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Lingusitics is a scientific field and an academic discipline that has both

theorical and practical applications. Lingusitics study language structure at

several theorical levels that range in size from tiny units of speech sounds to

context of an entire conversation.

In other words, language is a way of communication between group of

people. Therefore, most often the linguistics goal is to discover the “laws of

human language”.

Wilkins says (1972). The main role of linguistics in language teaching is

to produce Good descriptions of language. And well developed discipline of

social science.


How the knowledge of linguistics helps in becoming a better English

language teacher?

Linguistics helps teachers convey the origins of words and languages,

their historical applications, and their modern day relevance. Combined, this
approach to teaching language helps students gain a better, more in Depth

understandingof their assignments and work product expectation.

It helps not only in making our comunication at classroom effective but

also in building relationships and achieving instant rapport. Linguistics give us

subtle commands that the brain executes easily.

It captures unique conceptualizations of the world and has its own ways

of constructing words, phrases and sentences for communicating ideas. As we

compare the words and structures of various languages, we come to a greater

understanding of the world we live in.

Linguistics deals with the study of particular language, and the search for

general properties common to all languages or large groups of language. It

includes the following subareas: phonetics and phonology such as we have

already spoken and written about them on others essays done by me.
A) The identity and variability of language.

Linguistic identity refers to a person's identification as a speaker of one

or more languages. The linguistic identity is part and often an important part of

our identity. Languages symbolise identities and are used to signal identities by

those who speak them. People are also categorised by other people according

to the language they speak. People belong to many social groups and have

many social identities.

On my point of view, a broad connection exists between language and

identification. Language defines our ethnic group that we belong to, our status

in the social stratification, and also determines the power we hold in our society.

Our social identity is created by our language and also our future possibilities

are determined by language.

Hall thinks (1973) Identity constructs and is constructed by language.

Identity is foundation based on the acknowledgment of shared source including

ethnic, linguistic, religious, historical, territorial, cultural and political attributes

with other people, groups or ideal.

Language learning engages the identities of learners because language itself is

not only a linguistic system of signs and symbols; it is also a complex social

practice in which the value and meaning ascribed to the person who speaks.

B) Use-related variation: spoken and written varieties, styles, registers.

The term linguistic variation (or simply variation) refers to regional, social,

or contextual. differences in the ways that a particular language is used.

Variation between languages, dialects, and speakers is known as interspeaker


Register variation includes the ability to vary one's language style based

on the social context or communication partner. For example, adult speakers

talk differently to babies than they do to other

It is essential to use appropriate varieties and registers of language in

certain communication context because in different situations and people call

for different registers. It shows the level of formality and informality of the

language used. The three most common language registers in writing are:

Formal. Informal. Neutral and talking about spoken register is a term most often

used to refer to the degree of formality

in spoken language.

There is a terminological distinction between register and style. Both are

associated with a specific speech situation but whereas register often refers to

the specific vocabulary chosen and expected in connection with a particular

speech situation, style also includes grammatical variation.

According bibliography given, the language involved in each of these

registers provides rich opportunities for language and content instruction,

especially for English learners. Teaching the audience, topic, purpose and
location in regard to language, including speech and writing, will benefit

students as we help them to achieve academically.

C) Periods in the history of English.

The history of English is conventionally, if perhaps too neatly, divided into

three periods usually called Old English (or Anglo-Saxon), Middle English, and

Modern English. The history of English Literature is spread over different eras

including Old English or Anglo Saxon, The Renaissance, Victorian Era, Modern

Era, Postmodern era, amongst others.

But I wonder, Why do we try and divide history into different periods? We

do so in an attempt to capture the characteristics of a time, its central features

as they appear to us. So the terms through which we periodise – that is,

demarcate the difference between periods – become important. They reflect our

ideas about the past.

History and literature are the essential studies of the humanities because

they interpret for us the human experience. To the extent that we are

knowledgeable about these subjects, we are better able to communicate with

one another.

On my point of view, Literature allows a person to step back in time and

learn about life on Earth from the ones who walked before us. We can gather a

better understanding of culture and have a greater appreciation of them. We

learn through the ways history is recorded, in the forms of manuscripts and

through speech itself.


Linguistics has been shown to improve a student´s cognitive function,

including, but not limited to enhanced problem solving skills. Improved verbal

and spatial abilities.

Lingustics can have a positive impact on language teachers and has

potential for a much greater impact if problems of tranfer can be addressed.

Solid Lingusitics skills help children become succesful readers and

strong communicators, these skills also Foster a child´s confidence and overall

sense of wellbeing. The reason behind paying attention to the lingusitics study

emerges from the fact that any literary work is a piece of language.

So, in a few words, Lingusitics is need in English language teaching

because it hepls teachers explain the English components and structures to the

students. Every language has a system or lingusitic rules that can be learned in

terms of phonology, morphology, syntax and finally, semantics.


Wilkins, D. (1972). Linguistics in language teaching. Edward Arnold Press.

Hall, T. (1973). The silent language. Anchor Reissue.

Varga, L. (2010). Introduction to English Linguistics. Eotvos Lorán. University.

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