get themselves to change?

Clear Your Resistance Instead

Rather than having to force yourself with that harsh voice to take action, what if you cleared
your resistance to taking action? Cleared your fear of getting the result? Try enhancing the
carrot rather than enhancing the stick.

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39 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Going Even Deeper

We can't talk about the critical voice without talking about the beliefs that we have about
ourselves, the stories we have about ourselves, and the list of evidence that we can present
when that we’re not smart enough or good enough.

If you've had this critical voice for so long, you believe it and you get really good at
collecting evidence. If you really believe that you're not smart enough, you will look for
every piece of evidence to prove that you are right because humans love being right.

And because we love being right, every time we have belief, whether negative or positive,
we will look for all of the evidence and even fabricate it if necessary so that every time
something comes up to validate it.

Write out one or two of the most common limiting beliefs you have
about yourself:

I’m not smart enough…

What is the evidence you’ve gathered that makes it feel true?

I didn’t ____ I can’t ____ I never ____

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40 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

This is Where Tapping Comes In

When looking at our beliefs and looking at the evidence, notice the part of you that feels
resistance. Part of us doesn’t want to mess with a system that’s been working for us for years.
If we feel a belief has been keeping us safe, even if it’s harmful to us, we won’t want to take
it away. Especially when we’ve grown attached to finding all the ways that it’s true. Even if
you think you’re not smart enough, giving up that belief can come with resistance.

You might feel like it’s the only thing protecting you because if something would prove
you’re not smart in the future, you’d be unprepared. You’d be missing out on being right so
many times. There might be stress and fear going on inside you about how you will survive
without this belief. But again, with Tapping, we’re allowing ourselves a moment to calm
down, take a look at our beliefs, and release some of that resistance.


So let’s do this again. Take a deep breath and think again about some particular belief that
you have about yourself. It could be that you're not smart enough, you don’t work hard
enough, you're too lazy, or even that you're no good with money. Whatever belief you keep
proving right.

Now imagine you're in a court of law and you've got your box of evidence. Allowing yourself
to be aware of all of that evidence that proves that this critical comment about yourself, this
judgmental statement about yourself, is absolutely the truth.

Rate it on a scale of 0 to 10 as to how true it feels and notice what goes on inside your body.
Ten being it's just a fact, absolutely true. Take a deep breath and let it go.

Let’s start Tapping with the script on the next page.

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41 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I know this is true about me

I choose to love and accept myself anyway

Even though I know this is true about me

I choose to love and honor myself anyway

Even though I know this is true about me

And I don't know what they're talking about in terms of beliefs
These are simply facts

And even though I'm sure this is true about me

I choose to deeply and completely
Love, honor and accept myself
And maybe anyone else who contributed to this belief
I mean fact

Eyebrow This is so true about me

Side of Eye This critical statement I make to myself
Under Eye It's just the truth
Under Nose It's just a fact
Under Mouth I've applied the scientific method
Collarbone And the evidence is incontrovertible
Under arm It's just the way it is
Top of Head And there's a part of me that loves being right

EB So it might be possible
SE That I manifest some of this evidence
UE To prove that I'm right
UN It might even be possible
UM That if I submitted this evidence in a court of law
CB It might get thrown out
UA I'm processing all of this
TH I might look at the worst piece of evidence

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42 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

EB And question it
SE If I have this belief that I'm not smart
UE What's the stupidest thing I've ever done?
UN And is that proof that I'm not smart?
UM Or is it just proof that in that moment
CB I didn't have all the options I might have wanted
UA Because the truth is
TH We're always doing the best we can

EB In any given moment

SE Based on the circumstances
UE And based on our programming
UN And some of the programming that I have
UM Has been less than ideal
CB If I was taught that 4 + 4 = 13
UA And I'm given a math test in school that says 4 + 4
TH I'm going to write 13

EB And it's not because I'm stupid

SE It's because that's what I was taught
UE So I'm looking at all of this so-called evidence
UN That suggests that I'm not good enough in some way
UM And I'm questioning it
CB There may have been choices that I've made
UA That might have actually been decent choices
TH But I'm so programmed to write things off as bad

EB That I did so at that time

SE Because I want to be right
UE And if I have evidence showing that I am good enough
UN That really messes with my track record
UM So either I'll ignore that
CB Or I'll deliberately make a poor choice
UA So that I can be right again
TH And the problem is

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43 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

EB I'm not right about that

SE The truth is
UE I am a magnificent child of the universe
UN I am plenty good enough
UM And if I gave myself permission
CB I could find plenty of evidence for that
UA And if I didn't already know that I was good enough
TH I wouldn't be here Tapping on my head right now

EB I wouldn't go looking for something that I don't believe exists

SE So this critical statement I make about myself
UE It's not that I really believe it's true
UN It's just felt convenient to believe it
UM It's somehow felt safe to believe it
CB I'm trying to insist that it's a fact
UA Because I'm afraid of what would happen if I let it go
TH Part of me might say

EB If I really believed that I was good enough

SE I might get myself into some serious trouble
UE I'm afraid of believing I'm good enough
UN I'm afraid of believing that I'm smart enough
UM And I'm clearing that fear
CB I can handle loving myself
UA I can handle treating myself well
TH Clearing the fear that that means I'll be delusional

EB I'm allowing myself to get much more clear

SE About my true value
UE About who I really am
UN Because then I can more easily share that
UM I have value to offer
CB But when I insist that's not true
UA I hold myself back
TH And I choose to forgive myself for that

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EB Because I was doing the best I could at the time

SE Trying to prove myself right
UE Based on old misinformation
UN But 4 + 4 does not = 13
UM And I am not unworthy
CB I am plenty good enough
UA And I'm getting more and more clear about that
TH In body, mind and spirit

Take a deep breath. Think again about that critical statement that might be your go-to
phrase and ask yourself again on a scale 0 to 10, how true does it feel?

Hopefully that number has come down and or you may have found another box of evidence
that you need to go through. Sometimes there is a well of emotion and tears that come up.
You might get tears of compassion as you realize how horrible and unfair you've been to
yourself for so long.

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Letting Go of an Identity

There can also be a fear of letting go of an identity that you've held on to for so long. It
might feel threatening to change, even if it’s for a more healthy relationship with yourself. If
you clear the criticism and negative self-talk, who would you be? You might look in the
mirror and not recognize yourself. Sometimes even when it’s uncomfortable to have the
negative voice, it’s at least familiar and known. So there may be a sense of grief about
letting go of that.

Some of the tears that come up while Tapping may be tears of compassion, but they also
might be grief. The grief of saying, “I'm letting go of someone who's been my constant
companion, even though they've always been mean to me.”

Allowing yourself to process that and honor those feelings is so important. Keep moving
through them because there's a part of you that will understand that that critical voice will
be replaced by a much more loving companion.

Grief for Time Lost

When you start to do this work, what also happens is you begin to look back at your own life
and you start to have more compassion. You see the patterns that you had. By doing so, you
give yourself space to look at the stories objectively. All the stories you were telling yourself
may have ignored all of the good things about you.

Releasing our beliefs may also point out where we have been trying to justify them. So many
of these things are just trying to justify the past. If you believed that you were stupid in the
past and now realize that there is no concrete evidence to support that at all, how do you
justify all those years?

It’s an invitation to start to explore and to view these things that have felt like solid
memories. To actually go back and ask, “Is that really what happened? Or am I creating a
narrative out of this event?” Two people can experience the same exact thing and come out
of it with two completely different stories.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

We are controlled by


47 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Our Misunderstandings Control Us

Misinformation from other people and misunderstandings on our own part control how we
act now. Imagine if you were in the third grade giving an oral report and you trip over your
words and think, “Oh, I'm just dumb, I can't speak clearly.” But that's not even remotely what
it is. You can trip over your words all the time, it doesn't mean that you can't speak. It's just
that sometimes the brain goes faster than the mouth does or it's changing gears. It has
nothing to do with your worth. it's not a sign of intelligence or lack thereof. So just allowing
ourselves to be compassionate with ourselves is key.

How You Speak to Yourself When You Make a Mistake

The real test is how you speak to yourself when you do make a mistake. Because we do
make mistakes. All of us try something and it doesn't work out. None of us have a crystal ball
and can predict exactly what to do at the perfect time. So when you do something that
doesn't turn out as planned, do you make that contribute to a story? Do you beat yourself
up? Or are you just more forgiving and see it as a learning opportunity. How we are
responding to our own mistakes is huge.

Allow yourself to recognize that you obviously are not going to get it right every time. And
know that your mistake doesn't prove anything negative about you. You’re human and

How do you normally talk to yourself when you make a mistake?

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Get Curious

Tapping on your critical voice can make your anxiety go away and help you feel more
positive. But what happens when the critical voice comes back? What happens when you
find yourself being mean to yourself again?

It's like having a field with a bunch of rocks that you want to cultivate for farming. You can
spend all day moving a giant boulder and once you've cleared that, you get up and there are
still boulders everywhere in your field. Instead of thinking that you clearing the boulder
didn’t work, get curious about it.

Instead of berating yourself with criticism over not having resolved it all 100% yet, approach
with curiosity and ask questions like, “What's going on underneath this anxiety?” Or, “What
else am I feeling threatened by? “

Tapping to Support Us When Triggered Again

Who knows why some of these things pop up. It may not even be something that triggering.
It may just be an old thing popping up for some reason. But instead of becoming attached to
the trigger and the old familiar pattern, or even trying to force ourselves to be triggered
because that’s how we were supposed to react, we can take the drama out of it.

Instead of punishing ourselves, view it as, “Oh, this old thing?!” Allow yourself the space to
Tap and ask yourself what’s going on. Just see what comes up and why something inside
might be upset because having that awareness can be so helpful. Give yourself the gift of
space to question the source of critical statements as they happen.

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Think about a recent trigger you experienced. Describe it here.

What do you think was underneath that trigger? What was really going

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50 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Let’s do some Tapping for building ourselves up since we have been pushing
ourselves down and beating ourselves up for too long.

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand I choose to be more loving towards myself

And I choose to love and accept myself
I choose to be kinder to myself
And I choose to love and honor myself
I choose to be much sweeter to myself
Whispering sweet nothings in my own ear
As an act of love and kindness

Eyebrow I choose to be much more loving towards myself

Side of Eye I choose to be much kinder to myself
Under Eye I choose to give myself pep talks
Under Nose Remind myself of how worthy I am
Under Mouth I might even remind myself how awesome I am
Collarbone I choose to clear any arguments that come up against that
Under arm I choose to feel compassion towards that other part of me
Top of Head That might feel threatened by positive comments

EB But I am moving through that

SE I've got what it takes
UE To be much kinder to myself
UN Clearing any old fear
UM That that's going to make me soft
CB That it will be unmotivating
UA Those are misunderstandings
TH Because the more I remind myself how awesome I am

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EB The more I want to create an awesome life

SE And the more I want to share that awesomeness with others
UE It's a total win-win situation.
UN And I'll recognize when I make a mistake
UM I'm not going to become blind to that
CB But I can be compassionate with myself
UA Which means I can move more quickly to a solution
TH I'm done wasting time beating myself up

EB It never really worked that well anyway

SE So I'm giving myself permission to be kind to myself
UE Part of me already knows
UN I am worthy and deserving of love and respect
UM The fact that I'm Tapping right now is proof that I know that
CB I choose to treat myself better more often
UA Speaking to myself with loving kindness
TH So that I feel more peace in body, mind and spirit.

Take a deep breath. Repeat as needed whenever you need a boost of self-love!

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BRAD YATES has had the privilege and pleasure of working with a diverse
group of clients, from CEOs to professional and NCAA athletes, from
chiropractors and psychiatrists to corporate and federal attorneys, from
award-winning actors to residents at a program for homeless men and
women in Santa Monica. For several years he taught a weekly class using
EFT and guided imagery at Sacramento Drug Court.

Brad has also been a presenter at a number of events, including several

International Energy Psychology Conferences and the Walk On Water
(WOW) Fest in Los Angeles. He has presented at Jack Canfield’s
Breakthrough to Success event, and has done teleseminars with “The
Brad Yates Secret” stars Bob Doyle and Dr. Joe Vitale. Brad has also been a featured
wwwtapwithbrad.mykajabi.com/ expert in every Tapping World Summit.

Brad is the author of the best-selling children’s book “The Wizard’s Wish”,
/TapWithBrad the co-author of the best-seller “Freedom at Your Fingertips,” a featured
expert in the film “The Tapping Solution” (along with Jack Canfield, Bob
Proctor, Dr. Norman Shealy and Dr. Bruce Lipton), and has been heard
@tapwithbrad internationally on a number of internet radio talk shows.

For those who have suffered through dry seminars, you should know that
Brad’s eclectic background includes several years as an internationally
performing actor, and (yes… it is true) he is a graduate of Ringling Bros. &
Barnum & Bailey Clown College, where he was selected to be the emcee
and a featured performer in the final show under the “Big Top.”

Brad is a caring professional with a sincere interest in seeing people

produce extraordinary results. He lives in the Sacramento area with his
wonderful wife Christy Byrne Yates and their two magnificent kids.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Your Guide to Understanding,
Preventing, and Overcoming
Burnout with Tapping

54 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Burnout 101
In today's fast paced world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. And that overwhelm can lead to
burnout. But what is burnout really? What can we do to prevent it? And how can we address
burnout if we are already experiencing it?

Misconceptions of What Burnout Is

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and
prolonged stress. You feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant

A common misconception of burnout is that burnout is just when you take stress a little bit
too far like when you may be working too hard. But there are some key distinctions that
make burnout a little bit different.

One of those key distinctions is understanding that burnout comes with a feeling of
helplessness and hopelessness. As opposed to only feeling stress or even chronic stress,
burnout actually leaves you feeling increasingly helpless and hopeless.

As humans, stress happens when our emotions are overly active. Stress can also create
urgency and hyperactivity that is, at times, a powerful thing to use, but eventually chronic
stress leads to exhaustion and you can’t cope with it forever. You may feel you no longer
have a productive stress response that gives you energy. You may start to feel overwhelmed
by the task at hand, your body feels exhausted, and you feel absolutely helpless to make a

That’s when you know you are burned out. Burnout happens when our emotions actually
become blunted, we begin to disengage because we lack hope, we lose our motivation, we
lose our ideals, we detach from things and we start to lean more towards the side of
depression than we do of just stress.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

One of the key distinctions is
understanding that burnout
comes with a feeling of
helplessness and


56 15h Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Top Things that Can Lead to Burnout

A lot of times we can deal with chronic stress at a certain level. We’re able to manage it. But
burnout happens when you get to a point where you're unable to manage it anymore and
you start to crash.

And burnout can be caused by a number of different areas of our life. We could be burning
out because of our work from having too much on our plate. It could be because of family
and kids. And it could also just come from all the areas of your life where you feel like you're
taking on too much responsibility and you're not able to find balance.

The Stages of Stress => Chronic Stress => Burnout

In order to avoid burnout, here are some warning signs to recognize it within yourself.

● Exhaustion and feeling drained all the time

● Dreading work and taking longer to get things done
● Isolating yourself from others
● Trouble sleeping
● Depression and irritability
● No life balance
● Frequent illness
● Reduced performance and productivity
● Anxiety
● Detachment and feeling alone
● Frequent headaches
● Muscle pains
● Change in appetite or sleep habits
● Sense of failure and self-doubt
● Feeling cynical and having a negative outlook
● Withdrawing from responsibilities
● Loss of motivation
● Feeling helpless, trapped, and/or defeated
● Procrastination
● Using substances like food or alcohol to comfort yourself

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Most of these are not a surprise because any time that we are constantly under stress, we're
unable to get into the parasympathetic nervous system response that happens during
periods of rest where our body can heal. Without this recovery, our immune system is
constantly depleted and our sleep cycles are thrown out of whack.

Under stress, you can have high energy and you can be really productive. But when you go
into burnout, you experience a low mood and low energy. All of a sudden things that you
used to be able to do, you're not able to do them anymore. You might wonder what’s wrong
with you and question why you can’t get anything done.

These symptoms are important to understand. Most of us would think we’re just overly
stressed and have too much going on. But there are symptoms of burnout that are really
important to recognize and a lot of it comes down to a lack of balance. Not having balance
in our lives in any of the different areas can really lead us to burnout.

Burnout is an Accumulation

We all experience stress, but it’s really important to check the burnout checklist to see if
you’re identifying with many of those symptoms. Any of these symptoms alone might not
lead to burnout, but when we pile too many on it can be too much.

When we look at all the things we have to get done as things we need to bulldoze our way
through, we can push ourselves too far. We try to push through them or look at them as
reasons that we're not enough instead of realizing that they’re signs of burnout. These
physical and emotional symptoms are red flags to warn us to take care of ourselves.

How many times have you been so busy and then the second you get some rest, you get
sick? We've all been there. We push and push and then the event happens and suddenly your
whole body shuts down because you were running on stress and are now out of energy

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Look over the list of symptoms. Do you have any of the physical red

Do you have any of the emotional red flags?

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How Can We Begin to Avoid Going Down This Road?

There are 3 major things we need to understand to create balance within ourselves:

1. Understand Burnout and Acknowledge it Within You

The first thing to do is what we just covered: differentiate between stress and
burnout and recognize those symptoms in ourselves. We need to understand what
burnout is and how it's different from just feeling stressed. And the symptoms list is
there to help us know what things we need to watch out for.

Then, just like with Tapping, we stop to acknowledge and accept what we’re feeling
and what we’re going through. Then we can start to see that it's not just the things
we say to ourselves. It’s not that we’re unable to be productive or that we’re a failure
or that we’re not good enough.

Maybe we just have too much on our plate and have to recognize that we’re not
superhuman. We can't take on so many things all the time and expect to be able to
do all those things.

2. Reverse the Burnout

After we understand we’re nearing burnout, we need to create more balance for
ourselves. We can do a number of things there. We can do emotional balancing with
things like Tapping, meditation, and yoga - anything that brings us emotional peace.

We can also do physical balancing in what we're actually taking on. We need to
lighten the load of what we have on our plate and accept that we can't get all of
those things done.

And finally, we can ask for help. A lot of times we feel like we're stuck in our own
little bubble and we don't stop to see if there’s another way out of our problem.
Sometimes we feel like we're so alone and we don't want to be that burden in
somebody else's life, when in reality people love to help each other and be there for
each other.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

We need to stop and
pause to release some of
that pressure, so we can
find a new way forward.


61 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Here are some examples of things to help lighten the load:

● Can a family member help with personal responsibilities?

● Can somebody babysit for a night so you can go on a date with your partner?
● Can you carpool with somebody to alternate bringing the kids to soccer?
● Can you talk to your boss about lightening your workload to be more

What are some of the things you could ask for help with?

Does anyone come to mind that could help you with them?

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3. Raise Our Resiliency

Whenever we're dealing with a particular challenge, there are a few things we can do to
raise our resiliency. We can raise our tolerance for it or lower our stress level around it.

For example, let's look at speaking on stage. There are people who can speak on stage at a
moment's notice and it's no big deal and there are other people who can’t because it would
be a huge deal to them physically and emotionally. Everyone has a natural level of
tolerance in their nervous system for being able to do things.

But we can use a tool like Tapping to lower our stress response and raise our tolerance to
specific stressors to build up our resiliency. And by building up our personal beliefs about
ourselves, our experiences around those beliefs, and all those things that are the core of
who you are, we’re able to handle more. We can lower our stress level down and bring our
tolerance level up so we can better cope with life and not be overwhelmed by it.

Where Tapping Comes into Play

So often when we are close to or experiencing burnout, the last thing we can think of are
solutions. The commitments and situations we have in our life can feel too overwhelming to
solve. We can read all the self-help books and get all of the advice, but if we are not feeling
calm, nothing's going to land.

The beauty of Tapping is that it not only changes our emotional state about what we're
feeling and lowers those stressors, but it really opens up our mind to the possibilities of
finding solutions. And opening the mind to new solutions with burnout is a really important
part of it because we can lower the stress, but we also have to deal with what's causing the

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63 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Prep for Tapping

As we discussed before, the first thing we want to do if we're feeling burnout or noticing
some of its symptoms is to stop and acknowledge how we're feeling right now. We're going
to do some Tapping on two really important markers of burnout, which are overwhelm and

Let's start off by taking a deep breath and check in with that first emotion of overwhelm.
When you check in with your life right now and what you're feeling, how overwhelmed do
you feel on a scale of 0 to 10? Where 10 is you are so overwhelmed by life and 0 is not
overwhelmed at all There's no right or wrong answer. Just check in with yourself and write
whatever number feels right for you when it comes to overwhelm.

Then check in with your body. Any time we do Tapping, it's good to check with our body to
see if we have any pain because we can hold stress, anxiety, and overwhelm in different
parts of our body.

Notice your breath. Are your breaths deep? Are you able to do deep belly breaths or is your
breath shallow and constricted because you're holding on to the stress and anxiety right
now at this moment? So just notice that for yourself.

And we’re going to start doing some Tapping.

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Tapping on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though I'm feeling all this overwhelm in my body
I acknowledge and accept what I'm feeling right now

Even though I'm feeling all this overwhelm in my body

Because I have so much on my plate right now
I acknowledge and accept what I'm feeling right now

Even though I have all of this overwhelm in my body

And sometimes I feel a little helpless
Because I feel like I just can't get through it all
I choose to love and accept myself anyway

Eyebrow All of this overwhelm

Side of Eye I have so much going on right now
Under Eye It's all so overwhelming
Under Nose When I stop and think about it all
Under Mouth It's all so overwhelming
Collarbone And I just don't know how I'll get through it all
Under arm It just feels like it's too much
Top of Head It's making life not enjoyable

EB I want to find a way to release this overwhelm

SE I don't want to get burnt out
UE I don't want to lose my joy in life
UN I want to find a way to release this
UM So I choose to stop and breathe in this moment
CB And acknowledge that everything will be okay
UA I've gotten through tough times before
TH And I can get through tough times again

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EB But I feel so helpless at times

SE But I really want to take my power back
UE I wonder if I can find a way through this
UN And release some of this overwhelm
UM I want to release this overwhelm
CB I just don't know how yet
UA But I choose to stop and breathe in this moment
TH And allow peace into my body right now

We'll stop there to check in with ourselves. Take a deep breath in and breathe out. We don't
need to measure again just yet. But really what we were doing there initially was to stop and
acknowledge that we were overwhelmed and that we feel helpless at times and feel like
there isn't a solution. When we can acknowledge that, we can find a different way. So we
start with that.

We’re going to jump right into the second round. In this round, we're going to work to release
some of that sense of pressure, failure, and/or self-doubt that we put on ourselves. That
feeling of it all being too much and that we are somehow not good enough. That we're
failing with all this stuff.

So we'll keep going on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though I feel all this pressure in my life

Because I have so much going on
I choose to stop and breathe in this moment

Even though I have all this pressure

I feel like a failure at times
And I'm really doubting myself
I choose to stop and acknowledge what I'm feeling right now

Even though I'm putting all this pressure on myself

And I've felt like a failure
I choose to stop and be kind to myself right now

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Eyebrow All this pressure

Side of Eye All of this outside pressure
Under Eye But more importantly, all this inside pressure
Under Nose I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself
Under Mouth But I want to be kinder to myself
Collarbone Because I don't want to feel this way
Under arm So I'm choosing to be kind in this moment
Top of Head And release a little bit of this pressure

EB And trust that everything will be okay

SE I acknowledge that I've had too much on my plate
UE So I'm choosing to stop and pause
UN But I don't have time to pause
UM The truth is I don't have time to not pause
CB I can't keep living like this
UA So it's time to pause and find new solutions
TH And I can start by being kind to myself

EB So I can open up myself to solutions

SE I choose to breathe in this moment
UE And allow myself to release this pressure
UN Taking deeper and deeper breaths
UM With every tap that I have
CB Everything will be okay
UA I'll find my way forward
TH Everything will be okay

Stop there and take a deep breath in and out. What are you feeling right now after doing
some Tapping? Sometimes you don't realize how tense you are until you start Tapping.

When we stop and Tap to acknowledge what we're feeling and release some of that
pressure, we are able to breathe deeply again and feel a sense of peace and calm. So often
we have to stop and recognize where this pressure is and where it’s coming from. A lot of
times it's just coming from ourselves! Luckily, we have control over the amount of pressure
we put on ourselves, even if it doesn’t always feel like it.

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What's a better question
that I could ask myself
where I could find a better


68 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Stop The Insanity

There’s a famous quote from Albert Einstein, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over
again and expecting different results.” When we're feeling or leading towards burnout, we
don’t need to keep going. That’s what got us into burnout in the first place!

What we need to do is stop. Even when we feel we can't because we don’t have enough time
or we have a million things to do, that’s when it’s needed most. We need to stop and pause
to release some of that pressure so we can find a new way forward and open ourselves up to

Prepping for the Third Round of Tapping

We're going to do a third round of Tapping to open ourselves up to those solutions.

Remember when we're Tapping, we're calming the amygdala (the part of the brain that
regulates our emotions and fight or flight response). We're also opening up our ability to
access our prefrontal cortex. Our prefrontal cortex is what allows us to make decisions and
understand the future consequences of those decisions to make better ones.

If someone says to us, “Oh, here's what you need to do. You just need balance. That's all! You
need to become more resilient. Come on! You can do it. It’s no big deal.” You'd think, “How? I
can’t. I'm just too overwhelmed.” But that’s where Tapping is really helpful. When we Tap
first to release some of that pressure, we can then access the part of our brain where we can
find solutions.

During this Tapping, there will be some questions as we go through it to reflect on your own
life and what's going on for you. You can think about these for particular areas that were
mentioned or just think about them in general.

A great question to ask yourself when you’re really struggling is: What’s a better question
that I could ask myself where I could find a better solution?

That's exactly what we're going to do right now.

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69 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Let's start Tapping on the karate chop point on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though I’ve felt so stuck

And that there are no other options
I'm open to the possibility of change

Even though I don't believe that things could be better

I'm open to the possibility that they could be

Even though I feel like this stress and pressure can't go away
I'm open to finding new solutions

Eyebrow I just don't see a way out of this

Side of Eye There's so much going on in my life
Under Eye But I wonder how I could get help
Under Nose Who could help me right now?
Under Mouth Who could help me at work?
Collarbone Who can help me in my personal life?
Under arm Who can give me advice as to what to do?
Top of Head I wonder if I can seek out help?

EB What could I do differently? Could I do something different in my job?

SE Or something different in my business?
UE Do I need to do something different in my family?
UN What different actions could I take?
UM That would lead me to be less overwhelmed
CB I'm open to finding solutions
UA How can I find balance in my life again?
TH What brings me joy?

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EB What kind of things did I do in the past that I no longer do?

SE I want to find my joy again
UE I want to find balance again
UN I wonder what fills me up the most?
UM Can I do more Tapping in my life?
CB Or do more meditation?
UA What if exercise could help me?
TH How could community help me to feel more connected?

EB What things would allow me to feel more balanced?

SE How could I change my mindset about this?
UE If I can't change the situation
UN How can I change my focus to find more joy in it?
UM Do I just need a vacation?
CB Or would that not solve the problem?
UA But maybe some vacations could help?
TH Maybe I just need a day off?

EB How could I take on less?

SE So I didn't feel so overwhelmed?
UE If I took on less
UN I could do a better job with those things
UM And I'd feel much more accomplished
CB I need to get clear on what matters to me
UA What truly matters to me
TH Because I can't keep living like this

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EB I need to find balance

SE I can't keep going down this road
UE Because I don't want to get burnt out
UN How can I find the joy in life again?
UM Maybe just a few small decisions
CB Could lead me to a whole new life
UA So I choose to stop and breathe in this moment
TH And open up to the possibilities

EB That I am not trapped right now

SE That everything is okay
UE That I just got a little overwhelmed
UN But I choose to find my path again
UM I choose to find my balance again
CB And trust that everything will be okay
UA I've got this
TH I can find my way forward now

Take a deep breath in and breathe out. Check in with yourself again. Before the first round of
Tapping, we measured overwhelm on that 0 to 10 scale. Notice for yourself how
overwhelmed you feel on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 was really, really overly overwhelmed
and 0 was nothing.

Hopefully from Tapping, you're feeling a little bit more hopeful right now. And again,
whether you are feeling burnout or just feeling stressed, stopping and pausing opens
ourselves up to releasing that pressure. It allows us the space to ask some questions to see
what we could be doing differently. Questions like:

● Who could I ask for help?

● How can I get support from others?
● How can I find that balance again?
● How can I prioritize myself and my self-care?
● How can I make some me-time for Tapping and whatever else lights me up?

Even if we don't have all the answers, just opening up our energy to the answers means that
we are walking around now looking for solutions, looking for other options.

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Who Do You Need to Disappoint?

Sometimes when you start to prioritize your own health and well-being the same way you
prioritize others, you may need to ask yourself, “Who do I need to disappoint to take care of

Imagine that you had a very stressful week and are feeling close to burnout, but you have a
party to go to. Deciding not to go to the party can feel uncomfortable because you’re
worried about disappointing someone. Sometimes you have that friend that understands
right away and sometimes your friend does feel disappointed. It's important to realize that
your feelings matter as much as someone else's. And that's hard when you want to make
everyone happy.

There may also be things in life that hold us back, where we feel like we're in prison or feel
like we're stuck. And sometimes we’ll have to rip the Band-Aid off to make a change and
disappoint somebody else to create balance for ourselves. It’s better in the long run for
everybody if we create that balance for ourselves.

Being the Example

When we take care of ourselves, we're teaching everyone around us, like our children and
friends, to take care of themselves, too. We’re showing them that when they're
overwhelmed, they can make the hard decisions that bring them back to themselves. Even
hard decisions can have additional benefits that can’t be seen beforehand. Like anything in
life, we can choose to find the good or we can choose to find the bad.

And if you're going to work on high performance and getting a lot done in life, you need to
be aware of the difference when you're just going full throttle and when you’ve gone too far.
It's the ability to say no, which is not always easy, that helps us to create the balance that we
want and that allows us to create the life that we want.

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Overwhelm Doesn’t Always Mean Stressful Things

We can get overwhelmed by things that are good for us, too! We can have such a busy
schedule full of things that we love that can still feel overwhelming. And you can also feel
overwhelmed when we're not doing what we love. When we feel stuck in situations that we
don't want to be in.

And in both cases, we have to make difficult decisions. You have to have the courage to
make tough calls for your own higher good. Allowing ourselves to do the Tapping first, helps
to release the helplessness. The biggest thing you can take away from this is the impact of
helplessness, of not being able to see out of the situation. Then doing some Tapping to calm
down and find a way forward.

Is there anything you love doing that is overwhelming you right now?

Can you think of any ways to receive more support so you can get back
to the joy of doing those things?

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

We want to be able to
experience joy right now.


75 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Journaling Prompt:

After you finish this Tapping, go for a walk and keep thinking about this. Then, do some
journaling. What are some of your findings? What did you notice about your own life? What
little changes do you realize you need to make in order to make things better? How can you
ask for help?

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More Journaling Space

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Final Words

We've opened up our minds to ideas. We’ve planted seeds. Now stay open to solutions that
you might not have been able to see before because you were in a state of helplessness.

Going forward, may you feel more balance and more joy. We don't want to just go through
life feeling stressed and overwhelmed and living for the future. We want to be able to
experience joy right now.

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78 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

ALEX ORTNER is the Chief Marketing Officer and co-owner, along with his
brother Nick and sister Jessica, of The Tapping Solution, LLC, a company
with a mission to bring into the mainstream a simple, effective, natural
healing method known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or

Alongside his siblings, Jessica and Nick, Alex developed the Tapping
Solution App to make this powerful stress relief technique accessible to
anyone around the world. With over 450 Tapping meditations to choose
from, there is something for everyone.

The Tapping Solution app is making it easier than ever before to use
Alex Ortner Tapping to lower stress levels, reduce anxiety, get motivated, get better
sleep, eliminate negative emotions and much more!

Released in 2018, The Tapping Solution App has had over 1.6 Million
completed Tapping sessions. With over 200,000 people having used the
“Releasing Anxiety” Tapping Meditation showing an average 41% decrease
of anxiety in just 9 minutes.
He is a speaker, author, entrepreneur, and marketing expert who has
produced first-of-their-kind online programs such as The Tapping World
Summit, a free annual worldwide online event that has been attended by
over 2.5 million people over the last 10 years and the recently released
The Tapping Solution App, which features easy to follow Tapping

Alex and The Tapping Solution team have raised over $1,000,000 for
Tapping-related charities such as Project Light, which aids genocide
survivors in Rwanda, The Veterans Stress Project, supporting veterans with
PTSD, and The Tapping Solution Foundation, which he and his siblings
started in 2012 to support their community of Newtown, CT after the tragic
shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

He is also the author of the children’s book “Gorilla Thumps and Bear
Hugs: A Tapping Solution Children’s Story” and speaks to teachers and
students through his foundation on how to use Tapping to create balance,
relieve stress and get better results in the classroom.

Alex lives in Newtown, CT with his wife Karen and three children, Malakai,
Lucas and Olivia. Follow Alex on Facebook at Facebook.com/
AlexOrtner10, Instagram @alexortner.ts, and Twitter @AlexOrtner.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Goodnight to
Tapping Tips and Tricks to Get
the Best Sleep of Your Life


80 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Say Goodnight to Insomnia

The Common Sleep Challenges

1. Falling Asleep
One of the most common challenges is trouble with falling asleep. Many people lay
down and find themselves tossing and turning. Their minds are restless. They can't
settle down and drop into sleep, sometimes for a long time.

2. Quality of Sleep
Maybe you sleep 8-9 hours a night, but you don't feel refreshed when you wake up in
the morning. You may feel uncomfortable or move around a lot during the night, so
sleep quality is impaired.

3. Waking Up Too Early

Maybe you go to bed on time, but then find yourself waking up much earlier than
you planned to. When you try to go back to sleep, you can't.

4. Waking Up in the Middle of the Night

Most of us experience this sometimes. You wake up in the middle of the night and
you can't get back to sleep. Sometimes you lie awake for hours and by then you've
used a large part of your sleep window being awake. When you wake up in the
morning after you haven't had a good night's sleep, you feel groggy. You might feel as
though you don’t have the resource of a good night's sleep to meet your
responsibilities and your life.

5. Nightmares
Nightmares and dreams may also disturb your sleep, especially if they are recurring
or violent. When dreams wake you up, sometimes you aren't able to settle back down
to sleep.

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The Science Behind Insomnia

Some of the science behind insomnia is counterintuitive. One of the things we’ve all been
told by doctors and have been advised by the media or coaches is that everyone needs eight
hours of sleep. This is a fundamental assumption and standard that we expect of ourselves,
but studies show that's just not true.

Sleep needs vary widely. Some people need more than eight hours. Some people need nine
hours or even nine and a half hours of sleep to function at optimal. Other people, if they get
eight hours, they don't function that well. For some people, the magic number is six and a
half hours.

Now, think about those two numbers. Six and a half hours is optimal for some people. Nine
and a half hours is optimal for other people. That's a pretty wide range. So you need to find
out how you work. The average amount isn't good for the average person.

A large Dutch study found that the average optimal amount of sleep tends to be a little
under eight hours, more like seven and a half hours for the largest number of people. Again,
some more, some less. But if you're sleeping less than eight hours, don't think that you're
wrecking your health because research shows it's not that way.

How to Find the Right Amount of Sleep for You

One way you can notice what's best for you is to keep a sleep journal. When you wake up in
the morning, just notice how much sleep you got and how you feel and make a note of that.

Another one that's really easy now is to measure that on your phone or your wrist-held
device. Most new watches come with sleep trackers. Or you can use a sleep tracking device
like an aura ring. There are all kinds of different ways to track sleep and sleep quality now.

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Take note of your sleep patterns to find out what your ideal pattern is. The next time you
have an ideal night's sleep and you wake up feeling fantastic, ask yourself these questions:

How long did I sleep?

How often did I wake up during the night?

How restless was I during the night?

What else did I notice that made it a great night’s sleep?

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Usually people who are
stressed have high levels of
insomnia. Once they learn
Tapping there are much lower
levels of insomnia.


84 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Real Consequences Associated with Lack of Sleep

● Shortened Life Expectancy

One study found that people who aren't sleeping well have a shortened life
expectancy of 12% - a major shift in life expectancy from not sleeping well!

● Car accidents
Lack of sleep makes it more difficult to pay attention and stay alert while driving.

● Mental health disorders

People who aren't sleeping well have much higher rates of anxiety and depression.

● Physical diseases
There are several diseases associated with insomnia: obesity, diabetes, high blood
pressure, heart disease, general inflammation throughout the body, pain, seizures,
asthma, and strokes to name a few.

● Cancer Growth
In laboratory mice, cancer grows twice as fast in mice who are sleep deprived.

● Biological Symptoms
Decreased immune function, increased cancer growth, low energy levels, high
cortisol (which affects mood, thinking, energy, and our brain’s ability to learn) drops
by 40% when we're sleep deprived.

● Poor emotion regulation

The amygdala, your brain's fire alarm that sends the fight or flight signal through
your body, becomes 60% more reactive when you've slept poorly or too little.

These are all the reasons why it's important to really focus on getting the best possible
sleep. We can learn techniques like EFT. We can learn ways to reduce our stress. We can
learn to meditate. We can learn to do all of the things that contribute to a great night’s sleep
and to our well-being.

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85 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

If That Was Triggering…

If you find the previous list triggering, Tap lightly through the points to connect back to the
present moment. We're listing these to give you motivation. Sometimes when you hear how
dire the problem is, it can stop us in our tracks, but all of this information is meant to support
you, not to manifest or create it in your life.

Even Tapping while reading this workbook can help because stressing about the amount of
sleep you get does not help. Stressing about what could happen doesn't help, but being
aware can empower you. If this is depressing, just wait until the next part where we see how
Tapping can dramatically transform sleep!

Tapping Sleep Research

During his research, Dawson has done many studies with veterans from the Iraq war, the
Vietnam War, and some older veterans from the Korean War. What they found is that after
Tapping, sleep is one of the first things to improve.

In one randomized controlled trial Dawson performed with 59 veterans, they found a
dramatic improvement in sleep. The veterans came into the trial with high levels of
insomnia and after three sessions, they were much better. By the sixth session they were fine.

One message that they got from one of the veterans was just remarkable. He came in for a
second session with his therapist after he learned Tapping in his first session. He said to the
therapist that after the first session he had his first full night's sleep since Vietnam.

Think about that, forty plus years of clinical insomnia - not sleeping one night, and after the
first Tapping session, he got his first full night's sleep since Vietnam. Tapping is that

There are many clinical trials of EFT that include a measure of insomnia decreasing in many
groups besides veterans. The effects are remarkable. Usually people who are stressed have
high levels of insomnia. Once they learn Tapping, they experience much lower levels of

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86 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Insomnia Wasn’t the Only Thing to Get Released

Another thing that cleared up for the veterans was sexual dysfunction. A lot of them have
sexual problems and those tend to just go away spontaneously with Tapping. Did the
researchers focus on them? No. They just cleared up automatically.

Also, a lot of the veterans have digestive problems. They're popping digestive aids. They
have acid reflux and all kinds of digestive problems. Those went away even when they didn't
focus on those symptoms either. If you reduce stress, everything else tends to balance out
and get better. So that's the thing to focus on!

Studies Show Tapping on Emotions/Events Even Impacts Your Sleep

In these studies, veterans weren't even focused on sleep. They were focused on trauma. They
were bringing in lists of traumatic events from their childhood, from their combat time. They
described these events and focused on all of the stressors in their lives that led them to
dysregulated sleep and high stress. For example, they talked about the mortar attack in
Vietnam. They talked about the roadside bomb in Afghanistan.

Dawson and the researchers Tapped with them on several of these events, usually during
one session, and then spontaneously, their insomnia got better because their cortisol had
gone down and their amygdalas were regulated. Their emotions were no longer so hyper. All
the symptoms of PTSD, like hyper vigilance or focusing on negative things around them,
were dropping and the result of that lowered stress was better sleep.

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Tapping Directly for Sleep at All Times of the Day

You can also Tap directly for sleep. You can Tap before going to sleep or late in the day when
you want to release all the stuff that's gone on in the day. If you've had a very intense day,
you can Tap at the end of the day with some general Tapping rounds to release it all.

On the other side of sleep, in the morning you can take advantage of that sleepy, partially
awake mode for a little while to meditate more easily. In that state, you can Tap first thing in
the morning to delay thinking about the structure of the day or the events you have planned
for the day. That kind of Tapping helps to release any tendency to dash into activity, so you
can spend more time in that meditative state.

You can also Tap directly on things to do with sleep quality. When you wake in the middle of
the night, for example, you might find that Tapping settles you down to drift back off to

Also, mental Tapping is great. If you find that Tapping on yourself directly is a little too
stimulating when you wake up in the middle of the night, you can also try mental Tapping or
the touch and breathe technique - taking a breath while you put pressure on the points.

Do you have any issues with sleep? What are they? Write them down
here to use for your own Tapping.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

We're far more than just an
interconnected body-mind.
We are multidimensional


89 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

We’re Interwoven Human Beings

The other thing to think about here is that we are interwoven human beings. In the 1970s,
medicine began to talk about the body-mind connection. Well, we're far more than just an
interconnected body-mind. We are multidimensional beings. And we live in information
fields. Our brains are much more like transducers of information from global information
fields than they are originators of consciousness. We're downloading information from all
kinds of other sources.

Even our human energy fields extend a long way from our body. When we interact with
other people, our energy fields interact. So we’re in this energy environment. When you
reduce your stress, when you're much more peaceful and feeling much more fulfilled, when
your whole life is far less stressful, then all kinds of other benefits ensue.

Insomnia is not the problem, it's the symptom. You want to go as deep as possible and as
global as possible with your wellbeing and insomnia clears up. Use EFT on what stresses you
the most and your insomnia will improve.

The Birth of EcoMeditationTM

The first Tapping sequence we’ll do is a process that Dawson has created called
EcoMeditation. It incorporates Tapping, but is different from traditional EFT.

After being at a conference in 2009, surrounded by great people and their various different
methods, Dawson wondered what would happen if he put all of their methods together. He
knew all the modalities work individually, but like a little kid in an ice cream store, trying to
pick only one modality is hard!

He wondered what would happen if he stacked a quick coherence technique from

HeartMath on top of Tapping and then on top of mindfulness, biofeedback, neurofeedback,
and self-hypnosis. What happened was really interesting.

He began doing this himself and found it to be a really powerful tool. Suddenly, he could
meditate easily after struggling to meditate in the past. He always found his mind to be
highly active and he couldn’t get into a peaceful place just by meditating.

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Optimal State of Relaxation

This new technique of combining all of the modalities is called EcoMeditation. The process
takes about 5 minutes to do and you can do this when you wake up in the morning or when
you go to bed at night to regulate your body.

It starts with five things together to get super relaxed, but you're also pretty alert so you
aren't zoned out. You're in this deeply relaxed state and you haven't had to still your mind,
you haven't had to chant a mantra. You don’t have to have any kind of spiritual education or
belief. It just gets people to an optimal relaxed state quickly.

In fact, one research study has showed that after the first session, the same brainwave
activity was present in the brains of people doing EcoMeditation as in the brains of
advanced 10,000 hour meditators! On the first try! So it really gets you there fast.

Prep for EcoMeditation

Give yourself some time to have this experience. To begin, settle yourself quietly wherever
you are. Find the most comfortable position where you are right now. And if you want to go
to another room in the house or go to another place that's special to you and make yourself
comfortable there, do that. You'll keep your eyes open for the first part while we Tap.

We’ll begin by Tapping on the points without words. Tuning into the body. Noticing stress
held in the body. Why is this important? It's important because we tend to hold stress in the
same places all our lives.

Even though we have different things that stress us out. Even though we have different life
periods…we may be 20, we may be 70, we may be anywhere between, people tend to hold
their stress in the same locations in their body. So keep your eyes open and without words,
you'll focus on where you tend to hold stress: in your throat, in your forehead, back of your
neck, shoulders, your back, belly, etc.

Start Tapping on the karate chop point as you move through the points on the following

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Side of Hand Scan your body top to bottom. Notice any places where you're holding
tension and let them go. Where is it you personally hold tension? Let that
go. Notice your breathing. Notice your breath flowing in and out.

Top of Head This is your governing meridian point. As you Tap, scan your body top to
bottom again. Notice any tension and release. Notice your breathing.

Eyebrow This is your bladder meridian. Again, notice any place in your body holding
tension. Notice your breathing.

Side of Eye This is your gallbladder meridian. Notice the breath flowing in and out.

Under Eye Again noticing your breathing. You'll see if there are any pockets of tension
held in your body. Maybe tiny ones you haven't been aware of before. Let
those pockets of tension go.

Under Nose Noticing your breathing.

Under Mouth This is your central meridian. Now, scan your whole body. Your head, your
shoulders, neck, chest, belly, pelvis, legs. Letting all the rest of the tension
leave your body.

Collarbone This is your kidney meridian. Every last little bit of tension leaves your
body now. Feeling your breath.

Under Arm Tap and notice how you feel.

Side of Hand Notice your breathing. But notice how even this short round of Tapping
without words, focusing only on the body and on the breath, helps you

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Stop Tapping, relax your hands, and close your eyes. Focus on your breath again. And
imagine your breath flowing in and out through your heart, through the center of your chest.
And as you breathe in and out through your heart, slow your breathing down to six seconds
per in breath and six seconds per out breath.

Keep on breathing in and out through your heart. Six seconds in, six seconds out. And relax
your tongue on the floor of your mouth. Notice any tension in your tongue and relax it
completely as you breathe in and out through your heart for six seconds.

Now notice the volume of space inside your feet. Notice the volume of space inside your
legs. Notice the volume of space inside your hips, your pelvis, your abdomen. Notice the
volume of space inside your belly, inside your back, inside your chest, inside your torso.

Notice the volume of space inside your hands and arms, inside your shoulders and neck,
inside your head and your whole body. Notice how relaxed your tongue is on the floor of
your mouth. Notice your breath in and out through your heart, six seconds in and six seconds

And notice the energy of life in all the cells of your body. And imagine life energy pouring in
through the top of your head, energizing your cells, filling you with that life energy. That life
energy awakens all your energy centers, especially your heart center, as you breathe in and
out, six seconds through your heart.

Now think of a being who loves you unconditionally. Could be a guardian angel, saint, a
master, an animal or pet, a guide, an archetype, for this being has unconditional love for you.
And feel a beam of energy connecting you now, running from your heart to this being, of
unconditional love. Feel the unconditional love flowing from your heart to this being. And
notice that beam of connection between you and this being of unconditional love.

Notice the color of this energy beam. Notice the shape and texture of this energy beam.
Notice any other characteristics of your heart energy beam as it connects here with this
being of unconditional love. Notice how good your body feels to tune in to unconditional
love. Notice the breath flowing in and out, six seconds through your heart.

Notice your tongue relaxed on the floor of your mouth. Notice the space, the volume of
space between your eyes. Notice life energy pouring in through the top of your head, filling
you with life, illuminating every cell in your body with life energy. Notice your breath
flowing in and out through your heart, and this beam of energy connecting you with this
being of unconditional love.

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And now gently detach your heart energy beam from that being and bring it all the way
back inside your own heart. And smile with gratitude at the privilege of being filled with
unconditional love and all these wonderful feelings in your body of connection.

As you feel these wonderful feelings in your body of connection, of balance, of attunement,
of gratitude, smile with joy and appreciation. Cross your hands over your heart and Tap
gently with the fingertips of the hand nearest on your heart area. And anchor in these
feelings and know that any time you want to, you can tune into this source of unconditional
love. You can Tap away your stress. You can release anything and everything that keeps you
from a good night's sleep. You can let go of all the pressures and distractions and worries of
the day.

And now reverse your hands, Tap with the fingertips of the other hand and know that any
time you can tune in, feel your body, feel the love, feel this good inside your body, release
your stress, balance your body for optimal function in every way. That this feeling in your
body is what being unstressed feels like. And you can go there anytime you choose.

Stop Tapping, relax your hands. And with the next three breaths, prepare to return your
attention back to the here and now, back to your environment, back to the world around
you. And notice the volume of space inside your body. Notice the volume of space inside
your feet. And through your feet, ground yourself all the way down into the center of the
earth. Grounding your energy to align with the earth, to connect with the Earth, to draw
strength from the Earth, to live a grounded life in which you're both able to feel and be
unconditional love, and also be effective and grounded as a human being on the planet.

