Employability Portfolio Coursework Guide BN1190 2021

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Academic Year 2021/22

Module Code: BN1190

Module Name: Information Technology in Business

Module Leader: Dr Priscilla Omonedo

Coursework Title:

Employability Portfolio

Task Details/Description:

The Employability Portfolio assessment is a simulation of a job search with

a focus on graduate level placement opportunities, with the purpose of
increasing awareness of the graduate recruitment processes and
application writing skills.

To successfully complete the assessment, you are required to:

1) Search and find a placement or internship vacancy available

2) Create an up to date CV tailored to this particular vacancy and
3) Upload the CV to CV360. (The word count of the CV does not
contribute towards to word limit in your employability portfolio.)
4) Produce a CV360 report, based on the feedback you received from
CV360. (word limit 300)
5) Complete any one of fifteen numeracy tests available on Graduates
First and write a short reflection about your performance. (word limit

The role you identify needs to be a graduate level placement or internship,

a wide range of placements and internships can be found on Aston Futures
(link below). You’re CV must be targeted towards the role you identified by
using keywords from the Job Description.

Log on to CV360 (link below) CV360 will check and score your CV. You
must score 100% on your feedback score. CV360 carries out 56 checks
on your CV, if you fail any of these checks, you must correct them or
dismiss them. You are required to produce a CV360 report, which is a
screenshot of your CV360 feedback score, along with a screenshot of each
dismissal. For each dismissal you are required to write a short justification.

Your written justification needs to explain why you dismissed the check.
Guidance is to allow between 4-6 dismissals with an expectation of
approximately 50 words per dismissal, the total word count allowed is 300
words for justifications. Exceeding the word count or not fully explaining
dismissed checks will result in a fail. If you have no dismissed checks,
simply state “no dismissed checks” in your portfolio document.

Log on to Graduates First (link below). Please select and complete one of
the numerical reasoning psychometric tests. Take a screen shot of the
completion certificate, which is shown at the end of the test, that shows
your name, the test you completed and the date. You are also required to
write a short reflection on how you preformed on the test. Graduates First
will provide you with feedback, on which you can base your reflection. Your
score on the numeracy test does not impact the grading of the Portfolio.
(During the graduate recruitment process many students are unsuccessful
at the psychometric testing stage.) In many cases students can improve
scores simply by practicing these tests.

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

1) Start to develop the ability to structure and format a CV that will score
well on applicant tracking systems used by graduate recruiters and to
understand how applicant tracking systems rank CVs using key word
matching algorithms.
2) Start to develop an understanding of the graduate recruitment process in
particular psychometric testing.

Presentation Requirements:

Use the submission document, found on Blackboard. Keep your name on

all aspects of the work but in particular your CV, CV360 feedback score
and numeracy test certificate.

Take a screenshot of the role you identified, please try to keep the size of
the text in the screenshot relative to font 12 in word. (do not shrink the size
of the screenshot so text is unreadable) In particular, please ensure that
the Job Advert you screen shoot, includes the Job Description and Peron
Specification, which of which need to be readable.

Copy and paste your CV into the submission document, again ensure text
font is 12 and the document is readable. Please keep you name in your CV
and save your CV as your name before uploading it to CV360. You must
take a screenshot of your CV360 feedback score (the file name of the

document/your name and your score must appear in the screenshot) this
will also be pasted into the submission document.

Please take screenshots of all dismissed check and paste screenshots of

dismissed checks that you did not correct. Under each dismissed check,
provide your explanation as to, why you have not corrected this check.

Take a screen shot of the completion certificate, which is shown at the end
of the test, that shows your name, the test you completed and the date.

Submission Date & Time:

The final portfolio must be submitted as a single file by noon on XXXXXXXXX via
Assessment Weighting for the Module:

The coursework assignment makes up 10% of the overall module mark for
BN1190 Information Technology in Business. The assignment is Pass or Fail
meaning you will score either the full 10% or 0%.
Assessment Criteria

You must include all of the following, required artefacts in your

employability portfolio in order to pass:
1) Selected job advert
2) A CV targeted towards this job
3) Your CV360 report, including your CV360 feedback score which
must be 100%
4) Certificate of completion from any of the Numeric Reasonings Tests
(NRT) on Graduates First.

If you do not include all of the artefacts, in your portfolio, you will fail
the assessment.

Ethical Requirements


Essential Reading for Coursework Task

Please note that this is not intended as an exhaustive or definitive list of

readings for this piece of coursework. Instead, the books listed below

should be viewed as core or essential readings that may act as a start
point as you prepare to tackle this assignment:

1. CV guidelines on the Careers+Placements website:

2. CV360 tool available on the Careers+Placements website:
3. Psychometric testing support on the Careers+Placements website:

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