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No Land Use Cat Total area-m2 Area for Building-m2 Number of floor(max) Total area of Buil
1 Commercial 40,997.00 24,598.20 10 245982
2 Manufacture 272,024.00 163,214.40 1 163214.4
3 Mixed Residential 2,297,642.00 1,378,585.20 10 13785852
4 Residential 174,866.68 104,920.01 10 1049200.08
5 Service 54,755.00 32,853.00 6 197118
6 Spec Service 73,364.00 44,018.40 buffer zone for PHT 0
7 Urban Agriclture 59,551.00 35,730.60 1 35730.6
8 administrature 10,602.00 6,361.20 10 63612

Demand forcast withi Demand forcast

Total floor area Estimated power demand
Space occupancy next 5 within next
S.No in m2 in kw
years=Pdnow*1.05 10years=Pdnow*1.1
1 Commercial 245,982.00 2,951.78 3,099.37 3,246.96
2 Manufacture 163,214.40 1,958.57 2,056.50 2,154.43
3 Mixed Residential 13,785,852.00 165,430.22 173,701.74 181,973.25
4 Residential 1,049,200.08 12,590.40 13,219.92 13,849.44
5 Service 197,118.00 2,365.42 2,483.69 2,601.96
6 Spec Service - - - -
7 Urban Agriclture 35,730.60 428.77 450.21 471.64
8 administrature 63,612.00 763.34 801.51 839.68
Total 186,488.51 195812.934408 205137.359856
S.No Land Use Cat Total area-m2 Area for Building-m2 Number of floor(max) Total area of Buil
1 Commercial 1,543,710.00 926,226.00 10 9262260
2 Logistic 4,112,284.00 2,467,370.40 1 2467370.4
3 Residential 3,018,180.00 1,810,908.00 10 18109080
4 Service 54,755.00 32,853.00 6 197118
5 Spec Service 73,364.00 44,018.40 buffer zone for PHT 0
6 Urban Agriclture 2,362.00 0 0
7 administrature 372,180.00 223,308.00 10 2233080

Demand forcast
Space Total floor area in Estimated power demand Demand forcast withi
S.No within next
occupancy m2 in kw next 5 years=Pdnow*1.05

1 Commercial 9,262,260.00 111,147.12 116,704.48 122,261.83

3 Logistic 2,467,370.40 29,608.44 31,088.87 32,569.29
4 Residential 18,109,080.00 217,308.96 228,174.41 239,039.86
5 Service 197,118.00 2,365.42 2,483.69 2,601.96
6 Spec Service - - - -
7 Urban Agriclture - - - -
8 administrature 2,233,080.00 26,796.96 28,136.81 29,476.66
Total 387,226.90 406588.24584 425949.59088
1,543,710.00 154.371 11.0978432782
3,018,180.00 301.818 21.6979151689
3,027,367 302.7367 21.763961179
2,362.00 0.2362 0.0169805895
478,933 47.8933 3.44308411215
144073 14.4073 1.03575125809
372,180.00 37.218 2.67562904385
4,112,284.00 411.2284 29.5635082674
1,980,231 198.0231 14.2360244428





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