And with the next breath, open your eyes, look around you, look all the way around and
keep your eyes soft and your gaze unfocused and notice any glass objects in the room with

Notice the largest brown object visible from where you are right now. Notice if there are any
number sevens visible from where you are now. Just welcome yourself back into your body
with another breath and feel how good it feels just to take that time to connect with all that
is, connect with your body, connect with unconditional love. And know that you produced all
these positive feelings in your body, just with your awareness, with your consciousness. And
that's the power of our awareness to shift physical, emotional and mental functioning.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

Use these tools to be
content with the way
your life is.


95 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Benefits from the EcoMeditation Technique

This is something that you can come back to again and again. You can have this full
experience before falling asleep, but also in the morning because it's not just about sleep,
it's about a certain state.

Research shows that if you're able to move into those transcendent states of mind that all
kinds of powerful things happen in your body. You become much more emotionally and
mentally stable. And over time, things like brain function start to improve.

Dawson and researchers showed in one randomized controlled trial that doing this for 30
days produced a permanent anatomical change in your brain. It also showed that the part of
the brain that is obsessed with suffering, your worries, your future, your past, all of these
things, dialed all the way down in function. The part of the brain that has to do with
gratitude and awe and joy and compassion dialed way up.

And that was the ongoing state of those people after just a month of this, even when they
weren’t meditating. It starts to affect your whole life as well as your sleep.

How do you feel after that EcoMeditation? What came up for you?

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96 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Basic EFT Sleep Support

You can use EFT for stress, which will affect many things including your sleep, but you can
also use EFT directly on sleep. What you want to do is have a very clear intention and then
Tap on that.

For example, if your problem is falling asleep rapidly, that would be your intention. Your
intention and your affirmation would be “I fall asleep rapidly”. Now, with EFT, we usually
focus on the obstacles, allow those to dissipate and change the energy around that with
Tapping. So your affirmation would then be “I now release any and every obstacle to falling
asleep rapidly” and those obstacles, again, are ones you've been rehearsing for many, many

You've been not falling asleep and feeling those problems in your body and in your mind for
a long time. So address those directly. You aren’t going to pretend they don't exist. You focus
on them, but you focus on them, you evoke them, then you let them go. That's a direct way of
using EFT for a particular problem.

If your problem is waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back to
sleep, then before you go to sleep, just Tap and say, “I now prepare myself for an untroubled
night's sleep.”

If you know that you’ll only be getting three hours sleep, your affirmation could then be, “I
know I'm only going to get three hours sleep and I will wake up feeling completely
refreshed, just as though I've gotten a full night's sleep.” You’d be surprised how affirming
you will wake up feeling completely refreshed makes it so!

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Tapping for Jet Lag

If you’re traveling and changing time zones, and there aren't enough hours to have a good
night's sleep, you can Tap for that as well. In fact, when you go on a long trip, you can Tap
every few hours and move yourself psychologically into the current time zone. By moving
out of the time zone that you've been in and into the one you’re going in, you are able to
avoid jet lag.

For example, if you’re traveling from California to England, you would Tap when you’re in
East Coast time and say, “My body is now an East Coast time.” And you continue it while
you’re crossing multiple time zones, like the Atlantic coast of the U.S., and then a little bit
later when you’re in Greenland’s time zone. You can do that four or five times on the plane
traveling to your destination. Then when you arrive, you Tap and say, “Okay, my body's now
on Central European time,” and you affirm that. You may do it two or three times later on
that day, too.

If you think about it, you’re only Tapping maybe five times for two minutes.That's ten
minutes to reduce jet lag! That's a very small investment for a really big gain - you're right on
that time zone immediately.

BONUS: We’ve included Dawson’s PDF report on how to eliminate jet lag with EFT and other
energy therapy techniques on the following page of your workbook, but you can also find
and share this helpful information from here on Dawson’s website, EFTuniverse.com.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC
No Jet Lag! Energy Medicine Techniques that Prevent Jet Lag
by Dawson Church, PhD

I travel a great deal. Sometimes from California to the East Coast

of North America, a 5-hour flight with a 3-hour time difference.
Other times I travel to Europe, a 9-hour flight with an 8-hour
time change. Conventional wisdom says that it takes 1 day to
recover for every 1 hour time change. But that won’t work for
me. Sometimes I have to present to audiences a day or two after
I land. So what do do about jet lag?

There are several energy medicine techniques that will prevent

jet lag. Here they are:

1. Reset your watch a couple of hours ahead or behind as you’re flying, till you’re on your
destination time zone when you land. Each time you look at your watch, tap all 9 shortcut
EFT points and say, “My body believes it’s X time.” Repeat a couple of times, a minute total.
Do it for the first couple of days at the new destination whenever you look at your watch.

2. Ground when you get there. Find a patch of damp grass and stand in it for 10 to 20
minutes. The earth is full of electrons, and they flow through the water and up into your
body, neutralizing free radicals and orienting your body to that point in the Earth’s
electromagnetic grid. If I’m in a place with stone, brick or concrete, and don’t have grass
available, I stand barefoot on the surface and pour water under my feet. Showers and baths
have a similar effect as long as you’re not a in synthetic bathtub.

3. Spin. Simply twirl like a whirling dervish. Clockwise, palms down, for 10 – 20 seconds.
You’ll feel dizzy. Wait a minute till your body resets, then do it again, three or four more
times. Repeat a few times the first couple of days.

4. Get on the local meal and sleep schedule immediately. When your body says at 3 pm, “It’s
time to go to bed now,” you tap and reply, “I love you and the time is 3 pm and we’re going to
bed at 10 pm.” I watch movies, take walks, distract myself any which way till it’s local
bedtime. Meals: Even if I ate breakfast 3 hours ago, I eat breakfast again if it’s local breakfast

5. Give your body chemical cues for morning and evening. Mine are coffee and vitamins first
thing in the morning, and wine around 7 pm. When my body gets the shot of chemicals
appropriate for local time, it resets accordingly.

What I don’t usually do is trace my meridians, but others swear by it. Donna Eden has a
YouTube video showing how to do it. And I do qigong’s “awakening the qi” exercise often,
sometimes more than once a day. Not for jet lag, for energy. Yet it may help with jet lag, too.
If acupuncture is available, I get a treatment. I typically feel a little disembodied the first
day, perhaps the second, but I drop into the new time zone quickly.

This PDF report can also be found here on Dawson’s website, EFTuniverse.com.

The set up statement by
itself will take away the
majority of your stress.


100 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Key to Instant Stress Relief

One of the genius things about EFT is in the setup statement. The second half of it is “I
deeply and completely accept myself,” or “I deeply and completely love myself,” and that is
perhaps the biggest stress reduction statement there could be. We're saying, “However,
things are…my health isn’t that great, money isn't working for me right now, my relationship
sucks, all these things that are always going on,” and yet, if you can just Tap and say, “I
totally and completely love and accept myself and my life the way it is, just like it is,” and
not want it to be different, that by itself will take away the majority of your stress.

There are two ways to be happy. One is to aspire to get everything you want. The other is to
be completely content with exactly what you have. EFT is number two. We just simply let
ourselves be the way we are. Even if you didn't get the promotion you wanted, or you don't
have the money you want, or maybe your health isn't the way you'd prefer - deeply loving
yourself right at the place you are, just the way you are, is a profound statement.

We say it thousands of times as we Tap, but if you want to reduce stress, that is the
fundamental thing to get to - self-acceptance and acceptance of everything - because when
you are fundamentally happy, you have a much more fun and enjoyable life.

Don't underestimate this technique. It sounds so simple,“Even though I have this problem, I
deeply and completely accept myself.” Loving your life the way it is, even if you aren't
getting enough sleep, even if sleep is a problem for you, even if you're suffering deficits and
worries in other ways, helps you come to terms with your life and accept and love yourself.

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101 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Bonus Tapping Meditation:

Self-Acceptance and Loving Your Life the Way It Is

Start Tapping on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though I don't feel like I can love my life as it is
And this stresses me out
I choose to breathe and relax now

Even though I judge myself

And often think critical thoughts
I accept how I feel and where I am

Even though I have some resistance to accepting myself

I choose to acknowledge these feelings
And I give myself permission to relax

Eyebrow It’s hard to accept myself as I am right now

Side of Eye Part of me still believes I am not enough when things aren’t perfect
Under Eye I'm not feeling love for myself
Under Nose I haven't been kind to myself
Under Mouth I have judged myself
Collarbone And criticized everything that wasn’t right
Under arm Sometimes I wish I had a different life
Top of Head I acknowledge these feelings and critical habits

EB I acknowledge how hard this pattern has been on me

SE And how heavy these critical thoughts feel
UE I am open to the truth that I can forgive myself
UN I can begin accepting myself just as I am
UM I can accept my life just as it is
CB I can let go of some of my resistance to self-acceptance now
UA Because I choose to love myself and my life
TH And think of myself kindly

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EB I choose to release past stories, beliefs, and criticisms

SE And anything else that might be holding me back
UE To become a person who loves and believes in themselves
UN Starting right here, right now
UM I choose to feel grounded and strong in my body
CB I choose to love and accept myself as I am
UA And appreciate all that I am and all of my unique gifts
TH And I welcome this opportunity to face my fears and challenges with

EB I can move forward now with strength and power

SE I’ve got this
UE So much is possible when I connect with loving myself
UN My self-love is expanding with every moment
UM And every breath
CB The truth is, I am enough and I am worthy of love
UA I choose to be enough
TH And no matter what, I am worthy of love
I choose to love my life
Because I am doing my best
And that is enough

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Final Words

As you move forward with Tapping, be open to having an experience without

overcomplicating things. Tapping for sleep or sleep challenges can seem daunting. You
might have had them for years, so you think it can't be easy or that you’ve got to find the
perfect setup statement. But there’s no perfect way. Try the EcoMeditation, Tapping on your
own, or a Tapping meditation. Give yourself the chance and see what works for you because
it is such a forgiving process. It’s amazing what can happen when you give yourself the
freedom to just give it a try.

Use these tools to be content with the way your life is. And remember, don't be impatient for
change either. You may find things changing very quickly. Some things will change very fast.
Some things may take a while. So, be patient with the process.

You are lovable exactly the way you are. You are lovable, unimproved. If you never fix
yourself, you are still fundamentally perfect and lovable.

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104 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

DAWSON CHURCH, PHD, is an award-winning science writer with three

best-selling books to his credit. The Genie in Your Genes was the first book
to demonstrate that emotions drive gene expression. Mind to Matter
showed that the brain creates much of what we think of as “objective
reality.” Bliss Brain demonstrates that peak mental states rapidly remodel
the brain for happiness.

Dr. Church did his undergraduate and graduate work at Baylor University,
and obtained his doctorate at Holos University under the supervision of
Harvard-trained neurosurgeon Norm Shealey, MD, PhD, founder of the
American Holistic Medical Association.

Dawson Church A scientist at his core, Dr. Church has conducted dozens of clinical trials
and founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to study and
implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical
techniques. Its largest program, the Veterans Stress Solution, has offered
free treatment to over 20,000 veterans with PTSD over the past decade.

Get your free EFT Mini-Manual at www.DawsonGift.com .


15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Fear and
A Journey to Building
Inner Strength

106 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Overcoming Fear and Cultivating Courage

If you've been feeling really stuck in fear like it's been holding you back, then we’re so happy
that you’re here! We’re going to take a deep dive to truly understand fear and how to
improve our relationship with this emotion, but also how we can begin to actually boost our
confidence and have the courage to continue to take steps forward.

Why We Need Fear

All of our emotions serve a purpose, as uncomfortable as some of them may feel. Fear is one
of the most uncomfortable feelings and a lot of us would rather never feel it. But, we can't
amputate any of our emotions and expect to be whole, as much as we’d like to. It is normal
to want to be fearless, confident, and the idealized person we fantasize about.

But in doing so, we miss out on the complexity and value of our emotions. Fear actually has
really helpful messages for us when we know how to listen. Once we get the message, we’re
able to disable the alarm and cool ourselves back down.

We don’t have to let fear run our lives. So many of us may feel like we are really caught up in
fear, and if that's the case, the Tapping and tools in this workbook are here to help!

Fear Versus Anxiety

Many of us think we understand what fear is, but we actually don't. People often confuse
fear with its close cousin, anxiety. These two emotions can often feel the same way in your
body. They're both normal and are designed to keep us safe. The clear difference between
the two is fear is in the present moment, anxiety is in the future.

Fear, whether rational or irrational, is a normal part of our lives. It’s an automatic emotion
that comes in as a blast to protect us and keep us safe. For example, if you see a lion, fear
makes you run as fast as you can so you can get away to survive. It signifies a clear and
present danger. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

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Anxiety is very different because it’s a worry about things that may or may not happen in the
future. Anxiety is nervousness, an unease, and a worry over things that are not right now, in
the clear and present moment, but in the future. So in some ways, it's like the anticipation of
the threat rather than the threat itself. You may think you’re feeling fear, but you're actually
having a lot of anxiety.

And anxiety is funny because even though it can feel the same, it tends to last a heck of a lot
longer. Because anxiety is triggered by uncertainty. And what is the very nature of life?

You’re not Wrong for Having Emotions

With all this in mind, the biggest takeaway is you’re not wrong for having these feelings!
There’s nothing to fix and there’s nothing broken. These emotions are part of the human
experience. As before, we can’t amputate any of our emotions because they all serve roles
for us.

And if we can't get rid of any of our emotions, then our job is to get to know them a little bit
more. To understand why they're there in the first place, understand that they serve a
purpose and understand that when they're dialed up, that we have the opportunity to take
action. We want to get the message from the emotion, and then self-soothe, come back to
ourselves, and dial it down so that we're not impacting our health and happiness long term.

Which means that you’re also not wrong for continuing to feel these emotions in the future.
You're building a relationship with these emotions so that they don't impact you in the same
way, but these feelings don't ever fully go away. That’s key to notice because when you
notice them coming up again, you're not like, “What happened? I've been Tapping every day!
Why does this make me feel scared?” Instead, when you feel the feeling again, you know
how to listen and take the lesson instead of making it about your worth.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

We can't amputate any
of our emotions and
expect to be whole.


109 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Where Tapping Thrives

What is one of the greatest tools to help you gain acceptance and compassion for yourself?
Tapping, of course! Tapping helps you dial down stress and calms you down when you’re in
fight, flight, or freeze. When we use Tapping, we are self-soothing by coaching ourselves
while we also dial down the stress. And it helps to get into the body in order to do that.

There are so many great books about how trauma lives in our body and that our body
remembers. Well, all of our emotions live in our body, too. That’s why we need a tool that
can work on both the body and the mind. We can’t always solve the problems of the mind
with the mind. You can't always talk your way out of a difficult moment or talk your way out
of panic. You can’t always go to a therapist. So, we always need to find ways to include the
body so we can uncover the many layers of emotion within us.

When you start Tapping, you’ll start with the first emotion - the signaling emotion, but
there's often more underneath it as well. When we get curious and let go of feeling like
something is wrong with us for feeling a certain way, then we can start to build a better
relationship with our full selves, not just the self we think we should be - which is beautiful
and messy and magnificent and full of possibilities.

Accepting Your Emotions

What if you could invite your emotions into your life like inviting a friend over for tea? That
might sound impossible! As we said, some of our more uncomfortable emotions can be hard
to sit with, but in order to build a better relationship with yourself, you need to accept what
you’re feeling. And oftentimes, it's not just one emotion.

Acceptance is the only way to heal and move forward, but acceptance gets a bad rap.
People think that acceptance is giving up, quitting, or settling, but that couldn't be further
from the truth! We have to accept ourselves - it's the reason why we're here - to remember
how to love ourselves.

And we don't have to always love and accept every part of ourselves. You might not accept
having a wart and wish that the wart didn't exist. But if you want to beat yourself up because
you have the wart and take yourself down until you feel no sense of self and no worth
because you have this wart…aren’t you just abandoning a part of yourself that needs care?

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110 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Love Your Inner Child

When you’re hurting, struggling, or acting out, the remedy is love, compassion, and presence.
Yet when we are in that space for ourselves, that's often the time when we abandon
ourselves because we think there's something wrong with us. But that’s actually when we
need acceptance the most.

Accepting is where all healthy relationships begin. Including the one you have with yourself.
You might not always like what you have to accept, but if you imagine loving yourself like
you would love a child, it helps gain perspective.

Children want to be loved and accepted by you. They want to feel safe. Even when they have
meltdowns. They want to know that their parents won't abandon them if they disagree with
them. They don't want to have to spend their whole life making their parents happy and
sacrificing their own selves. They want a healthy relationship with their parents where the
parents can hold the good and the tough times, too.

Oftentimes, it can be hard for us to love ourselves when we're hurting because of resistance
to accepting ourselves. We may have been raised to believe that we just have to power
through, that we shouldn't be this scared, worry this much, be this emotional, or get
triggered so easily.

And it's all of those shoulds that really block us from the love and compassion that we
deserve. Compassion and care allows us to offer the same level of acceptance to our inner
child as you would have for a child.

Self-Love Prompt

Take a photo of your younger self and place it in a frame. Put it where you will see it the
most, like on your desk or your dresser. The next time you’re heading down a negative spiral
of fear and anxiety, look at the photo. Remind yourself that you’re needing compassion and
a safe place to feel connected in that moment. And then maybe even do the Tapping on the
next page!

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Tapping for Self-Compassion

Let’s do some Tapping to address any resistance and feel more comfortable with offering ourselves

Take a nice deep breath. Notice any emotions as they appear in your body. Maybe there is some
sadness or pressure in your chest. Whatever the sensation is for you, get clear on what that is. And
give it a number from 0 to 10.

When you’re ready, start Tapping on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though I'm experiencing this fear

And I've been really hard on myself
I acknowledge all these feelings
And I give my body permission to relax

Even though part of me is ready to love myself

And another part of me feels like I should be more critical
I accept all these parts of me

Even though I've been really hard on myself

I love and accept myself now

Eyebrow I've been really hard on myself

Side of Eye I've been feeling this fear
Under Eye I've been experiencing this worry
Under Nose And I've been judging myself
Under Mouth I get frustrated with myself
Collarbone Because it feels harder for me than anyone else
Under Arm I wish I wasn't so emotional
Top of Head I wish I could push this feeling away

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EB All of this resistance to this fear

SE All of this judgment around this fear
UE I'm tired of fighting this fear
UN And I'm open to welcoming it in
UM This fear has a message for me
CB And as I relax my body
UA I can acknowledge that all my feelings support me
TH Even though I have this fear
I can relax my body

EB Even though I have this fear

SE I can experience more self compassion
UE There's a little kid that lives inside of me
UN And they deserve my love and reassurance
UM I won't abandon myself any longer
CB Feeling love and compassion for that little kid inside
UA I'm open to the positive messages from fear
TH Right now and right here
I am safe
Safe to explore this fear
From a place of love

Take a nice deep breath in and exhale. You can check in with the sensation you had before.
Notice if that number moved, where is it now.?

That was a starter Tapping meditation to open your heart and to open the conversation to
being able to reach parts of us that are blocked when our body feels so tight. Read on to see
the next thing you could do to help with fear.

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Forget confidence,
choose courage.


114 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Underneath Our Fear

We all have wounds that we haul around. And sometimes when we allow whatever emotion,
it'll lead us to what really needs a deeper tending. It could be that there is shame under that
fear. It could be that there is grief under the fear, and maybe fear keeps coming up because
shame needs to be expressed. Maybe fear keeps coming up because grief needs to come

Irrational Versus Rational Fear

A lot of times people describe fear as a gut feeling or something that gives them
goosebumps. Those phrases are ways our body is wise. Which is another reason why Tapping
is so powerful, because you can navigate between irrational fear and fear that feels different
because it feels different in the body.

As we get to know ourselves more and work with ourselves more through practices like
Tapping, we can see when it's a story and when it's something we should really pay attention
to. Oftentimes the stories come on because we're in anxiety and we're ruminating and we've
spun out into worry. And the more we spin out, the more the stories get embellished.

Fear Fantasies

As humans, we are such creative human beings. Have you ever found yourself in a fear spiral
that leads to bigger and bigger fears? It can look like this: you’re doing dishes and suddenly
you feel a headache. You start to spiral and think the headache is cancer, and if the
headache is cancer then you should plan your funeral. You’re then deciding what type of
music should be there, and if your spouse should remarry, and who you should leave your
jewelry to and so on. Does that ever happen to you?

It might not be that dramatic all the time, but these are what our fear fantasies do! They get
you caught up in a rumination of fear and anxiety. In a fear fantasy, you’re someplace
completely different that doesn't even exist. And when we're in that place, that's when we
need a moment of sobriety to say, “Okay, I see where I am,” and decide the next step.

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Tools for Fear Fantasies

1. Tapping

Tapping is one way to coach yourself through a fear fantasy. Tap on your fear fantasy as if it
were real, just like you would Tap on an event of the past. Even though it hasn't happened,
and doesn't quite exist, it exists in your mind and it feels just as real as a real event.

When we Tap and tell the story of what we think is going to happen, we feel calmer. When
you’re really calm in your body, you can reflect on that fantasy and realize that it no longer
feels as true. It almost creates a separation and some distance from it, because it's so much
easier to detach from that thought when you’re calm. If we can take away the charge, it
gives us control again.

The next time you have a fear fantasy, allow yourself to think those thoughts without even
saying anything. You don't even need any fancy words because you’re already there. Just
simply Tap to get back into our body and then move onto the following question.

2. “What if the Opposite Were True?”

Once you’ve calmed down your nervous system, that’s when one simple question can shift
your perspective. Ask yourself, “What if the opposite were true?” Can you see how much
potential is there?

We’re creative beings and we can use our creativity to our advantage. If we can believe the
fear is true, we can also believe the opposite! And then even just thinking about the
opposite brings you further out of that place of fear and anxiety.

3. Freeform Journaling

After Tapping, you can also use freeform journaling to help gain more insight on why you
might be feeling a certain way. Start by asking yourself a few questions: How you feeling?
What's really going on underneath the surface? Without the anxiety and fear, you’ll be
surprised at what you’re able to uncover, and then Tap some more!

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

The more we get to know
ourselves, the more we're
able to stop stopping


117 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Courage Over Confidence

When we think about fear, a lot of people think of the opposite of fear: confidence. We all
want to be confident, but you don’t get more confident just because you want to be
confident. Confidence is a muscle and the only way to build that muscle is to change your
focus from confidence to courage. Courage builds confidence.

Forget about pretending like you’re so confident and have it all together and start being
courageous enough to say, “I'm a human being, I don't know everything. I'm not always
confident about what I'm doing or what I'm saying, but I am innately courageous.”

Each and every one of us has done courageous things so many times in our lives. We know
how to do that already. You have been courageous. You have done really difficult things. So
forget confidence, focus on courage.

Keep Moving with the Fear

And guess what? Fear and anxiety are going to come up when you choose courage. And
that's totally normal! They're there to protect you. So, of course, if you're doing something
that makes you feel uncomfortable and is courageous, big or small (like raising your hand,
speaking up, skydiving, whatever it is), fear and anxiety will come up. They're supposed to.
That's normal.

Don't stop yourself just because you feel them. That's one of the reasons why we need to get
to know them more if we want to be courageous. The more courageous we are, the more we
learn, the more we grow, the bigger our lives, the more we love, the more at the end of this
life we can say, “Drop the mic - I went for it!” Courage helps us do that, but we’ve got to get
to know all of these other emotions that might trip us up so that courage can flourish.

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What are some examples of times you have chosen courage over fear?

What was the benefit from choosing to be brave? Did it build your

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119 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Fear or Excitement?

Sometimes we confuse fear with excitement. If you’re not in touch with how you’re feeling, it
can easily feel like fear is overtaking you when you’re actually excited. Tony Robbins once
shared a great story where he was talking to Bruce Springsteen about how Bruce knew he
was ready for a performance. Bruce described he knew when he felt excited: when his
breathing quickens, he starts to feel shaky, his energy gets high and his hands get shaky. And
then Tony worked with this other singer who was so terrified and asked her how she felt
when she was scared. And she described the same sensations in her body!

Our body can react similarly when we’re faced with fear or excitement. When we have a
back and forth communication with our body, we can move forward instead of staying stuck
in fear. We can have a sensation and have the ability to say, “Okay, body, listen, this means
that you're ready. This means that you're getting excited.”

We don't have to do something and be completely at peace or zen before taking a step
forward. Sometimes it takes moving through that fear to get to the exciting part. And again,
the more we're able to understand our fear, the more we stop stopping ourselves because
we're waiting for a feeling or a moment where we feel 100% ready or 100% confident.

Prep for Tapping

With all that in mind, let’s do some Tapping to cultivate some courage! We’ll move this
energy of fear into courage.

Think about something that you have been putting off because you've been a little bit
scared or feeling like you need more confidence to do it. Whatever that is for you, think
about it. Think about the hesitation.

Give that a number, again, whatever number comes to mind, on a scale of 0-10.

When you’re ready, start Tapping with the script on the following page.

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Tapping for More Courage

Start Tapping on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though I've been experiencing this fear

I accept this feeling
And I'm open to feeling more courageous

Even though I've been stopping myself

I acknowledge that it is now safe to take a step forward

Even though I've been experiencing this fear

Because I'm just trying to keep myself safe
It is safe for me to be courageous

Eyebrow All of this fear

Side of Eye I've been stopping myself
Under Eye Because I haven't felt ready
Under Nose I've been putting all this pressure on myself
Under Mouth I've been judging all these feelings
Collarbone But maybe even with all these feelings
Under Arm I'm okay
Top of Head I am an emotional being

EB And it makes me a compassionate person

SE And I extend that compassion to myself
UE No matter what happened in my past
UN I am worthy of my own self-love and acceptance
UM I accept all these big feelings
CB And I let my mind and body know
That I am safe
UA I am courageous
TH It's okay to be a little scared
And also ready

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EB Cultivating this feeling of courage

SE I've been courageous in the past
UE I'm more courageous than I recognize
UN And I now choose to be more courageous
UM It's okay to have this fear
CB Because my courage is stronger than my fear
UA I am ready
TH Feeling courageous and ready
For whatever is ahead of me

Take a nice deep breath in and exhale.

Where does your number feel now?

Did anything else come up that you’d like to Tap on? If so, write it down here and keep

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC 121

If you're out there
listening, you have been
courageous. You have
done really difficult things.


123 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Final Words

We’ll leave you with a quote from Mark Twain. He said, “I have had a lot of worries in my life,
most of which have never happened.” When you go to that place of fear, excitement, anxiety,
or whatever that is, remember this quote to connect back to your ability to love and accept
yourself in the present moment.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC
124 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

KRIS CARR is a multiple New York Times best-selling author, wellness

activist and cancer thriver. She is the subject and director of the
documentary Crazy Sexy Cancer, which premiered at the SXSW Film
Festival and aired on TLC and The Oprah Winfrey Network.

Kris is also a member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100, recognizing the most

influential thought-leaders today and was named a “new role model” by
The New York Times.

She regularly lectures at hospitals, wellness centers and corporations such

as Whole Foods and Harvard University. Media appearances include:
Kris Carr Glamour, Scientific American, Good Morning America, Today show, CBS
www.kriscarr.com Evening News, Super Soul Sunday, and The Oprah Winfrey Show.

As an irreverent foot soldier in the fight against disease, Kris inspires and
/KrisCarr empowers countless people to take back their health by adopting a
plant-based diet, improving lifestyle practices and learning to live like they
really mean it.
Her latest books, Crazy Sexy Juice and Crazy Sexy Kitchen, will change the
way you live, love and eat!

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Than You
How to use Tapping to keep
you moving forward during
tough times.

126 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

You’re Stronger Than You Know

Your Thoughts Are On Repeat

National Science Foundation published an article summarizing research on human thoughts

per day. It was found that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day.
Of those thousands of thoughts, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same
repetitive thoughts as the day before.

This means that every day when we wake up, we very soon find that the thought pattern will
go into it’s familiar, steady, and primarily negative routine. It can be minor things like, Oh no,
why did she wear that? or Ugh, I have to call the painter…again. Or it can be bigger things,
too, like Why am I never enough? or I guess I’ll never be rich.

There’s a cyclical and repetitive nature to our thoughts that we’ve picked up based on our
culture, friends, family and conditioning. After spending so much time thinking these same
thoughts, it can take courage to even step away from the thought. Even that beginning idea
of not being your thoughts is something to practice. We don’t have to believe everything we

How Tapping Can Help

We’re not our thoughts. But it can be tricky to get off the same repetitive tough pattern that
we’ve been following for years. If we’ve been listening to them our whole lives it can be
familiar and easy to just think, “This is who I am. This is what I’ve always thought,” and never
change. But luckily, Tapping is the key ingredient for creating lasting change.

When we tap, it’s like an active form of meditation – and then some. It helps us get out of
our heads (by calming the amygdala and lowering the stress hormone, cortisol) and get back
into our body. From that standpoint, we’re able to disengage from repetitive thoughts and
realize that we are separate from the thoughts. We see that they’re just thoughts – not us!
We realize there’s us and then there’s the thoughts that come through us.

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Common Negative Thought Patterns

If we’ve been so used to these negative thought patterns, even spotting them can be a
challenge. Here are five of the most common negative thoughts we have:

1. I’m fundamentally damaged. Something is wrong with me.

2. Relaxing is self indulgent.

3. I cannot trust myself.

4. I’m living the wrong life, I’m not the right person to be living my life.

5. It’s my fault that ___ happened / is happening.

This could look like blaming and shaming yourself around an illness (It’s my fault I
have this disease), a pattern you have (I should be over this by now), or a situation
that’s happening in your life (It’s my fault that this divorce is happening.)

Can you relate to any of these common negative thought patterns? If so,
which ones?

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What are some other negative thought patterns that you have?

Look at What Your Body Is Telling You

If you can’t begin to distance yourself from your negative thoughts as easily as you’d like,
look at your body’s reaction. Try saying the following to yourself:

I’m not good enough. I’m fundamentally damaged. There’s no way I could do __________.

Do any physical sensations come up in your body?

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

You're protecting
yourself from losses
that have already


130 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

These can be your signals that something is off in your body. Whether you noticed that
you’re feeling collapsed, that your stomach hurts or that there’s tightness in your belly, these
are your body telling you that you’ve been triggered. That’s the indication that it’s time to
look, tap, and question yourself. Instead of being mad at yourself, we can remind ourselves
that this pattern is just something we do when we’re scared and then go back to Tapping.

Tapping after a Trigger to Return Back to Yourself

When we begin to notice what’s going on in our bodies, we can move forward. By looking at
what’s going on in our bodies we can have a guide for the future. We can know what to do
when it comes up again. In fact, you can use those physical sensations to guide you while
Tapping. Tap and say what you’re feeling. When we admit that we’re scared of something or
that we’re feeling a certain way, it creates that separation from our thoughts that we need to
gain clarity.

So if you notice a physical sensation and say to yourself, “Oh, this is just what I do when I’m
scared,” even that creates the distance between you and the thing you do. You can’t say it
without realizing that there’s the thing and there’s you. That’s the opening you need to
distance yourself from the negative thought and realize that you’re more than your mind.

The Cycle of Fixing Ourselves

What often happens when we begin to notice all of our negative thoughts is entering the
cycle of fixing ourselves. Especially if we’ve spent so much time thinking we weren’t enough,
self care can become another extension of this not enough feeling. It’s almost as if we want
to defend our beliefs instead of replacing them with more self-loving thoughts. We’ll find
ways to constantly be fixing ourselves to finally be ready for love and acceptance, instead of
loving and accepting ourselves.

Whether you’re new or well-acquainted with Tapping, it’s important to remind yourself that
all of this work is for self-love and acceptance. So you can move forward and live more
freely. Each time a trigger comes up, it can be an invitation for greater healing. Remember
to have patience and understanding of the process. You already can have a great life, you
don’t have to wait!

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131 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping for “There’s Something Wrong with Me”

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though part of me believes

That something inside of me is broken
I recognize how hard this has been
And I'm open to thinking differently

Even though I've had this thought for so long

That it's hard to imagine myself without this thought
I accept myself and all of these feelings

Even though I'm really good at thinking this thought

I'm very committed to it
I'm open to the idea
That I can begin to let it go

Eyebrow This feeling of being broken

Side of Eye I have to fix myself
Under Eye I have to do better
Under Nose I have to be better
Under Mouth All of this pressure I put on myself
Collarbone I don't deserve love unless I do things perfectly
Under arm This pressure I put on myself that something needs to be fixed
Top of Head And I'm not allowed to relax

EB Or feel good about myself

SE Until everything is fixed
UE And I'm so tired
UN I'm tired of this belief
UM I'm tired of all this pressure
CB And I'm willing to begin to let it go
UA Maybe I can let 10% of it go
TH Maybe I can let it go a little more with every tap

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EB I am not my thoughts
SE I am not this belief
UE And right now, and right here
UN I am enough
UM I give my body permission to relax
CB I give my brain permission to take a break
UA There is nothing to figure out
TH I am enough

Take a nice deep breath in and exhale. Notice how you feel. When you think of that
statement, Something inside of me is broken, how true does it feel on a scale of 0-10? 10
being very true and 0 not true at all.

Sometimes when we do Tapping like that and we finally give ourselves permission to
consciously think about these feelings, we can even have a surge of emotions. But notice
what it feels like to feel it in your body and let it go. Notice how you can have the thought
and your body can still begin to relax.

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We transmit who we
are like radio waves.


134 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Understanding Our Relationship with Food

When we’re stressed, our natural reactions will be to crave comfort. One of the most
common ways people self-soothe is with food. Usually if we go for food, it's because
something's going on that we don't want to feel it. So we go for food because we think that
going for the food will wipe those feelings out. That it’ll calm those feelings down and will
take our attention away from it.

And the reason why we keep returning to a habit that’s not the best in the long run is
because it does work. Maybe only for ten minutes or three bites, but it does help space us
out. It's a way of calming the nervous system down–just not a very good way of calming the
nervous system down. Because then you're going through the different biochemical crashes
that eating sugary foods gives you. But for that moment, you are distracted from what's
going on. In the end, it doesn't even do what we want it to do. But there's a sense of wanting
to be at ease and wanting not to be triggered.

Of course we all know that eating a hot fudge sundae isn’t the best for ourselves, but
then that thought or feeling just keeps on repeating itself and we return back to comfort

What to Do When You Have a Food Craving

One of the things we can do is, first of all, ask ourselves, “What do we really want?” Think
about a time when you had a recent craving and ask yourself that question. What comes up
for you?

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We don't want to eat hot fudge sundaes as much as we want our lives to
be hot fudge sundaes.

By noticing what we’re really craving, we can begin to give it to ourselves. Let’s continue
using the hot fudge sundae analogy. If you asked yourself that question when you are
craving, you could see that it’s not the hot fudge sundae itself. Eating that is temporary and
fleeting. You’re not really craving sugar, you’re craving what you think the hot fudge sundae
will give you, which is a state of being at ease or having a nervous system that's calmed

We want relaxation. We want to be comfortable in our nervous systems and our bodies.
Which are, of course, very related. Our bodies and nervous systems are one and the same.
But we want to be at ease, which is quite a challenging thing to get with so much going on in
the world. Particularly with the pandemic, but in general, it's still challenging. People we
love get sick. They leave, they move, they get hurt, they die, or we get sick. So it's challenging
to live here in Earth School, as Geneen calls it.

What We Can Do Instead

Just like before when noticing your body’s signal telling you you’ve been triggered, you
apply the same process. When you find a craving has come up again, notice it and feel the
sensations in your body. Have compassion for yourself and approach it with understanding.
From there you use your words, the sensations, and how you feel to Tap. Because Tapping
will give you the calm and relaxation you’re actually looking for – and will last much longer
than a hot fudge sundae. It’s what actually works and something that we can do again and
again and again.

Because as we all know, throughout life things happen and it’s normal that we would have
to Tap again and again. It’s not just one time, it becomes a practice. Instead of berating
ourselves, practicing kindness and compassion will save us. No amount of guilt, punishment,
or self-bullying will heal us. It’s returning back to the statement before: Oh, that's the thing I
do when I’m feeling _______.

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Think about the last time you had a craving. What happened after you
ate the thing you wanted?

In hindsight, what was it you were craving?

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We treat ourselves and the
rest of the world as if
deprivation, punishment, and

shame lead to change.


138 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Origins of Thought Patterns

Our thought patterns come from our childhoods, so no two people will think the exact same
things as one another. Each person’s thought patterns depend on the environment they grew
up in and what they were told. When we’re beginning this look at our thoughts, we have to
look around at how and where we were brought up for the beliefs we took on.

Let’s look at Geneen’s example. She grew up with a mother who had been fat as a child and
her mother was scared she was going to be fat. When Geneen was eleven, she wanted a
second popsicle and her mother told her she was going to get fat. That word, fat, started to
get imprinted in her body and was passed along to her from her mother. She started her first
diet that day. She took on a sense that something was wrong with her, that she was bad, that
being or having fat was bad, and that something bad was going to happen..

Her father had a self-protective view on the world. He didn’t believe in bigger possibilities
and he communicated that. He let her know how important it was to work really, really hard,
to accomplish, and to get straight A’s. He taught her that getting an education and valuing
that overall was most important. So her thought patterns centered on those values, on what
she did, and not the sheer fact that she was alive.

It’s Not Always Easy to Spot

As Jessica shared during the interview, trauma can be passed down generationally, even if
you’re not the one being traumatized. Jessica’s biggest pain point was weight. It was what
she blamed everything on, but her mother had never been hard on her like Geneen’s was.
Her mother had always told her great things about herself. But Jessica was picking up what
her mother carried from her childhood.

Jessica’s grandmother was hard on her mother and how she looked. Her grandparents had
lost all their money, and therefore appearances were all they had from their life before.
Even though Jessica’s mother vowed that she wouldn’t pass it down and told Jessica that she
was beautiful and always enough. Even though she didn’t say the harmful things that her
mother had said to her, Jessica’s mother was still acting those feelings out in herself and
those energetic cues are what Jessica picked up on.

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Generational Trauma

That’s the radical concept here: we can say and do the right things, but without the work it’ll
be passed down. Despite everything your parents or loved ones say, those negative thought
patterns can still get passed down unknowingly. There’s a transmission of trauma, of our
beliefs, of our whole orientation towards ourselves and our bodies.

Trauma can be passed down over five generations. There are thoughts and the way our
nervous system reacts that we inherit that lead to how we respond to things. But as we’ve
covered, when we see ourselves triggered, we can use Tapping to unhook the attachment to
these patterns and create a new future.

It all goes back to the formula we’ve been discussing:

1. Noticing the way your body reacts

Do you close down? Does you get small?

Are you feeling afraid and protective?

Does a certain body part hurt?

2. Then use those feelings, sensations, and thoughts as your Tapping script

3. Tap them out until you feel open to another point of view

4. Tap on the beliefs you want to have

5. Repeat as necessary

For Future Generations

In order to break the pattern of negative thoughts, it can be easier for us to do the work for
our future generations. It can give us more courage to do the inner work. With each of us
doing the work and moving forward, we become beacons of healing that touch everyone we
touch. We become an island of sanity and peace. When that touches people around us, they
feel it just in the same way as when someone comes in the room in a bad mood - everyone
feels it.

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Shame and Deprivation Will Never Work

Just like the cycle of fixing ourselves, we can get caught up in old patterns of shame and
deprivation. A lot of us believe that if we’re hard on ourselves that it’ll change our bad
habits. But in fact, it’s the opposite. Understanding shame is so important.

Have you ever noticed what your Inner Critical Voice says to you? Maybe it’s that you’re not
good enough, or you should’ve done that differently, or that you lived in wrong place. Our
Inner Critics can be the endless litany of criticism that we feel is guiding us like a parent to
be better. But shame is distinguishable from this run-of-the-mill of criticism. Shame is that
and more.

The Difference between Shame and Criticism

The effect of shame is disintegrating - it is a wipe-out. If you've ever seen Star Trek, shame is
like when they beam people up or down and in the time between the up and down, they
would dissolve into these little teeny dots. That's what shame does. It's disintegrating. It’s
important to tell the difference between shame and guilt, or between shame and criticism.

Most of us are taught that we can disengage from criticism by disengaging, by talking back,
by humor, by saying to the Inner Judge, “You can't talk to me like that.” We’re taught in many
different traditions that we could be aggressive to this Inner Critic and just say, “Shut up!
Stop talking to me like that.” But this never works in the long term. The thing that works to
heal shame is kindness and compassion. When we turn towards ourselves

Why It’s Important

If we want to move forward in our lives, but are stuck in shame, we won’t make the moves
we want to make. Having shame about our bodies, our finances, our thoughts, our
personalities only makes us have obstacles towards a brighter future. It creates an if/then
thought pattern. In order to run from shame, we’ll say, “If I’m thinner, then I’ll be ready for
the new job.”

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Cut Out the Middleman

What happens when we stay with an if/then mindset is a never-ending cycle. The bar just
keeps getting raised. There's a sense that we just keep postponing our satisfaction, our
peace, and our ease for a perfect future. We create rules around when we can be kind to
ourselves. Once I succeed. Once I lose the weight. Once I’m in that relationship. We create
rules for when and how we can practice self-care. I’ll rest when I’ve completed everything I
have to do.

But what we miss out on in between these rules is life. In order to be free, cut out the
middleman. Forget this cycle and begin now with Tapping.

Come Back to the Question

If you’re caught in this loop of if/then thinking, return back to the question: What do you
think you will have when . . . ? This goes back to the hot fudge sundae analogy. By putting all
the qualifiers we need to have in order to be a certain way or live a certain life, we ignore
the real life we have in front of us.

Here’s an example: What do you think you'll have when you lose the weight you think you
need to lose?

Well, I'll be able to relax. I will like myself more. I'll appreciate my body. I'll feel like
I'm worth being in a relationship with.

But the reality is, you don’t have to wait for the outside thing to happen to already do those
things for yourself. Just as we’ve been discussing, you can return to Tapping and find the
spots that need your attention. Through Tapping on the rules that keep you stuck, you can
find your way to living your life for you as you are right now. This question is where you can

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What are some if/then statements you make for yourself?

Is there a part of you that is resisting letting these go? Why?

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Tapping for the Resistance to be Kind to Ourselves

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though part of me believes

That I can't be kind to myself
Until I'm perfect
I love and accept myself right now

Even though being kind to myself

Feels a little foreign and uncomfortable
I love and accept myself anyway

Even though I'm really good at being mean to myself

And part of me has felt some pride around that
I'm open to letting it go

Eyebrow I can't be kind to myself

Side of Eye Not until ___________
Under Eye I can't be kind to myself
Under Nose Until I'm perfect
Under Mouth Until I reach my goals
Collarbone Until everyone around me is happy
Under arm I don't deserve kindness
Top of Head But one day, maybe I'll earn it

EB I recognize these thoughts

SE I've had them for so long
UE That I've mistaken them for the truth
UN And being kind to myself
UM Is something that I'm just not used to
CB Because part of me fears that if I'm kind to myself
UA I won't make the changes I want
TH I recognize this
My mind has been playing tricks on me

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EB I've been waiting for the moment when I achieve all my goals
SE And then I can be kind and happy
UE But life is right now
UN And I've been putting my happiness on hold
UM This time between where I am and where I want to be, is my life
CB And I don't want to waste it
UA Allowing myself to feel good now
TH Allowing myself to make mistakes

EB Allowing myself to figure things out as I go

SE We're all doing the best we can
UE And I'm ready to be kinder to myself
UN Being kind to myself
UM And recognizing all that's good
CB Coming back into my body, feeling grounded and centered
UA Life is happening right now
TH And I deserve my own kindness

Take a nice deep breath in and out. Check in with how you feel.

When you think of that statement, I can't be kind until…how true does it feel on a scale of
0-10? 10 being very true and 0 not true at all . . . it just feels like a thought that you can let
come up and let go.

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Come Back to the Now

You’re attending the Tapping World Summit, and it's great that you’re here! It’s
wonderful to want to grow and learn. Yet, we have to be very careful that we’re not
waiting to be fixed or be a certain way. Your life is right now. You are already enough.

Finding the Good

To get out of fixing mode, let’s focus on five things that aren’t wrong. Let’s focus on
what’s right, just as you are, here and now. When we focus on what’s gorgeous, there’s a
super abundance of gorgeousness. Even with great pain, there can be huge beauty that
coexists with it. To just think that it's all about the pain but not taking the beauty, we miss
out on so much.

What are 5 things that are NOT wrong in your life, right now?

1. __

2. __

3. ___

4. ___

5. ____

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GENEEN ROTH is the author of ten books, including her latest book This
Messy Magnificent Life and New York Times bestsellers When Food Is
Love, Lost and Found, and Women Food and God, as well as The Craggy
Hole in My Heart and the Cat Who Fixed It. Over the past thirty years,
she has worked with thousands of people in her groundbreaking
workshops and retreats and has appeared on numerous national shows,
including The Oprah Winfrey Show, 20/20, the Today show, Good
Morning America, and The View. She lives in California with charms of
hummingbirds; her husband Matt; and Izzy the fabulous,
eating-disordered dog.

Geneen Roth
www.geneenroth.com Geneen Roth's pioneering books were among the first to link
compulsive eating and perpetual dieting with deeply personal and
spiritual issues that go far beyond food, weight and body image. Rather
/GeneenRoth than pushing away the "crazy" things we do, Geneen's work proceeds
with the conviction that our actions and beliefs make exquisite sense,
and that the way to transform our relationship with food, our body, and
so much more in our life is to be open, curious and kind with ourselves -
instead of punishing, impatient and harsh.


15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Tapping for
A Mind Body Approach to Finding
Peace in Your Daily Life

148 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping for Anxiety Relief

We have all experienced anxiety and sometimes it can be really debilitating and impact
almost every aspect of our life. But with Tapping, you have the power to release it and feel in
control again.

Defining Anxiety

When we think about anxiety, what we might not understand is really what the definition of
anxiety is. We actually have over 100 words to describe the experience of anxiety. Things
like nervous, antsy, twitchy, clammy, sweaty, or panicky.

But the basic definition of anxiety is something that we're worried or fearful about right now
in this present moment that is a worry about something coming up in the future and that
actually comes from something from our past. It ties together the now, the future and the
past. Which means if we only focus on the future and not look at the past, we can't really get
the results we want.

Example of Anxiety

Say someone has a presentation coming up at work and they are feeling worried about it
today. Maybe they can't sleep at night very well. They're feeling nervous about day-to-day
stuff. They’re driving in their car and they suddenly get a wave of this nervousness. The
presentation is happening in ten days time, but what it really comes from is something,
maybe even in fifth or sixth grade, when they were giving a speech in class. Maybe they said
a word wrong, they stumbled over something, they felt embarrassed, and that's what is
informing the worry now about this future event.

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Different Degrees of Anxiety

There is a large range and it varies for every person. A lot of studies have shown that it has a
lot to do with our experiences in early childhood. So for example, if somebody has a lot of
safety growing up, they're likely to have less anxiety challenges than somebody else who
perhaps experienced more childhood traumas.

When we look at anxiety in that way, on a continuum, we might start with the 0 to 10 scale
that we're quite familiar with with Tapping. Where maybe someone who has a bit of
nervousness is like a one or a two. That's pretty mild. Whereas for somebody else, the same
event or situation could feel at about a five or a six - so somewhere in the middle. Maybe
they have a pounding heart, that kind of thing. And another person still may experience it
much higher at a nine or a ten where they may be fully having a panic attack. So it's a whole
range and we want to acknowledge that.

So, even if we have three people going through the exact same thing, they're all going to
respond to it differently based upon childhood experiences and the experiences that we
have throughout life.

It can be something like a fear of driving on the highway at night or a fear of flying that only
shows up situationally when someone is on an airplane. It can really be anything like that. It
doesn't matter what one person may be fine with, another person can find it really not okay.

What are some ways that anxiety shows up for you?

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Even if we have three people going
through the exact same thing,
they're all going to respond to it
differently based upon the
experiences that they’ve had.


