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C.E Prep School End-Of-Term test 2 Name: ….…………………………………..

Miss Sana Frayjia Date: 17/03/2023 Classes: 9b1-2

 I-Reading comprehension: (6 marks)
 Read the text and answer the following questions:

Land pollution is a serious problem that affects humans, animals, and the earth. Without taking

measures now to reduce pollution levels, permanent changes to the land can occur. The adverse

 environment due to land pollution are small, but the problem is much bigger than it
changes to the
appears. 
There areseveral known causes of land pollution but the most important one is litter. The
garbage found at landfills is filled with toxins that eventually seep into the earth, which harm the
 water . As the population grows, the amount of garbage filling landfills also grows.
agriculture and

The impact of land pollution is not limited just to the earth and animals. Humans can also

experience negative consequences that can influence quality of life and health. Some of the

potential consequences include birth defects, the development of breathing disorders, skin diseases,
and cancer. 

 consequences of land pollution can be greatly reduced with the cooperation of
The negative
everyone. By making a conscious effort to contribute to a safer environment, the health and well-
 be protected. Land Pollution: Causes, Effects, And Solutions For The Future (
being of all can
1- Tick the suitable title for the text. (1 mark)
a- Online shopping. b- Smoking. c- Land pollution.
2- Answer the following questions: (1 mark)
A. What is the main cause of land pollution? (paragraph 2)
3- Answer with “yes” or “no” and justify your answer (1 mark)
A. Is the impact of land pollution limited only to earth and animals? “.......” (p3)
 ……………………………………………………………….

4- Find the synonym of the following word: (1 mark)

Effects: (paragraph 4) …………………
5- What does the underlined word in the text refer to? (1 mark)
• “It” (paragraph 1) refers to ………………………
6- What can we do to save the Earth? Express your own opinion. (1 mrk
 …………………………………………………………………………………
 II-Language : (8 marks)
1- Put the words in the right tense or form. (2.5 marks)
My parents don't let me have a mobile phone. They say that I don’t need one. Moreover, they
1) Fill in the blanks with words from the list. Be careful there are 2 extra words. (3 pts)
think that cell phones are (1) ------------- (harm) to children’s health because of the radiation that
might cause brain cancer.
prices They
- which – as believe
a result –that if I –get
better a mobile
it results in –I afford
(2) -----------------
– access – who(spend) all the day
(3) ------------- (chat) with my friends and my school results will suffer. I (4) ---------------------------
(already/ use) a mobile .My friends lend me theirs from time to time but (5) ---------------- (have)
my own cell phone is my dream. I see no harm in that.
2- Fill in the blanks with words from the list. There are two extra words. (2.5 marks)
because / expensive / money / safe / cheap / transport / allow
E Every day, many people travel to other places by sea, by air, by train or by bus. Preferring a means
of of 1-………………to others depends mainly on the amount of 2-……………and time a person has
at on his/her disposal. Personally, I prefer travelling by the plane. It is the most rapid and comfortable
fo For me, it’s the most convenient 3- ……………it helps me save time especially if I want to travel
fo for long distances.

H However, the plane has some disadvantages .It’s the most 4-……………... Besides, it’s
Al not always secure. That’s why, some people are afraid of using it.
Finally, the plane doesn’t 5-…………… sightseeing. You can’t see anything especially if you
5 take an aisle seat.
3- Circle the correct alternative: (3 marks)
Italy is a beautiful country that is popular with tourists from all over the world. Some of the top
tourist 1-(destinations – information – transportation) in Italy include Rome. It is the capital city
of Italy. It is known for 2-(hers-its-theirs) ancient ruins, historic monuments, and beautiful
architecture. Some of the 3-(more – most – less) popular attractions in Rome include the
Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, and the Vatican City.
Venice is a city built on water and is known for its canals, gondolas, and beautiful architecture.
Some of the top 4-(attractions – attract – attracted) in Venice include St. Mark's Basilica and the
Rialto Bridge. These are just a few of the many 5-(amazing – boring – unexciting) destinations to
visit in Italy. Whether you are 6-(have interested –interested – interest) in history, art, food, or
simply soaking up the sun on a beautiful beach, Italy has something for everyone
III. Writing : ( 6 marks )
You've recently noticed that tourism in your country is facing more problems and that fewer
and fewer tourists are visiting Tunisia. As a reaction to the situation, you decided to write a post in
your blog called “ I love Tunisia “ in which you describe the beauty of Tunisia, tell your foreign
friends about the places they can visit , the things they can do and encourage them to visit it .

I love Tunisia
 Adherence to task & content adequacy: …. / 3
 Grammar accuracy & lexical accuracy: …. / 2
 Mechanical accuracy (Spelling & punctuation):. / 1

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