Feche Power and Telecommunication Report On Exist

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Tables of Content

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction and Purpose
1.2 Contract Data
1.3 Scope of Services and Objectives
1.3.1 Objective of Project
1.3.2 The Scope of Project Services
2. Project Description
2.1 Type of Project
2.2 Location
2.3 Project Background
3.9 Existing Power Supply and Telecommunication System
3.9.1 Electric Power System Existing Electric Lines, Sub Stations and Transformers Alternative Electric Power Source for Feche Site. Selection of Topology and Hierarchy The fundamental structure of the power system configuration (topology) Selection of Topology Hierarchical Approaches Distribution System and Design The operation approach of the power supply system The selection of equipment Land use categories, power estimation, and power forecast Distribution System Remote Monitoring Road Lighting Design
3.9.2 Telecommunication Networks Overview An Existing Telephone line, cabinet and manholes Preferred Telecom Infrastructure for Feche Project Optical Access Network Full-Service Optical Access Network Introduction Optical Fiber Optical Access Network Architecture
3.9.3 SWOT Analysis Major Finding and their Implications SWOT Analysis Summary of Major Findings/ Planning Issues & Planning Implications Synthesis of Major Finding/planning issue and their implication

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Location of the Project
Figure 2.2 Small Village nest to condominium
Figure 3.1 Picture Sample of transformer and High Tension
Figure 3.2 Picture for sample transformer and LV electric line
Figure 3.3 Sub-Station –Salo Gora Gelan condominium
Figure 3.4 Gelan condominium Sub-station
Figure 3.5 telecom tower electric utility
Figure 5.1 Typical radial topology
Figure 5.2 Typical Ring topology
Figure 5.3 SCADA block diagram system
Figure 5.4 Nomo solar pole Lighting
List of Tables
Table: 1.1 Project Data for Feche site

Table: 2.1 Project Description for Power and Telecom

Table: 3.1 Exist telecommunication figures
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction and Purpose
Shaggar is the recent instituted city which formulated and endorsed by Oromia Regional
government. It has been known that an administration city faces many challenges to fulfil the need
of infrastructure and facilities and housing. To solve the mentioned problem Shaggar city
Administration launched five Neighborhood Development Plans projects for implementation.

The project is aimed at providing the high‐class basic infrastructure development that can
contribute to the regional, national, and international prospect investors creating opportunities to
participate in the diverse impact and export trades and manufacturing activities.

Since, smart city is a place where traditional networks and services are made more flexible,
efficient, and sustainable with the use of information, digital and telecommunication technologies,
to improve its operations for the benefit of its inhabitants. Smart cities are greener, safer, faster
and friendlier. The different components of a smart city include smart infrastructure, smart
transportation, smart energy, smart healthcare, and smart technology. These components are what
makes the cities smart and efficient. Information and communication technology (ICT) are
enabling keys for transforming traditional cities to smart cities.

The purpose of this report is to describe the current status of electric power, street light and telecom
infrastructure level in the area. It illustrates the overall infrastructure accessibility within the
selected site. Type of telecom system, transmission system and power supply and its distribution
mode of the community.
1.2 Contract Data
Project Name Sheger City Administration

Client Sheger City Administration

Consultant ECO
Type of Services
Project Period

Table 1.1 Project Data for Feche site

1.3 Scope of Services and Objectives
1.3.1 Objective of Project
The fundamental intention of Feche project is to develop commercial city with modern styles
of urbanization characterized by and equipped with efficient and effective well planned and
designed basic infrastructures. To do these, it is vital to generate complete detailed studies and
designs, proposals, and identifying the approaches are consultant’s roles and responsibilities.

The general objective as described in the TOR is to prepare an implementable Neighborhood

Development Plan for the site to “facilitate the implementation of the Spatial Development Plan
Framework proposal to bring compact, healthy, livable, vibrant, inclusive and sustainable
development”, and to establish competitive modern commercial city with all attendant facilities.