151 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety is known as “The Great Mimicker” because it shows up in so many different guises
that we can mistake for other conditions. These are some of the main physical things that
people notice:

● A feeling in the chest

● A pounding headache
● Gut issues
● Upset stomach kind of feeling
● Nervousness through our arms and our legs
● A dry throat
● A racing heart (which is what people often get the most scared of)
● Shallow breathing
● Clammy palms
● Feeling suddenly sweaty when you weren’t before

When you’re Tapping on anxiety, you're able to relieve a lot of these physical symptoms.
Most of us have trouble making the connection in the moment between physical symptoms
and anxiety until we slow down. We can start connecting the dots for ourselves when we
realize the connection.

Do you have any of these symptoms of anxiety? When was the last time
you felt them? What were you doing?

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Focus on Our Breathing

The number one thing that happens when somebody is exhibiting a lot of anxiety (towards
the side of a panic attack) is shallow breathing. The nervous system is responding very
physically, so that the breathing becomes very shallow because we're preparing to face
whatever challenge may be coming up, whatever threat that we're perceiving.

And so the very first thing that we want to do is to start to slow that breathing down. And
there are two really simple ways that we can do that.

Two Tools for Focusing on Breathing

When we're shallow breathing, we're not thinking clearly and we're unable to use the words
that we normally would with Tapping. When we're panicking, we have the tendency to
shallow breath and we’re hyperventilating, which means we're having too much oxygen.
When we're really blowing out the air through our mouth, we're slowing that down so that
we have the right balance of oxygen coming in and out.

These two simple practices are designed to focus our attention on the exhale so that we can
find relief quickly.

Simple Tapping on Collarbone Technique

Take one hand, either is fine, and just Tap really quite firmly on the collarbone point. Tap
more firmly than we would on the rest of the points. Tap quite slowly, and then we're just
going to breathe nice and deeply.

As we keep doing it, breathing begins to slow down. And that's why we do the slower pace of
the hand, Tapping on the collarbone, percussively, to help to lead our breathing, to slow
down just a bit.

There's no words needed. We're just focusing on coming to the moment right now. Just being
with the breath and the body and slowing things down.

Take a second to just check in and see how that feels right now. To have done that for just a
few moments.

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Tracing Your Hand

This is really for maybe even someone who is panicking or having a hard time breathing, we
can all do this for ourselves and with someone else, like a child or a loved one.

We're going to take one hand, it doesn't matter which one, and spread our fingers out wide.
Start at the pinky finger with the index finger of the other hand, and we’ll trace with that
index finger around the hand. Start with an inhale and then as we trace around the pinky
finger, we're going to exhale as we descend between fingers.

Continue tracing. Breathing in through the nose as we go up the finger. Exhaling as we go

down the other finger. Inhale up. Exhale down.

If somebody’s breathing is quite rapid, as they begin to slow down, we move gradually.
Maybe only tracing two fingers at a time until we're able to do the whole hand.

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You Are Not Your Anxiety

When we've been anxious for so long, we don't even know what it feels like to not have that
weight on your chest. That's why it's so powerful to realize that we are not our anxiety, we
have anxiety. That shift in perspective on our identity is huge. It's not our fault we have
anxiety. It's all that we knew when we had to survive those challenging childhood

It’s important to honor that there's no comparison between what one person has
experienced and what another person may have gone through. All of our anxiety, whether it
be a mild nervousness or sheer panic and terror, is all valid. When we can bring that bit of
compassion to ourselves and to other people, it makes everything just that little bit easier to
be with.

Where to Start with Tapping

A great place to start with the Tapping is to really acknowledge that we even have the
anxiety to begin with. We may feel like we have to hide our anxiety or pretend that we’re
calm and Zen. But the truth is that we all are humans.

After you’ve done those two exercises, check in with yourself. How much anxiety are you
feeling at this moment? Maybe it went down a bit doing that. Maybe you’re feeling a bit
anxious, even just thinking about Tapping.

Check in on a 0 to 10 scale, where 10 is highly anxious and 0 is not anxious at all. Where are
you on that scale?

And then when you're ready, start Tapping with the script on the next page.

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Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I have this anxiety

And it feels a bit uncomfortable
I'm acknowledging that this is just where I'm at right now

And even though I didn't realize before

How much anxiety has impacted my life
I know that I'm doing my best at this

And even though I do feel anxious

And I've been trying to push it away
I'm curious about what might happen
If I could just allow this anxiety to be here right now

Eyebrow I feel all this anxiety in my body

Side of Eye And it's showing up like nervousness
Under Eye I have this constriction
Under Nose And part of me just wants to get away from it
Under Mouth I've been trying to outrun this anxiety
Collarbone But I wonder what could happen if I could stop
Under arm And perhaps even welcome this anxiety a little bit today
Top of Head Maybe it's not out to get me

EB What if this anxiety is like an overzealous friend

SE Trying to keep me safe from danger
UE All these worries that keep racing around in my brain
UN All these feelings in my body
UM What if they're there to support me?
CB To say, “Hey, something feels not safe”
UA But what if that's the overzealous friend talking?
TH Because what if I am safe in this moment right now?

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EB To come into this present moment

SE Allowing myself to breathe a little bit deeper
UE To let my thoughts slow down now
UN To feel just a little bit calmer right now
UM Yes, anxiety is just here
CB But I'm okay anyway
UA Breathing into a little bit of compassion
TH Knowing I'm doing my very best right here and right now

Take a pause and a nice breath in and check in to see how that's feeling now.
Where is your number now? Maybe it's moved, maybe it hasn't.

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When we think about
what's happening when we
experience anxiety, we’re
not in the present moment.


158 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

You Can Move Forward with Anxiety

We've all had experiences when we have to do something that's different and anxiety can
really come up. Whether it's going to that party and having social anxiety or taking a step
forward in our business, we've all had moments when we have to do something that's not

But if we think that our anxiety has to be at a zero to do something that takes courage, we're
never going to do anything. That’s why in the Tapping script you notice we’re befriending
anxiety. The reason this is so important is that we’re inviting the reason behind the anxiety,
then we’re using Tapping to lower the anxiety and get back in the present to feel more in

Because if we’re at a nine, it’s debilitating. A nine means we don't go on that stage, we don't
make that phone call, or we don't send the email. But at a two, where we still have a little bit
of anxiety, it’s manageable. It can turn into excitement. We can feel ready. It also allows us
to be easier on ourselves.

The Importance of the Present Moment

When we think about what's happening when we experience anxiety, we’re not in the
present moment. We're either worrying about what happened back then or we're worried
about what's coming up in the future.

When we're not now, we're future or we're past, and our nervous system is in that fight, flight,
freeze state. That's really where all of the symptoms of anxiety come from. When we think of
a potential threat that's coming forwards in our life, we are preparing to run away. We're
preparing to fight that perceived threat. Maybe back in the day, it was a tiger. Now it's a
work presentation or a dance competition.

What the Tapping does is it brings us to now and it helps our nervous system to regulate, to
come to this calmer space. We want to use the nervous system’s ability to calm down and to
regulate. By learning to be with our body and come into the present, we are able to be very
centered and grounded.

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Shrinking from Wide Open

We start as babies very wide open. We have a huge curiosity about the world and there's
nothing that's really phased us. Our capacity in the world - our ability to tolerate things, it's
wide open. It's very expanded. And then our nervous system over time learns to handle
threatening things.

Maybe as a baby, we were crawling towards a socket and we got a pat on the back of the
hand because that was unsafe and we learn and we shrink a little bit. And then in fifth grade
we get teased and we shrink a little bit. And then we do a work presentation. It doesn't go so
well and we shrink a little bit.

This is our capacity in the world to cope, to be confident, to be curious and to explore. And
our nervous system shrinks and shrinks and shrinks our ability to tolerate different input,
different experiences.

Fight or Flight State

When we're in that fight or flight state, we're very contracted. We're fearful. We're anxious.
We're looking around. And at the highest level, when it's panic attacks and things like that,
we're in this state where we are not able to think clearly. Our thinking brain, our rational
brain is offline and our body has taken over. The shallow breathing, the sweaty palms. This is
where we are.

So the Tapping helps us to come back to today, to right now and say, “Yes, I had that
experience in fifth grade. Yes, I've got this presentation coming up next week. But what if it's
safe, a little bit, to be okay?” And this is how the Tapping works to help to re-expand so that
we can be our true selves in the world in a safe and natural way. It becomes very easy to
come back to ourselves into this present moment.

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Think about moments in the past like the 5th grade example mentioned.
What memories come up for you?

Filing Cabinet of Trauma

Sometimes it can be a big trauma, but sometimes it can be these small events that really
add up. It's a stacking process. There is all of these different things and our brain acts like a
filing cabinet. It has all of these different pieces of evidence of, “Oh, well, there was this time
and this time and this time,” and it adds them all together to create the anxieties that we

And through Tapping what we're doing is we begin to dig deeper into where the anxiety
about a future event really comes from and we start to safely unpack that to see how we’re
safe in our body right now.

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Rebuilding Tolerance

The great news is we do not have to go back into every single thing that we've ever
experienced to find relief. It wouldn’t be feasible and if anything that would be
anxiety-making in and of itself!

But we can think thematically. Then each time there is an event that would trigger anxiety
within that theme, we can look at it as an opportunity to practice befriending that anxiety.
And the more that we're able to make it okay, the less impact it has on us.

Whenever you get clammy palms or any other symptoms, we can normalize it. The more
we’re able to accept it, the more we realize that it’s just our bodies and nervous systems
saying, “Hey, something back then didn't feel quite safe, but maybe it is now.”

We can take it a little bit at a time and work through it safely with Tapping, so that we can
gradually rebuild that capacity and that confidence in the world and in ourselves. The
courage that we need, the tolerance that we need, is actually a muscle that we're building,
not something that we just attain.

Expand Our Comfort Zones Gradually

It's an interesting thing, but with anxiety, we might think if I avoid it, that's a good thing. Any
of the things that might bring up our anxiety like, “Oh, I just won't go to the grocery store,”
or, “I just won't drive on the highway.” But actually when we avoid things, that's when it
strengthens that anxiety muscle that says, “Well, that's not safe.”

So when we can say, “I'm not going to avoid it, I'm not going to be cavalier and go in even
though I'm terrified. But I have this amazing tool in Tapping to say, ‘Wow, I know what I'm
doing. I trust in my confidence, in my ability to handle whatever life throws at me. And I'm
going to take it a tiny step at a time, so that I can begin to trust in myself again.’”

For example, maybe if your anxiety was reading aloud in class, you would join a book club
and maybe read a passage with two or three people. Starting out small so that it's a titrated,
gradual, gentle approach to this. It's not suddenly going out and talking in front of six
thousand people or something. It's a gentle thing. That way the whole body, the whole
nervous system, can get used to it bit by bit.

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Prep for Tapping

Pick something that's bothering everybody, each person. Maybe it is that work meeting or a
talk you have coming up. Notice when you think about that thing that's coming up in the not
too distant future, how it makes you feel? It can be something small, it can be something
bigger. Whatever you feel ready to look at today.

Now rate it on a scale 0 to 10 so we can have an idea of what happens to that as we Tap.
Where 10 is a lot of anxiety and 0 is none.

We’ll do some Tapping on the following page.

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Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I have some anxiety about this thing coming up
And it's showing up in my body
And I'm feeling a bit nervous
I'm choosing to remind myself
That I am okay right here and right now

And even though I have this thing coming up pretty soon

And I do feel anxious about it
I'm also curious
To understand a little bit today
About where that comes from
And I'm open to that today

And even though I feel anxious about this thing

Because of what happened back then
I'm understanding and trusting
That right in this moment
I am safe

Eyebrow But I am feeling this anxiety

Side of Eye My nervous system says it's not safe
Under Eye Even though I'm saying I'm safe right now
Under Nose My nervous system isn't so sure
Under Mouth Because it means a lot to me
Collarbone And I've carried this for a long time
Under arm Maybe even decades
Top of Head This anxiety I feel about this thing

EB Because of what happened back then

SE Of course this makes me feel anxious today
UE Thank you body
UN For trying so hard to keep me safe
UM Thank you for letting me know that this has felt dangerous before
CB But I'm okay right now
UA I know you've been an overzealous friend
TH But perhaps we can bring it down just a little bit right now

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EB What if my past doesn't equal the future?

SE What if just because I made a mistake back then
UE Or things went wrong back then
UN Doesn't mean they're going to with this thing that's coming up
UM I'm giving myself all the space I need
CB To imagine it going really well
UA Can I imagine that?
TH Have I ever let myself imagine that?

EB And I'm noticing inside that that feels really different

SE That I'm a little bit curious about this thing coming up
UE Maybe even a little bit excited
UN Or maybe just a little less unsafe
UM I am doing my absolute best with this
CB I am safe in this moment
UA Breathing in calm
TH And releasing this old anxiety now

Take a pause there and a nice breath in. Maybe a stretch if people want to just
move around a moment. Where are you now on that same 0-10 scale?

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That's really what all of us are
doing with this. We're starting
a new experience, a new piece
of evidence to say we’re ok.


166 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

How to Know You’re Saying the Right Words

The easiest place to begin is with the body. Because that is, particularly with anxiety, where
so much of it is experienced. The main way anxiety shows up for most people is really in the
sensations and the symptoms within the body. So even if we don't know exactly what to say,
it's okay. We just Tap through very, very simply with something like, “This tightness I feel
right in my chest and it feels ‘ick’, I don't like it.”

And just stay with that, noticing even a 1% shift. Maybe it changes a little bit. It doesn't have
to have the number going down for it to be a good, positive shift in the right direction
towards releasing anxiety. If perhaps the sensation that was all balled up and tight feels a
little bit like it's spreading a little bit or diffusing, that is how we might also know.

Another great measure is how deeply we could breathe. If you did the tracing your hand
technique and could only do one finger to begin with, but after a couple rounds of Tapping,
can manage the whole hand, that's a really clear way to know you’ve lessened anxiety. That
is why this is so important and so powerful.

Start with where we are and then later move to where we want to be. Because if we just
jump into the positive, we're not honoring this very real feeling. But when you weed the
anxiety in your mind, you can plant the positive seeds. There's a place for those seeds and
those ideas that maybe it can actually grow well.

Starting a New Evidence Pile

We have a lot of stacked pieces of evidence for how it went badly before. That's what our
nervous system is there for. We're wired for safety and protection. And really that is what
we're doing is starting a new pile of evidence over here that shows how new things went
well. And you can start building that brick by brick.

When we try so hard to not make mistakes, our anxiety is saying, “You can't make a mistake,
you gotta do it right. You can’t make a mistake.” And that creates more anxiety.

But when you can start to have those anchors of when things did go wrong and it wasn't the
end of the world, that's also evidence that we don’t need all of the anxiety when things don't
go right so we're not destroying ourselves over it. Tapping creates the ability within us to
understand that even though those things happen, we’re okay anyway.

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167 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Prep for Tapping

We've acknowledged that we have this anxiety and we've worked out a little bit maybe of
where the anxiety was coming from. We've understood that we're worried today about
something in the future because of the past and so what do we do now?

Let’s go through a process to really help you step out into your day feeling great and feeling
okay, even if you have some anxiety.

We'll start on the eyebrow point:

Eyebrow I've had all this anxiety for so long

Side of Eye It has become part of my identity
Under Eye Who I've been
Under Nose And how I felt for maybe a really long time
Under Mouth But I'm understanding more today
Collarbone That what has happened
Doesn't equal my future
Under Arm So I'm choosing today
To allow myself to imagine that future now
Top of Head And you don't need to repeat this from now, just think in your head and just
be with what comes up for you. Imagining myself standing tall right now

EB Breathing in to who I truly am

SE I am not my anxiety
UE Yes it's something that I have experienced from time to time or maybe a lot
UN But it doesn't get to define me anymore
UM By breathing deeply
CB Into the truth of who I truly am
UA I'm brave and curious
TH I can do anything that I put my mind to

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EB Allowing my lungs to fill with confidence now

SE Maybe I can coexist happily with anxiety
UE It doesn't stop me from doing anything I want
UN Befriending this as just one part of me
UM Imagine growing to six feet tall
CB Radiating love and light
UA And feeling confident in me
TH And imagining myself taking one step forward now

Bring your hands together onto your heart:

Hands On Really breathing in who I truly am

Heart Taking one step at a time into the life I truly want and deserve
Feeling calm and confident in this life of mine and who I am today

Then say out loud one thing that you feel compassion or love about for yourself. For
example, it could be, “Wow, I am fierce and courageous and I'm so proud of myself.”

And as you are ready, you can take a nice, gentle breath in and come back to the room.

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169 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

KAREN ORTNER I grew up in England, the youngest child of an alcoholic

father. There was very little safety or security in my life, but plenty of
emotional, physical and sexual abuse. While other kids played care-free,
my childhood was dominated by panic, dread and fear. To survive, I
blocked out and repressed most of the trauma.

I found solace at school. I worked hard, made it into a good college and
excelled in my studies. I graduated with an English literature degree and
grew up into a seemingly confident, high-functioning woman with an
exciting career in movies, and a love of travel. Underneath this exterior
though, I was still an anxiety-ridden, people-pleaser desperately searching
to fit in and be loved.
Karen Ortner
In 2005, the world as I knew it flipped on its axis. My mother died of lung
and brain cancer after a lengthy illness. Within a year, I felt like my soul
/KarenOrtnerHealingT had been set on a completely new path. I decided that I wanted to do
rauma something other than making movies to entertain. I knew now that I
wanted to help people heal the pain in their life.
And so, I set about re-educating myself. I trained in NLP and hypnotherapy.
I trained in various energy modalities including Reiki and Harmonium
Healing. I met my now husband, Alex and moved to the US in 2006. We live
in Connecticut with our 3 children, Malakai, Lucas and Olivia.

I first learned about EFT Tapping from my brother-in-law Nick, when he

made the documentary film ‘The Tapping Solution’. I helped out during
filming, giving the participants emotional support as they went through a
four day, intensive Tapping program. What I did not expect, however, was
that the intensity of the program would trigger me to begin memory
recovery of my own traumatic history of childhood sexual abuse.

I added EFT Tapping to my private practice in 2007 and have been using it
to great success personally and with my clients ever since.

Continued on the next page . . .

170 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Memory recovery for me has always been a process of decoding the

sensations and symptoms showing up in my body. Fascinated, and eager to
meld body-based mindful-ness with the psychology of Tapping, I trained in
Somatic Experiencing (SE) under Dr. Peter Levine. SE is a body-based
therapeutic approach which gently moves the traumatized person from
states of rigid fixity to freedom and flow.

Today, I combine EFT Tapping with SE to guide my clients towards feeling

more whole and healed. Treating not only the emotional and
psychological aspects of trauma, but also the physical manifestations of it,
has radically altered the experience of healing for myself and for my

As a Coach specializing in Trauma Healing, I share from my heart my own

experiences as a survivor of sexual abuse. I have been to the darkest of
places. I share my story, my past, my struggles and my survival to help my
clients see that they too can sit in the darkness. But they are not alone. You
are not alone. Together we can find the way through healing into light.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

the Cycle of
Bad Days
How Tapping Can Help You Find
Relief from Sadness and


172 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Breaking the Cycle of Bad Days

We all have bad days, but sometimes those bad days can turn into bad weeks. And suddenly
we realize we're having more bad days than good ones. Today you're going to learn how to
use Tapping if you are struggling with sadness, with the blues or with depression.

Before we get started, if you're struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, please reach
out for help via the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (call or text 988; or chat via the website). The
intention of this interview is to provide extra support and is not a substitute for clinical

The First Step is to Be Aware

Depression, low energy, the blues…we have so many different ways that we describe this
dark feeling. How do you determine where you are in the range of these feelings?

It starts with being aware and accepting how you feel. Some people may not even be aware
that they're in a state of depression until they step out of it. They just know that they've been
feeling a lack of energy and motivation, sadness or maybe even physical pain.

Therefore, asking yourself if what you’re feeling falls under the umbrella of depression is
step one. Of course, this will look very different for every person, so just being able to put
words and language to what it is you’re feeling is very helpful.

What have you been feeling lately?

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We Must Feel to Heal

It’s powerful for us to acknowledge and accept how we feel, yet many of us don’t go there. A
lot of us are fearful. Fearful that if we call it to the table and talk about it, then it's going to
open up this floodgate of emotions that we worry we won’t be able to turn off.

But we don’t have to worry about that. In all of Dr. Silas’s years of work, he has never seen
somebody who cannot turn it off. And if it gets to that point, then a more intense level of
work is needed and that's okay.

But for the most part, it's about acknowledging. We must feel to heal. We have to feel to
heal. So many people have gone through trauma, depression, and anxiety and they're used
to living with it. It's almost like it becomes a friend to them. And not a friend that they really
want around, but that friend that just hangs around. And it would be weird to not have that
friend around. But if we can acknowledge it, we give it a voice. And when we give it a voice,
it dissipates the energy that it has.

Our emotions are like small children. They simply want to be acknowledged and then they'll
go on. It may not be that fast, but it’s worth it because the more that we try to ignore them,
the more that they're going to try to find a way to alert us, to let us know, “Hey, there's
something going on.” And once we take the time to acknowledge them, they can do
whatever they need to do at that point.

You Don’t Have to Suffer Through It

When we feel our feelings it's okay to have tears and to have some intensity. But we don't
have to suffer the way that we think we have to suffer through them. As you do the work,
especially in the beginning, sometimes you might feel an increased intensity of whatever it is
you're feeling.

But as we're Tapping, that intensity starts to wax and wane and it goes up and it goes down.
It's very different from traditional talk therapy. Sometimes when people just stay in that
space without a safe way to release those emotions, it's a lot different. That’s why the
Tapping works so well. It makes feeling your feelings so much easier because it sends a
calming signal to your brain.

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The Fog That Comes with Depression or Sadness

For a lot of people who deal with depression and sadness, they feel a lack of clarity and an
inability to think as clearly as they once did. Along with it, there’s a lack of motivation,
increased fatigue and even not wanting to even get out of bed. Depression will look a little
bit different for every person, but it really is this darkening of our entire being in a lot of

This can be very frustrating. We can know that we have these feelings, but we don’t know
how to get out of them. We don’t know what we’re supposed to do or how we’re supposed to
change our feelings.

But there is hope with Tapping. Just like fog on a gloomy day, the fog will lift. There's blue
underneath that. There's the sun behind all of that. Even as it feels heavy and dark, with a
lack of clarity, motivation, fatigue and all of those things.

Prep for Tapping on Lack of Clarity

Think about that overall lack of clarity that you feel. Maybe it's a feeling of heaviness that
you've noticed with this fog mentioned before. Maybe it's confusion that you've noticed. See
if you can find an emotion that is specific to you.

As you find that emotion or feeling, notice where it shows up in your body. And rate that on a
scale of 0 to 10. Zero being non-existent and 10 being so foggy you cannot see two feet
ahead of you.

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175 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I can't seem to think straight with this brain fog
I am open to peace and clarity

Even though it seemed so dark to me recently

And it's hard to even imagine that darkness clearing
I still choose to be open to change

Even though I felt down and out

And unable to think clearly
I am open to just a little bit more peace, calm and clarity

Eyebrow This brain fog

Side of Eye This difficulty thinking
Under Eye Why can't I think of anything I want to?
Under Nose Why can't I find clarity?
Under Mouth I can't find what I want to say or create
Collarbone Finding my way in this dark space
Under Arm Is a struggle
And it's frustrating
Top of Head And I wonder if I'll ever get out of it

EB Sometimes I don't have the energy to get out of bed

SE So why would thinking about something deep
Be relevant in those moments?
UE Just getting through moment to moment
Step by step
UN Is what matters to me most right now
UM Thinking about what I need to eat later
CB Coming up with a new scientific theory
UA Has no relevance for me right now
TH Sometimes thinking that far ahead
Doesn't feel like a possibility

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EB In those moments, at least

SE But I have had clarity before
UE And I remember what that was like
UN It was so natural and easy
UM But I wasn't so down and out then
CB It was easier to think more clearly then
UA But what if I release some of that pressure
TH To think the same way I used to think
I don't need to think that same way

EB That was then

SE And this is now
UE And maybe now I can open up to new ways of thinking
UN And feeling
UM I am open to that
CB I am ready for that
UA And I'm tired of feeling this way
TH And I know that my brain has the capacity

EB To think more clearly

SE It's happened in the past
UE And I know it can happen again
UN And I'm open and willing
UM To let that possibility of clarity
CB And sharpness
UA In just a little bit more
TH For clarity and for peace

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Take a nice, deep breath in and release. Check in and see where the number that you started
off with is now.

What kind of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and/or memories came up

for you in that round of Tapping?

The problem with not having clarity is that there's also a panic around it. There’s a fear and
anxiousness, a desperation to figure it out now. But after Tapping, the moment the anxiety
goes, there is a space for clarity.

It doesn't mean you have all the answers, but it means that you have this sense of being
open to the answers. You feel like you can enjoy life a little bit more, knowing that if you just
continue throughout your day, you have the antenna focused in the direction of what you're
looking for, that clarity.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

Everybody's battle
that we come across
is invisible.


179 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Why Anger and Depression Go Together

Imagine a scale with depression on one end and anxiety on the other. Depression is more
about having a lack of energy. You don't want to do the same things that you used to do or
don't have the energy to want to do the same things that you used to do. Whereas anxiety is
an increase in energy and not being sure what to do or how to put that energy into
productive use.

Hence when we're in a depressive state, we're going to feel a little bit more fatigue. And
when we're tired, we're going to be more irritable. We all have struggled with a night or two
of insomnia. And the next day we just are struggling to get through moment to moment. At
that point, we're pushing through the day and hoping that we're not asked these questions
that would require a lot of energy from us. Because we're just trying to survive. And that's the
brain's way of just getting through, moment to moment is just survival.

And then you come across people in your path that might have on another day bothered you
a little bit, but on that day, when you have not gotten sleep the night before, your irritability
is going to be at 1000. Those are the times when we have to take a step back and realize
that had we been well-rested, we would have had some more energy to deal with what
came our way.

Think about a recent time that you lost your temper. What was going on
underneath it?

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180 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Have Compassion for Yourself

When you are in that state of depression and fatigue, irritability will be very natural and
normal. So, it’s also very important that when you’re in these states, you allow yourself the
grace and the compassion that you might otherwise give somebody else.

Once you get out of your head and into your body, heart, and a space of curiosity, then you
can process things so much differently and deeper.

If we take those moments to be curious with ourselves instead of judgmental, we can see
what was going on with ourselves in that moment that caused us to respond that way
instead of getting lost in the idea that we should have known better.

Prep for Tapping

Think about the overall fatigue and/or irritability that you may have noticed recently. And
again, notice it on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being nonexistent, 10 being off the charts. Mark it

As you notice that feeling, note again where it might show up in your body. You might notice
it in your chest, stomach, or head. There's no wrong answer and no wrong way to do this.

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181 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Let's start by Tapping on the side of the hand.

Side of Hand Even though everyone and everything

Really annoys me these days
I honor those feelings and what they're communicating

Even though I don't have the energy or patience to deal with people
(Or you can substitute work or something else here that is true for you)
That’s okay and and I'm open to shifting how I think and feel

Even though so many things get on my nerves

And drain me recently
I'm still open to calm, peace and release
In a way that works for me
And all of those around me

Eyebrow All of these annoying things

Side of Eye I'm so irritated with people and situations recently
Under Eye Why can't people just be smarter?
Under Nose And not so annoying
Under Mouth If only they were all as smart as me
Collarbone The world would be a different place
Under Arm I don't have the energy or patience for them
Top of Head I am so over everyone and everything

EB Sometimes I just want to curl up and go back to bed

SE Retreat back into my safe space
UE That way I wouldn't have to deal with anyone
UN If only that was a possibility
UM I would jump on that immediately
CB But since it's not
What are my other options?
UA I can choose how I respond
TH And while things may remain annoying

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EB And while I may lack the patience or energy to deal with them
SE I can choose and change how I respond
UE I have more of a choice than I give myself credit for
UN But part of me likes to be annoyed and angry
UM Part of me is used to letting it out in certain ways
CB It's become fuel for me in some ways
UA But maybe there are other ways
To let out those emotions
TH Different than what I've thought of and know of

EB Maybe there are ways to release those emotions

SE That work for me and all of those around me
UE And while it's hard to imagine a different way of responding
UN Or feeling
UM I know it's possible
CB And I'm choosing to be open
UA To new and different ways of responding
TH Because that old way of responding

EB No longer works for me

SE I'm tired of being tired and annoyed
UE I'm open to just a little more energy
UN Just a little more patience and understanding
UM Maybe once I understand what it is I'm feeling
CB Maybe other people or situations
Will annoy me less
UA It's not about them
But me
TH So I'm choosing to listen to me and my emotions
And honor them in a way
That gives them a voice
And responds with compassion and patience

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Take a nice deep breath in and let go. Shake it out. Do what you need to do to release the
energy from that Tapping. Where are you now on that scale of 0-10?

Where do you feel it in your body now? Did it change or move?

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

What would we
have without hope?


185 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Our Addiction to the Negative

Have you ever found connection by venting, complaining, or engaging in otherwise negative
talks with friends or loved ones? It can become a habit that you are unaware of because it
feels justifying to do. You feel the need for it because you can find a lot of evidence that your
point of view is necessary.

In that way, we do get addicted to the chemicals that run through our bodies when we're
stressed and angry, and not by conscious choice. This is a subconscious choice that happens
even without our consent.

But when we pause for a moment and acknowledge that part of us does kind of like it, but
that we don’t want to be on the hamster wheel of habit anymore. Then we can hop off the
hamster wheel and actively choose to no longer participate in things like gossip,
complaining, or negative habits. When we stop participating in these situations, the universe
stops bringing them to our door. We're a variable in the equation and when you change one
variable, you change the equation.

No Magic Pills

This isn't like a magic pill that means things are going to change immediately overnight. But
maybe instead of getting annoyed by ten situations today, you only get annoyed by eight.
Maybe a coworker only bothered you 75% of the day versus 90% of the day. Something can
still annoy you, but there's a difference between just being a little bit annoyed to completely
feeling down about it or angry about it.

It's looking for those small wins and learning how to give ourselves that grace. It's a
step-by-step, moment-to-moment process. Our reactions to the same situations can change
as we change the way that we're interpreting those situations.

And what’s one of the best ways to do so? You guessed it, Tapping. We can fill our cup up
with Tapping by taking care of ourselves so that we have a reserve of energy. That way we
don't feel like we're just running low on energy and patience.

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186 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

It Takes Courage to Have Hope

Oftentimes we're holding ourselves back from hope because of past disappointment. So it
takes courage to know that we can have hope even if we’ve been disappointed, knowing
that we're going to find our way.

That’s why cultivating hope is so important, particularly when struggling with low energy
and depression. What would we have without hope? Hope is what gets us through. Hope is
what pulls us out of those dark times and those dark spaces. In those moments of
desperation, Tapping can be a tool to cultivate hope.

Tapping reflects your words back to you. You’re able to feel seen, heard, and understood.
What was once a desolate place is now full of a little bit of hope because you know there is
somebody who understands and gets you and what you’re feeling. No matter where you are
or what you're experiencing, there's somebody who understands it.

It may not be the exact same situation. None of us have been through the exact same
situation. But we've all been through those situations where we felt very similar emotional
states underneath and that's what's important. And having that hope to say, “Oh, maybe
there is another day that I can move on, that I can keep pushing on.” That's where the beauty

Prep for Tapping to Build Hope

There’s no rating this time. Just think about what hope means to you right now. Maybe what
it would mean to be hopeful or just have a little bit more hope. How hope has helped you or
maybe how hope has seemed elusive for you.

When you’re ready, start Tapping with the following script.

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187 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Side of Hand Even though I want to be hopeful

It's hard sometimes
And I still choose to honor
How I feel on this journey

Even though a part of me is hopeful

Another part is protective and guarded
I choose to honor all parts of me in this process
Even though things have not been going as I planned or as I would like
them to
I'm still open to believing
That things will get better
If only a little bit at a time

Eyebrow I'd love to be hopeful

Side of Eye I want to be hopeful
Under Eye But it is hard
Under Nose I've been disappointed in the past
Under Mouth And I worry it will happen again
Collarbone And that's frustrating
And my experience with disappointment
Hasn't been great
My brain has been working hard
Under Arm To protect me from further hurt
Top of Head So I thank my brain for that
For keeping me protected

EB But that still doesn't stop disappointment

From happening
SE I've tried so many different things
I've tried it all
UE Yet nothing seems to work
UN Nothing seems to stick
UM And here I am back at square one
CB But maybe being back at square one
UA Is a chance to start over
TH To start again, to start a new

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EB And with new starts come new opportunities

SE New chances to learn and grow
UE To learn new ways of dealing and healing
UN To grow in ways I never even thought possible
UM And while that might seem wildly optimistic
CB I'm open to choosing new ways of thinking
UA New ways of looking at life
TH Because this old way
Has kept me down and stuck

EB Maybe there are ways to release those emotions

SE That work for me and all of those around me
UE And while it's hard to imagine a different way of responding
UN Or feeling
UM I know it's possible
CB And I'm choosing to be open
UA To new and different ways of responding
TH Because that old way of responding

EB I'm tired of being stuck and down

SE I’m ready for a change
UE Ready to trust that I am on the right path
UN Even if it feels tiresome
Or overwhelming
UM And this isn't about being naive
CB It's about recognizing
UA Life is full of ups and downs
TH And despite being down
Life has a funny, weird way of balancing itself out

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EB I have an incredible way of finding balance

SE Even when I don't recognize it immediately
UE I'm still choosing to trust that I will find balance
UN I'm choosing to trust myself in this journey
UM And I am open to just a little bit more hope
CB More growth, more progress
UA Because I am safe right now
TH And it is safe right now to be hopeful
And have optimism for what lies ahead

Take a nice, deep breath in and let go.

This is about having hope. It's not about being naive and saying that Tapping is magically
going to take you from one space to another. It takes work. It takes constant practice. Do this
daily if you can, because the more that you do it, the more that you get your brain and body
in line and working towards that goal of working through this fog.

Because, again, the fog always lifts. Even in its heaviest, there's still blue sky, there's still sun
behind all of that. And it's just being patient in that process and waiting and allowing nature
to take its course.

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190 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

DR. DAMON SILAS is a clinical psychologist, speaker, teacher, and

published author of two books, From Mourning To Knight: Overcoming Loss
and What’s Your ACTION Plan? 6 Powerful Ways To Get Unstuck In Your
Life Now.

In his 20 years in the field of psychology, he has worked with a wide range
of populations and issues, including, but not limited to, anxiety, grief and
loss, and trauma. He is currently working with Military service members
and their families to help them adjust to and thrive within the military

Dr. Damon Silas He is also, along with Alyson Stoner, the co-developer and co-facilitator of
www.damonsilaspsychology.com Movement Genius, the holistic fitness program that reconnects
mind-body-being through creativity. You can find more information at
www.movementgenius.com and @movementgenius on Instagram.
Dr. Silas is one of the co-founders of Black Tappers United, a collective of
Black EFT Tapping practitioners whose goal it is to bring tapping to the
@drdamonsilas black community in a safe, affordable and effective way. You’ll find more
@tapping_while_black information on this collaboration at www.tappingwhileblack.com and
@movementgenius @tapping_while_black on Instagram.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

How to Use Tapping to Bring
Peace and Harmony to Your

192 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Healing Difficult Family Dynamics

Family dynamics are complex. Sometimes no one triggers us the way that our own family
can trigger us. Whether it's an argument with a sibling or resentment towards our parents or
those in-laws that seem to always drive us crazy, today you will learn how to use Tapping to
bring more peace and harmony into your family dynamics.

Why Family Relationships Are so Triggering

Relationships in general are hard for us as humans. Although we’re here to have
relationships and even though they are the cornerstones of our lives, they are also the best
opportunities to test how well we’ve done the work.

If any relationships with others are difficult to navigate at times, family relationships are
even harder. Within our family relationships, we’re most vulnerable. People get to see our
warts and blemishes and they feel obligated and entitled to tell us about them and correct

You can be as spiritual as all get out when you’re by yourself, but when you’re around your
family, all your shadows comes to the surface. You can be the most learned person, but your
mother can trigger you into being a whining baby! That’s because we trigger in our family
members the things within themselves that they may have difficulty accepting or

When you're in a family, you're going to mirror off each other. And you really have to love
somebody in order for them to get under your skin. People you don't know or care about or
love, they don't bother you.

And most human beings are very unskilled in things like effective communication, giving and
receiving effective feedback, being authentic in our sharing, and sharing from a
heart-centered place as opposed to a thought-centered place. And in your family, you get to
really show how unskilled you are about having a relationship.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

The only thing that can
change is your perception
of the person.


194 15h Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Urge to Change Others

When we’re around our family and we get triggered, sometimes our knee jerk reaction is to
want to change them so that we’re more comfortable. It's so hard when it's your family
because you're forced to be with someone sometimes that you feel like you want to change.
You might even be reading this workbook and thinking, “This is great. Tapping to help
relationships...but how do I get my mother-in-law and my sibling to Tap because they're the

Well, you can get them to Tap by simply introducing them to the process. But to get them to
change…that’s another story! Changing someone else is not going to happen. The only thing
that can change is your perception of the person. You have control over your perception of
what you're looking at and your resistance to allowing what is to be.

One of the most difficult things that we have in our relationships is letting people be who
they are and accepting them as who they are. We can always find something in the people
we love that we want to change or fix or end or control or whatever it is. And that’s where
Tapping comes in.

Tapping Gives You a Voice

Tapping moves energy as you voice things that you may be afraid, ashamed, or guilty about
saying. You may never be able to change another person, but you are able to give yourself
your power back.

Tapping gives you an opportunity to use your voice in order to speak those hidden thoughts,
share those hidden feelings, and to move energy in the process of doing it. When you’re
Tapping, you want to support yourself in being able to verbalize your feelings, which is one
of the things we have a hard time doing in our relationships. When you’re able to identify
and verbalize how you’re actually feeling about your family, you release the stuck emotional
energy, which is what gets triggered in your relationships.

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What’s one relationship in your family that’s triggering you the most?

Do you feel like they need to change? Describe?

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How to Bring in Tapping When Triggered by Family

Since you can’t force others to do the work, you start by Tapping on yourself. Tapping can do
miraculous healing for you when you believe that your opinion is right and they're wrong, or
that your anger or upset is justified. It’s not that you didn't feel angry or that you don't have a
right to be angry, but is it working for you? And how is it supporting you in whatever the
relationship is?

Your aim with Tapping is to give voice to whatever it is that you're thinking or feeling at the
time. Most of us have a hard time with this. Even giving ourselves permission to have the
thoughts or have the feelings that we're having is a challenge. But once you understand the
sequence and how to do it, you can incorporate Tapping anywhere, anytime.

Just look for where you are holding the most resistance. Tap on how you shouldn't expect to
change the other person, on how you feel frustrated being unable to do so, or on how they
shouldn’t have said that thing or shouldn't have done that thing. Tap when you feel angry,
because that’s when you're fighting against reality. Tap while sharing your story and using
your own words, because that’s where the most power lies.

Why Do You Need to Change Them?

When you’re stuck in wanting to change the other person, ask yourself what is your
motivation? Is it that they need to change or is it that your perception and judgment of what
they do and how they do it that needs to change? Do they need to change or do your beliefs
about who they are and what they do need to change?

With Tapping, you're going to change yourself and how you see things, And sometimes that's
just enough to bring peace to the relationship or bring peace to the situation. Your
perception can really change how you feel.

The person that triggers you, they're just doing what they do. They're being who they are and
they probably could benefit from some Tapping or some change, but that doesn't mean that
is what their intention or desire is.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

Your pain deserves
and requires a witness.


198 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Underlying Hurt

Behind anger, annoyance, frustration - all of these type of emotions, there's an underlying
hurt to address with Tapping. It's easier for most of us to be angry because you get to be in
control. Hurt makes us very vulnerable, which is why we like to deny, ignore, or dismiss it so
that we can stay in control.

When it comes to emotions, particularly around family, we don't want to be vulnerable. We

don't want to seem weak and we also don't want to let the other person off the hook, so we
stay in the anger, resentment, bitterness, or whatever it is to justify what we feel as opposed
to allowing ourselves to sink into the hurt and use Tapping to release it. Right beneath the
hurt is love and the only people that can really hurt you are the people you love.

Tapping to Heal Your Hurt

Why is allowing ourselves to sink into that hurt so healing? Because hurt is a natural
emotion. To be disappointed, there has to be a thought. To be betrayed, there has to be an
assessment and a judgment. All of these require thought. But love and fear are two natural

Whenever we feel love is absent, or taken away, or not there, the natural response to that is
hurt. So the hurt grows out of love. And if we heal the hurt, we’ll fall back into love.
Everything else is a thought process.

A feeling is also one word. Anytime you go beyond one word, it means that you're not in
touch with your feelings or you're thinking about what to feel. So it's so very important that
we give ourselves permission to experience our hurt. You don't have to stay there. You don't
have to buy a condo. You do have to give yourself permission to feel.

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199 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping on Being Hurt by Your Mother

Very often, particularly around mothers, we don't think we have a right to say, “I'm angry with my
mother, I'm hurt by my mother. My mother makes me sad.” We’ll suppress that and then have an
explosion where we accuse her and call her names and tear her down, hurting her and making her

Because when you don't address the hurt or the sadness or whatever it is, it becomes a weapon.
And then you'll attack the other person with the weapon of your hurt, your sadness, your

The following Tapping uses your mother as an example, but you change change out the person for
whoever you feel the most hurt by.

Start by Tapping on the karate chop block:

Side of Hand My mother hurt me

She hurt me
I'm hurt by what she said
I'm hurt by what she said
I'm hurt by the way she said it
I'm hurt about when she said it

Eyebrow My mother hurt me

Side of Eye She really hurt me
Under Eye I'm hurt by what happened
Under Nose/Mouth And I'm really hurt
Collarbone That she doesn't seem to recognize my hurt
Under arm Now that really hurts
Top of Head That really makes me sad

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EB I'm hurt and I'm sad

SE I'm really hurt and sad
UE And I know it's impacting my relationship with my mother
But I'm hurt and I'm sad
UA And there's a part of me
SH That doesn't want to let it go
Because of what she did

EB She hurt me
SE My mother hurt me
UE And that made me sad
UN/UM And I'm still sad
CB And I'm still hurt
UA But I think I'm really ready
SH To let it go

You may need to do a round or two before the energy loosens up enough for you to fully go
there and say whatever it is you want to say. It's hard to say that about your mother, your
sister, your brother, etc., at first, but keep going!

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

All of what we experience
today is a reflection of what we
experienced as children that is
unrecognized, unaddressed,


202 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Witness Your Pain

Feelings are universal. No matter what language you speak, no matter what your cultural
background, we all know that feeling of being hurt and that feeling of not having that hurt
be recognized by the other person and how much that hurts.

Your pain deserves and requires a witness. Our emotions are living, breathing entities within
us. They live within us. They breathe within us. They're part of who we are. So if that other
person isn't witnessing it? You need to witness our own pain.

While Tapping, you are witnessing, acknowledging, and validating those feelings. Go ahead
and swear if you need to. Just let it out. Say whatever you want to say, so that you're
honoring that part of you that's holding the pain, the betrayal, the anger, or whatever it is.

And if you can add an experience, name, or face that’s attached to your emotions, that's
really all that energy needs in order to begin to loosen up its grip on you and what the
experience was.

If you only take one thing away from our time here today, let it be to allow ourselves to
witness how we feel and to create space for that.

New Perspectives

Your true power lies in not requiring being witnessed by the other person. That's where we
get into trouble. We want the other person to say, “I'm sorry, I did this, I did that.” One of the
things that makes it so difficult for people to forgive someone is because they have never
even said they were sorry. But, oftentimes, the people who hurt us are not even aware of
what they did. Even if in your intellect and conscious mind it seems unfathomable that they
could speak that way or do that thing and have no conscious awareness of it, they aren’t

People do what they do based on who they are and the information that they have at the
time. And even when that has a negative impact on you, you are not their first consideration.
They are their first consideration - doing what they do and being who they are. This is
another layer that makes relationships so difficult and challenging.

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203 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Past Reflects in the Present

What we're mad at in the present moment is a reflection of what we experienced as children
that is unrecognized, unaddressed, unacknowledged. It's coming up to be healed and to be
recognized and to be witnessed. We’re rarely upset for the reason that we think we are.
We're upset because something that happens in this present moment triggers something
that's been buried beneath the rubble of our past.

So it's important to understand that when you get upset or hurt by someone today, you can
go back and Tap on the memory of what happened in a similar situation in the past. You can
have a conversation with that younger aspect of yourself or just about the situation.

What was the most recent time you were triggered by family?

Does it remind you a time in childhood? If so, what does it bring up?

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Tapping to Witness the Unheard Parts of Ourselves

You're going to start on the karate chop block:

Side of Hand Even though

There's a part of me
That never felt seen
Never felt heard
Always felt unimportant
And that part is still present for me today
And there's a part of me
That doesn't want to let it go
For whatever reason
Conscious or not
Logical or not
There's a part of me that doesn't want to let it go
And I'm still willing
To love and accept how I feel

Shake your hands out and then continue Tapping.

Side of Hand Even though

There's a part of me
That never felt seen
Never felt heard
Felt unimportant
And that part is still active in me today
There are times
When it feels like
Nobody sees me
Nobody hears me
That I don't matter
And I still experience that today
And I'm still willing
To love myself
To accept myself
And accept how I feel

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Shake your hands out and then continue Tapping.

Side of Hand This is huge

There's a part of me
That feels
Like I don't matter
And that nobody cares
And that makes me really sad
Actually it kind of pisses me off
But sad is what I really feel
And I'm still willing
To love and accept myself

Eyebrow Nobody sees me

Side of Eye I feel unseen
Under Eye Nobody can hear what I'm saying
Under Nose/Mouth I feel unheard
Collarbone It feels like I don't matter
Under Arm It feels like I'm unimportant
Side of the Hand If I can't be seen or heard
Top of Head Why should I matter?

EB I've been feeling like this for a long time

SE I felt like this as a child
UE I feel like this as an adult
UN/UM I felt like this in my family
CB And I feel like this in the world
UA Unseen
SH Unheard
TH Unimportant

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EB And I don't matter

SE And sometimes I wonder
UE If I matter to me?
UN/UM I wonder if I hear myself?
CB I wonder if I see myself?
UA I wonder if I'm important to myself?
SH Or if I'm just doing to me
TH What I think they did to me?

EB Oh my gosh
Sometimes I don't see me
SE I don't see my beauty
UE I don't see my power
UN/UM I don't see my own love
CB Sometimes I don't hear me
UA I don't hear what I want
SH I don't hear what I need
TH I try to get it from other people

EB And I'm not even listening to myself

SE Oh, my goodness
UE I'm doing to myself
UN/UM What I think they did to me
CB What if I just stop it?
UA What if I stop long enough?
SH Trying to get it from other people
TH And give it to myself?
What if?

You might want to do another couple of rounds and get specific on anything else that
popped up. But this is a good place to start.

The hard truth of that Tapping script is how we end up doing the very thing we accuse,
believe, or perceive the other people are doing to us. And more than anything else, that is
what creates a breakdown in our relationships.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

We get talked into and out of
things that are not for our
own best interests, and then
we become resentful.


208 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

You Can Change Your Filter

How you see the world creates a filter for every family relationship. If you’re carrying around
the hurt, it's like you’re searching for the pain. We all love proving ourselves right. And so if
we think we're not good enough and that we're alone, we will find every situation to feel
that way and say, “Look, it's true.”

And it's amazing when you do this work, your reality and your future changes. You don't
attract those situations. Or they no longer trigger you. Things are not the way they were
before, especially in family situations where there are relationships that have been going on
for years.

Without Addressing the Cycles, They Repeat

Sometimes as children, we weren't allowed to express how we felt. How we felt may have
been shut down or we may have been talked out of our feelings. And so often in
relationships, particularly loving relationships, we are so hell bent on keeping the other
person happy, pleasing them, or putting them before us, that we just get talked into and out
of things that are not for our own best interests. And then, we become resentful. We say
things like, “They made me,” or “I did this because of you,” or, “You told me or you asked me.”

If we don't do this work, we'll just continue to repeat those patterns and do the same thing
to ourselves as adults. Unless you really understand how to be present to what you're
feeling, what you need, and what's going on for you in the moment, you’re going to continue
the cycles that happened as a child and not own your feelings.

