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2) Focus1)onAccumulate Volume
synergistically in different
building general intensities and repand
pressing strength ranges
focusing on
1 lower body lift
3) Allow
4) Increase General for complete
Strength customization
on a variety of exercises, and add to your
training rotation

How do I deload? How do

I beleive in intuitive deloads, and partially deloading instead of taking a

full week off. Simply put, if you notice that your performance is
dropping, your fatigue is too high, or you otherwise need a deload,
simply take the next week, and slash the volume by half. Resume the
program as normal after you deload the muscles that need it. This spread sheet is pre progr

Can I Add more Upper Back/Lats? Can I Add

Yes, I have it programmed to 2x per week, I find that this is a nice

general amount of frequency, but I also believe in training your back on I wouldn't add any to the stre
each training day as well. Experiment with what you need, and add program. If you want to add
from there. Add to the Upper Body days FIRST before you add to the bodybuilding portion AS NEE
lower body days. volume, ensure that the reps

I Over/Undershot My RPE. HELP What

If you overshoot, that's cool. Just make your back off sets a little bit
easier than what is calculated for you. If you undershoot, make your Ordered from most to least f
back offs a little harder, OR just bump up weight and go for another top Morning, Back Extensions. P
set. program.

Can I add calves/forearms/neck etc W

It's Giga brain for "leave som
reps in the tank, RPE 8 mea
Yes, superset them with something in the bodybuilding workout tank, and RPE 10 is zero rep

What is Myorep match? What

Myorep match is a Giga brain way of saying "use rest pauses on your
second and third sets so that they can match your first set's Rep count" It's a standard Upper, Lower
Use the same exercise for your Myorep match sets more rest as needed

How do I pick my top set weights?

Do warm up sets of however many reps you have prescribed for the
day, adding chunks of weight each time until you get to about 80-90%
of whatever number you have in mind for the day. If your last warm up
feels and looks junky, go conservative, if it feels and looks good, go for
that number you had in mind

How do I edit the spreadsheet?

is spread sheet is pre programmed with all the equations you'll need. Simply input where it tells you to input. (delete the ENTIRE ce

Can I Add more Volume in general?

ouldn't add any to the strength work - this isn't a powerlifting

ogram. If you want to add volume to the program, add it to the
dybuilding portion AS NEEDED (not as WANTED). Before adding
ume, ensure that the reps you are doing are of HIGH quality first.

What is a pure hip hinge?

dered from most to least fatiguing: Stiff Leg Dead, RDL, Good
orning, Back Extensions. Pick the hip hinge that fits best in your

What is RPE?
Giga brain for "leave some reps in the tank" RPE 7 means you left 3
ps in the tank, RPE 8 means you left 2 reps , RPE 9 is 1 rep in the
nk, and RPE 10 is zero reps left in the tank

What are my rest days?

a standard Upper, Lower, rest, upper, lower, rest x2. You can add
ore rest as needed
top sets/back off sets on Squat, OHP on Secondary
each week)
Top set of Day
being 5 reps
WEEK 1 9@ Rpe7
Top set of 12
off isn't. If
WEEK 2 9@Rpe
Top set 8of your set was 12
Top set of7 too easy, 9
WEEK 4 7@ rest, add 9
set of8
weight, and
Top set of7 try again. 9
of 5 for the (back off 7
RPE Based
WEEK 7 back the sets are
of 5 for 7 Top Sets.
WEEK 8 back offs automaticall 7 Alternate
sets of 4 for y calculated
WEEK 9 the
of 4 offs
for on the 5 between RPE
WEEK 10 the
sets of 3 for program)
back offs around 90- 5 7 and 8 each
week. + or
WEEK 11 the back
sets of 4 offs 93%
for more 5 minus a rep
WEEK 12 the back offs attempts) 3 in reserve

Progress for Bodybuilding Exercises

Dynamic Double Progression (click link to watch video if you're not familiar) is to be used on all bodybuilding exercises
Progressions for Primary Progressions for Secondary
Deadlift Deadlift
6 10
6 10
6 10
5 8
RPE Based
5 Top Sets. 8
5 Alternate 8
RPE Based
4 between RPE 6 Top Sets.
4 7 and 8 each 6 Alternate
week. + or
3 minus a rep 6 between RPE
3 in reserve
around 90- 4 7 and 8 each
week. + or
1 93%
more 4 minus a rep
1 attempts) 4 in reserve

This is a list of general mobility and activation exercises for

you to do before each workout, use the ones applicable to
upper or lower body respectively.

