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Common Diets: Overview

High Protein Diets-

Low Carbohydrate Diets-
High protein diets are
Low carbohydrate diets are characterized by diets exceeding
characterized by having less than 25% or more energy from protein.
40% of total energy coming from This would equate to around 125
carbohydrates. In a 2,000 calorie grams of protein minimum in a
diet this would equate to around 2,000 calorie diet. High protein diets
200 grams of carbs per day. Some can vary as sometimes they have
research finds that this diet is high fat or high carbohydrate
beneficial in decreasing fat mass. content. Ideally, for building lean
However, your body uses primarily mass and decreasing fat mass, an
carbohydrates for fuel while individual would combine a high
exercising, decreasing protein diet with a moderate to
carbohydrates will induce a high carbohydrate diet. Eating very
decreased physiological e ciency lean meats and other low fat-high
while working out. protein sources are also beneficial.
This diet can provide for decreased
Low Fat Diets- recovery times and increased
Nutritional Information protein synthesis.
Low fat diets typically have <30%
total energy coming from fats. In a Vegan or Vegetarian Diets-
Pamphlet 2,000 calories diet this is around 65
grams of fat or lower. Research Vegan and vegetarian diets are
Quick, easy to read guide going based around this diet varies diets characterized by their lack of
depending on the other food produced from animals. Vegan
macronutrient distributions, diets exclude all foods from animals
over various nutritional aspects however, in either case, decreases and vegetarian diets exclude just
were found in total fat mass. Low fat meats from animals. Both of these
to your diet and how it can help diets are very sustainable as there diets show good signs for weight
are many low fat food options loss, however their lack of protein
your body available. Pairing this with a high can be a serious problem when
protein diet is ideal for individuals attempting to increase muscle
who want to increase muscle mass mass.
and decrease fat mass.
Ketogenic or VLC Diets- Smoothie Options: References:
International Society of
Ketogenic diets are characterized Overall, smoothies from ultimate Sports Nutrition. Aragon, A. A.,
by having extremely low fitness can fit into many of these Schoenfeld, B. J., Wildman, R.,
carbohydrate levels. In most diet categories. With the exception Kleiner, S., VanDusseldorp, T., Taylor,
ketogenic diets, around 10% of of ketogenic, or very low L., Earnest, C. P., Arciero, P. J.,
energy consumed is from carbohydrate diets, there is a Wilborn, C., Kalman, D. S., Stout, J. R.,
carbohydrates. This equates to smoothie for every other diet. For Willoughby, D. S., Campbell, B.,
around 50 grams of carbohydrates individuals on low-carbohydrate Arent, S. M., Bannock, L.,
in a 2,000 calorie diet. The main diets, one of the low-carb Smith-Ryan, A. E., & Antonio, J. (2017).
idea around this diet is forcing the smoothies and no-carb International society of sports
body to use fats as the supplements will be the best option. nutrition position stand: Diets and
predominant energy system when For low fat dieters, choosing PB Fit body composition. Journal of the
exercising. By causing the body to instead of regular peanut butter International Society of Sports
go into ketosis, the body will oxidize would be beneficial in reaching a Nutrition, 14(16).
fat at a much higher level, proper macronutrient breakdown. doi:10.1186/s12970-017-0174-y
ultimately decreasing the amount For those looking into the high
of fat stores on the body. The main protein diet, choosing 2-4 scoops of
drawbacks from this diet are its protein may be beneficial. Finally,
characteristics of being vegan or vegetarian dieters can
unmaintainable. The food choose to substitute whey protein
selections specific to this diet are for plant protein powder. This
hard to maintain for long periods protein powder contains whole
of time. food plant proteins, ensuring
proper a Amino Acid distribution is
being consumed.

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