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209 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Unhooking Family Patterns

So many of us are engaged in patterns from that past that cause us to no longer speak with
one another. We know we need to have a conversation with someone to heal the
relationship, but a lot of us avoid having tough conversations.

It's difficult to have a hard conversation that you think might cause the other person pain or
might cause more conflict, but we can use Tapping to help ourselves be the effective
communicators we are so that you are not choosing between two hard choices - not having
the conversation or having it lead to a blow up and we break that connection even more.

Tapping before a tough conversation works so well because we get into a state where we
can communicate to that other person from our heart, instead of attacking or retreating. We
can get to a place where we almost let go of how they respond to come from a place of
peace instead of aggression. You can prepare yourself so you’re not going into the
conversation to blame or accuse, but to be heard.

And you can always Tap on the things that you tell yourself would prevent them from
hearing you like: they don't like me, they're not going to listen or I don't know how to say X.
Tap it out so that you can arrive to the conversation with a clean slate.

Think of a recent trigger with a family member. What is something you

want to talk about, but are afraid of having the conversation?

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210 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping Before a Tough Conversation

When you’re ready, start Tapping on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though there's a part of me

That doesn't believe I'm an effective communicator
There's another part of me
That knows I communicate effectively
With wisdom and clarity
There's another part of me
That knows this to be true
For myself
All past generations
All future generations
And I lovingly accept this as the truth

Eyebrow I am an effective communicator

Side of Eye I am an effective communicator
Under Eye I am a powerfully effective communicator
Under Nose/Mouth I communicate with clarity
Collarbone I communicate with a clear intention
Under Arm I communicate with an open heart
Side of the Hand I not only communicate with my words
Top of Head I communicate with my presence

EB I say what I mean

SE With kindness and compassion
UE I say what I mean
UN/UM With clarity and wisdom
CB I am an effective communicator
UA Who communicates from my heart
SH With clarity and wisdom
TH And authenticity

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EB And the best part of being an effective communicator

SE Is that I am heard
UE People not only hear what I say
UN/UM They receive what I say
CB They receive it in the kindness that I say it
UA They receive it with the clarity that I say it
SH They receive it with the wisdom in which I say it
TH I am an effective communicator
Yeah, baby

This kind of general Tapping helps the frantic energy center itself in order to communicate
better. Imagine if you did that before you had a clearing conversation or a difficult
conversation with someone! Simply claiming and stating and having a clear intention can
work wonders in your family relationships.

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212 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Multi-Generational Clearing

In the set up statement of the previous Tapping script, you may have noticed how Iyanla
worked in clearing it for past and future generations. This work has an impact that we don't
quite see when we first look at it.

So often when we're challenged with family dynamics, it's generational. It's generations of
pain and when we're doing this healing work, even if we're the only one doing it, we’re
breaking really big generational patterns that impact our future in ways that we can't even
recognize because they surpass our own lifetime.

That’s why Iyanla puts it in the set up statement. If she’s clearing a difficult emotion, she’ll
clear it from her family, including names:

I clear it for my mother, Sahara Jefferson

I clear it for my grandmother. Elizabeth Jefferson
And I clear it for my entire matriarchal lineage
I clear it for my father, Horace Lester Harris
I clear it for my my grandfather Lester Harris
And I clear it for my and my entire patriarchal lineage
And I love and accept myself for being that generous and gracious.
I'm healing my entire family line.

If you don't know your parents, you can just say, “My entire matriarchal lineage,” or, ”My
entire patriarchal lineage.” But if you know your parents' names, include them. Not only will
you heal it in you, but also heal it in your DNA. Their memory exists within you that also gets
an opportunity to participate. So try including this generational healing in your set-up
statement before you say, “I love and accept myself.”

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

Anybody you love enough that
they could hurt you, disappoint
you, or make you sad, deserves
10 minutes of your time a day.


214 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

A Tapping Invitation

If this family work is overwhelming, that’s ok. One way to help yourself through the process
is with a simple exercise:

For seven days, spend 10-20 minutes a day Tapping on one thing, like a family member or

Find the different aspects of it and Tap on them. There are infinite ways. Every person and
every situation is different. You might Tap on unworthiness or anger, or being upset with your
mom, your kids, your house, or whatever.

The important thing is to Tap on it at least 10-20 minutes a day, every day for seven days to
begin to unearth everything that's associated with it. As you're Tapping, if something comes
up, write it down or Tap it out later. Throw it all in!

Little by little you will begin to see results. You're not sitting there for two hours. You can
pace yourself, you can enjoy your progress. Allow yourself to witness how you feel. Allow
yourself to use your own words. Once you start loosening up the energy and you start
unearthing things, give yourself permission to be a witness to whatever comes up.

When you see results, you will be inspired and start to feel different. Even if the only result is
that you feel different. For example, if there's somebody you hate and you Tap on them for
two days and you can have less hate, that’s progress!

Release some of the hurt and really claim the joy and the love, which is underneath all the
layers of anger and hurt. You're coming back to love.

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215 14th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Bonus Tapping Meditation for a Stress-Free Family Gathering

Family gatherings can be fun-filled and enjoyable for some people, but for others, they can
be stressful and overwhelming. If you’re in the “stressful and overwhelming” group, this
Tapping meditation can help you find some peace and calm before you join your family

Stress, worry and overwhelm can show up in a variety of places in your body: headaches,
shoulder tension, sleeplessness, stomachache, and more. Where does it appear in your body?

Tune into your body and the feelings you may be having about this family gathering and take
a moment to mark down what your current intensity level is on a scale of 0-10.

When you’re ready, start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I feel stressed and overwhelmed

About this upcoming family gathering
I honor how I feel and give my body permission to relax

Even though family gatherings have been stressful in the past

I accept how I feel and I'm open to a new approach

Even though I feel stressed about this family gathering

I accept how I feel and allow my body to relax now

Eyebrow All of this anxiety about this family gathering

Side of Eye They’ve been stressful in the past
Under Eye And I don’t want to go through that again
Under Nose All of this pressure
Under Mouth They know how to push my buttons
Collarbone All of this anxiety in my body
Under Arm I acknowledge any resentment I feel
Top of Head It’s safe to be honest with how I feel

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216 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

EB As you tap on the eyebrow point, simply tune into any worry, stress or
overwhelm you feel around this family gathering.

SE Moving to the side of the eye: What is it specifically about a family

gathering that feels stressful? Is there a certain person or group of people
who create the most tension? Think about it now as you tap and relax your

UE Now under the eye: if there’s a story you tell yourself of why it’s been hard
for you to be at a family gathering, bring that story to mind now as you feel
safe, present and grounded.

UN Moving to under the nose: Simply allowing yourself to be present with

what might happen at this upcoming family gathering.

UM Moving to under the mouth: As you stay present to any feelings of worry or
stress, just relax your body. Releasing the feelings and thoughts. Breathe
and release.

CB Tap on the collarbone: Imagine the scenario in which what you fear is
happening, but imagine what it's like to observe that scenario and feel
peace in your body. Imagine hearing a comment or seeing someone
behave in a way that would normally bother you, but now feeling
detached to it. Simply witnessing it from a calm centered place.

UA Moving to under the arm: You may not agree with the person or like a
certain dynamic, but give yourself permission to detach from it. Knowing
you don't need to fight or fix anything. You simply notice it and let it pass

TH Moving to the top of the head: When we are less fearful of what could
happen, we can begin to relax and find the best in the situation. Imagine
yourself feeling detached from any drama as you look for moments to

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC
217 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

EB I am only responsible for my happiness

SE And I choose to feel at peace
UE I have compassion for my family
UN They are doing the best they can with what they know
UM I let go of the desire to change others
CB We don’t always need to agree on everything to still love each other
UA I release the need for this gathering to go perfectly
TH I stay present and grounded

EB I’m open and flexible

SE I take time to be present with my family
UE We don't need to agree on everything
UN To find moments of joy
UM I am safe and protected
CB I am grounded and loving
UA I appreciate everything that is going well
TH I am open to an easy family gathering

Pause Tapping for a moment and take a deep breath. Tune back into your body and how you

Notice how you’re feeling now and check on the intensity of the stress and overwhelm you
were feeling on a scale of 0-10. Mark it down:

Any shift toward zero means you’re heading in the right direction! If the intensity is higher
than you’d like it to be, repeat the Tapping and include the thoughts and feelings you have
about the family gathering. You can change some of the words as you Tap along with this
meditation again.

It’s easy to get caught up in patterns of thinking and reacting when it comes to family. The
more you can feel grounded and present, the easier it will be to let go of what annoys you
and find moments to truly love and appreciate.

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Bonus Tapping Meditation for Feeling Stressed About Family

Family can be your best support system and it can be the thing that stresses you out most in
your life. Maybe you have a great family and it's just some little things that stress you out or
maybe you feel like you were born into the wrong family altogether.

In this tapping meditation, we are going to tap to release the stress you feel about your
family so you can find the connections that you want within your family and you can create
the boundaries that help you feel comfortable.

Tune into your body and the stress you are feeling right now when it comes to your family.
Go ahead and take a moment to see what your current stress level is on a scale of 0-10. Mark
it down here:

Side of Hand Even though I am feeling so stressed out about my family

I love myself and accept how I feel

Even though I can't help thinking of everything going on with my family

I give myself permission to relax

Even though I am so stressed out by my family

I love and accept myself and I choose to relax now

Eyebrow I am so stressed out about my family

Side of Eye Just being in their presence makes me feel tense
Under Eye There is love there
Under Nose But there is a lot of judgment there as well
Under Mouth Sometimes I feel like I don't fit in with my family
Collarbone But I do my best to be there for them
Under Arm I don't always feel loved or supported by them
Top of Head But I keep trying

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EB Sometimes it seems like I am doing everything wrong

SE They don't always accept me for who I am
UE And I really don't accept them either
UN I wish they would change
UM So they could understand me
CB And they could support me in my dreams
UA I have all of these feelings about my family
TH But I try so hard not to be negative

EB I know that pushing down my feelings doesn't help

SE It creates so much stress
UE I think that makes me more uncomfortable around them
UN Maybe I can let go of some of the stress
UM And just relax
CB Maybe being myself is enough
UA Maybe I am enough
TH Maybe it is possible for us all to accept each other as we are

EB Now go back to the eyebrow point, and just tap gently in one spot. Focus
on the issue that is triggering you the most when you think about your
family and feel that in your body.

SE Moving to the side of the eye, if it’s a clear movie or story, something that
happened recently or in the past, allow that movie to play. See it
happening. Feeling present, safe and grounded. See the movie in your

UE Under the eye, feeling calm and relaxed, see, feel, and think about the
thing that is stressing you out the most. What is going on? Who is
involved? What are you feeling in your body?

UN Under the nose. Be present to what you are experiencing. Allow the
feelings you have about it to rise up.

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UM Under the mouth. Take a breath and begin to release that stress. Let some
of that go from your body.

CB Collarbone. Run that movie. See what comes up and ask yourself what this
stress is related to and if you are able to shift any of it right now.

UA Moving to under the arm, ask yourself, “Is it safe to let this stress go?”

TH Moving to the top of the head, just imagine how you might feel if you were
able to let this stress go. Imagine how this movie might change and how
your interactions with your family might change. Just see what feels
possible now.

EB I choose to relax
SE I choose to see my family from a different perspective
UE I can see things getting better between me and my family
UN It is safe to be me
UM It is safe to set boundaries when needed
CB The more relaxed I am, the better I feel
UA As I release the stress, things feel better between all of us
TH I can feel the love and leave the rest behind

Take a deep breath in and out. Tune back into your body and how you feel.

Mark down your current stress level about your family on that same 0-10 scale.

If your stress levels are still higher than you’d like them to be, repeat the Tapping and as you
tap think about what you are still holding onto that is stressing you out.

In just these few minutes of Tapping, you acknowledged the stress you were feeling. You
shifted your body’s state to feel more relaxed. You are able to look at your family
relationships from a new perspective, one that allows you to feel confident and empowered
to be yourself, as well as accept them as they are.

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221 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

IYANLA VANZANT is the host of Iyanla Fix My Life, currently airing on the
OWN network. She is known as a Spiritual Technician and one of the great
spiritual teachers of our time. As the Founder and Executive Directive of
the Inner Visions Institute For Spiritual Development in Silver Spring, MD,
she has conducted classes, workshops and training for Spiritual Life
Coaching for the past 16 years. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Medgar
Evers College; a law degree from City University at Queens College; a
master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa
Monica; and a Doctorate of Humane Letters from Georgia State University.

As an informal student of Tapping for more than 12 years, she was

Iyanla Vanzant formerly trained by Lindsay Kenny in 2010 and has incorporated what she
www.iyanla.com calls, “a miracle treatment” into her repertoire of healing modalities.

The author of 16 titles that include 5 New York Times best sellers, Iyanla
/DrIyanlaVanzant has a deep commitment to the elimination of suffering on the planet. Her
books Peace From Broken Pieces and Yesterday I Cried, chronicle the many
difficult challenges and life experiences that have given her a deep
@iyanlavanzant respect and love for the capacity of the human mind and spirit to rise
above it all and be healed.

In her latest work, Forgiveness: 21 Days To Forgive Everyone For

Everything, she combines the power of forgiveness and the miracle of
Tapping to offer her readers and the world a practical, no nonsense
formula for personal growth, healing and evolution. Iyanla says, “My
purpose for being on the planet, for surviving all that I have, is to facilitate
the evolution and healing of human consciousness - one Mind, one Heart,
one Life, and one Spirit at a time.”

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Tapping for
Toxic and
223 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping for Toxic and Troubling Relationships

Tapping and Relationship Challenges

No matter what the type of relationships, whether it’s with a colleague, friend, child, or
romantic, you’re bound to be triggered. You’re human! Every one of us has had something
happen in our life that created a painful memory that can be triggered. It’s normal and
natural to feel triggered by relationships.

The trigger actually signifies that there’s some internal work to do and that’s where Tapping
steps in! Tapping is a technique that helps those old feelings behind triggers flow and move
out of your body - they can become unstuck to lighten your entire load.

Without all of the extra weight from emotional baggage, you can discuss something difficult
or challenging in a more honest and direct way. You will often find after Tapping that instead
of fighting or staying stuck in an argument, you move towards resolution and a solution.

When to Start Tapping

The key to conflict resolution when triggered is first knowing that you have been triggered! It
can be so tempting to say the thing that you want to blurt (or scream) when you’re triggered,
but the key is to take a pause.

If you’re a couple and you’re both on the brink of an argument, take a timeout before the
heat of the argument boils into something bigger. That’s when you can step away and have
the space you need to say everything through Tapping. That’s the beauty of Tapping after all,
you’re not neglecting your feelings or talking yourself out of them. Quite the opposite,
actually. You’re stepping away to honor your feelings and your side of the trigger.

When you address your side of the triggering event, you honor what’s going on for you.
When you start with this, you’re much clearer on what’s actually going on underneath the
event. Then resolution becomes a goal that doesn’t require abandoning the real thing you’re
searching for – which most arguments keep circling around.

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224 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

That’s Great, But How Do You Actually Tap When You’re Triggered?

If recognizing you’re triggered is step one, then Tapping on the trigger is step two. Yet
identifying what you’re feeling while triggered can be tricky if you’re consumed by such an
overwhelming reaction. The best place to start? By checking in with your body.

Your body holds clues to tell you what’s going on. By Tapping on physical sensations
associated with an emotional experience, you’re calming your body down, even if you don’t
know why you’re triggered. It may take a moment to figure out what’s going on, but you’ll
often find that a moment from the past comes up or an old memory surfaces and clues you
in on the real reason you’ve been triggered.

Think About a Triggering Moment

Do you notice any sensations in your body? Maybe you are feeling hot, feeling like your
throat is constricting, or you’re feeling nauseated. All of those are places to start! Write them
down below.

These sensations and feelings are your Tapping script. You can use them to guide you along.

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Writing a Brain Dump

If you’re not experiencing any certain physical sensation or can’t connect with that, you can
always start by writing everything that’s going on in your head. It may be one huge thing, ten
little things, or many things of all sizes. The important thing is to list each of the things
you’re thinking about while triggered.

List the thoughts you’re thinking while being triggered here:

This can also be your Tapping script. You can use all of these points, written in your own
voice, to help guide you to what’s going on beneath the surface.

You Don’t Have to Force Someone Else to Do the Work

Have you ever felt like you didn’t want to back down from an argument or conflict because
it was their fault? It was them who was the problem, they should be Tapping! Well, you’re
not alone. It’s so common for us to want to control others to make the resolution happen
more quickly. The good news? When you clean up your side of the street, you make the
whole block more harmonious.

Even if you’re the only person Tapping, you’re changing the dynamic of the interaction. If you
come in with less fire and reactive energy, then the other person doesn’t have to rise up to
your level. By settling the emotional stress on your end, you’re helping to settle the energy
and bring a resolution-focused mindset between the two of you. Afterall, beneath the
triggers most of us want and crave connection and resolution.

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Before we begin Tapping, measure how triggered you feel on a scale of 0-10. 10
being very triggered and 0 being not triggered at all.

Now start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I'm feeling triggered

At what just happened
And how I'm feeling
I deeply love and accept myself

Even though I'm feeling overwhelmed at the moment

And I can't think straight
I'm doing the best that I can

Even though my throat feels so tight

And almost like I can't swallow
I love and accept myself

Eyebrow My throat feels so raw

Side of Eye I can't even speak
Under Eye I feel like I've lost my voice
Under Nose And that makes me so frustrated
Under Mouth And I feel powerless
Collarbone Because yet again, my voice isn't being heard
Under arm And I feel small and vulnerable
Top of Head And like I want to run away

EB I want to cry
SE But I don't want them to see me cry
UE Even though crying is perfectly okay
UN This happens again and again
UM And it makes me feel really sad
CB I need to find my voice
UA I'm allowed to find my voice
TH My needs matter

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EB Just as much as anybody else's

SE I honor my needs
UE And the time it takes me to speak out those needs
I'll wait until I feel a little bit safer
That might be one minute or it might be a day
UM It doesn't matter
CB And I don't need perfect words
UA Because there is no such thing as perfect

EB I'm going to love and honor my throat

SE For giving me this signal
UE That I need to speak out
UN That I'm safe to speak out
UM And I'll do my best to be heard
CB And that's all I can do
UA —
TH —

Take a deep breath and scan your body. How intense do you feel triggered now? On a scale
of 0-10, 10 being really intense and 0 not being intense at all.

Sometimes you can finish mid-cycle, like above, because it's just what feels right. Other
times it might feel right to go with all the points, because that's what feels right. There's no
exact right or wrong to do Tapping. The best thing is just to do it. If you feel like the shift
happened and you feel back in your body again, then you can stop.

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Tapping on triggers gives us
clarity as to what we need
to do or see a situation


229 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Defining a Toxic Relationship

Toxic relationships can be with anyone in your life: friends, family, colleagues, or love
partners. The way to know when the relationship has turned toxic is when the majority of
your interactions leave you feeling depleted and drained. You may notice you have more
anxiety around that person or dread meeting. It will feel like there’s no balance, joy, or care
for how you are.

Toxic patterns might be practical, like someone repeatedly borrowing money and not paying
it back. Or they might be emotional, like someone being negative towards you.

They can also happen where you work. Toxic workplace relationships look like your
coworker or boss always blaming you for things that go wrong, never taking feedback,
and/or being aggressive or combative whenever they interact with you. There’s a sense of
turning things personal towards you.

It’s also more palpable behavior, like verbal or physical abuse, an undermining feeling, or
gaslighting. Gaslighting is a very common part of toxic relationships. It warps your sense of
reality and are made to be in the wrong. You get challenged or labeled as false. It’s when
something that may have happened occurs, but the other person makes you feel a little bit
crazy because they lie with a different explanation.

Whatever the pattern is, there is a feeling of them sucking you dry of your energy, happiness,
and well-being.

A Key Distinction

Not all troubles in relationships mean the relationship is toxic. Some friendships go through
highs and lows and that’s normal. A friend might need you more when going through a crisis
and it can feel draining to support them. But, that’s not what a toxic relationship is.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, it is a constant and consistent feeling that you get. And
oftentimes it’s not until you’ve left their presence, can breathe again, and feel like yourself
again that you notice how toxic the behavior really is. Toxic relationships make you feel like
you’ve lost yourself in that moment.

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How to Know When You Should Work On a Relationship and When It’s
Time to Cut Ties

There isn’t a cut and dried answer to this. Whenever you’re starting a romantic relationship,
you have to take time to get to know someone. You might have some signals that things
aren’t quite right, but walking away too soon might be because of other reasons. Your own
anxiety or overwhelm could be clouding your decisions.

So in order to avoid the part of a break up where you say to yourself, “I wish I had walked
away sooner,” or “I should’ve trusted myself,” it’s important to give yourself a certain amount
of time to get to know someone.

Giving your getting to know each other phase a time limit means if you still feel that way or
the behavior is the same after a certain amount of time that you will act on it then. If they’ve
improved or you feel like it’s going the right way, then it’s ok to give it more time.

However, If it’s consistent that the scales are always off or you’re wronged, feeling depleted
or always negative, then you have to face the tough decision to let that relationship go. It’s
hard and difficult because you may love and share things with that person. After all,
breaking the relationship comes with grief and the acknowledgement of the good things
you’ve shared with them. But when joy is non-existent it might be time to question it and
walk away,

The Importance of Inner Work

This process of deciding a time to get to know someone is when inner work plays a vital role.
So much of Tapping is quieting the noise in your mind enough to hear what you really know.
Oftentimes, it’s tuning into your intuition and connecting with the best choice for yourself.

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Someone doesn’t have to
be a bad person to
everybody to be a bad fit
for you.


232 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

You Can Have a Toxic Relationship with Someone Who Isn’t Toxic

The hard part of any relationship is realizing that they might be a great person, boss, or
friend, but they might not be the best fit for you anymore. Or more like your energies might
not serve each other anymore. Someone doesn’t have to be a bad person to everybody to be
a bad fit for you. If it’s not the right fit for you and you feel all the signs from above, it’s
important to listen to that.

When a relationship has run its course, it’s normal and natural. You may have had a long
friendship, but you grow and change, so give permission and allow that growth to happen.
You can’t maintain all of your friendships from every stage of life at the same level at the
same time. When you have children or other responsibilities, you only have a certain amount
of bandwidth. If a relationship is draining you, it’s ok to acknowledge that it’s no longer a
healthy relationship for you.

A way to determine when it’s time to leave is to think about your energy before you meet
them. Ask yourself: what do I have energy for? Who’s replenishing my energy from time to
time? Where’s the balance in my relationship? Again, it’s good to take into account any of
the extraneous circumstances going on in their life, like being homeless, taking care of sick
parents, etc. In times of challenge, it will be tough because no one is ‘up’ all the time in life.
But if there is an inner world feeling that you trust them and they have your back, that’s
what counts.

Take Time to Think About a Relationship You’re Questioning…

For many of us, we don’t see it if we don’t spend the time to think about how we feel after
leaving a person’s company. Check in and see how you feel. Are you drained? Or did they fill
you up? What else do you feel?

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How to Prepare for Someone You Have to Be Around

Whether it’s a certain family member, like a mother-in-law or a boss, using these techniques
before or during an interaction that you have little control over getting out of can help you
stay grounded.

1. Tapping Beforehand

Remember, where you react from is all about the inner world. Before you have to meet with
a triggering person, take time to reflect and ask yourself, “Why am I triggered? What’s going
on beneath this?” How you react may be difficult to figure out. They may be subtle or overt,
but concentrate on all the reasons why they’re triggering.

Using this as your script, begin Tapping on those feelings and thoughts. Doing this as long as
is necessary can help you to settle down before an interaction. And while you’re Tapping,
you may realize that they actually remind you of someone from the past, maybe a triggering
parent, teacher, or friend. You can continue Tapping to get to these deeper issues.

Tapping also helps you find ways to protect your energy and allows you to be in someone
else’s presence without taking on their thoughts, words, or feelings. Remember, their
behavior is about them, not you. However, if the behavior is really targeted criticism and
abuse – you always have a right to leave.

But for the more subtle triggers like tone of voice, a look, a sly comment, some Tapping
beforehand on protecting yourself is helpful. Remember to be honest and speak from your
feelings. You don’t have to sugar coat it when you’re with yourself! Then later when you’re
around them you will be more centred because you’ve already addressed the angst you’re

2. Imagery

Doing Tapping beforehand will help protect you, but while you’re in the moment, try
pretending you’re a duck and their vibe just rolls off your back. Give yourself that mental
image to help remove some of the intensity of the trigger.

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3. Finger Tapping

Using your thumb to tap against each side of the nail, you can tap on certain acupressure
points more discreetly than with regular Tapping. That way, no matter where you are, you
can calm your nervous system.

*Jacqui includes this Ring Finger Tapping point in her practice with clients for ease of learning this Tapping
method, but it is optional. Also note: the standard ring finger Tapping point is on the opposite side of the ring
finger nail (pinky side).

4. Energy Shower

Give yourself a Tapping energy shower by doing Tapping after an interaction.

All of these techniques are about restoring your inner world and finding yourself again.
They’re not for fixing the relationship or making the person different because you’ve
probably tried that! Things can change, but you’re doing this with the intention of helping
yourself to not be so blown over by a triggering event or person.

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Tapping for Preparing Yourself for a Triggering Interaction

Think of an interaction when you want to protect your energy. Notice how
anxious you feel in your body even thinking about that interaction on a scale of
0-10. 10 being intense and 0 being not at all.

Now start tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I'm nervous about seeing this person
I trust and love myself completely

Even though I can feel their energy

And I take it on every time
I'm going to help myself this time

Even though I am overwhelmed by them

I'm doing the best I can
And I love myself
Even with this challenge

Eyebrow I can feel the churn starting already

Side of Eye Just thinking about them
Under Eye Makes me feel sick that I have to
Under Nose And I feel overwhelmed
Under Mouth But I'm going to remain calm this time when I speak to them
Collarbone Even if they speak to me badly
Under arm I know it's about them and not about me
Top of Head Their behavior is their behavior

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EB And it's not about me

SE If they say something hurtful, I'll just let it go
UE Because it's not important to me
UN They don't have my back
UM At least it feels that way in that moment
CB But that's okay, because I am strong, and I am kind, and I will love myself,
all the way through this
UA I will keep my personal boundaries strong
TH And I will keep my energy for me

EB I will not give my energy away to them

SE And I will keep calm, centered and protected
UE And I may even send them some love
UN Because they don't know how
UM Because I feel safe enough with myself, now that I've protected my
CB And I can keep my love for myself safe
UA And if I am still finding it difficult
TH I will imagine a golden forcefield, stretching from the top of my head to
the tips of my toes, that will keep me extra safe this time

Take a deep breath. How is your anxiety now on that same scale of 0-10? 10 being really
intense and 0 not being intense at all.

When you think back to that scenario, check in and notice how it feels now even thinking of
having that interaction. Ideally, you’d like to feel more grounded and in control. When we're
grounded, we're in control of our own energy, so even when they might say something
negative or hurtful, it's not a threatening situation.

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You honor yourself
by letting yourself
say no.


238 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Understanding Boundaries

Boundaries are a personal choice about what you choose to allow in your life and what you
keep out. There’s no right or wrong, but it’s about what works for you. And you often discover
a boundary when someone crosses it.

There are a few types of boundaries. Physical boundaries are about your physical body. For
example, if you’re not into physical affection and someone hugs you, that’s a clue for you
that you have a boundary that needs to be set and expressed.

There are also energetic boundaries. For example, when someone is too hyper or drinking a
lot, you might need to set a boundary to not be around that behavior.

It’s not about a certain behavior being right or wrong in general, it’s about what’s right for

Setting Boundaries

Boundaries are sometimes awkward to uphold at first. But realizing that you have a right to
your boundaries is an important first step. For example, if someone asks an inappropriate
question and you feel uncomfortable, that is your cue to know a boundary has been crossed.
Recognizing that means you now have the option to redirect the question and uphold a

Saying No

Saying no is also an important way to set boundaries. Learning how to say no is a skill and
takes practice, particularly for women who have been conditioned to be very relational.
Saying no to a task can feel like saying no to a person. But if you don’t have the time or
capacity to do something, but you say yes anyway, you’re crossing your own boundary.

That’s why brainstorming a few ways to say no that feels comfortable before the moment
arises is great. You might try beginning with a delay like, “I’m sorry, I’m going to have to
check my calendar and get back to you.” Give yourself more time to breathe and feel less
anxious is a helpful tool in the beginning.

After the first few times, you realize that when you say no, people manage and cope. And as
a plus, they’ll end up valuing your time more!

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Using Your Body’s Cues

Think of saying no to someone. Even if it’s for a very practical reason like you not having
time, your body may not react logically.

What thoughts keep you from saying no?

I’m not being supportive / helpful / loving / kind….

Now pay attention to your body. Does your body clench up? Does your stomach feel tight?
Note what comes up for you.

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Tapping for Boundaries

Think of a person in your life right now that you would like to work on setting a boundary
with. Maybe they’re a friend, a family member, or coworker. Notice how you feel in your
body about expressing your need or boundary to this person on a scale of 0-10. 10 being
intense discomfort and 0 being none at all.

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I’ve found it difficult in the past to set boundaries
I trust myself completely and I am ready now

Even though thinking about setting boundaries makes me anxious

I am open to doing things differently

Even though I’m worried this might affect my relationships

I am curious to see if this helps my relationships

Eyebrow I am worth protecting

Side of Eye I can choose who to let in and out of my life with ease
Under Eye I deserve to be treated with love and kindness always
Under Nose I easily perceive when someone’s behavior in my life is hurting me
Under Mouth And I choose to keep them outside of my emotional boundary
Collarbone My boundaries can be firm and yet flexible
Under arm Even if I have to see this person
Top of Head I can protect my heart, my inner world and my energy

EB Even if their energy is negative

SE I will imagine a field of beautiful protection
UE Around me at all times I am in their presence
UN I honor my ability to say no
UM I am safe to say no
CB I can more easily recognize my needs
UA And when it is time to create space
TH I realize I’m not responsible for other people’s reactions to my boundaries

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EB Setting boundaries does not mean I am selfish

SE My time and energy are as valuable as anyone else’s and I will protect both
UE I can say no without feeling guilt or worry about what others will think
UN I can be helpful to others while maintaining my personal space
UM In honoring my own boundaries, I will also respect others
CB I can be clear and direct about what I need and express this with love
UA I will listen to my body’s reaction to requests and if I feel a ‘no’
TH I will communicate that with ease and love

Breathe in deep. How is your discomfort now on that same scale of 0-10? 10 being really
intense and 0 not being none at all.

Tapping can help you be honest, clear, concise, and direct on what is and isn’t possible for
you. It can help to take the angst away that is attached to expressing yourself, while
allowing other people to work around your boundary and work it out for themselves.

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Tapping for Positive Experiences

After you’ve cleared some of the gunk in your system, Tapping for positive
experiences will give you an uplifting energy!

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I've had some relationships that don't serve me
I'm drawing a line in the sand now
And I'm loving me

Even though I've not been sure or I'm still not sure
How to begin loving me
I am going to try my best

Even though I've not been great at that in the past

And I've let myself down at times
I forgive myself and I'm moving forward

Eyebrow I can do it
Side of Eye I can release those old beliefs about what I deserve
Under Eye Because I deserve love
Under Nose I deserve kindness
Under Mouth I deserve to be happy
Collarbone And I choose to be in that vibe now
Under arm It’s okay If I've made mistakes
Top of Head I'm human after all

EB But I'm curious and open to learning

SE New and better ways that serve me
UE I can pour sunshine into my heart and my soul
UN And just like sunshine there's plenty of love for everyone
UM Including me
CB And especially for me
UA I'm getting stronger and stronger
TH In this belief

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EB That I deserve and I will accept sunshine and love

SE And even if I'm not quite sure yet
UE How to walk through that door
UN That door is no longer locked
UM And I will throw it open
CB Knowing that I'm strong enough
UA To see what's on the other side
TH I will trust myself

EB Throughout this journey

SE I will trust my body
UE If it gives me signals
UN To listen to that something's not quite right
UM Or that someone is treating me not the best way for me
CB I trust myself
UA And I love myself
TH Starting from now

May this be the beginning of wonderful and healthy relationships in your life!

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JACQUI MANNING has been working as a psychologist since she began

working as a TAFE counsellor in 1999. During that time, Jacqui has worked
with a wide and wonderful variety of clients through her business Mind
Advantage from 2004 - 2011, and now through her private practice, The
Friendly Psychologist.

She combines traditional psychology methods (counselling, Cognitive

Behavioural Techniques or CBT) with fresh techniques such as meridian
Tapping, which she first learnt in 1999, and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic
Programming). She likes working intuitively to best suit you.

Jacqui Manning Jacqui also has an interest in how nature can help our healing journeys
www.jacquimanning.com.au and has recently taken an interest in Eco Psychotherapy.

Jacqui has engaged extensively with media with roles such as columnist
/JacquiManningYour for Body + Soul, eHarmony's Dating & Relationships Expert, and resident
FriendlyPsychologist psychologist for CLEO & Yours magazines; has written articles for
Wellbeing and Marie Claire magazines and the Sydney Morning Herald;
@thefriendlypsychologist and has given professional commentary to most major print and online
publications, including Mamamia.

She was one of the therapists for Channel 7’s prime-time show The Super
Switch (during which Tapping was shown!), has appeared on many
podcasts including an introduction to Tapping on Crappy to Happy, and
has previously been a fortnightly guest on ABC Radio 702 and a resident
psychologist, appearing regularly for 3 years, on Channel 9’s morning TV
program, MORNINGS (now Today Extra on Channel 9) with David Campbell
& Sonia Kruger. She also appeared in the documentary film All I Need
hosted by Andrew Daddo.

For the latest on what Jacqui is working on, please go to her website
www.jacquimanning.com.au or www.thefriendlypsychologist.com.au

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

and Chronic
The Hidden Links and How to
Address Them with Tapping

246 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Stress, Emotions, and Chronic Pain

According to the CDC, up to 40% of Americans deal with chronic pain. Now, if you are
someone who deals with chronic pain, then you already know that there are also huge
consequences when it comes to your emotional health and how you feel. Chronic pain can
really impact almost every aspect of our lives. So today, you're going to learn how Tapping
can support you, the connection between pain and stress and what you can do to experience

The Research Behind Tapping for Pain

Twenty five years ago, there was no research about Tapping and pain. People were just
trying it. And it was amazing to see the positive results over and over again, even without the
research. Now, hundreds of studies have been done at this point.

Dr. Peter Stapleton is a pioneer leading the way with EFT research. She shared results with
Julie from a recent study and in this trial, they investigated the effects of using EFT
intervention on brain activation with 24 adults who were suffering from chronic pain.

Using MRI technology, they found that the pain-modulating and catastrophizing areas in the
brain significantly reduced after using EFT in a six week period of time - a total of 12 hours.

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What they also found was:

● Significant differences in the levels of pain severity, which came down 21%

● Quality of life went up 7%

● Somatic symptoms went down 28%

● Depression went down 13%

● Anxiety went down 37%

● Happiness went up 17%

● Satisfaction with life went up 8%

These are huge numbers from pretest to post-test. It's promising to see what Tapping can do
to help reduce pain. If anybody is still wondering if Tapping really works, the answer is a
resounding yes!

Stress, Emotions, and Pain

Emotions and stress levels are intertwined with chronic pain. You can't have one without the
other. In fact, emotions and stress are often where the pain stems from. Pain doesn't just
appear out of nowhere. There is almost always a back story to how it manifested.

Imagine you wake up and suddenly you have a neck pain or you have a pain in your back.
You just wake up and it’s there. But it doesn't typically begin this way. There was probably
something that contributed to it, maybe in the last 24 hours, maybe in the last couple of
days, where you were experiencing some kind of stress.

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Stress Threshold

If you're experiencing minor stressors in your life, which we all have and can't avoid, then
you're probably able to manage that stress overall and you can still feel okay in your body.

Your stress threshold is like a battery and this battery has a capacity of 100%. When the
stress in your life is at 20%, then you've got some space and wiggle room. You're probably
managing okay. But when you start to add on all other stressors like family, kids, and work
stress, if you don't take care of it, you're going to hit your capacity.

That is when stress weakens your body, immune system, muscles, and joints. So when you
bend over to pick up that laundry basket or something that you dropped on the floor, and
suddenly hurt your back, it's not really about that you picked up that heavy laundry basket. It
was just one more thing that was pent up and your body couldn't handle it anymore.

How the Stress Adds Up

When you are stressed out, there is always a physical response and a psychological response
at the same time. As mentioned before, you can't really have one without the other. In order
to help you prepare for fight or flight, the stress hormone cortisol rises, your heart beats
faster, your blood pressure rises, your muscles tighten, your breathing changes, and your
blood moves away from your internal organs. This protects you and your body. It also puts
you into an adaptive reaction - your body is adapting to the stressor around you.

If you are driving down the highway and a car cuts you off, your body is automatically going
to go into fight or flight. You're going to feel that stress, even though you know you're okay.
And within about five or ten minutes, your body should be able to go back to that state of
being calm and relaxed or just getting back into a normal state.

But when the stress goes on for too long, it's insurmountable. It becomes maladaptive.
Meaning that it's not necessary for your body to be in that stressful space anymore, but it's
like you turned on this switch and it doesn't know how to calm down.

You want to be able to get your body to that place where your body can deal with stress
when it comes up, but also be able to settle back down and calm down. And when you can’t,
this is, of course, where Tapping comes in.

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Chronic Pain and Physical Trauma

Sometimes we can't pinpoint the exact event when it started. We just suddenly have chronic
back pain or knee pain. But then there are other circumstances where there is an event or
some type of physical trauma, something bigger than the daily stress in your life. How would
Tapping apply for those specific events?

Tapping can potentially work very well in those situations where there might not have been
precipitating emotions or something that was going on obviously, but it may have been
something that was a surprise. Whatever the injury or the pain inducer was, there is an
immediate response and the emotions will flood in because the nervous system has been
activated regardless. Undoubtedly, there will be some shock, surprise, maybe some
frustration, anger, or powerlessness that ensues immediately when something like that

Chances are you might not be able to address it in that moment, but when you're ready to,
going back to it and addressing it with Tapping, whether it's 5 years or 15 or 20 years later,
can still help.

One way to approach this with Tapping is to play the series of events that happened in your
mind. This technique is known as the “Tell the Story” technique. Tap on what has happened
as soon as you can afterwards by going through the parts of your story.

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Tell the Story Technique

You want to talk about it and Tap on it as if you are talking to your best friend or partner.
Talk as you do when you say something like, “Oh, you're not going to believe what happened
to me today,” and you go through all of those details:

● Go back to the point of impact.

● Go through the thoughts that ran through your mind.

● Go through the body sensations and even interactions that you had with other
people, including if you need to see a doctor or go to the hospital or something like

● See what you saw.

● Hear what you heard.

● Feel what you felt.

● Focus on the emotions and the body sensations, the pain, the discomfort, and
anything else that stands out for you.

Remember if anything happened right after the accident which might have caused you
some stress, including:

● Any aftercare issues

● Any conversations with doctors or nurses

● Physical therapy

● Or anything that you felt created even more stress for you.

Research has shown that when people feel taken care of and when they feel supported, they
heal significantly faster than when they are around people who don't support them. So, you
want to focus on what your experience is after you've experienced some sort of trauma, too.

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The Big Takeaway to Remember

When you’re using the “Tell Your Story” technique, you want to pay attention to everything.
You can even write it down because there might be things that come out different when you
write it down on paper than when trying to say it out loud.

Take very little increments. Don't do big pieces of time. Really take it one little step at a time.
It's important to Tap on all of the details.

It may start with something like, “Even though I remember seeing out of the corner of my
eye this red car coming my way, I love and accept myself and I'm letting it go.” And then
maybe there's an emotion with that, like fear or panic. So you voice that, “I see the car
coming. I can't do anything about it.”

You can always start with just how you feel about the pain to begin with. If you are feeling
frustrated, hopeless, angry, or powerless over the pain, take the edge off a little bit and Tap
on some of that first.

But when you’re telling your story, stop at each crescendo, the point where it feels like it's
amping up or when your heart is racing a little bit, to Tap on that particular situation or that
particular moment in time. Tap on what you saw, what you heard, what you felt. Tap on any
element or emotion that comes up around it.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

Our bodies have the ability
to heal. Our bodies want to
heal. Our bodies are not
our enemy.


253 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Emotions Before an Incident or Accident

The other thing to mention is that sometimes there's a thought or a stressor that happens
before an incident or an accident.

As an example, Julie had a client who was on his way to his office after being home for two
years after COVID. He really did not want to be going back to work for a variety of reasons
and he was angry and resentful that he had to go back. On his way, he got into a car
accident and suffered whiplash and hurt his neck and shoulder.

He went to physical therapy and saw doctors and had even received a cortisone shot, yet
none of it was working. Then he went to see Julie. They Tapped on the accident itself and all
of the aspects of the “Tell the Story” technique, and it moved a little bit, but not significantly
enough to really make an impact. That's when Julie started pulling out other questions
about things that might have been going on at the same time.

When he told Julie about the accident initially, he did not say that he was angry about
having to go back to work. He had just told her that he was in this accident. When they
Tapped on the anger and the resentment, the things that were going on before the accident
even happened, it totally released. Emotions play such a big part in healing.

Prep for Tapping on Chronic Pain

If you want to Tap on chronic pain, start with just the pain. Wherever you are, just get
comfortable in your chair.

Connect to the pain in your body wherever it happens to be. Maybe you're not feeling it right
now, but it's something that you know is going to show up again.

Take a big, deep breath in and pay attention to what the pain typically feels like.

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● What kind of pain is it? A stabbing pain? A shooting pain? A dull ache?

● How big is it? Is it the size of an orange? Is it the size of a pea?

● Where is it?

● Connect to that on a scale 0 to 10. 10 being intense pain and 0 being none. Where
are you on that scale?

You always want to just see 0 to 10 what the intensity of it is so that you can see where it's at
before you start and then where it's at when you are finished.

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When you’re ready, start Tapping on the side of your hand.

Side of Hand Even though I have this pain in my body

This pain in my neck (or wherever it is for you)
I honor and accept myself
And my body
And I'm open to the possibility of healing

Even though this pain is all too familiar

I know this pain so well
I know exactly where it is and how it feels
It always seems to be here to some degree
I accept myself
And all the old patterns and beliefs
That go along with this pain
Tapping is medicine for my body
And I am ready to experience relief now

Eyebrow This pain in my body

Side of Eye This pain in my…
Under Eye And it's here all the time
Under Nose A chronic reminder that there is something wrong with me
Under Mouth I know this pain all too well
Collarbone I know exactly where it is
Under arm And what makes it worse
Top of Head It's so familiar to me

EB And this pain is really speaking to me

SE It's really got my attention
UE Loud and clear
UN And maybe I used to ignore this pain
UM Hoping it would just go away
CB I've used all sorts of things to keep it quiet
UA But it's still here
TH Maybe it's sharp or stabbing pain

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EB Maybe it's a dull ache

SE A cramped or pulling feeling
UE What is my body trying to tell me?
UN And is there something I need to learn from this?
UM I am listening
CB I'm listening and letting go of the anger behind the pain
UA I'm listening and letting go of the fears behind the pain
TH I'm letting go of the guilt and the shame that might be behind the pain

EB I'm listening and letting go to the powerlessness behind the pain

SE I'm letting go of the story behind the pain
UE And all the beliefs that might be keeping me stuck
UN I'm open to experiencing relief now
UM Creating a new story
CB A story of health and healing
UA Closing the chapter on this pain finally
TH Tapping is a pain reliever for me

EB And when I acknowledge the stress in my body and the stress in my life
SE My body can finally express itself
UE Letting go of the buried emotions
So my body can heal
UN What if I can learn everything I need to about this pain?
UM I don't own this pain
CB It doesn't belong to me
UA I am grateful to let go of the grip of pain
TH Feeling calmer and more relaxed in my body
As I release and let go

Take a big deep breath in and release it. See how that feels for you. Where are you on that
scale of 0-10 now?

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What we don't
express, our bodies
will express for us.


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Questions to Understand the Pain

These are really good questions to ask ourselves when digging beneath the pain we feel:

● “What is my pain trying to tell me?”

● “What am I receiving from this?”

● “What benefits am I receiving from this?”

We don't typically ask ourselves these questions. When people think about pain, it's painful,
it hurts and it feels awful. Yet, what people don't realize is that there’s always a gift in pain. It
doesn't matter how horrible or horrific it is, there's a gift in it.

When we have pain, then we need to explore it a little bit. We need to ask ourselves some
questions. We need to sometimes dig really deep because we try everything and nothing

Client Example with Knee Pain

For example, Julie had a client who had terrible knee pain and she asked her, “What's your
body trying to tell you? What benefits are you receiving from this?” And one of the things
that her client shared was that her marriage wasn’t that great.

She always felt like she was the one doing everything. She didn't get a lot of help from her
husband and they had been married for over 35 years. But when she hurt her knee and she
couldn't do as much, her husband finally stepped up.

And when Julie had first asked her questions, she couldn't go there. She just knew it hurt and
she wanted to get rid of it. But after a bit of sitting still with the pain and thinking about it for
a minute while Tapping, she was able to say, “Wow, this really does create a benefit for me
because now I can sit and finally relax after all these years. He can finally do things for me. I
finally have permission to relax.”

Then they focused all the Tapping around that. Tapping on forgiveness for him and for
herself, for not speaking up or setting boundaries earlier, and for holding on to that
resentment for so long.

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Client Example with Arthritis

Another one of Julie’s clients had horrible, really debilitating arthritis. She was on disability.
When asking her, “What is the gift in this or what is your body trying to tell you?” her client
said, “Number one, it’s saying that I need to relax.” She had a history of some trauma. One
facet of their work was focused on working through trauma for her.

Another facet they worked on was that she didn't really want to give up disability. If she
healed and she got better, then she would probably have to give up disability and go back to
work. And she really didn't want to do that. So there was some gain around having this pain
and having the arthritis.

No Guilt or Shame

These stories and examples aren't to shame or blame anybody. And it’s not saying that you
made it up. It's okay to have stories around pain. Whether it's around beliefs, emotions, or
things that have happened to us, it's okay to acknowledge what those stories are without
having any guilt or shame or blaming ourselves.

You want to acknowledge it because that is the gift in the pain. The gift is to be able to
acknowledge it and be able to express it. What we don't express, our bodies will express for
us. Once you're able to express that, whether you write it out and then Tap on it, just Tap on
it, or do any of the things that work for you, you would be amazed at what happens.

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You Can Heal

Our bodies have the ability to heal. Our bodies want to heal. Our bodies are not our enemy.
Many people will say, “I feel like my body's working against me. It's doing everything
possible to fight the things that I provide for it.” For so many of us, there's this sense of
betrayal or that there's something wrong with our body. Or it's us trying to control and fight
our body.

But it's not our enemy and we don’t have to fight it. Your body wants to feel better and give
you relief. We work together - body, mind, spirit. We're all one. It's not our bodies against us.
And when you have that perspective, you realize, “Oh, this is misguided self-love. This is my
body giving me a protection, a boundary, because I couldn't do that for myself.”

Tapping on this can look like, “Even though I have this problem, I love and accept myself,” or,
“I honor where I am,” or, “I honor my body.” By doing that, you're coming back to you. You're
coming back into your body and what it's about for you, so that you can bring it up and bring
it out and then let it go.

It’s Not All in Your Head

Some of us have had issues that have lasted years, even decades. We may have been to
every doctor and have literally tried everything including natural things or other things that
we think will be helpful. And yet everybody says that we are fine and we are healthy. There
is nothing that is showing there is a problem. How do you apply Tapping to that?

You Tap on the emotions behind it. “I'm sick of people telling me there's nothing wrong with
me.” Think about the metaphors behind the pain. Is there a connection between what you
say about yourself and your pain? Maybe it’s feeling out of control or feeling afraid of
uncertainty in your life. Think about what that area of your body represents. There are so
many ways our emotions can connect to our physical bodies.

Sometimes we don't know and we need to be our own detective. We need to ask ourselves
these questions or reach out for help for someone who can give us those directions.