Pressing Working up to a top set

Warm up starting with the bar. Take decent sized jum

2x20-25 light dumbbell pressing w/25 lbs, OR bench/press the plates per side each warm up set, doing the prescribe
bar for a few sets of 2x20-25. Perform light weight back work reps. Stronger guys need more warm ups, newer guy
You need to have a number that you want to hit in m
following the same sets and reps. This is done to warm up
part - your last warm up set should be about 90% of
your muscles/tendons/joints that last warm up feels good, rest, and then take that
in mind. If it felt/looked bad, take a lighter top set.

Any form of cardio for 5-10 minutes, Reverse Stationary Biking,

Sled Drags, and backwards treamill walking are the best, but your
aim is to warm up your knees. Avoid high impact cardio options.
After you do your warm up cardio, sit at the bottom of a goblet squat
for a few sets of 30-60 seconds for time. This is to further warm up
your knees, and boost your mobility.


20-25 reps of bodyweight squats, goodmornings with just the bar,

and some leg raises. Your aim is to get generally warm in all of the
muscles used in a deadlift.
Working up to a top set

h the bar. Take decent sized jumps of .5-1

warm up set, doing the prescribed number of
eed more warm ups, newer guys will need less.
umber that you want to hit in mind for this next
up set should be about 90% of that number. If
ls good, rest, and then take that number you had
ked bad, take a lighter top set.
The Basics

There is almost no wrong answer. Effort, consistency,

calories, sleep. These are all things you need to worry
about a lot more than the specific exercise you're
picking. If the target muscles are being worked, you
picked the right exercise.

How to Bias Specific Muscles

Once you understand the basics, you may want to bias

certain muscles to bring up your physique or to improve
your strengtth. Watch the applicable video in my Final
Answer Playlist to assist with that.
Primary Lift Training Maxes (for your own refereWeight (Lbs) Weight (KG)
Squat 100 45
Deadlift 100 45
Bench Press 100 45
Overhead Press 100 45

Primary Bench Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps

Bench Press Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input
Back Offs #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 Same as top se
Bodybuilding Training
Rear Delt Isolation of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Bench Variation of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 6-10
Tricep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Bicep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12

Primary Deadlift Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps

Deadlfit Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input
Back Offs #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 Same as top se
Leg Machine Training (Include
or Unilateral 3-5 sets of 12-20 reps, of ab work of choice, superset them with each exercis
Leg Exercise
(As Deep as you can go) Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Vertical or Horizontal Pull of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12
Pure Hip Hinge of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Hamstrings OR Adductor Isolation Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12

Secondary Bench Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps

Opposite Grip Width Bench Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input
Back Offs #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 Same as top se
Bodybuilding Training
Rear Delt Isolation of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Bench Variation of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 6-10
Tricep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Bicep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12

Secondary Deadlift Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps

RDL or SLDL (Keep Low Back Extended) Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input
Back Offs #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 Same as top se
Bodybuilding Training (Include 3-5 sets of 12-20 reps, of ab work of choice, superset them with each exercis
Leg Machine or Unilateral Leg Exercise
(pickDeep as you can
the oppositie ofgo)
what you picked Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
on Primary Day) Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12
Pure Hip Hinge of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Hamstrings OR Adductor Isolation Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12
4 min
4 min

90 sec
3 min
90 sec
90 sec

4 min
4 min
hem with each exercise)
90 sec
3 min
90 sec
90 sec

4 min
4 min

90 sec
3 min
90 sec
90 sec

4 min
4 min
hem with each exercise)
90 sec
3 min
90 sec
90 sec
Primary Lift Training Maxes Weight (Lbs) Weight (KG)
Squat 100 45
Deadlift 100 45
Bench Press 100 45
Overhead Press 100 45

Primary OHP
Overhead Press (Pause Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest
at the bottom) Input HERE Input HERE 1 Same
Input as top 4 min
Back Offs #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 set 4 min
Rear Delt Isolation of Bodybuilding Training
Close Grip Flat Bench Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
Tricep of Choice
Exercise of Input HERE Input HERE 3 6-10 3 min
Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
Delt Isolation of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 90 sec

Primary Deadlift Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest

Deadlfit Input HERE Input HERE 1 Same
Input as top 4 min
Back Offs
Bodybuilding #VALUE!
Training (Include 3-5 sets of #VALUE! 2 set
12-20 reps, of ab work 4 min them
of choice, superset
Unilateral Leg Exercise with each exercise)
(As Deeporas
Vertical you can go) Input HERE Input HERE
Horizontal 3 10-15 90 sec
Pull of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 3 min
Pure Hip Hinge
Hamstrings OR of Choice Input HERE Input HERE
Adductor 3 10-15 90 sec
Isolation Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 90 sec

