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TOP 10 Inventions

Paper - one of the Chinese people's four great

inventions paper was invented and developed in the second century BC by the Han
Dynasty the idea eventually travelled to Europe where paper mills began
manufacturing the product on a larger scale without paper the printing press would
never have been invented and our world would be very different we would not have
Maps paper currency or books to disperse information its impact is truly endless.

The Compass-
before the compass sailors depended on landmarks or even the Stars to navigate
their ships but once the Chinese began using lodestones and magnetism to find their
bearings between the 9th and 11th centuries it quickly spread to the Arab world and
to Europe this not only made circumnavigation of the globe easier it also made it
safer which kicked off the Age of Discovery

Refrigeration - though ice was used since prehistoric times to prevent food from
spoiling and developing bacteria the concept of refrigeration was only developed in
earnest starting in the mid 1700s the process was then refined and improved
changing the way the food industry transports and stores food the implications of
this discovery are far-reaching as it transformed the way we eat and live.

Printing Press - though Johannes Gutenberg is credited with this invention he

actually perfected and popularized existing technology by combining the Chinese
principle of movable type with European press systems already in use for winemaking
Gutenberg created the machine that printed text on a wide scale which in turn
lowered the price of books and helped spread information and knowledge to the
masses spurring the Reformation the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution
number six

Plumbing - the landscape of major cities would be drastically different without

this innovation after all how would a high-rise exist without modern plumbing
evolving from holes in the ground to chamber pots to outhouses and eventually to
flush toilets as early as the 31st to 26th centuries BC the development of plumbing
improved living conditions for millions of people across the globe and lengthened
our lifespans number-5

Medicine - many medicines and vaccinations have extended and changed our lives
significantly discovered by accident by Alexander Fleming penicillin was the first
group of drugs that fought illnesses like syphilis and strep infections on the
other side of the spectrum since they were introduced to the public in the 1960s
contraceptives such as the birth control pill helped level out the global
population and launched a revolution in social change

Engines- these engines got industry and the population moving instead of relying on
horses as transportation people traveled across the countryside via Thomas Newcomen
steam engine as of 1712 which was improved upon by James Watt later that century
quickly becoming the backbone of society and sparking the Industrial Revolution
internal combustion ultimately replaced steam and ushered in the Second Industrial
Revolution and allowed individuals to affordably travel great distances.

The Wheel - though it's still unclear which civilization was first to invent this
simple machine in the 4th millenium BC it's obvious that it's been one of the
world's most vital innovations the transportation commerce and travel industries
wouldn't be the same without it and today the wheel can be found in every aspect of
our daily lives from water wheels gears motors and engines to more fun applications

Communications - several inventions changed global communications forever Samuel

Morse brought us the electric telegraph in 1836 Alexander Graham Bell's telephone
was the first to be awarded a patent to transmit voices in 1876 guglielmo marconi
and Nikola Tesla developed radio in the late 19th century moving pictures first
came across John Logie Baird's television in 1925 Conrad Sousa developed the first
computer in the early 40s and Tim berners-lee proposed the World Wide Web in the
late 80s and they all made the world a little bit smaller

Electricity- not only did sleep patterns change drastically with the introduction
of electricity so did work habits from Ben Franklin to Nikola Tesla to Michael
Faraday to Thomas Edison many innovators made important contributions to this
modernization which brought light and power to the masses however electricity only
became a necessity and standard to everyday life in the mid twentieth century
before that it was enjoyed mainly in the big cities

Honorable Mentions:\
Cotton Gin
Gun Powder
Optical Lens

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