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You Are Not Your Pain

Like we covered, it's very normal to have a story and a dialogue around the pain that we
have. Whether it's pain, a disease, a disorder, a challenge, or whatever it is. It's very normal
and very natural to have a story around it.

So it's really important to connect with that story – again, without the blame and shame. It's
normal to have that. There's nothing wrong with you because you’re constantly going back
to the same story around it. But the other thing about our pain is that sometimes we also
create an identity around the pain.

We want to help ourselves disconnect from any identity we have around the pain. We don't
have to become our pain. You might be experiencing migraines, but it doesn't mean that
that's who you are. You want to separate from that. You have the right to disown that pain.

Finding the Voice of Pain

One of the ways we can disown our pain is by using Julie’s technique called “Finding the
Voice of Pain”. It’s a process to help drill down and get to the bottom of your emotions.
When you have a pain of some sort, you want to connect with it even more deeply.

Write out your answers to the following questions.

1. Just as you did for the previous Tapping, what’s the pain like?

Where is it? What size is it? What kind of pain is it? Dull? Aching? What intensity is it at?

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2. Now go a step further. Connect an emotion with it. What's the first
emotion that comes up around it?

For example, it might be frustration because it's been here for a long time. Connect with the

3. Where do you feel the emotion in your body?

You might feel it in multiple parts of your body. List them all.

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4. What is the voice of pain? What is it saying to you?

And it might be something like, “This pain is interfering with my life,” or, “Nothing helps,” or,
“This is so-and-so's fault that I have this pain,” or, “This pain is just so intense. It's so intense.
The frustration around this is so intense.”

5. What emotion does that voice cause you to feel?

You might say, “Well, now I'm feeling really sad,” or “I'm feeling a sense of grief because I've
really tried everything. I've spent time, I've spent money. I have really explored so many
things and nothing is working. And so now I'm feeling a sense of sadness or grief.”

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6. Now answer these questions with those emotions in mind:

● What's the intensity of that emotion?
● Where do you feel that emotion in your body?
● What’s the voice you hear?

For example, if you have a voice of sadness it may sound like, “Well I am not able to pick up
my grandchildren,” or, “I'm not able to exercise anymore the way that I used to.”

Again, you want to go back and just connect with, “Okay, so I have this sadness that I can't do
these things that I normally was able to do. I'm frustrated because it's so intense.”

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All of these answers are your Tapping script. You have the emotions, you have the voice of
the emotions, you have the intensity of it, and you have exactly where you're storing it in
your body real time, right here and now.

With your answers, you can go through your list and say, “Even though I have this frustration
in my neck and I'm also feeling it in my gut and it's at about seven and it's really intense for

You're able to drill down with all the emotions on it, Tap on it, process it, bring it up and out,
and then hopefully let it go.

Huge Healing From Listening to Your Body

There is a huge healing component of simply giving your feelings a voice. Obviously
Tapping is a huge part, but when you listen to your body and you bring it up, there's a sense
of relief. Your body is saying, “Oh, you finally hear me! I've been trying to get this message
through for so long.”

Especially people who have been living life with secrets. Secrets around past trauma or
secrets that they've kept from other people. Things that they've done, things they feel
they've done wrong or things that other people have done to them. It could be something
about your body. Maybe it's just shame around your body size or the way that you eat.

We can hold so much shame around it that we never share our feelings with other people.
But when we acknowledge those secrets and shame around the things that we don't speak
of, it’s so validating. It allows our bodies to release the burden we’ve been carrying for so

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

Tapping can be like a warm
bath. It can be like sitting by
the fireplace. It can bring you
back to your body and release
and let go.


267 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Prep for Tapping on a Specific Pain

Take a big deep breath in and out. Connect with the area that holds pain for you. Create a
space for this area in your body to be held and embraced, so that it can be seen and it can
be heard.

Is there a color there? Pay attention to it.

How much space does it take up in your body?

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When you’re ready, start Tapping on the side of your hand.

Side of Hand Even though I'm experiencing pain in this part of my body
I feel it and see it
I'm connecting with it right now
And I'm creating a space to heal

Even though I see you pain

And I am aware that you've been trying to get my attention
For a long time
I'm open to receiving your gift
And healing now

Even though it's been hard to hear you

Because the sensation of pain has taken over
I honor and accept my body
And I'm shifting this dialog now

Eyebrow I'm connected with this feeling

Side of Eye I'm connected with this sensation in my body
Under Eye And this pain in my…
Under Nose And at this moment
Under Mouth I'm opening my heart to all possibilities of healing
Collarbone There may be a part of me that feels resistant to this
Under arm But I'm using my imagination now
Top of Head I'm open to any and all possibilities to getting to the root
And letting go

EB Imagining at the top of my head

SE An opening, a connection to light
UE Imagining this as a white or gold healing light
UN Coming in through the top of my head
UM Moving down through my forehead
CB And moving down through my face
UA This healing light is moving down through my neck and shoulders
TH My upper middle and lower back

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EB Down through my arms and wrists and fingers

SE And this healing light is filling up my chest and my heart
UE Moving into my abdominal area
UN All of my organs and glands
UM Moving down through my hips
CB And down through my thighs and knees and shins and calves
UA My toes
TH This healing light has filled my body

EB Opening all the cells in my body

SE Moving through all my ligaments, fascia and muscles
UE And everywhere else
UN This healing light is filling up all the space in my body
UM Especially where my body speaks to me with pain
CB I'm focusing on this area now
UA Whether it's big or small
TH I can see this healing light filling up this space

EB Relaxing this part of my body now

SE Breathing in relaxation
UE A soothing calm is coming over me
UN Imagining a dial in front of me
UM And I have total control over this dial
CB Imagining that I'm turning the dial down
UA Dialing down the pain
TH I can even make the sensation warmer or cooler

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EB My muscles and nerves are feeling calmer

SE Bringing the pain down
UE Soothing my body and my mind
UN Thank you body for listening to me
UM Thank you for receiving this and letting go
CB As we get to the root of the pain
UA Thank you body for this gift of healing now
TH I have permission to let go
Feeling calmer and more relaxed
As I come back to balance

Take a big deep breath in. How does that pain feel now? Did it shift at all?

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JULIE SCHIFFMAN, MSW, is an internationally recognized Expert EFT

Practitioner. For more than 30 years, she has counseled thousands of
clients, helping them break through physical and emotional barriers. Her
life-changing YouTube videos have been viewed more than 4 million times.

Julie is trained in various healing modalities but is best known for her
expertise in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT/Tapping). In her private
practice, she uses various energy medicine techniques to help clients
overcome physical and emotional challenges all over the globe.

Julie has been a featured presenter for “The Annual Tapping World
Julie Schiffman Summit” every year since its inception in 2008. She regularly participates
www.julieschiffman.com in health and wellness related summits as she loves to share how powerful
Tapping can be in the healing process.



15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Unlocking the
Healing Power
of Your Body
with Tapping


273 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Unlocking the Healing Power of Your

Body with Tapping
There is a clear connection between how our mind thinks, how we feel, and our physical
health. When we are feeling overwhelmed and stressed and holding onto a lot of emotions,
it directly impacts our immune system. Learn how to use Tapping to help your body do what
it's meant to do, which is heal and recover.

Measure the Change in Your DNA

We know from the study of epigenetics that our genes are directly affected by our chemistry.
And there's a lot of research now showing a decrease in stress hormones and cortisol levels
after Tapping. However, the newest studies show there are also changes in DNA expression
that occur directly as a result of using EFT! So not only can you put someone on the monitor
and see cardiovascular changes, you can also detect changes in the blood with the immune
system, with stress hormone levels, and even with genetic expression.

Researchers are also looking at more and more ways that the electromagnetic fields, the
energy frequencies of your body, are directly impacted, which we already know impacts your
chemistry, your gene expression, and your organ function. There is a lot of really great data
now that demonstrates what we know from using Tapping and what we feel inside.

If you’ve ever done Tapping, you know you can immediately feel a sense of relief, a sense of
lightness, and even a sense of joy. You may no longer be in pain or feel sick anymore, or you
may feel really upbeat and grateful. And now it's great to see very specific neurologic,
chemical and electromagnetic effects being demonstrated in research studies using EFT

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Newest Research Changes Everything

We can see that the molecules of emotion, the chemistry that our emotions carry, are
directly related to our health. Which means they affect our sleep, our energy levels, and
even our inflammation. If you have any inflammatory or autoimmune diseases (like M.S.) or
even DNA expressions (like cancer) in your family that you're worried about, EFT has been
shown to suppress genes associated with disease by literally turning them off so they're not

Some of us don’t even know why we have the symptoms we have. We're so busy in life that
we don't notice or aren't always aware of an emotional connection or belief systems that
we're in. But when we connect with the sensations of our physical symptoms, even with just
one round of Tapping, we can start to connect with our emotions and the deeper underlying
energies. Then we can Tap to neutralize them and ignite healing at a deeper level.

Start with Where You Are

It’s never too late to find relief. Start Tapping from where you are in this moment right now,
right here, wherever you are. Even if you're further downstream and you've already
developed symptoms and you realize the stress crept up on you, it’s okay. Your system is
going to get your attention at whatever point you're willing to listen.

Sometimes that is further downstream when physical symptoms or a disease have already
manifested, but it's not too late. It's not like you should have caught it sooner. For most
people, that's perfectly fine. Start with where you are.

Some of us may be aware of the emotions or thoughts that we're having when we’re battling
ourselves, like feeling angry with your disease or angry with your body. Those are emotions
you can target and neutralize so they have no power in your system.

Even if you aren't specifically Tapping on a certain pain or disease, just Tapping on all of the
emotions or frustration that you’re dealing with is a good place to start - most commonly,
the anger and powerlessness that can come up.

Neutralizing emotions in your body is powerful. Your immune system strengthens and can do
what it's designed to do. And that's really how we rebalance in favor of health.

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The Two Levels to Work On

There are two levels we're approaching when we Tap on our health issues. The first is the old
stuff that you don't even know you're carrying. Maybe there's a memory in your past with
your father and you didn't realize you were still holding all that anger, fear, or despair in
your cells. These are the types of the things you're releasing on a really deep level. And
when you release them, you are literally changed for good. You are not the same cellular
arrangement, you are not the same neurologic patterns. It’s like you've moved a mountain.

Sometimes in a Tapping session, you'll release these major foundational energies, but then
there's the day-to-day stuff that can trigger us into some of those old patterns. This second
part of how we approach our health day-to-day is equally as important to address. Some of
us are in constant battle with our bodies. Every day we wake up and notice fatigue or notice
the heaviness of depression.

Tapping is a tool we can use in the moment to neutralize that. We can literally come into a
new relationship with ourselves in the moment, day to day. Tapping helps us relate to
ourselves even in uncomfortable and painful moments to stay in a state of peace, Even if it's
only two percent more peace, or two percent more well-being, this has a dramatic effect on
your cells and your health.

When You Don’t Know Where to Start with Tapping

The Tapping in this workbook is for when you have a physical illness or symptom, but don't
know what to Tap on. Or if you have a physical symptom, but there doesn’t seem to be any
emotions associated with it. You may consciously think there's not, but unconsciously there
is an emotion attached to your illness 100% of the time.

If you've got an illness that isn't getting better and it's not resolving no matter what you do,
there is emotional involvement 100% of the time. When you're dealing with something
physical, it is impossible to separate the emotional experience from it. Even just being
diagnosed with something comes with its own emotions. Struggling physically brings in so
many emotions. So it is impossible for us to separate our physical health from our emotions.

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Relating to Your illness

Even if it’s just the ideas you have about the diagnosis, you may relate more to the illness
than you think when you say things like, “My fibromyalgia,” or “My M.S.” What you’re actually
showing is you’re in ownership of it and relationship to it as a thing. Like it's this thing that
came and took over your body, like it has a power of its own and a process of its own.

You conclude that because you have x, y or z, it means it will get worse. It means you require
medication. It means you'll never run and walk again…but it actually doesn't have any power
that you don't give to it. So if you start realizing those are just thoughts and ideas, it
empowers you to not adopt them and recreate them in your mind-body system.

Now you have a choice because Tapping gives you the ability to have clarity about your
choices. So let's do some Tapping to tune into the body and begin to develop that

Prep for Tapping

It's always important to measure where you start (especially if you're new to Tapping)
because you can’t always see if and where it’s working.

Take a moment now to notice a symptom or just the overall illness you may be dealing with
and see how you’re feeling on a scale of 0 to 10. 10 is having severe symptoms and 0 is
barely evening noticing symptoms.

Or if we're talking about global wellbeing, 10 is struggling beyond belief and 0 is feeling

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Begin breathing in and breathing out and start Tapping on the outer edge of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though I'm experiencing symptoms in my body

It's okay for me to drop into this experience

Even though I don't want to have any symptoms

I want to escape them and fight them
It's okay for me to soften my body now

Even though I'm overwhelmed

And I don't understand what's going on
It's okay for me to feel at peace in my body

Eyebrow Noticing what I feel in my body

Side of Eye The symptoms, the illness
Under Eye Or maybe just fatigue
Under Nose Maybe I have a diagnosis
Under Mouth Or maybe no one has any idea what's going on
Collarbone I'm just going to tune in to what I'm feeling and sensing
Under arm What if I just let sensation in
Top of Head Even if it's unpleasant

EB Without needing to fear it or protect myself

SE Softening my body
UE To let sensation in
UN It can be scary to feel what I feel
UM And think that I need to control it
CB But what if I soften anyway?
UA To receive instead of resist
TH The sensations happening now

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Take a deep breath in through the nose and let it all go. We're just making space to observe,
to notice, to drop in. And science has shown this does shift our physiology. This does allow
some of the energy and symptoms to begin to resolve and dissipate. So just noticing now,
where are you on that scale from before?

Maybe your number went down. Or maybe your number went up because something got
triggered. If any fear is rising or symptoms are rising or intensifying, it's only because you
have allowed in more sensation. You have made space for more energy to move through.

All of that initial increase is energy arising that's ready to move out. Welcome it and notice
it. Give yourself space to realize what's actually happening versus what the mind thinks is
happening as you drop in.

Did anything come up while Tapping?

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

If you start realizing those are
just thoughts, you don't have
to adopt them and re-create
them in your mind-body
system, that's optional.


280 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Why We Drop In

When you're dealing with pain, the last thing you want to do is drop in. But it’s actually one
of the most powerful medicines. When you drop in, meaning bringing presence to your
physical form, you’re bringing presence to your sensation and just allowing it. You've now
released resistance, you've released tension, and that has been shown to decrease
inflammation and stress hormones. That alone has been shown to create a massive shift in
your body’s chemistry.

Now, what happens when you do this? Symptoms can intensify because you stopped
suppressing them. The mind thinks that you're supposed to fix this illness, but the reality is
the body heals itself. If you release the resistance, you're letting the body start that process.
So it's okay if things intensify a little bit at first.

Cleaning Your Mental Room

It’s like if you were cleaning a room and you got a bunch of stuff out from under the rug.
You’ve picked it up and shook it all out and the room looks like a mess, but the reality is it's
way more of a mess with all that stuff shoved under the rug where you can't access it and
clear it. It’s the same way with your immune system, it can't move through and release the
illness or kill that pathogen when the energy is hidden and suppressed.

The best thing that can happen with dropping in is you open up to let the energy start
moving. Now it can begin to clear out emotions that are there that you didn't realize before,
or intense symptoms you thought you had a handle on, but weren't actually resolved. They
were just managed. It takes up a lot of energy to just manage your symptoms.

Sometimes that clearing out comes as one last big blow up while the energy resolves and
then you're actually free. You're no longer holding that energy. You're no longer manifesting
those symptoms.

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281 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Setting Up for More Tapping

Now that we're dropped in, notice your number again. It may be higher or it may be lower.
Maybe there's new stuff that came to your attention. You're going to sit with this now and
we're going to do a little more Tapping to go deeper.

One of the most important things that can happen with this process is you become more
aware of what's going on in your system and that's when you have access to let it go. When
we're suppressing it, it can't go anywhere. And that's why some people will have chronic
illness for many years and it doesn't resolve. It doesn't mean it can't be resolved, it just
means we have to access it with our awareness first.

Did anything new come to mind by thinking of your mind like a room?
What’s some of the dirt that you noticed?

What you write can also become your Tapping script. If you want to use your own words in
the next Tapping sequence, simply change the words to your own.

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We can always do the setup phrase, but since we did it before in the previous
Tapping, we can hop right into the points:

Eyebrow It's scary to feel what's happening

Side of Eye It's scary to let go of control
Under Eye All the sensations and pain
Under Nose And I don't know what to do about it
Under Mouth All the ways I was taught that I have to do something
Collarbone I have to fix it, I have to be better
Under arm This really creates a more stressed state
Top of Head What if letting go is truly the path to healing?

EB What if I could be with these sensations?

SE And let them move through
UE What if I can be with my symptoms and my fear?
UN And just Tap and breathe
UM And let my body do what it's designed to do
CB All the fear about my illness
UA The anger and frustration about my pain
TH What if it's just energy?

EB And I could be a space

SE Of willingness and acceptance
UE That lets it all move through
UN This doesn't have to be held in my system
UM Controlled and suppressed with everything I've got
CB What if this isn't a thing with any power
UA What if it's just energy and sensation?
TH And I can allow it to be here now

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EB Everything that brings up for me

SE All the ways I was taught to control my body
UE To hold it in tension
UN To suppress what I feel
UM I'm afraid of acknowledging how I feel
CB Letting anyone know how much pain and fear I'm in
UA But what if I could soften?
TH And give myself the space anyway?

Take a deep breath in. Let everything go. Notice what you feel in your body. Maybe there's
confusion in the mind. That's awesome. Because that means you're releasing the old
programming that has you stuck in that tension. A lot of people will feel confused, but that's
okay, we're going to keep moving.

Notice what you notice and write it down below. Your awareness is the medicine. You've just
unleashed a lot that's going to let the body reorganize itself into a more harmonious state.

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You've got to go down
to go up.


285 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Train Your Mind to Surrender

When we're having physical pain, we tend to tighten up and fight it. Yet that creates more
tension and more pain. What we resist persists. When you soften and let go, you surrender.
This idea of softening into our symptoms can be groundbreaking for people.

But it can also seem counterintuitive. So many of us are so afraid of letting go and
surrendering. Even though research has actually shown it to be the most powerful way to let
the health be activated and to let your health be vibrant and free.

Learning from Navy SEALs

When Navy SEALs train, one of the things they have to do to be able to survive is being
thrown in the water with their arms behind their back. They have to survive for five minutes
in the pool without drowning. If they kick and scream and fight the process, it just wastes
their energy and they drown faster.

They've learned that if they relax their body and sink right to the bottom of the pool, they
can push up, have enough strength to get to the top, get a breath of air, and then do it again.
They relax their body, sink all the way down to the bottom of the pool, and then they have
the strength to push up. They get another breath and they're absolutely fine.

Now, the analogy is your fear of the symptom or the illness is like going in the bottom of the
pool. If you kick and scream and fight, you're going to drown faster, right? You're generating
inflammation. Your brain works differently. You can't see solutions. You feel lost. But if you
remember that this is not the threat you think it is, you can surrender and soften. You can see
it's just a sensation. Pain is just energy that gets repressed in the body. That energy wants to

So if you do like the Navy SEALs and you use your training, you're going to go through a
journey to the bottom, but you've got to go down to get up because it's at the bottom where
you find that strength to push yourself up.

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What’s something you’ve been dealing with that makes you tense?

Do you have any resistance to letting the tension go? If so, why?

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Illness as Our Own Awakenings

So many people say that a diagnosis ended up becoming a huge blessing. And it's shocking
at first because you're like, “How could this diagnosis become a blessing?” But oftentimes it
was the thing they needed to course correct their life. It was the thing they needed to get to
the bottom to not only push up, but to figure out what direction they want to be pushing in.

An illness can be a gift of our own personal awakening. We become more resilient. We
become more of the strength and truth of who we are. We let things fall away that we
realize weren't serving us. But we've got to be willing to receive the experience in order to
have that insight, and let the body re-equilibrate the way that it's designed to do with any
acute or chronic illness.

Creating the Space to Heal

You have to get out of your own way and let the body heal itself. You can't do that when
you're in fear. You can't do that when you're stressed. You can't do that when you're
scrambling to find the solutions, or even when you're desperately Tapping to make it go

Instead, Tap to give yourself approval. Tap to give yourself acceptance. Tap to give yourself
the compassion and acknowledgment for how tough the journey has been. These are all
ways of creating space and that is what really lets the Tapping be so powerful - when you do
it to nurture yourself.

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We’ll start at the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though I can't accept myself

And I shouldn't accept myself
All the things I learned
I choose peace instead

Even though I learned to reject to myself

And be afraid of what's happening in my body
What if I open to something new?

Even though maybe I've lived my whole life scared

And it seemed like it helped me survive
I can release this old way now

Eyebrow What if there is healing capacity in me?

Side of Eye Could I really trust it?
Under Eye Would I really be taking care of?
Under Nose Could I really receive that level of resolution?
Under Mouth And be free
Collarbone What if the life force that created my body
Under arm Is still here in me
Top of Head And I could let go

EB And try and let it do what it's designed to do

SE Maybe there is wisdom and intelligence in my body
UE And there was just all the programs getting in the way
UN Unconscious fear
UM Clamping down and protections
CB My old way of navigating the world
UA Not living dropped into sensation
TH Actually and avoiding it with everything I had

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EB What if I chose to be fully alive instead

SE It seems scary
UE But that's only when I buy into the old programs
UN Am I ready to step into something new
UM And find some courage
CB My heart is yearning for so much more
UA Could I really open and let it in?
TH I can make a choice to become more alive right now

EB Just being more soft in my body

SE And inviting my body to physically soften
UE Right away I will feel more
UN And I can just invite how I feel
UM Be a space of acceptance
CB No longer a space of war
UA I will be the light that I am
TH And let my body receive that lightness

Take a deep breath through the nose. Let everything go. This is a new consciousness. A
new consciousness to be at ease, to be receptive to life and to be in flow. It’s an invitation.
You can begin living in a new consciousness.

Write down anything new that came up below.

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The only reason we would
be willing to surrender… is
as a gift of love to


291 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

What Blocks Healing

The desperation and the pressure to heal create the idea that you can only be happy once
you heal and that actually blocks your healing. One of the things that can make the most
difference in healing is to release those conditions.

Releasing those conditions sounds like: What if I could be just two percent more at peace
with where I am?

We can only access power when we enter where we are. If you’re rejecting where you are by
concentrating on how you don't want to have this illness and don't want to feel this pain, you
can't ever really access your power.

It's not that you’re saying it's okay for you to live the rest of your life in pain. You’re just
saying you would be willing to feel even 2% more peace, even if the circumstances didn't
change. It’s not strengthening the idea that you’re going to live in more pain. It doesn't work
like that. You're just basically choosing to no longer let approving of yourself be conditional.

And the only reason we would be willing to do that is as a gift of love to ourselves. The only
reason we'd be willing to surrender the conditions is an act of compassion to ourselves.
Being willing to give ourselves love and be fully where we are.

That can be a bit of a stretch and an act of courage, but that, in fact, is what makes the body
shift. That is what is going to allow the body to rebalance and re-equilibrate toward health.

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How to Take this New Knowledge and Begin to Incorporate It

The number one takeaway is to live in a new alignment with a new prioritization. Instead of
doing stuff to get healthy or so that you have more energy, bring the energy of love,
compassion, and presence to you right here, right now, wherever you are. If you choose to be
in the space of love and joy that you’re trying to get now, that's what lets everything shift. It
no longer means you’re chasing what you want. You’re going to be that presence of peace
now, unconditionally.

From this moment forward, you make a choice. How will you live your life? What is your
fulcrum and your focus now? And if you change the fulcrum from getting healthy to
embodying 2% more softness and receptivity, everything you are asking for is going to come
flooding into your life. The ideal relationships, money, wealth, work, and inspired,
meaningful things you really want to invest yourself in.

Taking Care of Your Emotional Health Improves Your Physical Health

Sometimes people wonder “How do I navigate this? What do I Tap on?” And we can be led
by what is being called to us, what we think is our most pressing issue.

When you're dealing with a health challenge, doctors, and treatment, those treatments can
change your life. But we have to also be advocates for ourselves to figure out what
resonates with us and those decisions can feel really overwhelming when you're not in your

One of the biggest reason why people get sick and don't get better is they're not in the body.
They're escaping the body. There's so much tension in their body. They're trying to squeeze
their way out of it to get to something/somewhere else. The body can only live in the now.

So if you're abandoning your body, trying to get better or get the next thing, that may be why
stuff isn't showing up in your life that your heart deeply desires. You’ve got to show up first
for yourself and then the cellular shift that happens is so powerful. It’s the first thing that
gets ignited. Applying Tapping for physical healing is such a powerful way to use this tool
and to start to access your power.

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293 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Final Words

We're not separate. It looks like we're in a physical body that's separate from everyone and
everything, but we’re actually just pure energy. And energy isn't in a solid location. It's more
space than stuff. The more we begin to let that in, the more we realize we’re okay.

There are always possibilities. Welcome them in. Take that to heart. We are connected and
every experience we go through has an impact on others. It does matter that you have
welcomed your challenging journey with compassion in your own process, in your own
awakening. Because it is assisting everyone do the same. You are not alone.

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294 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

KIM D’ERAMO, DO, is a physician, bestselling author of the Mind Body

Toolkit and founder of the American Institute of Mind-Body Medicine. She
received her board certification in emergency medicine and attended a
residency at Emory University. She has studied and practiced Mind-Body
Medicine for decades after having experienced a severe anxiety disorder
and later a severe autoimmune disease.

She resolved both through self-healing after doctors told her she would be
on medication for life. Kim now assists individuals and practitioners all
over the world to resolve illnesses and access the highest possibilities for
vitality and abundance.
Kim D’Eramo, DO
DrKimD.com She shares a weekly, live international Mind-Body TV broadcast that you
are welcome to check out at DrKimD.com.


Additional Resources to Explore

Follow this link for your free gift from Dr. Kim to release stress, leave your
day behind, and enhance the depth and quality of your sleep: EFT Sleep
Meditation & Insomnia Release

To go even deeper with this work and get to what is underlying your
symptoms, try The MindBody Solution for Chronic Fatigue. Gain back your
energy and revitalize your body using MindBody Medicine & EFT.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

How To Incorporate Other
Powerful Techniques Into Your

296 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Expanded Energy Medicine Techniques

The Basics of Energy and the Energetic Body

Energy is all there is. There is nothing else. The air, your voice, anytime you get animated and
move, every thought, it’s all energy. We’ve largely forgotten this in the last hundred years,
but now it’s making a come back because we’re realizing that we have to take responsibility
for our own health and vitality.

While Western medicine can be brilliant in so many ways, there isn't a doctor that knows
your energy more than you. You know your body. Energy medicine shows you how to know
better, how to listen to it, and how to make sense of something going on in your body or with
your health.

Where to Start

Use the following exercises to get to know Energy Medicine. As you begin, you might notice
that your sensitivity to energy and the energy of others may grow. Our ancient knowledge
and sensitivity to our surroundings energetically evolved with us, so reclaiming that is our

We can start to be aware of energy again and feel safe in it. We can learn to trust our energy
systems and find the answers we need inside ourselves. Most of us did not learn about
energy growing up or in school, so just start by trusting your own feelings and sensations,
what's real to you, and what resonates and what doesn't.

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Notice Where You Feel Energy

A lot of us are sensitive to energy, but we might not know it or relate to it in that way. We
may be aware of the symptoms or sensations of being sensitive to energy, but we might not
call it that specifically. Often people who are attracted to the practice of Tapping are more
sensitive to the effects of energy.

For example, we may be more sensitive to others and as a way to protect ourselves we
isolate at times, or have social anxiety, or have certain behaviors like emotional eating or
cleaning. Maybe we walk into a room and feel what everybody is feeling sometimes or even
take on what everyone is feeling. Or we have a conversation with someone and we feel
drained afterwards or like we need an “energy shower.”

That’s where we can use Energy Medicine as a tool to protect ourselves and to empower us
to move more freely in the world.

Especially with all of the various sources of energy coming at us, this is the time we need to
use Energy Medicine the most to protect our joy, our gladness, and use our sensitivity for the
good of all, like the superpower that it is.

Looking Forward to the Renaissance

We can look at the world right now and easily fall into doom and gloom. But you can also
look at the world and see how people are evolving, how they're coming together even
though our brain has a natural negativity bias.

The pandemic has made everyone slow down and question the way that we’re living and
question the things that were normal, almost like there has been an upgrade in our thinking.
And after every pandemic, after every plague, after everything that's gone on like that in
known history, afterwards there has been a renaissance. Now that's exciting! And you can
see what's happening already because people are thinking about it all and thinking, “I'm
going to do something different with my life.” So beyond the challenges of this time, we can
look forward to the renaissance.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

Energy is all there is, there is
really nothing else. Everything
you do, every movement, every
thought, everything is energy.

299 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Letting Go and Releasing Unwanted Energy

The most important thing about this practice is the breath. When you exhale slowly, you
engage your vagus nerve that relaxes your body. The slower you exhale the more effective
this is in calming your nervous system.

1. Stand up and put your arms out in front of you and make fists with your hands.

2. And mentally and physically gather all of the energy and feelings or thoughts that
you've got that you want to get rid of and release.

3. Then take a deep breath in as you swing your arms in a circle down, behind, and then
above your head.

4. With your arms overhead, begin to exhale and breathe out slowly and deliberately
while you push your fists down in front of the center of your body.

5. As your fists reach your chest, open your hands with palms facing toward the earth,
and slowly push all that energy out and down that you want to release.

6. Repeat 2-3 times.

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The Zip Up and Governing: For Protection

Use this practice anytime you want to strengthen your energy field so that energy from
others or the environment, whether negative or just overwhelming, can't bombard you or
harm you.

1. Place your hand at the bottom of the central meridian - your pubic bone.

2. Take a deep breath in as you move your hands, slowly and deliberately, straight up
the center of your body to your lower lip. (You can continue upward, bringing your
hands past your lips and exuberantly raising them into the sky. Circle your arms back
to your pelvis).
4. Reach behind you to the base of your spine and zip up your spine as far as it will

5. Then reach your hand over your shoulder to the upper back and just use your mind
to “think” the zip up to where your fingers are and then zip up over the head, over
the nose to the top of the lip.

6. Now that you are zipped up, lock your lips!

7. Zip up this meridian as often as you like.

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The Hook Up
One of the best things you can do to strengthen and protect your aura. It can be used
directly after the Zip Up or anytime you are feeling doubt or unsafe.

1. Place the middle finger of one hand on the “third eye” (between the eyebrows above
the bridge of the nose).

2. Place the middle finger of the other hand in the navel.

3. Gently press each finger into the skin and it pull upwards. Hold for twelve to thirty
seconds. You can hold it longer if you like.

4. Often you will experience a deep sigh and/or yawn - this indicates you really needed
it and your energies have hooked up.

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The Crossover
This one is a great practice when you want to feel more centered, for example, before giving
a presentation or before an important conversation.

1. Place one hand on the opposite shoulder, push in and then drag your hand across
your body to the opposite hip.

2. Repeat with your opposite hand and shoulder.

3. Just keep pulling down and making an X in front of your body until you feel more
and more centered.

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We are to navigate and to learn
to engage with the magic of
energy. Truly, it will save your
life and it will save your joy.


304 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Heaven Rushing In

This practice is perfect for the end of the day, when it's nighttime and we want to unwind,
calm our thoughts down, and get ready for sleep. Incorporate this into your bedtime routine
any day of the week. You might feel grounded and uplifted all at the same time!

1. Inhale through your nose, circle your arms out and up over your head, and bring your
hands together in prayer position in front of your heart. Exhale through your mouth.

2. Inhaling through your nose, stretch one arm up and one down, pushing with your

3. Hold, exhale, and return to the prayer position. Switch arms and repeat.

4. Do this several times for each arm, emphasizing the stretch.

5. Then drop your arms down, fold your body forward at the waist, and relax with your
knees slightly bent. Take two deep breaths before slowly returning to a standing

6. As you slowly roll your spine upright, make figure 8s with your arms all the way up
and over your head until you bring your arms out to the sides and down.

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Triple Warmer

This practice is great at bedtime or anytime you want to come home to yourself.

1. Lay your fingers sideways across your closed eyelids and take a deep breath in.

2. As you let your breath out, drag your fingers across your eyes to your temples.

3. Now take another deep breath in and drag your fingers up so they are just above
your ears.

4. As you let your breath out, trace around the backside of your ears with light pressure

5. Now flatten your hands and go down the sides of your neck along the vagus nerve
and keep going until your hands are resting over your heart.

6. With several deep breaths, softly cradle in your heart the words, “I am safe!”

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It is a great thing to be sensitive.
It is an empowerment.


307 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Bonus Practice: The Cross Crawl

The Cross Crawl is for harmonizing energy, coordination, and clear thinking.

1. While standing, sitting, or lying down, lift your right arm and left leg simultaneously.

2. As you let them down, raise your left arm and right leg.

3. Repeat while mindfully exaggerating the lift of your leg and arm and swinging them
across the midline to the opposite side of your body. This is an exaggerated march.

4. Continue this exaggerated march for at least a minute, breathing deeply in through
your nose and out through your mouth.

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DONNA EDEN is among the world's most sought-after, joyous, and

authoritative spokespersons for Energy Medicine. She has been able to
clairvoyantly "see" the body's energies since childhood, and her abilities as
a healer are legendary.

Her best-selling book, Energy Medicine, is the classic in its field. Translated
into 18 languages, it won golds in both the U.S. Book News and Nautilus
competitions. More than 1,100 practitioners are certified in her system and
are, in any given month, teaching hundreds of classes and providing
healing services to thousands of clients around the world.

Donna Eden Her latest book, The Energies of Love, co-authored with her husband,
www.LearnEnergyMedicine.com David Feinstein, reached #1 in both Amazon’s "Love and Relationship"
non-fiction category and the NY Times Relationship Best-Seller List. To
learn more about her and her work, visit www.LearnEnergyMedicine.com.
And for further instruction on energy practices, follow this link to Donna’s
Daily Energy Routine.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Tapping and Techniques for
Optimizing Brain Performance

310 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Think Clearly, Remember More

Anyone Can Improve Their Memory

Two of the most costly words sometimes in our life are ‘I forgot’. We can all relate to that. I
forgot what I just read. I forgot what I was going to say. I forgot that person's name.

It seems to be growing in recent years. We're all struggling with this digital deluge of
overload and overwhelm, where it feels like we’re taking a sip of water out of a firehose. And
we're drowning in that information.

And we're not really taught how to be able to catch up, keep up and get ahead. There's no
class in school called “Memory.” We all struggle with overload or distraction. It's really hard
to remember things when our mind is going everywhere with every ring and ping and ding
and app notification and social media alert. We're driven to distraction. How are we going to
remember things when we can't even focus?

The good news is that regardless of our age, background, career, diet, education system,
financial situation, gender, history, or IQ, everyone can improve their memory. It's not static
like our shoe size, it’s not fixed. It's like our growth mindset. We can have growth memory,
too. There's no such thing as a good or bad memory. There's really just a trained memory or
an untrained memory.

Brain Strength Over Brute Strength

Our ability to thrive in our jobs, our business, and our families are based on our mental
acuity and our ability to solve problems. The things that are truly limitless, like our creativity
and our imagination.

We live in the millennium of the mind and the challenge is that our mind doesn’t come with
an owner’s manual. It's not user friendly. How amazing would that have been if we all had
been taught Tapping back in school.? That would have saved us so much struggle and
suffering with our identities, belief systems and confidence - from test anxiety to how to be
able to focus!

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It’s About How to Learn

If you struggle in any way with these things, it's not your fault. We just weren't taught these
things. Going to somebody and saying, “Focus,” or “Remember this!” is like going to
somebody and saying, “Play the ukulele,” when they have never taken a class on how to do
that. We've never taken these kinds of classes before. Really, it's not so much what to learn,
because that always changes - math, history, science, Spanish – but really how to learn.

If you had a tough time during school, you could believe a lot of mean things about yourself.
Things like, “I’m just dumb,” or “I can’t ever get ahead.” The added downside of a belief like
that is even when you do achieve something, it doesn’t feel like an achievement. You feel
like a fraud.

As adults, we have to be very careful with our external words because they often become a
child's internal words. It's not how smart you are. It's really: how are you smart? It's not how
smart your kids are. It's: how are they smart? When we ask a different question, we get
different answers.

Whether you use Tapping or the accelerated learning and memory techniques that Jim
teaches, there's hope. There's real help. One step in another direction can completely
change your destination.

What beliefs do you have about your brain?

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Do you believe that because you're aging, your brain is slowing down?

Do you feel like you just don't have that focus?

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Don't downgrade your
dreams to meet this current
situation. Instead be
thinking, how do I upgrade
my mindset?


314 15h Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Three Ms to Becoming Limitless

There are three M’s to becoming limitless and we have to unlimit these areas: Mindset,
Motivation, and Methods.

First M: Mindset

The first one is Mindset, which is the set of assumptions and attitudes we have about
something. All behavior is belief-driven. Our brains are like incredible supercomputers and
our self-talk is the program that runs them. Like the Henry Ford quote says, “If you believe
you can or believe you can’t, either way, you're right.”

So if you tell yourself, “I'm getting too old,” or “I'm not smart enough,” or “I can't remember
names,” you won't remember the name of the next person you meet because you program
your supercomputer not to. If we understood how powerful our mind truly is, we wouldn't
say or think something we didn't want to be true.

That's not to say if we have some negative thoughts it ruins our life, any more than eating a
few donuts will. But it's the repetitiveness of those negative thoughts that can over time. If
you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. When you have a belief, you try to find
all the evidence to prove yourself right. And any time there's anything that contradicts that
belief, you'll brush it aside.

That means you can learn as many memory techniques as you can, but if your identity is,
“Wow, I feel like I'm too old and too forgetful,” those ‘I am’ statements really hold you back.

What are your “I am” statements that hold you back?

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The Importance of Releasing Emotional Charges

What you want to do is let go of the physical and emotional charge that belief has, because
a belief is emotional. With Tapping, it releases the charge so that when you learn more of
these memory techniques, you’re more open to them. There's a place for them to land.

When you’re stressed also, you go into survival mode. You’re in fight or flight mode and
that’s taking away from other areas of our nervous system. This survivor mode sometimes
holds you hostage away from your executive functioning and your ability to remember
things. This stress state could keep you from learning also as well.

Prep For Tapping “There’s Something Wrong with My Brain”

When we tap on a belief, we measure it a little differently. When you say to yourself, “There's
something wrong with my brain,” how true does that feel? So 10 is 100% relating to that
statement. You feel it deeply. 0 is you don’t relate to it at all and there is no charge in your

And we're going to do some Tapping together, starting on the side of the hand.

Side of Hand Even though part of me believes

That there is something wrong with my brain
I accept myself and how I feel

Even though part of me believes

That there is something wrong with my brain
I am open to being wrong

Even though part of me believes

That there is something wrong with my brain
I honor all of these feelings
And I'm open to looking at this in a new way

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Eyebrow I think there's something wrong with my brain

Side of Eye It seems easier for everyone else
Under Eye But I have trouble remembering
Under Nose I have trouble with my focus
Under Mouth So I have this belief
Collarbone That something must be wrong with me
Under arm And I notice every time I do something wrong
Top of Head And I blame my own mind

EB For not being good enough

SE I've been fighting for my limitations
UE I've been creating a story
UN Around not being smart enough
UM I've been holding on to these limitations
CB And it feels good to acknowledge that
UA Because I don't need to believe everything that I think
TH Maybe my brain is okay

EB Maybe it's better than I even thought

SE I am open to the possibility
UE That my brain is getting stronger and stronger
UN I find ways to support my mind
UM And my mind supports me
CB I have a powerful mind
UA And I am recognizing that power now
TH I notice any time a belief comes up

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EB And I remember I don't have to believe everything I think

SE I'm done fighting for my limitations
UE And I am ready to be limitless
UN This is just the beginning
UM I am open to hope
CB My mind is growing every day
UA I support my brain
TH And my brain supports me

Take a nice deep breath in, and exhale. Notice any thoughts that came up as you were
Tapping, any aha moments. When you reflect back to that old belief, “There is something
wrong with my brain,” how true does it feel now?

Even if it went from an 8 to a 4 or an 8 to a 7, notice when you’re loosening that belief

because that means that as you go through the rest of this workbook, you’re more open to
learning this knowledge. This is about opening ourselves up to more hope and possibility
when it comes to improving our own mind.

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Common sense is not
common practice.


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Second M: Motivation

The second M is Motivation. For this one, let's say you’ve done Tapping and now you have a
limitless mindset. You believe everything is possible and you're capable of it and you deserve
it. You also have to be motivated to get out of that box.

Motivation is interesting because we hear that motivation is like a warm bath and that it has
to be heated up every so often. But motivation really has to do with three factors.

Imagine that there's an area of your life where you feel like you're stuck. It might be a
relationship, a health concern, your finances, your joy or happiness. Maybe you worked on
your mindset. Are you motivated to make a change?

The formula for motivation is very simple: P x E x S3

P for Purpose

If you procrastinate and you put things off, maybe you don't have a big enough reason. With
reasons you'll get results, because reasons reap results. But sometimes things have to check
in from your head to your heart to your hands.

Check in with your head. You can improve your mindset or set goals, but if you're not acting
with your hands, you're sabotaging, delaying, or procrastinating.

Then you check in with your heart. Your heart is the symbol for emotions. Sometimes we
have to Tap into more of those feelings to be able to give us reasons to make a change. It
can't be cognitive because you already know what to do. A lot of us know we should do the
things we should do, like meditate or Tap. But if we’re not doing those things, there’s an
emotional reason behind it. The key part to memory is connecting to those reasons, the
purpose, the energy. Information by itself is forgettable, but when you combine it with
emotions, it becomes more unforgettable.

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E for Energy

This is really important because one of the reasons we don't take action and we're not
motivated is we lack energy. And just like motivation or focus, you don’t have it, you do it.
One of the first principles to success is taking the nouns in our life and turning them into
verbs. So you don't have these things. You do them.

You don't even have energy. There's a process for generating more energy in everything.
From the food we eat, to exercise, to sleep, to stress management.

It's not about remembering more, but it's about being more selective. What it comes down to
is mind management over time management. Mind management is like priority
management, prioritizing the tasks or the information. Meaning the most important thing is
to keep the most important thing the most important thing.

We don't get really good at things that don't matter as much. You want to be able to Tap that
energy because that gives you an incredible well of fuel and drive to be able to get things

S3 for Small, Simple Steps

You can have limitless purpose and feel that you could have limitless energy and still be
stalled with motivation. Sometimes we procrastinate or we're not motivated because we're
confused or intimidated. Whatever our goal is, it might be too abstract or too big, and it
helps to break things down. Inch by inch it becomes a cinch, but yard by yard it’s way too
hard. The small steps really add up to big things. So small, simple steps means breaking that
thing down into the smallest task.

How do you find your S3, your small, simple step? Whenever you find yourself confused and
have a decision or a dilemma, start by asking a question: What is the tiniest action I could
take right now that will give me progress towards this goal where I can't fail?

So maybe if you haven't worked out in a while, getting to the gym for an hour is really hard
and overwhelming. So maybe you break it down to a more simple step: putting on your
running shoes. Or if you can't get your kids to clean their room, turn it into a game, one sock
in the hamper.

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A confused mind doesn't do anything. So that clarity of the small, simple step makes it very
achievable where you can't fail. It's so simple to be able to move forward. Most people think
they have to be inspired or pumped up or have somebody cheerleading for them. And while
those could help incrementally, the more important thing is Tapping into the purpose of why
you're doing something.

Your Checklist to Return to Again and Again

So the next time you find yourself or someone else in your life feeling unmotivated, check
through the equation.

1. Do they need purpose? Do they need to know why this is relevant to study this thing
or to clean or to do that activity?

2. Or maybe they just lack energy. What's the level of energy you or they have? How
can it be increased or reprioritized toward something that really matters?

3. Or look for the easy, small, simple steps as opposed to something that's too big or

When you look at things through a framework, it frees us from placing judgment on
ourselves and other people. And then you know what to address. If people aren’t making the
change, maybe it's their mindset. They might have negative self-talk or limiting beliefs. Or
maybe they don't feel purpose or maybe they don't have the energy or resources. Maybe
they feel like they don't want to start unless they know every step and have a plan.

From there, you’re able to tackle the real issue behind your lack of motivation and are able
to move forward with much more ease.

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Have you been procrastinating because you've been putting so much pressure
on yourself to know all the answers, do everything perfectly, and not fail? Notice
that pressure and how it feels in your body.

Give it a number from 0 to 10 , where 10 is intense pressure and 0 is none at all.

Start Tapping on the side of the hand.

Side of Hand Even though I've been putting all this pressure on myself
And I feel like I need all of the answers before I start
I acknowledge how difficult this has been
And I am open to a new way

Even though I've been really hard on myself

And feeling all of this pressure to get it right
I acknowledge how I feel
And I am open to more ease

Even though I put so much pressure on myself

And then I just end up feeling stuck
I release this pressure from my body
And I am open to more ease

Eyebrow All this pressure I put on myself

Side of Eye I feel like I need all of the answers
Under Eye I feel like I need to do it perfectly
Under Nose And I feel so much pressure
Under Mouth That I end up feeling stuck
Collarbone Because it feels overwhelming
Under arm So it's easier to stall
Top of Head I recognize all this pressure I put on myself

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EB I give myself permission to let it go

SE I give myself permission to take small steps
UE I give myself permission to start
UN Even though I don't know all the answers
UM I can figure it out along the way
CB I release all of this pressure
UA And I'm open to more ease
TH I release this belief
That everything has to be hard

EB And I'm open to more progress with more ease

SE I start small
UE I go for the easy wins
UN And I celebrate every step
UM And every time I celebrate myself
CB I'm telling my brain it's safe to take another step
UA I don't need all the answers
TH I just have the courage to start
And I choose to make it easy

Take a nice deep breath and exhale. Notice how you feel. Where are you on that 0-10 scale

Did you have any other thoughts or aha moments that came up?

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Focus is a muscle.
You use it or lose it.


325 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Third M: Methods

The third M is the easy one: Methods. Methods are how we collect knowledge, skills and
ability. For example, the methods on how to tap, how to invest, or on how to read faster, how
to remember more, and how to focus.

The methods themselves are the easy things, but as we saw, if we don't address mindset and
motivation, we won’t use the methods we learn. Everyone wants to get a magic pill that will
solve their problem. But there's not a magic pill, there is a process. A process of upgrading
our mindset, our motivation, and our methods to expand our minds to fit all that’s really

Problems Focusing

By now, you can see how focus comes back to the mindset and the motivation. A lot impacts
our focus, but is there something different about this time in history that makes focusing
more difficult? Was this an issue 50 years ago or are we living in an environment that's
making it harder than ever before?

Part of it is: focus is a muscle. You use it or lose it. And yet most of us are trying to multitask.
Most of us pick up our phones first thing in the morning. We're going from this relaxed state
to an active state very quickly by putting access to everything in the world right in front of
our face.

And it rewires our nervous system for two things that might be hampering our productivity,
performance, and peace of mind.

1. It's rewiring our brain for distraction and a lack of focus. Every ping, ding, ring, cat
video, is driving us to distraction. So the first thing we're doing in the morning is
flexing our distraction muscles. Whatever we do repeatedly, we get better at. And so
if all we're doing is leaning into distraction, those muscles are so flexed that we can't
exercise our focus later on in the day. It takes more effort.

2. The second thing it rewires our brain for is reaction. And that's almost as detrimental,
meaning that we're not thinking about the vision of our day. If you want to win the
day you have to win that first 30 minutes or hour of the day, but we're just reacting to
things on our phone.

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We hear one voicemail message, text message, social media message, email, whatever and it
could hijack our mood for the rest of the day. And all of a sudden, we're fighting fires and
we're on the defense as opposed to being proactive and building a vision for our day. I would
instead recommend that people ask questions that help them to focus, because that's the
other part of it.

Using Questions to Hone Our Focus Muscles

But the other way you focus is by asking better questions. You have the part of your brain
called the reticular activating system, RAS for short. And your brain is primarily a deletion
device. It's trying to keep information out because we would be overwhelmed if we didn’t.
We would be overloaded to let everything in and we would go insane.

