Making Comparisons

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A or B?

Comparatives, Superlatives & More
Adjectives & Adverbs
Comparatives Comparison between two

We use the comparative form of adjectives and
Lorna adverbs to compare two things or actions.

Greta is taller than Lorna.

I can drive faster than you.
She looks happier than before.
A hotel is more comfortable than a tent.
Are you feeling better?
It's hotter today than yesterday.
Adjectives & Adverbs
Superlatives Comparison in a group

We use the superlative form of adjectives and
adverbs to compare one thing or action with a
group of things or actions.

Greta is the tallest in her family.

Is this the fastest you can drive?
Some of my happiest memories are from the 90s.
This is the most comfortable sofa I've ever sat on.
He's my best friend.
The hottest temperatures in Brazil are in January.
Other types of clauses
to make comparisons
Other (not) as/so ... as

expressions A bike isn't as fast as car.

just as ... as

A smartphone might be just as expensive as a laptop.

the ... the

The higher you climb, the dizzier you feel.

more... and more

Tom's nose is getting redder and redder with that cold.


1 syllable ending Irregular (good/well -

2 syllable 1 syllable 2 or more
1 syllable consonant-vowel- bad/badly - far -
ending in -y ending in -e syllables*
consontant old**)

double consontant + worse
Comparative -er -ier -r more...
-er farther/further

the best
double consontant + the worst
Superlative -est -iest -st the most...
-est the farthest/the furthest
the eldest*

*Some two-syllable adjectives can take both forms (adding -er/-est or more/the most): narrow - clever - simple - cruel - common - likely - gentle - common.
*Adverbs ending in -ly always add more/the most.
**Old has a regular form (older/the older) and an irregular one (elder/the eldest) when describing people's ages, especially when they are family members.

Less/the least are the opposites of more/the most.

Planes are less dangerous than cars.
I bought the least expensive phone. I only need it to make calls.

Before comparatives, we can use much/a lot/a bit/no/any.

Your car is much faster than mine.

Superlatives are common in expressions with ever.

This is the biggest hamburger I've ever eaten!

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