1.3.2 The Scope of Project Services

The Consultancy services shall be carried following generally accepted standards of professional
practice, following recognized engineering procedures. The Consultant’s scope of work is to
Prepare Neighborhood Development Plan for different five sites, produce detailed engineering
designs for infrastructure and utilities in the NDP including roads, water supply,
sewerage, wastewater treatment plant, power, telecom, and solid waste site. The general scope of
the service covers the following major tasks.

 Carry out the necessary field investigation including all field works like site visits, data
collection from the project site.
 Carry out preliminary and final design works covering preparation of preliminary design
and final design.
 Identifying and evaluating of the existing utilities, and preparing the existing statues and
the proposals.

2. Project Description
2.1 Type of Project
The project has proposed to launch Neighborhood Development Plan which is an action- oriented
development basis to improve the living standard inhabitants significantly.
2.2 Location
The site is located at about 8.8684° latitude 38.8334° longitude.

Fig-2.1 Location of the Project

Feche is located in Oromia National Regional State, Shaggar administration city. The project site
is surrounded by Addis Ababa - Adama highway in the south, Koye feche condominium in the
north direction and Tullu Dimtu condominium in West direction. The Feche project site includes
one town which adjacent to Tullu Dimtu condominium, and 3 rural kebeles. Most of the project
area is covered by agriculture. The total project area is 1336 hectare, and about eight hundred
house holders have been existed in project area.
Fig-2.2- Small Village nest to condominium

2.3 Project Back Ground

As stated in TOR, Shaggar City Planning and Development Office (SPDO) is established with the
mission making the city guided by a plan and principle of comprehensive development, which
shall be prepared and delivered in modern, timely, and cost-effective manner to enhance city’s
development. The city administration then, has formulated five Neighborhood Development Plans
projects inception of developing a special economic zone in which industrialized and
urbanized smart city shall be realized in a strategically and geographical surrounding Finfinne
district. ECO Engineering Corporation of Oromia, is the consulting firm, has been recruited to
undertake Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Document for utility and infrastructure.

Project Name Shaggar City Administration

Client Shaggar City Administration

Region/Zone ECO


Climate Classification

Elevation (m) min-max

Table 2.1 Project Description for Power and Telecom

3.9 Existing Power Supply and Telecommunication System

3.9.1 Electric Power System

The project site covers an agriculture land. There are only three rural kebels which don’t have

access to electricity. But, the small residents/settler which is adjustment to Tullu Dimtu

condominium is shared electric utility from condominium. Existing Electric Lines, Sub Stations and Transformers

Generally, the dense settlement is not shown in project site.

The detail of power distribution and nearby power sub-station are mentioned below…

 The rural community that included don’t have access to electricity. They have never

connected to electric grid.

 However, the town /village located next to condominium has electric power line.

15kv line covers not more than 3km in town. We have observed four small

transformers with size of 315KVA which were placed for Grinding Mill. The

surrounding community have got electric utility from these four transformer.

 Concerning about electric grid, an additionally –concrete electric pole11meter

poles line with 15/33KV which has been passed beside Feche project site from

north direction to supply Koye Feche condominium.

 On the other hand, two parallel tower carrying high tension of 132kV capacity,

which connection is from Akaki sub-station has cut through Feche project site.
Fig-3.1- Picture Sample of transformer and High Tension

Fig-3.2-Picture for sample transformer and LV electric line Alternative Electric Power Source for Feche Site.

 Akaki Sub-station II which located near Gelan town near ganda Kore specific area.

It is 7km far from Feche site.

 The second sub-station is Akaki-Kality substation. It is one of the largest Sub-

station, and found at Salo Gora, near Gelan condominium. This is 8km far from our

The above mentioned electric power source are the nearest sub-stations to Feche project. At this
time, it will not be sure if it has sufficient capacity that is reliable for smart city. The total load
estimation should be forecasted to decide about sub-station.