And so the challenge is, what do we pay attention to? Well, our reticular activating system
pays attention to things like our name. You hear your name and even if you know you don't
know the person, you would probably look because that's what we train our reticular
activating system to focus on. But the other thing we focus on and let in are the questions
that we ask.

Thought Experiment for Waking Up

When you wake up tomorrow, do this thought experiment. Imagine you're coming back
home, and somebody asks you, “How was your day?” And you're like, “I crushed it. It was
amazing.” And then ask yourself this question, “What had to happen in order for me to feel
that way?”

Start with giving three things personal and three things professionally. They don't have to be
big things. But then have an end in mind and then we work backwards. We do those things
as opposed to reacting to whatever people want from us that are messaging us that day.

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Questions Throughout the Day

The other part to focus throughout the day is to come back to your questions. Questions like:

● What's the most important use of this moment?

● How do I make this moment even more magical?

● What do I have to be grateful for right now? (Gratitude is a wonderful antidote to

fear, overwhelm, and stress.)

● What if the only things you had in your life tomorrow were the things you expressed
gratitude for today?

You can also direct your questions to come up with the answers that will help you to have
better focus throughout the day, like:

● What's the best use of my time?

● What is the one thing on my to-do list that if I did that, it'll make ten things on my list

When you ask yourself these new questions, all of a sudden you get all these brand new
answers. And that's how you control your focus. All those questions shine a spotlight on what
you're wanting to pay attention to.

Retention isn’t the Issue

Exercise your focus because it's like a muscle. Do focus activities. You don't have to just
reserve it for when you're meditating. You can bring mindfulness to when you eat. How can
you be mindful when you're brushing your teeth or in a conversation?

A lot of people blame their retention when they forget something. But, it's rarely our
retention, it's usually our attention. The more you exercise your focus. the more it will
become a natural habit. You flex your focus muscles throughout the day by controlling the
questions that you're asking, because those questions will shine a spotlight on the answers.

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A Morning Tapping Practice for Your Routine

When we're Tapping, we're sending a calming signal to the brain. So when we Tap on
something negative, we suddenly feel relaxed and can ask if the negative thought is really
true. That's why we can shift our thoughts. But when we're thinking positive and we Tap, it's
still amazing for you. Because you're sending that calming signal, you're able to sink into
that positive feeling that matches up with the sensation of Tapping.

We're going to start just on the eyebrow point and we’re not going to measure anything here.
This is something that you could do in the morning. Simply Tap on the points and answer the
questions in your mind.

Tapping on your eyebrow point.

Eyebrow Can you feel gratitude for just the day no matter what happened or didn't
happen? No matter what you have planned or don't have planned, can you
feel a sense of gratitude for being alive, for having this day something that
hasn't been guaranteed to everybody? But here we are in this moment with
this gift of life. Just allow yourself to breathe deeply as you feel that sense
of gratitude.

Side of Eye When you think about your day ahead or your days ahead, what brings a
smile to your face? Is it thinking about your dog or your kid? Maybe it's
simply…a cup of coffee, but what makes you smile when you think about it?

Under Eye When you think about the day ahead, what do you want to bring with you?
Do you want to bring some courage, some compassion, some excitement. If
you got to choose what you were bringing with you throughout your day,
what's the feeling you want to feel? What do you want to bring with you?
What do you want to pack in your bag this morning? Excitement? Joy?

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Under Nose What's important to focus on? We have so much going on, but if you could
just think of one thing that would make a difference, one thing that you
could do to move the needle. And if it feels too big, how can you break it
down to a small step? What's the one small step that you can take today?

Under Mouth Let's fast forward to the end of the day. Imagine yourself feeling maybe a
little tired, but also so proud. What happened during your day that just
made you feel so proud of yourself? Whether it was getting a short
workout in or having the courage to send that email asking for help.
What’s the one thing that you did today that just left you feeling so proud.

Collarbone Bring your focus to this present moment and just notice your body and
experience some gratitude for your body. Your heart is beating and you
don't even have to remind it to. Your whole body is supporting you. There's
a million different things going on in your body right now, all with the
purpose of helping you. So can you just feel that gratitude for your body.

Under Arm Feel gratitude for whatever place you call home. Most of us are blessed to
have a bed to crawl into, a bed to wake up in, just notice a sense of
gratitude for the things that make you feel rooted and grounded for your

Top of Head Now it's your turn. Think about something from this workbook. Think of an
aha moment that you had during our time together and just reflect on it
now with a sense of gratitude.

When you're ready, take a nice deep breath in and out. How do you feel now?

You can use this as part of your regular morning routine to use the questions and gratitude
to focus your attention towards positive intention. If you do, let us know how you like it!

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Everyone's Here for a Reason

There is a version of ourselves that’s patiently waiting and the goal is we show up for
ourselves, every single day until we’re introduced. It's one of those things where we're all on
this journey to discover and develop that potential thing of what’s inside.

Our life is like an egg and if an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. But if an egg is
broken by an inside force, life begins. Great things begin on the inside.

Wouldn’t now be a wonderful time to Tap into that greatness?

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331 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

JIM KWIK, his real name, is the widely recognized world expert in memory
improvement, brain optimization and accelerated learning. After a
childhood brain injury left him learning-challenged, Kwik created
strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance. He has since
dedicated his life to helping others unleash their true genius and
brainpower. For over two decades, he has served as a brain coach to
students, seniors, entrepreneurs, and educators. His work has touched a
who’s who of Hollywood’s elite, professional athletes, political leaders,
and business magnates, with corporate clients that include Google, Virgin,
Nike, Zappos, SpaceX, GE, 20th Century Fox, Cleveland Clinic, Wordpress,
and institutions like the United Nations, Caltech, Harvard and Singularity
Jim Kwik University.
Through keynote speeches, he reaches in-person audiences totaling more
than 200,000 every year, as well as online videos totaling hundreds of
/KwikLearning millions of views. Kwik is regularly featured in media, including Forbes,
HuffPost, Fast Company, Inc., and CNBC. He is the host of the acclaimed
“Kwik Brain” podcast, which is consistently the top educational training
@kwiklearning show on iTunes. KwikLearning.com’s online courses are used by students in
195 countries. Kwik is an advocate for brain health and global education,
with philanthropy ranging from Alzheimer’s research to funding the
creation of schools from Guatemala to Kenya, providing health care, clean
water and learning for children in need. His mission: No brain left behind.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Into a
Worry Free
A Guide to Calming Worry Spirals
and Finding Peace

333 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping Into a Worry Free Mindset

How Our Minds Try to Keep Us Safe

How many times has someone said to you, “You should be worried!”? Most people who say
that to us are well-meaning. They’re probably thinking that you should think ahead or
problem solve if you can, but that's not what they’re literally saying. “You should be worried,”
implies that worrying is a helpful tool. Something that you should be doing because it will
keep you safe.

Keeping ourselves safe is the simplest reason why we worry. We are beings that love
certainty. We feel more comfortable knowing we're doing something for our survival. But we
also have this amazing ability to project into the future about what could happen.

We are supposed to look for danger to keep ourselves safe, but worrying is the wrong
approach. Worrying is focused on worst case scenarios and potential problems, which ends
up causing anxiety instead of solving problems. It leads us down a path where we spiral and
don't know how to keep ourselves safe. It doesn't leave us with answers, so we get very, very
tense. And it becomes a circular cycle where we keep asking the same questions.

Two Main Triggers for Worry

One of the main triggers for worry is asking yourself "What if'' questions about potential
problems and worst case scenarios. They're usually big, unsolvable “What if '' questions that
keep feeding into other questions. For example “What if” questions sound like: What would I
do if I lost my job? What if I can't pay for my bills? What if nothing works? They raise our
anxiety because we can't figure out the answers. We get stuck and frozen in place thinking
that we don't know what we're going to do.

The other main trigger is trying to solve problems that may not even exist yet. When you
prepare for the future by thinking of everything that could go wrong and every possible
solution, all you're doing is sitting in anxiety when the event hasn't even happened yet. It
may feel productive, but you’re staying stuck in your head.

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334 15h Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

How Worry Shows Up

Worry can be triggered by hearing about problems, such as layoffs, or being exposed to
negative news, politics, or financial situations and leads to catastrophizing.

Lack of sleep and exhaustion can also make us more susceptible to worry because when
we’re tired, we don't have as much stamina to be reasonable or think clearly.

What do you find yourself worrying about the most?

When do you find yourself worrying the most?

What are some of the common “What if” questions you ask yourself?

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How Tapping Can Help Calm the Cycle of Worry

Because there is a part of us that believes worrying is a productive way to keep ourselves
safe, the first step is acknowledging that our worrying is not helping us. We have this belief
that we need to worry, but as discussed, worrying only escalates and leads to a cycle of
feeling anxious. Our whole body tenses up and then our body-mind connection says, “Hey, if
we're that tense, there must be something really dangerous going on.”

So it is important to recognize when worry is triggered and find ways to regulate it, such as
by practicing good sleep habits and finding ways to manage stress, like Tapping. Tapping can
help break this cycle by acknowledging and regulating the body's stress response.

Using the “What Ifs” to your Advantage

Sometimes even just Tapping and listing out the “What if” questions is a great way to ease
worry because that alone will calm us down. This can provide an opening to think about
different ways to appraise a situation and engage in problem solving. Instead of asking
questions that have our mind explore everything that could go wrong, we can use that same
power to have our mind explore everything that could go right.

Then we can come up with a new possibility of even better and more productive "What if"
thoughts. Using statements such as, "What if it works out?" or "What if it's easier than I
thought?" to bypass resistance and focus on the positive possibilities. The power of the
"What if" statement can be especially useful in moving away from negative thoughts and
feeling just a little bit better, even if we're not fully there yet.

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Prep for Tapping

Logically, you might be able to say to yourself that you should stop worrying. But when
you're really stuck in worry and you're really scared, it’s not easy to simply think a happy
thought and get over it because you’re feeling it in your body.

The following Tapping meditation can help when you’re feeling stuck in the negative “What
if” questions.

Connect with your body. Is there any tension that you’re holding onto?
Where is it?

On a scale of 0-10, 10 being a lot of tension and 0 being no tension at all,

how much tension do you feel?

When you’re ready, you can start Tapping with the script on the following page.

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We'll start Tapping on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though my head is swimming in these scary what ifs
I choose to remember that I'm okay

Even though these what ifs are stuck in my head

I am deeply and completely acceptable

Even though I can't control these ‘what if’ voices

They keep repeating and repeating
I acknowledge these feelings of frustration
And these feelings of powerlessness
And I know that I'm still acceptable no matter what

Eyebrow All these what ifs in my head

Side of Eye Keep going around and around
Under Eye And each time they grow
Under Nose They're even more scary
Under Mouth They scared the heck out of me
Collarbone They tell me dark stories
Under arm Stories where I feel helpless
Top of Head And life is out of control

EB And these stories would scare Stephen King

SE I know that my mind is trying to protect me
UE It wants me to be prepared
UN But it only sees what it wants to see
UM It doesn't see what else could be
CB The possibilities of it all working out
UA What if it's easier than I thought?
TH What if something good is around the corner?

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EB What if something good

SE Is just around the corner?
UE What if I succeed?
UN What if I have the tools and the abilities that I need?
UM What if I'm opening up to good things happening?
CB What if I allowed myself to accept the truth
UA That I am enough
TH What if I believe every word of this?
What if I say yes to this?
What could be possible?

Take a breath in and feel into your body for a second. Did your tension release at all? Where
is it on that same scale now?

If you're really stuck in a belief, using these kinds of gentle "What if" statements is an
effective way to bypass resistance and move towards a more positive outlook.

But it’s important to remember to pace ourselves. We like being able to go through to the
positive, but it's okay to acknowledge what we're feeling first and give it a voice. It helps to
lift us up and opens space around it that we're being heard. You will feel a sense of readiness
afterwards and that’s when you can move towards positivity.

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It's okay to acknowledge
what we're feeling and give it
a voice. It opens that space
for us around it that we're
being heard.


340 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

How Beliefs Impact Worry

Our beliefs about worry and how it's helpful is really what can get us stuck in a worry loop.
For example, we often have positive beliefs about worrying, such as, worrying helps us avoid
bad things, it protects us and prevents problems, it prepares us for the worst, and may lead
us to solutions. Some people also believe that worrying means they are being responsible,
but this just isn’t the case.

Being prepared when a hurricane is happening is a good thing. You should have a little
anxiety because it keeps you alert at the time. But that is so different than the overwhelming
worry of constant questioning, over-thinking, and over-analyzing that often leaves us
paralyzed. They are two very different things, even though we might call them both

Challenge These Beliefs

We want to challenge and change that old belief that worry is helping us. This starts with
recognizing what we actually want to do. What we’re really saying when we think we need
to worry about something is that we want to think constructively and want to problem solve
or strategize. Those are different from “worry”.

This is really healthy for us to clarify for ourselves. To label it in a way that creates this
distinction is helpful because when you find yourself in that circular, snowballing kind of
thinking, you can ask yourself: Is this feeling productive? Is it supporting me or is it working
against me?

What is your belief about your worry?

Maybe it’s “I need to do it. It's helping.” Or maybe its “It motivates me and it makes me

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341 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping on Those Challenging Beliefs

We can’t only think our way out of those beliefs, we also have to release these old beliefs
with Tapping.

When you’re ready, start Tapping on the side of your hand:

Side of Hand Even though there's a part of me

That believes that worrying is helpful
I acknowledge that belief
And I'm open to being better informed

Even though that part of me

Thinks that if I worry enough
I'll figure it out
And then I'll be safe
I acknowledge that belief
And I'm still open to something new

Even though that part of me

Wants to protect me
And worrying is the way to do that
I recognize that that part
Has been misinformed
And I'm ready to try something new

Eyebrow There's a part of me

Side of Eye That thinks it needs to worry
Under Eye That worry is helpful
Under Nose That worrying helps me find solutions to problems
Under Mouth That worrying motivates me to do things
Collarbone That worrying helps me to avoid bad things
Under arm That worrying prepares me for the worst
Top of Head And of course worrying wouldn't lie to me

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EB Or would it
SE The truth is that when I worry
UE I feel stuck
UN The truth is that when I worry
UM I feel paralyzed with fear
CB The truth is that when I worry
UA I feel helpless
TH But what if the real truth is

EB That what really prepares me for the future

SE Is knowing that I'm capable
UE The real truth is
UN That when things get hard
UM I find my strength and determination
CB The real truth is
UA I take helpful actions
TH I let go of those beliefs that no longer serve me
And I embrace my new truth now

Take a breath in and out. Hopefully you’ve loosened up those beliefs.

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Hope is the belief that the
future will be better than it
is right now and that you're
able to make that happen.


344 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Breaking the Worrying Habit with Tapping

Sometimes we get caught up in the impatience of “I'm still Tapping on this, so it must not be
working.” But that's not true. Keep in mind, these are patterns of the way we look at things
and are deep beliefs. They don't change overnight. We want to replace them with new
beliefs to have a new way of looking at things, so it's important to know that worry is not a
one time thing.

Worrying is a habit that can be difficult to break, but by using Tapping, we can work to
disrupt the pattern and replace it with a new way of looking at things. It's important to have
awareness of when we're falling into worry and to revisit Tapping on these issues as needed.
It's normal to have worries, but we can learn to distinguish between productive worry and
unhelpful worry and work towards hope and faith.

The Opposite of Worry

The opposite of worry is hope. Hope can be a difficult concept for some people because it
may have let them down in the past or they don't fully understand what it means. However,
hope is more than just wishing for something to happen; it is a belief in oneself and one's
ability to make things happen.

Hope is really the belief that the future will be better than it is right now and that you're
able to make that happen. It's a learnable skill. Even if you think you don’t have it, you can
hone that skill. This idea of hope is proactive and empowering and allows us to believe in
our own skills, even if we don't currently possess them.

And that makes it the perfect replacement for worry. Our mind is a vacuum. If we get rid of
something, it's going to vacuum up the next thing. If you release the worry and change your
beliefs, you need new beliefs to fill their place because beliefs give us direction in life.

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Prep for Tapping to Cultivate Hope

Say to yourself, “It's okay for me to be hopeful.” Does that feel true to you?

How strong is that belief on a scale of 0-10? 10 being you believe it 100% and 0 being you don’t
believe it at all.

Let's start out on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though up until now

I have been skeptical about having hope
I'm willing to be open to it now

Even though up until now

I haven't allowed myself to be hopeful
For whatever reason
I'm willing to be open to it now

Even if in the past

Being hopeful didn't work out for me
I honor my past confusion
And I'm willing to be open to it now

Eyebrow I'm not so sure about feeling hopeful

Side of Eye In the past it didn't work out for me
Under Eye I had hope that things would work out
Under Nose But they didn't
Under Mouth That's what I get for feeling hopeful
Collarbone But what if I was misinformed about hope
Under arm Maybe I thought that hope was like a wish
Top of Head That it wasn't something that I could influence

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EB But the truth is

SE That hope is active
UE It's about action
UN It's about doing what I can do
UM To the best that I can do at the time
CB Hope believes in me
UA It trusts that I have wisdom
TH It knows my successes

EB Hope knows that I am enough

SE So I choose hope
UE Every day I am learning even more
UN About how to live in hope
UM Every day my hope grows
CB And my trust in myself grows as well
UA I give myself permission to embrace
TH Having hope in my life

Take a breath. Go back and say that again, “I'm open to having hope in my life,” and see how
it feels. Where are you on that scale now?

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This is something that you
come back to time and time
again. It means you're willing
to do what it is that you can to
have the life you want.


348 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

MARY AYERS has worked with thousands of people from all over the globe
as a coach in the Energy Psychology field. Her specialty is working with
professional women whose anxiety impacts their career and personal life.
She combines EFT and Positive Psychology to help her clients release
resistance, clear old belief programs, and install new beliefs that give them
the confidence to step forward in their life and reach for more.

Before becoming an EFT Expert, Mary was a Psychotherapist with over 30

years of working with clients and went on to earn her doctoral degree in
2002. She was a coach with the Anthony Robbins Company for 5 years and
is a regular presenter on The Tapping World Summit.
Mary Ayers
www.tapintoaction.com To learn how Mary can help you with your anxiety, contact her at



15th Annual Tapping World Summit

How to Manage
Your Mind in an
Control Anxiety, Worry, and
Overthinking with Tapping

350 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

How to Manage Your Mind in an

Uncertain World

10 Takeaways to Remember:

1. You don’t have to believe everything your mind thinks.

2. You are not your thoughts. You are the observer of your thoughts.

3. Trying to stop the mind from thinking by thinking more is a useless endeavor.

4. You cannot control the outer world. Chasing happiness by chasing external objects
and experiences will keep you in a never-ending spiral of dissatisfaction.

5. You can control your inner world by giving it consistent attention and coming back to
the present moment.

6. Your mind is fickle. It will convince you that if you keep worrying or if you worry long
enough or hard enough, whatever it is you're worrying about will get resolved. That’s
never true.

7. Tapping calms your mind and your body and therefore prepares you for meditation.

8. There is no value in suffering except when you use it as a reminder to come back to
the present moment.

9. As you practice coming back to the present moment it will get easier to return to this
position of power.

10. When you're stuck in a mental loop, the best thing you can do is start engaging the
body through Tapping.

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Three Things We Can Do to Return to the Present Moment

1. Meditate
Meditation is a practice of learning to observe the mind rather than getting hooked
by it.

2. Use Your Senses

You can learn to come back to the present moment through your senses. Close your
eyes and focus on what you hear, smell, feel in your body, and even taste.

3. Tap

Use the following script to help you come back to the present moment when you’re
feeling anxious.

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Look for something to feel anxious about. Notice how anxious it makes you feel
on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being you’re not worried and 10 being you’re
really worried.

Side of Hand Even though I feel worried right now

I choose to feel peaceful and calm

Even though I feel anxious

I choose to come back to this moment

Even though my mind feels like a runaway train

I choose to remember I am safe

Eyebrow I feel anxious

Side of Eye I'm always worrying
Under Eye I want this to turn out the way I want it to
Under Nose I want to feel in control
Under Mouth I want to feel safe
Collarbone I hate feeling anxious
Under arm My mind is caught in a loop
Top of Head I choose to feel peaceful and calm

EB It's safe to be here in this moment

SE I release my fear and worry
UE It's safe to be here in this moment
UN I love this moment
UM I feel safe
CB I choose to feel peaceful and calm
UA I love being peaceful and calm
TH I love this moment

Take a breath. And then go back in and notice right away on a scale from 1 to 10 where your
worry falls now.

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Our senses will lead us
to the present moment.


354 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

How to Use Your Senses to Return to Now

Here's a great tool to bring yourself back to the present moment:

Start Tapping on your collarbone. Notice what it feels like. Feel the Tapping that's
happening on your body and as you feel the Tapping, hear the Tapping. Hear your
fingers Tapping your body. Notice the quality of the sound.

And as you continue to Tap your collarbone, notice what you hear in the room. Listen
for noise. Feel your fingers on your body and notice what you smell. Maybe you smell
the remnants of some food you cooked earlier or a candle lit nearby. Notice what
you smell.

Move your head around now and notice what you see. Look for something beautiful.
Look for a moment of beauty as you continue to Tap your collarbone and come back
to this moment.

Now take a moment to notice in the few minutes that you Tapped through this
sequence, did you think of anything else except what you were directed to pay
attention to?

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355 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping for Unhooking Ourselves from a Mental Loop

In some ways, this Tapping exercise is about putting some space between you and the mind
that has hijacked you. When we get hijacked by our thinking, we can feel helpless. And when
we feel helpless, cortisol levels increase, we start to feel anxious, and panicky. That's where
doing a Tapping exercise like this one will help to calm everything down so that you can
make some choices that will serve you better.

Before we begin, think of something you tend to worry about. Notice the anxiety and
helplessness you feel. When you think of this worry, how intense are those feelings on a
scale of 0 to 10. 0 Being not at all and 10 being very intense.

When you’re ready, begin Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though my mind is caught in a loop

And I can't stop thinking
I choose to love and accept myself

Even though my mind feels like a runaway train

I choose to let it go

Even though my thoughts are circling the drain

They have me feel like I'm going down, down, down
I choose to feel peaceful and calm

Eyebrow My mind is stuck in a loop

Side of Eye I feel so anxious and worried
Under Eye I feel like I'm circling the drain
Under Nose I'm stuck in a loop
Under Mouth My mind is going 100 miles an hour
Collarbone I let it do what it needs to do
Under arm I accept my busy mind
Top of Head I love my busy mind

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EB I choose to feel peaceful and calm

SE My mind can do what it wants
UE But I choose to feel peaceful and calm
UN I'm separate from my mind
UM I'm separate from my thoughts
CB I choose to feel peaceful and calm
UA I choose to observe the loop
TH Oh, I love my silly mind

Take a deep breath and measure your feelings from before again. Where are you now on
that same scale of 0 to 10?

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357 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

CHERYL RICHARDSON is the New York Times bestselling author of several

books including, Take Time for Your Life, Life Makeovers, Stand Up for
Your Life, The Unmistakable Touch of Grace, The Art of Extreme Self
Care, You Can Create an Exceptional Life with Louise Hay, and Waking
Up in Winter: In Search of What Really Matters at Midlife. Her latest
releases are the audiobooks Self Care for the Wisdom Years and How to
Survive the Loss of a Pet. Learn more about Cheryl’s public schedule,
newsletter, and social media presences at: CherylRichardson.com

Cheryl Richardson



15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Tapping For
How Releasing Our Deepest
Wounds Can Help Us Find Inner

359 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping For Forgiveness

How Releasing Our Deepest Wounds Can Help Us Find Inner Freedom

My story began when my 6-year-old son, Jesse, was killed in his first grade classroom in
Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Before his funeral when I returned to my home to get clothes for
my son to wear in his casket I found that he had written three words on our kitchen
chalkboard - “Nurturing, Healing Love” - phonetically spelled, of course, because he was in
first grade.

I knew instantly when I saw those words that if the shooter, a former student, had been able
to give and receive nurturing, healing love, the tragedy of the Sandy Hook Elementary
School shooting would never have happened. And I have dedicated the rest of my life to
spreading that message in schools, homes, and communities throughout our world with our
no-cost Pre-K through 12th grade social and emotional learning and character
development programs.

Tapping was a monumental part of my healing, specifically for getting past the anger and
trauma that I struggled with after my son was killed, which led me to reaching the level of
forgiveness I needed to get my personal power back.

The Art of Forgiveness

Forgiveness takes a lot of courage, to face pain and suffering and to choose to forgive. My
main reasoning, and definition of forgiveness, is to take your personal power back. It
actually takes courage to do that, but it’s the only path for freedom, your own freedom, in
some circumstances.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

When you hold resentment towards
another, you are bound to that
person or condition by an
emotional link that is stronger than
steel. Forgiveness is the only way to
dissolve that link and get free.

361 15h Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Why is it worth taking the time to forgive?

I knew that if I didn’t forgive I would be giving someone power over my thoughts which
impacts how I feel, my behavior, and my relationships. It gives that person power over me in
all aspects of my life.

I knew that I didn’t want to give that person power over me. I did not want to be another
victim. And I knew that if I didn’t forgive, that I would be a victim. The other reason is that I
wanted to be a model of what healing looked like for my surviving son, who was 12 years old
at the time. I didn’t want him to be a victim; I wanted to model forgiveness for him so that he
could do it as well and he didn’t have to spend a lifetime imprisoned in his own mind, in
pain, and suffering, caused by this young man who, when you look at his life, was
bullied, neglected, most likely abused, and really someone that we should feel compassion
for if we could.

See, we think that forgiveness is a gift that we give the person who hurt us. So immediately
we think, well, that person doesn’t deserve the gift of forgiveness. They hurt me. And they
may not even be sorry. They may be glad that they hurt me. They may be dead, gone, or not
in contact anymore. Or they may not care. The thing that I learned is that forgiveness is for
you. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself and it’s freedom from pain and anger.

Why do you think it’s worth taking the time to forgive?

This is a difficult question, but so important to bring to light.

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Is there something holding you back from forgiving? What strong

emotion comes up when you think, “I can’t forgive this person”? Is it
feeling too difficult to forgive right now?

What do you do when forgiveness seems too difficult?

Take a step back and take a deep breath and forgive again. There will be setbacks in your
journey because it is a process. It takes time. Be gentle with yourself. Forgiveness starts with
that choice and we dip our toe in and then it becomes a longer process.

This is an image that I give that helps a lot of people: I felt like I was attached with an
umbilical cord to this person who I couldn’t forgive. Through the cord, all of my personal
power drained out of me in the form of anger and into the other person.

I felt myself dragging him around with me everywhere I went. I was attached to him by this
cord and thinking about him all the time. He had power over my thoughts that in turn
impacted how I felt because it would make me feel bad, and then that would impact my
behavior and my relationships. The only way that I know to take my personal power back is
to visualize a big set of scissors. That’s your choice, and you take those scissors and you cut
that cord that attaches you to pain.

You will feel your personal power running back into you, and it feels good because you’re
on your way.

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Then something is going to happen, a memory is going to be triggered that you’re going to
fall back into that feeling of anger, and that’s okay because now you have the understanding
that you can forgive and that forgiveness is your path to flourishing and freedom, and it feels
good! You can take that set of scissors and you cut that cord again. Like I said, it is a process.

And depending on what it is, it might be a process that you do for the rest of your life, which
it will be for me. And that’s okay.

Think about what forgiveness will do for you. Is it a pair of scissors? Is it removing weight
from your shoulders? Visualize what forgiveness will do for you, how it will feel when you
take your personal power back, and write about it here.

Tapping Meditation: Releasing Your Resistance to Forgiveness

Think about someone or something you have to forgive. It could be a person, or you could
be mad at life, at an event. Whatever it is, notice what it is for you and think about the
resistance you feel to forgiving.

Notice if there’s any resistance in your body, something that just doesn’t feel quite
comfortable with forgiving, and measure that resistance on the 0 to 10 scale. A rating of 10
would be really high like you just can’t forgive, and 0 means that you feel ready to make
that choice.

After you decide your number, write it down here:

When you’re ready, start Tapping with the script on the next page.

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Tapping on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though part of me knows

That forgiveness would be good for me
Another part of me
Really doesn't want to
And I accept all of these parts of me

Even though part of me wants to forgive

And another part of me just feels so hurt
I accept all of these parts of me

Even though I have this resistance to forgiveness

I accept how I feel
And I choose to begin to look at this in a new way

Eyebrow Part of me wants to forgive

Side of Eye And part of me isn't ready
Under Eye Because I'm so hurt
Under Nose I'm so angry
Under Mouth This shouldn't have happened
Collarbone And I'm holding on to this pain
Under arm Because what happened was wrong
Top of Head Part of me believes

EB That if I forgive this person

SE I am saying that what they did was okay
UE Is that really true?
UN How is the lack of forgiveness impacting me?
UM Holding on to this is exhausting
CB And it leaves me feeling powerless
UA I feel like my energy is drained
TH And I'm open to doing things differently

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EB Because holding on is hurting me

SE And I want freedom
UE I want my power back
UN This isn't about them
UM It's about me
CB And my desire for freedom
UA I am open to forgiveness
TH I am willing to think about it

EB I don't need to do it perfectly

SE And I don't need to do it all at once
UE But I am open to forgiveness
UN Because I want my power back
UM I want my life back
CB This is about me
UA Feeling open to forgiveness
TH Feeling open to this process

Take a nice, deep breath in, and exhale. Just notice how that felt. Notice how your body
feels. Maybe your jaw is more relaxed, or your shoulders are down. It’s not about doing it all
at once. It’s not about doing it perfectly. It starts with that openness to start that journey.

Measure your feeling now on the 0 to 10 scale and write it down here:

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Forgiveness is a gift you
give yourself, and it’s
freedom from pain and


367 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

How to Forgive the Seemingly Unforgivable

Forgiveness does not mean that you condone what the other person did, and that you have
to have a relationship or even have to talk to them again. Forgiveness is something that you
do for yourself. Forgiveness is simply taking your personal power back, and it doesn’t even
mean that you can’t hold the other person accountable for what they did because we’re all
responsible for our actions and our inactions. It simply means that you’re cutting that cord
that attaches you to pain. You’re doing it for yourself.

It’s very hard to navigate these situations when you are so deep in your pain. Think about a
time when you had a conversation when you were angry. Did it end well? Most likely not.

And we understand that through how the brain works. When we’re angry and emotional, we
are acting from our amygdala, and that’s where our freeze, fight, or flight response is from.
Really, when you’re having those conversations, you want to be having them from your
prefrontal cortex, where your logic and reasoning resides, right? So forgiveness helps you
access that prefrontal cortex so that it brings you down from the anger and the drama and
the emotion so that you can take your personal power back. You can be making decisions
from your logic and reasoning part of your brain.

You can do the Tapping first, and gain clarity on how to navigate it all. You gain clarity on
the type of conversation that you want to have or decide that you don’t want to have that
conversation. But we can’t get those answers when we are so deep in our pain. It comes
when we have those moments of ease and reflection.

This is something that we have to address in our society. We are suffering and we are seeing
the consequences of that playing out in front of us, in schools, in our homes, and in our
communities. Certainly getting to a point of compassion helps us get to forgiveness much
more quickly.

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368 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping Meditation: Ready to Cut the Cord of Resentment*

*You can change the emotion to fit your needs and replace the word “resentment” in the script. For
example, cutting the cord of anger, frustration, sadness, etc.

Let’s think about that cord and how strong that connection feels. Again, this is just subjective, 0 to
10, do you feel like 10, the emotion is so strong? Notice what it is for you on 0 to 10, and write it
down here:

Side of Hand Even though I have all of this resentment

And I feel like there's this energetic cord
That keeps me stuck to this person
I acknowledge how hard this has been
And I'm open to letting go

Even though I have all of this resentment

And part of me wants to let it go
And part of me believes that the other person needs to change first
I accept all of these feelings
And I choose to experience more ease

Even though I have this resentment

And I believe the other person was wrong
So I stay connected through that resentment
I acknowledge how exhausting this is
And I am open to taking my power back

Eyebrow All of this resentment

Side of Eye All of this anger
Under Eye What they did was wrong
Under Nose And part of me believes
Under Mouth That they have to be sorry
Collarbone In order for me to feel better
Under arm Part of me believes that they have to change
Top of Head In order to feel free

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EB But they're not changing

SE And I'm left feeling resentful
UE And I'm so tired
UN I feel connected to them
UM There is this cord between us
CB Built out of anger and resentment
UA And every time I think of them
TH I lose my power

EB And although part of me wants to forgive them

SE Another part of me just wants them to change
UE I want them to feel sorry
UN I want them to change
UM And I am stuck feeling powerless
CB Because I give them power over how I feel
UA Their actions control me
TH And I am starting to realize

EB How much this has been holding me back

SE I am starting to realize
UE That I want to be free
UN I am ready to cut this cord
UM And part of me is a little scared
CB Because I'm so used to this anger and resentment
UA But I am ready for something new
TH I am ready to take that leap

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EB Now, if you can, Tap on the eyebrow point and close your eyes. And as
you're Tapping on the eyebrow point, I want you to imagine that cord.
Imagine these beautiful, big, golden scissors.
SE And you grab these golden scissors with both hands, and you bring them to
the cord
UE This is the moment where you get to choose
UN If you want to hold on to this resentment
UM Or do you want to be free?
CB Making that choice to be free
UA Imagine yourself cutting that cord. And as you cut that cord, you see that
resentment and that anger begin to drift away.
TH And you feel the energy coming back into your body

EB You're taking your power back

SE Notice how light you feel
UE It's never about being right or wrong
UN It's about your power and freedom
UM And by cutting that cord
CB You chose freedom
UA Feeling centered and strong
TH You've taken your power back

Take a nice, deep breath in, and exhale. And just check in with your body, notice how your
body feels. If you also felt that resentment, notice how that has shifted. Maybe something
came to mind. Sometimes when we Tap we have an idea or an inspiration, or we begin to
look at things a certain way. Or maybe this felt like one step toward forgiveness, but notice
what that felt like to you.

Identify that feeling on a scale of 0-10 and write it down here:

The biggest takeaway from this is that forgiveness is not about “letting the other person off
the hook,” or feeling like they won this, or I’m just giving in. It’s about letting go for YOU. It’s
about you being in control of your own emotions, relationships, actions, and behavior, so
that you have your own personal power. No one else is pulling the life out of you anymore.

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How does this feel for you to think about? Do you have any new ideas,
thoughts, or revelations about forgiveness?

What can you put into action right now?

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If you understand everything about
a person, from their birth until now,
why they have walls up or down,
why they became the way that they
became, then you really can’t help
but love them.

373 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Bonus Tapping Script - Boost of Forgiveness

This short meditation is designed to quickly release the grip that resentment and anger may
have on you. We’ll start with some brief statements about how you may be feeling, and then
jump right into the positive affirmations to give you that instant boost you’re looking for.

Take a moment to note how unforgiving or angry you feel, and notice that intensity level on
a scale of 0-10 and write it down here:

Tapping on the side of the hand, repeat after me, either in your mind or out loud.

Side of Hand Even though I feel so unforgiving

I choose to look at the situation with a broader understanding now

Even though I just can’t believe what that person said and did
I choose to release these hurtful thoughts and emotions now

Even though I feel so angry about what happened

I am open to letting it all go now

Eyebrow I am opening my heart to forgiveness

Side of Eye I don’t want to hold on to these emotions anymore
Under Eye Forgiveness makes me free
Under Nose And I choose to forgive now
Under Mouth I choose to release this story from my life
Collarbone My heart is lighter and my life is brighter
Under arm Because I can forgive
Top of Head Right now

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EB Relax your body, and visualize yourself being able to easily forgive
SE If there’s a particular person you wish to forgive, visualize your hearts
warmly communicating with each other
UE With every Tap, you release all these old stories and memories about what
UN Lay it down. Let it go. And open your heart to forgiving.
UM Everyone is always doing the best they can with what they have
CB Just send this person love and wish them the best
UA And imagine them doing the same for you
TH I choose to forgive. Right now.

You can stop Tapping and take a gentle breath in, and let it go.

Now tune back into how unforgiving or angry you feel, and rate the intensity with a new
number on a scale of 0-10. Write it down here:

Feel this loving energy of your open heart and carry the peace of forgiveness with you all
throughout the day.

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Bonus Tapping Script: Cultivating Courage And Strength Extended

Session (Tap along to this meditation and similar topics in The Tapping Solution App!)
In this Tapping meditation we’ll tune in to and cultivate emotions and states of courage,
strength, empowerment, presence, confidence and more. I use the word “cultivate” on
purpose, because we need to train our mind and body to feel these states, to experience
these emotions, especially if they don’t come to us naturally or are not part of our past

And the reason we are focusing on courage and strength in this Tapping meditation is that
these are the states from which we can take action in our lives, the states from which we
make better choices. Whether it’s about standing up for yourself, beginning to forgive, or
starting to release that cord of anger, courage and strength can help us feel better and
move forward.

So let’s start by tuning in to the general feeling of courage, strength, empowerment,

presence, confidence and more. Feel that in your body now. How strong do you feel? How
safe do you feel in your body? How courageous do you feel? And I know the rating scale as
it’s structured gets tricky here, so to be clear…if you don’t feel strength at all, your number
would be a 10. We’re measuring the lack of it and looking to move down the scale. And if
you feel totally strong and safe, it would be a 0.

Rate your number on a scale of 0-10 and write it down here:

And take a gentle breath in... and let it out.

Now let’s do some Tapping with the script on the next page.

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Tapping on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though parts of me don’t feel courageous

I choose to release any fear from my body now

Even though I haven’t always felt strong and empowered

I choose to feel these feelings now

Even though part of me is scared of being strong and courageous

I love and accept myself

Eyebrow I’m going to say some words, and I want you to just feel them in your body.
Courage. What does that feel like to you? How would you breathe if you
felt courageous?

Side of Eye What would you think if you felt courageous? What would change about
your life if you felt courage? What would you say if you felt courageous?

Under Eye Inner Strength. What does that feel like to you? How would you breathe if
you felt inner strength? What would you think if you felt inner strength?
How could inner strength move your forward to forgiveness?

Under Nose What would change about your life and your relationships if you felt inner

Under Mouth Empowered. What does that feel like to you? What actions could you take
if you felt empowered?

Collarbone What would you think if you felt empowered? What would change about
your life if you felt empowered?

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Presence. What does that feel like to you? How would you breathe if you
Under Arm felt present?

Top of Head What would you think if you felt present? What could you forget if you felt
present? What would change about your life if you felt present?

Eyebrow Confidence. How would you breathe if you felt confident?

Side of Eye What would you have the confidence to let go of? What would change
about your life if you felt confident?

Under Eye Courageous – Strong – Empowered – Present – Confident – Feel all those
feelings flooding through your body now.

Under Nose Feeling those feelings permeating every cell in your body.

Under Mouth Feel those feelings healing all the old wounds, all the times when you
didn’t feel these feelings. They’re being washed away by this strength.

Collarbone Washing away all those fears, all that anxiety, all the times when you
wanted to feel or be courageous… letting them go….

Under Arm So strong, so safe

Top of Head So strong, so safe…

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Eyebrow And with these feelings, what can you change about your life that’s
holding you back? What can you release? What can you finally let go of?

Side of Eye Is there something you’ve been putting off doing? A conversation? An
opportunity? Think about that thing now.

Under Eye It could be calling someone, or making the difficult decision you’ve been
thinking about.

Under Nose And imagine yourself doing this thing now! With strength, with courage,
with confidence, with presence. See it happening now.

Under Mouth Make it real. Feel it in your body. See it getting done. So strong, so safe,
you’ve got this.

Collarbone Run that movie again, see yourself doing this thing you need to do. No
more putting it off.

Under Arm You’re doing it. You’re amazing. You are breaking through!

Top of Head You’ve got this!

Moving back to the eyebrow, we’ll do one more round, repeat after me either in your mind
or out loud.

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EB I choose to live a courageous life that I love!

SE I choose to be my authentic self always!
UE I choose to love more, give more, laugh more!
UN I choose to be present for myself and others
UM I choose to cultivate my inner strength, my inner hero, for when I need it
CB I am enough! I am more than enough!
UA I choose to create a life I love, even if that includes difficult moments
TH I am strong, courageous, authentic and bold!

Just take a moment to notice how good you feel, how strong you feel.

Now let’s tune back in to what you rated at the beginning of this Tapping session. Tuning
back in to the general feeling of courage, strength, empowerment, presence, confidence
and more. Feel that in your body now. So now, if you feel confident, grounded and
empowered, strong and safe, it would be a 0.

Rate your number on a scale of 0-10 and write it down here:

If a lot of feelings or memories came up for you during this meditation. Be sure to note
them down. You can Tap on them at a later point, or simply repeat this meditation with
those thoughts, feelings, and memories in mind. The more you do this process, the more
you’ll cultivate these feelings of strength and courage. From there, you’ll find an even
stronger foundation for the belief that YOU ARE ENOUGH and your life is important enough
to make those difficult decisions.

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More information on the Choose Love Movement


Choose Love Movement’s no cost next-generation SEL programming is built upon a simple
formula: courage, plus gratitude, plus forgiveness, plus compassion-in-action equals
Choosing Love.

When learned and practiced daily, these character values transform you, your relationships
with others, and create a ripple effect of happiness, health, and productivity throughout
your school, home, and community.

Choose Love for Schools is a no cost, next-generation social and emotional learning (SEL)
and character education program for Pre-K through 12th grade, designed to teach students,
educators and staff how to choose love in any circumstance, thereby creating a safer, more
connected school culture.

Aligned with CASEL, Common Core and ASCA, Choose Love For Schools is also the first SEL
program to fully incorporate state-of-the-art Character Social Emotional Development
(CSED) model standards, while incorporating neuroscience and positive psychology to teach
mindfulness, character, and emotional intelligence. These essential life skills and tools make
students better learners, more desirable employees and happier, healthier, human beings.

Everything offered is no cost and you can find programs for infants and toddlers (even
prenatal), and for parents, schools, communities, and the workplace.

You can visit the website at www.ChooseLoveMovement.org.

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381 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

SCARLETT LEWIS founded the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement after
her son, Jesse, was murdered during the Sandy Hook Elementary School
tragedy in December 2012. It is one of the worst mass shootings in U.S.
history. At six years old, Jesse, alongside 19 of his first-grade classmates
and six educators, died. Yet law enforcement says Jesse used his final
moments to heroically save nine of his friends.

Shortly after his death, Scarlett decided to be part of the solution to the
issues that we’re seeing in our society today—and that also caused the
tragedy. She created the Choose Love Movement and became an advocate
for character development and social and emotional learning (SEL), which
Scarlett Lewis teaches children how to manage their emotions, feel connected, and have
www.ChooseLoveMovement.org. healthy relationships.

Before his death, Jesse left a message on their kitchen chalkboard,

/scarlett.lewis.336 “Norturting Helinn Love” (Nurturing, Healing Love). When Scarlett learned
that these words are included in the definition of “compassion” across all
cultures, she realized that love, connection, and belonging are universal
@chooselovemovement wants and needs that connect all of humanity.

You can learn more about her story and her no cost program for schools,
home, communities, and the workplace by visiting

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Self Doubt
How to Break out of Self Doubt
Spirals, Feel Inspired and Take
Action Like a Pro

383 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Dismantle Self Doubt

We All Have Self-Doubt

When we’re struggling with self-doubt it can feel isolating, like we’re the only one that has
something wrong with us. But, that’s simply not true. All of us have self-doubt. It's an intrinsic
part of the human experience that we navigate for most of our lives.

There can be pressure to never feel it, especially in the personal development world, yet
having self-doubt doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you or that you’re not good enough.
It simply means you’re having a reaction to something you’re doing.

For example, when you’re doing something you’ve never done before. Whenever you’re new
at something, be it a new area of your business or stretching into a new area of growth in
your life, self-doubt is bound to pop up. Every time you're going outside of your comfort
zone, that voice tends to get louder.

There’s Nothing Wrong with You

Self-doubt exists for a very good reason. Our brains evolved to keep us alive. The mind wants
to keep you safe so it does everything it can to keep you safe.

One of the ways it does this is to keep you in your comfort zone of doing what you've always
done every day to make sure that nothing bad happens. In this context, self-doubt is actually
an understandable evolutionary response.

But that doesn't mean it's comfortable. The mind is not necessarily designed from an
evolutionary basis to make you happy or to make you fulfilled or to make you feel confident.
It's designed to keep you safe and small.

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Freedom Through Accepting Self-Doubt

The good news is twofold.

Firstly, when you accept that voice - it loses its power. If you listen to it or ignore it, you’re
giving it too much power. The more you focus on it, the more you energize it, which can
either lead to inaction or over-action. You either get lost in the cycle where your energy gets
pulled down to the point of inaction or you’re taking too much action, frantically searching
for how to fix something that wasn’t wrong in the first place.

It's the acceptance of the voice of self-doubt that creates freedom, not this idea that you
either have to believe it or eradicate it forever.

Secondly, when you can bring awareness to self-doubt, you get distance from it. You
recognize that the voice is there, but you don’t have to engage with it. Being aware of
self-doubt and calling yourself on it, is understanding that you have a mind, but you are not
your mind. You witness a voice, but you are not that voice.

What you are is the awareness and consciousness behind the voice. That’s where you can
start to not only get a healthy distance from it, but also not get lost in the drama of it all so
you can keep doing whatever it is that you want to do. Instead of listening to the monkey
mind, you can let your soul lead the way.

Failure is an Event

Failure is something that we all can potentially experience. Judge Victoria Pratt says,
“Failure is not a characteristic, it's an event. No one person can be an actual failure.”
Coming from a judge, this is huge!

That distinction is important for those of us who have a list of reasons why our self-doubt is
needed. And we may believe that our doubting voice is true based on every time we have
failed in the past or every time something didn’t work out. But it’s not true.

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Don’t Leave the Theatre Before the Movie Ends

If you looked at failure as a movie and walked out of the movie right at the point of conflict
because you viewed the characters as failures for having issues, you’d miss out on the
resolution and the ending!

For most of us, our lives are these beautiful, unfolding stories. We don't know where they are
going to wind up. Failures aren’t endings, they’re just stops along the roads we’re traveling.
So if we quit too early, we're not going to see where the adventure is going to take us.

Failure is Essential for Growth

The word fail means: a faithful attempt in learning. You're a human being who has dreams
and desires. To be able to go for something, to experiment, to be curious, to be in a state of
wonder, to try to learn - takes courage.

The failure that we're so scared of is actually an essential part to our growth and finding our
way. There's always an opportunity to reframe any experience and look for what you gained
out of it.

Whenever you have something you view as a failure, you have the power to ask questions
about it:

● Did you learn any valuable lessons to help you move forward?
● Is there anything that you can gain and take away and then get up and go again?
● Did you experience something that helped you grow into a stronger, better person?
● Is there any resilience that you developed?
● Was there any insight that you can gain and take into your next adventure?

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The Choice is Yours

So many of the people we admire in society have had failure after failure after failure. Think
about great authors. There are so many well-known blockbuster books that have sold
millions and millions of copies by now, and they had a string of rejections or so-called
failures. (30 to 40 rejection letters in some cases!)

So even if you’re thinking about all the ways that things didn't work out…great! Welcome to
the club! Welcome to being human!

And oftentimes, we find what we're looking for. If you're constantly focused on what's wrong
with you, what hasn't worked in the past, or where you messed up, you're going to keep
building that little proof bucket.

At the same time, if you can take those same experiences and mine for all the good that
came out of them, you'll find those lessons, too. The choice is yours.

Think about your life story. What is something that happened to you in
the past that seemed horrible at the time and then ended up becoming
a blessing?

Steve Jobs says that you can only connect the dots looking back. So have faith as you move
forward that those dots will connect. By connecting the dots in the past, we can help
strengthen our faith that they will connect going forward into the future.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

You listen to a voice, but
you are not that voice.


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Prep for Tapping

Let’s do some quick Tapping to let our body know that it's safe to try and to make mistakes,
that we’re still safe taking action even while we don’t have it all figured out, and to have
faith that the dots will connect eventually.

