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The Arab -Israeli Struggle In Ten Points.

“Behind every lie there is truth thus Infront of every

truth there will be a lie” The Red Monk.

“The Seat Of Middle East Fires Is In Europe Not Inside

The M.E.” The Red Monk.

“In its entire history Israel did not kill as many

Palestinians as the British colony of Jordan killed during
that infamous(BLACK SEPTEMBER of the seventies!
Slaughtering countless thousands of Palestinians in matter
of days !But public memory is short and shorter still the
memory of British agents in charge of the Palestinians
!!Similarly inside the De- Facto British colony of Iraq one
hundred eighty thousands Kurdish CIVILIANS wiped out in
matter of HOURS with chemical weapons !That is right
:Nearly quarter of million mainly women and children yet
the British masters PREVENTED the world from hearing
about this MASSIVE GENOCIDE until the Iraqi Regime was
removed in (2003) By the Americans.”
!-The second world war defeated fascism in Europe but did not kill it. Thus Europe
remains for all practical purposes what I ALWAYS called the (LAND OF

Never under estimate the powerful negative destructive forces of racism ! Just think
what RACISM done IN Germany? and FOR Germany ??Its not easy to understand
how the racist mind operate? It requires decades of DIRECT Experiences
SCRATCHING multiple surfaces and Deep Honest Correct Analysis .

2-These Fascist /colonialist of Europe or what I call the ENEMIES OF Mankind had
never given up the DREAM OF Destroying THE JEWS).

3-Ever since the arrival from Europe of these dirty colonists after the demise of the
OTTOMANS The M.E never experienced one single day of peace long before Israel
came to existence. And shall never find one single day of peace until the M.E finds a
good doctor treating the CAUSES instead of the symptoms and the causes clearly
are these dirty colonialists from Europe THESE HIDDEN MASTERS of The Arabs
Goverments and Organizations.

Then there was The first gulf wa?The second gulf war??

The Iraq war ?the Yemen War ?The Sudan civil War? The Syria wars(Plrs)?The Suez
Canal war ? etc ? etc ? etc ?None of it had anything to do with Israel but everything
to do with these European Dirty Colonialists. You must admit these ENDLESS wars
are PHENOMENAl for any one single region of the world to suffer ! ?

Yet as tragic as they are these wars are just the SYMPTOMS NOT THE CAUSES.THE

4-Never underestimate these Fascist /Colonialists Europeans capacity for hate and
destruction.They have reached perfecting the art and science of WAR MONGERING.
They can operate from both sides of any conflict in the world stoking up the fires of
5-Ther is dangerous cynically criminal DUALITY :

PUBLICLY they all CLAIM to be FRIENDS OF ISRAEL yet they been caught RED
HANDED doing exactly the opposite! Another Perfect example how its they
succeeded in cultivating an entirely irrational perverse culture convincing every
AVERAGE Arab of the following:

That all our problems will be solved not by removing CRIPPLING



of ARMs who turned our (Garden of EDEN ) In to UNLIVABLE HELL for which the
floating corpses in the Mediterranean sea can testify.

Only and only by removing from the map that little spot hardly visible called Israel
will solve our problems at stroke! ! ! ! !

Such that Arab Nations keep chasing their own tails !While the individual Arab keep
chaising their own tails from one dilemma to the next.

Such are the dimensions of EVIL these dirty colonialists have sank to ?Just as
medieval British ruing circles ingrained the keyword of SEX by which they
hypnotised their average (Commoner) Reducing them in to full-time prisoners of
Sex ? Rumours of sex?And nothing but sex ?

Similarly the keyword by which they hypnotised the Average Arab is ISRAEL? ! ? !

6-Never underestimate the capacity of their OCTOPUS spreading its TENTACLES

from CHILE to JAPAN?

7-Never overestimate their BASIC PRIMITIVE LOGIC

which is In Practice )not much different from that of STREET THUGS. .e Committing
the crime FIRST then construct by deception the justification SECOND.
8-The Jewish People as international race who have had DIRECTLY experienced like
myself the true colours and had seen the REAL faces of these enemies of mankind
JEWS under no illusion how they been locked in struggle for survival against the
dark forces of the whole world ?

Unlike those simpletons who shed (Misled? Lost )Big very big suitcase called Mighty
Soviet Union !Or The primitive Arabs who shed that small item called Palestine.

(Once GOLDA MEYER in speech (New York-1948)Said :

“We Jews are winning because we are fighting for our lives and for nothing else”

Leaders of both Israel and the Arabs should keep this in mind.

What strong woman that GOLDA was? Admired EVEN by enemies !Refusing several
invitations to visit Germany vowing she will never set foot there because of what
they have done to us?

9-The shocking fact I discovered about these enemies of mankind that their spiteful
destructivity is motivated NOT only by OIL or MARKETS etc etc but ALSO by
physical independent substance called (Pure Venom)Meaning they do not need
reasons to relief this VENOM by committing individual or mass atrocities !

And off course EVEN Psychological i.e their well known

SUPERIORITY/INFERIORITY COMPLEX with all its by products such as turning
them to be the most ill-natured people you can meet on this planet! Whatever the

industrialization? GENETIC evolution of the Selfish / Criminal

genes) Whichever its these people had become devoid of any morality or emotions
common among the rest of mankind. To be honest they do not belong to the human
race except superficially e.g by LOOKS ?BY COSMETICS??BY ARITIFICAL MANNERS
10--But to see these points clearly one need to have the

intellectual depth and talent scratching multiple surfaces

.To see for themselves by themselves how these are capable of committing any
atrocities and having the audacity of making the victim be the guilty party ?

These Fascists/Colonialists will be dancing in the streets at the news of Arabs and
Jews are killing each Other (October-2023) These enemies of mankind to achieve
their so called (STRATEGY)

Do not care about their own (Commoners)Let alone about Arab or Jews .

Another grand sign of victory they achieved by their VENOM the massive
international outrage against the War in Gaz DELIVERING BIGGER BLOW to the
Jews than that attack on Israel in (October-2023) Since it carry unpredictable long
term damages dismantling any hope for the so called (Naturalization Process ) .

Watchin the whole world turning against Israel is :

(Cause d` Celebre.) For Dirty Colonialists. The Red Monk.

(Search---Killer Race Parts 1-64) ?

(Search----Criminal Genes Parts 1-96)?

(Search----The First Ever Genocide Of The Jews )?

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