Fig 3.3:Sub-Station –Salo Gora Gelan condominium

 Picture3.4: Gelan condominium Sub-station Selection of Topology and Hierarchy The fundamental structure of the power system configuration (topology)

Selection of the new substations locations

The selection of the new substation locations are influenced by

 What are the magnitudes of initial loads and expected loads after 5, 10, 20
 What is the likely transformer capacity required? How many transformers will
be required and will it be better to put in a smaller size and then increase ratings
later, e.g. after 10 years?
 Proximity to the load center keeping in view the future load growth.
 The orientation of the proposed incoming lines to be terminated at the
 Is there a suitable route for the 132kV supply to this site?
 Can the 230kV/132kV line be routed to this site without constraints?
 What site facilities and buildings will be required?
 What minimum plot dimensions are needed for the substation?
 Are there any sensitive installations nearby – e.g. telephone exchanges,
 What type of switch gear will be best, outdoor 33KV, indoor 15KV, or some
other combination?
 Calculation of substation fault levels and conductor ratings.
 The cost of setting up a new substation Selection of Topology

There are two main typologies in the power distribution system i.e. Radial and Ring and
1) Radial Topology

Fig-3.5-Typical radial topology

The simplest system configuration that can be found particularly at the low‐voltage and the
medium voltage level is the radial system. The individual feeders or lines are connected to the
primary or station feeder or station by radial feeders. The system is characterized by

 Clear and simple structure

  Low initial expenditure
 Loading of lines during normal operation up to 100%
 No reserve for loss of lines
 System losses comparatively high
 Flexibility for changed load conditions is comparatively small.

2) Ring Topology

The simplest kind of ring‐main system is obtained by connecting the lines ends back to the feeding
station. The system is characterized by:

 Clear and simple structure

  Loading of lines during normal operation is 50% of the permissible loading, higher
loading possible depending on the load duration.
 Reserve for one line outage is guaranteed.
 System losses can be minimized.
 Flexibility to respond to changing load conditions.
 Standardization of cross‐sections.

Figure -3.6- Typical ring topology

 A Ring main typology is selected for the power distribution as it is the most reliable. Hierarchical Approaches

From the substations, outgoing circuits are provided to all the nearest loads (industries,
manufacturing, housing…). In most cases, a single feeder is considered for all the land use
Categories/customers. The main distribution element at each customer is the switching station.
The switching stations are the main instruments in utilizing the full benefits of the ring typology
as shown in Fig 4.4. The switching stations are placed closer to the loads.
This will benefit in the following ways:
 Reduced losses
 Risk containment and mitigation
 Will give a chance for future distributed energy resources
After the switching stations, RMUs are provided to the power the transformers at each premises.
As much as possible, a single RMU is used to feed two adjacent transformers. The number of
switching station and RMUs required for this0 project are estimated after quantity of
(Industries, building, social service and so on) is known. Distribution System and Design

The aim of planning electrical power systems is to fully serve the interests of the consumers to be
supplied with electricity. To determine the configuration of the power system in terms of technical,
operational, and economic criteria, planning principles have to be defined and used. The reliability
of the power supply system (Power station, transmission, and distribution system, etc.) is
influenced by:

 The operational mode of the power supply system

 The selection of equipment
 The fundamental structure of the power system configuration (topology)

Understandably, 100% security and reliability of electrical power supply cannot be achieved. In
each case, a compromise between supply reliability, the design of the system, the operation
requirements, the interest of consumers, and the expected investment cost are to be considered.
The power system in the Feche site may be characterized into three different subsystems according
to its tasks.

 The high voltage transmission grid – Its major task is the transportation of electrical energy
over long distances.
 Distribution systems with 33KV – This serves as a network of distribution in urban
population centers. Industrial suppliers and high power demanding customers are provided
directly from the 33KV line.
 LV distribution with 480/220V – This is mainly done for individual residential customers. The operation approach of the power supply system.