Think about something you've been putting off because there is a part of you that is scared
you’re going to fail. Notice if there is a voice that's been criticizing you or saying, “Don't do
it.” Describe it below.

Do you have any tension in your body thinking about this? Where?

Think about your resistance to taking action and give it a number on a scale of 0-10. 10
being you don’t want to take any action and 0 being you're feeling ready to take the first
step. Where are you on that scale?

We always start with how we're feeling before we move onto something more empowering.
When you’re ready, start Tapping with the script on the following page.

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Start Tapping on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though there's part of me that's ready

And another part of me that's really scared
I accept all these parts of me

Even though part of me is scared to fail

And I've been listening to this judgmental voice
I acknowledge that this is just a part of me that’s scared
And I accept this part of me

Even though part of me is scared

And another part of me is ready
I welcome all of these parts of me

Eyebrow Part of me is scared

Side of Eye I'm scared I'm going to make a mistake
Under Eye I'm scared other people will judge me
Under Nose So I've been holding myself back
Under Mouth Because I want to stay safe
Collarbone And sometimes feeling stuck
Is more comfortable than taking action
Under Arm I acknowledge this is just a part of me that’s scared
Top of Head Because I've been disappointed in the past

EB I acknowledge all of these feelings

SE I acknowledge the self-doubt
UE And I recognize its true intention
UN I'm just trying to keep myself safe
UM But I'm here to let my mind-body know
CB That I am safe
UA It's safe to make mistakes
TH It's safe to figure it out as I go

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EB And it's okay to hear these self-doubts

SE I don't need to believe everything I think
UE I acknowledge it as a part of me that's trying to keep me safe
UN I befriend this voice
UM Thank you, critical voice
For trying to take care of me
CB But I am in control, not this voice
UA And it is safe for me to take action
TH Feeling faith with my mind, body and soul

Notice how you feel. When you think about that thing you've been procrastinating on, how
has that number changed? Do you feel a little more ease, a little more comfort, a little more
ability to take action?

It’s ok if your number has increased. That just means you’ve found more to tap on! Go ahead
and keep Tapping on the feelings you are experiencing until you find relief.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

I think the word ‘fail’
means a faithful
attempt in learning.


392 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Comparison is a Road That Leads to Self-Doubt

There's an old saying that is as true as it gets, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” One of the
things that our voices in our minds do is they try to pull focus. And one of the best ways to
pull focus is to get us to compare ourselves to anyone else, which is even easier now with
social media.

Comparing yourself to others isn’t going to move you forward. You’re robbing yourself of
having the joy, enthusiasm, experience, wonder, and play of doing whatever activity you’re
exploring. Let yourself actually just enjoy the experience.

If you’re struggling with comparing, there are two things you can do:

1. Commit to not comparing.

2. Catch yourself when it happens and drop it.

The Importance of a Digital Detox

Outside influences can fuel self-doubt. Every social platform has been designed by uber
intelligent people who understand every deep, almost unconscious, psychological trigger
that we have and how habits are formed. They’re designed to keep us engaged and
distracted. That’s why digital detoxes are important.

If you're someone who finds yourself addicted to your devices, start simple. That might look
like going two days without using social media and letting your friends and family know
you’ll only be texting.

You can also set your phone up to really support you in this. You can take off social media
apps, set your ‘do not disturb’, and turn off all notifications. Those three things essentially
make your smartphone less of a smartphone and back into a tool that you use rather than
something that uses you.

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393 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Journal to Find Your Self-Doubt List

Social media isn’t the only habit that influences your self-doubt. Sometimes it can feel
overwhelming and difficult to discern the things that cause you self-doubt, especially if
self-doubt is very familiar to you. One way to find out is by journaling.

Journaling is a powerful, simple, and free practice that anyone can do. If you’ve found the
day full of self-doubt, use journaling to find the reason behind it. Start with the basics: track
what you did, what you ate, who you spoke with, how you spent your time.

When you continue this practice, you start to see the patterns behind self-doubt pretty
quickly. As you notice and get curious, you’re acting as a creative scientist for yourself. You
will eventually find your own recipe that will help you feel so joyful, so energetic, so loving,
and so present without comparing yourself to anyone else.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

There's always an
opportunity to reframe any
experience and look for
what you gained out of it.


395 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Mantras to Break Out of Self-Doubt

If you find yourself procrastinating, it could be because your self-doubt is saying, “I'm just
not ready yet.”

Here are some mantras to help you break out of this pattern.

1. Everything is Figureoutable

Any time you get into something that you don't know how to do, instead of being
afraid, use this mantra to help remind you of your own ability to figure things out.

2. Start Before You're Ready

All of us have that little voice inside that’s says things like, “You're not ready yet. You
don't know enough. You're going to mess it up. You've got to do more research.
You've got to talk to more people, you've got to prepare in some way.”

And oftentimes preparation is just a disguised form of procrastination. So when you

start, start before you're ready. What's really cool about this mantra is you give
yourself permission to dive in just as you are, to be a beginner, and to be messy. It’s
also ok to let others know that you’re new to whatever you’re doing.

Give yourself permission to not know. You may not know the lingo or terminology or
how it works, but you can ask for help and learn! It's a playful practice. It allows you
to leapfrog over a lot of that procrastination, fear, and self-doubt because you're
fully embracing the fact that you don’t know, but you’re getting your feet in the water
and starting to explore.

3. Clarity Comes from Engagement, Not Thought

A lot of times we'll think about the things that we want to do and stay in our heads
instead of taking action. We’ll ask ourselves questions like, “Well, I don't know,
should I start this new career?” “Would I enjoy this particular industry?” “Do I want to
maybe move to France?”

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Well, clarity comes from engagement not thought. You don't have to sell all your
things and move your family to another country. Why not spend three weeks there
first? Or if you're thinking about maybe starting a bakery, why not intern at a bakery
first to see if it's something you really want to do? Or maybe it's more of a fantasy in
your mind and you discover, “Oh my gosh, I don’t want to do this full time, no way! It
sounded more romantic to me than it actually is.”

Between “Start before you're ready”, which is a really fun, playful way to dive into anything
and “Clarity comes from engagement, not thought”, we keep ourselves in motion. We keep
ourselves engaged and taking action. And what I've found is that's usually the place where
the most magic happens.

Our body starts giving us feedback rather than our mind and we can feel our way into our
next step. Our body wisdom leads us here or there. Our intuition starts to speak up and we
get all of this insight, all of this intelligence. It gives us access to so much more of our
creativity that seems to never come when we're just sitting on our couch or scrolling through
our phone.

Which of these three mantras resonates with you the most? Why?

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Perfectionistic tendencies and having super high standards can be good things. They can
make you really good at what you do. But they can also stop you from taking action because
you’re so focused on perfection instead of being in the process of it.

In order to have perfectionism be a tool for your betterment. Start by recognizing two things:

1. Recognize that a lot of our tendencies come from a fear of getting it wrong. We don't
want to be embarrassed. We don't want to look stupid. We don't want other people
to judge us.

2. Recognize that it's also about wanting to control everything. We want it to turn out
the way that we want it to turn out and have it all be perfect.

When you start to let yourself be a little messy with it, you don’t have to release high
standards. Rather, you can keep all of the most advantageous parts of being a perfectionist
and then bring a playful, creative, experimental energy into it as well. The moment that we
start framing things as an experiment, we give ourselves so much more freedom to actually
go for it and notice results, without the pressure of needing it to be a certain way.

The Problem with “Go Big or Go Home”

Another tricky kind of critical voice or self-doubt aspect that affects us is the saying, “Go big
or go home”. When you first look at this, you might not think it’s a critical self-doubt voice
because it’s a very common saying.

But there can be so much fear and pressure in feeling like you have to go big or go home,
that you never do anything. While it can help us get motivated and fired up, for some
people, it can keep them in a state of being frozen and not able to take action because it
never feels big enough.

What does big enough mean? If you actually step back and think about it, it's so subjective
and silly. But understandably, for any of us, we've been programmed by such a young age to
think a particular way, we see things as black and white rather than shades of grey.

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Starting Small and Sucky

One thing you can practice is starting small and sucky. Why? Because it beats staying stuck -
stuck in inaction, stuck in the same place, stuck not doing anything.

The notion of starting small and sucky means you can give yourself some little way to test or
experiment, whatever the idea is, and keep the stakes low. Don't spend a gazillion dollars.
Don't take out a second mortgage. Don't put anything at a huge risk. Start by asking yourself
how you can do something on a small scale and allow yourself to just play and see what

While the saying, “Go big or go home” can be awesome in some contexts, the idea of
starting small and sucky is more appropriate for most of us.

Think about something you’ve been putting off. What are some small
and sucky steps you could take today?

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We want to let some of
those shameful ideas go
and stay in that playful
experimentation or
creative place.

400 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Wouldn’t it Be Cool . . . ?

If we can think negative thoughts, we also have the power to think positive thoughts. If we
can think of everything that's wrong with us, we can also think about everything that's right
with us.

One strategy to help you get into the positive groove is by asking yourself, “Wouldn't it be
cool if…?”

This a great way to bring you back into the creativity in your heart. Any time you run into a
challenge in your life, any time you hit a rough spot or a place where you just don't know the
answer, take out your journal and finish this sentence. Write it down and keep doing it.

“Wouldn't it be cool if…” and let yourself just pour through all kinds of dreamy possibilities
that you would love to see come to life in whatever area you're working on. You can keep
going and going and going. No idea is a bad idea. Let your imagination run wild. It doesn't
even have to be feasible. 90% of things may not even be practical.

It might not even be something you really want, but there is gold in there. It allows you to
start to imagine into the life that you want to create and see new possibilities for yourself
that you would have never seen before.

As adults, many of us just don't use our imaginations anymore. We have gotten so
disappointed with life that we start to think small and tiny. We don't think outside the box.
So using, “Wouldn't it be cool if…” is a beautiful way to start tapping into what you really
want in your heart and to start letting it flow onto the page.

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Journaling Space

Think about something you’d like to do. Now fill in the space below with all the answers to
“Wouldn’t it be cool if…”

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Prep for Tapping

These strategies are amazing tools. When we hear them, we start to learn them logically and
sometimes that really makes a difference. Sometimes we have that aha moment and we
make a change. Other times we struggle because we know something logically, but we don't
implement what we know. And that's how Tapping can help. Because if you really have a
fear of being criticized or judged or a fear of not being good enough, those things have a

And when you can release the charge with Tapping, that's when you regain control. That's
when you can easily notice that thought and decide you don't need to believe it. So with
that, let's do some more Tapping.

Think about something you've been procrastinating on. Maybe you have a big dream or a
small project and your inner voice or self-doubt has been holding you back. Describe it

Now notice how that feels and any resistance you have around taking action. On a scale of
0-10, how much resistance do you have? 10 being a lot of resistance and 0 being none. Write
it down here:

We're going to go even deeper with the Tapping on the next page.

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Let's begin by Tapping on the side of the hand:

Side of Hand Even though I have this critical voice

and this self-doubt
I acknowledge that it's part of me that's trying to keep me safe
And I choose to feel safe now

Even though I've been procrastinating

Because I'm scared of making a mistake
I acknowledge this fear and I recognize that it's safe to make mistakes

Even though I've been procrastinating

Because part of me doesn't feel ready
I acknowledge this fear
And I recognize that I can start before I'm ready

Eyebrow All of this fear

Side of Eye I've been procrastinating
Under Eye I've been playing small
Under Nose I have been holding myself back
Under Mouth Because I'm scared of making a mistake
Collarbone I'm scared that I'll prove that I'm not good enough
Under Arm I'm scared of failure
Top of Head And the way that I'll judge myself

EB And scared of how others will judge me

SE But I'm so tired of this critical voice
UE I'm tired of this self-doubt
UN And listening to this voice has not been working
UM It hasn't been helping
CB So I'm open to looking at this in a new way
UA I am not a failure
TH Because it's impossible to be a failure

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EB I've just had some past attempts not work out

SE But I have learned so much
UE I have grown so much
UN And maybe those past disappointments
UM Were exactly what I needed
CB I learn all of these lessons
UA I acknowledge all of this growth
TH I am further along than I recognize

EB And I'm ready to take action

SE I'm ready to experiment
UE I'm ready to mess up
UN In order to figure out what works
UM Failure is not the opposite of success
CB It's part of it
UA So I can release this fear
TH Because I don't need to do it perfectly the first time

EB I can figure things out as I go

SE I can learn from every experience
UE I have been redirected to better things
UN And I am ready
UM I'm ready to start where I am
CB I am enough
UA I am worthy
TH And I now begin to recognize
All of my self-worth

Take a deep breath in and exhale and notice how you feel. Notice the number. Where are
you now on that scale?

Feel proud of yourself! You did it. You showed up. You Tapped. You are doing the work that
most people are unwilling to do. You are further along than you even recognize. And things
are unfolding for your higher good. Keep Tapping.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

There's always an
opportunity to reframe any
experience and look for
what you gained out of it.


406 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Bonus Tapping Meditation for Releasing Disappointment

Disappointments from our past can make us less confident in our abilities. But when we can
release past disappointments, we can reconnect with our empowered selves and see the
hope our future holds.

Think about a disappointment from your past and measure it on a scale of 0 to 10. With 10
being that you’re very disappointed still and 0 being that you feel no disappointment at all.
Mark your number down here:

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I am so disappointed

I really wanted things to go my way
And it hurts to remember how they didn’t
I accept myself and how I feel

Even though things didn't turn out as planned

And I regret that
I acknowledge my disappointment
And I accept how I feel

Even though I am so disappointed

And I wish things had been different
I accept how I feel
And I am open to feeling more relaxed and calm as I Tap

Eyebrow All of this disappointment

Side of Eye I can feel it in my body
Under Eye And sometimes I can’t stop thinking about it
Under Nose I really had my hopes up
Under Mouth All this disappointment in my _____ (and name where you feel it)
Collarbone Things didn't work out as planned
Under arm This disappointment feels like such a blow
Top of Head I feel defeated and discouraged

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EB I blame myself
SE I wish it had turned out differently
UE I keep thinking about how it could have been different
UN Feeling all this disappointment and regret
UM Because things didn't turn out as planned
CB But right here and right now, I'm okay
UA What if I could feel more peace about the past?
TH What if I could begin to let this disappointment go?

EB I honor this feeling of disappointment now

SE Because I remember disappointment happens to everyone
UE There is nothing wrong with feeling disappointed
UN Everyone who inspires me
UM Has also had moments of disappointment
CB And how they respond to that disappointment
UA Is what is inspiring to me
TH I choose to inspire others, too

EB By not letting this disappointment hold me back

SE By holding onto hope about my future
UE That I'm being redirected to something even better
UN This was just a short chapter
UM Of a much greater story
CB And new opportunities are just around the corner
UA I’m ready and open for them now
TH And grateful for the lessons I’ve learned
To forward with confidence
I’ve got this!

Deep breath in…and let it out. When you think about the disappointment now, where does it
land on that 0 to 10 scale?

Any shift toward zero means you’re heading in the right direction! If the intensity is higher
than you’d like it to be, repeat the Tapping and include the thoughts and feelings that came
up for you as you Tapped in this first round.

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Bonus Tapping Meditation for Lack of Clarity

When we don’t know what to do, it’s hard to take action. This Tapping meditation releases
the stress around lack of clarity.

Take a moment to notice how much stress you may feel about not having clarity. On the 0 to
10 scale, with 10 being that you are the most stressed and 0 being that you feel totally at
ease. Mark it down here:

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I don’t have all the answers now
I have faith that as I take a step forward
I will figure it out

Even though I feel stuck

And I don’t have the insights or clarity I need
I’m open to clarity finding me
As I take action

Even though this lack of clarity is stressful

I’m open to taking a step
And trusting the process

Eyebrow All this stress about not knowing what to do

Side of Eye And all the fear and worry
Under Eye That I won’t be able to figure it out
Under Nose I choose to acknowledge it
Under Mouth And gently release it now
Collarbone I don’t have to have it all figured out
Under arm To be able to move towards the next step
Top of Head I am open to letting the answers find me

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EB I may not have all the answers now

SE But I choose to remember
UE That with action comes clarity
UN And I have everything I need within me
UM To take a step forward
CB I am flexible and clever
UA I am resilient and strong
TH I am figuring it out as I go

EB I choose to relax
SE And tap into my ability to take action
UE And create a path forward
UN I choose to let my mind rest in this truth
UM Everything is figureoutable
CB Letting my body relax even more as I feel this
UA Everything is figureoutable
TH I am ready

Take a nice deep breath in and exhale. How do you feel now when you think about the
clarity you desire?

Rate how stressed or at ease you feel about where you are on a scale of 0-10. If you feel
more at ease, your number will be lower.

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410 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

MARIE FORLEO is an entrepreneur, writer, philanthropist and unshakable

optimist. She is dedicated to helping people become the person that they
are meant to be.

She has an award winning show, MarieTV, and she's also a number one
New York Times Bestselling author of Everything Is Figureoutable.

Her audience spans over 195 countries and you may have seen her on
Oprah's Super Soul Sunday or The Today Show.

Marie Forleo



15th Annual Tapping World Summit

What Am I
Doing with
My Life?
Using Tapping to Find New
Meaning and Passion


412 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

What Am I Doing with My Life?

Sometimes we may find ourselves in a moment where we're feeling a bit blah…or uninspired,
overwhelmed and we don't know what to do next. If this resonates with you at all then we
are so happy you are here! You're going to learn how to move through that feeling with
Tapping and Tap into your passion, so you can gain new meaning and excitement about your

Feeling “Blah”

We all can relate to those moments of ‘blah’ where we're not experiencing a high, but we're
not in our lowest low. It may feel like we're just cruising or maybe a bit lost. This is very
common and sounds a lot like:

I think I'm stuck.

I just feel off.
I'm not really sure.
I don't know what I do want, but I just don't feel excited or passionate.
There's just something off.

If you want to use a technique like Tapping, you have to dig into these feelings a little bit
because they seem so general and hard to put into words. But once you do, you can see
beneath them and you are able to find your passion again!

Breaking it Down

There are three main aspects for this ‘blah’ feeling. Consider each one of these and rate
where you might be. And then as you get into the exercise and the Tapping, you'll dig into it
more deeply.

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1. General Overwhelm

This is that background noise of the weight of the world. We've all been through so
many traumas and losses, major life changes, daily life changes, the leftover - and for
some of us - the very strongly lingering effects of the pandemic. There is more war
going on. There is more divisiveness going on. There is all sorts of traumatic things
happening in countries all around the world. And it just has this background noise
effect as we are walking through our everyday life, but aren't necessarily thinking
about the impact that it has on our nervous system. Certainly if you think of yourself
as a highly-sensitive person, it's going to affect you.

You're probably thinking this is obvious, but even if you don't necessarily feel like
you're highly tuned into your environment or especially sensitive, this can have an
overwhelming effect that is just there chronically all the time.

And so on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the background noise really bad for you,
how much do you think this type of overwhelm is affecting you?

2. Daily Overwhelm

This is your daily worries, stressors, and pressures that happen in everyday life. It’s
feeling like you have too much to do with not enough time or rest. For those of you
that have young children, there can be a continual tail end of the impact from the
years lost during the pandemic.

Some of us have increased job stress. For those of you in the nursing field, the
therapy field, and all sorts of different industries that you wouldn't expect, there is
massive burnout still happening. And there is a constant feeling of needing to keep
going and going and going.

Measure your daily overwhelm on a scale of 1 to 10, if 10 is the worst and you really
feel it weighing on you.

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3. Depressed Passion

Depressed passion isn’t the same as clinical depression. This feels like your passion,
your joy for life, your enthusiasm, and your energy feels knocked down a few pegs or
held down.

And it can sound like, “I don't even know what I want. Like, who knows? I don't even
have time to figure that out. And I don't have the energy to think about it or gear up.
Where would I even start?”

It’s not even knowing where your passion is and not remembering what that was like.
It just feels like your new normal. You may care less and less and you don’t find
yourself with as much motivation anymore.

Again, just a quick check-in. Where would you guess this is for you on a scale of 1 to
10? 10 being, “Yeah, I feel really depressed passion.”

And if you're anywhere above a five on any of these, stick around because this
session is for you! We really want to get into how we move these generalized feelings
because there's such a huge upside for us on the other side.

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It's so important to be able to
deal with the everyday life
things that are going on, even
if it's not something that is big
or identifiable.


416 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Tapping is the Tool to Turn to

It's so important to be able to deal with the everyday life things that are going on, even if it's
not something that is big or identifiable, because they’re affecting you on a physiological
level. Whenever you have these types of overwhelm and the depressed passion that comes
with it, they’re hitting you in the nervous system by activating the fight or flight response.

It may be that we notice we’re stressed, but it’s been happening for such a long time that
we’re living in a new normal of overwhelming, environmental, coming-at-us-stress. But
everyday stress is still affecting us on a physiological level.

Think about what Margaret calls “The Fight or Flight Effect on the Mind”. Using that similar
scale as before, rate how you feel 1 to 10, where 10 is, “I'm about to lose it” and 1 is, “I don't
feel very stressed.” Write it down for later.

Fight or Flight Response

Every degree that you are in that stress response, in that fight or flight response, regardless
of the source, whether it's everyday life, background noise, or pressure you put on yourself,
you are less effective, less efficient, and actually less smart. You're less brilliant. You're less
emotionally resilient. You’re less mentally resilient. You’ll have fewer creative ideas because
you don’t have access to clear thinking. You're actually more uncertain, more fuzzy, more

That's why so many people, during the pandemic and beyond, feel like they are more A.D.D.
now. That they can't focus or stick with one thing. They can't even figure out what their
passion would be because this stress has an effect on the way their minds operate. Their
everyday, smart minds that they've known their whole lives can start to be an anxious mind
that is doing more spinning and less clear, focused, resourceful thinking.

This is why Tapping ties in so perfectly because it is clinically proven to turn down the fight
or flight response. If you tap for five minutes, you're going to be smarter, you're going to have
better ideas, and you're going to be more resourceful because it's bringing down that fight or
flight effect.

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Avoidant Patterns

Tapping also takes us out of what I call an ‘Avoidant Pattern’. This kind of fight or flight
effect on our mind makes us more likely to be zoned out, want to zone out, or in avoidant
behaviors or self-sabotage behaviors like doom scrolling, binging on Netflix, or drinking a
little bit more wine on a regular basis.

Avoidant patterns entail doing things that you don't really want to do and don't know why
you're doing it. It’s not good for you, but it's allowing you to escape. Oftentimes it's a
behavior that we have and we get mad at ourselves for having it, but it’s just misguided
self-love. There's a part of you that feels like this is safer to do than to address your feelings
because you might not have the tools or the understanding of how to do it in a way that
feels safe.

With Tapping, you can go to those feelings in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming because
Tapping brings you out of the fight or flight effect so you can fee what's going on

What’s Beneath Each Layer

Let’s go back to the list of three main aspects and point out what happens underneath each
of these layers. These are some of the feelings that are often lurking underneath that need
to be loved and honored and heard.

The first one, general overwhelm in the world, has anger and grief underneath it. These are
hard emotions to feel and not wanting to feel them will also keep us in fight or flight.

The second one, daily overwhelm, will have a lot of anxiety and exhaustion underneath it,
and sometimes even a feeling of depression because you just don't have the energy to even

And the third one, depressed passion, often has grief and sadness underneath it because you
just don't get to feel fully alive.

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The Motivation Rebound

These are what makes Tapping doubly powerful, because originally Tapping was used for
turning off the fight or flight, but now you’re able to move the underlying emotions up and
out. It moves that depressed energy that feels like it’s pushing down and voices it, as hard as
it can be to feel.

That's the shocking part for people. That's what Margaret calls ‘The Motivation Rebound’.
You start to move up through these layers and the result is that you start to feel more
enthusiastic. You feel lighter and gain a new perspective.

Prepping for Tapping

Now let’s take one step further into getting more accurate information so that as we're
Tapping, you can customize it to what's going on for you and have some aha moments along
the way.

The first thing to do is to take a breath and close your eyes. You’re going to be visualizing or
imagining something and it helps to visualize or imagine things when we are feeling a little
more relaxed.

Take a nice breath in and let it out. Just for a second, feel the chair supporting you, feel your
feet on the floor. Take another breath and let your shoulders relax a little bit. Then bring to
mind, like you have a movie screen behind your eyes, and paint a picture there. Visualize,
imagine, or get an impression of you - the you of today sitting where you are right now, or
maybe somewhere in your house. Just notice how you look and the expression on your face.

And now bring into this picture, whether by metaphor, sound, words or awareness, the
energy of the outside world. All the weight of the world that crashes into your consciousness
that is in the background every day.

Notice what happens as you bring to mind the energy of the outside
world and answer the questions on the next page.

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How is it affecting you?

What do you see in your body language, in your emotions, or on the look
on your face?

Do you see yourself steeling against it and trying not to feel it or

blocking it out?

Now notice again, on a scale of 1 to 10, where does that bring your stress
up to? Or does it not affect you at all?

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For some of you, that will be easier than others. Now we're going to change the picture.
Bring in what you are dealing with on a day-to-day basis. Visualize the energy
metaphorically with images of all the daily worries and pressures.

Maybe it's babies, children, and paperwork swirling all around you. Maybe it's the demands
of your job, all the cooking, the laundry, emptying the dishwasher…all the things you have to
do in a day.

On a scale of 1 to 10, what does that do to your stress level? Again, 10 being very, very high
stress and 0 being no stress at all.

Again, look at your physiology. This is your chance to really get as much
information, even if it's just an impression and you're not sure if it's right.

What's the look on your face?

How do you appear?

How does your body feel?

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What's your energy?

What are the strongest feelings or things that you notice in your body or
the look on your face?

What would come out of your mouth?

Is there anything like, “It feels so ______” or, “It's so ______”?

What might be going on inside you in the background that maybe you don't even notice.
Sometimes it's, “What if the worst thing happens?” What if? What if? What if?

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When you hear and notice that repetitive inner talk, what feelings go
with that?

And how high is that on a scale of 1 to 10?

Notice here if there is any inner dialog that is critical of you like, “Why aren't I more
organized?” Or, “Why aren't I getting more done?” Or, “I should have fixed this!” If there is
any critical voice going on, it’s probably a repetitive process going on in the background all
the time. Our own inner critic adds to our overwhelm.

What is your inner critic saying and what's the feeling you get when you
hear it?

Before we start Tapping, let’s look at one more thing. Look at yourself now and do a full
body scan while holding this negative statement in your mind, “My passion is depressed.” It
may sound like, “I'm not even sure what I want. I don't feel energized or enthusiastic. I
actually feel stuck and blah.”

How true does that feel on a scale of 1 to 10?

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Where does your mind think your passion is? Is it hidden in your body? Is
it outside your body? Is it gone forever?

Where is your passion level on a scale of 1 to 10? In this case, 10 would

be good (a high level of passion).

As you look at that number and even say out loud for yourself, “My passion is depressed.”
(Don't worry, we can't hear you):

Is there a feeling that goes with that?

With all those answers in mind, we're going to jump in and start Tapping. This script uses
different possibilities to cover varying points of views, so if you need to substitute a word
that is more accurate to what you saw, you are welcome to do so. Also note, there are more
Tapping points than these, but these are the ones that Margaret uses.

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Start Tapping directly on the points:

Eyebrow There I am
Side of Eye And I see it
Under Eye I look overwhelmed
Under Nose I look stressed
Under Mouth Maybe more stressed than I realize
Collarbone My face
It shows how I feel
I look tired
Under Arm Maybe even sad
Top of Head I look exhausted

EB Or maybe I look
SE Anxious
UE Or frozen
UN Or spinning
UM It's really affecting me
CB And I can see it
UA There I am
TH With the whole world weighing on me
Because it's really happening

EB It's happening out there

SE Affecting me and everyone
UE I try not to feel it
UN I try to be positive
UM But it's affecting me
CB It's a weight
UA It's scary
TH Heavy

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EB Sad
SE Infuriating
UE Exhausting
UN And it's nonstop
UM The weight of the world
CB Everything that has changed
All of the losses
I see it everywhere I go
UA And it affects me
And I feel that
TH And then there's my day-to-day stress

EB And I see that on my face

SE I see it in my body
UE Anxious
UN Rushed
UM Stressed
CB Going and going and going
UA No bandwidth
TH No real time
To just restore

EB I feel like I've lost something

SE And I don't even remember
UE Appreciating it when I had it
UN The space
UM I used to have
CB The life
The way things were
UA It's so stressful
TH It's a lot

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EB And everyone's dealing with it

SE So I'm not supposed to feel compassion
UE But it's a lot on me
UN And the truth is
UM It's affecting me
It's taking a toll
CB On my mind and my body
And I'm just going to honor that
There I am
Doing my best
Not quite making it
UA But I'm trying
TH And it's a lot
I get it now
It's a lot

Take a breath and check in with yourself. How true did that feel?

And if it was really intense or it brought up a lot of emotion, that’s normal and completely
ok. It does for some people. It's kind of like when you're trying to hold it together and then
somebody who loves you gives you a hug and you go, “Don't hug me, I'm going to cry.”
Tapping can work that same way because you’re giving yourself compassion, but there could
be more Tapping to do there. We're going to keep going and do more Tapping, but you might
want to stop and do that Tapping round again if it was really intense for you.

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These are feelings in our body.
Tapping allows us to move
those by voicing them and
Tapping at the same time.


428 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Why We Need to Voice Our Emotions

A lot of us don't want to admit how we feel, so spending so much time honoring those
feelings is very uncomfortable. If you’ve been so afraid and avoided voicing your feelings for
fear of not wanting to sound complain-y or to seem depressed or mad, Tapping like this can
feel so different. A lot of us have been concentrating on only having a positive mindset or
positive thinking to get through life.

Having a positive mindset and thinking are great concepts, but those are for the mind. If
you're feeling a little stuck and someone says, “Believe in yourself,” and that’s all you need
to be on your way, maybe you don't need Tapping.

But when it's a depression of all of the feelings that we're talking about – enthusiasm,
passion, emotion – these aren’t only things that the brain does. These are feelings in your
body. Tapping allows you to move those by voicing them while Tapping at the same time.
You move them up and out in a way that you can hear them and go, “Oh, I feel it.” When
you're trying not to feel things, that means you depress the feelings, including passion and

Compassion for Ourselves

So really there's no way through but up and out. And there is a tail effect of moving even
painful emotions up. We have to have a tiny bit of space and compassion to honor our own
feelings, even privately. You can do Tapping for yourself to hear how you feel in order to
honor it. That is the healing underneath all of this.

The real thing that is secretly happening with this process of introspection and Tapping is to
move you, very transparently, to feel a little more compassion and love towards yourself
right now. To understand what has been happening and to be a little bit more loving by
using a technique that allows for movement.

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The Heart Healing

We can get into a habit of going to the “I don't want to feel that” layer. And we push it back
down. When doing this work, Tapping makes it a little bit harder to do that. So when you
hear how hard it is for yourself, you tend to give yourself the tiniest bit of self-compassion.

And that's when healing starts to happen underneath. It's what Margaret calls ‘The Heart
Healing’. It's when you go, “Wow, this has actually been really hard on me,” and you give
yourself a hug for a second. That's how you end up having more energy again.

The way that we would treat a six year old in our life is the level of kindness that we have to
treat ourselves when we're feeling stuck and frozen and overwhelmed. You don't take a child
and criticize them to motivate them forward. You take a child and you love them, hold them,
and give them space and patience to motivate them when they're feeling upset.

Prepping for Next Round of Tapping

Let’s visualize again and do our next round, assuming that you've done enough of the prior
Tapping. Again, you might feel like you want to Tap through the script again before moving
onto the next part of this exercise. Once you feel ready, take another breath. Close your eyes
and see yourself there. And hopefully it's looking a little bit better.

Often after just one Tapping round, people will say, “Wow, I look a little bit lighter, my face
looks clearer, my eyes look brighter.” Honor that you're looking at this image of yourself. You
have been seen and heard more honestly by your own self, by your own loving heart.

And now imagine that a super positive, energetic, coach-y type person comes in and says,
“You should be more passionate. You need to figure it out and get into action. You should be
empowered. You have so much potential.”

Notice any resistance that comes up. Do you want say to yourself, “Why aren't I getting more
done?” Or you might feel anger, too, saying things like, “Hey, get out of my face, you don't
understand!” Or it could be more frustration or more stress-like, “You're stressing me out!”
Just notice the feelings. Be really honest about what happens when you hear this. Now let’s
do some Tapping on this feeling.

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Tapping through the points:

Eyebrow I’m just starting to feel better

Side of Eye And I'm not ready for that
Under Eye That feels pushy
Under Nose That feels a little obnoxious
Under Mouth I'm not ready
Collarbone I'm tired
I've been resisting
I've been maybe procrastinating
Under Arm Or stuck
Top of Head For a reason
And I still feel it

EB I don't want to be told

SE Again
UE Figure it out
UN Get yourself together
UM I say that to myself enough
CB Get in gear
It just makes me feel worse
UA It just makes me feel worse
TH So back off

EB I'm tired
SE I'm blah
UE I don't feel like it
UN I really don't feel like it
UM I need a break
CB I don't even know what I need
UA But I don't need pressure
TH I don't need criticism

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EB Back off
SE Give me a break
UE I don't want to be pushed
UN I just want to be
UM Leave me alone
CB I'm exhausted
I'm overwhelmed
And nobody really gets it
No one has any idea
UA What it's been like for me
TH What I've been dealing with

EB What I've tried to manage

SE The frustration
UE The grief
UN The loss
UM No one has any idea
What it's been like for me
CB I don't even take stock
I'm pretty hard on myself
No wonder I'm so resistant
UA No wonder I'm so tired
TH No wonder I feel so stuck
No wonder I resist feeling passion
I mean, what's the point?

Take a breath. Again, that was another round of saying things most people feel they
shouldn’t say. But what you’re really doing is voicing that depressive-like, grief-filled, “Don't
push me” resistant voice to release it. Because when you feel really stuck, it's winning! Let's
let it be heard so it’s not in you anymore.

It can feel really good to be honest about it. Because whether it is in our mind what
someone would say to us or what we say to ourselves, all of these things are not helpful.
They keep blocking the way to our own self-compassion.

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Whether it's the world out
there stress, your daily stress,
or a mix of both, what has it
cost you in the last couple of


433 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

What Have You Lost?

We said a really important phrase in there and if you only take away one phrase it would be,
“No wonder.” That is the quintessential phrase to feel that, “Oh my goodness. I'm actually
understanding myself and having compassion” feeling. When instead of saying, “What is
wrong with me?”, you go to a place where you say, “Well, no wonder I feel so stuck.”

For some people that phrase, “And nobody has any idea what it's like for me,” can often
bring up a lot of grief and sadness. So the question to ask yourself is what have you lost?
What has it cost you? Whether it's the world out there stress or your daily stress or a mix of
both, what has it cost you in the last couple of years? Take stock and write down as many
things as you can think of below now.

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Criticism isn’t Sustainable

It's the full acknowledgment of the price that you've paid that helps you to move into the
motivation rebound to find your passion again. It has to come through heart healing.

Addressing that voice that is saying, “Get it together! Focus!” is so tricky because sometimes
it works. Sometimes you can beat yourself up enough that you finally take action. But it's
never sustainable. You may take a few steps forward, but then you don't have the drive or
energy to keep going because you are exhausted if you haven't dealt with those underlying

When we are beating ourselves up with criticism and trying to use that to spark motion
forward, not only is it unsustainable, but it also isn’t fun. You don't feel good along the way
and you end up dampening passion even more.

This is a depressing way to be so we’re looking for true motivation. Motivation rebound is a
feeling. It's energy. It's not, “I’ve got to force myself to do it.” Insead it is, “I'm lifting off my
chair because I'm so excited to do it.” That's what we're looking for.

Revisit Your Visualization

Let's check in on our visualization one more time and see how it looks. See yourself again
and notice how you look now, now that we voiced that rebellious voice of, “Just back off!” Is
there more grief? Are there some tears that need to be shed? Do you need to cry your eyes
out? Do you need a hug? Do you need to Tap and rant? Do you need to scream in the shower
or scream in a pillow?

Is there more there that needs to just be pain that needs to move for you? Just honor that
right now.

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Take another breath and this time, see your passion, even if it's latent, waiting, quiet, or
sitting in you somewhere deep in the core of your body. Imagine you could body scan
yourself and just say out loud, “It's still there. It has to be.”

Let your mind paint you the picture of where it is. Where is it in your
body? And how does it look or feel?

It’s still there, waiting for you to be rested enough, to feel safe enough, to feel loved enough,
to feel cared for and encouraged enough to become a bigger spark that starts to radiate
through you to be unleashed, to move up and out.

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Let’s do some positive Tapping now. And even though you may have more work to do
here, you can do this round and it's still going to feel good.

Eyebrow There it is
Side of Eye It is still there
Under Eye Thank goodness
Under Nose Even if I can't see it clearly
Under Mouth It's in there
Collarbone It's my passion
It's my fire
Under Arm It's my joyful laugh
Top of Head It's my intense action

EB It's my radiant self

SE It's my on fire me
UE It's the way I do excitement
UN Intense or bubbly
UM It's my deepest soul calling
CB In the simple things I want as well
The joy, the passion
UA The fulfillment
TH The daily pleasure
Deliciousness and laughter

EB My passion is still there

SE And it's waiting
UE It needs rest
UN It needs attention
UM It needs me to know it's there
CB And love on it
Because I love loving
UA I love feeling
TH I love being excited

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EB I have passion
SE And it is radiant
UE And alive
UN And it's waiting for me
UM And my mind doesn't really understand passion
CB I can't figure out everything I want
UA But it's there
Waiting to show me
TH It is radiant

EB I am radiant
SE It is glorious
UE I am glorious
UN It is fire
UM I am fire
CB It is passion
I am passion
I love being alive
I love knowing it's in me
UA Burning like an ember
TH It can be a fire again

EB I am so open
SE To letting my mind just turn off
UE And feeling my passion
UN Rise again inside me
UM Maybe butterflies in my stomach
CB Maybe a feeling in my heart
UA Maybe an impulse to just do something
I'm so open to feeling
TH My beautiful, radiant passion
The world can't wait to see it either
It is awesome

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Take a breath. That round is talking directly to your passion and loving on it. You’re loving on
it because you want to encourage it to come out. Connecting to passion stops the questions
and overthinking dictating how you feel. When you can allow yourself to feel that passion,
you can figure things out along the way. You can start with where you are. You can play, be
adventurous, and take a whole new approach.

Joy is the Point

What we're all looking for is to feel more joy. In the end, if you were doing something and
you felt alive, joyful, and connected when you're doing it, who cares what it is in the end?
When passion is the calling, then the mind's job is to go, “Let me figure out a plan to figure
out the details.”

But when you start overthinking first and trying to figure things out, you go into overwhelm,
which depresses passion. Your mind is one level of your consciousness. Your passion is a
different level. It's feeling your way to the things that you want, but it needs space and it
needs time.

If there is grief, your passion is busy being involved in the business of grief until the grief has
been honored and moved. Your passion might be involved in the business of being enraged
right now. If there is more work to do around, “I had major losses or major things that I'm
just infuriated about,” your passion is going to feel depressed. This needs to be honored and
loved and given space to recover.

It doesn't need to be pushed or told, “Get it together.” It doesn't need that kind of scolding. It
needs a little bit of space and patience. You're going to wake up, maybe tomorrow, and you
might feel something brewing in you. You're going to just feel an impulse. And you'll be like,”
I don't even know why I did that, I just…”

And then when we take those impulse actions, even when they're little steps, they take us on
a chain of miracles. It's like a staircase of miracles. The passion takes you and it starts this
chain of miracles to happen, which is very different than just getting by.

Sometimes you see someone from the outside and think that they had this perfect plan and
the perfect talent and everything lined up. But really, it's that passion that helps you figure it
out as you go. And that magic comes in in ways that you couldn't have sat down and tried to
strategize. There's only so much you can strategize in life. There's only so much we can
control. There's so many other elements.

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How to Keep Up this Positive Momentum

The first piece is by continuing to Tap. Tapping is self-care that will shift your energy every
time you use it, even for a few minutes. Take to heart everything you're learning in the
Summit and hopefully in the workbooks, because it's repetition that keeps your momentum

The second piece is support. You need a community. Having a community to remind you
you're not alone and you're not complaining. You're actually honoring where you are in a
way that is positive and moving forward. We have to move past the days of ‘no complaining
zone’ and shaming people when they're like, “I'm stuck,” because it's not productive. We
have Tapping to move those painful emotions and then turn them into emotional resilience.

And the third thing is if you were to write down one word on a Post-it note for yourself, it's
patience. Patience with yourself. Because this can take time, but it is so worth it. Your
passion is this amazing, radiant energy that needs to be nurtured. When it comes out, it can
be world changing.

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440 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

MARGARET LYNCH RANIERE – also known as “The Money Tapping Expert”

– is a renowned COACH TRAINER and BESTSELLING AUTHOR of two
5-Star Rated Books:

Unblocked: A Revolutionary Approach to Tapping into Your Chakra

Empowerment Energy to Reclaim Your Passion, Joy, and Confidence &
Tapping into Wealth: How Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Can Help
You Clear the Path to Making More Money…

A trained engineer, Margaret left a successful corporate career to follow

her calling to help others. Over the past 15 years, she’s masterfully
Margaret Lynch Raniere combined her coaching and engineering skills to create a groundbreaking
www.margaretlynchraniere.com system to train highly effective coaches to run a successful business.

Margaret has gained wide recognition for her cutting-edge work

/MargaretLynchRaniere integrating clinically proven energy-psychology techniques that leverage
her expertise in EFT, Chakra work, and her revolutionary Coaching
For the last decade, she’s been an ongoing featured speaker at the
“Tapping World Summit” and helped thousands of coaches, therapists,
and everyday people from around the globe through her coaching
programs. trainings, live events, and books.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Using Tapping to Transform Your
Life and Realize Your Wildest

442 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Manifesting Mastery
What Does Manifesting Really Mean?

Before we get into how you can manifest your dreams and desires with Tapping, let’s get
clear on what manifesting means. What manifesting means is alchemy. Taking something
from a place of nonexistence to a place of existence. It's giving birth to your desires, your
dreams, your wants, and ultimately to yourself.

How Can Tapping Play a Role in Manifestation?

Tapping is usually a modality that is helpful for emotional or physical pain, so people don't
usually think of it in terms of manifestation. However, one of the key tenets of manifesting is
the fact that abundance is our natural state. Whether it's abundance of happiness, health,
love, wellbeing, money, joy…Abundance is our birthright. Abundance is who we are.

Whatever it is that you're wanting to call forward into your life or manifest is some form of
abundance. So what’s keeping us outside of that natural state? It's our beliefs. It's what we
think about ourselves and the paradigm that we've created in our world. That’s where
Tapping enters.

The juicy thing is that Tapping can help us to clear that resistance, because resistance is
really another word for fear on its most simplistic level. Tapping can also help us address
and shift the things that we believe to be true about ourselves, the world, and our lives.
When we shift our view on those things, our outer world changes.

When you clear those beliefs and they are out of the way, then there is you with whatever
you’re calling in. You with the money, you with the love, you with the happiness, you with the
smiles. And that's why Tapping is such a beautiful part of the manifestation process, because
it's just getting you out of your own way.

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Tapping is such a beautiful
part of the manifestation
process, because it's just
getting you out of your
own way.


444 15h Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Next Right Step

So often we wish to control how our manifestation shows up in the world. So often when we
have a dream, we want to strategize. And there's definitely a place for that. But sometimes
we get so in our head of “I want this, but look at all these steps and how exactly am I going
to figure it out?” Then we think like ten steps ahead and we feel paralyzed.

If you view the entire staircase as a whole you may not trust that your first inspired action is
the right one. You ignore the coincidences, intuitive messages, and your own innate abilities
to make things happen.

Like Abiola mentioned with her book, she didn’t know why she wanted to share it with
Jessica, but she knew it was the next best step. We think we have to see the whole staircase
and that's actually a quote from the late, great Dr. Martin Luther King. He says, “All you need
to see is the first step.”

You have no way of knowing how your manifestation should arrive and if you keep trying to
figure that out, you aren’t able to move forward. It's about getting out of your own way and
allowing magic, miracles, mysticism, and the great question mark to fill in the blanks. And
the great question mark is what is missing from our lives today.


With manifestation comes surrendering. If you’re someone who likes to plan everything out,
you still need to just surrender and release the resistance. Let go of the things that are
blocking you. All the fears, the beliefs, and ideas that you are somehow not meant for
whatever it is that you're wanting to call forward.

What’s great about Tapping is so often you don't know what you’re going to do next. And it's
those quiet moments that we can hear the answer. And the problem is, we're not giving
ourselves those quiet moments enough to just slow down, but with Tapping, we can do that
and create space.

And it’s encouraged to journal after you Tap. Create that space to notice, what's that nudge?
Whether it’s to ask that someone, call that friend, or send that email. Whatever that is, that’s
your next step.

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Some Common Resistance and Beliefs That Are Helpful to Tap On

The key belief that holds most of us back is the belief that we are somehow not enough.
That we're not enough for what it is that we're wanting to call forward, that we're not
enough for the things that we desire. That we're not enough for the people that we love.

It's something that we all have in common. You hear it from everyone. Even people like
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to Meryl Streep say that they feel unworthy and not
enough at times. If people that we admire and look up to also feel this way, we’re not alone.

So doing a Tapping on deserve-ability, being worthy and deserving of the things that we
want is where I always like to start to begin clearing resistance on feeling deserving.

How to Tap on Deserve-ability

Begin by “Calling all parts of ourselves back to ourselves”, which is just coming back into
your body and being present. When we have so many different things going on, closing your
eyes and breathing is where you start. Be present in your body, be present with your breath.
Inhale and exhale. In through the nose and out through the mouth.

Now, think of one thing you’re currently manifesting. There are many things that you may
want to call forward in your life, but what's one thing that you want to manifest? One thing
that you want to energetically give birth to in your life?

It could be something you're wanting to do, like write a book. It could be a love of your life.
There's nothing that's too mundane or too simple. Whatever it is, whatever you desire,
desires you. So what do you want to call forward? Think of one thing.

And then think about your resistance to this thing. You know, it's the voice in our head that
when we say affirmations, when we say, you know, “I am a millionaire,” and then the voice in
your head goes, “No, you're not”. Or maybe it’s saying, “I have the love of my life,” and the
voice goes, “No, you don’t.”

So think about whatever that resistance is and give it a number between 0-10. How strongly
do you feel it? 0 Is nonexistent and 10 is really, really strong.

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Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I'm afraid to manifest this thing

I choose to love, honor and cherish myself

Even though I have resistance around this thing

I choose to love, honor and cherish myself

Top of Head This thing

Eyebrow This thing that I desire
Side of Eye This thing that I'm calling forth
Under Eye This is something I really want
Under Nose This is something I really need
Under Mouth I want this so badly
Collarbone I can feel it in every part of my body
Under arm This thing
Top of Head I've wanted this for a long time

EB I've desired this for a really long time

SE This thing
UE And I don't know what to do about it
UN I don't know what to feel about it
UM But I'm feeling kind of desperate
CB And I've done all the manifesting things
UA I've made all the vision boards
TH I've chanted the affirmations

EB So where is it?
SE Where is my stuff?
UE I want it right now
UN But I'm scared that I won't get it
UM People like me don't get things like this
CB People like me aren't happy that way
UA Maybe I should just make my peace with that
TH People like me

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EB People like me
SE I'm scared of what this means
UE I'm scared of not getting this thing
UN I'm scared of feeling unfulfilled
UM What if I felt differently?
CB What if I felt something different?
UA What if it was safe for me to be happy?
TH What if it was safe for me to be abundant?

EB What if it was safe for me to be happy?