Secondary OHP/
Supported PressBehind Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest
the Neck Press/ Z Press Input HERE Input HERE 1 Same
Input as top 4 min
Back Offs #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 set 4 min
Rear Delt Isolation of Bodybuilding Training
Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
Tricep Pushups
Exercise of Input HERE Input HERE 3 12-20 3 min
Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
Delt Isolation of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 90 sec

RDL or SLDLDeadlift
(Keep Low Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest
Back Extended) Input HERE Input HERE 1 Same
Input as top 4 min
Back Offs
Bodybuilding #VALUE!
Training (Include 3-5 sets of #VALUE! 2 set
12-20 reps, of ab work 4 min them
of choice, superset
Unilateral Leg Exercise with each exercise)
(As Deep as you can go) Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
oppositie of what you
picked on Primary Day) Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 3 min
Pure Hip Hinge
Hamstrings OR of Choice Input HERE
Adductor Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
Isolation Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 90 sec
Primary Lift Training Maxes Weight (Lbs) Weight (KG)
Squat 100 45
Deadlift 100 45
Bench Press 100 45
Overhead Press 100 45

Primary Bench Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest

Bench Press Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input
Same as top 4 min
Back Offs #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 set 4 min
Rear Delt Isolation of Bodybuilding Training
Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
Bench Variation of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 6-10 3 min
Tricep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
Bicep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 90 sec

Primary Squat Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest

Squat Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input
Same as top 4 min
Back Offs
Bodybuilding Training (Include#VALUE! #VALUE!
3-5 sets of 12-20 reps, of ab work2of 4 min them
setchoice, superset
Leg Exercise (As Deep as with each exercise)
you can or
Vertical go)Horizontal Pull Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
of Choice
Pure Hip Hinge of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 3 min
(no deadlift variations) Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
Adductor Isolation Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 90 sec

Opposite Bench
Width Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest
Bench Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input
Same as top 4 min
Back Offs #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 set 4 min
Rear Delt Isolation of Bodybuilding Training
Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
Bench Variation of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 6-10 3 min
Tricep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
Bicep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 90 sec

SSB, Front Squat
Squat, or Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps Rest
Opposite Stance Squat Input HERE Input HERE 1 Input
Same as top 4 min
Back Offs
Bodybuilding Training (Include#VALUE! #VALUE!
3-5 sets of 12-20 reps, of ab work2of
setchoice, superset
4 min them
with each exercise)
Leg Exercise (As Deep as
you can go)
oppositie of what you Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15 90 sec
picked on Primary Day) Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 3 min
Hamstring Isolation Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12 90 sec
Primary Lift Training Maxes Weight (Lbs) Weight (KG)
Squat 100 45
Deadlift 100 45
Bench Press 100 45
Overhead Press 100 45

Primary Press
Overhead Press (Pause at the Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps
bottom) Input HERE Input HERE 1 Same
Input as top
Back Offs #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 set
Bodybuilding Training
Rear Delt
Close GripIsolation of Choice
Flat Bench Variation of Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 6-10
Tricep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Bicep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12

Primary Squat Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps

Squat Input HERE Input HERE 1 Same
Input as top
Back Offs
Bodybuilding Training (Include 3-5 sets #VALUE!
of 12-20 reps,#VALUE! 2 set
of ab work of choice, superset them with each
Leg Machine or Unilateral Leg exercise)
Exercise (As Deep as you can go) Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Pure Hipor Horizontal
Hinge Pull (no
of Choice of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12
deadlift variations) Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Adductor Isolation Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12

Seated NonBench
Back Supported OHP/ Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps
Behind the Neck Press/ Z Press Input HERE Input HERE 1 Same
Input as top
Back Offs #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 set
Bodybuilding Training
Rear Delt
Close GripIsolation of Choice
Incline Bench Variation Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 6-10
Tricep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
Bicep Exercise of Choice Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12

SSB, Front Squat
Squat, or Opposite Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Sets Reps
Stance Squat Input HERE Input HERE 1 Same
Input as top
Back Offs
Bodybuilding Training (Include 3-5 sets #VALUE!
of 12-20 reps,#VALUE! 2 set
of ab work of choice, superset them with each
Leg Machine or Unilateral Leg
(pick the (As Deep as
oppositie you can
of what yougo) Input HERE Input HERE 3 10-15
picked on Primary Day) Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12
Hamstring Isolation Input HERE Input HERE 3 8-12
4 min
4 min

90 sec
3 min
90 sec
90 sec

4 min
4 with
perset them min each

90 sec
3 min
90 sec
90 sec

4 min
4 min

90 sec
3 min
90 sec
90 sec

4 min
4 with
perset them min each
90 sec
3 min
90 sec

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