The mode of operation is the first major element in the architecture of the power network. There
are mainly two modes i.e. overhead and underground. The general understanding is that the
underground cables are laid beneath the ground and the overhead cables are visible overhead. But
apart from this, there are many significant features of both the types of these cables from the
perspectives of electrical power transmission or distribution. In the changed scenario of the power
system design, particularly, the distribution system, the cables, and their characteristics have
become highly selective and the technological advancements have also made the selection of cable
for a particular application more flexible.
Several factors are affecting the selection of overhead or underground transmission

System cost‐ the underground system is more expensive than the overhead system. Safety ‐ as the
conductors are constantly exposed to the open atmosphere, there are several concerns related to
the safety of the system and also reliability. The adverse conditions like heavy rain, wind, snowfall,
humid and salty contents in the air could deteriorate the lifespan of these conductors and raise
serious electrical safety concerns. The underground system is not susceptible to such
environmental problems.

Possibility of expansion – On the possibility of expansion, the overhead system is more

preferable. However, in our case, all our designs take into consideration future expansion and leave
the necessary space in the underground manholes and PVC ducts.

Fault detection – Fault detection is easier in overhead lines.

Suitability for long‐distance – Overhead installation is more suitable for long distances.
However, in our design, we provided switching stations as intermediate facilities to minimize the

Appearance – Overhead installations are traditional and are not good aesthetically. Although the
overhead installations seem a good fit, the underground cables have several advantages over the
overhead lines; they have smaller voltage drops, low chances of developing faults and have low
maintenance costs. Recent developments in cable technology make the underground cable more
relevant and popular. Our research and experiences also lead us to use underground installations
as most new settlements around the globe chose underground installation. The selection of equipment

The selection of operation mode defines the type of conductor used in our system which is
underground cable. The next step is deciding the voltage level and hence deciding the subsequent
equipment. The voltage levels are selected based on IEC recommended system voltages as shows
in below table and EEP distribution voltage recommendations. The voltage level of the nearby
substations also influences the type of transformers at the substation. Land use categories, power estimation, and power forecast

Most commonly power demand estimation can be done by adding the capacities of the different
equipment used for the different land‐use categories. However, in the conditions where there are
no particular load schedules, standardized load densities are used for different land use categories
to estimate the power.

a) Land use categories

The major land use categories considered for the power demand estimation in the short run phase
are and transport, industry, residential, commercial, recreation, and environmentally sensitive
areas, administration, social services, free trade zone, road and transport, water body, and urban
agriculture. However, the land use is planning is not yet introduced according to its function.

b) Power Estimation

The power estimation is an essential task and forms the basis for the planning of the power system.
There are five methods to estimate power.

 Load forecast with load increase factors – This method is based on the existing power
system load and the increase in past years and estimate the future load increase employing
exponential increase functions and trend analyses.
 Load forecast with economic characteristic data –Load forecast with economic
characteristic data assumes different relations between economic growth, availability of
energy resources, energy consumption and requirement in general, and growth in
 Load forecast with estimated values – Matching existing settlements based on area,
population number, etc. with the new proposed area.
 Load forecast with specific loads and degrees of electrification – More exact planning is
possible using development plans from planners and estimating the power demand based
on different types and number of stories.
 Load forecast with standardized load curves ‐ Determination of the system load based on
annual energy consumptions of individual consumer or consumer groups, which can be
taken from the service provider. Distribution System Remote Monitoring

The control of the substation, monitoring of the status of the switchgear, feeder loads, and
transformer loading, metering, and other parameters can be remotely monitored. The choice of a
SCADA system will impose technical requirements that will need to be incorporated in the
substation and distribution design. A SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) is an
automation control system that is used in industries such as energy, oil and gas, water, power, and
many more. The system has a centralized system that monitors and controls entire sites, ranging
from an industrial plant to a complex of plants across the country. A SCADA system works by
operating with signals that communicate via channels to provide the user with remote controls of
any equipment in a given system. It also implements a distributed database, or tag database, that
Human Machine Interface (HMI)
 supervisory system
 Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)
 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
 communication infrastructures
We incorporated the SCADA system in our distribution plan as it fits the technical requirement
and it is already utilized by Ethiopian Electric Power for remote monitoring. The main control
station will be at the substations and each switching station is connected to the control room via
fiber optic cables.