SE What if it was safe for me to feel joy?
UE What if it was safe for me to feel rich?
UN What if it was safe for me to feel loved?
UM I am worth loving
CB –
UA I am worth loving
TH It's natural to be loved

EB And I'm really grateful for all of those things

SE So I think I'm willing to receive even more
UE Yes, I am willing to receive even more
UN I'm expanding my capacity to receive
UM I'm willing to receive joyously
CB I can receive love
UA I can receive prosperity
TH I can receive joy

EB I can receive happiness

SE I can receive good times
UE I can receive everything
UN It is natural for me to receive everything
UM So, I'm willing to receive everything
CB –
UA I’m willing to receive everything
TH I'm willing to change

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EB But I don't need to

SE I'm willing to grow
UE But I'm already amazing
UN I'm worthy and deserving
UM I'm worthy and deserving
CB –
UA And I deserve great things
TH I deserve great things

EB I receive great things

SE I am great
UE –
UN I am great
UM I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful

Take a deep breath in. When you think back to whatever that resistance was before Tapping,
where is it now on that scale of 0-10. 0 Is no resistance and 10 is a lot of resistance.

You may have had a lot of thoughts come up while you were Tapping and that’s ok! What’s
great about Tapping is that it's okay to have thoughts. But it's nice to let your mind expand
and to see what comes up as you reflect.

As you start to manifest more, the more detachment you have from something. It’s like the
more that you feel like you’re loved and worthy and the less attached you feel to it needing
to work out, it’s more likely to happen. Loving yourself first takes the pressure off that thing
that we want and then it becomes easier to attain that.

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I just assume that this hasn't
happened yet because
everything is assembling the
way that it needs.


450 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Power of Non-Attachment

The law of non-attachment is one of the most challenging things for people to get because
we're so attached to our desires. Your mind can convince you that you need to keep
obsessing over something.

It's really not until we have these practices like Tapping that we can slow the mind down
and connect with non-attachment, realizing that in the present moment we're fine. That in
this moment, whoever you are, you’re having the abundance to have a device to read this
and the breath and wherewithal to be a part of this conversation. You are absolutely fine.

By realizing the power of the present moment, you give yourself the power to lay down the
resistance with gratitude for whatever is right in your life. You take that small kernel of
gratitude and you invest all of the love in that. You begin to love feeling good for the sake of
feeling good.

Then when you think about your desire, you can see how it would be great if you got it, but
you also see how right now you already have everything you need. You see how great it feels
to feel good. The peace is in the surrender and in the letting go of that obsessive thought.

Divine Timing

Whether it's a romantic relationship, or a friendship, or a company, there is timing that's

outside of us. There are other things outside of our awareness that are lining up to make
your manifestation happen. You might be ready and are doing everything right, but your
desire needs time. All you need to do is have faith that those other things are aligning.

By having faith, releasing, and surrendering you’re making the assumption that life is
working out for you. So whatever is happening, it may not be ideal, but if you just assume
that it's happening for you, it shifts your view. Now you can see that it hasn't happened yet
because everything is assembling the way that it needs to.

There are so many things that we don't know we are a part of. Who knows! Maybe you are a
part of someone else's manifestations! Assume it's working out the way that it needs to and
the ride becomes more enjoyable.

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451 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

What is something that at the time seemed really horrible and then
became a big blessing?

Oftentimes those moments where something seemed to not go well, redirected you to
something so much better that wouldn't have been possible if it didn't happen. Sometimes,
we have events and things that shake us up a bit. And we can either assume that the world is
there to hurt us or we can assume maybe this is waking us up to something greater.

Come Back to ‘Life is Working Out For You’

When you get so busy and you’re hitting against a wall, or nothing's working and you’re
overthinking and trying to strategize, take a second to remind yourself of the pattern you’re
in. Come back to the energy of life working out for you. Come back to this reminder that you
can make life easier for yourself.

It’s a practice that we have to do all the time, every day, because the world is constantly
telling us to push, work hard, and be stressed, so we have to remind ourselves that we can
make different choice.

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The Importance of a Morning Routine

Because every day we are inundated with a million ads and a million external voices telling
us who we should be, having a morning routine is a great way to ground yourself. When
we’re grounded, we can come back to a place where we remind ourselves of the power of
intention. We need practices and tools like this to remind us of who we are and what it is
that we are wanting to call in.

Morning Routine Ideas

Here are 4 powerful and potent things you can add to your morning routine:

1. Journaling: Write your thoughts - not to be read or judged by anyone else (or even
2. Movement: If you're able, movement will help get you back into your body.
3. Drinking Water: Replenish yourself with something other than coffee, tea, or other
caffeinated beverage - water is best.
4. Tapping: Of course this is perfect for your morning routine! Use it as a way to clear
and center yourself for the day ahead.

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This is a great Tapping sequence to do on a daily basis to free yourself, to be

more open to receive and to set an intention.

Now start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I don't know what this day will bring
I choose to love, honor and cherish myself

Even though I don't know what this day will bring

I choose to love, honor and accept myself

Top of Head This day

Eyebrow So many things to do

Side of Eye So many places to be
Under Eye Such a long to do list
Under Nose Seems like everyone needs something from me
Under Mouth Seems like I need so much from myself
Collarbone This day
Under arm This day
Top of Head So great to have a new start though

EB So great to have a new day

SE So I'm going to choose something different
UE What if today I go with the flow
UN What if today I choose to thrive
UM What if today was the best day of my life?
CB This day
UA This day
TH With so much to do

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EB It's easy to be overwhelmed

SE With so many expectations
UE It's easy to feel overwhelmed
UN But I'm making a different choice
UM Because this is a brand new day
CB This is a day of new possibilities
UA I can't wait to see what's going to happen
TH So I'm going to set an intention

EB I'm setting a sacred intention

SE And I'm choosing to believe in myself
UE I'm choosing to believe in myself
UN This day is wonderful
UM This day is great
CB This is a day where I receive
UA This is a day where I believe
TH I am a magnet for miracles

EB I'm a magnet for manifesting

SE I can expand or compress time
UE All things are possible
UN On this day
UM This is a magical day
CB I'm going with the flow
UA And the flow feels good
TH It feels good to feel good

EB It feels good to feel good

SE What's the best that can happen?
UE I'm not afraid to try new things
UN On this day
UM This is a day of miracles
CB And for this I am so grateful
UA This or something greater for the good of all involved
TH This or something greater for the good of all involved

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EB This or something greater for the good of all involved

SE This or something greater for the good of all involved
UE This or something greater for the good of all involved
This or something greater for the good of all involved

UM –
CB –
UA –

Check in with your body. Where are your shoulders? Did they lower a few inches? Imagine
starting your days from this place of calm and inspired energy.

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How we see ourselves is
the biggest resistance of


457 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Why Positive Affirmations May Not Be Enough

When it comes to manifesting, so often people talk about staying positive and positive
thinking. And here we're starting by allowing ourselves to name the resistance, to say that
either we are tired or overwhelmed. It may seem counterintuitive, but if you’re just starting
with affirmations, you can feel numb and they become resistant to you.

Saying what it is you’re really feeling and what your resistant to by speaking those words has
power. And then by Tapping, you allow them to dissipate. You begin to view your thoughts
from a place of curiosity and invite your thoughts to come with you on a journey. It’s a more
transformative process than denying what your loud voice is saying to you.

Our Identities Are Holding Us Back

When we're talking about resistance and beliefs that block whatever it is that we're calling
forward, we’re really talking about our identity. How we see ourselves is the biggest
resistance of all.

We all have our “people like me” stories. They sound like, “People in this neighborhood don't
eat that.” We all have these things that we're very locked into. And some of them don't affect
our lives, but some of these ingrained beliefs create a limiting paradigm for who we are and
really affect our lives.

So by stating the belief underneath a limiting paradigm that we've created in our lives, we
can begin to dismantle it.

What are your “people like me” stories?

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458 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Healing is a Journey

It's important to emphasize that it is a journey. So often we think that once everything is
healed we’ll enter this utopic moment. But really we're constantly evolving. When something
else comes up, instead of thinking that you should be over it, you can then open up to it as
another aspect of the journey.

Having curiosity brings a lightness to the healing journey that is often missing. We do this
work because we want to be better. We want more. But sometimes the pressure for more
can feel suffocating and work against us.

Release the Pressure, Increase the Joy

One of the ways that can help us remain curious, instead of critical, is to come back to
Tapping. It’s like bathing. You don’t just take one bath and then get mad at yourself that you
need to have another one the next day.

Instead of treating finding another limiting belief or paradigm as a thing you should beat
yourself up for, approach it with more compassion. Notice that you’re in a certain pattern
and choose to play with it instead to see what you come up with.

Adding an aspect of play to what you're doing helps turn it from shoulds and punishment
into noticing you’re a human who sometimes does silly things out of habit! It’s a great way to
surrender and free yourself from resistance. It’s also a helpful tool to let go of the burden,
the urgency, and the desperation that we may feel around certain things.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

The energy that we start
with creates things
outside of ourselves.


460 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Now for a Nighttime Routine

Nighttime is about rest, relaxation, and renewal. With your evening ritual, it’s about the little
things that you can do to begin to wind down the day. With a nighttime routine, you allow
yourself to be set up for manifesting what it is that you're wanting to call in.

3 Things to Add to Your Nighttime Routine

1. Stay away from the phone

2. Journal
3. Tapping, of course!

When you go to sleep, your brain is going to continue to meditate on whatever thoughts you
introduce. So this is a great time to plant into your subconscious some of the thoughts that
are going to help free you from whatever is holding you back and allow you to manifest and
call forward what you desire.

Nighttime Tapping

Breathe and come back into your body. Give yourself a number between 0 and 10,
measuring your stress and resistance. 0 being no stress or resistance and 10 being a lot.

Start Tapping on the karate chop point:

Side of Hand Even though there may have been a lot going on today
I choose to love, honor and cherish myself

Even though the day may have been stressful

I choose to love, honor and accept myself

Top of Head This day

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461 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

EB This day
SE This was a day
UE This was a day
UN It feels good to be in my bed
UM It feels good to let this day go
CB It feels good to release this day
UA It feels good to feel good
TH It feels good to feel safe

EB And it is safe to feel good

SE This day
UE Even though the day may have been stressful
UN Right now, All is well
UM Right now everything is okay
CB It feels good to feel good
UA It is safe to feel safe
TH It is safe to let it all go

EB It is safe to have compassion for myself

SE It is safe to have compassion for others
UE It is safe to love myself
UN It is safe to be myself
UM I'm doing the best that I can
CB –
UA I did the best that I could
TH And that is good enough

EB This day
SE Today I was good enough
UE It is safe to be good enough
UN It is safe to be enough
UM It is safe to be safe
CB So this day
UA I lovingly let go
TH And I forgive myself for being human

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EB And I forgive them, too

SE We're all doing the best we can
UE And for now, that's good enough
UN This day
UM I now lovingly surrender
CB I'm looking forward to sleeping
UA It feels good to let it all go
TH It feels great to let it all go

EB I lovingly surrender
SE And remember that I am enough
UE I am enough
UN All is well
UM And I am enough
CB I am doing enough
UA I am being enough
TH It feels good to feel good

EB It's safe to feel good

SE It's safe to be me
UE It's safe to laugh
UN It's safe to cry
UM It's safe to be me
CB It feels good to be me
UA It feels good to be me
TH It feels good to be me
It feels good to be me
It feels good to be me

Take another breath. Assess where you've cleared and give yourself another number. Where
are you on that scale now?

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC 462

You are worthy, you are
enough. If you came to
this conversation, it is not
by accident.


464 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

ABIOLA ABRAMS is an intuitive self-worth coach, speaker, author,

international retreat leader and media personality who empowers Big
Vision Women to find freedom from their personal fears, manifest
authentic power, and align with purpose.

The founder of Mawu's Goddess Mystery School, Abiola is the author of the
Hay House book, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love,
Prosperity and Joy and African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck. Her newest
meditation program is called, "Enter the Goddess Temple.”

In addition to her online group coaching programs and courses, Abiola has
Abiola Abrams given motivational advice on networks from the CW, BET and Discovery
www.womanifesting.com Channel to MTV and the BBC as well as sites and publications from the
DailyOm and Match.com to Essence Magazine.

/abiolaTV Abiola also leads transformational Goddess Retreats and workshops from
London to the Bahamas, speaks at organizations and schools from
Dropbox to Cornell University, and creates spiritual wellness retreats from
@abiolatv Bali to Belize. Abiola's empowerment books include, The Sacred
Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love. Her other inspirational affirmation and
oracle card decks include the Sacred Self-Love Journal Cards, African
Goddess Affirmation Cards and the Womanifesting Fertility Goddess Cards.

With a BA in sociology and creative writing from Sarah Lawrence, MFA

from Vermont College of Fine Arts in women’s media and storytelling,
Abiola's coaching certifications include neuro-linguistic programming from
American Union of NLP. Her practice includes teachings in mindfulness,
emotional freedom technique, and intuitive mindset reprogramming.

As the first person in her family born in America, Abiola is passionate

about midwifing conscious women leaders to breakthrough and is
committed to using her gifts to inspire, uplift, and transform.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit

Tapping into the Power of
Emotions, Beliefs, and Vibration
to Transform Your Relationship
with Money

466 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Magnetizing Abundance
Our Relationship with Money

Your relationship with money directly impacts your ability to make and manage money. But
so often when we're looking to make more money, the last thing that we look at is how we
feel about our money. Money can be really triggering and we can have a lot of emotions
around it.

Getting Started with Attracting Abundance

The best thing we can do to attract more abundance into our lives is heal our relationship to
it. We do that by allowing ourselves to invite it into our lives and have it be a positive, good
feeling for us, rather than the stress and struggle a lot of us feel and think about. And
abundance doesn't have to just be money. It can be anything else you want to come into
your life.

What Does “More” Mean to You?

If you want results, you're going to have to be clear. A lot of people say, “Oh, I want more
abundance in my life.” The first step then is defining what “more” means. You want to define
it quite clearly because somebody might want to be a better mom while somebody else
might want to be a better employee, or a better sister, or a better tennis player, not just want
more money.

What does more abundance mean to you?

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467 15h Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

The Vibration of Money

The most important point about abundance is that abundance is a vibration, not just a dollar
amount in your bank account. Once you get clear on that, then you can actually start
attracting what you want.

When people are uptight about money and they think, “I don't have enough.” Then they can't
attract it because those are actually opposite vibrations. And we know now everything is
energy. Everything has a vibration, including money, our thoughts, our feelings and our

We don't just want a pile of money in the bank because that's stagnant. That's stuck. We
want to have that vibration of flow, of excitement and passion, and a feeling of, “This is what
I want.” And again, if it's not money, that's fine. But remember, abundance is a vibration. Even
if you want to be better at your job, that's also a vibration.

What’s Your “Come From”?

We all have a vibration that we approach abundance with and this is what is called a “come
from”. If you're coming from a state of, “I'm upset, I don't have enough, I can't pay the bills, I
can't do this. This is not fair.” You’re coming from a lack and scarcity vibration. And that
vibration is actually pushing abundance away. That's a resentful, tight, stressful space
emotionally and energetically from which you're trying to attract abundance and it won't

The feeling of scarcity and lack produces a vibration, the same way a feeling of passion and
excitement does. So that's why it's so important to get this. It's not about the money and
working harder. It really is about your vibration about the topic.

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What are some of your thoughts on abundance?

Do you find yourself in scarcity and lack more often than excitement and
flow? Why?

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Acknowledging Your Reality

Most people have a mortgage, bills, and real financial struggles they have to deal with. Yet,
it's also real that your feelings will attract what you want or repel what you want. So it’s not
about pretending you don't have a mortgage or you don't have bills.

It’s about saying if you want to shift that energetic vibration about attracting what you want,
you're going to have to be less resentful, less upset, less thinking the world is unfair, and/or
less mad at wealthy people. You're going to have to change those emotions and those

Blocks to Attracting Success

This is boiled down to make it really, really simple: the blocks always come in the form of
our emotions, our beliefs, and our behaviors. And if we can start to tweak some of those to
being more positive or releasing the beliefs from your family about money or wealthy
people, then you start to change the recipe and the equation. You can actually find it to be

What are some of your family’s beliefs about money?

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Common Emotions Blocking Your Abundance

1. Stress

One very common block of abundance is feeling stressed. It’s saying to yourself,
“Money or the topic of bills and my mortgage makes me stressed out and uptight”. By
thinking that, the topic of abundance is contaminated and you can't quite feel free
and open and expansive about money.

When we’re in a tough financial situation, sometimes there is this resistance to let go
of stress or this idea of having to be stressed because of your very real financial
stressors. But when we're in that energy of stress, we can't think clearly. We can't be
resourceful. We can't ask for support. It's like our whole mind shuts down and we feel
paralyzed, which is why it's so important to start there and allow yourself to feel
better even before the situation changes.

2. Resentment

Feeling resentful is another block to our abundance. It’s the feeling of, “Other people
seem to be getting more than I do.” Think of that feeling of resentment. What does
that do to your energy vibration? It’s the same as feeling stressed. It stops the flow of
enjoyment and ease.

It’s like Bob Proctor’s famous phrase: “Money goes where it's invited and stays where
it's welcome.” If you're irritated about people with money it definitely affects us
attracting abundance.

3. Guilt

If you feel guilty wanting more it's going to get in the way. Finding out what you
would do with that extra money would create a more positive relationship with it
and allow it to come in with more ease and less guilt.

If you had more abundance, there are so many ways you could use it that would be
benefiting others, therefore, reducing the guilt of having more. You would be able to
give scholarships, help the neighbors, start a charity company, or help your family.

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471 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Think about your bills and money. When you say the phrase, “The topic of money
stresses me out,” how true does that feel to you on a scale of 0 to 10? 10 is you
feel extremely stressed over money and 0 is not stressed at all.

Now, start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though the topic of money makes me stressed out
I can feel it making me uptight in my body
I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway

Even though this topic of money makes me feel so stressed out

It really puts me over the edge
I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway

Eyebrow I feel so stressed when I think about money

Side of Eye I feel stressed out when I think about this topic
Under Eye I feel so stressed out when I think of anything to do with money
Under Nose No wonder I don't attract it very easily
Under Mouth I feel so stressed out about the topic of money
Collarbone And even the thought of attracting abundance makes me uptight
Under arm I feel so stressed out when I think about money
Top of Head No wonder I'm blocking it coming to me

Take a deep breath and measure again this topic of “money stresses me out.” Where are you
now on that same scale of 0-10?

It's okay if your number went up because we're targeting how we're really feeling. A lot of
people, especially with this topic, pretend it's not there. So here we are hitting the nail on
the head and it might be quite agitating. It's revealing that you have more stress and tension
around this topic than you thought. Just keep Tapping.

Tapping with help you get the stress and tension more neutralized and will allow you to be
more expansive. Ideas come in, opportunities…that's what is so powerful about this work,
when you change your energy around attracting abundance, opportunities start to show up.

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If you’re still experiencing some stress around money, check in with your other
feelings around it. For example, if you’re feeling tension around money, you can
continue Tapping like this:

Eyebrow This tension about money

Side of Eye I feel so tense when I think about money
Under Eye This tension about money
Under Nose I feel so tense when I think about money
Under Mouth I can feel the tension in my body
Collarbone Whenever I think about money, I feel the tension
Under arm And I want to let it go
Top of Head Because I'm doing the best I can

Everyone has stress and tension in some way around money, bills, and responsibilities. So if
you can get that neutralized, it's a fabulous start.

Then go to some of the other feelings. Maybe resentment and guilt didn't speak to you as
something that you've got going on with money. Maybe it's impatience. Maybe you feel
really impatient. You feel like you've tried hard and worked hard and you're not getting
ahead. Impatience is a great target for Tapping.

So keep focusing on what you think is getting in your way and Tap on it like above. It's
always emotions, beliefs or behaviors around the topic.

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For a more in-depth Tapping sequence, let’s think about your financial stress. Rate how that
feels on a scale of 0-10. 10 being very intense and 0 being not at all.

Start Tapping on the karate chop point.

Side of Hand Even though I feel all this stress around my financial situation
I accept myself and honor how I feel

Even though I feel this sense of lack when it comes to my finances

I accept myself and honor how I feel

Even though I feel all this tension in my body when I think about my finances
I accept myself and how I feel

Eyebrow It’s been so hard

Side of Eye It always feels like a struggle
Under Eye I never feel like I have enough
Under Nose And I panic
Under Mouth All of this stress and anxiety that I feel
Collarbone All of this stress that I feel
Under Arm Part of me feels like I need this stress
Top of Head Because things really need to change

EB I feel like I can’t let go of this financial stress

SE Until the problem is solved
UE But it’s hard to find a solution
UN When I’m blinded by this stress
UM I honor how hard this has been
CB I have been doing the best I can
UA But stress and panic haven't solved this problem
TH So I am open to a new way

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474 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Now go back to the eyebrow point, Tapping gently, and explore these questions/visualizations in
your mind and then move to the next point. Don't worry about getting the perfect answer to each
question or perfect vision, just keep Tapping and trust the process of letting go of this stress.

Eyebrow What is it about your financial situation that stresses you out the most? Just see
what comes to mind...

Side of Eye Where do you feel this stress and tension in your body when you think about
this stress? Notice what comes up and be present to any physical sensations
you are feeling in your body right now...

Under Eye What might be different in your life if you were able, even before your financial
situation changes, to release some of the stress? Be present to how your body
feels, to any resistance to letting this stress and panic go...

Under Nose Can you imagine yourself releasing this stress and opening yourself up to new
solutions? How different might you feel if you were able to do that? See that

Under Mouth See yourself releasing the stress and the tension and the panic from every cell
in your body...

Collarbone How do you think your experience might change if you were able to let some of
this go? Imagine that now...

Under Arm Imagine yourself feeling calm and centered and open, regardless of your
financial situation. See it now…

Top of Head Create the vision of your new self, feeling grounded and relaxed in the moment,
no matter what challenge you are facing. Imagine how much better you will
feel, even before anything changes. See yourself feeling calm and confident

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And then let’s go back to the eyebrow point and we’ll end with some positive affirmations:

EB I begin to notice the abundance all around me now

SE I feel confident and empowered
UE I give myself permission
UN To see my positive future
UM Before anything else changes
CB I feel free to imagine the possibilities
UA I am abundant
TH I create my destiny!

When you're ready, you can gently stop Tapping and take a deep grounding breath. Feel how
that feels in your body, the strength and confidence that comes from creating your destiny.
You've got this. You're in control.

Let’s check back in on the stress and tension and the panic that you were feeling about your
financial situation. How strong is that stress now, on a scale of 0-10?

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

When we change
internally, what happens
is our external world
starts to change.


477 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Limiting Beliefs

If you’re new to learning about limiting beliefs, the biggest shift you can find is that you so
often don't even know something's a belief. You just think it's a fact. Acknowledging that
something is a belief and not a fact is a huge step.

It is a huge step because we're blind to our own beliefs. Everybody is. We all picked up
something from our family, our culture, our community, or school. Somebody said something
when we were a kid, and we don't question it or examine it. A limiting belief sounds like,
“Doesn't everybody have this issue?”

Limiting beliefs also always sound like this, “I'm convinced I have to…” or “I'm convinced they
are,” or “I'm convinced I am…” Having that strong conviction usually points to a belief you
have, so if you’re questioning if a belief is limiting or not, start there.

Common Money Limiting Beliefs

● I have to struggle to make money.

● It’s not safe to have money.
● Wealthy people are greedy and insensitive.
● I don’t have what it takes to make money.
● I can’t make a lot money because no one else in my family has ever done it.
● I’m too old.
● I don’t know the right people.

Having any of these beliefs means you’ve created a story around it. You heard about
somebody who stood out because they were really successful and got in trouble or you saw
a mean person who was rich and decided all wealthy people are evil. The reality is that
these are all just beliefs.

If you don't clear these beliefs, you might get lucky and make some money, but you might
end up losing it or not continuously growing it because it's not welcomed. That’s where
Tapping comes in. Once the attachment to these beliefs is no longer there, positive beliefs
can take their place and abundance is more sustainable.

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What are some of your limiting beliefs around money?

Use the “If / then” statement to see where you have limiting beliefs.

For example: If I have more money, then I’ll be judged and be a target for resentment.

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Struggling to Make Money

As mentioned before, one of the most common limiting beliefs about money is “I have to
struggle to make money.” What's so tricky about this idea of struggle is that a lot of people
connect to others through struggle. A lot of us have bonded with friends by talking about
how hard our lives are. There's this form of connection around our shared struggles. But if we
want abundance, can we connect with other people through other ways besides sharing a

The answer is: absolutely. It is such a common myth and belief. And therefore, so important
that if you're convinced you have to struggle, to look behind it. If you think of the energy and
the vibration of struggle you see how constrictive it is to allowing in abundance. You won't
get ideas and see new opportunities easily.

We’ll do some Tapping next on this belief in particular. By doing the Tapping, we’re letting
our beliefs go, allowing our feelings to start to shift, and opening up to opportunities that
will change our beliefs.

We’re rewriting these limiting beliefs to more empowering beliefs so that how we view the
world changes. You'll be more neutral on the topic in general rather than stressed out or
very tense and mad at people who have what you want.

Setting Up for Tapping

It's interesting to measure a belief because it’s different from a feeling. If you have a fear,
then you might say, “Oh, the fear is an eight out of ten.” However, if you have a belief, we're
really saying, how true does it feel to you?

So on the scale of 0 to 10, where are you when you hear: “I'm convinced I have to struggle”?
10 being “I'm convinced that this belief is real” and 0 being “I don’t relate to that at all”
Write it down here and do the Tapping on the next page.

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With that phrase in mind, I’m convinced I have to struggle, start Tapping on the
karate chop point:

Side of Hand Even though I'm convinced that I have to struggle for abundance
It shouldn't be easy
And it can't be easy
I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway

Even though I have this belief that I have to struggle

And I wouldn't know how to let it go
I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Eyebrow I'm convinced I have to struggle

Side of Eye Who would I be without my struggle?
Under Eye I'm convinced that I have to struggle for abundance
Under Nose Who would I be if I let this go?
Under Mouth I'm convinced that I have to struggle to be abundant
Collarbone What if it could be really easy?
Under arm What if I let go of this family belief?
Top of Head I don't think I'd recognize myself anymore
And what would they say

EB I have to struggle to be successful

SE It's just too hard
UE I wonder where I learned this belief?
UN I wonder who taught me that being successful is hard?
UM Part of me would like to be more successful
CB But part of me feels like it isn't worth the struggle
UA I feel exhausted and overwhelmed just thinking about it
TH But what might I be capable of if I could let this belief go?

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Now let's go back to the eyebrow point, Tapping gently, and just answer these questions in your
mind and then move to the next point. If nothing comes up, don't worry and just keep Tapping.
Trust the process and that you're clearing this limiting belief even if you don't get perfect answers
to all of the questions.

Eyebrow Do you believe that it is a struggle to be successful? Do you have some

experiences that seem to support this belief? Just let the answer come to

Side of Eye Where did you learn that you have to struggle to be successful? Notice what
comes up and be present to any memories or thoughts, even if they seem

Under Eye What might be possible in your life if you could release this belief completely?
Be present to how your body feels, to any resistance to letting this belief about
how money and problems go...

Under Nose Can you imagine yourself completely releasing this belief? How does that feel?
What might you replace that belief with? Maybe something like, "Success
comes to me effortlessly."

Under Mouth See yourself releasing the belief that you have to struggle to be successful, and
all the memories and experiences related to this belief, from every cell in your

Collarbone Notice the strength and confidence you feel in your body as you release this old
belief and all the old patterns that go with it…

Under Arm Imagine yourself feeling calm and centered and open, regardless of your
financial situation. See it now…

Top of Head Create the vision of your new self, that has completely released this belief and
is ready to move forward with confidence and ease. See the roadblocks to being
successful disappearing and see yourself enjoying being in the flow with
success and abundance.

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And let’s go back to the eyebrow point and we’ll end with some positive affirmations:

EB Being successful is easier than I thought

SE It's fun to to be successful
UE I deserve to be successful.
UN As I relax and release my limiting beliefs
UM I am excited about the different ways that I can create abundance
CB I am curious to see what opportunities come my way
UA And how I can create what I want
TH I am confident that success is right around the corner!

And you can gently stop Tapping and take a deep grounding breath in. How do you feel
now? Let’s check back in on that belief, so say out loud, “I have to struggle to be
successful.” How true does that feel now on a scale of 0-10?

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The Downside of Not Struggling

Believe it or not, there might be a downside to no longer struggling. Once we begin to shift
the limiting belief, some fear might arise. You could do three rounds on the belief until you
think, “You know what, I think I'm ready to give up the struggle. Oh, but if I do, this person is
going to be mad.” Now you've got a new target and you switch to Tapping on that.

Think about people in your life who wouldn’t react well if they saw you start to have it easier
by having money or opportunities flowing to you in a different way. Are you afraid of how
they would react to you? Because that's built into this belief. What's going to happen if you
don't struggle? It's a serious identity issue that people often neglect.

By changing, challenging, and healing, you're really going to be different. And when we
change our life, it rocks the boat with our relationships. People don't expect it and two
things can happen.

One could be you actually look at it closely and go, “You know, they'd probably be fine. It
won't be that big of a deal.”

Or you could look at it and go, “They're not going to be happy.” And so if that's the answer,
we have to shift our Tapping to address our fear of what other people will think because we
can't control what other people will think.

Setting Up for Tapping

Stay really clear on this fear, “People will be mad at me for attracting abundance.” Maybe
you're afraid a sibling or a coworker is going to be really upset with you because things
suddenly look really easy.

Measure that now on a scale of 0-10. 10 being that fear is really high and 0 being there’s no
fear at all.

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With that phrase in mind, People will be mad at me for attracting abundance,
start Tapping on the karate chop point:

Side of Hand Even though I'm afraid of their reaction to my abundance

What are they going to think of me?
What if they're jealous?
I deeply and completely love and accept myself any way

Even though I'm afraid my abundance is going to rock their boat

And then I'm going to feel upset about it
I accept who I am and that I have these feelings

Eyebrow I'm afraid of their reaction to my abundance

Side of Eye I'm afraid they'll be mad at me
Under Eye If I break through these beliefs, are they going to be upset?
Under Nose I'm afraid of their reactions to my abundance
Under Mouth What if they don't like it?
Collarbone What if I don't like it?
Under arm What if it makes me nervous…and unsettled?
Top of Head What if I'm more comfortable back in the struggle?

Take a deep breath. How true does that fear feel now on a scale of 0-10?

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Why We Stay the Same

When we're more comfortable with how we were, we’ll move heaven and earth to get back
there…and then complain about it! That's how the brain and the body works.

Even if the reality of the economy isn’t as positive as you’d like, that doesn't have to have
everything to do with your financial abundance, your happiness, or your feeling of
expansiveness or passion. Your vibration is the most important thing.

You can do the Tapping here. You can have these aha moments, these breakthrough
moments. And if you feel better and a week from now something comes up and triggers you,
you can Tap.

Healing is not always a straightforward line. Sometimes we need to live life a little bit with
this new awareness to get clarity on what's really holding us back. And then celebrate the
new awareness because that's the first step towards healing.

Think of how many years you spent with your family's viewpoint, their feelings, their beliefs,
and their behaviors around money. If you live with your family, you really pick up a lot of
beliefs, feelings, assumptions and behaviors around spending, and around what's allowed,
and what you should and shouldn't do.

And remember, you can get to a comfort level of making more, attracting more, and
suddenly you're like, “Who am I? What am I doing? What is this?” It can feel a little scary,
weird and different because when you change your beliefs, feelings, and behaviors - you’re
changing everything. It might start to come at you so fast that it can spook you a little.

So you want to get comfortable with each level. Go step by step: feelings, beliefs, and
behaviors. Or not! Plow through it if you want, too. You're welcome to do several beliefs and
several feelings a day and just get through it. But remember, human being's tendency is to
go back to where we were. We like it back there, even though we complained about it and
said we wanted things to be different. We’re comfortable where we used to be.

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Behaviors that Contribute to Lack Mentality

1. Impatience

Let's say you get the guilt way down and you come up with impatience and you think,
“I had no idea. I'm so impatient with how Tapping works. Impatient with the law of
attraction. Impatient with my job. Impatient with people at work.”

Impatience is another really important emotion that you might not do in the first
couple of rounds, but pops up quickly. Tapping on all of these different angles will
impact each other. It's not all separate. All of these fears and beliefs are intertwined
and enmeshed together. If you feel like it has to be a struggle, then it's easier to be
impatient and suffer until you make more money.

When you start to enjoy working on your money, you start to enjoy having a dream
and taking inspired action. The impatience kind of moves aside because you're not
suffering the way that you were before.

2. Hoarding

Some people hoard food, money or basic clutter. The energy of keeping things close
to you is an uptight and stressed out energy. It’s that feeling that there won't be
enough now or in the future. So think of it energetically the same way if you feel
resentful towards wealthy people. Energetically, how is that welcoming? How is that
inviting abundance in your life?

3. Complaining

People complain constantly about there not being enough of things and they don't
even hear it because they're so used to it. We all have curve balls thrown at us by the
boss, the family, the dog, etc. But it's our ability as humans to change our attitude.
Without denying anything, we can just change our focus and say, “Yes, that is
happening, but I’m going to focus on something else”

Now, the caveat here is if you're complaining and Tapping. This is actually great
because you'll neutralize these feelings and start to feel better about the issue
instead of staying stuck in complaining.

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

It's our ability that we have
as humans to change our
focus and change our


488 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Behaviors that Attract Abundance

If you want to open the door to abundance, you're going to have to get into one of these
three areas and make some changes:

1. Gratitude

Gratitude always, always, always works every single time. Feeling grateful and doing
Thank You Tapping creates a welcoming environment for abundance.

2. Generosity

Being generous isn’t always about financial generosity. There's an energy around
generosity. Things like opening the door for somebody or asking someone who looks
upset if they’re alright are also generous acts. Doing something that doesn't involve
money, but that has an energy or a vibration of generosity, changes everything. For
example, being generous in your spirit and with your emotional support for other

3. Feeling Inspired

Doing things when you feel inspired is key. People often feel so desperate and that's
when they sign on to a program that is way too expensive for them and doesn't prove
that they can get any results. Or they sign up for something that turns out to be a
scam because they're desperate.

Instead, trust your gut and your heart. Invest in yourself and in things from there, not
from a place of panic. You want to slow down, tap, and be quiet long enough to
really hear your gut.

It’s a game changer to have that awareness of simply saying, “This is the rule I have
for myself. I do not make major decisions unless I have Tapped and quieted the
chatter to feel centered.” Make decisions from that place of calm and feeling
centered - if you take nothing else out of this workbook except that practice, that's a
game changer.

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So with these habits in mind, let’s do a Tapping round on the behavior of

complaining and lack mentality and then move into gratitude Tapping.

Start Tapping on the karate chop point:

Side of Hand Even though I feel compelled to complain

Because I don't have enough
It's just the truth
I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Even though I hold too tight onto my money

And I'm always talking about how I don't have enough
I accept who I am and how I feel

Eyebrow I don't like how much I complain

Side of Eye I can hear it when I do it
Under Eye And I think it's an automatic habit
Under Nose And while it may be true that I don't have enough
Under Mouth So what?
Collarbone What if I change my focus?
Under arm What if I choose a different focus?
Top of Head And stop coming from a place of lack

EB I'm so grateful for all the opportunities I have

SE I appreciate my life
UE I'm so grateful for my friendships
UN I love my family
UM And sometimes we are struggling
CB But I want to feel grateful for what I do have
UA And I want to appreciate myself and others
TH I appreciate myself right now
And that's the focus I want to choose

(c) 2023 The Tapping Solution, LLC

You can always replace the
feelings, you can always
replace the beliefs, and you can
always replace the actions.


491 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Thank You Tapping

Thank You Tapping can work so quickly. It can help change your vibration, your
feelings, your beliefs, and your behavior. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can
be simple like this:

Eyebrow Thank you, universe, for everything I have

Side of Eye Thank you, universe, for the great opportunities
Under Eye Thank you, universe, for my health
Under Nose Thank you, universe, for the abundance I do have
Under Mouth I actually do have a lot of abundance
Collarbone Thank you, universe, for bringing me so many miracles
Under arm Thank you, universe, for bringing me so much abundance
Top of Head I love how much abundance I already have

Keep Tapping

We can change our focus any time we want. Our financial situation may be true,
but we have the opportunity to change our focus, shift the energy and shift the

But it may take some time. If you’re too quick to judge, you’ll always see how it
hasn’t worked yet. You might not have new opportunities in the first 48 hours.
Keep Tapping. You've had these beliefs and feelings forever!

It might be subtle, but you'll watch your behavior change. You might catch
yourself complaining and then saying, “Uh-oh, I'm doing it again.” You'll find
yourself coming from scarcity and then say, “You know what, I want to focus on
being generous with somebody else.”

The more you incorporate all of these forms of Tapping, the more your life will
change. Remember, you can always replace the dragging down feelings with
more uplifting feelings. You can always replace the limiting beliefs with more
empowering beliefs. And you can always replace the toxic actions with inspired

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CAROL LOOK is an Intuitive Energy healer, EFT Master, author, speaker and

Before becoming an EFT Master, Carol was trained as a Clinical

Psychotherapist and earned her Doctoral Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy.
She is the creator of “The Yes Code” – her signature coaching method to
help you clear your fears and find your next “yes” to make the right
decisions in your life.

Carol has been a pioneer in the Energy Medicine field for over 23 years,
and is known for combining her traditional training with Tapping to help
Carol Look clients release patterns of sabotage and enjoy success and abundance in
www.carollook.com their lives. She is a renowned international speaker and has taught
abundance workshops in Australia, England, France, Belgium, Canada,
Scotland, The Netherlands, and all over the United States.
Carol is also known for creating high quality Tapping programs and books,
including “The 30-Day Gratitude Challenge”, Tapping for Stress Relief
@carollook_eft (co-authored with Dr. Peta Stapleton), and Attracting Abundance with EFT.

15th Annual Tapping World Summit


494 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Integration Process
Welcome to the Tapping World Summit Integration tap-along

Oftentimes when you learn a lot of information all at once, you can feel stressed that you
won’t be able to remember it all. And that stress, or worry is what can stop you from
recalling that information when you need it. This process was designed that when you tap
along with these positive tapping rounds, you’ll be able to integrate everything that you’ve
learned and recall it with ease.

To begin this process, find a quiet place where you know that you won’t be disturbed. Start
with three deep breaths.

Inhale, and exhale.

Again, inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth.

Inhale... and exhale.

Start on the eyebrow point and move to each point with each phrase.

EB Everything is recorded in my subconscious mind.

SE I can access what I need, when I need it.
UE I trust my intuition.
UN I know what is best.
UM I take a step closer every day.
CB I integrate all that I’ve learned now.
UA Every time that I take action,
TH I learn at an even deeper level

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EB I feel it in my body.
SE I know it in my heart.
UE I know exactly what to do.
UN I’m more capable than I thought.
UM This is easier than I imagined.
CB I am open to the flow of new ideas.
UA I feel my center and I know my truth.
TH I am attracting all I desire now.

EB I observe my behaviors.
SE I’m curious.
UE Why might I be doing something that doesn’t serve me.
UN It was just a way to protect myself.
UM But it was all an illusion.
CB I no longer need to play small.
UA It’s safe to stand in my power.
TH Now is the time.

EB These fears no longer control me.

SE They were there to teach me.
UE My fears forced me to look within.
UN So that I could see my inner strength.
UM Thank you fears for leading me to my power.
CB I’ll take it from here.
UA I can still listen to my fears and learn, but they no longer have the power.
TH I have the power.

TH As I see my true value, money flows to me.

EB Because money is just an exchange of value.
SE As I see my personal value, my bank account grows.
UE I let go of negative beliefs and stories around money.
UN Money doesn’t control me or my emotions.
UM I am in control.
CB I am innovative and resourceful.
UA I am spiritually and financially wealthy.

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EB I’m ready to look at my relationships.

SE It’s safe to make a change.
UE I improve some of my relationships
UN And I gracefully let others go.
UM I become who I spend time with.
CB So I choose wisely.
UA As I change within, my relationships transform
TH I do this with ease and grace.

EB I am now open to give love.

SE I’m open to receive love.
UE The fear around love was just an illusion.
UN I can relax into love.
UM Allowing it to flow all around me.
CB It’s always been around me, now I’m open to it.
UA I have the courage to let these walls disappear.
TH It is safe to love.

EB I love my body.
SE I’ve been mean to it before.
UE I’ve judged it and criticized it.
UN But it does so much for me
UM My heart beats without me asking it to
CB My body supports me every day.
UA I now support my body, by showing it gratitude
TH I’m grateful to my body now.

EB I’m sorry body if I ever judged you, or treated you unkind.

SE You are more amazing than I’ve ever given you credit for.
UE You are doing the best you can with what you have.
UN I promise to give more to you
UM Through love,
CB Through movement,
UA Through nutrition,
TH But most importantly, I am grateful and I honor you just the way you are.

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EB I listen to the wisdom of my body.

SE What is it trying to tell me about my life.
UE When I experience pain or discomfort, it’s just my body telling me,
UN That I am ready to clear a negative emotion.
UM What emotion does this pain represent?
CB Are there negative feelings trapped in my body?
UA It’s safe for me to feel those feelings and let them go.
TH My body is a messenger, and I listen closely with love and acceptance.

EB My body is worthy of love just the way it is.

SE I am worthy of love just the way I am.
UE I accept myself.
UN And I have the courage to make decisions,
UM That support the brilliant person that I am.
CB I am not my past.
UA I am not a victim to what has already happened.
TH I am what I choose to believe and feel in this moment.

EB So I choose love.
SE I choose acceptance.
UE I choose strength.
UN I choose courage.
UM I choose faith.
CB I choose compassion.
UA I choose passion.
TH No matter what happens around me, I always have the power to choose

EB As I make better choices,

SE And I take better care of myself,
UE I begin to help those around me.
UN As I shine my light,
UM I inspire others to do the same.
CB I have a greater impact than I realize.
UA As I change from within,
TH I transform the world around me.

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EB I know exactly what to do.

SE I allow what I desire,
UE To pull me forward with joy and excitement.
UN I let go of my need to be serious and control everything.
UM I allow laughter into my life and I feel flexible.
CB I can now see the hidden blessings.
UA I am grateful for my misfortunes,
TH For they have become my greatest teachers.

EB I absorb the lessons from these experiences.

SE And I let go of the emotions that no longer serve me.
UE Today is a new day.
UN And I take all that I’ve learned,
UM And I truly begin to live.
CB The road is not clear,
UA But the uncertainty excites me,
TH Knowing that I will find a way.

EB I have everything I need inside of me now.

SE My desires are coming true.
UE I honor myself.
UN I’ve come so far.
UM I’ve learned so much.
CB I integrate it all now.
UA I let go of the need to be perfect.
TH I celebrate every small milestone.

EB My intuition is guiding me.

SE All that limits me is my imagination,
UE And I allow my imagination to run free.
UN What am I now ready to embrace into my life?
UM I am ready.
CB Now is the time.
UA I am more powerful than I thought.
TH I am more capable than I ever recognized.

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Now take a deep breath in and exhale.

Feeling that strength in your body, what is one thing that you can do
now to create an even better life?

Maybe it’s making a decision that you’ve been putting off, doing some research around an
idea, or finally making that call, finally finishing that project, or telling someone that you
really love them.

From this place of love, passion and strength, what is one step you can
take right now to embrace the incredible life you deserve?

From all of us at The Tapping Solution, we are cheering you on and wishing you the very

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15th Annual Tapping World Summit

501 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Personal Peace Procedure

Ask yourself the following questions, and notice any memories or beliefs that come up that
no longer serve you. Give each memory or belief a title, and write it down. Once the audio
process is over, go back and rate the intensity of each event, and when all the memories
have a title and a number, begin to tap. Begin with the memory that has your current

Write the title of the memory directly onto the “my personal peace page.” You do not need
to write down the answer to every question, only write the title of any significant event that
is holding you back. There will be questions that do not ignite any significant events.
Approach this process like a curious detective who looks inside to find clues to what might
be holding you back. This becomes your road map to personal peace!

What is the first memory you have around money?

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What have your parents taught you about money?

Was money a challenge for your family?

Were there any negative experiences around money from your

childhood that are still holding you back?

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Be aware and write down any limiting beliefs around money that you
picked up in your childhood.

Can you remember the first time you had to financially support yourself?

Are there any significant stories or beliefs around that time that need to
be cleared?

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How do you feel about your current financial situation?

If you’re feeling any stress around your current financial situation, what
exactly is stressful?

What exactly is the thought that holds you back?

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What are the beliefs you have around other people having money?

Is it safe for you to be financially wealthy?

What do you feel is the downside to being financially wealthy?

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Can you remember the first job you ever had?

Are there any significant events or feelings that need to be cleared?

How do you feel about your current job or your unemployment?

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What is stopping you from enjoying your job to the fullest?

Are you doing what you really love?

If not, what’s stopping you from doing what you love?

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Turn the focus to your relationships. Did you learn anything from your
parent’s relationship that doesn’t serve you?

Did you learn any limiting beliefs that don’t serve you?

Remember your first romantic relationship. Is there anything from that

time in your life that you need to clear?

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Reflect on any other romantic relationships that you previously had and
note anything that you want to clear. Did you pick up any limiting beliefs
or stories during those past relationships?

Now reflect on your current relationship. What do you need to clear to

improve this relationship?

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What feelings about yourself are preventing you from having the
relationship you want?

What are your beliefs around love?

Are they empowering or are there some false beliefs that you still want
to clear?

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What are you now ready to clear to truly open your heart to the love
that you deserve?

Notice the sensations you have in your own body. How do you feel in
your body?

Notice any pain or heaviness that you’re ready to clear. What needs to
be cleared to let go of this pain?

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Let’s do a body scan and notice if any part of your body is in pain or if you have a negative
emotion associated to that part of your body. As we focus on each part of the body, let
yourself relax even more. Simply observe the feeling and write it down. Then you can let it
drift away with the ocean waves.

Begin by focusing on your feet, moving up your calves, and now focusing on your knees...

Do you feel any physical or emotional pain?

Now moving up your thighs and into your hips, notice any beliefs,
feelings or memories that might be trapped there?

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Moving up to your stomach, how do you feel about your stomach? Note
any physical sensations, beliefs, memories or emotions that could be
stored in your stomach.

Moving up to your chest, check in with your chest. How does it feel? Is it
clear or does something need to be cleared?

Now focus on your back. Again, notice any physical sensations, emotions
or beliefs. Notice how your back feels and what might be stored in your

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514 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

Moving through your arms and to your hands, notice how you feel. Moving back up your
arms, into your head, notice your neck and your head, and note any sensations, memories,
feelings or beliefs that you’re ready to clear.

Reflect on any significant memories around your body.

What are you going to let go of to feel the power in your physical body?

Feel the calmness in your body, and just take a moment to honor it for all it does for you,
because now you know that you’re ready to listen to your body and give it what it needs.

What needs to be cleared in order for you to feel more joy in your life?

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What’s preventing you from really feeling joyful?

What needs to be cleared for you to smile more every day and recognize
your worth?

Now let’s focus on different emotions, and just take notes if any of these emotions resonate
with you and what you’re ready to tap on.

From a distance, I want you to observe the feeling of anger. Are there
any events that you are angry about that you want to clear? Is there
anyone you are angry with? Reflect on the feelings of anger from a
distance, and if it appears, write down the title of the event, belief or

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516 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

From a distance, reflect on the feeling of sadness. Are there any

thoughts, memories or beliefs that make you sad? What events will now
be cleared to wash away the sadness?

From a distance, reflect on the feeling of fear. Is there anything that

scares you in your life right now? Give it a title and write it down. Are
there any fears that are preventing you to take a step forward towards
what you love?

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517 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

From a distance, reflect on the feelings of hurt. Is there anything that

makes you feel hurt when you think about it? Do you still feel hurt by
anyone or anything? Reflect on that feeling of hurt and write down any
significant event.

From a distance, focus on the feeling of guilt. Is there anything that you
did or anything that happened that you still feel guilty about? Give any
memories or feelings of guilt a title and write it down, knowing that you
will let it go.

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My Personal Peace Page

I, _________________________, am committed to use tapping to no longer let the events on

this page prevent me from living the life of my dreams. I am consistent and patient with
myself as I take a step forward every day. Every time I clear a block I cross it out on this page
and I celebrate!


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519 15th Annual Tapping World Summit DIGITAL WORKBOOK

My Personal Peace Page

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My Personal Peace Page

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My Personal Peace Page

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My Personal Peace Page

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My Personal Peace Page

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My Personal Peace Page

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My Personal Peace Page

(c) 2022 The Tapping Solution, LLC

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