Races of The Sky Era

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Cautious and kind, the very first children of the forest.

Average Height: 2'6'' – 3'3''
Average Weight: 125 – 150 lbs
Life Span: 50 - 75 Years
(Mature in 8 - 10 Years)
Skin colors: Alabaster to Salmon
(Hidden by Fur)
Eye colors: Black
Fur colors: Black, Brown
Vulnerability: Fire
● The bush in your tail can produce a
number of twigs and leaves. Every
Extended Rest, you may make up to
(base Discipline / 3) units of Wood, of
up to Rank (base Fortitude / 3).
● You have multiple stomachs, cheeks
that can hide away an entire meal, or
can otherwise pack away food with no
ill effects. You may consume a second
Dish during every Short and Extended
Rest. (You may still only have one
Food Buff active at a time.)
● You have a knack for using Agility to sneak through grass and foliage. You also treat
Thick Brush and other plant-based Difficult Terrain as normal terrain.
Play a Kikwi if you want...
● ... To be the halfway point between plant and animal.
● ... To rely on stealth rather than brute force.
● ... To be a fuzzy bush panda.
● ... To show that being scared doesn't stop you from being brave.
Adventurous and industrious, lovers of all things that shine.
Average Height: 5' – 6'
(Full Height)
Average Weight: 150 - 175 lbs
Life Span: 60-80 Years
(Mature in 13 - 16 Years)
Skin colors: Snow to Seashell
(Hidden by Fur)
Eye colors: Back
Fur colors: Ivory to Honeydew,
with patches of brown.
Vulnerability: Water
● Through keen eyes or other
senses, you can see just as well
in the dark as in the light. In
addition, when Blinded, you are merely Dazzled instead.
● You are capable of digging through solid earth with your bare hands. You may treat an
empty hand as if it had a Shovel of Rank (base Fortitude / 2, rounded down). If your use
would break a normal Shovel, you cannot dig until you take an Extended Rest.
● While burrowing you often come across hidden ore deposits. Every Extended Rest, you
may make up to (base Discipline / 3) units of Metal, of up to Rank (base Fortitude / 3).
Play a Mogma if you want...
● ... To scour the underground for buried treasure.
● ... To dive straight into the unknown, heedless of risk.
● ... To explore the hidden places beneath Hyrule.
● ... To get your claws dirty..
Followers of the water dragon, dwellers of the furthest depths.
Average Height: 4' - 5'
Average Weight: 60 - 80 lbs
Life Span: 80 - 200 years
(Mature in 20 Years)
Skin colors: White with colored markings
Eye colors: Yellow
Vulnerability: Shock
● You are a Natural Swimmer. Further, you can
breathe underwater.
● You have multiple tentacles that can be used to
hold on to additional items. You have two
additional Belt Slots.
● You are not considered off-balance or slowed
while Squeezing. You can squeeze into openings
smaller than one-quarter your height or width, but
openings smaller than one-tenth are too small.
Play a Parella if you want...
● ... To always know how to get out of a tight spot.
● ... To be a loyal follower of the dragons.
● ... To plumb the deepest depths of the ocean.
● ... To be a fish out of water... Literally.
Ancient Robot
Mechanical servents of a long-dead master.
Average Height: 3' - 9'
Average Weight: 200 - 700 lbs
Life Span: Potentially infinite
Chasis colors: Alabaster
Eye colors: Electric Blue
Vulnerability: Shock
● As a Robot, you do not have normal bodily functions like most races. Therefore, you do
not need to eat or breathe and cannot be made Sick.
● Your metal body gives you a natural Defense of (base Fortitude / 2, rounded down), in
addition to the Defense of any Armor you wear. However, your Evasion is reduced by
(base Fortitude / 4, rounded down).
● You have a Knack for the Coordinate and Intercept Maneuvers. (If you Intercept for two
allies at once, you still only take damage from the triggering attack once.)
● Despite being a Robot, you may still be healed by conventional means. Automatic repair
functions activate during adequate rests, you can still consume and benefit from Dishes
and Elixirs by converting them into fuel, and healing magic functions on you as normal.
Play an Ancient Robot if you want...
● ... To be either helpful and cute or powerful and intimidating.
● ... To be a being of logic who learns how to feel.
● ... To break away from your ancient programming, and learn to live for yourself.
● ... To embody the rise and fall of civilization.
Thanks to:
Nintendo for making The Legend of Zelda.
Mike and Milly for making Reclaim the Wild.
Vader for making the Guardian Scout custom race, which served as the base for the Ancient
Zeldapedia for the race images.

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