Fig-3.7-SCADA block diagram system Road Lighting Design

1) General description

 The main task of road lighting is to assure proper luminous levels on the roads to enable
the good vision for all road users.

2) Standard Use

 The right light levels are determined by the internationally accepted standard Commission
(CIE, International Commission on Illumination). This standard defines the required
lighting for every type of motorized road, with roads classified according to a set of
defining characteristics such as traffic volume and composition, the number of lanes,
usage, weather condition (fog, rain), and type of road surface ( paved, unpaved, cemented,
 There may many type of roads on this project. The height and spacing between street pole
is depends on the road design, land use and final city plan layout. Accordingly, the
selection of pole height, planning and design, selection of light fitting and analysis of
parameter shall be done after the work land use and categories with site plan is being
 However, due to its many advantages, Nomo solar pole lighting is proposed for this
project. It has combines remote centralized control and management of street lights
 through solar photovoltaic applications and ZigBee wireless communication technology,
4G communication, cloud computing, Internet of Things and mobile Internet technologies,
with brightness adjustment, active fault alarm, Lamp cable anti-theft, visual remote
control, and other sensor extension applications. Smart solar street lights can greatly
 Improve the level of public lighting management, save power resources, reduce operation
and maintenance costs, and increase additional revenue.
 Urban street lights serve as the densest urban infrastructure for information gathering and
dissemination. Smart lighting is an important part of the smart city and the best entrance.
Smart solar street lights are an effective support for the city. Low-power smart solar street
light is the perfect embodiment of smart city new energy application.
 Nomo intelligent outdoor lighting solution for Smart City comes with an upgrade option
to become a public streetlight Wi-Fi hotspot. Nomo in partnership with one of the most
advanced routers and wireless ISP systems manufacturer is able to provide an easily
installable wireless device which is carrying out the public internet hotspot function for the
street lighting poles. Besides it support usb charger (charged service)
1. LED charger indicator light
2. Non slip pad surface
3. 10w transmitter coil
4. Fanless design for quiet operation
5. Wireless charging chipset control the current flow
6. Thermal protection sensor can dial back power for safer operation
7. Foreign object detection circuit to prevent conductive materials from receiving
the power from the charger.

Fig-3.8-Nomo solar pole Lighting

3.9.2 Telecommunication Networks Overview

Telecommunication systems play a very important role in the infrastructure of smart cities. An
excess of networked devices interact to provide safe, convenient and environmentally conscious
new services. Residents in smart cities can enjoy their lives using these services, seamlessly and
without being aware of the existence of the networks.
In cities, transportation, distribution, finance, and energy services are connected to networks and
interact to provide more reliable, convenient, and environmentally conscious new services.
Residents in smart cities will have seamless access to these services without needing to know about
the networks on which they are based.
Recognizing the crucial role of telecommunication sector in the entire economic activities and
impact on growth and developments governors in different regime in the last century have been
attempting to expand this service for citizens, though at different scale. A structurally different
communication institution had and has been established all along in telecommunication history of
the country. In our country, recently the responsible institution to render this service is the
Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC). This sector structure has stretched down from
national level up to sub areas.

ETC has been monopolistically providing nationwide telecommunications services since 1996.
These are including consisting of:

1) Telephone and telegraph services

2) Public telephone service
3) Cellular mobile service
4) Public Data Network (Data Transmission Leased Line and Internet)

(1) Telephone Service

Telephone Service is calls which including voice, voicemail and conference and data calls, and
supplementary services that including call forwarding and call transfer. It is also messaging and
multi-media services.

The provision of nationwide telephone service to fulfill the waiting demand is current core activity
for ETC and has been accelerated recent years. From a viewpoint of accessibility to the telephone
service, most of the regions except certain areas (including rural areas) have been covered to some
extent by the telephone network

(2) Public Telephone Service

A service available to the public for originating and receiving national and international calls and
access to emergency services through a telephone number or numbers in a national or
international telephone

ETC is providing public payphones in a nationwide basis. Since the start of the public payphone
service, ETC established 935 coin telephones as of 2001, and starting card phone system in early
2002. However, the number of public telephones is insufficient compare with other telecom
(3) Mobile-phone Service

A mobile phone or cellphone is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls over a radio
frequency link while the user is moving within a telephone service area, as opposed to a fixed-
location phone landline phone. The radio frequency link establishes a connection to the switching
systems of a mobile phone operator, which provides access to the public switched telephone
network PSTN. Modern mobile telephone services use a cellular network architecture and
therefore mobile telephones are called cellphones cell phones in North America. In addition
to telephony, digital mobile phones support a variety of other services, such as text
messaging, multimedia messaging, email, Internet access (via LTE, 5G or Wi-Fi), short-range
wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), satellite access (navigation, messaging
connectivity), business applications, video games and digital photography. Mobile phones offering
only basic capabilities are known as feature phones; mobile phones which offer greatly advanced
computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones.

In 1999 ETC entered into Mobile-phone Service. In 2001, the service covers urban and suburb
areas of Addis Ababa and metropolitan. Nowadays, compare to other countries, Ethiopia is
massively lagging behind in the development of telecommunications. Under the country code
+251, there were a total of 65.39 million connections in 2021. Among them were 64.50 million
mobile phones, which corresponds to an average of 0.54 per person. An Existing Telephone line, cabinet and manholes

Telecommunication companies provide varies type of telecom services. It offers voice, video,
telephone, internet and communication services. Telecommunication serves can be done through
wire (copper, optical fiber), or wireless like electromagnetic field or light used as a signal
transmission media.

Regarding to wire transmission, telecom service through wire (copper or optical fiber) has not been
installed within the project area.
S.No Telecom service Type Exist/not Exist Quantity Remark
1 Transmission-optical Not exist/Passover the --
fiber site
2 Telephone line Not installed --
3 Telecom Center/core Not installed ----
4 Telecom Tower installed two
Table 3.1: Exist telecommunication figures

Fig-3.5-telecom tower electric utility Preferred Telecom Infrastructure for Feche Project

Depending on the structure and purpose of use of smart city applications, different network and
communication technologies are used, as well as different network protocols used to connect the
system components that support these applications. A strong network infrastructure is needed to
support different applications in smart city systems. A hierarchical topology structure is also
required in which the operations of the applications can be carried out, as well as the network
protocols suitable for the needs.

Gigaband Solution – Gigabit broadband is an internet connection that offers a speed of 1 gigabit
per second (1Gbps/1GB) or more. The proposed design can accommodate this and has the
following characteristics.

 Giga network, 1Gbps to 80Gbps and beyond

 Fiber to the x (FTTx)
 Giga home and smart homes
 Free Wifi
 Private LTE (Long term evolution) and Private 5G
Smart commercial City ‐ A smart city is a municipality that uses information and communicati
technologies (ICT) to increase operational efficiency, share information with the publicand impr
ove both the quality of government services and citizen welfare. The following can be included
in this platform.

 Smart Transportation
 Smart Energy and Water
 E – Healthcare
 Smart Garbage Disposal
 Smart Agriculture
 Smart Lighting, Smart Parking, Smart Transit, Smart Waste Management, Video Surveil
lance, robotic network, etc

Digital Transformation – This is the result of the gigaband solution. With such an infrastructure
in place, the following things can be achieved.

 Broadband
 Main Data Centers, Backup data center, Satellite backup
 Cloud Network
 Big Data
 Internet of things (IoT), SCADA, Robotic network
 4K / VR / Game online

On‐demand fiber blowing to anywhere in the Feche project via the adopted flexible micro‐
duct pipe and spare fiber in the feeder network is achievable. Optical Access Network

Full‐service optical access network for high‐speed data, voice, and video

• No exist switching center within the area, so

• New Switching centers should be designed and implemented. But, the number of
switching center needs for Feche project is depends on description of site plan, land use
and categories.
• Optical cable, micro‐duct, manholes, and hand holes will be designed

Backbone network

• No existing fiber route in the site that cross the Feche area
• Permanent new fiber route, pipe, and manhole facility design

Datacenter, Backup data center

• Main Datacenter point should be required for project area Full-Service Optical Access Network Introduction

Based on ITU‐T L.90 recommendation progress on multimedia technologies has led to the active
development of many kinds of broadband services such as data and video communication using
access networks. High‐speed broadband networks must be developed economically to provide
such services to all subscribers. To provide these services in a timely way, it is necessary to
construct optical access networks quickly, efficiently, and cost‐effectively. However, recent
progress in the application of optical plant technology in local access networks has provided
substantial technical and economical experiences in several countries. Considering this, the
network design must take into account planning, construction, maintenance, and operation. Here,
an optical access network is defined as a network of optical fiber cables that extend from a carrier's
central office to the cabinets, buildings, individual homes, apartment blocks, or business offices
for broadband services. Optical Fiber

A suitable choice of fiber and splicing technology should be made. Single‐mode fiber, normally
compliant with [ITU‐T G.652] and [ITU‐T G.657], is the most appropriate for a wide range of
telecommunication services in the local distribution network since this fiber benefits from
economy of scale and has long‐term potential utility for future services. With the current usage of
single‐mode fiber, splicing techniques will allow typical splice losses of less than 0.5 dB to be
As per ITU-T recommendation, only ITU-T G.657 category A fibers are compatible with ITU-T
with G.652 fibers. Using other fiber types will increase the uncertainty regarding the splice value
and compatibility issue. Optical Access Network Architecture

a) Point to Point Architecture
This distributes one or more fibers individually from an OLT (Optical line terminal) in a central
office to an ONU (Optical network unit) in buildings, apartment blocks, or residential premises.
Therefore, a large number of fibers are installed and distributed from central office to customers.
The location of active node is in a temperature-controlled environment. Between a central office
and building basement, only splice are used enclosures or in street cabinets in an outside plant.
This configuration has a low optical loss and provides the maximum distance between central
office and customers. The insertion loss of the optical line is a sum of the fiber, splice, and
connector losses. Moreover, this may be suitable for customers requiring large bandwidth and/or
high security.
b) Ring Architecture
This starts and ends at the same central office and distributes two or more fibers to ONUs (optical
network units) in buildings, apartment blocks, or residential premises. Therefore, for point-to-point
ring networks a very large number of fibers are installed and distributed from central offices to
customers. By contrast, for multiple‐type ring networks the number of distributed fibers can be
reduced compared to a point‐to‐point ring network. The advantages of the ring network are very high
reliability and its ease of maintenance for alternative routing.
c) Point-to-multipoint architecture
The basic configuration of a point-to-multipoint network is one branching component per OLT
(Optical line terminal) port. Figure 8 would be the configuration with two branching components
per OLT port. The feature of the point‐to‐multipoint network is that a fiber optic branching
component or an active node is placed between an OLT (Optical line terminal) and multiple ONUs
(Optical network units). The location which is installed for use with (fiber optic) branching
components or active nodes is the most important item in terms of this network design and
construction. Moreover, two types of (fiber optic) branching components can be used in this
network. One type has a wavelength multiplexer and de‐multiplexer, the other does not. A (fiber
optic) branching component without a wavelength multiplexer and de‐ multiplexer increases the
insertion loss and reduces the transmission distance as the number of branches are increased. By
contrast, a (fiber optic) branching component with a wavelength multiplexer and de‐multiplexer is
mainly used in WDM systems. The insertion loss does not increase greatly but it is difficult to
control and manage the wavelength when the number of branches is increased.
d) Optical transmission performance for optical access networks
As per ITU‐T recommendations, optical access network routes should be designed to meet the
optical access network performances (attenuation range, return loss, dispersion, etc.) described in
such system requirements as described in [ITU‐T G.982], [ITU‐T G.983.1] to [ITU‐T G.983.5],

[ITU‐T G.984.1] to [ITU‐T G.984.7], [ITU‐T G.985], [ITU‐T G.986] and [ITU‐T G.987.x]. The
calculation of the total network optical loss will take into account [ITU‐T G.982] recommendation

e) Adopted Optical Access Network Architecture

Point-to-multi point architecture shall be adopted because of its many advantage over others.

3.9.3 SWOT Analysis Major Finding and their Implications SWOT Analysis
a) Strength and Opportunity
 Two electric power sub-stations are located nearest to the site
 Since the site is closest to the sub-station, it will take the short routine for
transmission line.
 Government policy and commitment to build Neighborhood villages, and to end
a GERD hydro power start building of new sub-station, and do expansion
 Meanwhile, two sub-stations are located closer to project site, this minimize the
cost requires to stretch transmission line, decrease electric loss.
 Adopting fiber optic technology-which high performing equipment
World rapid growing technology
Weakness and Threat
 There is disproportion relation between growing demand for energy electric
power supply
 Rising cost of electric building new( grids, sub-station, transmission line and
distribution system)
 Dry season-because most source Ethiopia electric power (about90%) is from hydro
power, it threats
 Lack of relevant professional in related fields has had a strongly negative impact.
 There are two electric power line tower carrying high tension voltage that have
been crossing, which is not recommended.
 The expensive initial cost of telecommunication equipment to build new switching
center/core. Summary of Major Findings/ Planning Issues & Planning Implications

a) Summary of Major Findings

In generally, the following points are provided concerning about the Feche site.

1. There is no telecom center, telecom tower and fiber transmission line across the
Feche site. However, only on telecom tower at the border of the project site
2. One medium voltage transmission line–stretched over wooden pole supply for
rural villages- found in near to condominium
3. Two sub-stations are found closer to the project site.
4. Two high tension transmission line have passed over the Feche site.

b) Planning Assumption

 Peak power demand for Feche is known after loads estimation will be done.
To do this, the function of land should be categorized.
 The power source for site shall be connected to either two sub-stations or
needs new (its own) sub-station. This is depend on the peak power demand we
will get during power estimation and power forecasting of the project.
 Since the electric utility should be Uninterrupted and Quality supply, Smart,
Sustainable and expandable for the supposed NDP project, it shall have a
minimum of one power sub-station, even if it is not sure to estimate the number
of sub-station. The load estimation needs the project plan that indicates the land
use categories and function, estimated and planed number of residences,
commercial and business, social service and so on should be identified first.

 The core of smart city implementation is the Internet of Things (IoT). The smart
cities need to have three key features: intelligence, interconnection, and
instrumentation which the IoT can provide. It can be said that the use of the IoT
can make the smart cities feasible. A large variety of sensors including RFID, IR,
and GPS, connect the buildings, infrastructure, transport, networks and utilities
through ICT.

 In a big picture, a city is a system of systems with a unique history and set in
a specific social and environmental context. For a city to prosper, all the key
city systems need to work together, by utilizing all of their resources to
overcome the challenges the city faces. The “smartness” of a city describes its
ability to bring together all its resources, to effectively operate with maximum
possible efficiency to fulfil the purposes it has set itself. Therefore, to fulfil our
requirements, the Feche site should have its own telecom core center/switching

 The transmission for network access shall be optical fiber from central office to
customers, point-to-multipoint architecture is the better one for its many advantage. Synthesis of Major Finding/planning issue and their implication

 One new transmission sub-station is required for Feche project

 One new telecom central office/core is required(should be installed)
 Underground installed optical fiber for telecom transmission system is required
from the nearest switching center.

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